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Tragedy in the Kuban: passengers tried to escape from a bus flying without brakes. Fear and Loathing in Psebay

Residents of the village of Psebay told about the tragedy

The brutal murder of the mother of many children Natalya Dmitrieva in the Kuban turned the life of the village of Psebay upside down. If it were not for the active position of local residents, the matter would not have been hushed up, but it would clearly not have received resonance. As a result, the story went far beyond the edge. But the victim's relatives were still banned from speaking on federal television channels. “Do you want a civil war?”, Officials waved their hands when people were about to fly to Moscow to shoot a talk show.

But social networks are still raging, the residents of the village do not calm down. And now the first results - the head of the Psebay administration, under pressure from colleagues, resigned, the director of the school where the suspect studied was dismissed, the house of the alleged killer is patrolled by a police squad around the clock.

The deceased Natalya Dmitrieva was an exemplary wife and mother of five children. Photo: social networks.

The day before, we already talked about the circumstances of the tragedy (). After a stormy feast in a local cafe, young people expressed a desire to see a 40-year-old visitor to the establishment, mother of five children, Natalia Dmitrieva, who met with her friend in the same cafe. The woman's refusal did not stop them. Natalia did not have time to reach the house of some 100 meters.

Her terribly disfigured body was found several hours later in a ditch - the woman was abused before her death, then mocked at the corpse.

The local residents, shocked by what had happened, staged a popular gathering and called all officials to account. People feared that juvenile thugs would go unpunished.

Now two suspects are in custody - 16-year-old Mikhail (name has been changed - Auth.) And his 20-year-old friend. But the villagers are sure: only two guys could not commit such atrocities. There were many more criminals.

The investigation of the resonant murder was taken over by the central apparatus The Investigative Committee.

Public unrest in Psebay, meanwhile, continues.

The news of the resignation of the head of the urban settlement of Psebay, Pavel Zharkov, hit local residents like a bolt from the blue. This man served as the head for almost 10 years.

The decision on the early termination of powers of his own free will was made by him on May 21 at a session of the local Council of Deputies, - former colleagues of Zharkov commented on the resignation. - He could not stand such pressure. Did you see how they talked to him at the gathering? They didn't even listen to him.

We also inquired about the fate of the headmaster of the school where the alleged offender studied.

Understand that the director is not guilty of anything, you have to ask your parents here, - an employee of the local gymnasium justifies her colleague. - Misha was a difficult teenager. We cannot cope with such. As a result, they sent him to home schooling. He has not studied with us since November.

As it turned out, there was also a social educator at school. Rather, there was such a position. The person who allegedly performed these duties was also fired.

There were no psychologists at the school, - a classmate of the accused admits. - In any case, we have not heard of this.

We saw the speech of officials at the rally in the recording. They looked confused. Actually, like other officials who were forced to answer to the people for a wild crime.

"A district police officer and two Cossacks were looking for criminals - we have no one else"

An initiative group made up of local residents is monitoring the investigation of the high-profile case. We contacted her representative Natalia.

Our village was declared an emergency zone for two months, until the passions subside and people calm down, - the interlocutor began the conversation.

- But it seems like people got their way, no one escaped responsibility, all the suspects were detained?

Many people don't think so. Although, most likely, the list of suspects is really not as long as they said before. There is evidence that three guys were sitting in that cafe then - the detained Mikhail with a friend and another acquaintance of theirs, who went to see off the girlfriend of the murdered woman.

- Do you have police in the village?

We used to have our own police station, but then it was downsized. Now on 7 villages left four precinct and duty, who take calls. At night, only one policeman works in all the villages, that's why a terrible thing happened. Psebay is about 10 thousand people. The area is huge, in summer there are many vacationers, near the border zone with Karachay-Cherkessia - such an area needs a separate police station.

- When the crime happened, where did the eyewitnesses call?

The district police officer and the Cossacks, who were about 10 kilometers away. While they were informed, while they arrived, a lot of time was lost.

- That is, the district police officer and the Cossacks came to murder?

