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Nechaev Sergey Yuryevich. Nechaev, Sergey Yuryevich (writer)

Russian-German relations

On December 26, 1991, Germany of the first of the leading countries recognized the Russian Federation as a continuer's state-former USSR (diplomatic relations between the USSR and Germany were established on September 13, 1955).

The legal foundation of relations form an agreement on good neighborliness, partnership and cooperation of November 9, 1990 and the joint statement of the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany dated November 21, 1991. The agreement on the final settlement of Germany from September 12, 1990 is also of fundamental importance.

Russia and Germany managed to find a junction on the main problems of bilateral relations opened from the Soviet times. There were, in particular, agreements on the conclusion from the German territory of the Russian troops (completed on August 31, 1994), sales at the expense of the Housing Program on their arrangement in Russia (completed on October 9, 1996) and retraining of soldiers of military personnel (completed March 30, 2001), the Russian victims of Nazi persecution by Germany, the issue of negative balance in the USSR trade with GDR, concluded an agreement on care for military graves, a number of other important agreements.

Since 1998, they were held, as a rule, annually, interstate counseling (IHC) at the highest level with the participation of members of the governments of both countries. The last 14th round MGK took place on November 16, 2012 in Moscow. Standed on April 23-24, 2014, the next MHCs were postponed on the initiative of the German side due to the Ukrainian crisis. Interstate consultations are not conducted.

A key role in the segment of direct interaction of civil societies is played by the Russian-German forum of the public "St. Petersburg dialogue", created on the initiative of the President of Russia and Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (the constituent meeting was held in St. Petersburg on April 8-10, 2001). The next 16th plenary session of the Forum was held in Berlin on November 23-25, 2017 on the topic "Public participation as a chance to Russian-German mutual understanding."

Germany continues to be one of the main foreign trade partners of our country. German share in Russia's foreign trade turnover is 8.7% (second place after China - 14.9%).

In 2017, the volume of Russian-German trafficking increased by 22.8% compared with 2016 and amounted to $ 50 billion. At the same time, Russian exports to Germany increased by 21.1% to $ 26 billion, and imports by 24.5% to $ 24 billion. Self-positive trade balance for Russia amounted to almost $ 2 billion.

In January - April 2018, the volume of Russian-German trafficking increased by 23% (+3.6 USD) compared to the same period of 2017 and amounted to $ 19.1 billion. At the same time, Russian exports to Germany increased by 22% (+2 billion dollars) to $ 11 billion, and imports grew by 25% (+1.6 billion dollars) to $ 8.1 billion. A positive trade balance for Russia amounted to $ 2.9 billion against $ 2.5 billion for the corresponding period of 2017.

In 2000, at the initiative of the President of Russia and Chancellor, the FRG was established a working group of a high-level strategic cooperation in the field of economics and finance (CRG). The work of the Srg resumed on June 24, 2016 in Berlin after a break due to the position of Germany in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. The 36th meeting took place in Berlin on September 28, 2017, the next 37th - June 27, 2018 in Moscow. The date of the next, 38th meeting of the group, which can pass in Berlin at the end of 2018

In the period 2015-2016 CRH worked in the format of the so-called. "Business Platforms" (Business Council of Entrepreneurs). First meeting - October 22, 2015, second - June 24, 2016

In 2003, by decision of the President of Russia and the German Chancellor, the Bilateral Working Group of the High Level on Security Policy (RSU) was established. Renewed its activities in 2017, it is currently working to resuscitate its full-length meetings.

IN last years large-scale bilateral projects in the cultural and humanitarian sphere were carried out. Among them - "Cross" years of Russia and Germany under the motto "together build the future" 2012-2013, "Cross" years of Russian and German languages \u200b\u200band literature 2014-2015. In 2016-2017 The year of Russian-German youth exchanges was held.

In 2017-2018 A large joint project is being implemented - the Russian-German "cross-" year of regional-municipal partnerships. There is a coordination of the large-scale cultural campaign "Russian Seasons" in Germany in 2019. At the moment, on the proposal of the German part, the preparation of the 2018-2020 is being prepared. Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships.

