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Car battery recovery methods. How to restore a phone battery: methods of reanimating a mobile battery Charging old batteries

Uptime car battery limited. When it fails, many people just buy a new one. And almost every battery can be refurbished to last.

1 Battery malfunctions - disease symptoms

A closed plastic container contains positive and negative plates. A solution of hydrochloric acid, called an electrolyte, is poured inside, which forms a galvanic pair with lead plates. The terminals are supplied with current from a charger or generator. When enough of it has accumulated, the car's battery becomes a source of electricity. It is spent on starting the engine, operating instruments and lighting.

The generator replenishes the energy losses, but over time, for various reasons, the accumulated reserve is not enough for a normal engine start. When correct operation the time factor acts: the plates age. Under certain conditions, you can restore the battery, breathe into it new life... There are several methods of resuscitation. To choose the most suitable one, we first determine the reason for the inoperability.

The most common cause of death is the sulfation of lead electrodes. The discharge is accompanied by the formation of plaque on the plates. If critical discharges are avoided, the crystals dissolve during charging. But the causes of sulfation are not only in deep discharges. It is also caused by other circumstances: constant undercharging, long storage in a discharged state.

Sulfation is fairly easy to identify visually. We unscrew the plugs and inspect the plates. A light white-brown bloom indicates the presence of a process. Other signs, including for unattended acid batteries:

  • when charging, it begins to boil very quickly;
  • a fully charged battery does not turn the engine, it sits down in a few minutes from a regular light bulb;
  • white bloom on the case.

The second common malfunction is destroyed plates, their crumbling. It is easily identified by the black color of the battery acid. If a lot of gratings have crumbled, it will hardly be possible to revive such a source of tension.

Adjacent plates can be shorted. This occurs as a result of their deformation or shedding and sludge formed at the bottom. Closing occurs, as a rule, in one of the sections. A clear sign of short-circuit - the electrolyte does not boil when charging in that bank or boils later, and the voltage indicator does not grow or grows very weakly.

Finally, acidic electrolyte can freeze. This happens when storing a highly discharged battery in cold weather. The ability to recover depends on the degree of frost damage. If the formed ice tore the plastic case, then the plates, probably, were warped, and they closed, after defrosting they will begin to crumble. If the case is intact, we defrost it in a warm place, and you can try to restore it.

We start any repairs with cleaning. We remove dirt from the surface, rinse with a solution of soda to neutralize the electrolyte, which is almost always present on the lid. We clean the terminals from plaque with medium-sized sandpaper. By the way, try how a car battery works with clean terminals. Often their oxidized surface does not allow charging and giving off electricity normally.

2 Simple desulfation - we use a conventional charger

If the battery is sulfated, and the plates did not crumble (the electrolyte is clean), then it can be restored using a simple charger. We need to break up the plaque on the plates. In the serious literature, impulse charging, alternating with discharging, and strict adherence to modes are recommended. It is rather difficult to do it manually, and special chargers are expensive.

In practice, everything can be done much easier. We use the simplest memory with a slight alteration. We throw out the smoothing filters at the output of the step-down transformer. Instead, we install a diode rectifier. Each of the four diodes is rated for 10 A.

A hydrometer is required to monitor the density of the electrolyte. We check it in all banks, recording indicators. If there are 1.20 and below, it's time to act. We look at the level: if insufficient, add electrolyte of standard density so that it covers the plates by 1 cm. We connect the charger, set the current to 10% of the capacity. If we have a 60 Ah battery, then 6 A, maybe less: 3-5 A.

On a simple charger without fixing the parameters, the ammeter will first show a slight increase in current, then it will decrease, and the arrow will freeze in a certain position. From time to time we observe the process so as not to miss the beginning of the boil. After it, the current is reduced to 2 A, we continue to charge until it starts to boil again, and another 2 hours after that.

After finishing, we measure the density: it does not grow much. We leave the battery disconnected from the charger for the same time that it was charged. We measure again - we observe a slight increase in density. If it has not yet returned to normal, we repeat the cycle. It takes one day, usually recovery occurs after 3-4, sometimes you have to repeat 5-6 times.

Never add acid to a sulphated battery: it will only speed up the process and can lead to the death of the unit.

3 The second way - cyclic charge-discharge

On sale there are automatic chargers such as "Cedar" and the like. During charging, they turn off on their own at the right time. We carry out a full charge beforehand to the maximum possible level. Then we turn it on in training mode for 3-5 days. In parallel with the charger, we catch the light bulb from the turning lamp, press the corresponding button. The process goes like this: about a minute charging in progress, then 10 seconds discharge. After training, we charge it completely.

Several schemes have been developed homemade devices, which, like the factory ones, give out a short pulse charge current and conduct a small discharge in between. The figure shows a diagram according to which it is not difficult to create such a device if you have knowledge of radio engineering.