Yes, a district police officer and two Cossacks. When they saw the corpse, they raised the other Cossacks to their feet. Time has also passed.

- According to some reports, everything happened around midnight. What time did all the Cossacks gather?

By the time they called, by the time everyone arrived, we gathered, it was already somewhere around 3 o'clock in the morning. Then the Cossacks went from house to house, asking the residents for good flashlights to illuminate the crime scene. We don't have lighting in the village. At night - even gouge out an eye.

The body of Natalia was quickly found. And 30 meters from her, they found a sleeping guy, but not the main sadist, as they say. A 20-year-old young man from Krasnodar was found sleeping, who came to visit the one who, according to the investigation, killed, to Mikhail. The Cossacks found him in a deranged state, pushed him apart. He had little understanding of what had happened. Through him they quickly reached Mikhail.

- The guy from Krasnodar immediately confessed to the crime?

Not. He said that he did not understand anything, he himself stood on the sidelines, waiting for Mikhail.

- Why do they say that there were more criminals? Like, a teenage gang is operating in the village ...

The company that Mikhail was with consists of 10 people or even more. This is a group of teenagers. They really call themselves a gang. They wear rolled-up trousers, short socks, dye their hair, and put on fleece. They say they sell drugs. One of them even attended Dmitrieva's funeral. But this gang, I think, is not involved in the murder of Natalia. Although their homes were searched just in case. Found hemp. By the way, after the tragedy, the parents of these guys made the children shave off their palm bangs. They think in this way they will embark on the path of correction.

- Is it true that a gang of teenagers used to commit some crimes, but they got away with it?

There was information that the same Mikhail was involved in beating a cyclist. Then his father allegedly paid 500 thousand rubles to get his son out of this story. The man was indeed collecting money throughout the village. They gave him. Only now has he paid off his debts.

They say that your village is almost the second Kushchevka, - I ask my interlocutor, and I get a terrible answer: it seems that murders and rapes are perceived as commonplace.

“Come on, come on. We don't have a special crime, - says Natalya. - From loud - a couple of years ago they found a guy with a severed head in a pond - he also returned home after a cafe. The case was then closed. No criminals were found. We have raped young girls several times. And in a neighboring village, a 10-year-old boy was drowned by his peers because he punctured his bicycle wheels. As you understand, no one was imprisoned. Minors do not fall under the article. So they won't give Mikhail more than 10 years.

"The spouse of the victim had a heart attack"

- What was the deceased Natalia Dmitrieva like?

Natalia was only 40 years old. She raised five children. The eldest is about 20, he graduated from college with honors. By distribution, he went to study for 9 months in Germany.

Her second boy is a classmate of the killer. Another boy of hers is in 2nd grade, the other goes to kindergarten. The youngest girl is only 2 years old. The Dmitrievs dreamed of a girl for so long!

If older children are trying to survive the tragedy, then the girl walks through the rooms and calls: "Mom, mom!"

Natalia was an exemplary mother and wife. It is strange that now there are people who accuse her of going to a cafe that evening to sit with a godfather. We all get together with our friends, is there anything criminal in this?

- Why did the relatives of the deceased decide to make this story public?

So that no one escapes responsibility. The relatives were going to go to Moscow the other day. Appear on television. But they were stopped at the Krasnodar airport. Some officials warned them: "Do you want to start a civil war?" And they returned to the village.

Then it began again: "Why did you return, you had to go to the end?" As if the second rally did not rise now. After all, at first, our authorities wanted to hide that the woman was not just killed, but brutally mutilated. Thought to avoid the hype. That is why the relatives decided to bury Natalia in an open coffin. So that everyone can see what the fiends have done to her. It was a terrible sight.

- Did the detainees explain why they mocked the victim?

They pulled out the internal organs with a stick. They say they saw something like that in the movies and decided to repeat it.

- What's with Natalia's husband now?

He closed in on himself. He does not communicate with journalists. When he saw the body of his wife, it was as if he were mad. I couldn't even answer questions. He and Natasha have lived together for more than 20 years. On the night of the funeral, he had a heart attack, he was taken to the intensive care unit.

