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Russian truth was created. Russian truth as a historical source

"- a collection of legislative acts of the Franksky state. Also known to the Ripa'aire and Burgundy truth, compiled in the V-VI centuries. n. E., and others. The Barbarry Pravda includes both the Anglo-Saxon court, as well as Irish, Aleansky, Basarsky and some other legal compilations. The name of these collections of the laws of "Truth" is controversial. In Latin sources Lex Salica. - Salic law. The question of the time of origin of its oldest part in science is controversial. Some historians belong to him even to the VII century. However, most modern researchers connect the oldest truth with the name of Kiev Prince Yaroslav Wise. The approximate period of its creation is 1019-1054. The norms of Russian truth were gradually codified by Kiev princes on the basis of oral labor law, with the inclusion of the moments of Scandinavian and Byzantine law, as well as church influence. As I believe I.V. Petrov, Russian truth "was the final codified result of the evolution of the ancient Russian law", which has passed several stages in its development.

The main editors of the Russian truth

"Reading the people of the Russian truth in the presence of the Grand Duke Yaroslav" (Painting Alexey Kivchenko)

The traditionally preserved numerous options for the "Russian truth" are divided into 3 major editions, in many respects different, and the names of "brief" (6 lists), "extensive" (more than 100 lists) and "abbreviated" (2 list), which is a reduced version "Extensive" edition.

Brief edition Consists of the following legal texts:

  • "True Yaroslav", from or g. (Article 1-18);
  • True Yaroslavichi (Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod), from G. (Art. 19-41);
  • "Ponkon Virnaya" - determination of the order of breeding of the Virnikov (princely servants, collectors of the virus), 1020s or 1030s. (Art. 42);
  • "Matnikov lesson" - regulation of wages of Mosnikov - bridge builders, or, according to some versions, builders of bridges - 1020s or 1030s. (Art. 43).

"Brief truth" consisted of 43 articles. Its first of its part, the most ancient, said about the preservation of the custom of blood revenge, the absence of a sufficiently clear differentiation of the sizes of court fines, depending on the social status of the victim. The second part (Art. 19-43) reflected the further process of the development of landowner relations: the blood revenge was canceled, life, the property of landowners was crossed by elevated penalties.

Lists "Beautiful Pravda" Find in the lists of church laws, in the chronicles, in articles from St. Scripture of judicial and legislative character ("Merila Righteous"). "Parent True" consisted of two parts - the charter of Prince Yaroslav wise and Charter of Vladimir Monomakh, who were in the "brief truth" with the later changes and additions to the Charter, adopted during the jurisdiction of Vladimir Monomakh, after the repression of the uprising in Kiev, the G. "Spare True" was Compiled in the XII century. She enjoyed spiritual judges when analyzing secular affairs or litigation. It was significantly different from the "brief truth." The number of articles is 121. This code reflected the further social differentiation, the privileges of landowners, the dependent position of death, procurement, the powerlessness of the holsters. "Space True" testified to the process of further development of landlord farming, paying a lot of attention to the protection of land ownership and other property. In connection with the development of commodity-monetary relations and the need for their legal regulation, the "extensive truth" defined the procedure for the conclusion of a number of contracts, the transfer of property by inheritance.

"Abbreviated True" Relevant to a significantly later period. Historians believe that it has developed in XV. In the Moscow State after joining the territory of the Great Perm. In Tikhomirov, she just was written there, which was reflected in the monetary account.

Sources of law

  1. Legal customs;
  2. Arbitrage practice;
  3. Church statutes. (Christian norms)

Criminal law "Russian truth"

Russian truth distinguishes the murder of unintended, "in Svada" or "offense", from perfect with a pre-thoughtful intention, "in the uncommon"; the crime, implanting the evil will, from the offense committed by ignorance; The action that causes physical harm or threatening life, such as clipping the finger, the blow by a sword, who was not accompanied by death, although he caused the wound, distinguishes from the action less dangerous, but offensive to honor: from hitting a stick, jerry, palm or if a mustache or beard breaks And for the last actions, punishes the penalties four times more than the first; Behind the blow to the sword, the plafhmy in the fight was relied in a greater punishment than for the punch of the edge: he was more insulting, since he meant that the enemy was not considered equal to. At the same time, "Russian truth" contains obvious traces of the principle of responsibility characteristic of traditional societies - "blood revenge." Already in art. 1 kp says "In order to yell her husband's husband, then Mstii brother brother, anyone, if the son, any brother, Choo, is the bright sons"

Complicated penalties for the most serious crimes: for robbery, arson and concoction, the criminal was subjected to not a certain monetary foam in favor of the prince, but the loss of all property with imprisonment.

Princely penalty and private remuneration represent a whole system in Russian truth; They calculated the hryvnia kun. The murder was charged with monetary penalties in favor of the prince, called the vira, and the remuneration in favor of the relatives of the killed, called the head. Vira was Trojakaya: double in 80 hryvnia kun for killing the princess husband or a member of the senior prince's squad, a simple in 40 hryvnia for killing a simple free person, half or semi-free hryvnia for killing women and grave injury, for clipping arm, legs, nose, For damage to the eye. Headup was much more diverse, depending on the public value of the murdered. Thus, the head of the killing of the short husband was equal to a double virgin, a head of a free peasant 5 hryvnia. For all other criminal acts, the law punished the sale in favor of Prince and the lesson for the insanity in favor of the victim.


To the IX century, the time of formation of an ancient Russian state, the Eastern Slavs established the property of nobility to land and there were social groups - landowner aristocrats and the peasants dependent on them. Kyiv princes, local (tribal) princes, communal to know (boyars), the top of the serving people, princes princes, were included in the dominant class of feudal. According to the doctor of the historical sciences A. A. Gorsky, in 9th century. And later in Russia, the feudalism of the Western European sample was not yet developed, but there was a system of chaining. The dominant class was not communal to know, the information about which we do not have, and the corporation of the squadron led by Prince. The boyars were representatives and descendants of the "senior" squad, and not communal nobility.

After adopting in the x in. Christianity The significant part of the lands focused in the hands of the church, monasteries, clergy. Another category of the feudalists appears - Palace servants, serve people who received land for the service and at the time of service.

With an increase in the power of noble, the political rights of the specific princes grew. They received immunitets from the great princes, they were exempted from the payment of Dani, they acquired the right to have a squad, to judge the population dependent on them, collecting grants. At the same time, the right (right-privilege), which guarded the position of the nobility arose. Russian Pravda defined a number of privileges: an increased punishment for the murder of feudal or causing property harm, broader rights to transfer property by inheritance, including daughters.

