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Trailer tent skiff 2m new. Sale tent trailer Skif M1-complete set Skif M2

Hello! Today's topic should be especially interesting for travel and tourism lovers. After all, we are talking about the Skif trailer.

No, not entirely correct. It will be about the legendary trailer, the dream of tourists from the times of our youth, or the youth of our parents. At one time, the caravan trailer was a real dream, which our domestic manufacturers tried to make a reality.

Tourism and travel enthusiasts know how important equipment and the right equipment play a role. If you are not a fan of staying in hotels, but want to experience real emotions from wild tourism, then you need a tourist tent trailer. Such as Skif.

This is a unique design that has modest external dimensions, but when parked, the Skif fully reveals its capabilities.

Types and modifications

Today there are a fairly large number of factories that produce excellent trailers, and individual models that have gained immense popularity among car owners.

This list should definitely include:

  • etc.

But in the eyes of many car owners, they pale when they hear about such a model as the Skif.

Here I would like to immediately clarify. The main popularity was gained by the Skif, which is a trailer tent. But there are such cargo models Skif 500 and 700, as well as a boat variation with the index 811001.

Let's talk about a tent on wheels. The first models of this legendary trailer were produced at the Iskra plant in 1975. They were positioned as trailed vehicles for Soviet cars:

  • GAS;
  • Moskvich;
  • Volga;

They were used as a means for transporting cargo and for recreation for tourists who do not want to stay in hotels, but love free and independent movement.

In fact, these were special structures on wheels with an awning, which were laid out in a tent house. Inside there was the necessary equipment, which was intended for the recreation of children and adults.

Initially, the plant produced several versions:

The trailers had two wheels. The structure easily turned into a comfortable tent. The sleeping places were located at a height of 1 meter relative to the ground. In total, the transformation took no more than 10 minutes.

The dimensions of the Skif made it possible to prepare 3 sleeping places for adults, and an additional 2 places for children. The first slept on the trailer cover, and the younger ones in Skif itself.

Also, use the vehicle as a regular table, which is so necessary for tourists during outdoor recreation. All other components had a specially designated place inside the structure.

The newer version of the trailer, which received the designation Skif M2 or 2M, was additionally equipped with a set of aluminum posts and a tent. It could be placed near the main module. It was used as a veranda where you can sit out of the rain or sun.

Technical features

Even Wikipedia has given a lot of attention to this caravan. It is not surprising that its sale, alteration and modification are still practiced, but on their own.

There are a lot of videos on the network about how motorists managed to improve an already excellent car trailer. Announcements on Avito and other Internet resources are quite common. That is, it will not be difficult to find an orange Skiff of 1988 or more modern versions for yourself.

But you must know what you are buying.

This is a tourist cottage on wheels. Its size amazed the skeptics, who saw the Skif only when assembled. The total area is 14 m2, which is equivalent to a small room in a standard apartment.

In the distant Soviet times, buying a new or used Skif was an unaffordable luxury for many people. Judge for yourself, after all, on average, they demanded about 2 thousand rubles for a trailer. For comparison, then Kopeyka cost about 5 thousand rubles. But this did not stop true romantics and travel lovers.

Now Skif is not released. But the demand from this for such a trailer tent does not fall. If you look at the current ads, you can see that they are asking for it from 300 to 1500 dollars. Agree, the amount is far from small.

The price directly depends on the configuration, version, condition and year of manufacture. From the photo, you can roughly assess the condition of the Skif, but it is better to make a purchase after a thorough inspection of the entire structure.

If we talk about the most interesting modification of the M1, this Skif has the following technical characteristics:

If you compare the Skif with conventional cargo trailers, you will not see anything special in the technical characteristics. But exactly until you disassemble the structure and reveal the essence of this vehicle. A compact caravan turns into a whole small residential complex.


Having decided to buy yourself such a tourist's dream, you should pay attention to what the seller will offer you complete with the main structural elements.

The manufacturing plant provided for a rich equipment, which was added to the trailer.

In the case of the most attractive version, that is, the M1, the equipment consisted of:

What conclusions can be drawn about this travel trailer? This is definitely very interesting and unusual. The structure is lightweight, compact when assembled, but when disassembled, it turns out to be an excellent place for camping, spending the night during tourist trips.

Does Skif have any drawbacks? I would call time an objective disadvantage. It does not spare anyone. Therefore, every year there are fewer and fewer models that have been preserved in their original form, have factory equipment and allow you to completely immerse yourself in the era of that time.

Should you buy a modern touring caravan? Why not. Only if you are ready to spend from 35 to 100 thousand rubles. Sometimes the minimum. That is how much new tents on wheels cost today. About mobile I am generally silent.