- What can you say about the main suspect, Mikhail?

He is an uncontrollable guy - parents, teachers all talked about it. Therefore, his individual training was transferred. Mother was often summoned to school and lectured. But she said so: "I cannot influence him."

- His relatives are now trying to present Mikhail insane?

It is useless, everyone knows that Misha is quite adequate, only spoiled. And here is the fault of the parents. They allowed him a lot. On May 16, they were going to send him to Norilsk to see his relatives for a while. We decided to change the situation for him. That trip to the cafe should have been his last entertainment in the village. He said to his parents: "I will take my last day off and I will leave."

- Is the teenager's family wealthy?

They have an average income. Mom rents a room, works as a seamstress. My father was in charge of logging in the village - this is a good position, a civil servant. It seems like he quit retroactively after this story.

- Do you still have children in their family?

Yes, two more boys. One in high school, the other goes to kindergarten... Only now the children have been persecuted - they are sitting at home. Parents also do not go outside. They say my father started drinking. They hadn't seen him for a week. The whole village took up arms against them. At a popular gathering, the villagers demand that their children be taken away from them and their parental rights be deprived. Mikhail is brought to the investigative experiment under guard. They put on a bullet-proof vest, a helmet. Fencing off the territory. People are not allowed closer than 500 meters.

- Did Mikhail's parents express condolences to the family of the deceased?

No, they didn't say anything. Money didn't help either. Mikhail's mother said that she would protect her son to the last. And the father immediately slashed from his shoulder: "Let him sit to the fullest." It is clear that they will not live in the village. There was a rumor that they were also going to leave for Norilsk and change their place of residence.

17 people died. One is considered missing. 33 - rescued, many of them have serious injuries. A bus carrying workers crashed into the sea from an unfinished pier. Perhaps he had brakes. The search operation continued until sunset and will resume at dawn.

The pier on which the tragedy took place is located on the territory of an oil and gas company security facility. Therefore, outsiders are not allowed inside. Journalists, of course, too. The guards, referring to the management, say: "No comment yet."

The first message about the crash was received by rescuers around eight in the morning. Passenger buscarrying shift workers flew 400 meters along the unfinished technological pier, failed to slow down and fell into the water from a height of four meters.

At first it was reported that the driver lost control. Details soon emerged. The bus could have failed brakes, the driver allegedly tried to stop the car with a manual gearbox, but failed - it shattered to smithereens. Eyewitnesses heard the crunch of metal and, it seems, even saw an oil plume, which the bus left behind on the pier.

“All possible versions of an accident will be considered, including those related to violation of the rules road traffic by the bus driver, a technical malfunction, the role of persons who are responsible for monitoring technical condition vehicle and ensuring the safety of employees of the enterprise. Only on the basis of the results of the complex of investigative actions and examinations it will be possible to draw conclusions about the causes of the incident, "- said the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko.

It is known that the bus transported builders who are building infrastructure for the shipment of fuel off the coast of the Black Sea. This is how the pier under construction should look in perspective. The work is carried out by the OTEKO-Portservice company, but, as it turned out, the bus that fell into the sea today does not belong to it, but to a private owner. This was confirmed on condition of anonymity by one of the builders.

“Interstroy and Tamnneftegaz have their own vehicle fleet and their own buses, which undergo all technical inspections, and there are private ones, when the driver buys his own bus, is hired by the company and works for himself directly. This was the bus where the private owner was carrying passengers, ”said the man.

By evening it became known that the investigators had met with an individual entrepreneur, the owner of the bus. This is a certain Yuri Vecheradze. He and the driver who survived the accident are already being interrogated. Both defendants pass as suspects. It turned out that in the contract for the transportation of people, which Vecheradze signed with the oil and gas company, the bus that fell into the sea was not listed at all.

These shots were shared by a few witnesses of today's incident - a mangled bus is being lifted out of the water. In pictures from social networks - the victims are already on the pier.

