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Apparat is a magazine about a new society. Hot Points of Central Asia

Today it may seem that all terrible wars remained in the distant past. But it is not at all. What, according to research, in the XXI century, as a result of hostilities, much less people die than in past centuries, in different regions Our planet breaks out hot spots. Armed conflicts, military crises - probably, humanity will never fold the weapon.

Hot Points of the Planet are like old wounds that can still not heal. For some time, conflicts fade, but then again and again flashed, bringing pain and suffering to humanity. The international crisis group called the regions of hot spots on our planet, which right now threaten the world.


The conflict occurred between the Islamic State of Iraq and Levanta (ISIL) and government troops, as well as other religious and ethnic groups of the country. Thus, the terrorists of IHIL stated that the Islamic state is going to create in the territories of Syria and Iraq - Khalifat. Of course, the acting power opposed.

However, at the moment it is not possible to resist the militants. Hot military dots flash throughout the country, and Khalifat IGIL expands its borders. Today it is a huge territory from Baghdad's borders to the Syrian city of Aleppo. The troops of the current government were able to release only two major cities from the terrorists - Dr. and Tikrit.

The complex atmosphere took advantage of the country's autonomy during the offensive operations of ISHIL Kurdi seized power over several large areas for oil production. And today they declared the holding of a referendum and exit from the composition of Iraq.

Gaza Strip

Gaza sector enters the list of hot spots for a long time. Conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas group brave over again and again for decades. The main reason is the reluctance of the parties to listen to each other's arguments.

Thus, Israel began military operation in order to destroy the infrastructure of underground tunnels and warehouses with the reserves of Palestinian weapons in order to deprive terrorists to attack the Israeli territory. Hamas requires removing the economic blockade of the gas sector and release prisoners.

The immediate cause of hostilities, which now unfolded in the Gaza Strip, became the death of three Israeli adolescents, and in response to this - the killing of the Palestinian. And on July 17, 2014, the next hostilities began: we went tanks, rocket flew.

Already several times during this time, the parties were going to conclude a truce, but all attempts to negotiate did not lead to anything. The shells are still exploded, people die, and journalists in hot spots take such pictures that it is terrible to watch ...


Military conflict in Syria broke out after the authorities severely suppressed opposition demonstrations that broke out under the auspices of the "Arab Spring". The collisions of the government army under the command of Bashar Assad and the coalition of Syria led to the most of this war. She touched almost the whole country: about 1500 groups ("An-Nusra Front", ISIL and others) connected to military actions, more than 100 thousand citizens took up the weapons. The strongest and dangerous became radically configured Islamists.

Hot spots are scattered today throughout the country. After all, Syria is under the control of various terrorist gangs. Most of the country today control government troops. The north of the state is completely captured by the fighters of ISIS. Although somewhere where the Kurds are still trying to win the territory. Not far from the capital, the militants of an organized group called "Islamic Front" were activated. And in the city of Aleppo, there are shootings between the military forces of Assad and a temperate opposition.

South Sudan

The country is divided into two opposing breeding unions - nuera and dinky. Nouereals are the prevailing population of the state, and the current president also applies to them. Dinky - the second among the numbers among nationalities

The conflict broke out after the President of Sudan announced the public that his assistant, vice-president, tried to provoke a coup in the country. Immediately after his performance, mass riots, protest shares and numerous arrests began in the country. Full destruction and inorganizedness poured into the most real military conflict.

Today, oil-producing areas of the country are hot spots. They are under the authority of the rebels headed by the Opt Vice President. This negatively affected the economic component of Sudan. The peaceful population of the country suffered greatly: more than ten thousand victims, about seven hundred thousand were forced to become refugees. In order to somehow settle this conflict, the UN suggested its peacekeeping contingent to South Sudan, who had to serve as protection for the civilian population.

In the spring of 2014, militant unions tried to come to any compromise. However, the leader of the rebel openly admitted that he had long lost power over the rebels. In addition, the Troops of Uganda, speaking on the side of President of Sudan, prevented peace negotiations.


On the territory of the country since 2002 there is a terrorist Islamic organization called "Boko Haram". The main goal, which they pursue is the establishment of the entire Nigeria in the territory of Nigeria, and the majority of citizens against this "proposal", since Muslims in the majority country do not make up.

From the day of its foundation, the grouping has significantly expanded its influence, armed well and began to open Christians openly, as well as those Muslims who are loyal to them. The terrorists make terroristrates daily and publicly execute people. In addition, they periodically take hostages. So, in April 2014, Islamists captured more than two hundred schoolgirls. They hold them to ransom, as well as prostitution and sales in slavery.

The government of the country has repeatedly tried to negotiate with terrorists, but no negotiations did it. Today, whole regions of the country are under the rule of grouping. And the authorities are not able to cope with the current situation. The President of Nigeria requested financial assistance from the world community in order to increase the combat capability of the country's army, currently losing extremists.


