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Phase transitions define the scheme and the name of the processes. Phase, states of aggregation, phase transitions

Phase transition (phase transformation) in thermodynamics - the transition of a substance from one thermodynamic phase to another when external conditions change. From the point of view of the movement of the system along the phase diagram when its intensive parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) change, the phase transition occurs when the system crosses the line separating the two phases. Since different thermodynamic phases are described by different equations of state, you can always find a quantity that changes abruptly during the phase transition.

Since the division into thermodynamic phases is a finer classification of states than the division according to the state of aggregation of matter, not every phase transition is accompanied by a change in the state of aggregation. However, any change in the state of aggregation is a phase transition.

Phase transitions are most often considered when the temperature changes, but at a constant pressure (usually equal to 1 atmosphere). That is why the terms "point" (and not a line) of a phase transition, melting point, etc. are often used. Of course, a phase transition can occur both with a change in pressure and at constant temperature and pressure, but also with a change in the concentration of components (for example, the appearance of salt crystals in a solution that has reached saturation).

Phase transition classification

Recently, the concept of a quantum phase transition has become widespread, that is, a phase transition controlled not by classical thermal fluctuations, but by quantum ones, which exist even at absolute zero temperatures, where the classical phase transition cannot be realized due to the Nernst theorem.

Dynamics of phase transitions

As mentioned above, a jump-like change in the properties of a substance means a jump with a change in temperature and pressure. In reality, acting on the system, we change not these values, but its volume and its total internal energy. This change always occurs with some finite speed, which means that in order to "cover" the entire gap in density or specific internal energy, we need some end time... During this time, the phase transition does not occur immediately in the entire volume of the substance, but gradually. In this case, in the case of a first-order phase transition, a certain amount of energy is released (or taken), which is called heat of phase transition... In order for the phase transition not to stop, it is required to continuously remove (or supply) this heat, or to compensate for it by performing work on the system.

As a result, during this time the point on the phase diagram describing the system "freezes" (that is, the pressure and temperature remain constant) until the process is complete.

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  • Bazarov I.P. - M .: Higher school, 1991, 376 p.
  • Bazarov I.P. Misconceptions and errors in thermodynamics. Ed. 2nd rev. - M .: Editorial URSS, 2003.120 p.
  • N. V. Karjakin Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics. - M .: Academy, 2003 .-- 463 p. - (Higher professional education). - ISBN 5-7695-1596-1.
  • Kvasnikov I.A. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics. Volume 1: Theory of equilibrium systems: Thermodynamics. - Volume 1. Ed. 2, rev. and add. - M .: URSS, 2002.240 p.
  • Stanley. G. Phase transitions and critical phenomena. - M .: Mir, 1973.
  • Patashinsky A.Z., Pokrovsky V.L. Fluctuation theory of phase transitions. - M .: Science, 1981.
  • Gufan Yu.M. Thermodynamic theory of phase transitions. - Rostov n / a: Rostov University Publishing House, 1982 .-- 172 p.

