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Frame cars. Types of Ram.

Greetings, my dear readers! In this publication, friends, we will deal with the features of the structures of cars of passenger cars, their species and find out what is better than the frame or carrying body.

If you are the owner of a classic SUV, created to overcome the most difficult obstacles, then you will understand why it has a frame. Of course, this article will also be interesting for those who want to deepen their knowledge about cars, who wishes to start with the basics - with their frame, skeleton.

To begin with, in general, we denote the frame. In the simplest form, these are two parallel metal beams (spars) interconnected by a multitude of cross.

The suspension with wheels is attached to this design, the engine is installed, and then the body is hung on top. And nothing prevents the developers to inspire different bodies on the same frame - one of its advantages is manifested.

The frame as the basis of the vehicle appeared from the very beginning of automotive equipment and was actively used in this role for many decades. What is the reason for such a longevity?

The case in the banal imperfection of technologies, due to which other skeletons options, such as carrier body, were more severe and complex in production. But time went, new alloys appeared, conveyors were improved and safety requirements increased.

All these factors moved off frames in the segment of passenger cars to the background, giving way to the bearing frames. Just like to say that the frames are not completely forgotten. At their base and today, we create high-speed SUVs and trucks, because there is where high loads, similar carcass carcasses have advantages.

Evolution and variety of frames

And yet, what is better than the frame or carrying the body ... if about the frames, then in its execution, the frame is quite diverse. There are such types:

  • spar;
  • ridge;
  • spatial.

The spar frame is quite simple and popular design. Two parallel spars with crossings that provide rigidity that can be located both in the same plane and change their profile. This type of framework framework is used in our days in the production of trucks, as well as SUVs.

Ridge Rama

The range is less popular, you can even say that it is now rare. The basis of such a core is one beam, located in the middle, and to it, as the ribs are attached to the cross. One of the peculiarities of the ridge frames can be attributed to the suspension, which in this case can be performed only by independent scheme. The main carrier of such a core was Tatra trucks.

Spatial or frame frame

What can unite buses and sports cars? As it turned out, spatial frames. These frameworks, more similar to carrier body, are a 3D model of the car, but only without body panels.

Frame and bearing body: confrontation

Well, friends, we are left to find out why, despite your simplicity, frame frames gave way under the sun bearing bodies.

One of the main reasons was their low passive security - in the development of a car with a frame cozoch, it is almost impossible to create so-called deformation zones. In addition, the body itself, where the driver and passengers are more vulnerable, and if you start strengthening with different elements, then as a result we get Very severe car, which is also unacceptable in modern realities.

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Perennial studies have shown that during the movement of the car on the body, unmanaged forces are affected, proportional to the mass of the car at the moment and its speed, which act in three directions - vertical, horizontal and frontal - and causes such types of deformation of the body elements as flexion, compression, Twisting. The task of repair work is to restore the projected endurance of the composite elements of the body according to the manufacturer installations. The technology of repair work should be such that the endurance of the repaired parts correspond to the unrestregnated parts of the car.

In vehicles with a carrier body, the functions of the frame either perform the body itself, or the frame (or replacement of its subframes) is constructively combined with the body and cannot be separated from it without disrupting structural integrity. Usually the body is attached to the frame using brackets on bolts with thick rubber gaskets, serving to reduce the level of vibrations.

All aggregates are attached to the car frame: engine, transmission, bridges, suspension. Together they form a chassis. The frame chassis is a complete design that can exist and move apart from the body.

Currently, frame chassis is used mainly on tractors and trucks, but in the past many cars also had a frame chassis. The "hard" SUVs often have a separate frame.

The following types of frames are distinguished: spar, peripheral, ridge, William-ridge, carrying base, lattice (they are also tubular).

Spar frame with X-shaped cross

The sparse frames consist of two longitudinal spars and several crossbars called "traverses", as well as fasteners and brackets for installing body and units.

The shape and design of the spars and the crossbar may be different; Distinguish tubular, K-shaped and X-shaped crossbars. The spars, as a rule, are a channel in cross section, and the length of the section is usually changing: in the most loaded areas, the height of the section is often enlarged. They can be placed in parallel, and at some angle relative to each other.