We connect it to the terminals and observe the LEDs. Green light indicates readiness for operation, while yellow and red light indicates the need for desulfation. We carry it out like this:

  • we connect the device for a while until it is completely discharged (the D1 LED goes out);
  • connect the charger and charge;
  • repeat desulfation until diodes D7, D8 light up green.

The charge-discharge process may have to be repeated many times. In especially advanced cases, it takes a week or more. The peculiarity of the device is that it consumes only 20 mA, it can be connected to the on-board network. It will constantly maintain the required state of the battery without affecting the operation of the generator.

If there is no impulse memory, but we cannot do it ourselves, we try to use the manual mode. Let's take a simple charger with fixed settings. We set it to 14 V and 0.8 A, and leave it for 8-10 hours. The voltmeter will show the increased parameters. Be sure to leave it to settle for a day and charge it again, but with a current of 2 A. The voltage with the density will slightly increase.

We start the desulfation process. We connect the light bulb high beam... For 6-8 hours, we observe a voltage drop to 9 V, we do not allow it anymore - this is what we need. We'll have to control it with a voltmeter. We repeat the cycles:

  • night - we charge with a current of 0.8 A;
  • a day is worth;
  • night again - charging with a current of 2 A.

Depending on the degree of neglect, the process takes up to two weeks. A fully discharged battery is restored by 80%, which is enough to start the engine.

4 Change the electrolyte - return to life of short-circuited batteries

If the liquid in the cans has acquired an incomprehensible color: cloudy, black, it will have to be replaced. This happens in very old, unused batteries for a long time and in the event of a short circuit. In general, if the short circuit occurred due to warping of the gratings, then it can only be reanimated by physical intervention.

On old batteries, this was done simply: each can was separate. The short-circuited one was opened and new plates were installed. That's it individual elements enclosed in a common body, and such intervention is difficult, but possible. We will tell you how to do this further, and now how to change the electrolyte.

The short circuit is determined by the black color, as already mentioned, and by charging. All banks begin to emit gas, but this does not happen in a short-circuited one. Then we drain the electrolyte by pulling it out with a pear. It is possible from one container, or better from all - filling with fresh electrolyte will not hurt. Then we fill in distilled water, slightly shake the case and carefully drain. Do not turn it over so that the sludge does not get stuck between the plates. Repeat until the water is clear.

In a bank with short circuit, we resort to a more radical method. We drill a small 4–5 mm hole in the bottom of the case, drain the electrolyte and rinse with distilled water. All the sludge goes away, nothing remains. The hole is sealed with plastic using a soldering iron. If the plates are not warped, then it will be enough to change the electrolyte.

The further process is as follows:

  1. Fill with electrolyte with a density of 1.28. It is possible to dissolve a special additive for desulfation in it in two days. Let it stand for a day so that the air comes out.
  2. We charge with a current of 0.1 A until the density is completely restored, making sure that there is no violent boiling and strong heating of the case. If necessary, turn off, let cool. We charge up to 14-15 V.
  3. We look at the hydrometer readings, reduce the current and leave it for 2 hours. If during this time the density has not changed, we stop charging.
  4. We discharge with a current of 0.5 A to 10 Volts. If the indicator falls to this mark earlier than 8 hours, the cycle is repeated. If not, just charge up to nominal values.

And now about replacing the plates in a non-separable battery with your own hands. Cut the plastic around it from above. We disconnect the jumpers going to neighboring banks in any way: we unsolder or cut. We take out the bag and rinse well in water to wash off the acid residues. Now we are looking for where it closes. We examine the plates and dielectric. Task: to find a particle that connects two plates.

Found - good, we remove it. First, you should rinse, removing all the dregs, set the bag in place. We restore the jumpers, glue the lid using glue, epoxy resin or melt it with a soldering iron. Fill with electrolyte and charge. If the plates are warped, you can use them from another old battery by choosing the least damaged package.

All work should be carried out with gloves and in a room with sufficient ventilation, and preferably in the air: sulfuric acid and gases can be harmful to health.

5 Polarity reversal - the last chance in a hopeless situation

If there is a strong voltage drop in one of the six containers, the poles change their value during charging. A chain reaction is provoked, which leads to the same consequences in neighboring banks. The reasons for this situation are:

  • excessive sulfation that cannot be restored;
  • incorrect connection of the battery to the charging, which does not have protection against polarity reversal;
  • dirt on the case causing constant self-discharge;
  • the discharge is not controlled, a strong discharge has occurred repeatedly;
  • errors in the operation of the generator and other power supply and consumption devices.

The polarity reversal technique is considered barbaric, but resuscitation is impossible in other ways. If it fails, there is nothing to regret, all the same, the battery had one way - disposal.

To begin with, we select the electrolyte from all cans with a hydrometer and look at the indicators. We identify completely workers, sick and dead. The dead, as a rule, are few: one or two. To restore capacity, by and large, only they should. But the solid body does not allow for disassembly. You can use the technique described above to get to the faulty jar.