A number of important joint projects in the historical and memorial sphere are carried out.

The Intergovernmental Commission on the Affairs of Russian Germans, the Mixed Commission for Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Joint Commission on Studying newest Story Bilateral relations, the Russian-German Council in the field of youthful cooperation, other joint bodies.

In the context of Ukrainian events, since 2014, official Berlin was taken to reduce or freeze the dynamics of the development of bilateral interaction practically in almost all directions. The German side initiated the abolition of the next Round MGK, the RGU, blocked the work of a number of other formats. The Germans were in the first rows of supporters of the introduction of sectoral sanctions against Russia as a "punishment" for the "annexation" of the Crimea and the "destabilization" of the situation in the south-east of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, the political dialogue with Berlin remains active. Inter-parliamentary, interregional and interdepartmental ties are preserved.


Federal Republic of Germany


The official name is the Federal Republic of Germany (in the brief version of Germany). The day of foundation is considered on May 23, 1949 - the date of adoption and entry into force of the Basic Law (Constitution) of the country, which was joined by the GDR on October 3, 1990.

Capital - Berlin (3.711 million inhabitants).

Territory - 357.386 km 2. The greatest length from north to south is 876 km, from west to east - 640 km. The state flag is black and red-gold. Coat of arms depicting an eagle. National holiday - the day of Germanic unity - celebrated on October 3. The anthem is the "Song of the Germans" (Music Haidna, words Fallersleben). According to official reasons, only the third stanza is executed. Official language - German. The monetary unit is euro.

The prevailing religion is Christianity: 21.9 million (26.5%) - Protestants (North and East of the country), 23.6 million (28.6%) - Catholics (South and West), 2.0 million ( 2.4%) - Orthodox, 4.5 million (5.4%) - Muslims.


In antiquity on the territory of modern Germany, the Germanic and Slavic tribes lived in antiquity of the Roman Empire. In 9, AD The ancient German tribe of Herusov led by the Arminian was broken by Roman troops in the Teutoburg forest, which marked the beginning of the liberation of Germans from Roman rule to the east of the Rhine and the formation of the German nation, which lasted several centuries. In the 6th and early 9th centuries. Tribal unions of Aleasanov, Turingov, Bavarov, etc. entered the frank state, into which, as a result of the campaigns of Karl the Great (742-814), a large part was included. Western Europe. In 962, education appeared with the conquest of Northern and Central Italy, subsequently the name "Sacred Roman Empire of the German Nation" (existed until 1806).

In 10-15 centuries. - Colonization of the part of the lands of the Slavic and Baltic peoples. 16th century - Reformation led by Martin Luther (1483-1546). 1524-25 - The Peasant War. 1618-48. - Thirty-year war, strengthening feudal fragmentation and decentralization of Germany.

After the victory over Napoleon, the solution of the Vienna Congress in 1814-15. The German Union was created - the association of individual sovereign states. 1848-49 - The bourgeois-democratic revolution, a failed attempt to unite the German lands, convocation of the National Assembly in the Frankfurt Church of the National Assembly (May 1848) - the prototype of the future of the Bundestag. In 1870-71 Otto Bismarck von (1815-98) managed to unite the German states around Prussia, forming the German Empire.

November 1918 - the abolition of the monarchy, the proclamation of the Weimar Republic. June 1919 - Signing the Versailles Agreement, who has legally issued the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

In 1922 between Soviet Russia and Germany were established diplomatic relations (Rapalle Treaty). 1923 - Occupation of Rura France and Belgium, a political crisis, inflation, "beer coup" Hitler in Munich, an attempt of a communist coup (Hamburg uprising under the leadership of E.Telman). In 1926, after the conclusion of Locarnic treaties, Germany returns to the international arena and enters the League of Nations, concludes Berlin Treaty with Soviet Russia about neutrality.

1929 - economic crisis, the beginning of the sunset of the Weimara Republic. 1933 - the coming to power of the NSDAP, the establishment of a fascist dictatorship.