The class of dependent peasants folded in various ways. The process of the bubble led to the fact that free peasants almost did not. The main group of the peasantry was a soughtdown who lived a community that had their home, farm, land in use. Dependence on the landowner could be more or less, but mainly it manifested itself in charge of paying grants, serve various duties. The life and property of death was guarded by law to a much lesser extent compared to landowners. Their property in the absence of sons was not inherited to married daughters, but became the property of Mr. Only the unmarried daughter received part of the property. Sudda was subject to the court of Prince, his assistants, churches (if they lived on her land).

The position of the death should not be determined as a serf. They were not attached to the land or personality of the landowner, but their dependent state of doubt does not cause.

The other category of the population was purchases - the sought who fell into a difficult economic situation, which took the debt to their master and guaranteed him to return as if selflessness. The purchase worked in the household of Mr. and could not leave him until he returned the debt (otherwise he was translated into a complete, "obbulent" hat). But the purchase had some rights and protection of the law.

There were other categories of the population - otgoes, people who came out of the community, perpetrators that have fallen under the so-called "patronage", church patronage, monasteries, secular landowners, and obliged to work in their farm.

Along with the dependent population, the prevailing classes were exploited and slaves (cooles). Russian truth calls them as yet and the male. The most ancient sources of the shuttle were captured and the birth from the slave. But Russian truth pointed out others: self-selling into slavery, marriage with a slave, admission to the service (in Tiuna, Koishers), "without a row" (that is, without any reservations), bankruptcy. The slave could be a runaway purchase or a person who has committed a grave crime.

The position of the Halls testified the articles of Russian truth. For the murder of Holop, his Mr. was paid for the compensation of only 5 hryvnia, for Slaveny-6 hryvnia. For the stolen hull, Mr got 12 hryvnia. The slave was most often considered as an object of law, for him was the responsibility of the owner.

As Crafts and trade develops, the city has arisen, the number of urban population has increased, from which the rich Topshka was distinguished - people "Lutche". The urban population was free of the peasantry. Life and property of citizens were defended by the standards relating to full free people. Russian True with respect calls "Gradinov", "Kupchin", artisans, Roshovists.

Property Relationships

In Russian truth, there are concepts: the return of property for storage (kidding), a simple loan, a disinterested loan, a favor in friendship, the return of money in growth from a certain agreed percentage, a percentage of a short-term and long-term, trading commission, contribution to the commercial enterprise. In truth, there is a certain procedure for collecting debts from a untenabolic debtor when eliminating his affairs, that is, the order of the trade contest with distinguishing the insolvency of malicious and unhappy. There are several types of credit turnover.

Procedural law

Old Russian law has not yet known a clear distinction between the criminal and civil process, although, of course, some procedural actions could only be applied in criminal matters. In any case, in criminal, and civil cases were applied to the competing (accusing) process, in which the parties are equal and themselves are the engine of all procedural actions. Even both sides in the process were called the plaintiffs.

Stages of the process in Russian truth

  • "SCLY" Meaning the announcement of the crime (for example, about the loss of property). School was produced in a crowded place, "on the bargain," was declared about the disappearance of the thing, which had individual signs that could be identified. If the loss has been discovered after 3 days from the moment of the zip, the one who was being considered to be the defendant (Article 32, 34 of PP).
  • "Arch" (Art. 35-39 PP) resembled a full-time rate. The arch was carried out either before the zip, or by the expiration of three days after the zip. The person who has discovered the missing thing should indicate who this thing was acquired. The arch continued until it reached a person who was not able to give an explanation where he acquired this thing. Such and recognized Tham. If the arch went beyond the locality of the settlement, where the thing disappeared, he continued to a third party. He was charged with the duty to pay the owner's value of the thing and the right to continue the alignment itself.
  • Track persecution - This is the finding of the criminal in his footsteps. The law provides for special forms and procedure for conducting this procedural action. If the next led to the house of a particular person, it is believed that he is a criminal (Art. 77 of the Trinity List). If the next led to the village, the responsibility carries the VERVE (community). If the trace is lost on a big road, then on this search stops.

Trial evidence

A whole system of formal evidence appears in the Old Russian State:

  • Oath. A special type of evidence was the oath - "Rota" (article 22 of the Russian truth of the extensive edition of the Troitsky List). It was used when there was no other evidence, but, of course, on small things. The mouth could be confirmed by the presence of some event or, on the contrary, its absence. In some cases, there were evidence-based external signs and physical evidence. So, the presence of bruises and bruises were enough to proof beating.;
  • Own recognition;
  • Witness's testimonies. Old Russian law distinguished two categories of witnesses - vidokov and ambush (Articles 18,21.29 Russian truth of the extensive edition of the Trinity List). Vidos are witnesses, in the current sense of the word - eyewitnesses of the fact. The ambulances are a more complex category. These are persons who heard about what happened from someone who have information from the second hands. Sometimes under the obudents they understood and witness the good glory of the parties. They had to show that the defendant or the plaintiff - people who deserve confidence. Not even knowing anything about the controversial fact, they just seemed to be characteristic of a particular side in the process.
  • Ordalia - Iron test was used when there were not enough other evidence, and in more serious cases than testing water (articles 17.22 Russian truth of the extensive edition of the Trinity List). Russian Pravda, which dedicates these orders, three articles does not disclose the techniques of their holding. Later sources report that the test of water was carried out by lowering the associated person to the water, and if he was silent, it was considered the won.

Punishment in Russian truth

  • Vira (a fine in favor of killed relatives. And if there was no such, the Vira was given to the prince.). Vira could be single (for killing a simple free person) or double (80 hryvnia, for killing a privileged person - p. 19, 22 kp, st.3 PP). There was a special type of virus - "wild" or "sod" virgin. She was imposed on the whole community. To apply this punishment, it is necessary that the perfect murder be simple, unbovered; The community or does not give out its suspect in the murder of a member, or cannot "take place from itself", suspected; The community only in the event pays for his member if he previously participated in the vines for his neighbors. Institute "Wild" Viera performed a police function by tying all community members with a circular place.
  • Headband (monetary recovery in favor of killed relatives).
  • Flow and looting (the highest measure of punishment: for murder in the scatter (Article 7 of PP), arson (Article 83 of PP) and Concoction (Article.35 of PP). Punishment included confiscation of property and issuing a criminal (together with family) "head" , that is, in slavery.
  • Lesson (tribute) (monetary compensation for damage to the victim).
  • Sale (fine in favor of Prince for other crimes).

see also


Arrangements for modern Russian

  • Specific edition of the Troitsky list of the second half of the XV century
  • Russian truth - a collection of various editions of Russian truth and materials, with it related



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    Russian truth - the oldest written collection of the norms of the Old Russian law; Formed during the XI XII centuries. First text R.P. was discovered and prepared for print V.N. Tatishchev in 1738. Currently, there are more than 100 lists that differ in composition ... Encyclopedia Rights

    Russian truth - One of the most significant consignments of the high-Russian laws reached us. Created using the rules contained in the charters of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Yaroslav, who made important innovations in financial, family and criminal law. R.P. ... ... ... Legal encyclopedia

"Russian True" - Regulatory and Legal Document Ancient Russia, Collection of all laws and legal norms that existed in the 10-11th centuries.