The crisis began in 2012, when due to hostilities taking place in Libya, Taaregs were mastered to the territory of Mali. In the northern part of the country, they formed a state called Azavad. However, in less than a year in the self-proclaimed power, a military coup struck. Taking advantage of the situation, France introduced his troops to the territory of Mali - in order to help deal with taways and radically tuned Islamists controlling the area. In general, today, the Sahel turned into a stronghold of the worker, drug trafficking, the sale of weapons and prostitution.

Military distribution in the end led to large-scale hunger. According to the UN, more than eleven million people in the region are sitting without food, and if the situation is not permitted, by the end of 2014, this figure will increase by another of seven million. However, no changes are foreseen for the better place: military actions between the government, the French, taways and terrorists are in full swing throughout the territory of Mali. And this is despite the fact that Azavad states no more.


In Mexico, no one ten years has passed a permanent confrontation between local drug carts. The authorities never touched them, as they were completely corrupt. And it was no secret to anyone. However, when in 2006 the president of the country chose Felipe Calderon, everything changed. The new head of the country decided to change the existing situation once and for all and sent an army to one of the states to deal with crime and restore the legality and law enforcement. It did not lead to anything good. The confrontation of government soldiers and bandits ended with war in which the whole country turned out to be.

In eight years since the beginning of the conflict, drug carriers acquired power, power and significantly expanded their borders. If earlier they fought among themselves for the quantity and quality of drug production, today they argue for the motorway, ports and coastal cities. Under the control of the mafia, weapons, prostitution, counterfeit products were the markets. Government troops clearly lose in this struggle. And the reason for this is corruption. It comes to the fact that many military simply go to the side of drug carriers. In some regions of the country, local residents also opposed the Mafia: they organized these people want to show that neither the authorities nor the local police are not trusted.

Hot Points of Central Asia

The voltage in the region creates Afghanistan, the war in which has not been pitted for many decades, as well as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, who have been involved in territorial disputes with each other. Another reason for constant conflicts in the region is the main drug trafficking in the eastern hemisphere. Because of it, local criminal groups are constantly faced.

It seemed that after the Americans were removed from Afghanistan their military, peace had finally come in the country. However, it lasted for a short time. After the presidential elections, the mass appeared refused to recognize voting legitimate. Using the situation in the country, the Taliban Terrorist Organization began seizing the capital of Afghanistan.

In winter, 2014, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan were involved in the territorial distribution, which was accompanied by military actions in border areas. Tajikistan announced that Kyrgyzstan broke the existing borders. In turn, the Government of Kyrgyzstan accused them in the same. Since the collapse of the USSR between these countries, conflicts occur between these countries about the existing designation of the boundaries, and there is no clear section. Uzbekistan intervened in the spore, presenting their claims. The question is the same: the country's authorities disagree with the borders that were formed after the collapse of the USSR. States have repeatedly tried to somehow settle the situation, but did not come to the agreement and concrete decision. At the moment, the atmosphere in the region is extremely redneck and at any time can pour out in hostilities.

China and the countries of the region

Today, the Paracel Islands is the hot spots of the planet. The beginning of the conflict put the fact that the Chinese suspended the development of oil wells near the archipelago. It did not like this Vietnam and the Philippines that have crossed their troops in Hanoi. To show their attitude to the Chinese attitude to the current situation, the military of both countries played an indicative football match on the territory of the archipelago of Sprati. By this, they caused Beijing's anger: Chinese warships appeared near the controversial islands. There were no hostilities on the part of Beijing. However, Vietnam claims that the fighting ships with have already sinking not one fishing vessel. Mutual reproaches and charges can at any time lead to what rockets will fly.

Hot points of Ukraine

The crisis in Ukraine began from November 2013. After in March, the Crimea peninsula was departed to the Russian Federation, he increased. Disabled Regulations in the state, the pro-Russian activists have formed in the east of Ukraine the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic. The government headed by the new president Poroshenko sent an army against separatists. The fighting turned on the territory of the Donbass (hot spot card below).

In the summer of 2014, a liner from Malaysia happened above the territory of the Donbass, controlled separatists. 298 people died. The Ukrainian government announced guilty in this tragedy of the DPR and LNR militants, as well as the Russian side, allegedly supplied weapons and air defense rebels, with the help of which liner was shot down. However, the DPR and LNR refused to involve involvement in the catastrophe. Russia also stated that he had nothing to do with the conflict within Ukraine and the death of the liner.

On September 5, the Minsk Armistice Agreement was signed, as a result of which active fighting in the country ceased. However, in separate areas (for example, Donetsk Airport), shelling and explosions continue until now.

Hot points of Russia

To date, in the territory of the Russian Federation, military actions are not conducted, and there are no hot points. However, from the moment of decay Soviet Union Conflicts broke out on the territory of our country. So, the hottest points of Russia of this decade is undoubtedly Chechnya, the North Caucasus and South Ossetia.

Until 2009, Chechnya was a permanent venue: first (from 1994 to 1996), then the second Chechen war (from 1999 to 2009). In August 2008, there was a Georgian-Ossetian conflict, in which Russian troops also took part. The fighting began on August 8, and five days later ended with the signing of a peace treaty.