According to the latest reports from the Ministry of Emergencies, the bodies of 17 victims of the crash were taken out of the water. Among them is Vadim Dedukh. He worked as an installer at a construction site. The widow Svetlana says: his colleagues told her about the terrible news.

More than 30 victims were delivered to hospitals in the Krasnodar Territory. The heaviest were transported to the regional hospital.

“The Temryuk Central Regional Hospital received 32 victims. Seven people are in serious condition. Two were evacuated to the regional clinical hospital No. 1 by the air ambulance. Five people are in the intensive care unit. 11 people are in a state of moderate severity, 13 are in a state of light severity, ”said Valentina Ignatenko, Deputy Minister of Health of the Krasnodar Territory.

The bus carried about 50 people, which does not seem to exceed the standards. At the same time, experts are surprised that the bus did not stop, because even if the brake pedal really did not work, the braking system is duplicated.

“The spare braking system is designed to provide at least 50 percent deceleration from the main system in the event of a breakdown. But very often malfunctions occur in the car, and carriers, so that the car does not remain locked, turn off the spare brake system. Maybe it happened that way - it was turned off and when the main systems were broken, it did not work, ”says Denis Zagarin, Deputy General Director of FSUE“ NAMI ”.

In addition to the Investigative Committee, the Transport Prosecutor's Office has joined the investigation of the causes of the crash. Regional authorities arrived at the scene of the tragedy.

However, there are still no official comments from the oil and gas company itself, which owns the pier under construction.

At least 18 people died as a result of a bus falling into the sea in the Temryuk District of the Krasnodar Territory. This was reported to TASS by the Emergencies Ministry. In total, there were 41 people on the bus.

Identified violations

The bus transported workers of the Tamanneftegaz company, Svetlana Petrenko, an official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia, said. On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Violation of traffic rules and the operation of vehicles”).

“Early this morning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Volna village in the Krasnodar Territory, while returning from watch to the sea, a bus carrying Tamanneftegaz workers overturned,” she said.

Later it turned out that the transportation was carried out on a bus belonging to individual entrepreneur... In this regard, the investigation supplemented the case of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of Russia ("provision of services that do not meet safety requirements").

After the bus fell into the sea, eight people were taken to the Temryuk hospital, the condition of five is assessed as grave, the representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

“Eight were hospitalized in the Temryuk central regional hospital. Five people are in a serious condition, three more are in a state of moderate severity, "RIA Novosti quotes the interlocutor.

The admission department of the Taman district hospital said that the passengers of the bus received mostly injuries to their arms, legs and concussions.

“We have a department of the central hospital, we accepted the victims and sent them to Temryuk, because we do not have a trauma department. They took 18 people, two of them were in serious condition, the rest were of moderate and mild severity, ”the admission department said.

A representative of the regional administration was assigned to transport the victims to hospitals in the Krasnodar Territory.

“The Governor gave an order to the doctors to provide all the necessary assistance, including using the ambulance (helicopter) to transport the victims to the regional medical institutions", - quotes the interlocutor of RIA Novosti.
The governor also instructed to prepare a room fund for relatives who will come to identify the dead.

Rescue operation

The Ministry of Emergency Situations noted that the depth of the sea in the place where the bus drove off is about four meters. Rescuers have already lifted the vehicle ashore.

"The bus was lifted by crane to the shore," RIA Novosti was told at the head office of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Divers from Crimea are working at the crash site of the bus, who are looking for people, said a representative of the department. A total of 112 people are involved, 29 pieces of equipment, including 44 personnel from the EMERCOM of Russia, 8 pieces of equipment.

“At least 20 divers, two mobile diving units are working on the spot, the involvement of divers from the Republic of Crimea has been organized,” RIA Novosti quotes an interlocutor in the Ministry of Emergencies.

  • EMERCOM of the Russian Federation

According to Svetlana Petrenko, now the investigators and criminologists who arrived at the scene are establishing the circumstances of the incident. She stressed that the UK will consider all possible versions of an accident, including those related to a violation of traffic rules by a driver, a technical malfunction of a bus or a violation of the rules for operating a vehicle. Based on the results of the check, conclusions will be drawn about the reasons for the incident.