Russian Pravda is the first regulatory document in ancient Rus, who combined all the old regulatory acts, princely decrees, laws and other administrative documents issued by different instances. "Russian Pravda" is not only an important part of the history of law in Russia, but also an important cultural monument, as it reflects the life and life of ancient Russia, its traditions, the principles of the economy, and is also an important source of information about the written culture of the state that That moment only originated.

The document includes norms of hereditary, trade, criminal law, as well as the principles of procedural legislation. Russian Pravda was at that time the main written source of information on social, legal and economic relations in Russia.

The origin of the "Russian truth" today is quite a few questions from scientists. Creature this document First of all, they are associated with the name - the prince gathered all the legal documents and decrees existing on Russia and decrees and issued a new document in about 1016-1054. Unfortunately, no copy of the original "Russian truth" is not preserved, only a later census, so it's hard to talk about the author and the date of the creation of the "Russian truth". The Russian True corresponded several times with other princes, which contributed to it according to the realities of time.

The main sources of "Russian truth"

The document exists in two edits: brief and extensive (more complete). The following sources include the following sources in the brief version of "Russian Truth":

  • Ponkon Virient - determination of the order of feeding of princely servants, collectors of the virus (created in the 1020th or 1030th);
  • True Yaroslav (created in 1016 or in the 1030s.);
  • True Yaroslavichi (no accurate date);
  • Lesson Mosnitkov - Regulation of the wage of builders, bridge, or, according to some versions, bridge builders (created in the 1020s or 1030s.).

A brief editors contained 43 articles and described new government traditions that appeared shortly before the creation of the document, as well as a number of older legislation and customs (in particular, the rules of blood revenge). The second part contained information about fines, violations, etc. The legal foundations in both parts were built on a completely common principle for that time - the specifically. It meant that the severity of the crime, the measure of punishment or the size of the fine depended not so much from the crime himself, as from what a person belonged to the person who had committed him. In addition, different categories of citizens have different rights.

The later version of the "Russian truth" is complemented by the charter of Yaroslav Vladimirovich and Vladimir Monomakh, the number of articles in it was 121. "Russian TRADE" was used in the extended editorial office in court, civil and church, to determine the punishment and settlement of commodity-money and relationships in general .

In general, the norms of criminal law described in the "Russian Pravda" comply with the standards adopted in many early-state societies of that period. The death penalty still persists, however, the typology of crimes is significantly expanding: the murder is now divided into deliberately and unintentional, there are different degrees of damage, from deliberately before unintentional, fines are not charged at a single rate, but depending on the severity of the offense. It is worth noting that Russian TRAW describes the fines at once in several currencies for the convenience of the proceedings process in different territories.

The document also contained a lot of information about the process of legal proceedings. Russian Pravda defined the basic principles and norms of procedural legislation: where and how it is necessary to hold court sessions, as it is necessary to contain criminals during and before the court, how to judge them and how to perform the verdict. In this process, a mentioned class principle, which implies that more noble citizens could count on a softer punishment and more comfortable conditions of detention. Russian Pravda envisaged the procedure for charging money debt among the debtor, the prototypes of bailiffs appeared, which were engaged in such issues.

Another side described in the "Russian Pravda" is social. The document defined various categories of citizens and their social status. So, all citizens of the state were divided into several categories: noble people and privileged servants, to whom the princes treated, warriors, then walked ordinary citizens, that is, those who were not dependent on the feudal (here were here all the inhabitants of Novgorod), And the lowest category was considered dependent people - peasants, death, chores and many others who are dominated by the feudal feudal or prince.

The value of "Russian truth"

Russian True is one of the most important sources of information about the life of ancient Russia at the earliest period of its development. The legislative standards presented allow us to compile a fairly complete picture of the traditions and lifestyles of the life of all segments of the population of Russian Earth. In addition, Russian Pravda became one of the very first regulatory and legal instruments that was used as the main national judiciary.

The creation of the "Russian truth" laid the foundations of the future regulatory system, and when creating new trials in the future (in particular, the creation of a judiciary 1497) she always remained the main source that was taken by lawmakers as a basis not only as a document containing all acts and Laws, but also as a sample of a single legal document. "Russian truth" for the first time officially fastened the estate relations in Russia.

RUSSIAN TRUTH has become the first legislative arch in Russia. For the future generation, this document was the most valuable source of information about life in those times. All subsequent laws had the basis of their "Russian truth" idea.

How did the Russian truth appeared

The word "truth" for us in the time of Yaroslav wise meant not only the truth. Its main meaning in that epoch is the law and the charter. That is why the first set of rules called "Russian truth" (year of creation - 1016). Until that time, everyone was based on the morality of the pagan, and later - at the Church-Byzantine religion.

The laws of "Russian truth" should have appeared for several reasons. First, judging in Russia at that time consisted of Greeks and South Slavs. They practically were not familiar with Russian customs in jurisprudence. Secondly, the old Russian customs contained the norms of pagan law. It did not match the new morality based on new religious principles. Therefore, the introduced Institute of Church Courts and the adoption of Christianity became the main factors, thanks to which writing laws created. That is why "Russian truth" developed without the special participation of the principality. But the church jurisdiction made an active compiler of this unique document.

About the place in which the "Russian truth" was released, argued. Some researchers say it was in Novgorod, others are confident that it happened in Kiev.

Unfortunately, the Russian True, the text of which included legislative articles on the criminal, trading, has undergone changes. And the initial statement has not survived to this day.

The year of creation of "Russian truth", according to historians, 1016th. Although none of the researchers can provide reliable information. Until 1054, all laws were collected in one book on the initiative of Yaroslav Wise. It contained legislative articles on the following issues:

  • criminal law;
  • court work;
  • social status of citizens.

Structure of "Russian truth"

Despite the fact that the year of the creation of "Russian truth" - 1016th, one of their specimens reached this day, which refers to 1280. This is the most ancient copy found today. And in print, the first text appeared in 1738 due to the Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev.