We will tell you how to reverse the polarity of all containers at home without resorting to disassembly:

  1. Discharge first old battery to zero by connecting some kind of load, such as a car light. We measure the voltage: if something remains, we close the terminals.
  2. In the gap of the negative terminal of the charger, we include the ballast resistance. A 50 kΩ resistor will do. It will protect the plates from short circuiting.
  3. We connect the wires from the charger in reverse polarity. Positive - to "minus" of the battery, negative - to "plus".
  4. Charge with a current of 10% of the capacity. The charge builds up quickly enough, but the case gets very hot.
  5. We lower the current to 2 A and continue charging. Let it boil at a low current for 2 hours and turn it off.

We check the density: in normal containers it decreases, in the dead it increases. Then we conduct a strong discharge by closing the terminals. We connect to the charger, observing the correct polarity. We charge according to the above scheme. For recovery, it is recommended to reverse the polarity twice.

You should not resort to polarity reversal when there are such signs of a malfunction:

  • black electrolyte in cans;
  • short circuit;
  • insufficient density level.

First, we apply the repair methods for a specific case, and if it does not help, we use a polarity reversal.

Running car engines and others power plants carried out by a starter, which is a special electrical engine... To create a starting torque, he needs electricity received from an external source - battery... However, over time, during operation, the battery may experience various malfunctions, and then the owners have the question of how to restore the battery. This task is solved in various ways, depending on the design and technical condition batteries using special equipment and tool.

Acid battery device

The main function of the battery is to briefly supply powerful electrical power to the starter motor to start various power plants. For a short time, the battery supplies electricity to all on-board devices before starting the engine, after which the generator begins to generate power to them. There are two types of devices for cars - acid and alkaline batteries. Recovery measures most often concern the first option, which will be considered in more detail as an example.

All batteries have enough robust designbut in spite of this damage and malfunctions still occur due to improper maintenance or careless operation. If the acid battery is old, then there is no point in repairing it. As a rule, recovery measures are carried out in relation to relatively new batteries. To do this, you need to have a good understanding of the design of these devices.

Any battery is placed in a closed plastic case, from which two terminals for the plus and minus go out. The design assumes the ability to service the battery or the model is maintenance-free. In the first case, there are holes in the upper part of the body that are closed with plugs. In the second case, these structural elements are absent, with the exception of one small hole through which gases are discharged. Such devices have improved performance.

The inner space of the case is divided into 6 parts, called sections or banks. They are filled with working elements - lead plates with a positive or negative value, on which the active substance is applied. The battery plates are positioned alternately so that plus and minus alternate. A separator is located between them, eliminating the possibility of accidental contact. The plates are connected into common blocks on each of which there is a lead-out jumper connected to the bridge. Thus, all elements are connected into a single bridge and output to the terminals.

The principle of operation of the battery

The formation and transmission of electricity to the battery is carried out by chemical reactions... For this purpose, an electrolyte is poured into each jar, which is a solution in which acid and distilled water are mixed in strictly defined doses.

The battery cannot independently generate electricity, it only receives it from external sources and stores it for a certain time. During the charging process, electricity is supplied to the terminals, after which it is converted into chemical energy. When the battery is discharged, it reverses when the chemical energy is converted into electrical current.

When a load is connected to the battery, a reaction begins between the spongy lead located on the negative plates, lead dioxide from the positive plate and the electrolyte. As a result, electricity is released, which is then used for its intended purpose. At the same time, the negative plates are coated with a layer of lead sulfate. During battery charging, the whole process occurs in reverse order, after which the sulfate is dissolved in the electrolyte, and the positive plates are covered with a layer of lead dioxide.

Major battery faults

The positive and negative plates of the battery are placed in a closed plastic container, inside which an electrolyte is poured, which is a solution of hydrochloric acid. Together with lead plates, it forms a so-called galvanic pair. The terminals are supplied with current from a generator or charger. When it accumulates in sufficient quantity, the battery itself turns into a source of electricity.

Losses of electricity spent on start-up and other needs are replenished with the help of a generator. However, after a certain time, the accumulated reserves become insufficient for normal work... During operation, aging of the plates occurs. In some cases, the battery can be reanimated. But for this, you first need to accurately establish the cause of the inoperative state of the battery in order to restore the car's battery at home.

Most often, the battery fails due to sulfation of the lead electrodes. In the case of a deep discharge, the crystals have no time to dissolve. In addition, sulfation occurs due to regular inadequate charging and prolonged storage of the battery in a fully discharged state. It is easily identified visually, you just need to unscrew the plugs and look at the plates, the coating is light brown.

In other cases, in the presence of sulfation, the battery begins to boil quickly when charging, when fully charged, it does not rotate the starter motor and sits down for several minutes even under the smallest load. The case is covered with a white coating and it is already problematic to return to its original condition.

