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Technological processes and P data. Technological process of maintenance and repair of the car Technological process of car maintenance and repair

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by discipline"Technological Processes of Maintenance and Repair of Tittmo"


The basis of the rational organization and management in road transport during maintenance and repair of cars is the production process.

1.1 Concepts: technological and manufacturingprocesses, operation, transition. Their system communication

Technological process it is a combination of operations performed by a systematic and consistently in time and space over the car (aggregate). The technological process of maintenance and current repairs is part of the production process consisting of subsystems of labor objects, a production and technical base, performers engaged in the process and management of them, and documentation for changing the state of labor objects in these production conditions in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation.

Manufacturing process - This is a combination of technological processes of maintenance and current repairs. The production process is a combination of all the actions of people and implements of the production required at this enterprise to maintain the technical willingness of the rolling stock of road transport.

In the case under consideration technology maintenance and repair is an ordered list of operations required when performing a particular type of influences and composed on the basis of the analysis of the design features and reluctance characteristics of parts, aggregates and car systems.

Under production and Technical Base (PBB) ATP is a totality of buildings, structures, technological equipment designed for storing, repairing cars and supplying them of operational materials.

Maintenance (T) is a combination of work of a certain purpose consisting of operations performed in a certain technological sequence.

Work, work group - This is a combination of operations united in its intended, the nature, the conditions of implementation, the applied equipment, tool and the qualifications of the performers (cleaning and washing and unforgettable, control and diagnostic, control and fasteners, adjustment, etc.).

Under organizational forms of technological process (OPTP) It is understood by the distribution of works on zones, their production units and blocks, other structural elements of production in accordance with the technological features of operations and repair and types of work, as well as a sequence of work in the process of technical influences on the car.

The transformation of the subject of labor into finished products in accordance with the specialization of the enterprise is called the main production process . For the technical service of a complex ATP, the main production process is the repair (P) of vehicles.

The production process carried out to meet the needs of the main production is called auxiliary process (for example, repair of technological equipment).

Production processes carried out in ATP are mostly very complex, and for the convenience of analysis they can be divided into organizational and technically separate parts - partial processes . Partial processes, in turn, consist of a complex of production operations.

Complex of operations a group of operations for manufacturing (restoration, maintenance) of one products (parts, nodes or unit) on one production site is called.

Operation - The completed part of the production process performed by one or group of workers at one workplace and covering all their actions to perform the specified work.

Technologically, the operation is a consistent complex transitions for maintenance of the unit or group of car units (adjustment of the free move of the brake pedal, the change of oil in the engine crankcase, etc.).

1.2 Maintenance and repair systemcars, adopted on motor transport

During the operation of the car, due to the wear of parts, a gradual deterioration of the technological condition of the car occurs, which leads to a decrease in its performance and increase the cost of transportation.

In order for the use of the car is cost-effective during the entire period of operation, it must be regularly subjected to a specific complex of technical influences, which, depending on the value and nature of the work performed, can be divided into two groups:

1) impacts aimed at maintaining a car in a working condition for a larger period of operation and preparation of it to work.

2) impacts aimed at restoring lost performance by aggregates, mechanisms and parts of the car.

A complex of preventive measures of the first group is a system of maintenance, and the second is a system for restoring and repairing cars.

In our country accepted planned-warning system of maintenance and repair of cars .

The principal provisions of such a system are the following:

Performance in forced order permanent complex of work, after the installed run;

Car repair by need which is detected in the diagnostic process or during the execution process.

Each type of maintenance includes a strictly installed nomenclature of works that must be fulfilled.

Forced maintenance makes it possible to identify and troubleshoot the faults that occur in the mechanisms and aggregates of the car, or the reasons that may entail faults.

Consequently, car maintenance is a preventive event aimed at preventing and developing malfunctions, emergency deposits and damage to parts.

The use of a planned warning system allows you to:

Provide in the process of operation the level of reliability provided for in the design and manufacture of a car;

Provide a high coefficient of technical readiness of the car;

Improve traffic safety;

Ensure the cost-effective work of the car.

A rationally organized system that and repair also provides for the conduct of a run-in new and capital-repaired cars, as well as their units before commissioning.

1.3 Regulatory documents on the organizationtechnological processes

One of the most important principles of a rational organization that the repair of cars is the use of reasonable standards for the implementation of preventive and repair work. In technical operation, there are standards: periodicity, the labor intensity of the repair, duration, and repair, as well as a resource to overhaul.

The fundamental regulatory document governing the planning, organization and maintenance and repair of cars, the definition of resources is "Regulations on maintenance and repair of mobile automobile Makeup » (hereinafter referred to as the position).

In modern conditions, the quality control of the performance of regulatory provisions for the repair of cars is ensured by the existing certification system for the production and technical base (PBB) and the completeness of services for maintenance and repair. Regulatory regulation for subjects in the market of transport and service services is carried out by the licensing system.

For prompt accounting changes in the designs of cars and the conditions of their operation the position provides for two parts .

In the first part it contains the main provisions on the organization of the repair of rolling stock. This part establishes: system and species and repair, as well as source standards regulating them; classification of operating conditions and methods for adjusting standards; Principles of organization of production and repair in ATP; Typical lists of operations and other fundamental materials.

Second part (regulatory) includes specific standards for a number of basic car models and their modifications. With the aim of objective accounting for the change in the produced cars (domestic production), this part is developed and complemented with a periodicity of 3-5 years in the form of separate applications to the 1st part.

Regulations and repair The position established by the Regulation belongs to certain operating conditions, called reference. The reference conditions adopted the work of basic models of cars that have mileage from the start of operation within 50-75% of the mileage rate to overhaul, under operating conditions of I category in a temperate climatic area with moderate environmental aggressiveness. It is envisaged that the current repairs are carried out at an enterprise that has PTB for servicing 200-300 cars that make up no more than three technologically compatible groups.

When working in other, excellent operating conditions, safety and durability of cars are changed, as well as labor and material costs for ensuring their performance. Therefore, the regulations are also corrected.

All types of cars are carried out in the amount of exemplary lists of the main maintenance operations. When detecting in the course of faults not fixed by adjustment, repair or replacing the corresponding parts (nodes) is performed.

Daily maintenance(EO) it is carried out daily and includes the following types of work:

Control- viewing work. Inspection of the car and detecting outdoor damage, checking its completeness, cab status, platform (body), glass, rear-view mirrors, engine hood and trunk, suspension status, wheels, tires, etc. The action of lighting and signaling devices, wipers and T .d; Checking the free stroke of the steering wheel, drives of brakes, engine systems, works of aggregates, nodes, systems and control of the car in place and on the go.

Cleaning and washers(UMR) . Cabs of cabin (cabin) and platform (body). Car wash and drying, if necessary - sanitary processing; Rocking mirrors, headlights, subharbones, turning pointers, rear lights and stop signals, cab champs, as well as license plates.

Lubricant, cleaning and filling work. Check (tap) oil level in the engine. Check (topping) liquid level in the cooling system; Checking the fuel level (refueling).

First maintenance(That-1) includes all the following types of work:

Control- diagnostic, which, in turn, are divided by specialization:

Check (adjustment) of the free move of the clutch pedal, the backlash in the hinged and spline connections of the cardan transmission, if necessary, fixing the cardan shaft flanges;

Checking the tightness of the steering amplifier, fastening the ball fingers and the back of the steering wheel, steering hinges, etc.;

Check (adjustment) of the efficiency of the brake system, free and working stroke of the brake system pedal, as well as the actions of the parking brake system;

Checking the state of nodes and parts of the suspension, the status of tires and air pressure in them;

Checking locks, loops and handles of cab doors and other works;

Checking the state of the instruments and drives of the power system, the tightness of their compounds;

Cleaning and checking the performance of the battery, generator, instruments and wiring.

Lubricating and cleansing work. Lubrication of friction nodes and checking the oil level in the crankcasers of the aggregates and tanks of the car hydroplaring in accordance with the lubricant card.

tractorsrequiring verification of the state of carrier elements, compounds and communications, checking the oil level in the tank of the platform lifting mechanism and others.

Second maintenance(That-2) includes the following types of work:

Control- diagnostic, fasteners and Adjustment Works:

Checking the tightness of cooling systems (heating); checking the status of the cylinder-piston group of the engine; checking the fastening of pipelines and receiving pipes of the muffler, the pallet of the engine cranks and clutch;

Checking the actions of the grip of the clutch, free and complete pedal stroke, clutch operation; Checking the backlash in the hinge and spline connections of the cardan transmission; checking the status of driving bridges;

Adjustment of the convergence of the front wheels, collapse, longitudinal and transverse slopes of kicker and the angles of rotation of the front wheels, as well as their balancing, etc. Check the degree of wear of brake drums or disks, pads, linings, free and working strokes brake pedal, springs, bearings, wheels, etc., if necessary, replacing nodes or parts;

Checking the condition and tightness of the brake system pipelines, their adjustment; checking the parameters of the brake system; Checking the performance of other elements that ensure the brake properties of the car.

Checking the condition of the supporting structures and elements of the car, the correct position of the rear axle; Checking the status of wheel drives and fastening wheels, tire status.

If necessary, the execution of adjustment operations;

Checking the condition of the surface of the cabin, body, plumage; Check the condition of the ventilation and heating of the cabin, as well as door seals and ventilation hatches.

Checking all external and internal fastenings of the body, fasteners of mudguards. If necessary, the execution of cosmetic repair;

Checking for fastening, compounds and tightness of responsible elements and communications of the system of gasoline engines. Checking the quality of a combustible mixture prepared and, if necessary, adjust the elements of the power system;

Checking the fastening, tightness and health of the responsible elements and communications of the fuel tank, pipelines, fuel pumps, the injectors of the diesel engine system. If necessary, troubleshooting and other works;

Checking the performance of the battery;

Checking the status of contact elements (contact rings, brushes), bearings, if necessary, disassembly of the generator and replacing worn parts (brushes, pressure springs). Checking the starter and relay regulator. Adjustment of the voltage of the relay controller, with regard to the time of the year, if it is provided for by its design;

Checking candles and ignition coils, distributor breaker. If necessary, adjust the gaps in the ignition devices;

Checking the performance and adjustment of lighting and signaling devices.

Lubricantand cleansing work. Lubrication of car friction nodes, checking the oil level in engine elements, checking and replacing the filter elements.

Additional work on special cars and tractors. Conducted in accordance with the features of the designs of these cars.

Before performing work on specializations of each type, it is necessary to carry out a general inspection of the car.

In all types, except for the specified types of work, it is assumed to perform specific work on buses and cars.

Daily service is performed once a day after the operation of the rolling stock on the line and should include the overall external control of the car, aimed at ensuring security, maintain the appearance and refueling it with fuel, oil and water.

The frequency of the first and second maintenance is set by weight depending on the operating conditions.

The main purpose of the first and second technical services is to reduce the intensity of the wear of parts to the timely execution of control, lubricants, fastening, adjustment and other works, as well as to identify and eliminate malfunctions or reasons that might lead the occurrence of faults.

Seasonal maintenance(SO) they are carried out twice a year in order to prepare a car to operate in a winter or summer season, combining it with the next maintenance, usually from TO-2.

It is recommended to be carried out as a separately planned type of type, it is recommended for a rolling stock operating in the cold climate zone and the regions of the Far North.

The cold climate zone includes: Murmanskaya, Arkhangelsk, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk Region, Altai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk, Chita, Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Kamchatka Region, Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin region.

To the districts of the Far North include: Yakutia, Magadan region, etc., where the temperature of January (-35 ° C) and below.

Additionally, the operation of the engine cooling system, the preheater, the condition and action of the drainage cranes of cooling and nutrition systems, the brake system, is checked and the operation of the drain cranes of the cooling and power supply systems, the brake system, produce a replacement of oil in the engine, transmission, steering mechanism to the corresponding (winter or summer) oil. Recharge the batteries (in the winter time of the year, the electrolyte density must be greater), they insulate them.

It is also necessary to test the operation of the regulator relay and, if necessary, adjust it, clean and blow the internal cavities of the generator and the starter, if necessary, disassemble them, replace the worn parts and lubricate the bearings.

In addition, wiper wipers, thermostat and radiator blinds, operation of the sensor for switching on the cooling system of the cooling system and the temperature sensors of the coolant temperature and oil pressure in the lubricant system, sealing doors and windows.

It is also necessary to clear from the products of corrosion of the surface of the body, cabins and wings, paint them; Apply to the lower surfaces of the wings and body buses and passenger cars anti-corrosion mastic; Adjust the carburetors and high-pressure fuel pumps for work in winter; Complete cars with anti-skid chains, insulation hood and radiator covers, and towing cables.

Types of repairs

In accordance with the planning and preventive system, the provision provides for the current repair and overhaul of the car and its units, nodes and mechanisms.

Maintenance(Tr.) performed in ATP and at car maintenance stations (service station).

Tr includes: Control and Diagnostic, Discern, Assembly, Adjustment, Machinery, Mechanical, Mednitskiy, Blacksmith, Welding, Tinnik, Own, Electrotechnical, Tinor-Repair, Painting and Other Works.

Maintenancethe car is performed to eliminate the bounce and faults and maintaining the car in working condition to overhaul. When performing the TP units, it is allowed to replace parts that have reached the limit state except the basic. In this case, individual details, mechanisms and aggregates can be replaced.

