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Caterpillar - Brand History. Caterpillar Company - World Leader in Production of Special Education History of Education Caterpillar, Engines and Caterpillar Power Installations, Used Caterpillar Equipment, Caterpillar Management

Caterpillar's history goes back to the end of the XIX century, when her founders of Deniel Best and Benjamin Holt (each had its own independent plants) carried out experiments using port tractors in agriculture (1890). At the turn of the centuries, they were engaged in the modernization of the wheel tractors in order to increase their maneuverability and passability.

Studies of two engineers led to the creation of a steam engine in 1905 for tractors, which was used when the cable is hosted in San Francisco. It was the first end of the use of Caterpillar cars in construction work. A year later, an earthquake fell on San Francisco, and the Caterpillar technique was involved in eliminating the consequences.

The first success was overwhelmed by the company's creators, and they began to work on the release of new models of tractors. In 1908-1913, the models were improved by steel structures, three transmission rates, an improved spring suspension system and the clutch of the tractor parts.

In 1913, the fact of the delivery of caterpillar tractors Caterpillar was recorded to the territory of Russia (in this, it contributed to the Gold Medal of the Company in the Competitions on Polashka). During the First World War, Caterpillar supplies crawler tractors to Russia, England and France, and after the US joining the war, and the American front.

In general, during this period, more than 5,000 tractors were produced for the United States and the Union republics. In 1919, a new tractor was released, the capacity of which was 75 hp, and in addition to the caterpillars were the front wheels. Such tractors began to produce in the Obukhovsky factory in Petrograd.

Since 1921, the tractor starts to supply to Europe for the construction of Rhine-Mine Danube. The basis of Caterpillar's foundation is 1925, when the two founders of the company joined their production facilities under a common brand and title. In the USSR, Caterpillar continued to supply diesel engines in the 20s and contributed to the development of the tractor industry.

In 1929, Soviet agriculture was replenished with 2050 tracked machines. In 1930, Caterpillar tractors were purchased by the Belgian authorities for the construction of the Albert King Canal. In 1931, such tractors were seen on the construction of the Hoover Dama in the United States.

In the 1930s, construction was carried out in different parts of the world, and the Caterpillar technique was attended almost everywhere, without it, it was also not necessary to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters (such a trend is traced throughout the history of the company).

In the period of World War II, Caterpillar did not remain without orders. Moreover, it has time to expand its product range by adding energy plants and graders to already existing gasoline and diesel tractors (as Caterpillar began to produce construction vehicles).

The war ended, and Caterpillar continued to grow and develop. To do this, she needed new markets. The first foreign representative office and the first step in this direction was made in 1950, when a subsidiary opened in the UK. True, with the opening of this representation there were difficulties due to high duties on imported products.

Caterpillar quickly found a way out of this position, deciding right in England to collect equipment and the first Caterpillar Foreign Plant was opened. In 1953, 93 new Caterpillar cars were purchased by the Government of India for the development of the country's road network.

In 1955, Caterpillar manufactures Equipment for Military Operations Deep Freeze I - the code name of a number of environmental study missions, in particular, Antarctica, where the first decades of the Caterpillar tractor were the only scanner of the area.

In 1956, DEEP Freeze II and Deep Freeze III operations were developed, for which Caterpillar supplies additional equipment (a total of 143 cars were involved in these operations during a different period of time). In the same 1956, part of the caterpillar machines of the American manufacturer was transferred to Australian Melbourne to start training for the Olympic Games (from the moment all Olympic Games are prepared using the Caterpillar technique).

In 1963, Caterpillar and the industrial Japanese company Mitsubishi form one of the first Japanese enterprises, part of the property in the hands of the United States. In 1965, the company became the second largest in Japan in the field of gravity industry. For Caterpillar, it was a confident step towards the conquest of the Asian market.

In 1969, Caterpillar supplies motors for the mission to the Moon Apolon-11. In 1973, a representative office of the American company Caterpillar was opened in Moscow. Recession in the global market in the late 1970s were heavy for Caterpillar.

1982 was the worst in the history of the company, sales fell by 30%, and losses by the end of the year amounted to $ 180 million. The crisis period affected the company's social policy. Some workers were dismissed, the salary decreased by 10%, the investment decreased by 36%. It was possible to normalize the work only by 1987.