Another well-known reason for battery failure is the destruction of the plates and their further crumbling. The main external sign is the black color of the electrolyte. In the event of the destruction of many grids, the repair of such a battery becomes impossible and cannot be restored.

Battery malfunction is often associated with the short circuit of the plates located nearby. They deform or crumble, and sediment forms at the bottom of the hull, causing one of the sections to close. In this case, the electrolyte in this jar does not boil during charging, or the boil occurs very slowly. The voltage does not rise at all or rises very weakly. In this case, it is not known whether the device can be returned to its original state.

Sometimes the battery breaks down due to freezing of the electrolyte. This happens when the battery is in a severely discharged state in cold weather. If the hull is torn apart by ice, then the plates are most likely also deformed and closed. With a whole case, the battery should be thawed in a warm place and then try to solve the problem of how to restore the battery.

Before starting repairs, the housing must be cleaned. Dirt is removed from its surface, after which it is washed with a soda solution in order to neutralize the electrolyte. The terminals are cleaned of plaque with medium sandpaper. Sometimes, after cleaning the terminals, the battery immediately partially restores its functionality.

Desulfation by CTZ method

As a result of sulfation, lead sulfate is deposited on the surfaces of the plates, which prevents the penetration of the electrolyte into the depth of the active mass. For this reason, some part of the mass no longer takes part in the chemical reaction. Therefore, an increase in internal resistance is observed in the battery, due to which the capacity decreases. The battery cannot fully charge and loses the accumulated charge very quickly.

One of the main methods for solving the problem of how to restore a car battery is a control-training cycle, with the help of which sulfation can be eliminated at an early stage, and the capacity of the battery is restored. The essence of the method is charging and discharging, which are performed in a single cycle. Prepare in advance charger, voltmeter, hydrometer, consumer as a load and it is possible to restore performance.

Initially, the battery is fully charged. For this, a current strength of 10% of the nominal capacity of the battery is used. That is, a 60 amp-hour battery will need 6 amps of current. At the end of charging, the density of the electrolyte is checked in all banks, which should normally be 1.27. If the indicator is less than the nominal, it is necessary to raise the density to the desired level and charge the battery for another half hour to stir the electrolyte.

Next, a control discharge is performed using a load connected to the terminals. In this case, the consumed electricity is no more than 10% of the battery capacity. In the process of discharging, periodic voltage measurements are performed, which should decrease at the terminals to 10.2V. This indicator corresponds to the full discharge of the device. At the same time, you need to monitor the discharge time. New battery this takes about 10 hours. A shorter discharge time corresponds to a greater loss of battery capacity. Thus, the problem of how to restore the car battery is solved.

The battery should not remain discharged for too long. After a complete discharge, it should be immediately put on charge until the charge is fully restored. As a result of this operation, the capacity is restored, and the internal resistance of the battery decreases after a decrease in sulfation.

Electrolyte replacement

Sometimes the electrolyte in the jars becomes cloudy and black. In this case, its replacement is required. This condition is typical for short circuits or old batteries that have not been used for a long time. One of the ways to restore a car battery is to replace the electrolyte.

The spoiled liquid must be drained by pulling it out with a rubber bulb. It is recommended to pump out the electrolyte not only from the spoiled, but also from all other cans.

Distilled water is poured into empty cans, after which the battery case needs to be shaken a little and drained. Do not turn the battery over, otherwise sediment particles may get stuck between the plates. The procedure is repeated several times until the drained water is clear.

  • An electrolyte with a density of 1.28 is poured and settles for a day, until all the air comes out from the inside.
  • Charge with a current of 0.1 A until the density is fully restored. The electrolyte should not boil very much, and the body should not get very hot. If necessary, charging is interrupted to cool the liquid. The battery should charge to 14-15 volts.
  • After checking the hydrometer readings, the current decreases and remains for another 2 hours. If the density remains at the same level during this time, charging can be stopped.

With a current of 0.5 amperes, the old battery is discharged to 10 volts. When the voltage reaches this mark in less than 8 hours, repeat the entire previous cycle. If everything is in order, the battery is charged to its nominal value.

There are several reasons why battery capacity starts to drop prematurely. The main one is sulfation of the plates, which grows from frequent undercharging, deep discharges or discharged batteries stored for a long time. Sometimes remanufactured batteries, especially from the budget segment, can last longer than just purchased ones. From this article you will find out the reasons for the degradation of batteries, which will allow you to use them correctly in the future, significantly extending their life.

Why do batteries degrade?

Each charge-discharge cycle of the battery causes different kinds of structural damage to the plates. As a result, the capacity of the battery gradually decreases and each time this happens more and more, and it discharges faster and faster.

How does this degradation process take place? A detailed study under an electron microscope revealed that batteries degrade in a manner similar to the spread of corrosion through metal. More specifically, it begins at different points of the perimeter of the plates, and then expands to the entire surface. If it were possible to obtain an accurate map of the spread of erosion over the material, then methods of dealing with this problem could be developed, which would further improve the performance of batteries.