1935-36 - Entering portions of the Wehrmacht to the demilitarized after World War II, the zone in Saare and Riere, 1938 - "Anshlus" Austria, Annexia Czech, and in 1939 - the rest of Czechoslovakia (Munich collusion of September 29, 1938). August 23, 1939 - the non-fire pact between the USSR and Germany ("Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant"). September 1, 1939 - an attack on Poland, the beginning of World War II. June 22, 1941 - attack on the USSR, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. 8-9 May 1945 - the capitulation of Germany. July 17 - August 2, 1945 - Berlin (Potsdamskaya) Conference that determined the occupation regime towards Germany (was canceled with the signing of September 12, 1990 between the USSR, the United States, England and France - on the one hand, Germany and GDR - on the other , Final settlement agreement against Germany).

November 9, 1989 - the fall of the Berlin Wall, erected in 1961 on October 3, 1990 - the joining of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of Art. 23 basic law.


FRG population as of December 31, 2017 - 82.6 million people (40.7 million men and 41.8 million women). The share of citizens with migration roots - 22.5% (18.6 million). After Russia, the most populated state of Europe. It occupies a ninth place in the population density on the continent (230 people. On

Officially recognized national minorities: Luzitsky Sort (60 thousand people, in Brandenburg and Saxony), Danes (up to 50 thousand, in the northern regions of Schleswig-Holstein), Sinti and Roma (up to 120 thousand), friezes (12 thousand. , in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein).

Foreigners - 10.1 million people (10%) from 194 states. Most of the countries of Europe are 7.1 million (4.3 million from EU member states), including: 1.5 million - Turks, 931 thousand - immigrants from the former Yugoslavia, 783 thousand. - Poles, 611 thousand - Italians, 533 thousand - Romanians, 348 thousand - Greeks, etc.

About 582.5 thousand citizens of Russia (according to official German statistics, about 245 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation reside in the Federal Republic of Russia). Since 1992, 1.6 million German origin arrived in Germany from the former USSR (including 623546 from Russia, 841555 from Kazakhstan, 69919 from Kyrgyzstan, 37547 from Ukraine) who received automatically German citizenship (part saves on hand Existing Russian passports).

In total, according to various estimates, the FRG currently live up to 3.5 million immigrants from the space of the former USSR.

Public Authorities and Management

In administrative-territorial relations, Germany is divided into 16 federal land: Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Front Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saar, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, North Rhine - Westfalia, Thuringia and Schleswig-Holstein. Earth have their own constitutions, parliaments and governments.

Head of State - Federal President. From March 19, 2017 - Frank Walter Steinmeier. Performs predominantly executive functions. He is elected by the specially convened federal assembly (it includes all deputies of the Bundestag and the same number of delegates from federal land) for a period of 5 years. The next elections will be held in 2022.

Supreme legislative authority - bundestag, one-free parliament, elected for 4 years by universal direct elections (active and passive voting law acts from 18 years). Half of the deputies is elected in the districts on the majority system, half - on party lists.

The Bundestag may contain parties that have collected at least 5% of voters voters for party lists, or their representatives who have passed on single-member districts.

In the last 18 September 2017, the XDS / HSS unit received 32.9% of the votes, the SDPG- 20.5%, "ADG" - 12.6%, CVDP - 10.7%, the "Left" party - 9.2 %, Soyuz-90 / Green "- 8.9%.

Distribution of factions: XDS / HSS - 246 mandates, SDPG - 153, "Alternative for Germany" - 92 mandate, CVDP - 80 mandates, party "Left" - 69, "Soyuz-90 / Green" - 67, independent deputies - 2 . Total number - 709.

President of the Bundestag - Wolfgang Schoyble (XDS).

The next elections in the Bundestag will be held in the fall of 2021.

By accepting laws, Bundestag interacts with the ward of federal FRG lands - bundesrath(not a selected body). Its members (as a rule, prime ministers, ministers, State Secretaries of Land Governments) are delegated by land governments. The composition of the Bundesrat changes as the elections in Landtagi (parliaments) of lands. Each land has in Bundesrat from 3 to 6 votes depending on the population number and is obliged to give them to the block. Currently in Bundesrat 69 seats.