A law enforcement source told TASS that the bus driver lost control.

“According to preliminary data, the bus driver lost control and the bus fell into the sea from a pier under construction,” he said.

In connection with the tragedy, the deputy head of Rostrud Ivan Shklovets flew to the scene, the press service of the department reports.

“Deputy Head of Rostrud Ivan Shklovets is leaving for Krasnodar Territory to participate in the investigation of the causes and circumstances of the bus crash into the Kerch Strait,” the message says.

The general director of the OTEKO-Portservice company, which owns the bus, flew to the scene of the tragedy. This was reported in the press service of the company:

"The general director of the company will fly to the scene of the tragedy in the near future."

Deputy General Director Irina Trifonova, who is at the scene, said that the victims and their families will receive all the necessary assistance, including material assistance.

“A terrible tragedy has taken place, claiming the lives of our colleagues. We mourn together with the families of the victims. We will make every effort to investigate the incident and identify the causes of the tragic incident, ”she said.

Who drove the workers to watch. The accident occurred at the pier of the cargo terminal. 18 people were killed. More than 30 were injured, five of them are in serious condition. According to preliminary data, the brakes of the bus failed. August 26 was declared the Day of Mourning in the Kuban.

On the territory of the enterprise all day, one after another, the cars of doctors and rescuers call in. Outsiders are not allowed to the place of emergency. A terrible accident at the pier under construction took the lives of 17 people. One passenger is missing and the search continues.

33 people were hospitalized: they were admitted to the Temryuk, Taman hospitals and the regional hospital in Krasnodar. Both local and regional doctors are fighting for the lives of the victims.

"Currently, two victims have been transferred to the regional clinical hospital No. 1 by air ambulance," says Deputy Health Minister of the Krasnodar Territory Valentina Ignatenko. "Five people are in the intensive care unit, two of them are in the operating room."

Dmitry Seleznev was in that bus, the third row from the driver: he says that when they felt that the bus was flying at an insane speed and did not slow down, they opened hatches, doors, knocked out windows - they tried to escape.

“The driver tried to brake against the bump stop on the bridge, but we reached the end of the berth and fell,” the victim notes. “I thought only about my daughter, I wasn’t scared.”

The injured in a wheelchair (according to some sources, this is a bus driver), law enforcement officers ask to return to the building. So far, they are not allowed to communicate with journalists, interrogated by the investigators.

All emergency services of the region work at the site of the emergency - more than 130 specialists. The sea depth at the place where the bus crashed is 12 meters. Rescuers worked on and under water. The bodies of the dead were found and raised to the surface. Works for relatives " hotline", prepared hotels.

People began to arrive at the scene of the emergency and for the identification procedure. Most of the dead are residents of the Krasnodar Territory. Some are from the same family.

The bus was lifted to the surface using a crane. Apparently, the impact on the water was so strong that it crushed the roof inside the cabin like a cardboard one. According to eyewitnesses, the bus was rushing down the mountain towards the sea and it looked like its brakes had failed. Passengers tried to leave the vehicle on the move, despite high speed... And the bus, as if uncontrollable, flew into the pier and crashed into the sea.

Investigators are interrogating eyewitnesses: they have to find out how everything happened. The bus along with the passengers fell into the sea from a height of four meters. There is information that it was overcrowded. Presumably, over 50 people could have been there. The carrier is facing an unscheduled check. Criminal cases were initiated.

“All possible versions of an accident will be considered, including those related to a violation of traffic rules by a bus driver, a technical malfunction,” says Svetlana Petrenko, an official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. “The role of persons responsible for monitoring the technical means and ensuring the safety of employees of the enterprise ".

All versions of what happened are considered. According to preliminary information, the bus could fall into the water due to a traffic violation or technical malfunction. Expertise is coming. Families of those killed will receive a million rubles each. Local authorities will help organize the funeral. August 26 is declared the Day of Mourning in the Krasnodar Territory.