Tr is aimed at ensuring the trouble-free operation of the aggregates and the velocity of the car to the next TO-2. Regulatory documents are regulated by the labor intensity of Tr in a person's hours per 1000 km of car run, costs in rubles per tr per 1000 km of car run, as well as the working force used, the number of spare parts and materials. Some of the TP operations (accompanying TR) can be combined with TO-2. Some of the work of warning repair aimed at maintaining a good condition of the body, cabin, frames of the car, are performed as independent operations two or three times for the entire service life of the vehicle and include the following:

In-depth control of the technical condition of some elements;

Restoration or replacement of parts that have reached the limit state;

Work on ensuring the tightness and strength of welded seams;

Removal of corrosion products and anticorrosion coating;

Elimination of dents and cracks;

Work to ensure comfortable conditions for the driver and passengers;

Complete or partial body color, cabin, frame.

Current repairs produced by need .

Overhaul(Kr) it is aimed at restoring the working capacity of the car and its aggregates and ensuring their performance before the next repair or write-off.

The KR of any unit provides for its complete disassembly, determining the causes of malfunction, restoration and replacement of parts, assembly, adjustment and testing of this unit.

The unit is sent to the Kyrgyz Republic in cases where the basic and main details (Table 1.1) requires repair with full disassembly of the unit or the efficiency of the unit cannot be restored by carrying out Tr.

Main detailsensure the execution of the functional properties of the unit and determine the operational reliability. Therefore, when restoring the main parts during overhaul, the level of quality close to the quality of new products should be ensured.

To basic or cabinet partsthe details that make up the basis of this unit. They must ensure the correct placement and operation of all other parts and the aggregate itself. The performance and maintainability of basic parts, as a rule, determine the service life of the unit and the conditions for its write-off.

Overhaul should be carried out on specialized road transport enterprises.

The decision to hold the Kyrgyz Republic should be based on the results of the analysis of the technical condition of the car using the means of control and diagnostics, taking into account the mileage of the car and the cost of its execution.

As a rule, cars and buses are sent to overhaul, if there is a need for major body repair; Trucks - if necessary, the overhaul of the frame, cabin, as well as at least three main car units in any combination of which include the engine, gearbox, handout, bridges, front axle and steering mechanism.

For the service life, a complete car is being subjected to one overhaul, not counting the overhaul of the aggregates and nodes before and after the overhaul of the car.

2. ORGANIZATIONTechnological processesAnd car diagnostics

Maintenance and current car repair in ATP and a hundred is a rather complex technological process consisting of separate, consistently performed technical influences (Fig. 2.1).

In fig. 2.1 Solid lines show the main pathway pathway through the appropriate production sites since their reception and before the release on line.

The arrival of cars in the repair zone usually occurs for a relatively short time, and the bandwidth of the EO zone is calculated on one or two working shifts.

At the same time, most of the cars are sent to the storage area, from where they go to the EO zone and then in accordance with the schedule on the posts of TO-1 and TO-2 or in the storage area.

In Zones, the 1st and TO-2 rolling stock arrives after a certain mileage according to plan, regulated by the schedule of car in the enterprise. To ensure high technical readiness of the Park, the working areas must fully perform the daily program of EXT-1 and TO-2 with high-quality carrying out all operations of this type of service on each car. To do this, it is necessary to carry out general diagnostics, called D-1, and elementary diagnostics, called D-2.

Performance of the daily program, then with proper diagnosis and planning, allows you to observe the required frequency of TO-1 and TO-2.

Fig. 2.1. Circuit diagram of the technological process of maintenance and repair of cars

Thus, zones then the number of services plan, and the volume of work (person-h) for each car largely detect the performers themselves. The cost-consuming rates of Thu-1 and Time-2 are established as mean values \u200b\u200bin the revealed statistical coefficients of repeatability of executive parts of operations for cars of basic models.

2.1 Methods of labor organization when performingAnd tru cars

The greatest use in ATP received three methods of labor organization:

Method of specialized brigades;

Integrated brigade method;

Aggregate method.

Method of specialized brigades providing for the formation of the specialization and technical impact on the car, is that brigades are being created, each of which, depending on the amount of work, a certain number of workers needed specialties are planned (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2. Mobile maintenance scheme method of specialized brigades

Specialization of brigades by type of influences: EO, T-1, T-2, diagnostics, tr, repair of aggregates contributes to improving the productivity of workers through the use of progressive technological processes and mechanization, improving the skills and specialization of performers to fulfill the limited nomenclature of technological operations .

With such an organization of work, the technological homogeneity of each site (zone) is ensured, the prerequisites for effective operational management of production by maneuver, spare parts, technological equipment and a tool are simplified and monitoring the performance of certain types of technical influences.

The significant disadvantage of this method of organization of production is the weak personal responsibility of performers for the work performed. In the case of premature refusal, it is difficult to analyze all the reasons, to establish a specific perpetrator of a reduction in reliability, since the unit is serviced and repaired working various units. This leads to a significant increase in the number of failures and downtime for cars in repair. The effectiveness of this method is raised with centralized production management and the application of special quality management systems and TR.

Method of complex brigades it is that brigades are created, each of which divisions are enshrined on the basis of their subject specialization, i.e. Fastening for a brigade of a certain group of cars (for example, cars of one column, cars of one model, trailers and semi-trailers), for which the brigade conducts TO-1, TO-2 and TR (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3. Mobile Maintenance Scheme Method of Complex Brigades

At the same time, it is centrally, as a rule, the EO, diagnostics and repair of aggregates are performed. The method of complex brigades is characterized by the fact that each of the units (for example, the autocolonna) of a large ATP has its own complex brigade that performs that-1, T-2 and three cars attached. Only EO and repair of aggregates are centrally performed. Complex brigades are complemented by performers of various specialties necessary for the execution of the work attached to the brigade.

With such an organization, insufficient responsibility for the quality is, and therefore, an increase in the volume of works on TPs remains, as in specialized brigades, but are limited to the size of an integrated brigade.

In addition, this method makes it difficult to organize a flow of cars.

Material and technical means (equipment, revolving units, spare parts, materials, etc.) are distributed under the brigades and, therefore, used inefficiently.

However, the essential advantage of this method is brigadier responsibility for the quality of work carried out.

Complex brigades are completed by performers of various specialties (automotors, locksmiths, electricians, lubricants) for the execution of work attached to the brigade.

Each brigade, as a rule, has been attached to her jobs, posts for both repair, its mainly universal technological equipment and tools, reserve of current units and spare parts, i.e. The program is reduced and spraying the materials of ATP, which complicates the organization of the production of maintenance and repair of cars.

The complexity of management at the same time is explained by the difficulties of maneuvering with industrial facilities and material resources and regulating the loading of individual performers on various complex brigades. There are situations when the workers of one complex brigade are overloaded, and the other is short-lived, but the brigades are not interested in mutual assistance.

However, the essential advantage of this method is brigadier responsibility for the quality of work carried out on the tr.

Aggregate method performance and tr. The main thing in this method is that the implementation of all works on and tr is made according to the results of the diagnosis.

Benefits of the methodnext:

1. The execution of all works is made in the intersdency time of the car.

2. The implementation of the TPD method of replacement of units allows to obtain high quality of work.

Disadvantages of the methodnext:

1. A complex organization of production planning.

2. Requires a large stock of aggregates and spare parts of cars.

Choosing a method .

When choosing a labor organization method, the following factors need to be taken into account:

Characteristic, number and operating conditions of cars;

Program then;

Level qualification level;

Technical equipment ATP;

Progressive technology;

Implementation of diagnostics.

The correctly chosen organization of labor gives the following results:

High performance of the working time of the performers;

Minimal simple cars in TO and TR;

High coefficient of technical readiness (CTG);

The minimum cost of work and tr.

2.2 Methods and forms of organizationcars in ATP

One of the ways to increase labor productivity and reduce the downtime of cars at the same time is a rational organization of jobs and, therefore, improving their use.

Workplace- This is an artist's work zone equipped with the necessary funds and objects of labor placed in a certain order: all types of work on both TPs begin and finish on a car. For work on the car, work posts are organized. The workplace of the worker or the team of workers is called a site of a production platform, equipped with the necessary equipment, devices and a tool for performing a specific maintenance and repair complex. The workplaces of repair workers are located on the posts of EO, T-1 and TO-2, in the areas of current repair and in the workshops of the ATP production building.

Work post- This is a site of a production area designed to accommodate a car and including one or more jobs for the vehicle and tr. Thus, the organization of jobs on ATP applies two methods of their placement - on the operating post, i.e. Near the object of labor and about the manufacturer of production - at the stand, machine, workbench.

Depending on the number of posts, between which the complex of work of this type of service is distributed, two methods of organization of work differ: on universal and specialized posts.

Method of car at universal postsit is to perform all the works (except URR) in one post by a group of performers consisting of workers of all specialties (locksmiths, lubricants, electricians) or workers of universal, where performers perform their part of the work in a certain technological sequence. With this method of organizing the technological process, the posts may be dead-end and travel. Tupiki posts in most cases are used at TU-1 and TO-2. Travel - mainly at EO.

The disadvantages of the method (with a deadlock of posts) are the following: a significant loss of time on the installation of cars to posts and the congress from them; Air pollution by exhaust gases when maneuvering a car during arrival at posts and congresses with them; The need to repeated duplication of the same equipment.

Essence methods of cars on specialized postsis the distribution of the work of this species, then in several posts. Posts, workers and equipment on them specialize in taking into account the homogeneity of the works or rational compatibility.

Power methodbased on application thread line - Such a totality of posts, in which specialized posts are located sequentially on the same line.

The same condition is the same duration of the residence of the car at each post (synchronization of the work of posts), which is provided with various volumes of work performed on the posts with the corresponding number of workers subject to the condition

where t.- duration of the car downtime at the post (tact of the post), h; t.0 - the scope of work on the executable in the post, person-h;

R- the number of workers in the post, people.

With a streaming method, specialized posts can be arranged directly, as is organized at the EO (Fig. 2.4), and transversely with respect to the direction of flow movement.

Fig. 2.4. Technological layout of Cleaning and car wash:

1 - garbage container; 2 - electrothelter; 3 - installation of the creation of an air curtain; 4 - Remote Control; 5 - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher; 6 - Box for sand; 7 - chest for a wicked material; 8 - Gate mechanized; 9 - drum with a self-conceived hose and water gun; 10 - automatic washing installation; 11 - air dispensing column; 12 - safety signs; 13 - shield for inventory; 14 - a vacuum cleaner; 15 - Conveyor

The advantages of the method are: reduction of the loss of time on the movement of the car (workers) and the economical use of production areas. The disadvantage is the impossibility of changing the scope of work (upwards) on any of the posts, if not to provide for this purpose backup (sliding) workers, which are included in the fulfillment of the additional work, to ensure compliance with the tact of the line. Often the functions of sliding workers are assigned to the brigadiers.

When organizing, the flows are distinguished on the streams continuousand periodicactions. A stream of continuous action (applied only for the work of the EO) is called such an organization of the technological process, at which it is made on continuously moving cars in the working zones. The velocity of the conveyor is selected in the range of 0.8-1.5 m / min. Distance between moving by each other BUT(2-4 m) depending on the speed of the conveyor) is selected taking into account the fact that it is part of the length of the working area L.r. z.. \u003d L.but+ BUTwhere L.but- car length.

The flow of periodic action is called the organization of a technological process, in which cars are periodically moved from one working post to another (the speed of the conveyor - up to 15 m / min, BUT\u003d 1 m).

For operational- by post methodmaintenance The volume of work of this species is also distributed between several specialized, but parallel posts, for each of which a certain group of works or operations is enshrined. At the same time, work or operations are completed by type of serviced aggregates and systems (for example: the mechanisms of the front suspension and the front axle; rear axle and brake system; gearbox, clutch and cardan transmission). Car service in this case is performed on dead end posts.

The advantages of this method are: the ability to specialize equipment, raising the level of mechanization, improving the quality of work and labor productivity, more operational organization of the technological process (independence of car settings). The disadvantage of the method is that the need to rearrange cars from the post to the post requires the car maneuvering, which causes an increase in non-production loss of time, as well as the gas acquisition of the premises of the exhaust gases.

With this method, it is advisable to organize in several techniques (races), distributing all the works for several days.

Organization-1 ito-2 at universal posts. With a small list of ATP Park, and therefore, a small program cannot be used to use the cash method. In this case, they are carried out on universal posts, providing a complete implementation of the list of mandatory operations TO-1 (or TO-2) on each of them.

When performing the vehicles at universal posts, partial or complete specialization of performers is used - by types of works or groups of aggregates.

Posts are used deadlock and travel types. Travel posts that allow to maintain the maneuvering of rolling stock are most preferable to maintain road trails and buses of the articulated type.

With a service program up to eight buses per day, NIIAT recommends that it is carried out in a universal travel post (Fig. 2.5).

In such posts, control, adjustment and fastening work on aggregates and car mechanisms, as well as the work of electrotechnical, on the system of nutrition and tires are performed. In this case, the execution of lubricants, filling and cleaning work is provided for a separate lubricant post.

