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Generator belt replacement scheme. Replacing the timing belt with their own hands - a step towards self-maintenance of cars

The belt drive of the gas distribution mechanism (timing), for the first time, replaced the chain by car in 1956, connects the crankshaft and distribution shaft, ensuring their synchronous rotation. Considering that the timing belt performs such an important function, you need to constantly monitor its technical condition and change it on time. Replacement operation It is recommended to entrust the employees of the car service, although if desired it can be performed independently, after examining the device of the mechanism and the work algorithm.

Kikov causes and consequences of the timing belt

The theoretical resource of this rubber product is quite large, but not eternal. It lies between 50 to 150 thousand km of run, depending on the brand and model of the car. In reality, the specified service life can significantly reduce, and the belt - prematurely converts into force such reasons:

Note. In some models, the pump cars is not part of the MRM mechanism, and is driven by a separate belt rotating the generator shaft.

Please note: the water pump encourages not immediately. Worn bearing makes itself felt, making different sounds, - from a pisch in the first stage to a cod with the full destruction of the separator. At the same time, the pump shaft can shift, antifreeze appears, and the belt makes the jump on several teeth.

The scope of the belt drive on the go in many cases leads to the repair of the engine, namely, the replacement of the valves. This is a real lottery where the chances of a successful and deplorable outcome are approximately equal - 50/50. It all depends on the position of the valves at the time of the gap, because the camshaft stops, and the pistons continue to move up and down.

If some pair of valves stopped in the "fully open" position, then the piston pistons are almost inevitable on their plates. From the shock load of the valve rods bends and parts come into disrepair. Then the replacement of the belt turns into the repair of the engine with the removal of the head of the cylinder block (GBC). The worst of the evils - damage to the piston itself, which can be understood after disassembly.

In some 8-valve engines, the meeting with pistons does not occur, since designers, providing such an opportunity, provide a gap between these details. In 16-valve power units, it is difficult to do this due to a lack of space, so the probability of breakage is quite high.

A sign of the belt break is a complete engine stop right on the go. When trying to launch, the motor does not submit signs of "life", and the starter rotates easier and faster than the usual one. Sometimes the gap is accompanied by a metallic knock, indicating that the meeting of the valves with pistons took place. If you heard such a sound, then do not attempt to start the engine until you check the state of the gas distribution mechanism in order not to apply additional harm.

If he broke: the timing belt breaks on the video

On the timing and frequency of replacement for the regulations

Exactly the frequency of replacement of the timing of the TRG drive is indicated in the instruction manual attached to each car. In the same place, it is necessary to change the tension roller simultaneously with the belt. As a rule, he also changes to a new one.

As mentioned, the service life of products depends on the brand of the car and lies in the range of 50-150 thousand km. But the status of the GDM drive should be periodically monitored and produced early replacement in such cases:

  • on the back of the belt there were longitudinal cracks;
  • the edges of the rubber product are "reversed", the threads from Cord are sticking out of it;
  • in the presence of transverse cracks on the inside between the teeth;
  • the teeth began to be peeling or noticeably expired, and the details of the mechanism and the walls of the casing were covered with black rubber dust.

To obtain a visual inspection of the belt drive and estimate its condition, it is enough to unscrew and remove the upper protective cover (usually made of plastic). Along the way, it is worth inspecting all the gears and the walls of the cylinder block in search of motor oil or antifreeze flocks.

Council. If the engine suddenly began to work unstable at idle and in motion, shots appeared in the receiver of the injector and the exhaust pipe, then make an extraordinary inspection of the timing of timing. These malfunctions arise due to the shifted phases of gas distribution, which is the cause - a weakened belt, which crossed 1-2 tooth.

Modern belts for gas distribution mechanisms of automotive engines - high-tech products, and therefore notable. They are made on the basis of artificial rubber (neoprene, polychloroprene) with various additives, reinforced by cord from durable threads. The latter are made of fiberglass, nylon and cotton.