Then the model range increased by 150 units, but at the same time the staff staff was reduced by 40%, which is an undoubted impact for the global manufacturer. The experience of the crisis period helped in 1990 to form 3 whales on which business is holding: budgeting, decentralization and discrepancies from massive contractions.

In 1997, the American giant Caterpillar merges with Perkins Engines, and the joining of the German company Mak Haforen allowed CATERPILLAR to take a leading position in the diesel engine market.

In 1998, Caterpillar manufactures a huge truck 797 (there was no analogues in the world), the tests of which were carried out at the bargain in Arizona.

After a year, Caterpillar starts delivery to the global market of compact construction equipment, the presentation of which was held at the World ConeXpo exhibition as an answer to the changed customer needs.

In the XXI century, Caterpillar continued the policy of successful production. After a terrorist attack in 2001, within a few hours, Caterpillar dealers were united to jointly supply equipment to the scene.

In 2003, Caterpillar became the first in the world for the supply of pure diesel engines, the full size of which was presented later in 2004.

Caterpillar Today is the global manufacturer of mining and construction equipment, industrial gas turbines, diesel engines and natural gas engines. A huge number of factories (50 in the United States and 60 in 25 countries of the world), produce and supply more than 300 items of technology, to the right recognized by the standard of the entire machine-building industry.

For more than 80 years, Caterpillar follows technical progress, making long-term and positive changes on each continent.

Manufacturers of gadgets

Caterpillar Inc. It is an American corporation that designs, develops, produces and sells machinery through the network of its dealers around the world. It serves as a leading world leader in the production of construction and mining equipment, locomotives, engines and industrial turbines. Under this brand also produces work wear and boots (CAT / CATERPILLAR). Having more than $ 89 billion in assets, the firm is No. 1 in its industry.

Cat phone is made by CAT PHONE - Mobile devices Caterpillar Inc., simultaneously working as smartphones and by a regular telephone line. The first such unit, CAT B25, was announced and released in 2013.

History Caterpillar Inc. Began in the 20s of the last century. The future huge corporation appeared as a result of the merger of two other firms. In 1986, she was reorganized and received its current name. The headquarters of the organization is located in Peoria, Illinois, USA.

One of the founding fathers was Benjamin Holt - the American inventor, who first patented and made a caterpillar tractor. He was born in a distant 1849 in New Hampshire, USA. Benjamin was the youngest of his four brothers, as well as from eleven pivot brothers and sisters.

The head of the family was the owner of the sawmill, which delivered solid wood wood for the construction of wagons. The brother of the future inventor founded his own American company, originally produced wooden wheels for cars, and then - and steel tram wheels.

In 1869, Benjamin went to work on his father's sawmill, where he began to help in the loading of hardwood wood on the ship, which was from New Hampshire in San Francisco.

At the age of 23, the "Entrepreneurial veil" woke up in it, and the young man engaged in the supply of sawnwood on the west coast. A few years later, his mother died, and later - and the Father. After the death of parents, the young man moved to California.

Subsequent events developed by rapid pace. After moving Benjamin, the Holton brothers founded an enterprise, which took preparation of wood to use in arid California valleys and deserts. They opened their new things in Warm Stockton, where the climate was suitable for drying wooden wheels.

The brothers have invested $ 65 thousand in the construction of the plant and equipped it with the best technique, which only was able to acquire. Stockton was at a distance of 140 kilometers from San Francisco, and therefore there was a way out to the sea and a river coast. Soon the brothers constantly worked the headquarters of 25 people.

Benjamin enjoyed an authority from his family, who considered him a brilliant entrepreneur. It must be said that he never disappeared to the inventions. For the purpose of the experiment, they built the first steam engine, which received the nickname "Old Betsy". Oil, firewood or coal could be used as fuel.

The engine weighed 22 thousand kilograms and rode on huge wheels from the metal. That year, when Benjamin was made by a steam tractor, he became president of his own company. Another brainchild of a talented entrepreneur became a combine.

However, its main invention is the first workable caterpillar tractor - was successfully demonstrated by the autumn of 1904. To create such a tractor, Benjamin had to use all those metallurgical resources that were available to him.

The very first tractors of the 1890s and the beginning of the 1900s were very hard; Sometimes their weight reached 450 kilograms, because of which they often fell into the soft land of the agricultural land of the San Hoakin Valley in Stockton. Benjamin Holt tried to solve this problem due to the increase in the size of the wheels in width and height.