"Russian truth" has several options for presentation:

  • brief;
  • lengthy;
  • abbreviated.

The very first of these is the most ancient option.

In the brief version there are 4 documents. They placed 43 articles. They are devoted to the state traditions in Russia, including old customs like blood revenge. Also in the "Pravda" there are rules for payment of fines, and for which they need to be charged. At the same time, the punishment was determined on the basis of the criminal. The document distinguished the lack of a differentiated approach to the definition of the size of the fines.

In a more complete version of the "Russian truth", the text of which has a procedure contains the charters of Yaroslav Wise and Vladimir Monomakh. This option is called "Pretty True". It has already clearly defined that feudalles are endowed with privileges, which you will not say about the hols. Articles determined legal relations in determining any property, when transferring it to the inheritance and conclusion of various treaties. In this version, the vaults of laws were also used by church and civil courts to punish criminals.

"Abbreviated True"

This is the latest option that has fully formed by the middle of the 15th century. It was created on the basis of the "extensive truth".

There would be no initial sources of the law of the law, do not be the foundation for its creation. In this case, such sources and the "brief truth" and "extensive truth" are.

Crimes and punishment

The Grand Duke jointly with his sons established the laws for which everyone should have been prescribed, prescribed all possible punishments for various crimes.

The innovation was the fact that a custom called "blood revenge" was canceled. It happened not in the year of creating a "Russian truth", but a little later. For the murder should have been responsible by law.

At the same time, the princess close and the princes themselves received softer punishments than people without the "genus and tribe".

For many crimes were prescribed fines. For serious penalties were severe. The family could be expelled with the guilty of the settlement, and the property was confiscated. These punishments were used for arson, theft of horses.

IMPORTANT IN THE MAKE OF RESEARCH The court paid witnesses. They were then called "ambulances."

The document separated the deliberate murder from unintentional. It retained the fines were prescribed in various monetary rates.

"Russian truth" defined the procedure for holding vessels: in what place they should occur who are involved in them, where they will contain criminals and how they need to be judged.

The value of the document for contemporaries

The year of the creation of "Russian truth" can not be called definitely. She was constantly complemented. However, regardless of this, the book is of great importance for historians studying the era of Yaroslav Wise, and for future generations. After all, there are so many interesting knowledge about the initial stage of the development of Kievan Rus.

Many words in modern law have a lot in common with the first legal document. For example, the "criminal": in the "Russian truth" the killer was called the "head", and the killed in the document was called "head".

In addition, the laws of "Russian truth" give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the principality and the simple people at the time. It is clearly traced by the superiority of the ruling class above the hills and the male. It was so favorably for the principality that the Russian truth articles were used in new legal collections up to the 15th century.

The fundamental replacement of "Truth" was the lawsuit Ivan III, which was released in 1497. But this does not mean that he radically changed the legal relationship. On the contrary, all subsequent judicial documents were formed solely on the "Russian truth".

Before the baptism of Rus Prince Vladimir in Kievan Rus worshiped pagan deities. Therefore, the laws according to which the state lived was simple customs, which in writing nowhere was fixed.

The baptism of Russia has become a prerequisite for creating and consolidating written laws. Prince Svyatopolk, who rules after Vladimir, so mired in wars and internal conflicts, which was simply not able to take any attempts to create a unified law of laws. Yaroslav Wise took this attempt.

The first violation of the law was the Russian True or True Yaroslav, created by Prince Yaroslav Wise, (1019-1054). "Russian Pravda" consisted of 35 chapters that regulated the Criminal and Civil Code. Historians dating the emergence of the first written law 1016.

In the Kiev Rus murder happened to Yaroslav only strong could defend their truth, but punishments were spelled out in the Russian Pravda, where he was said about the blood enmity, a consequence of the murder and measure of the responsibility of all parties, including a special point about who And how was the investigation of this kind of cases.

The blood feud implied the possibility of revenge of relatives for the death of relatives.

If the deceased death did not have relatives, the killer had to pay the state to the virgin (fine). The full list of VIR was given in the truth of Yaroslav.

So, for the murder of nobility (boyar), the killer was supposed to pay a double virgin (Tyun), which was approximately 80 hryvnias. The murder of merchants, warriors, farmers were estimated at 40 hryvnia, but the life of the Hall was assessed and less - 6 hryvnia. It is important to notice that the money was very rare in Russia, so payment 6 hryvnia is equal to win 1 million rubles in our day.

The laws of Yaroslav Wise were tough, but they defended the truth, citizens and carried the truth. In addition, Russian True defended all spheres of life and even allowed the Halop to become free and redeem his own freedom from the owner.


The largest monument of the ancient Russian law and the basic legal document of the ancient Russian state was the collection of legal norms, called the Russian truth, which retained his importance and in later periods of history. Its norms underlie the Pskov and
Novgorod vessel diplomas and subsequent legislation not only Russian, but also of Lithuanian law. To this day, more than a hundred lists of Russian truth came. The initial text of Russian truth unfortunately did not reach us. The first text was discovered and prepared for the press of the famous Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev B.
1738 The name of the monument is excellent from European traditions, where similar collections of the right received purely legal headlines - the law, the law. In Russia, at this time, the concepts were known
"Charter", "Law", "Custom", but the document is indicated by the legally-moral term "though". It represents a whole range of legal documents X I - XII centuries, the components of which were the most ancient truth (about 1015), however
Yaroslavichi (about 1072), Charter of Monomakh (about 1120-1130)
. Russian truth, depending on the editorial office, is divided into a brief,
Back and abbreviated.

Brief truth is the oldest editorial office of the Russian truth, which consisted of two parts. Her first part was adopted in the 30s. XI century . The place of publication of this part of the Russian truth is controversial, the chronicle indicates Novgorod, but many authors allow that it was created in the center of the land of Russian - Kiev and connect it with the name of Prince Yaroslav Wise (though Yaroslav). It included 18 articles (1-8) and is entirely devoted to criminal law. Most likely, she arose during the struggle for the throne between Yaroslav and his brother Svyatopolk (1015 - 1019)
. The hired Varangian friend Yaroslav entered the conflict with Novgorod, accompanied by murders and beatings. In an effort to settle the situation, Yaroslav scored the Novgorod residents "By giving them the truth and the charter, writing off, Tako Roshki them: By literacy, go" For these words in the Novgorod 1 chronicle, the text of the oldest truth is placed in the Novgorod.
The characteristic features of the first part of the Russian truth are the following: the effect of custom blood revenge, the lack of a clear differentiation of the size of fines depending on the social affiliation of the victim. The second part was adopted in Kiev at the congress of the princes and the largest poverty after the suppression of the rebellion of the lower stands of 1086 and received the name of the truth.
Yaroslavichi. It consisted of 25 articles (19-43), but in some sources of Article 42-43 are separate parts and are referred to as possible: Ponamlia lard and Matvikov lesson. In her title it is indicated that the collection was developed by three sons
Yaroslav Wise with the participation of the largest persons from the feudal environment. There are clarifications in the texts, from which it can be concluded that the collection is approved not previously the year of the death of Yaroslav (1054) and no later than 1077 (the year of the death of one of his sons)

The second part of the Russian truth reflects the process of the development of feudal relations: the abolition of blood revenge, the protection of the life and property of the feudalists with elevated penalties. Most of the articles
Brief truth contains the norms of criminal law and the trial

Pretty truth was drawn up after the suppression of the uprising in Kiev 1113. It consisted of two parts - the court of Yaroslav and the Charter of Vladimir Monomakh. The extension is Russian
Truth contains 121 article.