Studies have shown that the battery discharges significantly faster when operated at high voltage. For example, at 4.3 V, the battery degrades more slowly than at 4.7 V. This problem is further considered in more detail by studying the chemical reactions that occur in batteries.

Ways to recover acid batteries

Let's start with the most serious faults and how to deal with them. It is absolutely contraindicated to charge a battery with the problem of shedding and closing the plates, since this not only will not give positive results, but, on the contrary, will speed up the process. First you need to drain the electrolyte, rinse the containers with distilled water until all the dirt is washed out. Follow the procedure carefully and do not be afraid to turn the battery over.If the plates are crumbling very hard, as indicated by great amount garbage, then you should not further load yourself with useless work. It's time for the battery to rest. But if things are not so bad, then go ahead. It often happens that by eliminating the particles that have fallen off, it is possible to get rid of the short circuit.

Next, it is necessary to desulfate the plates - remove salt deposits. There are two ways to do it. The first is to purchase a special desulfatizing electrolyte additive. The second is with a special charger. If you have chosen the second option, then check upon purchase whether the device provides such a mode. So let's move on to detailed consideration technologies for the recovery of car acid batteries.

1. Take a clean electrolyte with a density of 1.28 g / cm3 and dissolve the desulfation additive in it. It will take two days. Regarding proportions and other nuances, you can read everything in the instructions.

2. Pour electrolyte into the battery and check the density, it should correspond to the above rating.

3. Unscrew the caps of the battery cans and connect the charger. Next, carry out several charge-discharge cycles so that the battery capacity returns to normal. You need to charge with a small current, about 10% of the maximum allowable. Make sure that the battery does not heat up or boil during this time. When the voltage at the battery terminals has stabilized within 13.8-14.4 V, reduce the current to 5%. If after a couple of hours the density of the electrolyte has not changed, then the battery is charged, you can complete the process.

4. Now is the time to adjust the electrolyte. If its density is not nominal, it is necessary to bring it up to 1.28 g / cm3 by adding distilled water (if the density is higher than required) or a denser electrolyte (if the density is lower).

5. The next stage is detente. Connect the load and limit the current to 1A, and 0.5A for a 6V battery. Wait until the voltage at the terminals drops to 10.2 V, for a 6-volt battery - 5.1 V. Note the time, as this parameter is important for measuring the battery capacity. It is calculated by the discharge current times the discharge time. If it is below normal, repeat the cycle until the capacity reaches the nominal value.

6. The process has come to an end. Add a little more additive to the cans and tighten the caps. Congratulations, this battery will last for several more years. There is also a faster way to recover car batteries. This will take about an hour. You need to do the following:

1. Charge the battery to the maximum.

2. Drain electrolyte.

3. Rinse several times with distilled water.

4. Pour in a special solution of Trilon B containing 2% Trilon B and 5% ammonia.

5. Wait 40-60 minutes. The reaction will be seen. If the case is severe, the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

6. Drain the solution and rinse again three times with distilled water.

7. Fill with new electrolyte and charge the battery with rated current.

- for the battery to last longer, check the level and density of the electrolyte solution once a quarter. As a rule, it boils away from overcharging or in hot weather, therefore, the density also increases. Top up with distilled water, bringing it to the nominal value.

IN winter time raise the density slightly above the nominal, up to 1.40 g / cm3, but not more.

Charge the battery with a nominal current of 0.1 of its capacity in ampere-hours. For example, if its capacity is 55 A / h, then charge it with 5.5 A.

- do not leave the battery in an unheated garage in winter. It can freeze and become unusable. Not every battery will withstand severe frosts, especially if it is old or completely discharged.

Keep the battery clean to prevent electrical leakage and other unexpected trouble. This will increase its service life.

Electrolyte replacement

It's up to you to visit the nearest service center and shell out a certain amount of money, or replace the electrolyte yourself. But it will be more pleasant, of course, to do it yourself. On preparatory stage you need the following:

Container where you will pour the old electrolyte.

Rubber bulb for suction of electrolyte residues.

Charger and starter with a voltage of 12 V.

Aerometer, which will measure the density of the electrolyte.

A plastic or porcelain watering can (you can use a homemade one).

Long rubber gloves with increased protection.

Nominal density electrolyte solution.

Let's go directly to the procedure itself:

1. Disconnect the battery from the terminals and place it on a flat surface.

2. Remove the protection and unscrew the covers.

3. Use a rubber bulb to remove the old electrolyte.

4. If electrolyte comes into contact with exposed areas, wash immediately with soapy water.

5. Rinse the contents of the jars with distilled water until the old sulfur solution is completely removed.

6. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

7. Open a new bottle of solution and fill up to the level of the plastic chips.

8. Measure the density of the electrolyte with a hydrometer, it should be nominal - 1.28 g / cm3.

9. Connect the battery to the charger, and so, by a charge-discharge cycle, until the density is fully restored. The current strength should be no more than 0.1A.