Fig. 2.5. Technological planning of a universal post for TOT-1 buses:

1 - trolley for resetting filter elements; 2 - table bath for flushing filters; 3 - table-bath for pure oil on the stand; 4 - flask for clean unforgettable materials; 5 - tip with pressure gauge for air dispensing hose; 6 - stationary installation; 7 - guides for the bus wheels; 8 - lift with fastening on the wall of the ditch; 9 - stand for work in the inspection ditch; 10 - portable box for tools and fasteners; 11 - oil-timed tank; 12 - electromechanical solidophatel; 13 - oil-timber column ; 14 - rack cloth for fastening parts; 15 - floating workbench

Organization-1 on the stream. The basic conditions in which the efficiency of the flow method is relevant:

Sufficient for full loading line for a daily or changeable service program;

Strictly performing the entire complex of operations determined for this type of maintenance of the car and the conditions of its work;

A clear distribution of the list of operations for individual performers;

The correct calculation of the tact of the line and strict its execution; Maximum mechanization and automation of work, including vehicle movement from post per post;

The maximum possible specialization of individual posts according to the type of work performed with a large service program, combining works of various types in one post with a relatively small program;

Well-established production of the production line by all the necessary details, materials and tools stored near work posts or directly to posts;

The possibility of transitions of workers from post per post and the presence of so-called "sliding" workers to continue the unfinished operation or assistance in the work of neighboring posts (especially with the diverse composition of cars), as well as the need for additional posts to complete the work, for any reason no reasons Made on the line itself.

The trace lines type includes two types of lines: for two and three working posts (Fig. 2.6). For a three-tailed flow line with a performance of 17-20 cars in shift, with seven workers at posts, the distribution of types of work on posts may have the following form.

The first post is designed to perform control and diagnostic, fastening and adjustment works associated with hanging the wheels of the car (on the front and rear bridges, the brake system, steering and car suspension). In the second post, control and diagnostic, fastening and adjustment works are performed, which are not associated with hanging the wheels of the car (electrical equipment, power system, gearbox, clutch, etc.). In the third post, work on the engine, lubricants, filling and cleansing operations throughout the car are manufactured.

The line may be provided for non-working post, which is most often used for parking the car awaiting it.

Fig. 2.6. Technological layout of the flow line TO-1 on three posts:

1 - guide roller; 2 - office table; 3 - Merchant workbench; 4 - adjustable stands under the feet; 5 - shellage-turntable for fastening parts; 6 - transitional bridge; 7 - Mobile post of electrician; 8 - trolley for transporting batteries; 9 - Box for tools and fasteners; 10 - hydraulic mobile lift; 11 - Wheel nut for wheels; 12 - table-bath for flushing filters; 13 - air dispensing automatic column; 14 - oil development column; 15 - renewed post of lubricant-tanker; 16 - oil color; 17 - chest for woolproof materials; 18 - installation for exhaust gas suction; 19 - Gate drive mechanism; 20 - lari for waste; 21 - a funnel for draining exhaust oils; 22 - installation for refueling with transmission oil; 23 - mobile lubrication heater; 24 - mobile post of mechanic and auto repair; 25 - wrench for nuts Step Sprinkle; 26 - installation for thermal air curtain gate

Organization-2 on the stream. TO-2 The stream has the following main features:

Distribution of the entire complex of operations TO-2 at the place of their implementation (specialized posts), based on the technological heterogeneity of various groups of operations, the technological sequence of their implementation, the specificity of the equipment used, sanitary and other conditions;

The inclusion of the operations of the three-mining operations that do not violate the rhythm of the implementation of the maintenance act (according to the developed approximate list of such operations);

The variation of technological schemes, which provides for the possibility of their use by various ATP, with maintenance of maintenance both on the posts of a dead-end type and on the stream line (in the largest enterprises);

The possibility of unifying the flow lines TO-2 in order to conduct work on them into various shifts (on the same production areas).

Depending on the scale of the production program, various IT-2 service schemes can be applied on a stream with dividing received cars into four groups.

According to the first of these schemes, after performing monitoring and diagnostic operations as a diagnostic (Fig. 2.7), cars of the 1st group are followed in the TO-2 zone on the posts of a dead-end type, where operations of the 2nd and 3rd groups are performed. The lubricant operations of the 4th group are performed as a grease of the Lubrication of the Zone-1 zone or at the corresponding post of the thread line T-1.

According to the second and third schemes, all operations, except for control and diagnostic, are performed on a four-or five-plated thread line TO-2.

Recommendations for the choice of the organization of the organization of the organization that-2 establishes that the program equal to 2-3 truck services in shift is made, the first scheme with a dead-end type. The program for 4-5 maintenance uses the second scheme with a four-seater stream.

Under the program on 6-7 maintenance - five-way line.

Fig. 2.7. Technological layout of the D-2 diagnostic post:

1 - the output of exhaust gases; 2 - shell for washing hands; 3 - wardrobe; 4 - Boat control panel; 5 - table; 6 - chair; 7 - fit of compressed air; 8 - instrument for checking the ignition system; 9 - workbench with parallel visits; 10 - portable staircase; 11 - platform screw lift; 12 - fan for cooling; 13 - the second position of the car; 14 - cabinet for portable equipment; 15 - Mobile lift; 16 - the first position of the car; 17 - inspection ditch; 18 - stand for the diagnosis of traction and economic indicators; 19 - Sliding gate

When carrying out that-2, it is allowed to perform related repair operations with relatively low labor intensity (up to 0.3 people), with a total of their volume no more than 20% of the regulatory scope of operations TO-2. Such operations include: replacement of steering, fuel pump, brake pads, cardan shaft, etc.

To ensure the rhythm in the work of the stream, the allocation of several "sliding" locksmiths is provided.

The spread of the flow lines TO-2 prevents the considerable complexity of organizing their work. It is most difficult to maintain the specified calculation of the rhythm in the work of the streamline, as it is not possible to perform that-2 without repair operations (the volume of repair works at T-2 reaches 50% and more from the complexity of the service itself).

Thus, the main indicators for the use of TO-2 on the stream should be: an improved organization of supply of spare parts; the large equalization and durability of the components and aggregates of the car (which will reduce the volume of repair work and stabilize the list of operations at T-2); The use of in-depth diagnostics of cars before making them to CO-2 in order to clarify the composition of the required operations of repair; An increase in the ATP of the number of buildings to equip stream lines in accordance with the rational service technology.

Operational- the receipt method T.-2. The main ideas of the method are: the fulfillment of the total volume of T-2 and the concomitant repair (TRSOP) is only in intersdency time, in several receptions, carried out during a number of days following each other; Distribution and specialization of workers according to certain groups of serviced and repaired aggregates and car systems.

Almost all the volume of TO-2 on this method is distributed to six groups of operations ("posts"), each of which is performed by the working defined post. The number of maintenance receptions is limited to four or two, each of which work on the car is performed at once several "posts".

Under the word "post" with an operating-post method, it is understood not the place considered in terms of the overall dimensions of the car, but a group of operations performed by working specific specialization. Specialization AUTOBUST (except for the work on the body) is not implemented. The essence of the method is not the permutation of the car in the process of performing work of TM-2 from post per post, but moving on posts of mobile groups of performers. The general brigade TO-2, except for fixed specialists, may include some specialists who are not enshrined in individual posts - reinforcers, electricians, etc.

The introduction of an operating and post method allows you to bring the Park car KTT to 0.97.

The disadvantages of the method are: the lack of a specialization of the automobile inherent in the flow method; lack of strict technological connection between the automobiles and production workshops; The fuzzy distribution of functions between the main brigade that performs the TO-2 and most of the repairs and auxiliary brigade that performs only tr, which reduces the responsibility of individual performers for the quality of work and, as a result, contributes to excessive repairers.

3. ORGANIZATIONTechnological processCurrent repairs of rolling stock

The organization of the current repairs of rolling stock is one of the most pressing ATP tasks. Easy cars repair and waiting for it are very high, as a result of which up to 25% of the car park is not daily produced on line. Reducing the quality of TP due to its weak organization leads to a decrease in interremary runs and, consequently, to an increase in the volume of TP. In fig. 3.1 shows the scheme of the process of tru cars.

Consequently, the most important task of organizing the repair is to reduce the time of downtime cars in TP and his waiting.

In ensuring the quality of Tr, the establishment of a direct connection between the results of labor and employee wages is played. In addition, the additional condition for the timely execution of the TP is the presence of the ATP stock of the reverse aggregates, nodes and mechanisms, as well as the necessary materials, parts and instruments.

The current car repair is made in one of two methods: aggregate or individual.

For aggregate methodcar repair is made by replacing faulty units with good, previously renovated or new from the revolving fund. Faulty aggregates after repair come to the current fund.

In the event that the malfunction of the unit, node, mechanism or part is more expedient to eliminate directly by car during intersdency time (when there is enough intersdial time to repair the repair), the replacement is usually not produced.


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In addition to the general scheme of the technological process of this type, Tr (on the topic of the project) using the diagnosis or scheme of the technological process of repairing aggregates, assembly units or parts should be prepared by the production management scheme for the designated object using the PC. An exemplary scheme for organizing the production management of this and repair of machines is shown in Figure 3.3.

3.2.2 Development of technological processes of maintenance and repair of machines

In the process of designing technological processes, several options for technical solutions are possible from which one must select one, for example, to apply a specific set of operations or use specific equipment, special or universal devices, tools, operation mode. At the same time, the calculations are proved by the advantage of decisions made, allowing to increase labor productivity, reduce costs, improve product quality and production efficiency as a whole. When used to calculate computer programs, it is recommended to solve the problem solving algorithm.

When developing technological processes, it is necessary to take into account the features of the design of the machine, the conditions for its operation, organizational and industrial, technical, environmental, qualifications and other factors that allow for rational material and labor costs to ensure high-quality and safe work.

Technology of maintenance and repair is a set of methods and techniques to ensure the regulatory level of the technical condition of the machines, their units, assembly units and details.

The fulfillment of all works on both repair is based on technological processes, which represents the production process of the enterprise of technical service.

The source data for the development of technological processes and repair machines are:

    annual production program;

    exposure object (machine, unit, node, detail);

    type of maintenance and repair;

    assembly drawing of the product (object of impact), which should contain all the necessary information for the design of the technological process (projections and cuts, providing fast and complete development of the design; specifications of all parts and components that are part of the product being disassembled; dimensions);

    technical conditions for assembly, adjustment, testing, control and acceptance of the product;

    information about the applied equipment and tool;

    information on the reliability of product details, possible concomitant repairs;

    mass of the product or machine to select lifting vehicles.

The sequence of the technological process is as follows:

    the design of the product (node, unit) is studied;

    a plan of work is drawn up;

    the sequence of operations and transitions is determined;

    set the pace or tact of performance of work;

    the norms of time for each technological operation are determined;

    equipment, performers, devices and tools are selected;

    technological documentation is issued.

3.2.3 Development of technological processes of restoration of aggregates, assembly units and machine parts

Based on the acquaintance with the design of the node, the conditions for its work, the causes of the performance of performance, features and nature of faults, as well as identifying the most wenged parts, indicates the need to perform repair work and ensure the working capacity of the node by replacing parts or restore them.

When describing the device of the node, the unit, their design can be given in the graphic part of the project or RPZ.

Disassembling the node, an aggregate or machine is generally carried out in a certain sequence, which is determined by the design of the product, as well as the program of the enterprise of the technical service and its homogeneity in terms of types and stamps of repaired machines. In this case, disassembly works are provided, and a structural disassembly scheme is compiled.

When developing a disassembly scheme, the task is set to dismember the specified node on the component elements (groups, subgroups) so that

it was possible to disassemble the largest number of these elements, regardless of each other (parallel). Such dismemberment makes it possible when organizing repair work (at enterprises with a given program) to substantiate those or other repair work for specific performers.

The disassembly scheme is built so that the corresponding assembly units are presented in the order in it, in which these elements are possible to be removed when disassembling the node.

Groups, subgroups and parts are depicted in the diagram in the form of rectangles with an indication of the index, name and number of elements (Fig. 3.4). At the same time, for complex nodes, the disassembly of individual assembly units can be represented by a separate scheme. The rectangle depicting the assembly unit can be highlighted for greater clarity, referring to its circuit with a double line (Fig. 3.4, b).

Fig. 3.4. Conditional designations on the disassembly scheme of the object:

a. - details; b. - discerning groups; in - Simultaneous removal of two parts

when disassembling

On the diagram, rectangles characterizing the assembly units are recommended to be placed on the left, and the items on the right along the line. The beginning of the disassembly scheme is the assembly unit, and the end is the basic part.

The structural scheme of disassembling the node along with its sketch is represented on a sheet of graphic part of the project. An example of registration of a technological disassembly scheme is presented in Figure 3.5.

When developing technological processes for repairing machinery and restore parts, the technical characteristics of the product (defects, dimensions, configuration, and accuracy indicators), as well as specific conditions for repair production, first of all, determine the solution of the main tasks of designing process data:

    determining the type of production (single, serial, mass);

    development of basic schemes for details restoration routes;

    selection of basic surfaces, accuracy and reliability assessment;

    identification of defects subject to elimination, determination of admissible, repair, limit values \u200b\u200bof the size of the working surfaces of parts and the development of repair drawings;

    the choice of methods for eliminating defects based on structurally technological characteristics, indicators of the physicomechanical properties of parts and technical and economic indicators of the methods of their recovery;

    development of the technological route of the restoration of the part;

    development of technological operations (rational construction and selection of the structure of technological operations; establishing a rational sequence of transitions in the operation; the choice of technological equipment providing optimal performance subject to ensuring the required quality; calculations of the optimal modes of the main technological operations and the definition of technical norms of time);

    choosing a rational version of the technological process of restoring parts.