The most expensive truth is a more developed contribution of feudal law, in which the privileges of the feudalists, the dependent position of death, procurement, the powerlessness of the hills. Pretty truth indicated the process of further development of feudal land tenure, paying a lot of attention to the protection of land ownership and other property. Separate norms of extensive truth were determined by the procedure for transferring property by inheritance, conclusions of contracts.
Most articles are subject to criminal law and a lawsuit.

The abbreviated truth has developed in the middle of the XV century. From recycled
Pretty truth.

Undoubtedly, like any other legal act, Russian
True, it could not arise from an empty place, without having a basis in the form of sources of law. I have to list and analyze these sources, assess their contribution to the creation of Russian
Truth. I would like to add that the study of the process of law has not only a purely cognitive, academic, but also political-practical character. It allows you to deeper the social nature of the right, features and features, makes it possible to analyze the causes and conditions for the occurrence and development.

1.1. Sources of ancient Russian law

The oldest source of any right, including Russian, is the custom, that is, such a rule that has been fulfilled by repeated use and entered into people's habit. There were no antagonis in the generic society, because the customs were met voluntarily. There were no special bodies for the protection of customs from violation. Customs changed very slowly, which was fully consistent with the pace of changing society itself. Initially, the right developed as a combination of new customs, to which the emerging state bodies obligured, and above all the courts.
Later legal norms (rules of conduct) were established by acts of princes. When the custom is sanctioned by state power, it becomes the norm of customary law.
In the IX - X centuries, the system of oral norms operated in Russia
, customary law. Some of these norms, unfortunately, was not recorded in the rights and annals that had reached us. You can only guess in individual fragments in literary monuments and agreements of Russia with Byzantia X century.

One of the most famous old-Russian legal monuments of the time in which these norms were reflected, as I mentioned in the introduction, is the largest source of Old Russian law - Russian truth. The sources of its codification were the norms of customary law and the princely judicial practice. For the number of normal law, the provisions recorded in Russian law are primarily the provisions on blood revenge (Article 1 of the CP) and about a circular order. (Art.
20 kp). The legislator shows a different attitude towards these customs: he seeks to limit blood revenge (narrowing the avenue) or abolish at all, replacing the money fine - vira (there is similarity with the "salical truth" of francs, where the blood revenge was also replaced by a fine); Unlike blood revenge, a circular order is preserved as a measure that binds all members of the community responsibility for his member who committed a crime ("Wild Vire" was imposed on the entire community)

In our literature on the history of Russian law, there is no consensus on the origin of Russian truth. Some consider it not an official document, not a true monument of legislation, but a private legal compilation made up by some ancient Russian law officer or a group of laws for their personal goals .. Others consider
The Russian truth is an official document, the true work of Russian legislative power, only by spoken by the correspondence, as a result of which many different lists of truth appeared, which differ in quantities, order and even text of articles.

One of the sources of Russian truth was the law Russian
(norms of criminal, hereditary, family, procedural law). Until now, disputes about his essence are not stopped. In history

russian law is no consensus about this document. According to some historians, supporters of the Norman theory of origin
Ancient Russian state, the law Russian was Scandinavian right, and the famous Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky believed that the law Russian was "legal customary", and as a source of Russian truth is not the "primitive legal custom of eastern Slavs, but the right of urban Russia, which established from quite a variety of elements in 9-
11th centuries. " According to other historians, the law Russian law was the usual right to be created in Russia for centuries and reflected the relations of social inequality and was the right of a early refortional society at a lower stage of feudalization than the one on which the oldest truth arose. The Russian law was necessary for the behavior of the Princely Policy, in the attached Slavic and non-Slavic lands. He was a qualitatively new stage in the development of Russian oral law in the conditions of the state of the state. It is known that it is also partially reflected in Russia agreements with the Greeks.

Treaties with the Greeks - the source exceptionable is committed significantly, which allowed the researcher to penetrate the Secrets of Russia IX - X centuries. These treaties are the brightest indicator of the high international situation of the Old Russian state, they are the first documents of the history of the Republic of Middle Ages. Their appearance itself speaks of the severity of the relationship between the two states, about the class society, and the details are clearly introduced to us with the nature of the direct relationship between Russia with Byzantium. This is explained by topics. That in Russia there was a powerful class interested in concluding contracts. They were not needed by peasant masses, but by princes, boyars and merchants. We have four of them at our disposal: 907, 911, 944, 972 years. They pay a lot of attention to regulating trade relations, the definition of rights used by Russian merchants in
Byzantium, as well as the norms of criminal law. From the contracts with the Greeks, we have private property that his owner has the right to dispose of and by the way to transmit it in the will.

According to the peace treaty of 907, the Byzantines pledged to pay
Rus cash Contribution, and then pay monthly monthly and tribute to provide Russian ambassadors and merchants for coming in Byzantium and merchants, as for representatives of other states, a certain food content. Prince Oleg has achieved for Russian merchants the right of duty-free trade in the Byzantine markets. Russa even got the right to wash in Constantinople, until all the free submitted Byzantiums could visit them. The contract was fixed during the personal meeting of Oleg with the Byzantine Emperor Lvir Vi. In the end of the host of hostilities, the conclusion of the world,
Oleg hung his shield on the gate of the city. Such was the custom of many nations of Eastern Europe. This treaty represents us Russians are no longer wild eyelids, but people who know the holiness of honor and folk solemn conditions, have their own laws that affirm security personal, property, the legacy of the heritage, the power of the wills, have trade in domestic and external.