Peripheral Rama

Sometimes considered as a kind of spar. At such a frame, the distance between the spars in the central part was enlarged so much that when installing the body, they turn out to be directly behind the door thresholds. Since in the places of transition from the usual distance between the spars to the increased frame weakened, special box-increments added in such places, in English-speaking countries called the thermal Torque Box.

This solution allows to significantly lower the floor of the body, placing it completely between spars, and therefore - reduce the overall height of the car. Therefore, the peripheral frames were widely used on American passenger cars since the sixties. In addition, the location of the spars directly behind the body thresholds is very helping to increase the safety of the car during lateral impact.

Range Rama

The main constructive element of such a frame is the central transmission tube, rigidly combining engine crankcases and force transmission knots - clutch, gearbox, transfer box, main transmission (or main gears - on multi-axis cars), inside which is a thin shaft, replacing the cardan in this design . An independent suspension of all wheels is necessary.

The advantage of such a scheme is high twist rigidity; In addition, it makes it easy to create vehicle modifications with a variety of leading bridges. However, the repair of prisoners in the frame of the aggregates is extremely difficult. Therefore, this type of frame is used very rarely, and on passenger cars absolved absolutely.

Wilchato-Range frames

A variety of a ridge frame, which has anterior, sometimes the rear parts are forks formed by two spars and employees for fastening the engine and aggregates.

Unlike the ridge frame, the crankcases of the force transmission nodes as a rule (but not always) are performed separately, if necessary, an ordinary drive shaft is used in it. This frame was among the other representatives of the Tatra from T77 to T613.

The same type also includes X-shaped frames that are considered by some sources as a type of spar. They have spars in the central part very closely close to each other and form a closed tubular profile. Such a frame was used on Soviet cars "Seagull" GAZ-13 and GAZ-14 of the highest class.

Carrying ground

This frame is combined with a body floor to increase rigidity.

This design was among the other Volkswagen Beetle and the LAZ-695 bus. Currently, this scheme is considered quite promising due to the possibility of building a variety of cars as on the platform on the same carrying basis.


Also called Tubular Frame or SpaceFrame.

The lattice frames have the form of a spatial farm with a very high ratio of the twist rigidity to the mass (that is, they are easy and very durable torsion).

Such frames are used either on sports and racing cars, for which a small mass of high strength is important, or on buses, for the angular bodies of which it is very convenient and technologically in production.

When it comes to the repair technology, it is often a question of how to repair or change an element, which is by its constructive peculiarities of carriers. For example, consider the front at an angle deformation of the front of the car, at which the front panel, the hood, wing, mudguard and the spar are deformed. Of these, in this node, two removable elements can be distinguished - the wing and hood - and three or more welds - the frame of the radiator, the mudguard, the spar. During the repair work of the deformed elements, it is necessary to provide functions laid by the manufacturer (symmetry of the structure, the symmetry of the body shape and its elements, the safety of passengers while driving and so on).

Therefore, if we accept the repair of the mudguard and wing, then the hood, the frame of the radiator and the spar must be replaced. When the hood is replaced, there is the possibility of control over the repaired surface of the wing in the place of adjustment to the hood, controlling the location of the radiator frame when it is replaced and the adjoining of the repaired mudguard. When replacing the radiator frame, there is the possibility of controlling the geometry of the hood opening, the correctness of the mudguard adjoining to the top.

When replacing the spar, it is necessary to ensure the strength of this node, weakened by the repair of the mudguard and wing. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that conditionally to the wing and mudguard will be repaired without heating and welding. If one of the repaired elements is heated for metal shrinkage or welding or technological cut, then another element must be replaced by a new one. In this case, it is most advisable from an economic point of view to replace the wing. If the decision is made to repair the spar assembly, that is, the spiner of the P-shaped form with a minor heating itself, then the amplifier should be replaced, whether it is a separate amplifier that is an amplifier of the mudguard or a different element.

It must also be remembered that although the manufacturer's factory structural endurance of body elements is designed to the safety factor N \u003d 1.3-1.5, and for the edges of the case, which can be aggregate by the turbulent formed by the gearbox and wheels during the movement, security coefficient Even 1.5-2.0, not having proper equipment, technological maps and load distribution charts during accidents, we cannot determine how the repair factor will affect the safety of passengers during deformation in the future.