To correctly pick up a new belt, it is proposed to follow such recommendations:

  1. The best way is not to be mistaken with the size and shape of the teeth - take with you the old belt with you and compare it with the proposed samples. All should match all - length, width, teeth profile.
  2. Do not try to save, choosing cheaper products. And if your car is operated in extreme conditions, it is worth choosing the best option - the original, according to the result he will pay off.
  3. Check the stiffness of the rubber product. What it is more elastic, the longer will last by car. Notice: The cheaper the timing belt, the hardest it is (specialists say "oak").
  4. Externally, the new product should not have in the injections of the influx (small burrs are allowed), shells or pores. To the touch, the surface should be smooth, not rough.
  5. If possible, check the catalog number either article if it is applied on the back of the belt.

Since the auto parts market is saturated with all kinds of fakes, it is always a chance to run into a slight-quality product. To protect yourself, try to buy a belt and roller for timing in retail outlets from official dealers. Original parts are sold by sets sealed in one pack.

The most popular belt drive manufacturers are Gates and Bosch brands. They are fake most often, yes so that it is quite difficult to distinguish. This method of verification is practiced: ask you to show you some identical products and check the numbers on the back side. The "Right" belts combinations should not be repeated. If the numbers are the same, then in front of you for sure the fake products from the subway.

How to remove and replace belt drive

The main rule that is important to observe during the replacement of the belt is not to break the gas distribution phases, which is achieved by combining labels on gears, crankshaft flywheel and engine housing. In the process of conducting work, it is necessary to control the tags not to move. The procedure is divided by such a scheme:

  1. Disassembling the node and removing the old belt.
  2. Visual inspection of parts of the mechanism and cleaning the inner cavity from dirt.
  3. Installing a new belt with a roller, its tension.
  4. Assembly and inspection of performance.

In most cases, it is possible to put a new drive without any special tools. Exception - 16-valve motors, where for fixing camshafts, it is recommended to use conductors, but in the extreme case you can do without them. Standard tool kit such:

  • jack and wheel key;
  • keys horn, cape, heads with extension;
  • dyeing, passage with pointed ends;
  • flashlight for highlighting.

With some models of cars, it is easier to work out of the observation ditches, but usually it is not required to replace the timing belt. The procedure for maintaining work is different for 8 and 16-valve engines, so they should be considered separately. An example will serve a family of front-wheel drive cars VAZ.

The order of work on the engine with 8 valves: step-by-step instructions with photos

Initially, you must put the car on a flat platform or observation pit and fix the manual brake. Then unscrew and remove the front wheel from the GRM knot, lifting the car on the jack. Further actions to perform in this order:

  1. Remove the plastic cover closing the drive from above.
  2. Disassemble the elements covering access to the bottom cover of the gas distribution mechanism - mudguards, anthers, crankcase protection. Loosen and remove the generator drive belt, remove the lid.
  3. Powerful dummy or mounting spatula jammed crankshaft, inserting it between the flywheel's teeth. Loosen the bolt holding the pulley on the skin of the crankshaft. Remove the pulley, and turn the bolt back into the hole.
  4. Release the crankshaft and rotate it with a key for a bolt before combining tags. Must match the risks deposited on the hull, gear and flywheel. For loyalty to crankshaft again.
  5. Let the tension roller nut and remove the weakened old belt. Next dismantle the roller.
  6. Survey the pumps and glazes on the leakage and thoroughly wipe from the mud cavity of the mechanism.

Council. As a rule, the pulley bolt is strongly tightened and weakened it problematic. Attract the assistant, which will turn on the first transmission and clicks on the brake pedal until you unscrew the bolt.

Before installing a new belt drive, put the tensioning roller and put the nut, without tightening it. Then wear the strap on the gears in such a way that the entire slab is on the side of the tensioning roller. Be careful and do not disturb the position of the labels.

The next step is the belt stretch performed using the roller. In his holes, you need to insert the passatology and turn on the eccentric axis, after which you tighten the nut. The timing belt is considered normally stretched, if it is impossible manually to turn around its axis more than 90 °. After the tension, the reverse assembly is made and the trial start of the motor.