In 911, Oleg confirmed his peace treaty with Byzantium. In the course of long-term ambassadors, the first in the history of Eastern Europe was a detailed written agreement between Byzantium and
Rus. This contract was opened by a multi-valued phrase: "We are from the genus of Russian ... sent from Oleg of the Grand Duke Russian and from all who are under his hand - the bright and great princes and his great boyars ..."

The contract confirmed "Peace and Love" between the two states. IN
13 articles the parties agreed on all the economic, political, legal issues of interest to them, determined the responsibility of their subjects if any crimes are made. In one of the articles he was talking about the conclusion of the military union between them. From now on, Russian troops regularly appeared as part of the Byzantine troops during his campaigns on enemies. It should be noted that between the names of 14 nobles used by the Grand Prince to conclude peaceful conditions with the Greeks, there is not a single Slavic. Having read this text, you might think that only Varyagi, surrounded our first sovereigns and enjoyed their attorney, participating in the affairs of the Board.

The agreement of 944 mentions all Russian people in order to fastest to emphasize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe obligation of contracts for all Russian people directly following this phrase. Not on behalf of the evening there were contracts, and on behalf of Prince and Boyar. Now we can not doubt that all those who are notable and fledged with the authorities of the men were major landowners, not since yesterday, but having their long history, have time to strengthen in their patries. This is said to the fact that with the death of the head of the family at the head of such a competent house was his wife. Russian True confirms this position: "That the husband laid on Nude, there is also a mistress" (Trinity list, Art. 93). A significant part of the norms of normal oral law in the processed form entered Russian
Truth. For example, Article 4 of the 944 Treaty as a whole is absent in the 911 Agreement, which establishes a remuneration for returning a runaway chelyadin, but a similar establishment is included in the extensive
Truth (st 113). Analyzing Russian-Byzantine contracts, it is not difficult to conclude that there is no speech about any domination of Byzantine law. They are chosen or given the so-called contractual, based on a compromise between the Russian and Byzantine law (a typical example is the murder rate) or the principles of Russian law are held - the law of Russian, as we are observing the norm about the blows of the sword "whether to hit the sword or beats a sword or vessel, for the stress or beats yes, away a liter
5 Srebra according to the Russian law "or normally about theft of property.
They indicate a fairly high development of the hereditary right to Russia.

But I consider it a special impact on the development of the right of ancient Russia, I consider the adoption of Russia's ruus. In 988, during the reign in
Kiev Prince Vladimir, there is a so-called "baptism of Russia". The process of the transition of Russia to a new faith proceeds gradually, facing certain difficulties associated with the fracture of the old, well-established worldview and the reluctance of the population of the population to move into a new faith.

At the end of the X-early XI century, together with a new religion, new legislative acts arrive, mainly Byzantine and South Slavic, which contain the fundamental foundations of church - Byzantine law, which subsequently became one of the sources of the legal monument to be studied by me. In the process of strengthening the positions of Christianity and its distribution on the territory of Kievan Russia, a number of Byzantine legal documents are of particular importance - nomokanonov, i.e. associations of canonical collections of church rules of the Christian Church and the Resolutions of the Roman and Byzantine Emperors about the Church.
The most famous of them are: a) Nomocanon John Scholasty, written in the VI century and containing the most important church rules, broken into 50 titles, and a collection of secular laws from 87 chapters; b) nomocanon 14 titles; c) Eclog, published in 741 by the Byzantine emperor Lvom
Iosorian and his son Konstantin, dedicated to civil law (16 titles of 18) and regulated mainly feudal land tenure; d) prohhron, published at the end of the 7th century by Emperor Konstantin, called in Russia a gradic law or manual book; e) law of a vessel, created by the Bulgarian king Simeon.

Over time, these church-legal documents called Rus
Feeding books, take the power of full legislation, and soon the institution of church ships existing along with the princely prince begins to implement them. And now it should be described in more detail the functions of church ships. Since the adoption of Christianity of the Russian Church, two jurisdiction was provided. First, she judged all Christians, both spiritual individuals and laity, according to some cases of spiritual and moral nature. Such a court was supposed to be carried out on the basis of Nomokanon, brought from Byzantium and on the basis of church charters issued by the first Christian princes of Russia Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and Yaroslav
Vladimirovich. The second function of church courts was the right of court over Christians (spiritual and laity), for all cases: church and not church, civil and criminal. The Church Court for Not Church Civil and Criminal Cases, Stranded Only On Church People, was supposed to be made on a local law and caused the need for a written arch of local laws, which and came Russian truth.

I would allocate two reasons for the need to create such an arrangement of laws:
1) The first church judges in Russia were the Greeks and South Slavs, not familiar with Russian legal customs, 2) in Russian legal customs there were many norms of pagan customary law, which often did not fit the new Christian morality, so the church courts sought if not completely eliminated It would at least try to soften some customs that the most advantageous moral and legal feeling of Christian judges brought up in Byzantine law. It is these reasons that pushed the legislator to create a document studied by me.
I believe that the creation of a writer of the Code of laws is directly related to the adoption of Christianity and the introduction of the Institute of Church Courts. After all, before, until the middle of the XI century, the prince's judge did not need a written arch of laws, because There were still strong ancient legal customs, which the prince and prince's judges were guided in judicial practice. Also dominated the competing process (straight), in which the chips actually managed the process. And, finally, the prince, possessing the legislative authority, if necessary, to fill legal gaps or resolve the casual perplexity of the judge.

Also for greater persuasive claims that
The Russian truth was influenced by monuments of church-Byzantine law, the following examples can be given:

1) Russian truth silent about the courts of the XI - XII centuries in Russian proceedings of the XI - XII centuries, who have previously approved in the previously indicated "Russian law". Many other phenomena that took place, but those who have configured churches, or the actions that fall under the jurisdiction of church courts, are also silent and ignored.
Russian truth, and church laws (for example, offense in a word, insulting women and children, etc.).

2) even his external species Russian truth indicates its connection with the Byzantine legislation. This is a small code like an eco-tree and
Projiron (synoptic code).

In the Byzantium by tradition, the special form of codification, which can be called synoptic codification, was diligently processed from the Roman jurisprudence. Its sample was given by the institutions of Justinian, and further specimens are the neighbors of the Russian truth along the feed book - Eclog and
Prokhron. These are a brief systematic presentation of the right, rather the work of legislative, than legislation, not so much deposit, as textbooks adapted to the easiest knowledge of laws.