Someone will say that Skif has to be constantly assembled and disassembled to organize an overnight stay or rest. But I consider it an extra adventure. In addition, the entire procedure will take you a maximum of 20 minutes if you are new to these matters. Experienced motorists dismantle the Skif M1 in 10 minutes.

This is how it is, this is the legendary tent on wheels. If you have experience in operating such a trailer, be sure to write about it.

Thank you all for your attention! Subscribe, leave comments and ask your questions! Don't forget to invite your friends too!

  • Seller: OLEG

    For sale Trailer tent Skif M1 (complete set Skif M2) it will facilitate your path. While on the move, you can stop for "snacks" and rest at roadside campsites and motels, but this is not always cheap or convenient. In addition, sometimes fate throws "fans of close communication with nature" to places where these very "islands of civilization" are not even in sight. So, it is much better if during outdoor recreation, fishing or a family picnic, everything you need is "at hand"

    The Skif M2 trailer tent has the following design:
    Load-bearing body, which is made of steel;
    Back cover;
    A tent, which is assembled from a tubular steel frame, as well as an awning, which is made of a material with a water-repellent impregnation;
    Supports for setting up a tent;
    Special drawbar equipped with a special locking device.

    The residential module of such a house is folded in a trailer while driving, while the trailer cover forms a large and convenient trunk, where bulky equipment can fit. In the situation, the hinged trailer cover and the trailer itself form a bedroom for four berths, and the tent is set up around the trailer, forming a living area - a dining room and a kitchen.
    Technical characteristics of the Skif trailer:
    Trailer tent Skif M2 when stored in a garage takes no more than 1 sq. M .;
    The total mass of the trailer is 280 kg .:
    Permissible total weight - 400 kg.;
    Trailer dimensions: Length with drawbar x Width x Height - 2930x1650x920 mm .;
    The veranda area is 8.1 square meters;
    The area of \u200b\u200bthe tent is 6.9 sq. m .;
    Coupling ball diameter - 50mm .;
    The time spent on re-equipment of the device from transport to stationary is no more than 5-6 seconds.

    There are documents for the trailer, the only thing is to re-register the color. The trailer is new, 1992, produced by my grandfather (there are 2 spare new wheels, a table and 4 chairs), the price is 28 thousand, bargaining ... urgently ... I can send it by transport companies anywhere in Russia.

    Price: RUB 28,000

  • Fans of tourist trips and long-distance travel are well aware of how much easier the way is with the right equipment and equipment. Of course, while on the move, you can stop for "snacks" and rest at roadside campsites and motels, but this is not always cheap or convenient. In addition, sometimes fate throws "fans of close communication with nature" to places where these very "islands of civilization" are not even in sight. So, it is much better if during outdoor recreation, fishing or a family picnic, everything you need is "at hand".

    An original way out of this situation is used by American and European tourists traveling around the world in specially equipped trailers, which are improvised mobile homes equipped with all possible options that create conditions close to "full-fledged home comfort." In addition to foreign ones, many motorists in our country are familiar with domestic analogues of such devices that many motorists have used and are using.

    We are talking about a variety of trailers, mini-cottages and other functional devices for people who prefer an active lifestyle. One of the options for such a "camping outfit" is the Skif trailer, familiar to domestic travelers and tourists since "pre-perestroika times."

    Modifications and varieties

    The first Scythians left the assembly line of the Iskra Production Association back in 1975, and they were intended for Soviet cars: IZH, Volga, Moskvich and Gaz. They were used as a means of transportation, as well as to provide a comfortable stay for tourists who prefer hotel comfort, freedom and independence of movement. They were specialized devices, based on a metal body with an awning, which can be expanded into tent houses, with the necessary equipment for a good rest for adults and little travelers.

    Initially, there were several basic modifications of the trailer, which received the corresponding digital indexes:

    • 81061, intended for cargo transportation, with a dead weight of 130 kg and a carrying capacity of 150 kg.
    • 81062, otherwise referred to as "Skif M".
    • 81062-01, or "Skif M1".

    The trailer had two wheels, and, if necessary, could easily be transformed into a rather comfortable tent, which was located about a meter above the ground. Thanks to such a transformation, in an impromptu dwelling, erected in record time (the assembly process took no more than 10 minutes), it was possible to organize three berths for adults (on the trailer cover) and two full-fledged sleeping and resting places for children (directly, in the trailer itself ). Although, given the fact that its width was 160 centimeters, it was possible to put two adult girls of small stature there, in any case, there was quite enough space for them.