What if the battery is non-separable? It's pretty simple. Follow the same steps in order as described earlier, only you need to cross out point 2. At this stage, take a drill with a 12 or 14 drill and drill holes above each can. There is simply no other way, but you still need to drain the old electrolyte. After step 9, cut out small plastic circles slightly larger than the diameter of the holes you made and spread evenly over them. With a gas burner, melt the plastic so that it seals the containers as tightly as possible so that the sulfuric acid composition does not spill. This can destroy the plates, resulting in the complete unusability of the battery.

It never hurts to understand what exactly happened to her and whether it can be restored. It often turns out that the battery can be returned to life in one way or another, and it can work for a long time. Of course, it is always important to remember that battery recovery is a process that requires specific skills in compliance with certain safety precautions. But if you learn this on your own, you can significantly reduce your cash costs. To understand how they are carried out, you need to understand how they function.

Device and principle of operation

The contents of car batteries are housed in a durable plastic case. Inside it there are two lead plates with charges with signs "plus" and "minus", as well as a liquid electrolyte in the form. Lead is not the only material for making plates. For example, in many modern batteries they are made from nickel or cadmium alloys.

When a certain amount of current is supplied to the battery, it begins to accumulate energy and convert it into electrical energy. When the capacity limit is reached, the battery becomes an energy storage with an output voltage of 12 V.

Why does the battery stop working

With each charge-discharge cycle, the battery plates are gradually damaged due to intense electrochemical processes inside car batteries. In addition, the car battery does not like deep discharge and constant use at high voltage. And in fact, and in another case, there is a process called sulfation. In other words, sparingly soluble lead sulfate forms on the plates (if they are lead), which ultimately becomes main reason battery failure. If the battery plates are intact, you can see a white coating on them. In this case, it is shown.

When recovery is impossible

If the electrolyte inside turns out to be black or brown-brown, most likely, battery recovery is no longer possible. If the battery is swollen and swollen, it should be disposed of immediately.

The plates can crumble or crumble altogether, as a result of which one or more "cans" may close in the battery. It is also not recommended to restore the car battery after a short circuit. Therefore, you always need to look at what happened inside the battery before restoring it - of course, observing possible safety precautions.

In order not to bring the power supply to such a state, observe.

Car battery recovery

Despite the fact that there are no step-by-step guides for battery recovery, many car enthusiasts have been doing it themselves for a long time.

In popular publications and even on the street, ads are still often flashed that someone is buying old acid batteries. Usually, such buyers themselves "reanimate" old batteries, and then sell them at reasonable prices.

There are many ways to self-repair a car battery. One of the most reliable and popular - with the help of a special additive. Before starting the process, the old electrolyte is drained from the battery, and the inside is thoroughly washed with distilled water. At the same time, along the way, the condition of the battery is assessed: how the plates look, how well the plastic case is preserved, and so on.

In an electrolyte having a density of 1.28 g / cm 3, a desulfatizing additive is dissolved, and the solution is left in this state for two days. All required proportions are indicated in the additive's instructions for use. The electrolyte is poured into the battery with a mandatory check of its density. The plugs of the battery cans are unscrewed and the charger is turned on. Several cycles of "charge-discharge" of the battery are carried out to raise the level of its capacity. The entire charging process is carried out with a current of 10% of the maximum.

The battery should not get very hot, it should not be allowed to "boil". Observe the voltage indicator: when it stabilizes from 13.8 to 14.4 V, reduce the current supply to 5%. Wait about two hours, monitor the density in the electrolyte. If it remains unchanged during this time, the battery is charged and the charging process can be terminated.

If the density of the electrolyte is higher than the required one, it must be corrected with distilled water, and if, on the contrary, it is higher, add electrolyte of a higher density to the battery.

Now you need to discharge the battery again by connecting the load in the form of a small light bulb. The current is small, 1 A for a 12-volt battery, or 0.5 A for a 6-volt battery. Monitor the voltage before it goes down: 10.2 V for a 12 V battery, or 5.1 V for a 6 V battery. Note the time and calculate the capacity acquired by the battery after recovery. For this, the discharge current is multiplied by its time. If the container is small, the cycle repeats.

Finally, add a small amount of desulfatizing additive to the battery and screw the plugs back. As practice shows, such a battery will work for several more years.

Reverse polarity recovery

A little from the course of chemistry and about the quality of battery plates

Before recovering lead-acid batteries With the help of polarity reversal, it is necessary to remind yourself once again that the two lead plates inside it contain different charges: one consisting directly of lead, "minus", and the other, from lead dioxide - "plus". Usually, it is the dioxide plate that is subject to the most severe desulfation process. This is clearly seen in the examples of some Chinese-made batteries, which may be of poor quality.