Comparing the Russian truth with the monuments of the Byzantine church law, summing up the above observations, I concluded that the text
Russian truth has developed in the environment not the princely, but the church court, in the environment of church jurisdiction, the goals of this monument of law guided in their work.
Russian truth belongs to the number of the largest legal works of the Middle Ages. According to the time of his appearance, it is the ancient monument of Slavic law, and the Eastern Slavs founded in the judicial practice. Another procopied cassary in the 6th century noticed that the Slavs and Ants "all life and legalization are the same." Of course, to imply here under the "legalization" of the Russian truth there is no reason, but to recognize the presence of some rules for which the life of the Ants and which were remembered by the connoisseur of customs and persisted by the generic authorities needed. No wonder the Russian word "law" switched to the Pechenegs and it was in their everyday life in the XII century. It is safe to say that blood revenge was well known at a time, although in a trimmed form in Russian truth. It does not have to doubt that the generic community with customs in the process of decomposition occurring under the influence of the development of the institution of private ownership of land has become a neighboring community with a certain circle of rights and obligations. This new community is reflected in Russian truth. All attempts to prove any influence on the Russian truth by the Byzantine, South Slavic, Scandinavian legislation turned out to be completely fruitless. Russian truth arose entirely in Russian soil and was the result of the development of the Russian legal thought of the X -XII centuries.

1. 2. Legal position of the population

All feudal societies were strictly stratified, that is, they consisted of classes, rights and obligations, which were clearly defined by law, as unequal in relation to each other and to the state. In other words, every estate had its own legal status. It would be great simplification to consider feudal society in terms of exploiters and operated. The estate of the feudal police, making the combat power of the prince's friends, despite all his material benefits, could lose life - the most valuable thing is easier and more likely than the poor class of peasants. The class of feudalists was formed gradually. It included princes, boyars, squad, local to know, enjoyed, Tyuna. Feudals carried out civilian management and were responsible for professional military organization. They were mutually connected by the system of vassalite, regulating the rights and obligations in front of each other and before the state. To ensure the management functions, the population paid tribute and court fines. The material needs of military organization were provided by land property.

The feudal society was religious and static, not inclined to a sharp evolution. In an effort to consolidate this static, the state preserved relations with estates in the legislative order.

The Russian law contains a number of rules determining the legal status of individual groups of the population. A special place occupies the identity of the prince. It is considered as an individual, which indicates its high position and privileges. But on its text, it is quite difficult to carry out a face that shares the legal status of the ruling layer and the rest of the population .. We find only two legal criteria, especially allocating these groups as part of the Company: the norms about increased (double) criminal liability - double Vira (80 hryvnia ) For the murder of the representative of the privileged layer (Art. 1 of paragraphs) of the princely servants, Konyukhov, Tiunov, Floating. But the Code of Boyars themselves is silent. Probably, the death penalty was used for the encroachment. In the chronicles, the execution of execution during the time is repeatedly described during folk unrests. And also norms about the special order of real estate inheritance (land) for representatives of this layer
(Article 91 of PP). In the feudal layer, the early whole was the abolition of restrictions on women's inheritance. In church charters for violence against boyars and daughters, high penalties from 1 to 5 hryvnia silver are installed. Also, a number of articles protect the ownership of feudal
. A fine of 12 hryvnia is established for the violation of land mearts, and the fines are charged for the ruin of the bells, boyars, for theft of skulls and hawks.

The bulk of the population was divided into free and dependent people, there were also intermediate and transition categories.
The urban population was divided into a number of social groups: boyars, clergy, merchants. "Standards" (artisans, small merchants, workers, etc.) In science, the question of its legal status is not resolved due to the lack of sources. It is difficult to determine to what extent the population of Russian cities enjoyed urban liberty, similar to European. Promoting and in further development capitalism in cities. According to historian calculations
M.N. Tikhomirov, in Russia in to the Mongolian period there existed
300 cities. Urban life was so developed that it allowed
IN. Klyuchevsky to speak with the theory of "shopping capitalism" in the ancient
Rus. M.L. Tikhomirov believed that in Russia "the air of the city did a free man", and the cities had a lot of runaway hills.

Free residents of cities enjoyed the legal protection of Russian
The truth, they covered all articles on the protection of honor, dignity and life. Mercury played a special role. It early began to unite in the corporation (guild), called hundreds. Usually the "merchant hundred" acted in any church. "Ivanovo hundred" in Novgorod was one of the first merchant organizations in Europe.

A legally and economically independent group was also soughtdowns - communities (they paid taxes and performed the duties only in favor of the state).

In science, there are a number of sceneners, they are considered free peasants, feudal and dependent, persons of the slave state, serfs and even a category similar to small knighthood. But the main controversy is carried out along line: free or dependent (slaves). Many historians, such as S.A. Pokrovsky, consider sides, as commoners, ordinary citizens, everywhere exhibited by the Russian truth, free unlimited in their legal capacity. So S.V. Yushkov saw a special category of fixed rural population in death, and b .d Greeks believed that there were death dependent and soughtdowns. A.A. Zimin defended the idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of death from the hols.
An important place in the substantiation of opinions has two articles of Russian truth.

Article 26 of a brief truth that establishes a fine for the murder of slaves, in one reading says: "And in the scene and in the hob 5 hryvnia" (academic list) in the archaeographic list read: "And in Skulling in the Solopa 5 hryvnia" in the first reading it turns out that In the event of a murder of sideways and holp, the same fine is paid. From the second list it follows that the deathhold has a hull that kill
. It is impossible to resolve the situation.

Article 90 is a lengthy truth reads: "If Smerd dies, then the inheritance of the prince; If there are a daughter from him, then give them a bold "Some researchers treat it in the sense that after the death of sistering his property passed entirely to the prince and he is a" dead hand "man, that is, who is not able to transmit the inheritance. But further articles clarify the situation, we are talking only about those scent that died, without having sons, and the removal of women from inheritance was characterized at a certain stage to all the peoples of Europe. From this we see that the Familion moved together with the family.

However, the difficulties of determining the status of a sidelion will not end. Deoths on other sources, acts as a peasant who owns the house, property, horse for theft of his horse. The law establishes fine 2 hryvnia. For the "flour" of the scene establishes a fine of 3 hryvnia. Russian truth specifically does not specifically indicate a limitation of the legal capacity of death, there are guidance on the fact that they pay fines (selling) characteristic of free citizens. The law defended the identity and property of death. For perfect misconduct and crimes, as well as on obligations and contracts, he carried personal and property responsibility, for the debts a silding threatened to transform into a feudal-dependent procurement, in the trial, the deathbed acted as a full participant.

Russian truth always indicates if necessary for belonging to a specific social group (warranty, a cooler, etc.) in the mass of articles on free people, it is free meaning, about sides, it comes only where their status should be allocated.