The technological process of restoration of the part is usually sets out in the form of route (forms 2 and 1b according to GOST 3.1118) and operating cards (form 3 according to GOST 3.1404). The operating card of technical control is issued in accordance with GOST 3.1502 (forms 2 and 1B). At the same time, operating cards must contain sketch cards issued according to GOST 3.1105 (forms 7 and 7a). The procedure for issuing technological documentation for the restoration of aggregates, assembly units and parts of the machines is described in detail in the second section of the textbook (see paragraphs 2.3.2).

Depending on the scale of the repair production (single, small-sector, serial, mass), the following forms of organization of technological processes of the restoration of parts are distributed:

    subferring technology (the technological process is developed for each defect);

    the route technology (the technological process is developed on a complex of defects of a certain combination arising on the details of this name);

Group technology (the technological process is developed for a group of the same type of details of a certain class, in accordance with the typing of technological processes).

Subferring technology is characterized by the fact that worn items are formed in small batches to eliminate each individual defect. After eliminating the defect, such parties are disintegrating. The acquisition of parts occurs only by name, without taking into account their names and existing defects. At the same time, the launch of large parties and the use of specialized equipment, fixtures and tools becomes irrational. The passage of parts on the workshops and sites is complicated, and the duration of the recovery cycle is significantly increased. This form of the organization applies only to enterprises with minor recovery.

The route technology is characterized by the fact that the part of the parts complied with a certain technological route does not disintegrate during its recovery, and remains from the beginning to the end of the route. During the route technology, the technological process of eliminating a certain combination of defects is being developed.

The route technology has the most efficient (advantageous) sequence of technological operations with the shortest route of the passage of parts on the workshops and sites, since the value increases and the role of the method of restoring parts increases, since the content of the route is determined by the way to restore parts. Since the details have a variety of defects, eliminated in various ways, the combination of defects cannot be covered by one route with one technological process. Obviously, for each combination of defects (each route) requires its technological process. The route number is installed on the defective site. In this case, the number of routes must be minimal.

The change in the number of technological routes of recovery significantly affects the efficiency of production.

A large number of routes makes it difficult to plan production and accounting, complicates technological documentation, and also requires an increase in warehouse premises. Therefore, the use of route technology is suitable with centralized restoration of parts and in large specialized enterprises.

Reducing the number of routes, on the contrary, reduces the time for the recruitment of the production part of the parts, and, therefore, reduces the needs in production areas. However, in this case, the details with various combinations of defects are combined into each technological route, which means that the route includes parts as it were with "non-existent" defects.

When determining the content and number of routes based on the analysis of statistical data on the study of wear and combinations of defects, followed by the following provisions:

Fig. E.5. An example of a technological scheme for disassembling the primary shaft of the gearbox

    the combination of defects in the route with which the details go to the recovery should be natural;

    the number of routes for each repaired part must be minimal (two, three, but not more than five);

    the route must provide the technological relationship of defects by ways to eliminate them;

    the restoration of parts on this route must be economically appropriate.

In the absence of these information, the combination of defects are taken based on the following basic signs of unification of natural combinations of defects in the routes:

    the functional relationship of the surfaces of the part requires the inclusion of defects into the same route, the elimination of which separately does not provide the necessary accuracy of the reduction of the design geometry of individual surfaces of the part (coaxiality, parallelism, perpendicularity);

    in the same route, defects are included in the elimination of one of which automatically (by itself) is eliminated and the other;

    defects near the surfaces of the surfaces, to eliminate which the general technological process can be applied, are also included in the same route;

    it is recommended to combine defects in one route and their combinations, the elimination of which is carried out by the same technology, as well as defects that can be eliminated in various ways, but in general workplaces;

    in the same route, the presence of mutually exclusive defects are not allowed;

    related defects should be included in each route.

The accompanying defect is such a defect, to establish which

no special equipment is required, and it can be easily eliminated in the process of plumbing operations (for example, thread correction, editing, etc.).

In the route technology, wear and the same surface is taken for several defects in case of different wear, different methods of eliminating them can be assigned, for example, the defect "crankshaft neck". In this case, one defect is taken by such a crankshaft neck, in which you can apply the neck to the repairs to the repair size, and the shaft neck is taken during the other, the metal extension is already required (formation, shocking, iron, and the like. ). In this case, defects will be mutually exclusive.

In an explanatory note, the distribution (combination) of defects on routes are represented as a map (Table 3.12).

As an example, in Figure 3.6, a scheme of the technological process of restoring the axis of the support roller during three technological routes is presented. In this case, the details with a combination of defects X 1,2,3, x 1.2 and x 2.3 are excluded due to the high complexity and the high cost of recovery.

Table3.12 - Map of the combination of shaft defects on the routes

Fig. 3.6. Scheme of the technological process of restoring the axis of the support roller at three technological routes

Thus, out of 1000 parts taken to restore, it is economically advisable to restore only 49.5 % or 495 parts, 387 parts will not require recovery, and 118 parts will be directed to scrap metal due to the economic inexpediency of their recovery.

Technological process of car maintenance and repair


1. Technological process of car maintenance and repair

1.1 General Part

1.1.1 Characteristics of the automotive enterprise

1.1.2 Characteristics of the Designed Plot

1.2 Design part

1.2.1 Selection of technological equipment

1.2.2 Technological maps

1.3 Organizational part

1.3.1 Organization of the technological process TO AND REPAIR

1.3.2 Production management scheme with the use of CAPA

1.3.3 Quality management

1.4 Safety and Production Sanitary

1.4.1 General labor protection provisions

1.4.2 Industrial Sanitation and Environmental Protection

1.4.3 Safety and Fire Safety

2. Estimated and technological part

2.1 Original Data for Design

2.2 Bringing the park to the main model

2.3 Selection and adjustment of standards and tr

2.4 Determination of the annual flea of \u200b\u200bthe park

2.5 Calculation of the annual production program for both repair

2.6 Determination of the annual work of the work of the projected section

2.7 Determination of the number of production workplaces

2.8 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe projected area (zone)

3. Economic part

3.1 Wage Fund

3.2 wages and deductions taxes

3.3 Calculation of the cost of execution of work in the department





The role of road transport is quite large in the national economy and in Armed Forces. The car serves to quickly move goods and passengers on various types of roads and terrain. Automobile transport plays a crucial role in all sides of the country's life. Without a car, it is impossible to submit a single industrial enterprise, a state institution, a construction organization, a commercial company, enterprises of agriculture, military unit. A significant amount of cargo and passenger traffic is accounted for by this transport. The passenger car wide entered the life of the workers of our country, became a means of movement, recreation, tourism and work.

To ensure the operability of the car during the entire period of operation, it is necessary to periodically maintain its technical condition by the technical impact complex, which, depending on the appointment and nature, can be divided into two groups: impacts aimed at maintaining aggregates, mechanisms and vendors of the car in a working condition for the largest period of operation; Impacts aimed at restoring the lost performance of aggregates, mechanisms and vendors of the car.

In our country, a planning and preventive system of maintenance and repair of cars has been adopted. The essence of this system is that maintenance is a preventive event, carried out forcibly, according to plan, and repair - for the need, i.e. After detecting a defect or malfunction.

The provision provides for two types of car repair and its units: current repairs (TR), performed in motor transport enterprises, and icy repairs (CR), performed on specialized enterprises.

A rolling stock with faulty components, the state of which does not meet the established security requirements or causes increased wear of parts, should not continue the transportation or to be produced on line.

The working state of rolling stock is provided by the production and technical service, which is responsible for the timely and qualitative implementation of maintenance and repair in compliance with the established standards, the effective organization of labor repair and maintenance personnel, compliance with the regulatory and technical documentation for maintenance and repair.

The nomenclature of professions of personnel providing good condition of rolling stock includes workers of various specialties, technicians and engineers.

The techniques carry out control of the technical condition of rolling stock, the management and control of the work of production sites, carry out the current production and technical accounting, analysis and planning of work on both repair and repair, introduce progressive forms and methods of organization, technology and production mechanization, and also carry out control over the observance of technology. security.

A planning and warning system for the maintenance and repair of vehicles is essential to solve the problem of maintenance of the technical condition of the car, which is based on the "Regulations on the maintenance and repair of the rolling stock of automobile transport" and regulates the modes and other standards for the maintenance of the car in good condition.

Important elements of solving the problems of controlling the technical condition of vehicles are the improvement of technological processes of production and repair of cars, including technological techniques, equipment of posts and workplaces and the scientific organization of labor (notes), as well as widespread use of mechanization and automation tools.

The most important task of the technical operation of cars is to improve the methods of designing a technical base: ATP, garages and maintenance stations that ensure the implementation of the above-mentioned requirements for the maintenance of car park. Thus, to ensure the high technical readiness of the rolling stock of ATP, there is a need to design the flow lines that and tr with the aim of upgrading them, by adjusting the source data of the standards for both repair, the calculation of annual and replacement programs, on, determining the complexity and calculation of the number of workers on the facility Design, choosing the method of organizing the production and method of organizing the technological process.

Nowadays, modern motor transport enterprises need a solid mechanization of repair areas, lines, sites. The state of the organization TO AND TR in modern conditions is low in low mechanization. This leads to a decrease in labor productivity and increase labor consideration. At the same time, the role and importance of road transport in the transport system continuously increases. The basic requirement is to provide a high technical level and high economic efficiency of the designed enterprise, buildings and structures by using the latest achievements of science and technology, so that the projected and reconstructed enterprises to the time of their commissioning were technically advanced and had high performance performance and Working conditions, level of mechanization in industrial activity, cost of production, as well as on the efficiency of capital investment.

The construction of new road enterprises is carried out, as a rule, according to standard projects intended for multiple use in similar conditions, i.e. typical of this class of enterprises. Such projects are based on the use of standard typical parts, structures and materials produced in the mass number of enterprises of the construction industry. Typical design has a certain meaning and in terms of the operation of enterprises, provided that the project included the most progressive production methods, technological processes, the composition and size of industrial premises, the latest samples of technological equipment, etc. were substantiated.

The goals and objectives of the graduation project are to summarize the result on trained in this educational institution, disciplines; show your knowledge and skills on the design of road transport enterprises and the independent solution of production and technical issues; At the cost of maintenance and current repairs obtained during the training and consolidation of knowledge to use regulatory and reference literature.

maintenance repair car

1. Technological process of car maintenance and repair

1.1 General Part

1.1.1 Characteristics of the automotive enterprise

Automotive enterprise One hundred "special" Diagnosis of the technical condition of the car is intended for cargo transportation and other services to the population of the city of Angarsk and nearby settlements. Legal address: Angarsk ul. Karl Marx 87. Also, the vehicle enterprise carries out storage, then car repair. This company is also engaged in replenishing the park with new cars, technological equipment, spare parts and materials. The basis of the structure of the enterprise is three subsystems of production: the main, auxiliary serving. The main production performs work on the EO; TO-1; TO-2; Tr.

The mobile composition of the motor transport company STR "Spets" is operated on roads 1, 2 and partially 3 categories.

The roads of the 1st and 2nd category have a capital base and an improved coating (asphalt or cement concrete), which provide movement of wheeled vehicles with axial loads. Not exceeding 10 tons

The roads of the 3rd category have a lightweight improved coating (tarbeton, bitumenineral mixtures) which is also designed for moving vehicles with axial load, not exceeding 10 tons, but with less intensity.

The rolling service of road transport is 48 units, including:

Table 1.

Condition of a fleet

Indicator Mark Avt.


owns. weight

number of cars





The age composition of the automotive park is distributed as follows:

Table 2.

Automotive Park Structure for Machine Operations


Under the conditions of operation, a hundred "special" districts of cold, and moderately cold climates with a flow temperature of Celsius from - 40 0 \u200b\u200bto +35 0, humidity up to 95%.

Table 3.

The dependence of the frequency is from the operating conditions

1.1.2 Characteristics of the Designed Plot

Department (workshop) for maintenance and repair of engines is designed for operations of washing instruments and components of mechanisms and engine systems, disassembly, detail defecting, with subsequent disposal, repair, repair or assembly, configuration of nodes, assemblies, adjustment and running. The technological cycle of repair of the lubrication systems consists of: external cleaning from dirt, disassembly, washing, control and sorting parts, replacing the folded parts to new or restored after laminating and mechanical processing, assembly of the node and unit, adjustment and verification for compliance with the requirements of specifications on repairs. The renovated device or node is installed on the engine.

Currently, some equipment of the department (workshop) has developed the established resource and failed, which creates inconvenience and high time for repairs. The workshop does not have sufficient natural lighting, and artificial lighting does not provide normal illumination of jobs. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room meets the requirements, but the placement of the equipment is not rationally and does not fully provide the technical conditions for the work for various models of cars.