Given that the technology of repair work should cause the endurance of the repaired parts of the car in accordance with the informed, the ideal version of the repair of this node will be replaced by all elements that cannot be corrected without the use of heating or welding technological cuts.

Example of repairing a spar on a frame car

The right side member under the floor of the passenger seat is struck by through corrosion to such an extent that the front axle levers brackets are not only not able to perform their functions, but also come off.

For repair, b / y was purchased with a mudguard from which the necessary parts were cut.

In order to reliably put the backup under the threshold, it had to be replaced, and also partially replace the floor.

After that, the front axle levers are removed, the damaged part of the spar is cut and replaced. The work is not easy, because cutouts for the load distribution are made complex, sometimes access to them is difficult for welding, and the seams are needed on both sides.

The photo shows the floor amplifier to which the pad is welded, welded to the spar.

We weld the repair parts to the floor, we protect seams with sealant from all sides.

It is applied to all repaired places, we carry out the inner anti-corrosion treatment of the threshold and the spar and we obtain the result of the repair.

If a significant deformation has become the result of a car collision, it is necessary to remove the mechanical units - only so you can carefully correct the folds and replace parts that are not subject to repair. In addition, it will make it possible to remove residual stresses that may arise and remain after editing. When the car is moving, residual stresses can cause voltages in the mounting of shock absorbers and sleeves, and sometimes their breaks.

But in some cases, pre-straightening the body with installed mechanical aggregates can facilitate access to units to be removed, for example, to a motor aggregate for vehicles with front-wheel drive, front or rear bridge. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the replacement of fastening bolts and shock absorbers. This operation is performed on the stand.

If the blow to the front or rear semi is the deformation of the base of the body, it is also possible to straighten the body, fixing (engaging) the mechanism of stretching for mechanical units, such as, for example, wheel rims or suspension levers that have received deformation. Edit is made in the direction directly opposite to the blow. The execution of such an operation is possible only when the blow fell directly into the front or rear semi-seen, and its replacement is necessary.

It is also necessary to replace the ball supports and steering traction. Edit with a jack or other hydraulic mechanism is used to restore the shape or straightening the deformed part. However, starting to work, you should not forget that with a very sharp edge, the body parts can occur deformation of the neighboring zone. Therefore, when tension, i.e., simultaneously with the action of the jack, it is recommended to accompany the restoration of the body linearity by tapping folds. And after carrying out the drawing with the help of a jack, it is necessary to remove all internal stresses by performing (using a rattling hammer) of the entire area exposed to edit.

To be confident that later, the inverse movements of the refined bodies caused by residual stresses will not occur, the surface performance is produced through a wooden lining in the direction of impact. If at the same time the straightened body does not change its form, then the editing operation is performed correctly. Otherwise, it should be recovered again before receiving geometry within the tolerances installed by the manufacturer of the car.

If the car got a side blow, it causes the deformation of the base of the body, accompanied by a decrease in the body length from the damaged surface, which is easy to determine. When editing on the stand, the performer must take into account this circumstance. In practice, editing is carried out by stretching in two directions at the same time: lateral and longitudinal, which provides the possibility of restoring the initial geometry of the base base.

An example of the restoration of the side surface is the alignment of the middle rack, which is wrapped with a pulling chain. To protect the rack from damage and uniform distribution of the effort between the rack and the chain, a wooden bar is paved.

The longitudinal stretching performed simultaneously with the side can be made in various ways. If the deformation is concentrated in the lower part of the body, they produce direct adjustment of the base, fixing the clamps for flaking thresholds. The jack is placed between two clamps and under pressure moves them in the longitudinal direction as simultaneous lateral stretching. If the deformation is concentrated in the upper part of the body, stretching is produced in the longitudinal direction from the front and rear parts of the body.

Works on straightening and verifying new spars must be made on the exact equipment, which is available only in workshops.

In any case, the diagnosis of geometry is best done on good equipment, which will be discussed in the next room.

In the preparation of the article, materials from open sources are used in accordance with GNU Free Documentation License.

Rama car

The frame serves as the basis on which all parts and mechanisms of the car and its body are strengthened.

Rama has all cargo cars. The frame consists of two longitudinal beams - spars connected by several cross-traverts. The spars are made with stamping from sheet steel and have a bark or box cross section of an alternating profile, most reinforced in the middle part. Parts of the frame are fastened with coalsels and savages on rivets or by welding.