Today, the Russian soldier has two ways to get into the hotspots: army and contract service. According to the changes made to the Regulations regulating the procedure for passing military serviceThe conscripts can be commoded in hot spots after four months of preparation (earlier this period ranged half a year).

Under a contract in a hot point, you can get by concluding the corresponding contract with the country. This contract is drawn up only in a voluntary basis and for a specific period that a citizen is obliged to serve. The contract service attracts many, because there can be a lot of money on this. The amounts differ depending on the regions. For example, in Kosovo pay from 36 thousand per month, and in Tajikistan - significantly less. Big money could be earned for risk in Chechnya.

Before signing a contract, volunteers must pass a hard selection: starting with computer testing on the website of the Ministry of Defense and ending with a full examination of the health of health, psyche, testing personal data, law-abiding and loyalty.

Starting from the Bloody Civil War in Africa and ending with the riots in Southeast Asia, there are currently 33 hotspots in the world, in which the local population suffers.

(Total 33 photos)

The situation in the Eastern Congo is sufficiently unstable since the detachments of the people's militia hut (Inteahamve) declared the war with an ethnic minority of the country of Tutsi. Since 1994, it is. Since then, this region has become a piercing for a huge number of rebels, as a result of the actions of which more than a million Congolese people were forced to flee from the country, and several million were killed. In 2003, the leader of the rebellion Tutsi Laurent Nkunda continued the fight with Hutu (Interahamve) and created the "National Congress of People's Defense". In January 2009, Nkunda was captured by Rwandian troops. But, even, despite the loss of his leader, certain groups of the rebels Tutsi still learn unrest. In the picture, family members carry the body of their relative for the burial. Camp for rebels in Goma, January 19, 2009.

Conflicts in Kashmir continue from 1947, since the UK refused their rights to India. As a result of the decay, two countries were formed: Pakistan and India. The conflict is associated with the section of controversial territories, and still quite often skirmishes on the border of these states, as well as in Kashmir itself, which belongs to India. For example, unrest, which broke out after the death of two naked Muslim teenagers. At the picture, Kashmir Muslims throw banks with tear gas, as well as stones and lighters, back in policemen, it is this tear gas that was used to disperse the crowd of protesters in Srinagar, February 5, 2010.

Uygur woman peers through protective fences, while Chinese soldiers are watching the city of Urumchi, Xinjiang Province, July 9, 2009. North-West autonomous region It is home to 13 ethnic groups - the largest of which is 45% of the population - Uigur. Despite the fact that the region is considered autonomous, some of the representatives of Uigurs require recognition of complete independence from the mid-90s. China's attempts to unite with this area cause only inter-ethnic tension, conjugate with religious repression and economic inequality, and this will all worsen the situation. When the next one broke out, the authorities immediately responded. As a result, 150 people died.

Expressing protest results in 2009, millions of Iranians went to the streets, supporting the candidate from the opposition world-Husaine Musavi. In their opinion, it was he who had to win the elections, but the results were falsified. This uprising was given the name "Green Revolution", it is believed that this is one of the most significant events in Iranian politics since 1979. "Color Revolutions" passed in other countries: Georgia, Ukraine and Serbia. Iranian regime has never refused to use weapons to overclock the protesters. In the picture, one of the rebels closes his face with a hand, on which a symbolic green bandage is visible, December 27, 2009, after a collision with the forces of voluntary militia bass, enhanced by fighters of internal security.

For the fifth year, civil war continues here, anti-government uprisings are supported by neighboring Sudan. Chad became a good refuge not only for thousands of refugees from Darfur, but also for those. Who fled from the neighboring republics of Central Africa. In the picture, Chad's soldiers rest after the collision of Battle Of Am Dam, which lasted 2 days in May 2009. As a result, Chad's troops managed to prevent the capture of the capital of the nizmena and the overthrow of power.

Over the past 5 years, as a result of battles in East Chad and neighboring Darfur, more than 400,000 people were forced to escape in the desert of Chad and form a camp for refugees there. The rebels of the two countries alternately express dissatisfaction with each other. And under the crossfire there are civilians who are tired of meaningless violence, tactics of scorched land and ethnic cleansing. In the picture, Sudanese women carry branches for a fire in the camp for refugees, Chad June 26, 2008.

After more than half a century after the end of the Korean War, the relationship between and remain intense. Until now, a peaceful agreement has not been signed between the two countries, and the United States leaves 20,000 of its soldiers in the south of the country. When it is signed and whether it will be signed at all, these questions and answers remain open. The leader of North Korea Kim Jong Il, who replaced his father Kim Il Senya in 1994, continues to develop the nuclear program of Pyongyang, despite the fact that the United States has repeatedly tried to cut it during the negotiations. For the first time tried a nuclear device in 2006, the second attempt occurred in May 2009. A picture of the soldiers of the North Korean army stands opposite the soldier of the South Korean army on the border, which divides the territory into two Korea, February 19, 2009.