1.2 Design part

1.2.1 Selection of technological equipment

The main technological equipment is selected by the tables of technological equipment, reference books and catalogs, as well as on the catalog of non-standard equipment.

The engine compartment is equipped with the following equipment:

Table 11.


Type or model


Overall dimensions, mm)

Total root m 2

1. Installation for grinding valves

560x440; 34 kW

2. Tripping stand

750x800; 21 kW

3. Trolley

4. Fireproof shield

5. Vistak 2-Tumb

6. Vistak 1-Tumb

7. Washing installation

1140x690; 3.1 kW

8. Trolley with a set of tools

9. Stand for disassembly and assembly of the engine

10. Rack for storing parts

11. Griming and grinding machine

513x670; 2.1 kW

12. Drilling machine

500x280; 0.6 kW

Mechanical, 10T.

15. Suspension crane

450x260; 1T, 3.6 kW

1.2.2 Technological maps

For the most rational organization of work, the repair and diagnosis of cars, its aggregates and systems are made up various technological maps. Based on these technological maps, the volume of work on technical influences is determined, and the work (operations) between the performers is distributed.

Any technological map is a guidance instruction for each performer and, moreover, serves as a document for technical control of service or repair.

Technological maps to perform work in the engine compartment:

Table 12.

Technological map of assembly-disassembly of the filter of centrifugal oil purification of LIAZ-5256

The name of the operation


Place of performance

Equipment and tools

Rate of time

Unscrew the fastening nut on the axis.


Motor compartment

Wrench wrench 13 mm

Wrench wrench 13 mm

Fix the rotor with the fingers of the papers.

Clamp the filter body in vice

Replete cap fastening

Wrench wrench 22 mm

Remove the cap, mesh filter and insert

Clear the cap and the strainer

Remove the rotor mount nut on the axis

Wrench wrench 22 mm

Remove the stubborn washer, guide glass and rotor assembly

Remove from the centrifuge housing stopper plugging valve

Wrench wrench 27 mm

Extract spring and valve

Product details, clean the rotor

Install valve in body

Combine the risk based on the rotor with the protruding label on the outer part of the cap to ensure the rotor balancing (there is no inclusion of labels no more than 5 mm)

Wrap the plugs of valves

Wrench wrench 27 mm

Install a rotor with support bearings and a flat wan

Set the cap

Wrap the Rotor Hap Fastening Nut

Wrench wrench 22 mm

The moment of tightening the nuts of the rotor cap and the outer cap is not more than 30 minutes

Install casing

Wrench wrench 13 mm

Before installing the outer cap, check the correctness of the assembly of the centrifuge by ease of rotation of the rotor, for which it is necessary to press the plate of the rotor locking device and rotate the rotor on the axis it should rotate easily, without jail

Table 13.

Technological map of assembly-disassembly of the oil pump engine LIAZ-5256

The name of the operation


Place of performance

Equipment and tools

Rate of time

Technical Conditions and Notes

Unscrew the oil pump drive fastening nut


Motor compartment

Wrench wrench 27 mm

Unscrew the plug in the housing and fix the rotor from turning

Laptop puller

Segment key should not have damage

Remove the casing fastening bolts of the radiator section

Wrench wrench 13 mm

Remove the housing

Remove the driven gear from the case with the axis

Remove from the case the driven gear with the axis

Wrench wrench 24 mm

Remove valves with springs and washers

Valve springs should not have damage

Remove the plug from the pumping section

Wrench wrench 24 mm

Extract Safety Valve Section

Remove the roller assembly with leading gears, steel spacer and driven gear

Remove the tubing tubes of the bulk section

Product details. Clear oil canals

Wrap the tubes of oil canals

Special hex key

Install in the body of the pumping section The driven gear, steel space, roller with leading gears

Gears sections should not have damage

Install the injection unit safety valve

Wrap a valve tube

Wrench wrench 24 mm

Install the safety valve and the lubricant valve with springs into the housing of the radiator section

Wrap the plugs of valves

Wrench wrench 24 mm

Install the driven gear in the case with the axis

Install the radiator section housing

Wrap the fastening bolts section

Torch key 13 mm

1.3 Organizational part

1.3.1 Organization of the technological process TO AND REPAIR

The choice of the method of organizing the technological process TO AND TR is based on the calculation of the replacement program of the corresponding type of influence. On the organization of NIIA, maintenance is advisable to organize a stream method, if a replaceable program is more than 5-6 maintenance, and otherwise the method of universal or specialized posts is made.

The organization of the technological process of maintenance and current car repair is performed according to the scheme: when returning from line, the car passes through a control and technical center (CTP), where the duty mechanic conducts a visual inspection of the car (road trip) and, if necessary, makes an application for tr. The car is then subjected to daily maintenance (EE) and, depending on the plan-schedule of preventive work, enters posts of general or element diagnostics (D-1 or D-2) through the maintenance zone of maintenance and current repairs or car storage area.

That (TR) begins with monitoring and diagnostic work, allowing to determine the technical condition of the car and the list of necessary adjustment work. Evaluation Parameters: Power and fuel consumption of the engine, the efficiency of the transmission and chassis aggregates, the braking path of the car and the noise level in the mechanisms.

Mandatory work includes fasteners. When assessing the status of the fastening connection, its restoration and determination of the periodicity of the maintenance takes into account the purpose and working conditions.

Repair and adjustment work are carried out by the need for specialized sites or during the diagnostics.

Electrical work (about 11% of total work) are carried out to eliminate the ignition system and current sources (AKB, generator and relay controller).

Lubricating work at the same car reaches 30% of labor costs. The main technological document is the lubrication card.

Table 14.

1.3.2 Production management scheme with the use of CAPA

Currently, on most ATP, operational management is carried out from one center, one official. At the head of the production management department in the PC system, the head of the production is undergoing two groups, as well as masters, bosses, brigadiers of production sites. The main task of the processing and analysis team is systematization, processing and analysis and storage of information on the activities of all subdivisions of the technical service.

The chief engineer of ATP carries out management of production not only through the head of production, but also through directly subordinate chiefs (the head of the garage, the supply department, the technical department, the OGM department).

Operational management of work on service and car repair posts is carried out by the dispatcher. The dispatcher is entrusted to the organization of work on posts for the minimum time, the preparation of the car to the release, the effective use of the production base. The dispatcher is obeyed by all working on posts, and in the absence of the head of the production, it is subject to the whole team of the primary document for the report and information support of the processes of the current repairs of rolling stock in ATP is Repair leaf. In the event of a road failure (when the car refuses the line and does not have the opportunity to return to ATP, as a result, it is necessary to call technical assistance for its tow), linear failure, when the transport process is interrupted and the car returns to ATP, or in the case when the driver reveals the onset of the pre-size state of any unit or system in the process of work on the line, the car is finalized and returns to ATP, where the KTP mechanic with the participation of the driver is drawn up Repair leaf on the execution of tr. It is entered into it: the car's garage number, ciffers of the model and body type, mileage from the beginning of operation, are affixed by the date and time of design and the external manifestations of faults are described. Then the driver drives out the car into the zone

UMR, where he takes part in a thorough car wash of the aggregates of the chassis and the transmission of the car from below, after which it delivers a car into the repair zone of repair (ZOR). The duty room examines the car, checks the quality of the washing, completeness (the presence of mirrors, sweathers, etc.) and puts in the repair sheet in a special column stamp zor - "the car is washed away, complete, adopted," its cipher and signature. After that, the car is considered accepted and for its safety is responsible for ITS ATP, and the distillation to the TP zone and from the site to the site carry out drivers-distiller of the production preparation complex. The driver transmits the repair sheet with the zor stamp to the Ow PCP, where the technician operator checks the correctness of its design and transmits the dispatcher of production to make a decision.

The dispatcher studies the information contained in the repair sheet, and accepts one of the following alternative solutions. If the external manifestations described in the repair sheet are unambiguous, i.e. Each of them corresponds to one possible malfunction and a certain repair and adjustment operation (ROS), the Oo PC Manager:

· Provides guidance on the technical preparation of production;

· Plans to pass the vehicle on specialized posts and sections of the TP complex in the operational replacement plan of the PC;

· Gives an indication to the driver-distiller deliver a car to the work post;

· Bringing through means of communication to performers from a specialized team TP Task for performing the necessary repair and adjustment operations

Operational and production management is carried out - and TP

car staff of the department of operational management TCU ATP.

According to the established algorithm, the technician-operator Oo ZUP receives a completed repair sheet with external manifestations of malfunctions, checks the correctness and encryption of the original data on the car and, if necessary, contributes to supplements and corrections.

Table 8.

Structural scheme of the algorithm for the formation of dispatching and technological characteristics of the requirement.

Production Management Scheme with PCAP

1.3.3 Quality management

The assembled nodes and instruments of the mechanisms and engine systems are running and testing on the stands. In the process of running, the involvement of the conjugate surfaces of parts collected with the gap occurs. Duration and test modes are set by the technical conditions on the vehicle of the vehicle. Some nodes and parts before assembly are subjected to dynamic and statistical balancing. Special attention in the assembly is paid to the mutual location of the parts, which is controlled by the appropriate tools, devices and fixtures. In the mechanisms and systems of the engine are not allowed, knocks, elevated noise and heating, oil leaving.

For an objective assessment of the quality of repair of aggregates, appliances are used, with the help of which determine the loss of friction power, vibration, noise, heating, the total angular gap of gears and other parameters. The total angular gap on the output shafts is set by an indicator or hydraulic device. By changing the total angular gap, judges the quality of the repair of the unit and the residual resource. Tests allow you to establish the quality of repair and assembly of aggregates, compliance with the parameters of specifications, as well as readiness for working conditions.

Regulatory quality indicators are set, and actually obtained - detected and compared with the normative.

Timely documented accounting of the facts and the reasons for the performance of the performance and serviceability of cars, as well as the implementation of repair operations and then includes: fixing the names of operations, performer of work, the name of the repaired unit or the vehicle, the type of service or repair; Systematized accumulation of these data in special cards of the technical condition of the car. This allows for each repair operation to determine the specific culprit in the appearance of a failure (malfunction).

Quality management scheme TO and TP on ATP

1.4 Safety and Production Sanitary

1.4.1 General labor protection provisions

Occupational Safety and Health.An activities that meet the requirements for labor protection, production sanitation, safety and environmental protection and environmental protection and environmental safety requirements must be carried out on a motor transportation.

Under labor protection, the system of legislation and the corresponding activities aimed at preserving the health and working capacity of workers are understood. The system of organizational technical measures and funds preventing production injuries is called safety.

All employees independently of production experience and qualifications when entering work must undergo primary instructions, then briefing in the workplace, also 1 time in 6 months pass on the re-briefing, and persons performing the work of increased danger (volcanoes, welders, etc.) - 1 Once every 3 months. When repeated briefing, disassembled disassembled in detail. Each instruction is registered in the log.

The primary briefing in the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work: with all the employees newly adopted in the organization, including employees who work under the Terms of Employment, concluded for up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in the free time from the main work. ), as well as at home (obscons) using materials, tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or purchased at their own expense; with employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit or employees who are entrusted with the fulfillment of the new work for them; With commoded employees of third-party organizations, educational institutions of the relevant levels of production practices (practical classes), and other persons participating in the organization's production activities.

The primary instruction in the workplace is conducted by the direct head of the programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, labor protection instructions, technical and operational documentation.

Repeated instruction pass all employees of the organization regardless of their qualifications, experience and education, with the exception of persons liberated from the primary briefing.

Instructing is carried out at least once every six months on programs designed for the primary briefing in the workplace.

An unscheduled instruction is carried out:

with the introduction of new or change in legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as labor protection instructions;

when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting the safety of labor;

in violation by workers, labor protection claims, if these violations created a real threat to the onset of serious consequences (accident at the production, accident, etc.);

at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;

during a break in work (for work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other works - more than two months);

by decision of the employer (or the person authorized).

Target briefing is carried out when performing one-time work, when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work, the outfit, permission or other special documents, as well as during the organization of mass events.

All types of briefings, except for the introductory, conducts an immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of work (master, foreman, teacher, and so on), which has passed in the prescribed manner labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection claims.

Instructing for labor protection includes familiarization of workers with existing and harmful production factors, the study of labor protection requirements contained in local regulatory acts of the organization, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of secure methods and techniques for performing work.

Instructing for labor protection is completed by the verdict of the knowledge acquired by an employee and the skills of safe techniques of work by a person who conducted instructing.

1.4.2 Industrial Sanitation and Environmental Protection

All workshops, plots, units on ATP are equipped with a supply-exhaust ventilation with heating (CH and claim 2.04.05-86). Ventilation systems should always be in good condition and placed separately from other rooms.

Optimal meteorological conditions For the working area of \u200b\u200bthe premises (space to place, above the floor or platform, where there are places of permanent stay of the workers), taking into account the inspection, the severity of the work and periods of the year should be in accordance with CH 245-71 and GOST 12.1.005-76.

Lighting.Production lighting, depending on the source of the lighting, is divided into 3 types, and according to the functional purpose of 5 types. Depending on the light source: artificial, natural, and combined. Depending on the purpose: working; emergency; evacuation; Security and duty.

Norms provide for the use of gas-discharge light sources. Use incandescent lamps only in cases of impossibility or technical and economic inappropriateness of the use of gas-discharge sources of light.