Fig. 1. Frame of a truck

Front transverse beams serve to mount the engine. Brackets are attached to the spars for fastening suspension parts.

In trucks in the back of the frame on special transverse beams, a towing device is installed, which includes a hook with constipation and a shock absorbing spring or with a rubber shock absorber. The hook is designed to join the trailers towed by the car.

In front of the frame, two simple hooks used to tow the car during its malfunction, pulling out of the dirt, etc.

Metal focus is attached to the front of the frame - the buffer. The frame with all parts collected on it relies through the pendant parts on the axis with wheels.

The frame is also equipped with high capacity cars, having a significant distance between the axes of the wheels ("Seagull", ZIL -111).

Fig. 2. Carrier car body

To obtain the necessary strength and eliminating the possibility of body deformations, the frame of passenger cars produce a special design, usually with a X-shaped transverse beam and with beams that have increased sections. To the front and rear parts of the frame attach buffers.

In passenger cars of small and medium capacity, a separate frame is usually absent and a rigid base of the body is used instead of the frame. Such a body is called carrier. The carrier construction of the body has cars "Zaporozhets", "Moskvich" and "Volga".

A passenger car with a bearing body frame replaces the rigid design of the body frame (Fig. 2), consisting of floor, reinforced beams, front part, side racks, roofs and rear. These parts are equipped with amplifiers and are connected by welding. In front of the floor, the body is attached by bolts or with welding a short (inspection) frame, which serves to install the power unit and the front suspension of the car. Slopes welded to the frame are mounted with bolts or welded to the body panel.

The car's frame is used to attach the engine on it, chassis units, body and, thus, is a supporting design.

Fig. 3. The spar of the car ZIL -130: 1 - towing hook; 2 - buffer; 3 - shock absorber bracket; 4 - cross; 5 - spar; 6 - towing device; 7 - springs brackets; In - Engine Support Bracket

Rama has all cargo cars, high-end cars and some types of buses. According to the design, spar frames, central (ridge) and X-shaped (combined) differ.

The sparse frame that has received the greatest distribution consists of two spars (longitudinal beams), interconnected by several crossies (Fig. 3). A buffer with two towing hooks is fastened to the front end of the frame, a tow instrument is installed in the back of the frame. Brackets for shock absorbers, springs, engine supports, cabins and platforms are attached to the spars.

Spars and crossbars are stamped from sheet steel and join rivets among themselves. The cross section of the spars has a habitual profile with the highest height and rigidity in the medium, more loaded part of the frame. Scrolls may have a special form necessary to install certain components and car units.

The frameless design of the car involves the use of the carrier body and is used in passenger cars of small, middle class and some types of buses. This reduces the weight of the passenger car by about 5%, the buse is 15%. The body of the passenger car body is a rigid welded construction, which includes floor-enhanced by spars and cross, front with two submarines of the inspection frame, the back of the panel, sidewalls with racks, wings and roof.

The car frame when driving is experiencing significant vertical dynamic loads from the inertia forces of the tight parts - the frame, engine, clutch and gearbox, body. The frame is calculated on the strength in bending, diop and manufactured from small-carbon or unfounded steels with good strength and plasticity.

The frame of the car is an axle on which all car mechanisms are strengthened. The frame should have high strength and rigidity, but at the same time be easy and have such a form at which the lower location of the center of gravity of the car is possible to increase its stability.

There are three main types of frames:
- spar, consisting of two longitudinal beams (spars) connected by cross;
- Central, having one longitudinal beam or pipe as a ridge;
- Combined, combining both principle in their design (the middle part of the frame is performed as a central one, and the ends are made by Lon-Gerontic).

On trucks, sparheads consisting of two longitudinal parallel beams - spars connected by crossings (traverses) were most common with the use of welding or rivets. In the zones subjected to the greatest loads, the spars have a higher profile, and sometimes amplified by local inserts. Material for spars serve steel trudge profiles (chawlgers). Spars are sometimes made in vertical and horizontal planes.

Fig. 3. Automotive frames: A and B - spar; in - central; G - combined

Brackets for fastening sprinkle, footage and spare wheel, as well as buffer and traction device are sticking to the spars. The buffers protect the body from damage when driving, and the traction coupling device is used to tow trailers.