    In addition, he could successfully perform the function of a "table" at which one could sit during the next "halt" during a long trip. At the same time, all other furniture, including chairs, as well as bedding, was located inside the trailer, under its cover.

    A more modern version of the device, the Skif M2 tent trailer, was also equipped with a set of aluminum poles and a tent, which was installed next to the main module and could be used as a veranda.

    Rest on the road with comfort and scope

    The dimensions of such an impromptu country house inspired respect. Its total area was about 14 square meters, which could be compared with a full (and rather big) room in a standard city apartment! Thus, having put the folding beds on the "veranda", it was possible to organize an overnight stay for travelers from two cars.

    In those distant times, you could buy a Skif trailer for pretty decent money. The average price was about 2000-2100 rubles, while the VAZ-2101 car cost about 5500 rubles. But, nevertheless, the purchase was worth it, and enjoyed great love and popularity among Soviet travelers.

    By the way, there are still many motorists who would like to acquire this "miracle of technology", despite the fact that today this model is no longer produced. Those wishing to make such a purchase will have to “shell out” an amount of about $ 300-1500, depending on the age of the trailer, its general condition, carrying capacity and equipment.

    Technical equipment and configuration

    The Skif trailer has the following technical characteristics:

    • own weight - 260 kg.
    • gross weight - 300 (420) kg.
    • lifting capacity - 140 kg.
    • permissible load on the coupling device - 30 kg.
    • dimensions: 2920 x1650 x 900 mm.

    The trailer is equipped with an independent lever-spring suspension, equipped with hydraulic shock absorbers, and a ball-type drawbar. Has two windows. The number of wheels is 2 pieces. Maximum permissible travel speed: 90 km / h.

    At the same time, the M 1 version includes:

    • a tent placed directly on the trailer;
    • inner cover to protect against mosquitoes and mosquitoes;
    • "Traveling" table;
    • set of four chairs;
    • a ladder designed to climb into the sleeping compartment (as already mentioned, it was located at some elevation above the ground);
    • recoil shoes for fixing the device;
    • set of special lubricants;
    • set of supporting jacks.

    Thus, among the main advantages and advantages of the trailer, it is worth noting its low weight, thanks to which the device does not reduce the maneuverability and stability of the car and does not hinder its movement, so that towing it does not cause inconvenience even during long movements and travels.

    In addition, the installation of a tent house does not require a careful selection of the place for its installation. You can set up a "hiking camp" practically at any point on the route. The only drawback of this "travel gadget" is the need for constant assembly and disassembly, although the duration of this procedure is minimal. Even an inexperienced "tourist" can cope with it in ten to fifteen minutes. Another "but": a small carrying capacity due to the rather weak wheels that the trailer got from the scooter. And, so, in principle, "Skif" M1 and M2 are in all respects a thing convenient, useful and practical.

    New technologies or time-tested quality

    Today, the outdated model, the production of which was discontinued in the early nineties, was replaced by more progressive and modern trailers, similar to European and overseas counterparts and not inferior to them in comfort and functionality.

    However, what to prefer: a new-fangled, technologically advanced device of a new generation or a Skif trailer trusted by time and roads, tourists can decide on their own by contacting the website of the company that produces these trailers. Here you can buy new, used and discounted versions of various configurations and years of production at reasonable and affordable prices, as well as rent any of them.

    In addition, you can buy a suitable trailer for the transport of goods and recreation by advertisements, of which there are a lot on the relevant sites. For example, in this way you can buy a Skif trailer for about $ 200-250.

    We are talking, of course, about the M1 version, released in the eighties, in normal condition. Tent trailers of the new generation will cost an order of magnitude more. As a rule, their price range is approximately from 35 to 80 thousand rubles, depending on the carrying capacity and individual characteristics.

    By the way, today, on the basis of the Skif M2 trailer, another interesting additional modification with a nice name is also being produced: "Bee", which, in addition to its main purpose: transporting hives, can also be used to move any other cargo.

    At the same time, we note that the opinions and reviews of those who happened to check these transportation devices in practice are mostly positive. The owners note the convenience and practicality of the Skif trailers, as well as their ease of use and durability, since most of them have been using a tent trailer for a long time.

    If you like long trips, “outings” with your family to nature, or you prefer a pleasant pastime on fishing, this wonderful invention will come in handy. So it makes sense to think about purchasing it and try this wonderful "gadget" in action.

    The Skif trailer is a vehicle that is not equipped with an engine and is designed to move with a car. Car trailers have not been a rarity on the roads for quite a long time and you can meet them at every step. The most important purpose of such a trailer is to transport various goods, which is quite convenient for people who prefer active rest and travel. In addition, trailers are good because the load on the car is reduced, and, consequently, the wear of the main vehicle is reduced.