Pakistani North-West border province and territory of the Federal Department tribes are two most tense hot spot in the world. On the border with Afghanistan, in these two regions, since 2001, the most fierce battles between the Islamists and the troops of Pakistan took place. It is believed that al-Qaida leaders are covered here. American aircraft constantly patrol the sky above these territories in the search for terrorists and leaders of the Taliban movement. A picture of the Pakistani soldier against the background of the burnt oil-sewer, which was burned by the rebels on February 1, 2010.

While the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan worries the entire world community, Pakistan remains a key country in the struggle of Americans with terrorism. Under the increased pressure from the United States, Islamabad quite recently strengthened attempts to eliminate the Taliban from the borders. While Pakistani troops rejoice in some successes in the fight against the Taliban, some instability among civilians appears. In a picture taken on June 21, 2009, Pakistani refugees in Shah Mansoor camp, Swabi, Pakistan.

This country, located in Southeast Africa, has existed since the 1990s without the central government, there is no peaceful existence in it. After the overthrow of the leader of the country of Mohamed Siad Barre in January 1992, the rebels were divided into several confrontational groups led by various dictators. The United States intervened in the conflict in 1992, by conducting the operation of the "revival of hope", but in 1994 they brought troops from the country a few months after the incident "Fall of the Black Egg." The government of the Organization of Islamic courts managed to somewhat stabilize the situation in 2006, but this rule lasted very long. Faising the spread of Islamism in 2007, a transitional federal government was created. Now most of the country is under the control of the rebels, while the Transitional Federal Government and President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the former leader of the Organization of Islamic courts control only certain territories. Since 1991, hundreds of thousands have been killed since 1991 peaceful residentsAnd more than 1.5 million became refugees. At the picture, Somali woman is preparing food in the camp for refugees near Mogadishu, November 19, 2007.

Despite the fact that now Mexico is a developing state with the prevailing middle layer of the population, it has been fought for a long time with drug smuggling and violence. A splash of drug-related deaths made many observers to concern the future of this country. The number of people whose death was associated with drugs from January 2007 reached 10,000, which exceeds the number of American soldiers. Killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite the attempts of President Mexico Felipe Calderon take harsh measures against drug dealers, such border cities like Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, who serve as the main drug tracts, became the foci of violence. The picture is one of the drug distribution centers of Ciudad Juarez, where 18 people were killed and 5 injured as a result of a collision of drug dealers, August 2, 2009.

The two eastern provinces of Indonesia Papua and West Papua from the beginning of the 1960s lead a rebel struggle for exit from the state. With the support of the United States in 1961, an agreement was signed that the Netherlands are inferior to Indonesia Province, but it happened without the consent of the provinces themselves. Nowadays, a low-intensive conflict continues, between the rebels, armed with bows and arrows, and the troops of Indonesia. The leader of the "free movement of Papua" Kelly Kwalia was killed last year during a shootout with the Armed Forces of Indonesia. In the picture, the members of the "free movement of Papua" communicate with the press on July 21, 2009, refuting the accusations that they are involved in attacks on the Firsts committed in 2002.

On December 13, 2003, after 9 months of the American invasion of Iraq, soldiers captured the overthrown president of Iraq Saddam Hussein on the estate near Tikrita during the operation of the Red Zarya. Three years of civil war and chaos were preceded by this success, during which American troops were severely attacked by Iraqi rebels. Despite the fact that the United States managed to reverse the course of war in 2007, Iraq continued to suffer from violence and political instability. The picture is one of 50,000 American soldiers who remained to control the situation in Iraq, October 25, 2009.

Since June 2004, the Yemen government is in conflict with the Shiite resistance "Houthis", named so in honor of the deceased leader Hussein Badreddin Al-Hauti. Some analysts consider this war to the veiled war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Saudi Arabia - the center of the Sunni power in the region, faces the Yemen government and even causes air strikes and makes attacks on border areas, while Iran - the center of Shiite power supports rebels. Despite the fact that the Yemen and Houthis government signed an agreement and cease-fire in February 2010, it is too early to talk about whether this agreement will be observed. At the picture, the Houthis rebel group passing through the Malahidh region in Yemen, not far from the border with Saudi Arabia, February 17, 2010.

Uzbekistan was in a long conflict with Islamists who tried to strengthen the population of Muslims. In particular, the instability of the Uzbek authorities, convinced the terrorists in the fact that they could establish contact with the authorities. More recently, in 2005, members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan and security services opened fire on the crowd of protesters of Muslims in Andijan. The number of 187 people killed (according to official data) to 1500 (such a figure appears in the report of the former Uzbek intelligence officer). In the picture, the Uzbek Embassy in London, May 17, 2005, painted with inscriptions of red paint - the consequences of slaughter in Andijan.

Over the past 22 years, the fanatical partisan Joseph Koni held the "Lord of the Army of Resistance" through the north of the country to the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan. At first, the movement sought to overthrow the mode of the Government of Uganda and establish Christian theocracy. Nowadays, it fell to robberies and looting. The rebels are known for making slaves and warriors from children; Now the rebel army has 3,000 people. The cessation of fire between Uganda and the "Lord of the Resistance Army" in 2006-2008. Discussed in Juba, Sudan, but all hopes for peaceful coexistence were collapsed after in April 2008, Horse violated an agreement. A woman and her children on the background of their destroyed hut in Uganda, September 24, 2007.