The president, the first vice-president and Vice-President of Bundesrat are elected for a period of a year on the principle of rotation from among the heads of land governments. From November 1, 2017, the Presidential Powers are assigned to the ruling Burgomist Berlin Mikhael Muller (SDPG).

Executive power is carried out federal government. The current Coalition Government XDS / CSS-SDPG ("Big Coalition") was formed after long coalition negotiations, it was shown to the oath on March 14, 2018. It includes:

Federal Chancellor

Angela Merkel (XDS)

Vice Chancellor, Minister of Finance

Olaf. Scholz.(SDPG)

Foreign Secretary

Haiko Maas (SDPG)

Minister of Economy and Energy

Peter Altmayer (XDS)

Minister of Labor and Social Security

Hubertus High(SDPG)

Minister of Internal Affairs, Construction and Affairs of the Fatherland

Horst Zehofer (HCC)

Minister for family, elderly, women and youth

Francis Hiffay(SDPG)

Minister of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Reactors

Summer Schulze(SDPG)

Minister of Education and Scientific Research

Anya. Carlšek(XDS)

Minister of Defense

Ursula background der Lyien (XDS)

Food Minister I. agriculture

Yulia Kloekner(XDS)

Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

Andreas Shoyer(HCC)

Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection

Katharina Barley(SDPG)

Minister of Health

Jens ScPP(XDS)

Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development

Gerd. Muller (HCC)

Head of Office Federal chancellorminister for special instructions

Helge Brown(XDS)

Political parties

In political parties, about 2% of the FRG population consists.

Christian-Democratic Union of Germany (XDS) and Christian Social Union in Bavaria (HSS) are independent parties, but perform a single block and form a joint fraction in the Bundestag. Since the formation of the FRG until 1969, in 1982-1998. And since November 2005 - the ruling parties.

KDS. (425.9 thousand members) - People's Party of the CenterRistan Sense. Operates throughout the FRG, except for Bavaria. Chairman of the Party - Angela Merkel. Chairman of the CDP / HSS faction in Bundestag - Volker Kauder. Secretary General - Annegeret Kramp Carrenbauer.

HSS (142 thousand members) is valid only in the territory of Bavaria. Presented in the collaborative faction in the Bundestage with an independent land group. In political installations is a relative CDC of the People's Party, taking more conservative positions for a number of issues. Chairman of the HCC - Horst Zehofer. Secretary General - Marcus Bloom. Chairman of the HCU Land Group in Bundestag, 1st Deputy Chairman of the CDP / HSS faction - Alexander Dobrindt.

Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDPG, 457.7 thousand members) - the People's Party of the Levocentric Sensual. Chairman of the Party - Andrea Nex. Secretary General - Lara Klingbail. The fraction in the Bundestage is headed by Andrea thesis.

Party "Left" (62.3 thousand members) was formed on June 16, 2007 as a result of the merger of the Party of Democratic Socialism (the succession of the German Socialist Unified Party of Germany, which had previously revised its program) with a birch of labor and social justice established in January 2005. Co-chairs - Katya Kipping and Bernd Rixinger. Co-chairs of the faction in the Bundestag - Ditmar Barch and Sarah Vagenknecht.

Soyuz-90 / Green Party (65.2 thousand members) focuses on the issues of environmental protection and human rights, unites representatives of various social and age categories of the population. An important support is a city bourgeoisie, women, young people, students, intelligentsia, journalists, faces of non-traditional sexual orientation. Co-chairs - Annala Berbok and Robert Habek. Co-chairs of the faction in the Bundestag - Catherine Göring Ecardete and Anton Hofraiter.

Free Democratic Party (63 thousand members) - Classical Liberal Party. Chairman of the party and its faction in the Bundestag - Christian Lindner, Secretary General - Nikola Beer.

Party "Alternative for Germany" (30.2 thousand members).

Founded on February 6, 2013 dwells in the formation stage. Qualifies as the right list. Itself positions itself as a right-conservative party with a liberal economic program. Co-chairs - Alexander Gauland and Yorg Moten. The co-chairs of the faction in the Bundestag - Alexander Gauland and Alice Weider.