How the belt changes: video

Replacement on a 16-valve motor

In the engine 16V, there are 2 camshafts, opening up their pairs of valves. From here there is a number of differences in the process of replacing the belt drive:

The stretch is also made by turning the eccentric roller and fixation using the nut. In VAZ cars on the roller body, a label is knocked out, which is combined with a belt tension with a tide on the housing. Having achieved the desired tension, it is necessary to make a 2-3 full turnover of the crankshaft manually, and then re-check the position of the labels. In general, the procedure is preserved as the same as when working with the 8V engine.

Roller about working with 16V engine

What else do you need to know about replacing the timing belt?

By changing the belt drive of the gas distribution mechanism, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of all its details. If oil leaks from the seal of the crankshaft or the camshaft, it is advisable to use the moment and change the seal. The problem is that such works are not everyone can perform independently, so it is better to detect lying before disassembling the node.

The meaning of such a car service department, where you will tick the car to replace the gland, will still remove the timing belt, otherwise it is not to get to it. And if so, then the removal operation and the tension of the belt drive, they will be included in the cost of repair. You make no sense to change the belt with your own hands, if at the maintenance station will do the same and take money for it.

The same applies to the water pump, which clearly misses the outward antifreeze due to the broken bearing. The correct feature of the malfunction is the entire space of the timing assembly and its details are covered with moisture, scattered belt. If you yourself are not able to change the pump, then disassemble the car to anything, it is better to immediately go to the car service.

Council. The flowing pump must be changed immediately regardless of the status of the belt and other timing elements.

It often happens that the belt break occurred on the way, and the owner of the car in the trunk has a spare. Since it is not possible to move on with its own move, it is possible to put a new spare part in the field under such conditions:

  • the cliff did not lead to the bending of the valves;
  • there is a necessary tool;
  • there is a way to remove the car from the road and put it on a flat site.

The replacement process is similar to the above described above, only in the 16-valve motor will have to do without fixing the camshafts. It is important to carefully set the labels and not to allow their offset, and after installing and tightening the belt twice check their position before starting the engine.

Council. It is not necessary when replacing the processing a new rubber product of any chemistry. It is intended for installation and work in primeval form, and from the effects of chemicals can begin slipping.

Signs of incorrect drive installation

After installing the new belt, a test engine starts to determine whether everything is done correctly. The following symptoms are indicated about the incorrect replacement:

  • the vibration of the engine at idle turns appeared;
  • when you try to click on gas in the air or graduation path, cotton is distributed;
  • the belt whistle appears, after which the car can stumble.

The first 2 signs say about the violation of the phases of the gas distribution, that is, the supply of fuel into the cylinders and the removal of exhaust gases is not synchronously with the movement of the pistons. This is the result of incorrect combination of labels or installation of a drive with a shift to 1 tooth. When rejecting 2 tooth, the motor simply will not start. Eliminate the problem will have to be the same way - to disassemble the timing assembly and rearrange the belt to the desired position.

The whistle with the subsequent refusal of the engine is talking about leakage of the products at the time of launch. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The new belt was not pulled properly.
  2. You caught a low-quality product, unable to function normally.
  3. You treated the surface of the strap with a chemical means, why he began slipping.

A whistle, caravan and creak can occur when the owner of the car did not change the old roller, which makes noise and periodically encourages. Methods for eliminating troubleshooting data are obvious: you need to disassemble the mechanism and do everything correctly. Fake spare parts, reviews about which car forums are filled, you should return the seller with the requirement of returning funds or replace the goods to high-quality.

Due to the lack of money, many motorists try to pay less for servicing their "iron horses". Reasonable savings are the replacement of the timing belt with their own hands without attracting car service specialists. Save on the purchase of new details - it is impractical, because, having rummaged to the fake, you can pay twice and lose the precious time.

The generator belt provides the transmission of mechanical energy from the shaft to the generator, which converts it into electricity for the onboard system of the machine. The generator belt is installed on the pulleys, rotating on which, it provides interaction between the crankshaft and the generator.

The designs of this system have a wide variety, depending on the specific manufacturer, but the principles of work are identical. The problems associated with the generator belt also in all systems are similar.