Production noise, ultrasound and vibration.Sources of noise on ATP: Engines of various species, machines, compressors, ventilation systems and so on. Ultrasound emitting installations for cleaning and washing parts, mechanical processing of fragile and solid materials. All of these sources have a negative effect on the body and the health of workers to combat noise, ultrasound and vibration use various solutions:

plan a special building of the buildings, apply opposite materials;

rationally place workers in places and movement of road transport on ATP and so on.

Events on environmental protection, reducing the harmful effects of motor vehicles on the environment.Automobile transport, in addition to performing a huge role in the modern world causes

many negative processes, consequences. With the spent gases into the atmosphere, tons of harmful substances are thrown into the atmosphere, which adversely affect people's health, soil pollution, plant and animal world poisoned.

Wastewater, oil and waste production should go for sorting and subjected to further recycling. For this, the ATP uses: dirt-resistant, oil-benzoids, as well as various treatment facilities.

In the garage of the projected enterprise to reduce the harmful influence of rolling stock on the environment, it is proposed to introduce the following events:

timely and high-quality adjustment of the power supply systems and exhaust exhaust gas through the introduction of additional diagnostic equipment;

mix waste fluids, oils, acids in special containers for subsequent disposal of their disposal at special factories.

development of sewage treatment plants at the sink of cars, giving a high degree of water purification, which will allow you to quickly on the sink;

make gardening of the territory of the enterprise.

1.4.3 Safety and Fire Safety

Requirements for technological processes and equipment.Equipment, tools and fixtures should be required to meet the safety requirements and measurement control of GOST 12.2.003-74 and GOST 12.2.027-80.

The equipment is installed on the foundations and fasten the bolts. Dangerous places are fencing. All control panels ground and zero. Start of new equipment is carried out only after receiving it by the Commission with the participation of workers of the labor protection service.

Organization of the workshop of the car repairing the car.A certain part of the production area designed to perform certain work and equipped with the corresponding tool, equipment, fixtures and materials is a workshop workshop for car repair.

Merchant workbench - the main type of equipment of the workshop of the locksmith to perform manual works. The workbench should be stable and durable. Only the items needed to perform this task should be on the workbench. Objects that the worker uses most often, put closer, and which less often - on. All items that have to take two hands are put right in front of them.

If possible, accomplish the placement of objects requiring the work when performing the work of turns, and especially the bending of the body, as well as shifting items from one hand to another.

Facilities, materials and finished parts are located in special boxes located on the places allotted for them. Measuring instruments are stored in special cases. Cutting tools (files, taps, drills, etc.) Store on wooden stands (tablets).

After the end of work, the tools and fixtures used are cleaned from dirt, oil and wipe. The surface of the workbench is cleaned with a brush from chips and garbage.

All the work provided for by the maintenance or related car is allowed to be performed only on specially equipped posts, while the car must be securely inhibited, the engine is necessarily turned off and the sign "The engine is not allowed - people work". A worker carrying out the maintenance of the car at the post should strictly comply with security requirements:

Lifting equipment must be in good condition and used only in their direct intended purpose. Persons who have passed the appropriate training and instructions are allowed to work with this equipment. When climbing and transporting large, heavy units and parts, it is impossible to be under them. It is forbidden to shoot, install and transport aggregates and large parts with a cable or rope without special grips. You can not collect and disassemble the aggregates and nodes suspended on the lifting mechanisms. Stands for dissemination and assembly work must be comfortable.

During operation, you should not leave the tools on the edge of the inspection ditch, on the steps, on the wings or the hood of the car. When assembly works, it is forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes in the details connected by the details: for this it is necessary to use special lomiki, beards or mounting hooks.

During disassembly and assembly of nodes and aggregates, special pullers and keys should be applied. Tighting the mounting nuts, you need to use a good tool. It is forbidden to reject and clean the nuts, the keys of large sizes and the lining of metal plates between the edges of the nut and the key, the lengthening of the key handle by attaching another key or pipe.

Tests of brake systems of the car must be carried out on a stand or special area outdoors, ensuring the safety of people and cars in the event of a brake malfunction.

Removal and installation of spring, shock absorbers, springs should be carried out after unloading them from the mass of the car after the installation of kids. Repair or replacement of the lifting mechanism of the cargo platform car dump truck must be carried out after installation under the additional stop platform. Pressing bushings, bearings, withdrawing other details requiring appropriate efforts, should be made using presses or special pullers.

The danger of electric current damage occurs when using faulty manual electrified tools, when contacting electrical wiring or randomly produced by metal structures. Working with any electrified tool when operating voltage Over 42V, it is possible only in rubber gloves and canos, or standing on an insulated surface, and you can only work with tools that have a protective ground. You can not keep an electrified tool, one hand per wire. In the premises without increased danger, you can use portable lamps with a voltage to 42 V, and in particularly dangerous rooms (raw, with conductive floors) not more than 12 V.

In all production premises, the following must be performed. firefire events:

smoking only in specially designated places; do not use open fire; Store fuel and kerosene in quantities that do not exceed the replaceable need;

do not store the generating container from under fuel and lubricants;

carry out thorough cleaning at the end of each shift;

spilled fuel and oil clean with sand;

undoral materials used should be folded into metal boxes with covers and at the end of the shift to make a place specifically for this.

It is necessary to stew fires with foam or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers or a jet of sprayed water. If it is impossible to extinguish with water, the burning surface falls asleep with sand, or are covered with special asbestos blankets.

2. Estimated and technological part

2.1 Original Data for Design

For the convenience of making calculations in this part of the graduation project, it is necessary to make a table "Technical characteristic of a car"

Table 4.

Mileage cars.

Car model

The number of cars that have mileage from the beginning of operation to overhaul in%

Total cars


D R RP. Days

Up to 0.25 l kr

O.25.0.5 L KR

0.05-0.75 L kr

Not passed kr

Past kr

LIAZ-5256 KAMAZ-5320 GAZ-5312 TOTAL:

Rules run to kr for liaz cars \u003d 380,000 km

Middle daily mileage of one car \u003d 300km.

The average annual mileage of one car \u003d 75 300km.

The mode of operation of the enterprise from 8 00 to 17 00 b.5 days a week.

Number of days of work per year \u003d 251

Duration of the working day for drivers \u003d 8.5 hours

2.2 Bringing the park to the main model

For the convenience of calculations, we give the park to the main model, for example, Liaz-5256.

Bringing is carried out by type of impact (EO, T-1, TO-2 or TR - depending on the topic of the project) using the core coefficient. The entity of bringing a group of cars to the main model is to determine the coefficient of bringing the model of cars to the main, adopted for the calculation, i.e.

To pr \u003d.t. etcL./ (t. L. etc),

where t pr, t - the calculated complexity of the unit then (TO-1, TO-2), respectively, and the main model, the person; L, L PR - the estimated periodicity of this species, respectively, for the main and driven models, km.

Estimated laboriousness and frequency is determined by adjustment coefficients.

Number of cars

Ave \u003d a and. To Pr.

where A and -list number of cars .

Then To eofor cars KAMAZ = t. etcL./ (t. L. etc)

\u003d 0.64х300 / 1.76х300 \u003d 0.36,and for gas \u003d 0.5x300 / 1.76x300 \u003d 0.28;

TO-TO-1for cars KAMAZ = t. etcL./ (t. 1 L. etc) \u003d 1.9x4000 / 7.5x3000 \u003d 0.34, And for gas \u003d 2.0x4000 / 7.5x3000 \u003d 0.8;

TO-2for cars KAMAZ = t. etcL./ (t. 2 L. etc) \u003d 9,08х16000 / 31,5х12000

= 0,39, and for cars gas \u003d 12.0х16000 / 31,5х12000 \u003d 0.51.

When performing projects for current repairs (zone Tr, Rem. Office, etc.), the coefficient of reconnaissance is calculated by the formula:

K OD \u003d T TRPR / T Tr,

where T TRPR, T Tr - the estimated labor intensity of tr per 1000 km, respectively, for the main and driven model, Che-h,

then Kd Tr.for cars KAMAZ = 4,2/6,8=0,62, and for cars GAS = 3,5/6,8=0,51.

2.3 Selection and adjustment of standards and tr

For the convenience of drawing up the schedule, the repair and subsequent calculations, the values \u200b\u200bof mileage between individual types and repair must be adjusted with the average daily mileage. The frequency of the EO (L EO) is usually equal to the average daily mileage (L CC). The frequency of TO-1 (L 1) and TO-2 (L 2) is established for the 1st kue, therefore, during the operation of rolling stock in Que, in conditions of cold and moderately cold climates, it is necessary to adjust the periodicity of TO-1 and 2 for these conditions. The adjustment is the selection of numerical values \u200b\u200bof the frequency of the run in kilometers for each type of repair, multiple between themselves and the average daily mile and close to the set standards.

Adjusted frequency can be as follows:

L eo \u003d l cc \u003d 300 km;

L 1 \u003d 4000 x to 1 x to 3 \u003d 4000 x 0.8 x 0.9 \u003d 2880 km;

L 2 \u003d 16000 x to 3 x to 4 \u003d 16000 x 0.8 x 1 \u003d 12800 km;

Since with this periodicity and the average daily run, the data of the frequency is not painted between themselves, then they must be adjusted by the average daily mileage. For TO-1 will be 2880/300 \u003d 9.6 \u003d 10, then the adjusted frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 will be:

L 1 \u003d 3000 km;

L 2 \u003d 12900 km.

For example, the interremary mileage of the LIAZ car operated in the I category of operating conditions, taking into account the increase in the durability of the car is 380,000 km. The rate of mileage for the II category is reduced by 20% and will be 304,000 km.

Table 5.

Settlement periodicity

Car model

View, cr




Selection and adjustment of regulatory capacity.The complexity of one cleaning and washing effect is equal to:

t eo \u003d t norms o k 2 k 5 k m people

where t norms of the EO is the regulatory complexity of one harvesting effect, the person (1.76);

K 2 - the coefficient of adjustment of standards depending on the modification of the rolling stock and the organization of its work (1,2)

K 5 is the coefficient of adjustment of labor intensity, then depending on the amount of technologically compatible groups of rolling stock. (one)

K M of the person-hour - the coefficient of mechanization that reduces the complexity of EO \u003d

- (with M + C O) / 100,

where with M -% of labor intensity due to the use of the washer is taken in 50%;

C O -% reduction in labor intensity by replacing the versatile work by blowing air, 15% is adopted;

K M Chen hour \u003d 100 - (50 + 15): 100 \u003d 0.35;

t EO \u003d .0, 35 \u003d 0.74 people.

The laboriousness of TO-1 is:

t TO-1 \u003d T NORM TO-1 K 2 K 5, where T NORM TO-1 is a one-time regulatory complexity of one thing, the person (7.5);

K 2 - the coefficient of adjustment of standards, depending on the modification of the rolling stock and the organization of its work (1,2);

t TO-1 \u003d 7.5 .1, 2.1 \u003d 9 people.

The complexity of TO-2 is:

t TO-2 \u003d T NORM TO-2 K 2 K 5, where T NOR TO-2 is a one-time regulatory complexity of one thing, Che-h (15);

K 2 is the correction ratio of standards, depending on the MO-rotation of the rolling stock and the organization of its operation (1.2);

K 5 - the coefficient of adjustment of labor intensity, then, depending on the amount of technologically compatible groups of rolling stock (1);

t TO-2 \u003d 31,5.1,2.1 \u003d 37.8 people.

Work intensity from:

t CO \u003d T TO-2. N / 100,

where n - percentage of CO depending on climatic conditions (30% is accepted for areas with a cold climate).

t CO \u003d 37,8.30: 100 \u003d 37,8.0.3 \u003d 11.34 people.

Work intensity of general and elementary diagnostics:the adjusted labor intensity of TO-1 and TO-2 is multiplied by the appropriate share of work on D-1 and D-2, T D-1 \u003d T TO-1.

C d - 1/100 people. - h,

where with D-1-% of the diagnostic work performed during the conduct of TO-1 (10%);

t d - 1 \u003d 9.0.1 \u003d 0.9 people. - h.

t d-2 \u003d T TO-2. C d - 1/100 people. - h,

where with D-2-% of the diagnostic work performed during the implementation of TO-2 (10%);

t d - 2 \u003d 37.8 .0, 1 \u003d 3.78 people. - h.

Table 6.

Estimated labor intensity

Car model

Labor intensity



Selection and adjustment of the regulatory complexity of the current repairs.The specific regulatory corrected complexity of the current repairs is determined by the formula:

t Tr \u003d T norms tr k 1 k 2 k 3 K 4cp k 5

where T norms Tr - the regulatory specific labor intensity of TR, people. - h / 1000 km. (6.8);

K 4SR - the coefficient of adjustment of the standards of the specific labor intensity of TR \u003d 0.7;

t tr \u003d 6,8,0,8.12,2,7.0,7.1 \u003d 3.66;

Table 7.

Estimated laboriousness Tr.