Dani, the Founder and other defeats were undermined by the community's foundations, and many of her members to pay tribute to Solna and himself somehow existed were forced to go to debt boalan to their rich neighbors. Dolval Kabala has become the most important source of formation of economically dependent people. They turned into a man and horses who bent his backs on their owners and who did not have practical rights of one of these categories were the ranks
(From the word "row" - the contract) - those who conclude an agreement on their temporary Khopsky position, and his life was estimated at 5 hryvnun.
There was not always bad ordinary to be a good, he could be a kept key or manager .. A more complex legal figure is procure.
Brief truth does not mention the purchase, but in the extensive truth there is a special charter about purchases. The procurement worked in the farm feudal for Coupu, the loan, which could include various values: earth, cattle, money, and so on. This debt should be worked out, and there were no standards. The amount of work was determined by the lender. Therefore, with increasing interest on the loan, the bondage dependence increased and could continue for a long time. The first legal settlement of debt relations of procurement with creditors was produced in the Charter of Vladimir
Monomakh, after the uprising of the procurement in 1113, the limit dimensions of interest on debt were established. The law guarded the identity and property of the procurement, forbidding Mr. Unfortunately punished and take away the property. If the procurement itself performed an offense, the responsibility was two: Mr. paid a fine for him to the victim, but the procure itself could be issued head, i.e. turned into a full hatp. His legal status changed dramatically.
For trying to get away from Mr. Without paying the purchase turned to Holop. In the quality of the witness in the trial, the purchase could only speak special cases.: For insignificant cases ("in small claims") or in the absence of other witnesses ("by need"). Procure was the legal figure that the process most brightly illustrated
"Feudalization", challenge, fixing former free communities.

In the Russian truth, "role" (arable) procure, who worked in someone else's land, did not differ from the purchase by his legal status
"Noroley". From hired workers, those and others differed, in particular, what received a fee for the work of the future, and not after execution. Roleby purchases, working on someone else's land, treated it part of the Mr., part of them. Nonsense purchases provided personal services to Mr in his house. In feudal economy, the work of slave-rolls was widely applied, the ranks of which were replenished with prisoners, as well as ruined by tribesmen. The position of the horses was extremely heavy - they
"Below the bread of rye ate and without salt from the last poverty." The feudal junctions laid the man in a slave position. Sometimes, in conception, desperate and deliberate in all earthly and heavenly hopes, the slaves tried to break them, raised their hands on the offender. So, in 1066, reports
Novgorod chronicle, was removed by his own hills. One of the church rasows of Bishop Stefan. The slave is the most powerless subject of law. His property is special: everything that he possessed was the property of Mr. His personality as a subject of law was not defended by law, in the trial, the slave cannot act as a part. (plaintiff, defendant, witness). Referring to his testimony in court, a free person had to make a reservation, which refers to the "Words of the Hall". The law regulated various sources of the Khopherty of the Russian truth and provided for the following cases: Sale of slavery, the birth from slave, marriage to slave, "Kleaning", i.e. Receipt to the service to Mr., but without reservation on the preservation of the status of a free man. The most common source of a cauldron, not mentioned however
Russian truth was captured. But if the slave was captive - "from rati taken", the tribesmen could buy it. The price for the prisoner was high, 10 gold mines, full gold coins of Russian or Byzantine chasing. Not everyone hoped that such a ransom would pay for him. And if the slave came from his Russian Rhodes, then he waited and he wanted his death of his master. The owner could have a testament with his spiritual, hoping to redeem the earth sins, let go of the hills on the will. After that, the slave turned into a pushed man, that is, released to the will. Hollows stood at the lowest stage already in those ancient times of the stairs of social relations. Sources of the Wellery were also: committing a crime (such a punishment as "stream and looting" provided for the issuance of a criminal "head", turning into a cold), the flight of a purchase from Mr., malicious bankruptcy (the merchant loses or transcribe someone else's property) Life became more difficult, Dani and Regulations increased. The ruin of unbearable deaths of the communists spawned another category of dependent people-rougoms. The rudder is a person who is expelled by the power of heavy life circumstances from his circle, ruined, lost home, family, economy. The name of the burden occurs, apparently, from the ancient verb "to ride", equivalent to the old days
"live". Already the very emergence of a special word for the designation of such people speaks large quantities disadvantaged. Festival as a social phenomenon has spread widely in ancient Russia, and feudal lawmakers had to include in the promotions of the ancient laws of the article on the outcasts, and to the fathers of the Church, to remember them in their sermons

So from all of the foregoing, you can get some idea of \u200b\u200bthe legal position of the main categories of the population on


Undoubtedly, Russian truth is the unique monument of Old Russian law. Being the first written arch of laws, it, however, quite fully covers the very extensive sphere of the then relations. It represents a set of developed feudal law, which reflects the norms of criminal and civil law and process.

Russian truth is an official act. Its in its text contains instructions on princes that took or changed the law (Yaroslav
Wise, Yaroslavichi, Vladimir Monomakh).

Russian truth is a monument of feudal law. It comprehensively protects the interests of the dominant class and frankly proclaims the imparalfish of non-free worm-horses, Chelyadi.

Russian True in all its editors and lists is a monument of huge historical meaning. For several centuries, she served as the main guidance in court proceedings. In one form or another, Russian truth became part of or served as one of the sources of later vessels: Pskov vessel diploma, Dvina authorized diplomas of 1550, even some of the articles of Cathedral, 1649.
The long application of Russian truth in court cases explains to us the emergence of such species of the extensive editorial office of the Russian truth, which was subjected to alterations and additions in the XIV and XVI century.

Russian True, so well satisfied the needs of the princely ships that it was included in legal compilations until the XV century. Lists
The lengthy truth was actively distributed in the XV - XVI centuries. And only B.
1497 was published the lawsuit Ivan III Vasilyevich, replacing the extensive
The truth as the main source of law in the territories combined as part of a centralized Russian state.


1. Greeks B.D. Kievan Rus. Politicize. 1953.

2. Zimin A.A. Hollows in Russia. M. Science. 1973.

3. Isaev I. A. The history of the state and the rights of Russia. M. 1999.

4. Sverdlov M.B. From the law of Russian to Russian truth. M. 1988.

5. Tikhomirov M.N. Manual for the study of Russian truth. Publishing house

Moscow University. 1953.

6. Readings on the history of the state and the law of the USSR. Dooktyabrs period.

Edited by Titova Yu.P. And Chistolyakova I.O. M. 1990.

7. Klyuchevsky V.O. Course of Russian history Part 1 .5-ed.

8. Schapov Ya.N. Princely statutes and church in ancient Russia 9-14th century.

9. Yushkov S.V. Russian truth: origin, sources, its meaning. M.

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