Do not panic if you heard a whistle from under the hood. Immediately check the generator drive belt and pulleys. However, do not forget that in some machines, the drive belt of the generator goes to the hydraulicel. If the belt broke out, then the sharp failure of the steering power steering will take you a few unpleasant seconds or will even lead to an accident.

Whistle of the generator belt: What is the reason?

  1. If the belt is old and worn, pull it out as it should fail. In this case, the generator belt whistle signals the need to establish a new one;
  2. When using a poor-quality belt, screensies and whists are possible;
  3. If the oil falls on the belt or pulley, the belt will slip, so it should be carefully pouring technical fluids;
  4. A frequently developed generator bearing is able to publish whistling sounds.

The leaf of the generator belt is not the only reason for the extraneous sounds of the hood, but usually the problem is in this.

If the generator belt whistles on the cold, and the belt is almost new, the reason for installing poor-quality spare parts. The belt is too hard, during operation it is heated and softened. Perhaps over time, the whistle will disappear, but it is better to replace the belt to the new one.

Diagnostic procedure:

  1. Visual verification of the belt to mechanical damage;
  2. Verification of belt tension;
  3. Checking the belt, shaft and pulleys for the presence of oil or antifreeze that has happened due to non-accuracy or flow;
  4. Be sure to check the pulleys to the offset.

When to change the generator belt

If the belt is haunted, it has various damage, it is definitely subject to replacement. It happens that the belt is flooded with oil, it can be tricking it, but it is better to change to a new one. Recommended belt replacement time should not be ignored. It is better to be restrained than then on the road to break your head what to do.

The size of the belt generator

When selecting the generator belt, you should be guided by the instruction manual. You need to know that the motor with eight valves the belt will differ in size from the sixteenth glove. Length of the belt for the engine, the owner of 8 valves will be less.

How to pull the generator belt

The question is how to pull the generator belt, it is easy to solve with the help of an adjusting strip and adjusting bolt. Using the plank, the stretch stretch of the generator does not constitute anything complicated.

  1. The nut is unscrewed, located on the bar;
  2. The position of the generator is adjusted using a breaker subject (the mount is suitable);
  3. The new position of the generator should be fixed with a nut.

The adjustment of the belt drive using the adjusting bolt passes according to such a scheme:

  1. The fastenings of the generator are weakened from above and below;
  2. The adjusting bolt turns;
  3. The generator is discharged from the block, the tension check is simultaneously carried out;
  4. Tighten the fastening of the generator.

More modern and simple is the adjustment of the tension bolt.

Replacing the generator belt do it yourself

If you have broken the generator belt, it is easy to change it with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions. To understand how to remove the generator belt, the installation scheme will be needed. It is possible to find it under the hood, many manufacturers place it there. If there is no belt installation scheme, it will help the manual to your car. As a last resort, it is just necessary to remember the location of the belt, as it falls on each pulley. If the belt is a whole, but the cracks are noticeable on it, put a new one will also have to be necessary. When choosing a new belt, it is better to take old as a sample, so you exactly choose the size you need.

To remove the old belt, first of all, you will need to loosen the tensioner bolt. Taking advantage of the right key and weakening the tensioner, it will immediately become clear how to replace the generator belt.

Be sure to change the belt, it is checked as each pulley rotates. If they are running with difficulty, they should be replaced. Before installing a new belt, you need to know the moment of optimal belt tension by referring to the instruction manual for your car. If you move to the tension, the belt can be broken, and if you pull the weakly, the question "why the generator belt whistles" will remain open. To check the correctness of the installation, you need to start a standing machine and give a large load on the power supply of the car, rejoicing and turning on the radio, headlights and all possible blowers and air conditioners. If any error is allowed when installing, the belt is riveted.

When the generator belt replacing works should not forget about checking other equipment installed in this node (pump, generator, rollers and pulleys). If the pump or roller roller, the belt can break and will have to work again on the disassembly of the node.

Some car models installed the generator belt protection. It can protect the belt from random mechanical damage and from shed various technical fluids. Some car enthusiasts make such protection with their own hands.