The Thai government was long enough in stretched relations with the Muslim population of the country, most of which lived in the southern province of Pattani. The tension reached its peak in 2004, when Islamists raised the rebellion in Pattani, thereby turning the full-scale separatist excitement. Bangkok demanded to immediately stabilize the situation in the restless region. In the meantime, the number of dead continued to grow: as of March 2008, more than 3,000 civilians were killed. In the picture, Thai soldiers inspect the body of presumably rebel, which was killed as a result of a shootout, February 15, 2010.

Okaden's Front is a group of ethnic Somalis from Ethiopia, since 1984 struggled for the independence of Ogaden. This independence, in their opinion, should inevitably lead to unification with Somalia. Without achieving such a result, Ethiopia applied severe measures to Ogaden. Some believe that Somalia's invasion in 2006 was a proactive maneuver to convince the Somali Islamist Government not to untie the war for Somalia with even more perseverance. The picture is a boy who grabs cattle in a rural nomadic area, January 17, 2008.

Colombia. This country is in a state of a protracted intercession since 1964. Participate in all of this and the power of Colombia, and drug addicts, and various semi-general organizations. Residents of the country have long been accustomed to the seizures of hostages, drugs and various terrorist attacks. In the photo, Colombian military holds dynamite in his hand, one of 757 bits that were withdrawn in Medelline.

Northern Ireland. In 1969, one of the tire faine party detachments, which was founded in 1905, began holding an operation, the purpose of which was - the ousting of the British troops from the territory of Northern Ireland. The party hoped for the support of the rest of Ireland, but did not receive it. In 1972, this conflict was greatly aggravated after Westminster announced a direct rule in Olster. In 1998, an agreement was signed on a political settlement in Northern Ireland, but rare echoes of political unrest are heard so far.

Darfur, Sudan. With the help of American attempts to stop the war in this country, the conflict has become more acute and led to genocide. The cause of war is the geographical, power and resources of Sudan are located in their northern capital Khartoum. Darfut rebels in 2000 were strongly opposed to this, which led to the creation of armed, worst militias, which were called "Janjaweed". They destroyed everything on the way to Darfut, killed about 350,000 people according to estimates. Now the situation in these places has normalized, but about 400,000 refugees from Sudan have to live not in the territory of their state. 1.2 million other residents are located at different points of Sudan. The photo was made in Chad, Sudanese refugees are depicted on it.

South Sudan. Omar Hassan - the leader of Sudan, is the only current leader in the world who was charged with a war crime, namely the crime in Darfut. But this is not the only thing that worries him. The fact is that South Sudan is now an autonomous region, rich in oil, which fought with Khartoum for two decades before in 2005 a peace agreement was signed on holding a referendum in 2006 on the full yield of South Sudan and the country's composition. Elections forced both sides to re-applied, and the breaking wave of violence in the south destroyed all the chances of South Sudan. The photo shows Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir.

Mexico. Now this country is a developing state with the predominant average layer of the population, but when it is actively and for a long time struggling with violence and drug smuggling. Due to drugs at one time, a huge number of people died, which forced the authorities to think about the future of the country. Since 2007, approximately 10,000 people died from drugs. In such cities like Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, cities that are the main drug-ways, increased violence against tens of times. In this photo, you can see one of the drug distribution centers of Ciudad Juarez, where 18 people were killed.

Indonesia. Since the 1960s, Papua and West Papua lead a rebel struggle for exit from the state. In 1961, an agreement was signed that the Netherlands inferior to Indonesia Province, but without the knowledge of the provinces themselves. Even today, fights continue between the troops of Indonesia and the rebels, which are armed with arles and bows. Kelly Kwalia - the leader of the "free movement of Papua" was killed in 2009, during a shootout with the troops of Indonesia. In the photo you can see members of the "free movement of Papua".

Iraq. On December 13, 2003, American soldiers captured Saddam Hussein, former Iraqi president. The seizure was called "Red Zarya" and was held in the Hussein estate, which was not far from Tikrit. For this for three years, American soldiers were subjected to cruel attacks from Iraqi rebels. In 2007, the United States still managed to reverse the course of the war, but political instability and violence still remained. In the photo, American soldiers, one of 50,000 American soldiers who controlled the situation in Iraq in 2009.

Yemen. Yemen government since 2004, conflicts with Shiite resistance "Houthis". In February 2010, an agreement on the cease-fire was signed, but so far the agreement is not fully respected. In the photo the rebels "Houthis".

Uzbekistan. This country has a long conflict with Islamists who wanted to strengthen the population of Muslims. In 2005, in the city of Andijan, the security services opened fire on the crowd of Muslims. According to official data, 182 people were killed, but 1500 people were written in the report of the Uzbek intelligence officer. In the photo of the Uzbek embassy in London.