The frame is the basis for fastening the aggregates, mechanisms and body of the car.

The frame of the cargo car consists of two longitudinal beams - spars, and several crossbar. The frame elements are made by stamping and are connected to rivets. Spars for hay long have an unequal section; In the middle part, and in three-axle cars and in the rear, they have a greater height. The crossbars are made by such a form that ensures the mounting to the frame of the corresponding mechanisms.

In front of the frame to spars, a buffer and towing hooks are attached. Cars ZIL on the front buffer have a folding footboard. A towing device and removable elastic buffers are installed on the rear cross. On ZIL car on the rear cross, there are two ry-bolts for fastening the emergency trailer chains.

A towing device consists of a hook with a latch, a rubber buffer with stubborn washers, a housing with a bracket and a cap. The hook latch is held in the closed or open position of the dog. To eliminate spontaneous disintegration in the latch holes and the dogs are inserted with a pin attached to the hook on the chain. Lubrication of rubbing surfaces is carried out through press oil. The tug-in device of the car "Ural-375d" as an elastic element, a spring is used, and the device itself is fixed in a special crossbar, which is low to the rear ends of the frame side meters.

Fig. 4. Rama car ZIL -131:
1 - front buffer; 2 - towing hook; 3 - bracket of a starting handle; 4, 9, 12, 13, 14 - crossbars; 5 - mudguards; 6 - Bracket rear engine support; 7 - upper shock absorber bracket; .8-- Bracket mounting an electromagnetic control of the turning on the front axle; 10 - bracket rear suspension cabin; 11 - bracket fixing dispensing box; 15 - rim trailer chains; 16 - towing device; 17 - Brackets of rear spuffers; 18, 20 - Front springs brackets; 19 - Longer

The main faults of the frame are the weakening of rivets, the appearance of cracks and fractures in the frame. Weakened rivets are detected by rattling sound, which they publish when climbing with a hammer. Cracks and foes are determined by the external inspection. Weakened rivets should be replaced with new or instead to put bolts with spring washers.

Due to the high strength and rigidity of the frame of special maintenance does not require. It is necessary to clean it daily from dirt and dust (snow), produce washing. At T-1, check the state of rivet compounds and the integrity of individual frame elements. It is necessary to follow the status of the color of the frame and timely tint places where the color is broken.

The car's frame must be highly durable and rigidity. The frame should be easy and have such a form that would ensure the possibility of a lower location of the center of gravity of the car, which increases its stability.

Fig. 5. Frames:
a - with parallel spars; b - with narrowing spars; B - with curved spars; 1 - spar; 2 - crossing

The sparse frames obtained their name from their components of the longitudinal beams-side meters connected with each other with the help of welding or riveting. In places exposed to the greatest loads, the spars have a higher profile, and sometimes amplified by local inserts. Spars are often made in vertical and horizontal planes. To protect against damage. Radiator and wings, buffers in the form of transverse beams are installed on the front end of the frame, which perceive shocks when the car is on the obstacle.

Front crossing frame has a shape specifically adapted to install the engine. To enhance the cross, sometimes in places of their attachment to the spars are superimposed by jams and squares.

In cars with carrier bodies there is no frame, but there is a subframe for fastening the engine and the front wheels to the body.

In fig. 6 shows a frame of a cargo car consisting of two spars having a series of alternating sequence profile and cross. Spars and crossbars are made of leaf low-carbon steel.

Front buffer and towing hooks are attached to the side meters from the front with brackets and bolts.

For fastening the radiator and the front engine supports, the front crossing is equipped with spars. The rear supports for the engine are brackets.

Front springs are attached to brackets. Rubber buffers prevent Spring Spring about the spar. Rear springs are attached to the brackets. In a loaded car, the ends of the predsorrovnikov (additional springs) are based on the supporting platforms.

On the left side member, the nest for batteries and the mounting bracket of the steering mechanism are installed. On the right side member there is a bracket 6 of the mounting of a spare wheel.

The intermediate support of the cardan shaft is reinforced from the bottom of the second cross, to the top of which the back of the cabin is attached.