Now you know how to change the generator belt with your own hands. The main thing, during these works, do not forget to check the status of other systems associated with this node, otherwise the new belt will not work for a long time.

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  • How often do you need to change a wedge / polyclinic belt and how to choose a suitable replacement?
  • Modern belts and benefits of Bosch components

What is the function of the drive of the auxiliary aggregates?

Despite its name, the drive belt of the auxiliary units plays an important role in the work of the car - without it, it is impossible to reliably ensure the car by electrical energy. In addition, a power steering hydroxidant pump, an air conditioner compressor, a water pump or a fan of the engine cooling system can be given from a wedge / polyclinic belt.

During operation, the drive belt is subjected to wear. Over time, it loses its original properties, requiring timely replacement. And if with the lack of an air conditioner in the event of a belt cliff, it would be possible to come to terms, then an emergency situation may occur with a sudden failure of the steering wheel! Therefore, the condition of the polyclinic or wedge belt must be controlled. Do not wait for his cliff.

How often do you need to change the drive belt auxiliary units?

The drive belt of auxiliary units usually does not have a fixed service life. The regulations define only the interval for periodic belt check. After all, the drive system of auxiliary aggregates may be in different operating conditions, so the replacement of the components is made when defects are detected during the inspection process - extraneous noise, fuses or cracks of the belt, pollution or damage, rollers and tensioners damage, malfunctions. Condition monitoring usually produce every 30 or 60 thousand kilometers of car run.

How to pick up a new belt?

For proper selection of products, Bosch recommends using a single online catalog of Bosch Automotive Catalog Spare parts, where suitable components can be selected by brand, model, year of release and modifications of the car.

Modern production technologies and benefits of Bosch components

The use of high-quality synthetic materials in the production of Bosch belts makes it possible to achieve reliable operation of the drive system and long service life. In research centers, scientists and developers use the most advanced polymer bases, and also develop methods of compounds of various structures in a single external form. Bosch releases and polyclinic, and tapeless belts that provide a high friction coefficient and the transfer of the required torque. Motors of modern cars are becoming more and more compact. Reflecting this trend, manufacturers are increasingly refusing to tensioners in the drive systems of auxiliary motor units, preferring to use high-tech polyclinic belts with an elastic basis. They have become a suitable technical solution and are used in many modern car models.

As a company with direct contacts with engine developers and automakers, Bosch has the most relevant data on technical requirements for drive systems. That is why Bosch belts features clearly comply with the factory parameters.

Taking into account the specifics of the operation of the car, the temperature and chemical stability of materials that are used in the manufacture of belts are taken into account. Bosch components work in the hottest climatic conditions of the equator as reliably as in polar latitudes. In the latter, maintaining the energy balance of the car is a paramount task for the service stakeholders. For many years of operation worldwide, Bosch drive belts confirm their best qualities. In addition, Bosch belts meet the highest wear resistance requirements. This ensures uninterrupted operation of the drive system of the auxiliary units for a long time.

Wedge or polyclinic belt and generator - the most important components of the Unified System

Speaking about the drive belt of the auxiliary units, it is impossible not to note another component of the drive system - the generator. Modern generators are devices working in close cooperation with all electronic systems. Today, opening the hood of many cars, you will see a Bosch generator there. Depending on the application model, these devices are adapted to work in 12 or 24 volts networks. This makes it possible to expand the market and coverage of products not only for passenger, but also truck cars and special equipment. Much attention, designers also pay for the unification of the generators in relation to different engine rules. As a systemic supplier, Bosch also provides a wide range of spare parts for workshops involved in generators.

Generator production allows Bosch to offer belts to consumers, in the best way that meet the requirements of the drive system - be it a passenger car or cargo technique.


When examining the drive system of the auxiliary units, first of all, attention should be paid to the weakening of the friction forces - the belt sagging, the lubricant on the pulleys and the belt, the ingress of abrasive, etc. It should be paid to the components of the drive system if there is an increased noise or whistle belts often manifested after starting the engine during the cold season.

Bosch has released a special poster, clearly demonstrating the types of belt damage, in which it is necessary to replace it, indicating the possible causes of the appearance of faults and the methods of their solutions.