Such a tractor seemed more complex and expensive in service. Then he considered another option - lay a temporary maternity road to a steam tractor. This idea also disappeared quickly, because she would take a lot of time and prevented earthy work, and in general was expensive. After that, the Holt thought about wrapped the wheels of the boards.

This appeared a set of wooden tracks attached on chains. The new car was successfully tested to them on wet earth, which he plowed right on Thanksgiving.

In 1910, Benjamin opened the factory in Eastern Peoria, Illinois, led by his nephew. The next plant appeared in the Midwest. Despite the fact that there was a considerable capital on his conversion, this company turned out to be very profitable.

After 2 years, more than 600 people worked in the company; Exports of tractors in three foreign countries, including Canada, was also established. Crawler Machines Holt played a supporting role in the First World War. When she flashed, the British Military Ministry ordered the HOLT tractor.

Tests passed so successfully that this technique was chosen by a cannon tractor. The use of HOLT cars affected the development of the British tank, and the tactics in the places of hostilities were changed. In other words, this technique turned out to be "one of the most important military vehicles of all time."

When the war ended, heavy-duty tractors, so suitable for previous needs, turned out to be unsuitable for farmers. This led to the fact that the future company Caterpiller sharply worsened his position. Benjamin had to reduce prices for new equipment; The old reserves of military tractors sell also failed.

The company hardly experienced the transition to peacetime, which contributed to the nationwide depression. In 1920, Benjamin died suddenly after the disease, which lasted only a month.

Subsequent years were marked by constant financial difficulties. Benjamin's place was taken by the candidate proposed by banks, in front of which the company had a big debt. In the spring of 1925, an union was associated with a stronger financial institution. This was how Caterpillar was born.

Product rules companies were combined. Now the company produced five tracked tractors.

Sales for the first year amounted to $ 13 million. By 1929, they had increased to $ 52.8 million. The growth of the company continued throughout the entire period of the Great Depression of the 1930s.

During World War II, the products began to be actively used by the construction battalions of the US Navy, which built aerodromes and other facilities in the Pacific Theater of Military Action. During the post-war construction boom, the company Caterpiller continued to grow rapid pace.

She launched his first enterprise abroad at the beginning of the 50s of the XX century. So the transformation of the company in a multinational corporation began.

Caterpillar has built its first Russian plant in Tosno, located near St. Petersburg. He was completed for 16 months. The plant demanded the first electric substation in the Leningrad region since the Communist Government was dissolved in 1991.

The object was built in the harsh winter conditions, where the temperature dropped to -25 ° C. Construction was ruled by Lemmink & Group from Helsinki, Finland. In the 1960s, the company Caterpiller also launched production in Brazil.

The range of modern corporation products is truly impressive. The company produces about 400 purchases through a dealer network. Among them: Excavators, agricultural and tracked tractors, loaders, trucks and locomotives. Caterpillar equipment is actively used in construction, transport industry, industry, energy, forestry.

The company is the world's largest manufacturer of medium and large wheel loaders, which are produced on plants around the world.

The corporation is also engaged in the defense industry. The appropriate subsidiary produces diesel engines and automatic transmissions, as well as other details (for armored bridges, combat tanks, military engineering machines and tank conveyors).

Headquarters is located in the UK. The company was repeatedly criticized for supplies Bulldozers for the Israel Defense Army (IDF). In particular, in 2003, IDF Caterpillar D9 was involved in the incident, when American activist Rachel Kori, who opposed the war in Iraq and Israeli presence, was killed by a bulldozer.

Squares against the company filed her family and family of Palestinians, also those who died on that day. Nevertheless, the court rejected the claims and ruled that death occurred as a result of an accident.

Caterpillar also has a business unit specializing in the development of electronics for construction and mining industry. The subsidiary has been working since 2002 and is based on Ohio.

Mobile phones manufactured under the Caterpillar brand are manufactured at factories in China. Their distinctive feature: design and protection, correlated with construction equipment of the company. Of course, the Corporation does not specialize in consumer goods, but Cat Phone's mobile devices perfectly fill this niche. The idea itself looks great: the construction equipment of the Corporation is overall and reliable, and its protected phones can boast similar properties.