Uganda. Joseph Koni Leader of the army "Lord Army Resistance", first sought to overthrow the regime of the Government of Uganda, but in ours he sank to robberies and looting. Now this army is about 3,000 people and the fact that they make children military. In 2006-2008, the cessation of fire between Uganda and the "Lord of the Resistance Army" was discussed, but in 2008 Horse violated an agreement. In the photo of Uganda, a woman stands near the destroyed hut.

Thailand. Very long, the government of this country was not very good relations with the Muslim population, most of whom live in the southern province of Pattani. In 2004, Islamists raised the rebellion in Pattani, immediately turning it into full-scale separatist excitement. Bangkok demanded to restore the troubled situation in this region, but the number of victims became more and more every day. In the photo, killed during a shootout, the rebel, whose body inspect Thai soldiers.

Ogaden, Ethiopia. Since 1984, in this region, an active struggle for the independence of Ogaden, a group of Somali, who also called himself - "Front of Ogaden's liberation". Without having achieved its result, the authorities of the country conducted fierce measures to Ogaden. On the photo a little shepherd boy.

In 2009, with his global financial and economic crisis, not only did not measure the dust of the rebels and separatists of all the masters, but also outline on the world map new foci of armed confrontations. In this review, it will be discussed as prolonged ingratic conflicts, during which the parties have long abandoned diplomacy and switched to a power clarification of relations and about one-time surge of tension that happened last year. If you add to this list such "foreign policy" shares, as the January operation of Hasting in the Gaza sector or the actions of the US Army and their allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, then you will have to state: peace of mind 2009 did not bring peace.

Civil War forever


Introduce Sharia's norms to stop the spread of radical Islam - on such a nontrivial step, perhaps, not a country suffering from militants has not been solved. In Somalia this year it turned out: it does not help.

In January 2009, fights between government troops and a radical grouping "Union of Islamic courts" were held in Mogadishu, as a result of which a moderate block was broken from SIS. On January 31, his leader Sharif Ahmed became president of the country, heading the transitional government. The radical Islamists claim that their former companion Ahmed was sold by the United States, and Al-Keda's new authorities of Jihad. The compromise turned into an African hell.

Since then, the situation in Somalia differs little from what is happening, for example, in Pakistan. In the country, terrorist attacks with a large number of victims occur periodically, and the country's leadership also does not feel safe. For 2009 were, in particular, four ministers blown up.

In April, the government tried to move part of the supporters of Islamists, going to an unusual step: the norms of Sharia were introduced in the country, which the Islamists achieved for many years. However, the decision, which included forced reneresses in front of the West in the form of non-use of the most radical norms of the Islamic law, only rooted radicals. As a result, in June 2009, a state of emergency was announced in the country.

As a result, tensions increase not only in Somalia itself, but also in allast Africa. The African Union demands from the UN to declare Somalia blockade, and the neighboring countries pay more attention to the preparation of their armies: it is known that terrorists seek the creation of a big Somalia, for which they plan to refuse part of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Active fighting continued all 2009 in the Congolese provinces of North and South Kivu.

Two these small provinces contain 30 percent of world diamond reserves, more than half of the world cobalt, an impressive amount of gold, oil and uranium. To top it all, there are three-quarters of the world stocks of Columba Tantalite, or "Koltan" - heat-resistant mineral from which the tantalum is mined, the most important component of computer chips and printed circuit boards required for mobile phones, laptop computers and other modern electronic devices.

From the Civil War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the peaceful population suffers from small interruptions since 1998.

In February 2009, UN for the first time to collect 3 thousand peacekeepers, who, according to the organization of the organization, should have strengthened the 17-thousand contingent of blue cask in the Congo. Of the 192 countries of the UN participants, only two Bangladesh and Belgium responded to the Council of the Secretary General. Belgium is generally sympathetically related to the Congo, once its largest colony. And in Belgium, the largest transnational corporations for the processing of Coltan are located, which in another, the April report of the UN for the number S / 2001/357 are recognized as responsible for the looting of the riches of the DRC.

During the suppression of a peaceful protest killed 157 people. In October, it became known that sanctions against Guinea introduced the EU, and the International Criminal Court in the Hague took up the investigation into the events in Conakry.

Nikolai Anischenko

The most terrible period in the history of mankind are world wars that caused the huge losses of human lives. Latest such war SGR ...

From MasterWeb.

04.06.2018 12:00

The most terrible period in the history of mankind are world wars that caused the huge losses of human lives. The latter such war was rare in 1945, but local armed conflicts still flash in the world, due to which individual regions turn into hot spots of confrontation using firearms.


In Asia, there are as many as 11 hot spots. Separatism, terrorism, civil war, interethnic and interreligious conflicts led to the fact that a number of countries have armed conflicts on their territory. Among them:

  • Iran;
  • Israel;
  • Palestine;
  • Lebanon;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Pakistan;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Myanmar;
  • Philippines;
  • Indonesia.