Trade unions FRG

Head Profcent Center - Association of German Trade Unions (ONP), which includes 8 sectoral trade unions with a total number of about 6 million people. The largest: metalworkers' trade union - 2.26 million, services of services - 2 million, employees of the mining, chemical industry and energy - 0.675 million. Chairman OPP - Rainer Hoffman.

Along with ONP, the German Union of officials operate (1.3 million members, the chairman of Ulrich Zilberbach), the association of Christian trade unions of Germany (more than 280 thousand members), a number of small trade unions.

Unions of employers

Employers are combined into regional unions, which are organized by the industry principle. Head organization Federal association of the unions of German employers - represents entrepreneurs only as employers, i.e. As a partner in negotiations with trade unions on tariff agreements. All other interests, for example, issues of economic and tax policies, defend independent associations. The leading of them are the federal union of the German industry (President - Dieter Cerm), the Association of German Industrial and Chambers (President - Eric Schweitzer), Association of German Handicraft Chambers (President Hans-Peter Volzife).

Youth organizations

The FRG has more than 700 different youth organizations, unions and groups.

The youth organization of political parties play an important role: Jung Union (XDS and HSS - about 120 thousand members, Chairman - Paul Tsimyak), "Young Socialists" (SDPG - more than 70 thousand members, Chairman - Kevin Kewnert), "Green Youth "(" Soyuz-90 / Green "-7.1 thousand members, head - Kiara Timmels)," Young Liberals "(CVDP - almost 10 thousand members, Chairman - Ria Schröder)," Young alternative for Germany "( Alternative to Germany - about 2 thousand members, Chairman - Damian ENT). "Young left" (party "Left" - 5.6 thousand members, chairman - Sarah Pansy).

Federal Union of German Societies "West-East"

Federal Union of Germanic Societies "West-East" Public organization formed in October 1996 to coordinate the activities of initiative groups for the development of relations with Russia and other republics of the former USSR. Combines more than 70 land, urban and communal societies. Over 2/3 of them are focused on cooperation with Russia. Chairman of the Board - Peter Franke.


In terms of GDP, Germany ranks first in Europe and the fourth in the world (after the United States, China and Japan). In 2017, GDP amounted to 3.3 trillion. Euro (+ 2.2%).

In 2017, the total amount of German exports amounted to 1.38 trillion. Euro, imports - 1.03 billion euros. Main trading partners: EU countries, China, USA, United Kingdom. Russia is in 13th place. According to the results of 2017: Export - 25.9 billion euros, imports - 31.4 billion euros.

FRG economy structure: services - 68.7%, industry - 30.5%, rural, forestry and fisheries - 0.7%.

The large-scale financing of the economic and social development of Eastern lands continues. Within federal program "Solidarity Pact I" in 1993-2004. These goals allocated 94.5 billion euros. For the period from 2005 to 2019 (according to plan) - 156.6 billion euros ("Covenant Solidarity II").

The average number of employees occupied as of May 2018 - 44.7 million people. The number of unemployed - 2.32 million people. or 5.1% of the able-bodied population.

Inflation for June 2018 - 2.1%.

According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the cumulative public debt of Germany in nominal terms as of the end of March 2018 amounted to 1.948 trillion. Euro. Of these, 1.232 trillion. Euro - federal debt, 578.4 billion euros - land, 137.5 billion euros - municipal.

The volume of foreign trade reserves, according to Bundesbank, as of the end of June 2018 amounted to 167 billion euros. In 2017, Bundesbank managed to implement a strategy for the repatriation of St. 50% of the National Gold Stock (the initial line - 2020). As a result, 50.7% of its volume is concentrated in Frankfurt am Main, in New York - 36.6%, in London - 12.7%. In total, Germany has 3374 tons of gold.