For several years, the company, Caterpiller tried to go out with his "unhappy" mobile devices to the CIS market, and it still succeeded.

The price of such devices is high enough, and therefore they do not afford to pocket. In addition to phones and smartphones, the company produces various accessories, including covers, protective films for screens, chargers, holders and fasteners.

The Chairman and the General Executive Director, and at the same time the Key figure of the Corporation is Doug Obelmanman, a famous American businessman. He was born in 1953 in Illinois. The father of the arc worked as a businesswoman in the John Deere dealer network. The boy grew surrounded by cars and since childhood dreamed of working in Caterpillar.

In 1975, the young man graduated from the University of Millikin with a bachelor's degree. Immediately after that, he became part of the Caterpillar family. Initially, Oberhalman got the position of credit analyst in the Treasury Department. The first part of his career will be carried out in the field of finance. At this time, the arc gets the opportunity to work worldwide, thanks to which there is a lot of travel.

He spends three years in Uruguay, a year in South Florida and four years in Japan. 20 years after his first working day, Doug will be published by its vice president, and later will receive the position of chief financial director. In 2010, he becomes the most important figure in Caterpillar.

He is accountable for six other presidents of the company. Obelmanman manages the division of social services and several enterprises with sustainable development capabilities. In addition, he oversees marketing machine industry and sales for the North American Commercial Department.

About the personal life of the company's head is not known too much. Nevertheless, his wife Diana is a public figure, because it is the chairman of Cullinan Properties Ltd. - Real estate companies offering commercial brokerage services, assets management, construction, investment services, market and financial analysis.

In 2011, Obelmanman received a salary of $ 16.9 million, which was 60% exceeded its earnings for the year previous. Doug himself says that his big family makes him very happy. Couple brings up four children.

The main concept of the company is its stability. It pays a lot of attention to keep the environment. Obelmanman says that such a position is quite natural, because it is fundamental to the success and prosperity of the corporation.

Ensuring reliable and efficient energy solutions, continuous development of infrastructure, the concern for the quality is the key objectives of modern society, according to the head of Caterpillar. For many decades, dealers and customers of the company are guided by them.

Caterpillar is one of the world's leading manufacturers of specialized equipment for extracting, construction, transport and other industries. The Cat® brand also produces a wide range of other goods. The corporation includes over 480 divisions, which are located in 50 different states on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. The company's headquarters is located in the USA.

Caterpillar history

The Caterpillar predecessor was the company Stockton Wheel Company, which was founded by the Holt brothers in the distant 1883 in California. The company specialized in the production of agricultural machinery. It was this company that began producing combine harvesters back in 1886. And in 1904 the company developed and released its first profitable tracked tractor on sale. He was proposed called Caterpillar, which is translated from English as "Caterpillar".

The company has developed dynamically: in 1908, the production of tractors with gasoline engines was established and a company for the manufacture of combines of Daniel Beset was purchased. Next year, the production base was replenished with another plant located in Illinois. Even before the First World War, American Caterpillar tractors were actively exported to Mexico, Canada and Argentina, shipments in France, Great Britain and Russia were soon adjusted.

During the First World War, the company reoriented to the fulfillment of military orders. And in 1925 an union was associated with one of the basic competitors - C.L. Best Gas Tractor. As a result of this merger, Caterpillar Tractor Company appeared. In the early 1930s. The production of equipment with diesel engines was launched. At the same time, the headquarters and the main production facilities of the enterprise were postponed to Illinois.

During World War II, Caterpillar was part of the top 50 large companies in terms of military orders. In peacetime, the history of the development of the enterprise continued, and in 1950 the first subsidiary of the enterprise abroad was opened - in the UK. 10 years later, the factory for the production of Cat® technique was opened in Brazil, and in 1963 - in Japan.

In 1985, a large-scale modernization of Caterpillar plants began, which lasted until 1993 and cost a corporation of 1.8 billion dollars. In 1986, the company changed its name on Caterpillar Inc. In 2000, the plant of this manufacturer was opened in Russia, the corporation also acquired enterprises in Australia, Italy, India, Great Britain.

Currently, CATERPILLAR continues to replenish its production bases, improve the range of equipment, expand the network of official dealers, which allows it to remain one of the leaders in the field of the production of special equipment in the world.