When it comes to such a recovery method as battery polarity reversal, experienced motorists unanimously argue that the quality of any old Soviet-made battery is distinguished by the enviable strength of lead plates, and therefore even the most "double" copy theoretically can be restored in this way. In practice, there have been cases when a battery that has stood somewhere in the garage for 20 years or more, responds well to the recovery process. They say that the capacity in such cases was returned by 70%.

Reverse polarity process: reverse polarity

The battery is discharged to zero voltage, which is controlled by measurements with a voltmeter at its poles. To discharge more quickly, a load in the form of a small light bulb is connected to the battery. Usually, if the battery capacity is low, then it will discharge quickly and the light will stop burning. Then the polarity of the battery changes: the positive plates become negative, and the negative ones - positive. Charge the battery with this polarity reversal.

Reverse battery: charging correctly

It is very important to remember that the current indicator when charging a reversible battery should not exceed 2 A. If the current is higher, the already weakened plates, especially the positive ones made of lead dioxide, can completely collapse. The reversed battery will start to heat up very quickly and quickly. The maximum temperature of its heating is 50 ° С, while 60 ° С is already the upper, critical mark. Voltage - 14.2-14.4 V.

If the heating temperature rises above 60 ° C, you should immediately reduce the current to 1.5A as follows: lower the voltage to 14.2 or even 14 V, but not lower than 13.8 V. Then charge the battery at these rates. It should charge, as usual, to 12.7 V. If the battery of an unknown, doubtful production is reversed, it is better to immediately reduce the current indicator to 1.5 A, because 2 A is a rather high voltage.

Of course, during the charging process after the polarity reversal, the voltage will rise, and the battery banks will heat up. When the banks begin to "boil" and the voltage reaches 14 V and higher, the battery must be removed from the charge and checked. As a rule, all sulfates dissolve during such intense boiling processes, and the reversible battery restores its capacity to about 80%.

Double polarity reversal method: the battery should be discharged again with a bulb and the terminals should be moved to their original places. Then again discharge the battery "to zero" and charge again. After such a polarity reversal, the battery can fully work for 2-3 years.

Recovery of non-serviceable batteries

Thus, each of the proposed methods for restoring car batteries requires certain efforts, care and caution, but if these methods are mastered and applied in practice, you can get rid of the need for additional financial costs for some time.

Every motorist knows how important the correct operation of the battery is for the functioning of the entire mechanism. It is lead acid batteries that are used as starter devices for passenger cars.

In this article, we will talk about the device and how the battery works, we will also talk about diagnosing the battery, the most common problems and how to restore it.

The device and principle of operation of the battery

The body of the product was expelled from propylene, this material was chosen for two main reasons:

  1. Does not conduct current
  2. Not destroyed by acid

One device includes six interconnected batteries. A separate battery combines negative and positive electrodes (lead alloy is used for their manufacture, lead-calcium composition for negative electrodes), filled with active mass.

Insulation of layers of opposite charge is provided by a plastic separator. In order to improve corrosion resistance, lead-calcium electrode alloy can be diluted with silver or tin.

The active mass of the negative electrodes consists of spongy lead, the positive ones of lead dioxide.

There are two types of battery:

  1. With liquid electrolyte.
  2. With a special material pre-impregnated with non-liquid electrolyte.

Today, the most common batteries with liquid electrolyte.

The principle of operation is based on the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy during charging, during discharge, the opposite effect occurs - chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.

Battery discharge occurs as a result of connecting consumers: the active mass of the electrodes (negative and positive) interacts with the electrolyte.

As a result, lead sulphate is generated with water and the density level of the electrolyte drops. When the generator is working properly, it charges the battery while the engine is running.

Also, the battery can be charged with a special device, as a result of the charge, lead sulfate and water are converted into lead, lead dioxide and sulfuric acid, thus the density level increases.

Note! Charging should be carried out taking into account the recommended electrical voltage, in case of violation of this operating rule, the service life of the device may become significantly less than indicated.

As a result of high voltage, the electrolyte level drops, low voltage may cause incomplete charging of the battery. In general, the battery life is about five years, it all depends on the conditions in which the device is used.

Device parameters:

  1. Rated capacity. This indicator is measured in ampere-hours (Ah), depending on the energy output of the charged device during discharge (20 hours). For example, a device with a volume of 50 Ah for twenty hours gives a current of 2.5 A.
  2. The rated voltage consists of the voltage of the individual batteries passenger car is 12 V.
  3. The cold cranking current indicates the vehicle's ability to start during cold periods. The higher the indicator, the easier it is for the engine to start in cold weather.

Battery malfunctions

The rechargeable battery, like any mechanism, can fail, as a result of which it will not work properly or stop working altogether. Below we will look at the most common system problems and teach you how to fix them.

