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Bentley whose company. Whose brand bentley

In the XVII-XVII centuries, in Britain among young offspring of aristocratic families, there was a tradition to go to a large tour of Europe in search of useful knowledge and to gain life experience. After 200 years, this tradition found its continuation in the name of the class Gran Turismo. The Gran Turismo models combine exciting dynamics and comfort, can easily overcome even the biggest distances and make every journey unforgettable.

The combination of dynamics and luxury is the main Credo company Bentley, so it is not surprising that our cars are leading in the class of Gran Turismo for almost a hundred years. From the original Bentley.
Before the new Continental GT - these cars became faithful satellites of several generations of lovers to make modern "grandiose tours" and continue to remain them.

First Bentley Class Gran Turismo

Developed by O. Bentley in 1919, in the year of the company Bentley Motors, model 3 Litre entered
On sale in 1921. The use of metric units of measurement in its title hinted on the fact that this car was created for traveling through speed roads of continental Europe. Innovative Design for that time - Cylinder head
With a diametrically opposite position of the valves, two spark plugs per cylinder and two carburetors - provided 3 Litre excellent dynamics that brought victory in. In 1924, John Duff (John Duff) with Frank Clement (Frank Clement) took the first place, and in 1927 their success repeated Dr. Benjfeld "Benjafield" with Sammy Davis (Sammy Davis). Their running characteristics
The Autocar's magazine appreciated the magazine, noting the exclusive "obedience in the transport flow
and extraordinary high-speed potential on public roads. " The traditions of Gran Turismo became the style of Bentley.

Power without effort

Bentley 6 ½ Litre released in 1926
with a six-cylinder engine was intended
To install heavier Sedan's bodies that some customers preferred. But this car, called Speed \u200b\u200bSix, equipped with a 200-strong engine, demonstrated a relaxed and smooth overclocking, which became a new reference to the dynamics of the car, thanks to which in 1929 Sir Tim Birkin () won the race in Le Mans. In 1930, Barnato and Glen Kidston (Glen Kidston) took the first place, and Frank Clement with Watney Sens (Dick Watney) - the second. I installed on the front of my first cars a mesh grille to protect against stones. Its traits and to this day are traced in the design of car radiator lattice.

Bentley 8 Litre.

In 1930, Bentley created the 8 Litre model, such a powerful one that the company stated that this car would be able to develop a speed of over 160 km / h regardless of the type of body chosen by the customer. O. I considered this car with my best creation, and many have been agrees with him. Captain U. Gordon Aston (W. Gordon Aston)
In its Bentley 8 Litre review, the Tatler magazine said: "I have never met a car in life,
In which such incredible speakers are combined with such a smooth and quiet move. " Due to this combination of speed and silence, travel has become even more pleasant.
Unfortunately, the release of the model was stopped in connection
With the collapse of Wall Street and then the Great Depression followed. We managed to release only 100 copies of this unique car. .

In honor of the 8 Litre model, created by O., a limited series of MULSANNE models was released. For more information, go through this link.

Bentley Derby.

Because of financial difficulties, Bentley was sold in 1931 former competitor, Rolls-Royce, and production moved to Derby. Bentley Derby was the first car released here - first in version 3 ½ Litre, and later 4 ¼ Litre. The six-cylinder engine worked smoothly and quietly, developing the power of about 120 liters. with. - A very impressive capacity characteristic for that time. With the new owner, the quality of cars remained the highest: they were stylish, sophisticated, with elegant proportions, fast and easy to manage.

Bentley Embiricos.

In 1938, the wealthy Greek racer Andre Embirickos (André Embiricos), living in Paris, ordered a Bentley 4 ½ Litre with a streamlined, aerodynamic body of duralumin, lightweight aluminum alloy. This car had ideal for the class of Gran Turismo qualities for the class model: developed an extraordinarily high maximum speed (held more than an hour of speed of 183.4 km / h on the Brooklands highway) and at the same time quite suitable for travel on public roads. Bentley was so inspired by this piece specimen, which decided to use these advantages in the coming years when creating cars for the general public.

R-Type Continental

Bentley Embiricos Communication Bentley on Experiment
With a streamlined silhouette, which he was able to fulfill after World War II. So in 1952 the famous R-Type Continental line appeared. Thanks to a squat, elongated and elegant body, a smoothly descending roof line and "fins"
On the rear wings that raised stability, he could develop an unprecedented cruising speed
160 km / h, when four people were in the cabin. At that time, there were no motorways in Britain, and the real feelings from trips for long distances could only be obtained in continental Europe, so the model was called Continental. The Autocar magazine described R-TYPE as a "modern carpet-aircraft that overcomes long distances and does not cause fatigue during the trip." It was the best praise for the Gran Turismo car. Its revolutionary design, including an expressive power line, is still reflected in the Bentley models of the Gran Turismo class.