Car model

Labor intensity



2.4 Determination of the annual flea of \u200b\u200bthe park

Annual park mileage is calculated by the formula:

L.r \u003d.A.anda.T.I.sS DRG,

L. G. = A.and.a. T. . DRG. To e \u003d 48 .0, 89.300 .3 05.0.96. \u003d 37 52524.8 km

where A.and -number of car served, pC;

a.T -the coefficient of technical readiness of the park;

I.sS -average daily mileage of one car, km;

DRG -number of days of car work in the year , days;

To e -coefficient taking into account the downtime of rolling stock by

operational reasons, K \u003d;

Determine the coefficient of technical readiness for the "cycle", i.e. time


aT1.= D EC / D ETS + D Rem. c, = 0,89

where D EC -number of days of operation of the car for the "cycle", dN;

Dm. c, -the number of days of the downtime of the car in Tr and kr for the "cycle" dN.

The number of days of downtime of the car in repairs for "cycle":

Dm. C \u003d D cr +d. TO AND TRL. Kr/ 1000 K 4 \u003d 12 + 0.3 .3 04000 / 1000.0 7 \u003d 130.3 days.

where D kr -the number of days of the downtime of the car in the Kyrgyz Republic, dN (12).

d. And Tr, - the number of days of the downtime of the car in TIR, dN. / 1000 km (0.3);

To 4 -dost coefficient at that and repair, taking into account mileage

car from the beginning of operation (0.7);

L. kr -mileage car to kr , km (304000).

The number of days of operation of the car for the "cycle":

D ETS= L. Cr: I.cC \u003d 304000/300 \u003d 1013,33 days \u003d 1013 days

2.5 Calculation of the annual production program for both repair

Annual production program for both repair in numerical terms. To calculate, it is necessary to know which planned technical impacts are organized at the enterprise (KR, EO, T-1, T-2, with auto

bile). To calculate the annual program, it is necessary to know the annual mileage and the frequency of planned technical influences. Periodicity also takes on 1 categories of operating conditions and are adjusted taking into account the specified operating conditions.

Number of cr:N kr \u003d L G. / L C r

L C R KR - the average suspended mileage to the cr;

L c r kr \u003d l kr (1 - 0.2. And kr / ass),

where L kr is the corrected mileage value to the Kyrgyz Republic (304000);

And the COP - the number of cars on ATP (48);

And the CR - the number of cars pasted by the Kyrgyz Republic is taken 15% of the CC, \u003d 3.2 \u003d 3;

N. kr = L. G. / L C. R kr= 37 52524,8 /296250 = 12,67 = 13

Annual production program for TO-2, TO-1, EO, CO:

N. G. TO-2 = L. G: L. N. TO-2= 37 52524,8/12900=290,89=291

N. G. TO-1. = L. G: L. N. TO-1.= 37 52524,8 /3000= 1250,84=1551

N. G. EO = L. G: L. N. EO= 37 52524,8 /300=12508,42=12508

N. G. SO= 2 A and \u003d 2.48 \u003d 96;

Taking into account the allocation into an independent type of work, D-2.1 annual program for D-2.1 will be:

N. G. D 2= 1,2. N. TO-2= 1,2.79 =94,8=95;

N. G. D-1= 1,1. N. TO-1.= 1,1.1251 =1376,1 =1376.

For calculation of annual workloads It is necessary to know the annual program and specific labor intensity. Specific laboriousness is accepted by the 1st category and are adjusted taking into account the specified opera conditions.

Laboriousness of the EO: T G. EO= N. G. EO. t N. EO = 12508 .1 ,76 =22014,08 person. h;

Labor intensity TO-1: T. G. TO-1. \u003d T N. TO-1. . N. G. TO-1.+ T SPR (1) \u003d 7,5.1251 + 1688,85 \u003d 11071.35 people. h;

T SPR (1) -the complexity of concomitant repairs during carrying out -1;

T SPR (1) \u003d C TR. T TO-1. N. G. TO-1.= 0,15 .9 .1251 = 1688.85 people. C.

Labor intensity TO-2: T G. TO-2\u003d T N. TO-2N. G. TO-2+ T SPR (2) = 31.5.2910 + 21999.6 \u003d 113664.6 people. h;

where t. N. TO-2 - regulatory specific labor TO-2, sch;

T SPR (2) -labor-intensiveness of concomitant repair when conducting TO-2;

T SPR (2) \u003d C TR. t. TO-2. N. G. TO-2= 0,2.3 7,8 .2 910 = 21999.6 people. C.

Source of seasonal service (CO):

T S. = t. SON. G. SO= 11.34 .9 6 \u003d 1088.64 people. C.

The complexity of the general diagnosis of D-1:

T D-1 \u003dt. D-1N. G. D-1= 0.9.1376 \u003d 1238, people h;

The complexity of in-depth diagnostics D-2:

T d-2 \u003dt. D 2N. G. D 2= 3,78.95 \u003d 359.1 people. C.

Annual labor intensity of all kinds of:

ΣT= T g EO + T G TO-1 + T G TO-2 + T G CO + T D-1 + T D-2 \u003d22014,08 +11071,35+ 113664,6 + 1088,64+ 1238+ 359,1 \u003d 149435.77 people. h.

Annual manufacturing program for Tr . Annual work on current repairs is determined by the formula:

T Tr.= L. G./1000. t. Tr.= 37 52524,8/1000.3 ,66 = 1025.28 people. h;

where t. Tr -specific laboriousness Tr, Chel / 1000 km

Table 8.

Annual production program for and tr



Numerical values

Number of EO

Number TO-1

Number TO-2

Number of s

Number of kr

The number of diagnostic effects D-1

The number of diagnostic effects D-2

Annual work on EO, people. h.

Annual work on TO-1, people. h.

Annual work on TO-2, people. h.

Annual work on CO, people. h.

Annual work on D-1, people. h.

Annual work on D-2, people. h.

Annual work on Tr, people. h.

In addition to works, the tries at the enterprise should be organized

self-service work, which, according to the "Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock", is 20 - 30% of the total work on both the vehicles.

Depending on the power of the enterprise, the share of works To sunat the enterprise, the total work will be:

T ATP \u003d ΣT that + t tr. K 4 \u003d 149435,77 +1025.28 .1 \u003d 150461.05 people. h.

The amount of self-service work in the enterprise will be:

TP= T ATP to VSP\u003d 150461.05 .0, 25 \u003d 37615,2625 people. h.

T AtProst. \u003d T ATP + T VSK \u003d 150461.05 +37615,2625 \u003d 188076,3125 people. hour

Table 9.

Distribution of self-service work

Type of work

Place of execution

1. Self-service work ATP, including: Electrical mechanical mechanical Welding welding core Mednotskiy pipeline forge repair and woodworking

24 10 16 4 4 1 22 2 16

Department of the Main Mechanics (OGM) Plumbing and Mechanical Workshop OGM Welding Workshop Armatographer-Tinnitsky Workshop Mednitskiy Tsery OGM Forge-Spring-Spring Workshop OGM

2. Transport

3. Car distillation

4. Acceptance, storage and issuance of material values

5. Cleaning of premises and territory

2.6 Determination of the annual work of the work of the projected section

In this subsection of the graduation project, it is necessary to produce a technological calculation of the workshop (site, zone), which is to establish the most rational method of organizing the technological process of the repair, determining the number of posts and lines of service and repair, calculating the area of \u200b\u200bpremises.

The choice of the organization's method and trot cars.More than 50% of the scope of work on both TPs are performed at posts. The number of posts determines the choice of the planning solution of the enterprise and depends on the type, program and labor-intensity of work, the method of organization of COMP and the diagnostics of vehicles, the mode of operation of production zones.

The feasibility of applying a method of organization is mainly determined by the number of posts, i.e. Depends on the daily (replaceable) program and the duration of exposure. Therefore, a daily (replaceable) production program of the corresponding type can be used as a primary criterion to select a method.

The mode of operation zone and tr.The mode of operation of the zone must be matched with the departure schedule and returning cars from the line.

The regime is characterized by the number of working days in a year, the duration of work (the number of workers shifts, the duration and time of the beginning and end of the change), the distribution of the production program for its execution. The number of working days of the zone depends on the number of days of operation of the rolling stock on the line and the form. The duration of the operation of the zones is determined by the daily production program and the time during which a given appearance can be performed.

TO-2 is performed in one or two shifts. The daily mode of the TP zone is two, and sometimes three working shifts, of which all production and auxiliary sites and posts of TR are operating in one (day) shift. The remaining working shifts are made by the work of trial, identified at the diagnosis or driver application.

Since the repair of the car lubrication system is performed in the engine compartment (section), we determine the complexity of this compartment for the current repair will be:

T tr. motor. Departure \u003d T tr. With a motor. \u003d.1025,28 .0 ,25 =25632 person-hour

where C is the share of work coming to the aggregate shop is 0.2

We determine the complexity of TO-1, TO-2 and CO

T TI-1. G. Dep. \u003d.t. TO1. From Motor. = 11071,35.0,25 =2767,84 person-hour;

T TI-2. G. Dep. \u003d.t. TO2. With a motor. \u003d.113664,6.0,25 =28416,15 person-hour.

The total scope of work on both the trial separation is determined by the summation of the quantity of consideration:

T. G. Off \u003d t tr. motor. USD + T TI-1. G. Dep. + T TI-2. G. Dep. \u003d 25632. +2767,84 +28416,15 \u003d 56815.99 people.

2.7 Determination of the number of production workplaces

The production workers include workers of various zones and sites, directly performing work on T o and tru rolling stock. With this calculation, the technologically necessary (jumped) and regular (list) number of workers are distinguished:

P. I \u003d. T I. R. M.

where T I. = 3604,57 - the annual laboriousness of the forging and spring branch, the person;

Annual Workplace Time Production Fund for Single Waste Work, h.

Annual Working Time Production Fund is determined by the calculation:

where is the duration of the work shift, h;

Number of calendar days a year;

D \u003d 103 -number of days off in the year;

Number of holidays per year;

D PP \u003d 8 -the number of pre-holiday days a year;

Hour reduction of the working day before festive days.

Calculate the annual production fund of the work time,

F RM \u003d 8.0. (365 - 103 - 11) - 1.7 \u003d 8.251 - 8 \u003d 2000

Calculate the technologically necessary number of workers of the Blacksmithic Spring Department of ATP;

P I. = 3604,57/2000 = 1,8 ≈ 2 [ man] .

The regular number of working areas that and TR ATP is determined by the formula;


where T i is the total labor-intensiveness of the work of both the TR ATP,

Annual Time Foundation for one production worker in someone's work, h.

The adopted average number of workers in one post, for the Zone-1 (4 - 2);

The utilization rate of the work time for an individual post;

Knowing the formula, we define the total number of posts for the Zone and TR;

P I. = 19488,05 .1, 1/251 ., 98 \u003d 21436,855 / 7871.36 \u003d 2.72 \u003d 3 [post]

Depending on the number of posts for this type, the level of their specialization of car maintenance work is acceptable method of universal and method of specialized posts. Posts with any method can be dead-end or travel (direct-flow).

2.8 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe projected area (zone)

ATP Square in its functional purpose is divided into three main groups: production and warehouse, storage of rolling stock and auxiliary.

The composition of production and warehouses includes zones of TR, production sites of TR, warehouses, technical premises of energy and sanitary services and devices (compressor, transformer, pumping, ventilation chambers, etc.).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe zones is calculated by the formula:

F 3 \u003d F a x 3 k n

where F A is an area occupied by a car in terms of (by overall size - frames), m 2;

x 3 - number of passes; K is the density coefficient of the placement of posts, depending on the size of the car and the location of the posts.

Square of plots (workshops, offices) is calculated on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room occupied by the equipment, and the density coefficient of its arrangement. Then we produce the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe department by the formula:

F Под \u003d F sum. To pl,

where f is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal projection on the overall dimensions of the equipment, M 2, to the PL - the density coefficient of the equipment for the forging-spring compartment is 4.5 - 5.5.

Table 10.

The density coefficient of installed equipment

Based on the choice of appropriate equipment and production calculations, the layout of each site is developed at the same time the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe room per working should be taken into account at least 4.5 m 2.


F Под \u003d F sum. To pl \u003d 9.2731 .4, 5 \u003d 41,728 m 2,

We accept the separation size according to the size of the selected room, equal to 6 x 9 meters. Then the area will be 54 m 2.

3. Economic part

3.1 Wage Fund

Wages are charged on the basis of tariffs established at the enterprise, piecework prices, salaries and information about actually spent time workers or information on the volume of products issued. The calculation of the salary is made on the basis of documents such as a staffing schedule, a regulation on labor payment, orders for employment and employment contracts. This documents establishes the size and form of remuneration of a particular employee. The wage fund consists of a fixed assessment, additional fund and social insurance fund.

2 people work in the repair shop. Work is made in one shift. Change - 12h. Workers have III and IV, respectively. We find the average hourly rate of the working formula from h \u003d from the month / 166.3, where with H-amimal month-old tariff rate of workers 1 discharge established by the sectoral agreement on motor transport, 166.3 is the average monthly flow of working time, h. Minimum wage in The Irkutsk region is 5205 rubles, then

From h \u003d 5205 / 166.3 \u003d 31.3 rubles per hour for employee I discharge.,

then, according to the condition, having employees of the III and IV discharges, hourly tariff rates will be located according to the following formula:

From h \u003d from the month / 166.3 * to the package.

To TAR - tariff coefficient (reference).