The traction and coupling device is attached to the strut and stretch marks to the rear cross. At the rear end of the right spar, the bracket of the rotation pointer is placed, and at the rear end of the left side carrier - the rear light bracket.

Fig. 6. Car Rama ZIL -130:
1 - front buffer; 2 - Bracket fastening a towing hook; 3 - towing hook; 4 - engine mount bracket; 5 - the spar amplifier; 6 - bracket mounting spare wheel; 7 - rotation pointer bracket; 8 - stretching; 9 - towing device; 10, 13, 16, 17 and 24 - crossbars; 11 - rear light bracket; 12 - strut fastening of the traction and coupling device; 14 - Bracket fastening rear springs; 15 - Supporting platforms; 18 - Bracket fastening platform; 19 - spar; 20 - the nest of batteries; 21 - bracket mounting of the steering mechanism; 22 - bracket fastening of the front sprore; 23 - rubber buffer; 25 - Bracket for the direction of the launcher

Brackets serve to fasten the platform, and the bracket is for the direction of the starting handle.

Amplifiers are attached to raising the rigidity and strength of the frame to its spars.

When towing a car, hooks are used.

The frame is the basis of a truck and serves to install all units on it. To ensure the correct interaction of the aggregates, the frame must have high rigidity. The frame consists of two longitudinal beams - spars having a section of a chapeller, and several transverse traverse beams. The beams of the frame are made of strip steel by the method of hot stamping. For spars use low-alloy steel, and for traverse carbon. The length of the spars have an alternating section - more in the middle part and smaller in both ends. The sprinks of the springs, side supports of the engine, power steering, etc. are suitable for them.

Atientary: - Chassis of the car

Each car is a combination of mechanisms and systems fixed on the carrier part. Cars are manufactured, in which the role of the carrier is performed, but there are cars that all mechanisms and systems are installed on the frame.

Car Rama

The framework was initially used on all types of cars, but over time, the production of passenger cars began to use the carrier, and the frames still continue to use, but only on trucks.

They did not refuse from frame structures and in the production of high passability cars, so most SUVs also have a frame carrier part. The advantage of using the frame is to ensure a more rigid design of the car, which in turn allows the possibility of transporting large cargo.

Types of frame cars

The use of frame structures on cars began almost at the dawn of the automotive era. During this time, several main types of frames were proposed:

  • spar frame;
  • and the ridge.

Each of these types of frames have varieties. A variety of spiner frame is the so-called peripheral. And in addition to the ridge races, cars were also produced with William-Range Ramami.

Spar Rama

The most common framework is a spa frame.

Toyota Land Cruiser 200 car spar frame device:
1 - front suspension mounting bracket; 2 - cross; 3 - spar; 4 - body fastening bracket.

This frame consists of two spars, which are located longitudinally, as well as cross. The spars are made from channels with different sections height. In places that will be more loaded, the height is larger.

Coasts can also have a different design, there are conventional, direct shapes, as well as K- and X-shaped. To ensure the installation of the car mechanisms, brackets and fastenings for them are installed on the spars and crossbar. For fastening the frame elements, rivets, bolts or welding can be used.

A distinctive feature of the peripheral frame from the usual sparron is that in the manufacture of spars, they were bent, which led to the fact that in the middle between the spars was the greatest distance between them. This is done in order to be able to arrange the bottom of the car as low as possible. We used such frames in America in the production of passenger cars.

Ridge Rama

Ridge type frames for cars were developed by the specialists of the Tatra company. And such frames were used mainly on cars of this company. The main carrier part of the ridge frame is a pipe that connects the engine and all elements.

Rama Tatry.

In fact, the power unit, as well as the gearbox and the main transmission are also elements of the frame. Fastening all these mechanisms is rigid. The torque from the engine to the transmission elements is performed by the shaft, which is installed inside the pipe. The use of such a framework is possible only when providing all wheels of the car with an independent suspension.

The ridge frame is good because it provides high rigidity to twisting, easy and fast creation of cars with various quantities of leading bridges, but since some car mechanisms are located inside the frame structure, the performance of repair work is quite difficult.

Wilcy-ridge type frames are also developed by the Tatra staff. In this case, they abandoned the rigid fastening of the engine and the transmission to the carrier central pipe. Instead, they installed special forks on both sides of the carrier pipe to which the engine is installed.