Armed forces

In accordance with the obligation under the final settlement agreement against Germany, Germany pledged to reduce its armed forces to 370 thousand people. The real number of the Bundeswehr for July 2018 - 178.9 thousand people, of which are 21.3 thousand women (in addition, about 85 thousand civil servants). The defense budget in 2017 - 37 billion euros (2016 - 35.1 billion euros). A significant part of the Bundeswehr is attached by NATO military structures. From July 1, 2011, the moratorium on a universal military service - the Armed Forces are built on a wage basis.

General Inspector Bundeswehr - Eberhard Tsran. Responsible for the development and practical implementation of the provisions of the military doctrine, the reform programs of the armed forces, preparation and management of military operations. Represents the Bundeswehr at the International Military Forums, in particular, in the NATO Military Committee.

In the military operations abroad as of July 16, 2018, 3536 servicemen were involved, including: 1198 - as part of Resolute Support (Afghanistan), 936 - as part of Minusma (Senegal, Mali), 360 - KFOR (Kosovo), 397 - Anti-terrorist operation against ISIL (Middle East), 102 - Operation Sophia (Mediterranean Sea), 203 - Sea Guardian (Mediterranean Sea), 134 - Eutm Mali (Mali), 117 - Unifil (Libya), 20 - Atlanta (African Rog) , 15 - UNMISS (South Sudan), 8 - EUTM SOM (Somalia), 7 - Unamid (Sudan), 3 - Minurso (Western Sahara).

As military instructors, educational Iraqi military - 133 people (Northern Iraq).

According to the user, the quality of military equipment and the fire power of ordinary weapons (possession of nuclear weapons is prohibited) Bundeswehr is one of the strongest armies in Europe.

If the party did not overcome this barrier, but received 3 or more direct mandates given for her votes taken into account when distributing places in the Bundestag

"When we suffer the defeat, the wives of women - to ask our adversity" - so the great Napoleon spoke, in whose life women played a huge role.

But what kind of - positive or fatal? Was he happy in love just like on the battlefield? Is it true that she won less heart victories than military triumphs? Why collapsed both of his marriage? Who were women who gave him two extramarital sons? What was told by Ob. intimate Life Corsican genius his favorite? Should I believe the enemies of the emperor, accused of "heartlessness" and "inability to love"? Was there a real passion in his life? And did women meet him reciprocate? ..

100 Great Warrovers

For many centuries, the war was a favorite male occupation. However, the tradition of women's participation in wars also has a very long history and is by no means the phenomenon of the XX century.

If the reality of the existence of the Amazons still requires serious evidence, the presence of women in the armed formations of ancient Sparta - was documented, and in ancient China and India, the detachments of women protected emperors. Women participated in the campaigns of Alexander Macedonsky, and the Roman historian Tacitus described the Celtic army, opposing the Romans, which included many women. Historians found that the Germans, Sarmatians and other Indo-European peoples, women not only participated in hostilities, but also headed military detachments.

On the most famous warriors of the past and the present tells the next book series.

Balzakov women. Age of love

"For the night of love, I'm not sorry to give life," "Love is our second birth," "Who can manage a woman, can rule the state," so spoke on Eiore de Balzac, who, by law, the "Connoisseur of the Women's Heart" and which we owe such Concepts like Balzakovsky age and Balzak women.

Was he himself happy in love? How wide is his "Donzhuan List"? What a fatal woman broke the heart to him, forcing you to write these bitter words: "Love is a counterfeister, turning not only the curses in gold, but often gold in the media", "no one becomes a friend of a woman if it may be her lover", "so that Carry the light of passion from Woman Flint, you need a man with the character of solid, like steel. "

Did the Balzak managed to inflate this fire of love? Will he won the hand and the heart of his chosen? And who she is, the one, overnight with which "is not sorry to give life"?

Barclay de Tolly

"The leader is unhappy" called A.S. Pushkin of the brilliant Russian commander General-Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Toll.

The role of this person in the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the subsequent foreign campaign of the Russian army is impossible to overestimate: he brought the troops from under the crushing strike of Napoleon, preventing the unpopular, but the only possible plan of warfare. And two years later, Barclay de Tollya brought the Allied Army to Paris. The fate and the fighting path of this person, in many ways, our book is dedicated to the fate and undervalued by contemporaries.