But the most fierce battles go to Iraq - a hot spot where terrorism flourishes. Government troops are trying to confront the infamous IG (previously ISIL), intended to create an Islamic theocratic state in the country. The terrorists have already included a number of cities in Khalifat, of which the government managed to repulse only two. The situation is complicated by the fact that at the same time there are scattered Sunni groups, as well as the Kurds, exciting major regions in order to separate from the country and create the autonomy of Iraq Kurdistan.

IH controls not only Iraq, but some of the parts of Syria, which was practically freed from under the influence of the grouping, as well as small captured territories of Afghanistan, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria, Somalia and Congo. They take responsibility for a number of terrorist acts, starting with the undermining of artillery shells in 2007 and ending with the attack on police and hostage seizure in the supermarket that happened in demand in March 2018.

In addition, the militants are not bended to the murders of the civilian population, the seizure of the military, the destruction of the culture, trafficking in persons and the use of chemical weapons.

Gaza Strip

Continuing a list of hot spot points Middle East, where Israel is located, Lebanon and Palestinian territories. The civilian population of the Gaza sector is under the oppression of the terrorist organizations of Hamas and Fatah, the infrastructure of which is trying to destroy the army of defense. In this hot spot in the world, missile shelling and kidnapping of children occur.

The reason for this is arab-Israeli conflict, in which the Arab groupings and Zionist movement participate. It all started from the founding of Israel, who seized several regions in the six-day war, among them was the Gaza Strip. Subsequently, the League of Arab states offered peacefully to settle the conflict if the occupied territories will be released, but the official response was never received.

Meanwhile, in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Islamist Movement began to rule. Military operations were regularly held against him, the loudest of the latter was called the "unbreakable rock". It was provoked by a terrorist action associated with the abduction and murder of three Jewish teenagers, two of which were 16, and one 19 years. The terrorists responsible for this during the arrest had resistance and were killed.

Currently, Israel is being carried out to counter the terrorists, but the militants often violate the conditions of the truce, do not provide humanitarian assistance. The peaceful population is strongly involved in the conflict.


Another of the hottest points of the world is Syria. Her inhabitants on a par with Iran suffer from the seizure of territories by the Militors of the GI, and at the same time there are arab-Israeli conflict.

Syria, together with Egypt and Jordan, was hostile with Israel immediately after its creation. The "partisan wars" passed, they were attacked in the sacred days, all the proposals of peace negotiations were rejected. Now between the warring states there is a "cessation line", instead of the official border, the confrontation continues to be sharp.

In addition to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the situation inside the country is restless. It all started with the suppression of anti-government uprisings, which turned into a civil war. About 100 thousand people are involved in the composition of various groups. The armed forces are opposed to a huge number of opposition formations, of which radical Islamists are the most strong.

In this hot spot in the world, the army is currently controlled by the most part of the territory, but the northern regions are in the composition of the funds founded by the terrorist organization. Syria's President authorizes the attack on the city of Aleppo, controlled by the militants. But the struggle is not only between the state and the opposition, many groupings will be entrited among themselves. So, the "Islamist Front", Syrian Kurdistan is actively opposed by the IG.

East of Ukraine

Did not avoid the sad fate and the CIS countries. The aspirations of individual territories for autonomy, interethnic conflicts, terrorist actions, the threat of civil war are dangerous to the life of the civilian population. To hot points of Russia include:

  • Dagestan;
  • Ingushetia;
  • Kabardino-Balkaria;
  • North Ossetia.

The most fierce battles were held in Chechnya. The war in this republic took many human lives, destroyed the infrastructure of the subject, led to the brutal acts of terrorism. Fortunately, at the moment the conflict is settled. None in the Chechen Republic, nor in other subjects arise armed uprisings, so we can say that at the moment there are no hot spots in Russia. But the situation still can not be considered stable.

Also conflicts arise in the following countries:

  • Moldova;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Tajikistan.

The hottest point is the East of Ukraine. Dissatisfaction with the rule of President Yanukovych in 2010-2013 led to numerous protests. The change of power in Kiev, the accession of the Crimea to Russia, which Ukraine perceived as an occupation, the formation of new People's Republics - Donetsk and Lugansk led to an open confrontation with the use of firearms. Military operations are constantly carried out against militia. Armed Forces, National Guard, Security Service, Russian Orthodox Army, Russian Volunteers and other Parties are involved in the conflict. The system of anti-air defense, anti-aircraft missile systems, are violated by the cease-fire agreements, thousands of people are dying.

Periodically, the armed forces managed to repel certain cities from the separatists, for example, the last luck was Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka.

central Asia

The geography of the hottest points of the world affects a number of Central Asian countries, some of which belongs to the CIS. The place of armed conflicts are Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Pakistan (South Asia). But the Afghanistan leads among these countries, in which the Taliban movement regularly suits the explosions as terrorist shares. In addition, the Taliban shoot children. The reason may be anything: from studying the child of English to charges of a seven-year-old boy in espionage. The killing of children is common as revenge by their parents who abandoned cooperation.

In the meantime, Uzbekistan fiercely disputes territorial borders with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, formed after the collapse of the USSR. In the formation of the Union, the ethnic and socio-economic nuances of the territories were not really taken into account, but then the borders were internal and troubles were able to avoid. Now disagreement with division of the territory threatens armed conflict.