    Note that in recent years, trailers, due to their popularity, have undergone both quantitative and qualitative growth. Therefore, when deciding to purchase trailer for a car, it is necessary not only to pay attention to the skiff trailer technical characteristics, as well as its features and purpose, but also to observe several rules, which will be described below.

    How to choose a trailer?

    It is thanks to the versatility and versatility of such devices as trailers that more and more people decide to purchase it. Moreover, in order to carry out transportation, it is not at all necessary for drivers to have any special skills and driving categories.

    • In the process of choosing a trailer, first of all, you should pay attention to the correspondence of its dimensions with the car. It also sometimes matters that the dimensions of the device correspond to the place where it will be stored.
    • It is necessary that the wheel hubs of the trailer and the car are equal, as this will allow you to take one spare wheel with you on a trip.
    • As statistics show, a large number of accidents that happen to vehicles with trailers occurred due to the failure of an element such as an axle, bearings and axle shafts. Based on this information, experts strongly recommend purchasing a trailer with a torsion bar, long-stroke spring or leaf spring suspension. This design helps to reduce the likelihood of suspension failure.
    • Another important factor when choosing a trailer is a reliable locking mechanism and a high-quality hitch, which will significantly increase the safety when operating the trailer. Before buying a trailer, first of all find out which hitch will provide a strong connection between the car and the trailer. The design of the trailer clutch must strictly comply with all currently existing characteristics, as well as its parameters, dimensions and other dimensions. When coupled to a transport vehicle, the trailer must not create gaps and backlash.
    • It should be noted that special welded frames are installed on trailers intended for passenger cars. In the process of choosing this device, it is important to pay attention to the cross-section and thickness of the frame, as well as the quality of the seams.

    Skif M2 trailer: design and technical characteristics

    Despite the huge variety of car trailers, one of the most popular trailer models among car travelers still remains such a trailer model as the Skif M2, which is a "house on wheels", that is, a comfortable special design tent placed on a car trailer.

    The Skif M2 trailer tent has the following design:

    • Load-bearing body, which is made of steel;
    • Back cover;
    • A tent, which is assembled from a tubular steel frame, as well as an awning, which is made of a material with a water-repellent impregnation;
    • Supports for setting up a tent;
    • Special drawbar equipped with a special locking device.

    The residential module of such a house is folded in a trailer while driving, while the trailer cover forms a large and convenient trunk, where bulky equipment can fit. In the situation, the hinged trailer cover and the trailer itself form a bedroom for four berths, and the tent is set up around the trailer, forming a living area - a dining room and a kitchen. The trailer also has the ability to install kitchen equipment: refrigerator, gas stove, you can install a sink and a tank with water.

    Technical characteristics of the Skif trailer:

    • Trailer tent Skif M2 when stored in a garage takes no more than 1 sq. M .;
    • The total mass of the trailer is 280 kg .:
    • Permissible total weight - 400 kg.;
    • Trailer dimensions: Length with drawbar x Width x Height - 2930x1650x920 mm .;
    • The veranda area is 8.1 square meters;
    • The area of \u200b\u200bthe tent is 6.9 sq. m .;
    • Coupling ball diameter - 50mm .;
    • The permissible vehicle speed when driving with this trailer should not exceed 80 km / h;
    • The time spent on re-equipment of the device from transport to stationary is no more than 5-6 seconds.

    Pros and cons of the Skif M2 trailer

    The advantage of the Skif tourist trailer is that due to its low weight and compact dimensions, it does not reduce the maneuverability and cross-country ability of the towing vehicle. Also, during installation, this device does not require careful selection of the place.

    The main and probably the only drawback of this type of mobile homes can only be called the need for constant assembly and disassembly of the residential block when changing the parking lot. Also a little confusing is the low carrying capacity due to the "scooter" wheels.

    Where and for how much you can buy a Skif trailer

    It is possible to buy a high-quality trailer from the Skif company itself, moreover, the company offers to rent such devices, and for a reasonable fee. If it is not possible to visit the company's office, you can make a purchase on the company's electronic resource, where, in addition to new trailers, all kinds of models of used Skif trailers are also presented. In a word, a wide selection of various models of devices for cars will allow you to buy a skiff trailer exactly the one you need.

    As for the cost of Skif trailers, tents, their prices vary from 35 to 80 thousand rubles, depending on the size and carrying capacity. For a used Scythian trailer, the price is, as a rule, no more than 30 thousand rubles.

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