Ivan groznyj. Wife and concubine "Blue beard"

They say, the great and terrible Ivan Grozny boasted, which was crushed by a thousand virgins. It is officially believed that he had several dozens of concubines and 7 wives. According to rumors, Marfa Dogkin poisoned, Vasilisa Melentheva Zakopane alive, and Maria Dolgoruky was drowning. The cause of death Anastasia Romanova is still a mystery.

Well, in front of us - the image of the "blue beard", a mad tyrant and bloody maniac! But not everything is so simple. Most eyewitnesses argued that Ivan IV is a noble and generous person who has a pleasant appearance and a charming voice. It has been proven that Grozny was one of the most erudite people of his time, possessed phenomenal memory and brilliantly owned oratory.

So who he is a man who halved the territory of Russia, the wise ruler and just a loving man or Tyrant and Samodor, how to depict it in our cinema? In any case, the history of Ivan the Terrible and his wives is pretty rush to you nerves!

Kazanova. Truthful story of an unfortunate lover

Jacomo Casanova, only from one name begins to beat the heart harder.

Oh, it was an incredible man. Adventurer, traveler, writer, liar, philosopher, cynic, intellectual, romantic and ... incredible lover. Who actually was the most famous Italian in the world?

This book is the first documentary novel about the real adventures of Casanov. Jacomo was friends with Goethe and Mozart and already in life was, as it were, a cult person, a human legend, was now told. Prison, meeting with kings, magic classes, strange randnev with Catherine II, secret service Count Orlov and ... Love, love, love.

Legendary favorite. "Night Queen" Europe

"Nothing in power to resist the beautiful woman!" - They say the French. And even the supreme power leaning over the female charm. What they proved the heroine of this book, which became the greatest queens, albeit not crowned officially. Marquis de Pompadur and Diana de Poitiers, Anna Bolein and Marquis de Montiespan, Ansuit Sorel, Madame Du Barry, Virginia Di Castiglione, Catherine Dolgoruky - These great women conquered the hearts of the Venginia, entering history and legend not just as favorite, but as "night Queen »Europe.

Contemporaries were amazed by the wealth of their outfits, jewels and palaces, envied their powerful character and influence on the fate of entire peoples - but, as often happens, broken hearts and broken fates were hiding behind the beauty, brilliance and luxury ...

Love and Harvesting Geniyev

The book shows not the most beautiful episodes from the life of such recognized geniuses, like Mozart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Tchaikovsky, Einstein, etc.

All of them can be condemned or, on the contrary, to justify, exalt or unsubscribe, but it is necessary to know the truth, because only this knowledge helps better understand the greatness and nature of genius. The reverse side of the personal lives of great people in the new book from the Bestseller series "idols. Stories of Great Love. "

Marco Polo

Sergey Nechaeva's book tells about the life of the wonderful Venetian traveler Marko Polo (1254-1324), as well as about the brothers Polo Father and Uncle, who traveled to China to him.

In 1271, the Polo brothers and Marco went to wander the three already, and returned home only in 1292. During this time, Marko Polo managed to greatly prove himself in the service of Kubilai-Khan, well studied Mongolian customs and China, gathered a lot of information about Japan, India and Africa. He outlined the whole information in the "Book of Miracles of Light", written from his words Rou-Stichello from Pisa. Its content seemed so amazing his contemporaries that for a long time the stories of Marco Polo felt few people. Nevertheless, his book was repeatedly rewritten and complemented.

The biography of the traveler written by Sergey Nechaev is the result of a detailed analysis of two exciting adventures: the eastern adventures of Marco Polo itself and adventures associated with the circumstances of the appearance and content of his book.

Picasso and his unsteady russian wife

Pablo Picasso loved women very much. "I did not wait for a reasonable age to start. If it is waiting for him, it is the mind that can then interfere. " Walking through Barcelona brothels he began to fifteen years old. Then he continued to replenish the "his donjan list" in Paris, recognized by the capital of love. Of course, women influenced Picasso's life, but even more he influenced them.