By that time, many brands began to appear mass models, the production of which was striving to reduce and simplify and by reducing the material consumption and simplify the assembly technology. The constructions with the frame chassis and bodies on the wooden frame did not have it, and, despite the higher prices, the bodywork was reoriented from wood for metal.

The body began to boil from stamped metal parts. Designers who received at its disposal technology stamping framework parts of the desired profile and strength remained only to increase the spatial structure of the body to the extent that it can carry nodes and aggregates of the entire car.

Methods of calculation and metalworking technology by that time reached the level when it became possible with mass production to achieve a small weight and sufficient rigidity of the three-dimensional system.

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Lancia Lambda Torpedo 4 Series 1922-1924

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Opel Olympia 1935-1937

So, in fact, the born of a car body was born. The first frameless serial cars are the Italian Lancia Lambda (1922) with the Open Body "Torpedo". Then there were a compact Opel Olympia sedan (1935) and later the legendary front-wheel drive Citroen 7 Traction Avante (1934). They showed that the frame for mass passenger car is not necessarily. But these cars were akin to today's TESLA or BMW i8. Everyone knew about them, but had very few.

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By the middle of the twentieth century, another significant advantage of the all-metal carrier body in front of the frame structure was designated. The public has begun to take care of the passive safety of vehicles. Crash tests have shown that the machines with a spar frame are dangerous for the most common clashes - frontal.

Too rigid frame did not allow the "front" of the car to deform and need to absorb the energy of the blow to the desired degree, as a result, passengers in the cabin received deadly injuries from hitting the interior details.

The frameless car turned out to be much easier to calculate the deformation zones for the most "popular" collision types and ensure the safety of the "inhabable capsule". Bearing the body also allowed designers when it was substantially crushed from the frontal blow to send a heavy power unit under the bottom, and not to the salon, as often happened from the frame structure, closed at the bottom with rigid spars.

Thus, a whole range of reasons that led to the departure from the widespread use of frame structures are formed:

1. The emergence of technologies for the production of carrier bodies of small mass and sufficient rigidity;

2. Fight for car relief;

3. The desire to increase the useful volume of the body;

4. The desire to improve car handling by reducing the center of gravity;

5. Increasing the requirements for passive car safety.

The NASH 1942 car in the figure is allocated body amplifiers.

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At the specified reasons, frame structures were kept in the American auto industry until 2011, when the plant was closed, which produced the last of the full-size Mogican - Ford Crown Victoria, which we all know on the American militants of the 1990s and the 2000s as the main transport of the police.

The car was durable, hardy and comfortable, although according to the current standards with significant dimensions (5.4 x 2.0 x 1.5 m), could not boast the corresponding space in the cabin. The next police officer Ford is the Taurus Police Interceptor sedan (we wrote about it in the article about) - it is already performed on a solid-sized scheme.

What about off-roud?

Not so simple it was easy in the SUV community: to deprive their frames without significant losses turned out more difficult. At a minimum because there is somehow riding in bad roads or off-road, it assumes the frequent "hanging" of the machine - its diagonal skew.

In order to ensure the preservation of the geometry of the carrier body, it is necessary to significantly increase it at the expense of additional slats, spacers, more powerful beams. Otherwise, the dosage of openings is inevitable with the inability to open or close the door, and even fatigue cracks in the most loaded places. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that most SUVs have large five-door body, to ensure the spatial rigidity of which is even harder.

In general, the structures could not completely "pick up" the framework of large SUVs - they were made integrated. In other words, light parts of the ordinary frame built into the power frame of the body. First of all, these were longitudinal spars, developed to three-dimensional form in certain "areas" of the body. So made the creators of the third generation of Land Rover Discovery (2004) or Suzuki Grand Vitara (2005) of the second generation.

Suzuki Grand Vitara and Land Rover Discovery

And one of the pioneers of the integrated frame among uncompromising SUVs was. At birth in 1966, "Volynanka" received a light open body, in the bottom of which a sparier frame from longitudinal and transverse beams was welded. In detail about the history of this amazing car, we have already written.

It should be noted that the framework of the frame, representatives of the glorious tribe of the harsh "passing" risk losing the opportunity to have many close "relatives" - a certain number of variations of the bodies and models. After all, the frame chassis facilitates the creation "

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