Walter Owen Bentley, the founder of the legendary brand, was a versatile man: he worked and an apprentice in the railway depot, and a fireman on the steam locomotive, and the designer of aviation engines. In the free from exhausting work, the British engineer was fond of auto racing. It is known that he has repeatedly defeated victories on the famous Aston Hill, competing with Lionel Martin - the founder of the brand Aston Martin..

In 1919, Walter Bentley developed his first car under the index "3L", which had a great success in the auto industry. This date is considered to be the point of reference to the history of the aristocratic brand. In Cricve, at the Bentley Motor plant, a premium quality and impeccable reliability were produced. A talented engineer was able to construct a silent sports car who became the leader among high-class British cars. Cars with a winged "b" on the radiator regularly took part in lesman competitions, occupying prizes. But participation in motor racing was interrupted in the 1930s economic crisis. Bentley found itself in a difficult financial situation, and was soon declared bankrupt and exhibited at auction.

Under his wing, she took the company Rolls-Royce , Paying all debts. Walter Bentley was forced to sell his enterprise. Plant "Bentley", replacing the owner, moved from Cricvud to Derby. With the conclusion of the era of Walter Bentley's popularity of his vehicle ackla against the background of the success of Rolls Royce. There was a sharp decline in sales, as the prestige of the British brand was partly lost. However, against the background of all this catastrophe there were takeoffs: on request, Brunei, the collector of exclusive cars, the Bentley Dominator SUV was created worth 3 million pound sterling.

All Bentley Models of the 50s were copies of Rolls-Royce. But the fundamental difference between two brands was initially in the fact that the place of the owner of the representative office "Rolls-Royce" - from behind, unlike the "Bentley" - a car for those who can and like to drive. A sports double-year Bentley Continental, having seen the light in 1952, did not have and has no analogues. The family of expensive British cars is focused on millionaires who are sports complied with Ferrari. seem a bit devoid of comfort.

In the 90s, the success of the six hundredth "Mercedes" of the S-class was supplanted from Bentley from the car market - the British company declined and was purchased by the German concern Volkswagen Group in 1998. Volkswagen gave a new impetus to the development of the aristocratic brand of high-speed cars. Hasive experience gained in sports competitions is the true wealth of the brand. The high quality of the machine performance was the worthy Queen of Elizabeth II: in honor of the half-century anniversary of its board, an exclusive limousine Bentley State Limousine was ordered.

The characteristics of Bentley S-2 fell to the greatest musician of the twentieth century John Lennon, the soloist of the legendary BEATLES group. He acquired it specifically for the presentation of the album "Yellow Submarine". The car was painted in a psychedelic style to attract more attention to the audience, which made the car with a unique exhibit of history stored in the imprint of the time.

Successfully consolidated by the status of royal, prestigious cars "Bentley" and to this day embody the demanding demands of ambitious millionaires. Even before the start of the assembly, which occurs at the factory in the CU (United Kingdom), customers can tell about their wishes to the professionals of the design bureau. Some Bentley, made according to individual orders, are really unique than the cost of Bentley from 10 million rubles.

Cars "Bentley", the country by the manufacturer of which was originally England, at first glance amazed with their luxury, high quality and presentability. They do not just have the status of comfortable equipment, but also combine elite design and unique specifications. Magnificent solution of engineering thought. Bentley on the road is a grace, speed, freedom and complete safety.

In the modern world, automakers have numerous branches scattered around the world. Undoubtedly, the quality of the model is directly related to the place of assembly. Therefore, in motorist circles is often discussed which country producer "Bentley".

But in the 21st century of industrial globalism, where the manufacture of parts and their assembly is carried out in different parts of the world, it is quite difficult to identify the owner of a car brand. If we proceed from outdated facts, then the country producer "Bentley" - England. But as far as it is true, it is difficult to say. First of all, we must turn to the origins of the origin and the development of this brand.

Brand history Bentley

Walter Owen Bentley became the progenitor of the luxury brand. The opening of Bentley Motors at the beginning of 1919 had to during the dawn of the world's automotive industry. No one else suspected about the mass production of this brand.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, cars were made directly for racing, and only after the victory on them, the brand became popular. Then, the young Bentta caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a leader of the racing and glorify the Great Britain. All efforts were aimed at strength and speed, the emphasis on the design was not put. The brand's brand logo was stretched wings, carefully hugging the letter "B". On the first car was installed, a 2 liter and supercar motor was first reached the finish line. Then it began to apply three - and eight-liter motors. But passing through the cascade of enchanting victories, the company has undergone a number of drops and failures.