Poet Charles Baudelaire somehow said that men had only two ways: either he becomes a slave of a woman, or turns into a executioner that torments her body and soul. The Great Picasso with confidence can be attributed to the category of such executioners. No wonder his mother spoke Olga Khokhlova: "I don't think with my son, who is concerned exclusively, can be happy at least one woman." But the first and third woman in the "seven" Picasso, as Khokhlov called, was not easy to break. They stood each other ...


Antonio Salieri (1750-1825) is known to everyone, but mainly due to the untimely death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Thanks to the Pushkin tragedy, Salieri in Russia is considered envious, causally poisoned their ingenious competitor.

In fact, he was a wonderful composer, a musician and a teacher, who left the huge musical heritage after himself. At one time, he was incredibly popular, successful and occupied the highest musical positions under the Austrian yard. Among his students, it is enough to name the names of Beethoven, Schubert and Sheet. The surroundings loved him for his responsiveness, kindness and cheerful temper, and he had no reason to envy Mozart, and even more so wishing his death. In this one can make sure, studying the biography of Salieri not by rumors and artwork, but according to the documents of his era.

The book of the writer and the historian Sergei Nechayev is an attempt by the historical rehabilitation of an outstanding person and a talented composer, which does not deserve at all in order to stay in the memory of descendants with the "poisoner" of Mozart.


Prince Charles Maurice de Talilaran-Perigore (1754-1838) - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Emperor Napoleon. It can be said that his name has become nominative: so called a unprincipled, false and sales policy. Meanwhile, not forgetting himself, Talleyran rightly served as France, selflessly defended her interests. However, he immediately left the next ruler, as soon as he felt his approaching political death - and this Talleyran felt the very first. Well, as they say, "to bet in time - it means to foresee."

The Biography of Prince Talleyran is a series of political and love intrigues, adventures, adventure and brilliant diplomatic victories, which occurred against the background of dramatic events of the Great French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars and during the subsequent revival of France.

Amazing inventions

Amazing inventions in the entire history of mankind was made a great set. Accordingly, the whole history of mankind is the history of inventions. Therefore, to tell about all the inventors and inventors in one book is simply impossible: one of their transfer would require several huge volumes.

The author and did not put a challenge to tell about everything. Paper, pencil, clock, canned, car, plane, helicopter, parachute, submarine, TV. Without all this, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. But once there were no.

How did it all appear? When? Who thought it up?

Amazing discoveries

The whole history of mankind is the story of the incessant comprehension of the secrets of the world. Step by step, the step behind the step of man rises to the heights of the knowledge. And on this hard path makes new and new discoveries.

It is impossible to tell about all discoveries - their millions. Therefore, the author limited himself only to those of them, without which it is difficult to submit our lives today. The book tells about the discoveries of Pythagora and Archimedes, about the laws of Newton and Ampere, about the works of Chemists Lavoisier, Bertoll, Gay-Loussaka and Mendeleev, about the descriptive geometry of Monge, about the evolutionary teaching of Lamarck, about the amazing rays of X-ray, about the "random" opening of the bacteriologist, Fleming, On the theory of Einstein's relativity and much more.

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Nechaev. Sergey Yuryevich Nechaev: Nechaev, Sergey Yuryevich (born 1953) diplomat. Nechaev, Sergey Yuryevich (born 1957) historian, writer, journalist, translator ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Nechaev. Sergey Nechaev: Nechaev, Sergey Gennadievich (1847 1882) The leader of the Russian revolutionary movement. Nechaev, Sergey Yuryevich: Nechaev, Sergey Yuryevich (born 1953) diplomat. Nechaev ... Wikipedia

    Nechaev Russian surname. Famous media: Nechaev Russian nobled. Nechaev, Alexander Petrovich (1870 1948) Professor of the history of philosophy of the Alexander Lyceum, professor of psychology of courses for the preparation of educators and ... ... Wikipedia

    This page is the information list. See also Main Article: Novodevichi Cemetery Content ... Wikipedia

    This article is offered to remove. Explanation of the reasons and the appropriate discussion you can find on the Wikipedia page: to delete / November 27, 2012. While the discussion process ... Wikipedia

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