When replacing the belt, carefully read the configuration of the drive system. It will be useful for every occasion to take a picture or, for example, to draw the scheme of the correct belt location.

To remove the old belt, you need to loosen his tension. In modern drive systems, an automatic tensioner is usually used, which provides the correct belt tension. But there are also the systems in which it is regulated manually. Systems without tensioners are increasingly used, in which elastic polyclinic belts are used. It should be noted that if an elastic belt is installed in the original configuration, it cannot be replaced by usual, and vice versa. In addition, the installation of such belts should be made using special devices, such as Bosch Elastic Tool Kit 1.0 and Elastic Tool Kit 2.0.

Before mounting a new belt, it is recommended to compare it with dismantled to make sure that the selection and complete compatibility with other drive components are accurate. It is also necessary to pay attention to checking the status of rollers, tensioners and other drive components. If some of them are faulty, it can affect the operation of the entire system. For example, if you are worn or properly, the generator bearings, air conditioning compressor or bypass rollers, can lead to accelerated wear and rapid output of the new belt. If necessary, you should replace faulty components.

During the installation of a new belt, it is necessary to ensure its proper installation and tension. It is very important to prevent the use of an unsuitable tool so as not to damage the pulleys of the actuators of the drive system. The deformation or skews of the pulleys will lead to the rapid wear of the belt, increased vibrations and the appearance of foreign noise. The belt tension should be adjusted according to the tensioner type and manufacturer's instructions.

The correct selection of components and a qualified replacement of the belt will help to hold a car service at the nearest station network. All necessary belt replacement information is available to service professionals in Bosch ESI software, which is used in conjunction with the Bosch diagnostic equipment.

Problems with the timing belt usually arise without warning. No creak notifies that the replacement time has come. If your car traveled normally, and then suddenly the engine stalls with a deaf sound and will not start, most likely, the case in the timing belt. Engine synchronization should be perfect, otherwise valves and pistons may face, which will turn into expensive engine repair. To find out how to remove and replacing the timing belt, start from step 1.


Part 1

Buying a new timing belt

    Before removing the old belt, you need to buy a new one. If you decide to perform maintenance, then you need to decide on the new belt before removing the old one. If the belt is damaged or slipped, then you should remove the old belt before buying a new one to compare them and purchase a suitable timing belt for your car.

    • Most vehicles use rubber timing belts, whereas before there were steel chains of the gas distribution mechanism. They cost a few dollars and are available in any parts of the spare parts. Depending on the engine, the replacement of belts should be performed every 145,000 - 190,000 mileage kilometers.
  1. Required information about your car. You will need the name of the brand, model and year of release of the model of the vehicle, as well as the type and size of the engine. For some models, various modifications are possible even within one model year, so the VIN number (vehicle identification number) can also be useful. The new belt can be purchased from the regional dealer or in the spare parts store.

    Also do not forget to buy gaskets and special glue necessary for re-assembly. Your spare parts supplier must report everything you need. Belt sets are also available, including spare gaskets and other materials necessary when replacing the belt.

    Remove the accessories that include the enhanced steering pump, the generator and the air conditioner compressor to access the timing belt cover. Do not remove fittings under pressure from the air conditioning compressor, practical all of them can be unscrewed and move aside without blending system pressure.

    Remove the distributor cover (if installed). To remove the cover, you may need to open the locks and unscrew the fastening screws.

    • Some modern cars with an electronic ignition system are not equipped with a distributor. Instead, the crankshaft position sensor is installed. It is very important to determine the upper dead point (NTT) on the first cylinder. Use the engine repair manual, because NTT differ depending on the model.
  2. Alignment of installation labels. Using a spanner or end key for crankshaft bolts, turn the engine until the setting label of the crankshaft will not match 0 ° on the synchronization scale.