Directions of the company CATERPILLAR

  • Construction and road repair industry. For these areas, Caterpillar provides a large range of specialized equipment: automotive drives, bulldozers, asphalt pavers, ordinary, telescopic and mini-loaders (wheeled and tracked), road cutters, road surface regeneration machines, dump trucks (off-road, with a hinged frame), SKIDDERS, PUBLETERS, Tractors for clearing, seals, earthmoving equipment.
  • . Caterpillar's official dealers worldwide offer to buy drill vehicles, hydroxcavators for mining, draglines, cable excavators with electric drive, scrapers, equipment for underground treatment, as well as for resource production in solid rocks.
  • Engines and turbines. Caterpillar is a leading manufacturer of engines operating on diesel fuel. The drives manufactured by it are successfully operated on maritime ships, land transport, power plants, special equipment, diverse equipment. Due to the introduction of advanced technologies, CAT® engines provide high power at maximum ecology and minimum fuel expenditures. Tourbins and turbochargers for engines are also available.
  • Financial services. Caterpillar Corporation is comprehensively suited to solving issues on the equipment of enterprises with modern functional technology, therefore offers a complete set of related services. Specialists of the CAT FINANCIAL division will select optimal financial solutions for a particular company, help find funds for the purchase of a new or used technology, having formed a profitable lending or leasing package. Take advantage of service services (repair, maintenance, etc.), you can have official manufacturer dealers.
  • Other goods (brandSEM.) . Under this brand, more than 50 years have been produced wheeled loaders in China. The company has become 100% subsidiary of Caterpillar in 2008. Currently, its assortment presents medium and small-sized loaders, tracked bulldozers, soil seals with a mass (20 ± 2) T, as well as other earthmoving, construction and repair, communal and road machinery . SEM equipment combines high reliability, price availability, ease of maintenance and operation. Clients are provided operational service support.

Full title:

100 North East Adams Street Peoria, Illinois USA 61629

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Caterpillar Inc. - history of the company

Company CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. It was formed in 1925 as a result of the merger of Holt Manufacturing Company and C. L. Best Tractor Co. Your present name - Caterpillar Inc. - Company received in 1986

The founders of the company are Benjamin Holt and Daniel Best. The Holt is considered the inventor of the first serial tractor on the caterpillar move - in 1904 he developed a car on a steam engine.

In the 40s In the range of products, the boat drivers, graders, graders-elevators, terracers and electric generator plants were included. Caterpillar tracked excavators began to produce in the early 60s. Being originally a manufacturer of large heavy machinery, in the 80s. The company began entering the market of small-sized equipment. This happened after a sharp drop in sales during the global recession of the early 1980s, provoked by the increase in oil prices.

In 1996, in conditions of growth in demand for rent, the company founded together with their dealers a branch of Cat Rental Store.

The products of Americans appeared on the Russian market already in 1913, when the caterpillar tractor of the development of Benjamin Holt was marked by a gold medal in a plowing competition. Caterpillar continued his victorious procession in Russia, the result of which was the discovery in 1973 representative offices in Moscow.

In 2000, the opening of the first plant was opened in Russia - in the city of Tosno of the Leningrad region. The plant initially specialized in the production of components for large-sized machines collected at the company's factories in Europe. In 2008, the Caterpillar excavators began on the basis of the Russian enterprise.

Today, the American company has 4 regional offices in the CIS: in Moscow, Tosno (Leningrad Region), Novosibirsk and Almaty.

Caterpillar currently offers more than 300 product items. The company is a world leader in the production of building and mining equipment, engine engines working on natural gas and diesel fuel, as well as industrial gas turbines. Caterpillar machines and components are manufactured at 50 enterprises in the United States and another 60 plants in 23 other mills of the world. Services for rental special equipment provides under the Cat Rental Store brand name, and various financial alternatives to buy equipment - through a specially created Caterpillar sales network - Cat Financial.

The CAT trading mark is the main public company name.

On the Russian market through the network of Caterpillar CIS, the technique under the brand O & K is also sold.

The sales of the company in 2010 amounted to $ 42.6 billion.

News Excavator ru o Caterpillar:

All information is taken from public sources

The technical specifications of the technique in the catalog are based on information taken from official sources, including from official manufacturers sites.

To our regret, even official documents may contain errors and typos. In addition, the characteristics may differ depending on the regions of the supply of technology, as well as change by manufacturers without prior notice.

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