Difficult times Bentley Motors

At the end of the 30s, after a magnificent take-off, a cool drop of "Bentley" came up, the country by the manufacturer, who was still in England remained. It began with the fact that the new model could not get to the finish line. Then the times of the Great Depression came when an interest in luxurious cars fell. As a result, the brand was forced to put on the auction. The buyer who is present incognito turned out to be a representative of the Rolls Royce competing firm. As a result, the brand radically changed priorities and began to be created on the basis of competitors.

Racing remained in the past. Now Bentley is a machine of young aristocrats, combining comfort and speed. Bentley Continental became an exclusive model line, which won in the "car of the year" nomination.

Second "black band" brand

By the 90s, Rolls himself was financially crisis. He stopped being competitive. The company was put up for sale. For the possession of one of the majestic brands in the world, the competitors launched a real war. BMW's offer at the last moment was interrupted by Volkswagen, which offered more than 800 thousand dollars. But for the Bentley car, England remains the country by the manufacturer. While the whole world congratulated the winner, the competitors regretted that they did not take the main prize. Subsequently, Continental GT appeared on the market, which struck the public with his design.

At the dawn of zero years of autocontracers, while in the wild competition among themselves, they began to use militant marketing moves. Open advertising confrontation began first BMW and Mercedes, then Jaguar and Audi. Advertising banners Pepling with humiliating signatures. But I struck all Bentley, which once ruined all the patterns. In a short commercial, a very solid man on the background of a winged emblem shows a middle finger. This was regarded as the disadvantage of the English brand over German. Such a causing plot not only prompted the public to dispute, but also proved the effectiveness of provocative advertising.

Country of manufacturer "Bentley" today

Bentley - Royal Elite Machine. Today she is going to England, in the town of Cru. Combination of handmade and automotive achievements of the 21st century. And all this at the same factory. Engineers attract high-tech ultra-roll robots for their works. Request a request for an exclusive model. And the supercar called Mulsan and with the light hand of engineers turned out.

Russian car enthusiast

Through dealer agencies, he appeared in Russia in 1995. And only in 2012, when the automaker itself founded the Russian Bentley Plant, whose country producer England, brand is of interest to the domestic buyer.

For the company, the Russian playground is one of the most tempting, so the Russian motorist she tries to always amaze. Thus, in Russia, three models can be purchased in Russia: Mulsanne, Flying Spur and Continental. And soon the brand will bring the newest supercar - SUV Bentley Bentayga.

Official website:
Headquarters: England

Bentley Cars Ltd. - English company specializing in car manufacturing.

The founder of the legendary aristocratic brand of cars formed in 1919, Walter Owen Bentley (Walter Owen Bentley), his first car with a 3-liter "four" developed together with F. Bargez and G. Barlem. In the autumn of the same year, Walter Bentley showed her firstborn at the London Motor Show, but the production was able to establish only two years after two years. By the way, from the very beginning, Bentley aimed at the production of prestigious cars. The volume of three liters did a car inaccessible to ordinary motorists, and the warranty period unique for that time at the age of five attracted the attention of wealthy people. The car wore a uncomplicated name - 3L, which meant only the presence of a 3-liter motor. In the future, this designation has become traditional. And only somewhere from the mid-twenties in the title began to appear verbal designations, for example, BIG SIX.

Bentley, without burdening themselves with designer research, paid special attention to the technical side of the issue. He saw the main purpose of his cars in victories on car racing. And indeed, rarely happened so that the Bentley brand cars won the sports competitions. The use of large-volume engines allowed "to remove" with them a considerable amount of horsepower. One of these was a 4.5L model with a rotary boiler roots placed in front of the radiator. This machine was specially designed for the famous rider and industrial magnate of Birkin. In those years, the car became one of the most powerful and high-speed, and despite the critical attitude towards it from Bentley himself, his company brought even greater fame.

In 1928-30 In small quantities, cars are going to models "6.5L" and its sports option "Speed \u200b\u200bSix". For three years, this car twice won the race in Le Mana and three times in Brookland.

The release of the model "8L" - the most expensive and prestigious in the company's lineup - began in 1930

The beginning of the thirties was marked by Bentley's loss of its independence. Thus, through the mediation of Napier, Bentley was part of another elite automotive company Rolls-Royce. From this, a new stage began in the history of the company, which did not fit the prestige earned earned earned earlier. Bentley. Now the SS CARS here is (which means a silent sports car) has become an undisputed leader among high-class British cars.

The first Bentley, created jointly with Rolls-Royce specialists - model 3.5L (1933). In 1936, the 4.5L model appears on the basis of Rolls-Royce 20 / 25nur and Rolls-Royce25 / 30 HP. Since 1933, seven very similar in design and design of models were released.