    • Check that the distributor rotor coincides with the pointer on the distributor housing, reporting the readiness of the rotor to the ignition of the number one cylinder. If not, do another complete motor turn.
    • Do not do this with an interference engine if you are not sure about the integrity of the belt. If you have not lost the valves with a torn motor engine, you will definitely make it, turning the crankshaft with a fixed camshaft.
  3. Set the need to remove the vibration pullee pulley to remove the timing belt cover. Often, the cover overlaps the end of the crankshaft, and the pulley does not allow to remove the lid. Note, in the event of the shaft removal during the back assembly, an additional seal will be required.

    Unscrew the bolts or screws that hold the timing belt cover. Remove the cover from the engine. On some engines, the lid consists of two elements. Remove all components or drive belts of auxiliary units that interfere with the removal of the timing belt cover. Such components and belts depend on the model of the vehicle, so we recommend using the maintenance manual.

    Check the accuracy of the combination of the installation labels of the crankshaft and the camshaft. Many engines have a dotted line on pulleys and / or asterisks, which must be aligned according to the corresponding marks on the block, cylinder head or auxiliary shaft. On some engines, the dotted line of the camshaft sprocket is aligned along the first pair connector line Bearing-camshaft.

    • This is very important when replacing a torn timber belt. Consider the correct adjustment process in the service manual for your vehicle and eliminate all the shortcomings before performing the installation of a new timing belt. On some engines, such tags can also be indicated on the sticker of the timing belt cover.
  4. Inspect the zone around the belt for the presence of oil leakage traces. Inspect the areas near the distribution and crankshaft seals, as well as the valve lid and the crankcase pallet. Check the cooling fluid leaks from the water pump and the bypass hose. All available leaks must be eliminated before installing a new belt.

Part 3.

Weakening of the tensioner

Part 4.

Installing a new timing belt
  • The timing belts belong to the wear details. Usually, they need to change every 96,000 mileage kilometers as scheduled maintenance. They can break out that it will cause expensive damage to the interference engines due to the collision of the valves and the pistons due to the movement of the rotation. Timely belt replacement is the best way to avoid expensive repairs.
  • The timing belt is designed to synchronize the operation of the valves and pistons. The process is similar to synchronization in aviation machine guns of the time of the First World War, when the lack of consistency in the work will lead to the tool the aircraft screw.
  • The newcomer is recommended to purchase an expensive factory manual from the manufacturer for a specific model of vehicle and the engine in which the belt will change. Such guides are written for professionals for mechanics, suggests a certain extent of competence, contain very detailed information with the values \u200b\u200bfor the belt tensioner, the torque of the bolts, the location of the locksters, etc.
  • For some vehicles, a special tool may be required to get to the tensioning bolts of the tensioner, which are hidden by the engine mounting bolts, or to attenuate the spring-loaded tensioner of the timing belt. Most engines use spring-loaded tensioning device, to work with conventional end and wrench, but for some internal hex key is needed.
  • Always follow the instructions for your brand and car model, especially if you are unfamiliar with the mechanism device. Despite its cost, the factory guide with interest will pay off at the first repair.

The gas distribution mechanism is one of those that determine the operability of the vehicle. If you do not pay attention to the verification of its performance, then it may later happen so that he simply turns out. All about when you need to change the timing belt and the chain that you need to do in the process of shift and how the timing belt is replaced with your own hands with the video you can learn from the article.


We change the timing belt

So, how does the timing belt be replaced and how often does it be done? Read more.

Replacement frequency

The first question that interests many motorists is the frequency of replacing the timing belt. After how many thousand kilometers, this component changes? For the correct answer to this question, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances. First, it is the quality of the strap itself. It has long been known that the domestic automotive market is sisite with fake products and counterfeit, so sellers often offer consumers not the original. As you can guess, such parts are not particularly allocated to durability and reliability, as a result of which the car owner has to change the element much more often.

It should also be noted that the frequency of parts directly depends on the manufacturer. On average, the interval at which the timing belt replacement is carried out, ranges from 60 to 70 thousand mileage kilometers. It is with such a mileage that the strap is usually changing. Another factor that should be considered is the age of cars. If your vehicle has been released 20 years ago, it is necessary to take into account that the overall wear of all nodes and mechanisms occurs faster as a result of aging the design of the machine itself.