Very often, car owners are faced with the problem of oxidation of the leads, as a result of which the current supply is cut off and the resistance in the circuit increases, thus the entire electrical system fails.

To solve the problem you need:

  • Remove the terminals.
  • Clean the battery terminals and leads.
  • Now we put everything in place, check the correctness and reliability of the fasteners - the terminal should not move or move away from the output.
  • It is recommended to grease the top of the terminal with technical vaseline.

Many drivers complain about the rapid discharge of the battery.

There can be two reasons for this:

  1. Contamination of the electrolyte inside the device.
  2. Contamination of the device itself.

In this case, it is necessary to remove the battery and wipe all contacts well, pay attention to the device should not be left wet. Next, you need to check the purity and level of the electrolyte, if necessary, replace the fluid with a new one.

How to diagnose a car battery

Before proceeding with the diagnostics of the device, it is necessary to remove it.

Note! The negative terminal is removed first. However, when installed, it connects last.

Electrolyte level

It is recommended to check the level and density of the battery solution at least once every three months. The level is checked using a glass tube (internal diameter should be 4-5 mm) through the filling holes.

The tube should be lowered to the end, the outer glade should be well plugged with a finger and removed. The permissible electrolyte level in the storage battery should be 12-15 mm.

If there is a tube in the battery, the level may exceed 3-5 mm.

Electrolyte density

The second indicator - the density of the electrolyte - plays an equally important role, so it also needs to be monitored.

During operation, the density of the liquid can fluctuate, a full discharge is a full charge, the indicators can change by 0.15-0.16 units.

A high level of density can cause rapid deterioration of the device; at a low level of density, starting the engine will take a long time and problematic.

Battery level

To check the charge indicator of the car battery, use load fork... This device has a voltmeter, load resistor switch, handle and two contacts.

Also, the charge can be determined based on the output voltage, for this you will need a multimeter and a voltmeter (it is important to disconnect the negative terminal).

Modern devices are equipped with an indicator showing the battery charge. If the device is charged, the indicator is green, discharged - white or red.

To charge a car battery, you need to use a charger, which is a source of current: connect the positive contact to the positive terminal, the negative one to the negative terminal.

Battery recovery methods

Every motorist is interested in the question of how to extend the life of the battery or how to restore its work.

And yet, if you have missed or ignored some tips regarding the operation of the device, do not despair, below we will tell you what are the ways to restore the functioning of this device.

Use of CTZ

CTC (control and training cycle), this procedure helps to restore capacity and avoid the process of sulfation. The KTC procedure consists of several stages of battery discharge and charge.

For this we need:

  • Charger.
  • Voltage monitoring device - voltmeter.
  • The device for monitoring the level of electrolyte density is a hydrometer.
  • Light bulb.

So, first, fully charge the battery. It is important that the caps are removed from the cans while charging. The battery should be charged for 6 to 8 hours.

Upon completion of the procedure, using a hydrometer, it is necessary to check the level of electrolyte density in each can separately - the indicator should be equal to 1.27 g / cm. cub. If necessary, distilled water or sulfuric acid is added to the cans, after which the battery is put on charge for another half hour.

Multiple charging mode

No less simple method restoration of the correct operation of the battery, offered by the auto business specialists, is to carry out several stages of charging the device with interruptions. Initially, it is necessary to set the current level to 0.04 of the nominal volume of the battery. After 8 hours of charging, you must take a 12-hour break (no more than 16 hours).

A break is necessary to equalize the internal potential and external lead plates, diffusion of dense electrolyte into the gaps between the electrodes is performed.

After a break, the battery charging procedure resumes. It is recommended to carry out at least 5 such procedures. In the course of increasing the volume, the level of density of the electrolyte will increase, as a result of which it must be diluted with distilled water and control the level indicator, it is important to keep it within the normal range.


So, first you need to do a full charge. battery device, after which it is important to drain all the electrolyte. Now you need to rinse the container with distilled water, at least three times.

For the next stage of washing, we take a solution of 5% (wt.) Ammonia and 2% (wt.) Trilon V. Pour it into a container previously purified with distilled water, from which the electrolyte was poured, and leave it for an hour.

Splashes and active gas evolution will be observed inside, this is the process of desulfation. Upon completion of gas evolution, the procedure can be considered complete. Now we drain the liquid from the battery and rinse the container again with distilled water (2-3 times). Now we fill the battery with new electrolyte and carry out a full charge.

If there is strong sulfation, then the battery can be restored with such a solution a couple of times. However, we note that such a solution cannot be prepared on your own, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Impulse current

This method will help to solve the problem of a short circuit in the battery bank, many do not know about this method or do not risk using it, however, according to the reviews of many motorists, we can say with confidence that the method of burning out using a pulsed current is quite effective.

We connect the battery to a source generated by a large current (in this case, it is at least 100 amperes). Very often, a welding machine is used for this purpose. A short circuit in the bank is burned out as a result of a two-second passage of such a current.

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