Gradually, the production of Bentley cars began to move from Derby to the Rolls-Royce plant, which was located in the city of Cru. And the first fully created model there became Mark-VI, launched in production a few months after the end of the II World War. The base for this car was the Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith. And since 1955, all Bentley models were complete copies of Rolls-Royce. Nevertheless, despite the constructive similarity of both brands, between them it remained the main difference between them: Rolls-Royce is a representative car, and his host is from behind. And Bentley - on the contrary, a car for people who are able and loving driving a car.

In 1952, Bentley introduced the Continental model (Continental). It was a sports two-door car, which acquired the fame of the most high-speed serial sedan.

1955 - Series S demonstrated the final technical convergence of brands. Bentley S1 has become a copy of the Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith.

In 1963, the S3 model appears. In 1965, the beginning of the release of the model Bentley T.

The release of turbocharged models begins the 70s. - These are MULSANNE Turbo and Turbo R models, bentley bentley brand. According to the experts, Bentley Mulsanne Turbo became one of the best sedans in the world, even compared to Mercedes-Benz 600sel.

The modern program of the company was formed about 20 years. In 1980, a presentation of the Mulsanne model was held, after two years I saw the light of 300 a strong version with a turbocharged, and in another couple of years - a simplified version of EIGHT. The rest of the models were created by the so-called "project 90", with different bodies and some external differences from rallies from Rolls-Royse - Turbo R and Brooklands, only the Continental model did not have any analogues. The family of these expensive sports coupe is primarily intended for young and ambitious millionaires who have sports cars like Ferrari seem too utilitarian and devoid of comfort. Now produced by Continental have three main modifications "R", "T" and "SC". The model "R" is cheaper in the family (only 314 thousand dollars) and is characterized by a characteristic finish, as well as comfortable and in the same perfectly tuned on a quick driving suspension. The model "T" has a shortened per 100 mm base, a more sports suspension and a powerful engine in 426 hp. But the most interesting of this "opera" is the "SC" modification (Sedanca Coupe) with a rigid retractable roof. In normal condition, this is a closed coupe, however, if desired, part of the roof over the front seats is automatically removed. And the latest models today are Azure convertible and of course created on the basis of the Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph model Bentley Arnage.

In 1991, the release of the Bentley Continental-Azure model was launched. Later in 1996 following the Continental R family of these cars replenished Continental T.

The production of the Bentley Azure model began in 1996

In 1997, the first show of the TURBO RT model.

The permutations in the automotive world reigning these days led to the fact that Bentley Motors was freed from Uz Rolls-Royce and in 1998 he fell control of Volkswagen AG.

Today, one of the main accents in the manufacturing program falls on the Arnage model (premiere in April 1998, Turin). It is equipped with a BMW V8 (4.4 L) engine with two Garrett turbocharger and is available in two basic modifications - Red Label (more sporty option, 400 hp) and Green Label (354 hp). The safety of passengers of this ultra-luxury sedan provides two airbags, ABS, Traction-Control system, and a system overlapping fuel supply, unlocking doors and separating the steering column in the event of an accident.

In the building and the unstasive "classic" from Bentley - various options for the Continental model (March 1991, Geneva), which distinguishes the magnificent quality of the interior trim (skin from Conolli, panels from rare wood or polished aluminum) and a thoughtful chassis design. The most powerful Continental T with a shortened base and a 6.8-liter turbo video of the Vickers design develops 426 hp And rightfully considered one of the most expert coupe of the world - the maximum speed is 273 km / h with a total of 2850 kg. Like other models of Bentley 1998 Model Year, Continental has gained a more sporty, aggressive face - now the machine is equipped with alloy wheels and grid of the matrix radiator.

The design of the soft leather vertex for the Azure convertible has developed and manufactured by the Italian company PinInfarina. The premiere of the Bentley cabriolet took place at the end of 2000 at the Birmingham Motor Show.

2001 - Bently EX Speed \u200b\u200b8 debuts on the American continent at the Detroit-2001 Motor Show.

In addition to all of the above, I want to mention the Bentley S-2 model, which belonged to the greatest musician of the twentieth century - John Lennon. This car was specifically acquired by him for the presentation in America of the BEATLES group album - Yellow Submarine. For a complete latitude of the perception of a new album and bringing to him a larger audience, the car specially painted under the sensitive leadership of Lennon himself, in a unique Psychedelic style inspired by him and other members of the group, apparently, after the fairness of marijuana. They say the previous owner was so shocked when she saw the reincarnation that a few minutes lost the gift of speech. Nevertheless, all these experiments made a car with a unique exhibit of history, keeping an imprint of the era of the long-speded years.

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