The record holder in the number of hot spots of the planet is Africa. In addition to terrorism and separatism, it is the zone of action of the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict, and piracy, civil and liberation wars flourishes in it. This affected a number of countries, including:

  • Algeria;
  • Sudan;
  • Eritrea;
  • Somalia;
  • Morocco;
  • Liberia;
  • Congo;
  • Rwanda;
  • Burundi;
  • Mozambique;
  • Angola.

In Nigeria, in the meantime, it also flashes an interground conflict. The "Boko Haram" sect is fighting for the transformation of the state to Muslim, while a significant part of the population professes Christianity. The organizations managed to armared, and it does not happen any means of achieving the goal: terrorist shares are carried out, mass executions are carried out, people are abducted. They suffer from them not only confessors of other religions, but also secular Muslims.

Under the control of "Boko Haram" there are whole regions, government troops equipped with obsolete weapons cannot suppress the rebels, negotiations do not give a positive result. As a result, a state of emergency is established in individual states, the President asks for financial assistance from other countries. Among the latest high-profile crimes, the sects are highlighted by the abduction of 2014, when 276 schoolgirls took the hostage for sale into slavery, most of them continue to be in captivity.

South Sudan

Sudan in Africa is also considered a hot spot of the world. The political crisis that emerged in the country led to the attempts of a military coup on the part of the vice-president belonging to the NUER Tribal Union. The President announced that the uprising was successfully suppressed, but in the future began to conduct permutations in the leadership and removed from it almost all representatives of the NUER Union. The rebellion was raised again, followed by mass arrests conducted by supporters of the current president from the Dink tribe. The riots were turned into armed clashes. Initially, a stronger Union of Dink lost control over the oil-producing areas captured by the rebels. The economy of the state inevitably suffered from this.

As a result of conflicts, more than 10 thousand people died, 700 thousand became refugees. The UN condemned the actions not only by the rebels, but also governments, since both sides were resorted to torture, violence and cruel killings of representatives of another tribe. To protect civilians, the UN peacekeeping forces were awarded, but the situation is not yet settled. On the side of the official government is the troops of Uganda, located in the neighborhood. The head of the rebels expressed his readiness for negotiations, but the situation is complicated by the fact that many rebels came out from under the control of the former vice president.


People of tropical savanna sahal, unfortunately, are accustomed to starve. In the twentieth century, large-scale droughts occurred, because of which the population had lacking food sharply. But the terrible situation was repeated now, statistics argue that 11 million people starve in the region. Now it is connected with the humanitarian crisis that broke out in Mali. The northeastern part of the republic turned out to be captured by Islamists, founded on its territory the self-proclaimed state of Azavad.

The president could not correct the situation, and a military coup was carried out in Mali. In the territory of the state there are taways and the radical Islamists who joined them. Government troops helps the French army.


In North America, a hot-point is Mexico, where vegetable and synthetic drugs are not only produced, but are sold and delivered to other countries in huge volumes. There are huge drug carriers with a forty-year history that started with resale for prohibited substances, and currently producing them on their own. They are mainly engaged in opium, heroin, cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine. At the same time, the corrupt state structures assist them in this.

At first, conflicts arose only between the warring drug carriers, but the new President Mexico decided to correct the situation and stop illegal production. Police and army forces were involved in the confrontation, but the government still cannot achieve significant improvements.

The cartels developed under the cover of state institutions have large connections, they have their own people among senior management, overlap the armed forces, hire agents engaged in public relations in order to influence popular opinions. As a result, in various states of the state, detachments of self-defense were formed, not trusting police.

The sphere of their influence is applied not only on drug business, but also for prostitution, counterfeit products, arms trade and even software.


Europe's hot spots are represented by several countries, including Serbia, Macedonia and Spain. Also, a lot of trouble delivers Corsican separatism. The organization acting in the south of France is fighting for the independence and recognition of the political independence of the island. According to the requirements of the rebels, residents should be called the people of Corsica, and not the French.

Corsica is considered a special economic zone, but did not achieve full independence. But attempts to implement the desired rebels do not leave and carry out active terrorist activities. Most often foreigners become their victims. FRONT FINANCING OF THE NATIONAL LEAVE is carried out by smuggling, robbery, drug trafficking. France is trying to resolve the conflict with compromises and concessions.

These 10 hot points of the world are a threat so far. But besides them, there are many other regions, the life of the population in which is dangerous. For example, a constantly flaunting conflict in Turkey between the capital and military political party, originating since 2015, and periodic terrorist attacks in Istanbul are dangerous for indigenous people and tourists. Also here include a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, a political crisis in the Republic of Congo, an armed conflict in Myanmar.

Short periods of the lull at these points are replaced by even more fierce collisions. The worst thing that in this confrontation is the peaceful population, people are deprived of their homes and a quiet life, turn into refugees. However, the hopes for the settlement of conflicts remain, because the military forces of many countries are thrown on it.

Kyiv Street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

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