After how many mileage kilometers, in this case, the component changes and how often does it need to be done? In practice, this procedure is carried out beyond 35-40 thousand km of mileage.

Another thing if you purchased a car from hand. In this case, the question of when changing the timing belt is impossible to postpone.

Algorithm of action

If, after how many km run and when changing the timing belt, everything is clear, go to the next question. How to change the timing belt - this question is no less relevant.

Consider the general instructions for changing the component.

  1. First of all, the battery is turned off. The generator drive strap should also be turned off, and the piston of the first cylinder must be put in the position of the upper dead point.
  2. Then the span key is necessarily unscrewed by the tensioning roller screw, after which the roller itself turns to attenuate that the tension indicator is reduced.
  3. Next, you should dismantle the item from all shafts - from the distribution, roller shafts, as well as a pump shaft.
  4. To dismantle the drive shaft fasten screw, the crankshaft should be fixed so that it cannot be checked. Typically, the crankshaft is fixed using a powerful screwdriver. The essence is to disassemble the plug, while the pulley should not be turned.
  5. Using a wrench, you will need to unscrew the screw that fixes the crankshaft drive. The pulley itself is dismantled, after which it is necessary to pull the component drive washer with extreme caution. The strap itself is removed. Installation of the element occurs in the reverse order.

Does the pump be changed when replacing the timing belt?

In general, how to change the timing belt - the question is quite time-consuming, requiring certain skills. Consider some more specific nuances. As often, after how many km run, when changing the timing belt is these issues of frequency - the personal matter of everyone. But you need to remember that together with the strap should be shifted and other components.

Sorry, currently there are no accessible surveys.

In practice, almost all experts today replace the strap of the gas distribution mechanism along with POMPEY. This is due to the fact that for the normal functioning of the entire mechanism, it is desirable to establish new auxiliary parts. Actually, we also recommend replacing the pumps together with the change of the MRM component.

Do you need to change videos when replacing the timing?

After how many km run, you need to change videos? The answer is unambiguous - the rollers change together with the strap. It is necessary to do this for the same reason why the pump changes together with the main component. In order not to climb and disassemble the mechanism, it is recommended to establish new details.

We change the chain timing

Now consider all the nuances that relate to the chain of the gas distribution mechanism.

When should I change?

The first thing that interests us is when changing the timing chain. In contrast to the previous case, in foreign cars equipped with chains, this procedure is not so often. But again, everything depends on several nuances here. The first is the overall condition of the mechanism. If certain elements need an urgent shift, then this may affect the resource chain as a whole.

As a rule, there is no resource for service in km. In most cases, it is installed for the entire service life of the car, after which it is simply utilized. However, in Russia and the countries of the former CIS, vehicles rarely go to scrap and are commonly used to "victorious", respectively, here they go much more than their service life. Domestic motorists usually face the need to change the chain after 250-300 thousand km of mileage.

Tools and replacement stages

Consider the general instructions. Video is provided below.

Prepare the tool:

  • set of heads;
  • two screwdrivers;
  • a set of keys;
  • jack;
  • dynamometer key;
  • sealant.

Let's start replacing:

  1. Regardless of the design of the vehicle, the air conditioner, the generator and GUR are dismantled. It is also necessary to remove these devices. After that, the sensors of the crankshaft and distribution pulleys are removed. The crankshaft disc should also be dismantled.
  2. The starter is turned off and the screws that are attached to it are turned off. The device is removed.
  3. It is necessary to unscrew all the screws that fasten the oil tray, after which it also needs to be removed.
  4. If the right engine airbag prevents access to the chain, it also needs to be dismantled.
  5. After that, all bolts fastening the front cover of the chain are twisted with the keys, and the lid is dismantled.
  6. When the lid is removed, the hydraulic and guide should be dismantled. To do this, unscrew all the necessary screws for this. The piston of the first cylinder is set to the NMT position. All tags on pulleys and chains should match. The old chain is removed, after which the new one is installed. Do not forget about the labels.

Now you know how to replace the timing belt and chain.

Video "Replacing the Gramp Chain"

In this video, see the process of replacing the timing chain on the example of auto kia.

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