The updated information on those killed and wounded in a serious accident with a rotational bus that fell into the sea in the Krasnodar Territory was named by a representative. According to data on this moment, there were at least 50 people on the bus. The bodies of 17 victims were found, 33 people were rescued, 32 of them were hospitalized in the Temryuk central regional hospital.

Administration of the Temryuk District of the Krasnodar Territory

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“We saw that the bus was heading straight down,” said an eyewitness. - We saw that the whole road was covered in oil, it just flowed like a train.

Apparently, the brakes of the bus went off, and the driver tried to brake with a handbrake. It was evident that he could not stop, people began to jump out on the move.

We saw how people climbed out through the hatches above. One landed successfully, the other injured his arm, broke his ribs. And the bus kept running, drove to the pier and fell into the water. "

On the fact of the road accident, two criminal cases were initiated: under Article 264 "Violation of traffic rules and vehicle operation", and also under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of Russia "Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements."

The preliminary causes of the accident in the department are called violation of traffic rules, as well as the rules for operating the vehicle. The transport prosecutor's office also began its check.

Old transport full of people

Meanwhile, employees of ZAO Tamanneftegaz and its contractor OOO Interstroy, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, drew attention to the fact that the fences on the piers under construction were rather nominal, and complained about constantly breaking buses. They claim to have problems with old vehicles their management knew, but when asked to use newer buses, they offered to simply quit.

“Half of the berth is surrounded by an iron fence, but only on one side,” one of the builders, who wished to remain anonymous, told Gazeta.Ru. - And then there is a fence made of an inch board. This board is painted with red and white stripes.

I personally participated in the installation of fences on behalf of the authorities. And that was done before the arrival of Putin's delegation.

At the end of the berth, there are no fences and there were none, they put up a board at most, and that's it. And the buses are almost all out of order. Everyone rides packed. They just fall apart on the go. And even these buses are not enough for all employees - many have to go standing. And so they carry people from all nearby villages: Senoy, Volna and Taman.

It turns out that the bosses are forcing drivers to take a bunch of people and ride a faulty bus. They turn a blind eye to our requests and complaints - they say in plain text so that they quit if we don't like something.

Like, there is no end to those who want to work here. And now they will hang everything on a simple worker who is forced to use such equipment because there is a family at home that needs to be fed. "

Another employee of the company agrees with these statements, confirming this on condition of anonymity due to fear of dismissal. “The fences are posts and stretched wire that the bus, and a car will not be kept, - the worker told Gazeta.Ru. - About what violation of traffic rules the driver is talking - I can not imagine. Unless there is a 5 km / h speed limit sign at the entrance to the pier, and the bus was traveling faster, but no one ever drives so slowly there.

They do not respond to our complaints, ideological ones who collect signatures on complaints are dismissed. And since they pay more or less stable here, people have to stay here. "

According to the official website of Tamanneftegaz, this CJSC is part of the OTEKO group of companies and is the operator of the Taman transshipment complex of liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LPG), oil and oil products (TPK). The investor of the project, OTEKO Group of Companies, is one of the leading players in the market for the transportation of oil cargo. The contractor of the company is Interstroy LLC. Currently, both of these enterprises are recruiting employees for the implementation of a large project for the construction of the Taman bulk cargo terminal in the port of Taman and are inviting specialists in various fields, in particular carpenters and installers.

The salary is from 45 thousand rubles, and meals and accommodation are provided free of charge.

Gazeta.Ru asked the head office of Tamanneftegaz in the Krasnodar Territory for comments, but they hung up several times there. As for the Moscow office, they said they had no information.

Recall that after a number of high-profile accidents involving buses, the traffic police announced that they were strengthening control over the sphere of passenger transportation. So, in July of this year, employees suppressed 121 cases of providing services that did not meet safety requirements for the transportation of passengers, 40.5 thousand facts of operation of buses with technical faults, including 870 facts of driving a bus with a faulty steering wheel and braking system, and 585 buses, in the design of which changes were made without a permit (registration of 370 such buses has been terminated).

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