From h III time. \u003d From the month / 166.3 * to the package. \u003d 31.3 * 1.2 \u003d 37.6 rubles. C.

From h iv times. \u003d From the month / 166.3 * to the package. \u003d 31.3 * 1.35 \u003d 42.3 rubles. h.

We find the wage fund of the repair workers III and IV digits.

Given the fact that when calculating wages, the northern coefficient and the northern surcharge of the wage Fund will be on the following formula:

FZP i. \u003d From h i times + (s / n + r / k) * q,

where FZP i. - wage Fund of employee I discharge; From h i time - the hour tariff rate of the worker; C / H * R / K - Northern surcharge and district coefficient, respectively; Q is the number of working hours per year. (166, 3 * 11) - 11th working months per year.

Thus, wage funds, taking into account the annual working hours of 1760), workers III and IV digits will be equal:

FZP III P \u003d (37.6 * 1760) + 60% \u003d 105881.6;

FZP IV P \u003d (42.3 * 1760) + 60% \u003d 119116.8.

Table 18.

Tariff coefficient, rates

3.2 wages and deductions taxes

Considering that the worker is obliged to pay tax on personal income (monthly), the rate of which is 13%, wage funds will be:

FZP III P \u003d 105881.6-13% \u003d 92117 rub.

FZP IV p \u003d 119116.8-13% \u003d 90396.4 rubles.

FZP total \u003d 92117 + 90396,4 \u003d 182513,4

Deductions to PF 23726,7 rub.

3.3 Calculation of the cost of execution of work in the department

Maintenance includes the following types of work: cleaning and washing, control and diagnostic, fastening, lubricants, filling, adjustment, electrical and other works performed, as a rule, without disassembling units and removal from a car of individual nodes and mechanisms. If, when maintenance cannot be verified in the complete operation of individual nodes, they should be removed from the car to control on special stands and instruments.

Upon periodicity, list and labor-intensity of work performed, maintenance according to the current situation is divided into the following types: Daily (EO), first (TO-1), second (TO-2) and seasonal (CO) technical services.

We find the cost of materials at TU-2, TO-1, EO:

The costs of materials are calculated by formulas:

To me - 2, rub.: M TT-2 \u003d H is 2 * N TO-2;

2. To me - 1, rub.: M TO-1 \u003d H is 1 * N TO-1;

On EO, rub.: M EO \u003d N EO * n eo;

On tr, rub.: M tr \u003d n tr * l about / 1000;

5. M TO-2 + M TO-1 + M EO + M Tr., Where

M TO-2, M TO-1, M EO, M TR - the costs of materials at me - 2, then - 1, EO, TR, respectively;

It is 2, n is 1, n eo, - the value of the cost of materials on one impact (reference). N Tr - the value of the cost of materials on tr per 1000km run, rub.

Norms are established according to the guidelines, taking into account the correction coefficient, which takes into account the price increase.

Spare parts for current repairs

6. VG Tr \u003d N Tr. ZCh * L by / 1000., where ZCP TR - the cost of spare parts

Taking into account the fact that the car has L about - 43,000 miles of run per year and taking into account the fact that frequency is 2 through 11,000 km., Then 1 is 2.200, then

N TO-2 \u003d 4; N TO-1 \u003d 16; N eo \u003d 287;

It is 2 \u003d 143 rubles; It is 1 \u003d 101 rubles; N EO \u003d 45 rub.; N Tr \u003d 525 rubles. (reference, taking into account inflation)

M TO-2 \u003d 4 * 143 \u003d 572 rub.

2. M TO-1 \u003d 16 * 101 \u003d 1616 rubles.

M EO \u003d 45 * 287 \u003d 12915 rub.

M tr \u003d 525 * 43000/1000 \u003d 22575 rub.

The total costs of materials at me - 2, then - 1, EO, TP per year will be:

5. =572+1616+12915+22575=37678 rub.

Spare parts costs per year will be:

Zh tr \u003d 4500 * 43000/1000 \u003d 193500 rub.

The value of the main production funds for depreciation is determined as a percentage of the cost of rolling stock or on the cost of the equipment necessary for the repair and maintenance of the car. In our case, it is necessary to find the amount of the depreciation of the equipment used for the repair of the braking system ZIL 130.

The initial cost of the equipment unit is located by the formula:

With lane. \u003d C Obro. * To sight.

where is Corr. - price of equipment, rub., to sight. - delivery coefficient; Accept 1.05 (according to a methodological letter).

Table 1.

List and cost of equipment required for repair of transmission

We find the initial cost of the equipment:

With lane. \u003d C Obro. * Toes. \u003d 370649 * 1,05 \u003d 389181,5 rub.

Depreciation of the main production assets serving the process of TO and TR, RUB:

And opf \u003d with per. * N a / 100,

where n A is the average rate of depreciation of the equipment serving the process of TO and TR,% (take 10%).

And opf \u003d 389181.5. * 10/100 \u003d 38918,2 rub.

We find the full cost of one repair on average, rub.

where it is the number of all maintenance costs, N i-Number of TO-1, TO-2, TR, EO.

S \u003d (FZP total + Z M + s zp + and OPF) / N i \u003d (38918,2 + 37678 + 193500 + 182513,4) / 307 \u003d 1474 rubles. For repairs.

Table 2.

Calculation cost


In the preparation of technical maintenance and repair specialists, the main attention is paid to the study of changes in the technical condition of vehicles during operation, reasons and patterns of these changes, as well as assess their influence on the reliability and performance of cars.

During the development of this diploma project, issues were considered on the organization of a forge-free-stem department. To do this, I chose the necessary standards, chose and justified the source data: KEU, the composition of the park, operation mode and other data, the choice of which influenced the results of all my calculations. Then determined the values \u200b\u200bof the frequency and complexity of all maintenance, the number of necessary production workers, developed technological maps.

The organizational part of the project chose the method of organization of production, picked up the room, the necessary equipment for the aggregate compartment, and calculated the area of \u200b\u200bthe department. It took into account that the growth of industrial labor depends on the conditions of mechanization and automation. In order to avoid injuries and the preservation of workers, workers provided for labor protection rules. Next, taking into account the significance of labor protection work established production harms, fire safety, electrical safety, environmental protection. Also performed the design of the aggregate department.

The work carried out allows you to improve work, reduce costs for both car repair in a motor transport enterprise.


1. Bednarsky V.V. Maintenance and repair of cars: Tutorial - Ed.2-E - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2005.

Vlasov V.M., Zhankaziev S. V, Kruglov S.M., et al. Maintenance and repair of cars: Tutorial for students SPO, - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Kramarenko G.V. Technical maintenance of the car: a textbook for students of the specialty automotive transport of higher educational institutions, - Moscow: "Transport" 1979.

Rumyantsev S.I. Car repair: Tutorial, - Moscow "Transport" 1988.

Titunin B.A. Car repair KAMAZ: Tutorial, - Moscow "Agropromizdat" 1998.

Turchevsky I.S. Diploma design of motor transport enterprises: Tutorial - M: ID "Forum"; Inre-M, 2012.

Chumachenko Yu.T., Chumachenko G.V., Fimova A.V. Operation of cars and labor protection in transport: Tutorial, - Rostov - to Don: "Phoenix", 2001.

Appendix 2.

Technological process diagram and repair of the node (unit)

Appendix 3.


Departments (workshops) and workplaces of engine repair

When organizing processes and repair, technological maps are widely used, which determine the rational use of working hours and jobs, compliance with quality requirements, ensuring the synchronization of posts, etc.

The ATP uses usually process cards of two types: operational and technological and posts.

Operational and technological maps contain a list of works performed in this post, at each workplace. Operations from operational and technological maps correspond to the sequence number of operations of post-cards. Technological cards are developing in an enterprise or are based on reference data.

The decline in the volume of work is unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to also perform work on TP, which are not included in the list of works of the TP, recommended for execution together with that.

The flow line is 1 - 1 is designed to perform the entire volume of preventive work on - 1, as well as to perform related work on repair.

The line consists of two posts.

Before making a car to the first post, the car rises to the post of the backrest for heating and drying.

The first post is designed to perform work on the brake mechanism, wheels, suspension, transmission and lubricants. The post is operating two locksmiths for car repair 3 and 4 discharges.

The second post is designed to perform work on the engine, adhesion, steering mechanism and electrical equipment. The post work: a mechanic for repairing a car 4 discharge and a mechanic - electrician 4 discharge.

Posts that - 2 are designed to perform lubricants and work on transmission, etc., to perform the entire amount of preventive work on TO- 2, as well as to perform related work on the repair.

Table 2.10 - List of works at that engine

Replaceable node

Laboriousness, person- min.

Engine rear support bolt

Front support bolt

Power Supply Drive Belts and Pump Pump

Water cooling pump drive belt and generator

Fan drive belt

Fan intermediate shaft belt

Valve cover gasket

Coolant Craner

Carter ventilation hose

Clamp fastening pipe systems

Oil filter gasket

Table 2.11 - List of work at the power system

Table 2.12 - List of works at that clutch

Table 2.13 - List of works at that transmission

Table 2.14 - List of works at the wheels and hubs

Table 2.15 - List of works at that suspension

Table 2.16 - List of works at that bodies and cabins

Table 2.17 - List of works at the brake system

Table 2.18 - List of works at that electrical equipment

Replaceable node

Laboriousness, person- min.

Oversion elector

Cooling fluid temperature sensor

Oil pressure sensor

Oil pressure sensor emergency

Fuel level sensor

Optical element

Running indicator diffuser

Rear Light Diffuser

Lamp headlights

Cabina ceiling lamp

Spark plug

Night Light Switch

Cap Candle or distributor

High voltage wire

Ignition distributor cover


Organization of the technological process of maintenance

Car maintenance can be performed on motor transport enterprises, in autocombins and at central maintenance bases (BTCO).

In a motor transport company, when returning from the line, the car is being controlled and acceptance in which the completeness and external state of the car check and the failures of the car are recorded, if necessary, make an act of damage.

After daily maintenance (EO), including external care, the car is directed to the line or in the expectation, storage, maintenance and repair zone (Fig. 3). Since cars arrive from the line for a short time, most of them after acceptance are sent to the storage area, and from there, in the order of the EO zone and then in accordance with the schedule plan to post and current repair (TP).

Depending on the number of cars (manufacturing program) and the composition of the park, maintenance is carried out by a dead-end or streaming method.

In case of a dead-end method, all the operations of this type of service are performed in one post, and with a flow - on several sequential posts. The main feature of the flow method is that the complexity of maintenance at each post must be the same. The car from the post to the post can be moved by its own move or conveyor.

The stream method allows specializing posts and workers, mechanize processes, improve working conditions, improve labor productivity and reduce maintenance costs. The disadvantage of the service line is the impossibility of changing the scope of work on any of the posts.

The number of posts on the stream line may be different. In fig. 4 shows a five-alone stream line for TO-2.

Purpose of the standing line as follows: - Post number 1 - maintenance of power and electrical systems, associated with the start of the engine; - post number 2 - service of aggregates and assembly units (nodes), which is associated with hanging the wheels of the car (brake system, front and rear axles, a cardan shaft, steering); - Post number 3 - maintenance of aggregates and assembly units (nodes), which does not require the hanging of the vehicle wheels, as well as the operation of the maintenance operation of the power supply and electrical equipment, not related to the engine launch; - post number 4 - performing lubricants, filling and cleansing works; - Post number 5 - performing control and adjustment operations after maintenance, as well as verification of the technical control department of the quality of maintenance.

Fig. 3. Scheme of the technological process of maintenance and current repairs:
D-1 - general diagnosis, d-2 - element diagnostics, etc.

Fig. 4. Power line equipped with a conveyor:
a - general view, B - scheme of technological planning; 1 - Gate drive mechanism, 2- installation for the thermal curtain of the gate, 3-guide rollers, 4-conveyor, 5-installation for exhaust gas suction. 6 - Cart for the transportation of rechargeable batteries, 7 - electrician cartridge cartridge, 8 - Wheel nuts, 9 - Trolley for removing and installing wheels, 10 - Merchant workbench, 11 - air dispensing column, 12 - Rack cloth for fasteners, 13 - lock cart, 14 - lift for hanging wheels, 15 - wrench for nuts stewing sprinkle sprinkle, 16-stand under the feet when working in the inspection ditch, 17 - Box for tools and fastening parts, 18 - Tank for brake fluid, 19 - Cheer For versatile materials, 20 - transitional bridge, 21 - table for registration and storage of accounting documentation, 22 - oil development column, 23 - lubricant truck, 24 - chute for the direction of the front wheel, 25 - a hinge funnel for draining exhaust oils, 26 - oil-based tanks , 27 - Installation for filling the aggregates of oil, 28 - stationary solidophatel, 29 - table-bath for washing air filters, 30 - compressed air

The flow lines are organized in those automotive enterprises that have a removable program for no less: for TO-1 - 12-15, for TO-2 - 5-6 servicing of the same type of vehicles.

To execute that-2 on the stream, the T-1 lines can be used with the recharge by their equipment necessary for TO-2, in particular the lift for hanging the car.

Execution of TO-1 (second shift) and TO-2 (in the first shift) on the same line makes it possible to more efficiently use production areas and equipment with smaller general expenses of the motor transport enterprise.

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