see also


  • with interactive models in Java
  • Perm State University

Excerpt characterizing the Phase transition

He repeated what I had already heard.
- No! - I immediately snapped. - That's not why I came here, you know, Sever. I came for help. Only you can help me destroy Karaffa. After all, what he does is your fault. Help me!
The North became even more sad ... I knew in advance what he would answer, but did not intend to give up. Millions were put on the scales good lives, and I couldn't just give up fighting for them.
- I have already explained to you, Isidora ...
- So explain more! I interrupted him sharply. - Explain to me how you can sit quietly with folded hands, when human lives are extinguished one after another through your own fault ?! Explain how such scum as Caraffa can exist, and no one has a desire to even try to destroy him ?! Explain how you can live when this happens next to you? ..
Bitter resentment bubbled through me, trying to splash out. I almost screamed, trying to reach out to his soul, but I felt that I was losing. There was no way back. I didn't know if I could ever get there, and had to use every opportunity before leaving.
- Look around, Sever! All over Europe your brothers and sisters are burning with living torches! Can you really sleep peacefully hearing their screams ??? And how can you not film bloody nightmares ?!
His calm face was twisted in a grimace of pain:
- Don't say that, Isidora! I have already explained to you - we must not interfere, we are not given such a right ... We are guardians. We only protect KNOWLEDGE.
- Don't you think that you wait a little longer, and there will be no one to keep your knowledge for?!. - I exclaimed sadly.
- The earth is not ready, Isidora. I already told you this ...
- Well, maybe it will never be ready ... And someday, after some thousand years, when you look at it from your "peaks", you will see only an empty field, perhaps even overgrown with beautiful flowers, because that there will be no people on Earth at this time, and there will be no one to pick these flowers ... Think, Sever, is this the future you wished for the Earth?! ..
But the North was protected by a solid wall of faith in what he said ... Apparently, they all firmly believed that they were right. Or someone once instilled this faith in their souls so strongly that they carried it through the centuries, not opening and not allowing anyone into their hearts ... And I could not break through it, no matter how hard I tried.
- We are few, Isidora. And if we intervene, it is possible that we will also perish ... And then it will be easier than ever for even a weak person, let alone someone like Karaffa, to use everything that we keep. And someone will have power over all living things in their hands. This has already happened once ... A very long time ago. The world almost died then. Therefore, forgive me, but we will not interfere, Isidora, we have no right to do so ... Our Great Ancestors bequeathed to us to protect the ancient KNOWLEDGE. And that's what we're here for. What we live for. We did not even save Christ once ... Although we could. But we all loved him very much.
- You want to say that one of you knew Christ?! .. But it was so long ago! .. Even you cannot live that long!
- Why - long ago, Isidora? - Sever was sincerely surprised. - It was only a few hundred ago! And we live much longer, you know. How could you live if you wanted ...
- Several hundred ?! - Sever nodded. - But what about the legend?! .. After all, fifteen hundred years have passed since his death?! ..
- That is why she is a "legend" and there is ... - Sever shrugged his shoulders, - After all, if she were the Truth, she would not need the ordered "fantasies" of Paul, Matthew, Peter and the like? .. With all that, that these "holy" people have never even seen the living Christ! And he never taught them. History repeats itself, Isidora ... It was, and it will always be, until people finally begin to think for themselves. In the meantime, Dark Minds think for them - only struggle will always rule on Earth ...
The North fell silent, as if deciding whether to continue. But after thinking a little, nevertheless, he spoke again ...
- The "Thinking Dark", from time to time give humanity a new God, always choosing him from the best, brightest and purest, ... but precisely those who are surely no longer in the Circle of the Living. Since, you see, it is much easier to “clothe” a false “story of his Life” on the dead, and let her into the world, so that she would bring to humanity only what was “approved” by the “Thinking Dark”, forcing people to plunge even deeper into the ignorance of Mind , swaddling their Souls more and more in fear of inevitable death, and putting on the same fetters on their free and proud Life ...
- Who are the Thinking Dark Ones, Sever? - I could not resist.
- This is the Dark Circle, which includes the "gray" Magi, "black" magicians, money geniuses (their own for each new period of time), and much more. Easier is the Earthly (and not only) unification of "dark" forces.
- And you are not fighting them? !!! You talk about it so calmly, as if it does not concern you! .. But you, too, live on Earth, Sever!
A mortal longing appeared in his eyes, as if I had accidentally touched something deeply sad and unbearably sick.
- Oh, we fought, Isidora! .. How we fought! That was a long time ago ... I, like you now, was too naive and thought that it was only necessary for people to show where the truth is and where the lie, and they will immediately rush into the attack for a "just cause." These are just “dreams of the future”, Isidora ... Man, you see, a creature is easily vulnerable ... Too easily succumbing to flattery and greed. And other different "human vices" ... People first of all think about their needs and benefits, and only then - about the "rest" living. Those who are stronger - thirst for Power. Well, the weak are looking for strong defenders, completely not interested in their "cleanliness". And this has been going on for centuries. That is why in any war the brightest and the best die first. And the rest of the "remaining" join the "winner" ... And so it goes in a circle. The earth is not ready to think, Isidora. I know you do not agree, because you yourself are too pure and bright. But one person is not capable of overthrowing the common EVIL, even one as strong as you. Earthly Evil is too big and free. We tried once ... and lost the best. That is why, we will wait when the right time comes. There are too few of us, Isidora.
- But then why don't you try to fight differently? A war that doesn't require your lives? You have such a weapon! And why do you allow to defile people like Jesus? Why don't you tell people the truth? ..

We have considered the transitions from liquid and gaseous states to solid, i.e. crystallization, and reverse transitions - melting and sublimation. Earlier in ch. VII we got acquainted with the transition of liquid into vapor - evaporation and the reverse transition - condensation. During all these phase transitions (transformations), the body either releases or absorbs energy in the form of latent heat of the corresponding transition (heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, etc.).

Phase transitions accompanied by an abrupt change in energy or other quantities associated with energy, such as density, are called first-order phase transitions.

Phase transitions of the first order are characterized by an abrupt change in the properties of substances, i.e., occurring in a very narrow temperature range. One can, therefore, speak of a certain transition temperature or transition point: boiling point, melting point and

The temperatures of phase transitions depend on an external parameter - pressure at a given temperature, the equilibrium of the phases between which the transition occurs is established at a quite definite pressure. The phase equilibrium line is described by the known Clapeyron-Clausius equation:

where is the molar heat of transition, and the molar volumes of both phases.

During phase transitions of the first order, a new phase does not appear at once in the entire volume. First, the nuclei of a new phase are formed, which then grow, spreading to the entire volume.

We met with the process of nucleation when considering the process of liquid condensation. Condensation requires the existence of condensation centers (nuclei) in the form of dust grains, ions, etc. In the same way, crystallization centers are necessary for the solidification of a liquid. In the absence of such centers, the vapor or liquid can be in a supercooled state. You can, for example, observe clean water for a long time at a temperature

There are, however, phase transitions in which the transformation occurs at once in the entire volume as a result of a continuous change in the crystal lattice, i.e., the mutual arrangement of particles in the lattice. This can lead to a change in the symmetry of the lattice at a certain temperature, for example, a lattice with low symmetry transforms into a lattice with higher symmetry. This temperature will be the point of the phase transition, which in this case is called the second order phase transition. The temperature at which a second-order phase transition occurs is called the Curie point, after Pierre Curie, who discovered a second-order phase transition in ferromagnets.

With such a continuous change in state at the transition point, there will be no equilibrium of two different phases, since the transition occurred at once in the entire volume. Therefore, at the transition point there is also no jump in the internal energy II. Consequently, such a transition is not accompanied by the release or absorption of the latent heat of the transition. But since at temperatures above and below the transition point, the substance is in different crystalline modifications, they have different heat capacities. This means that at the point of the phase transition, the heat capacity changes abruptly, i.e., the derivative of the internal energy with respect to temperature

The coefficient of volume expansion also changes abruptly, although the volume itself at the transition point does not change.

Phase transitions of the second kind are known in which a continuous change in state does not mean a change in the crystal structure, but in which the state also changes at once throughout the entire volume. The most famous transitions of this type are the transition of a substance from a ferromagnetic state to a non-ferromagnetic state, which occurs at a temperature called the Curie point; transition of some metals from normal to superconducting state, in which electrical resistance disappears. In both cases, no changes in the structure of the crystal occur at the transition point, but in both cases the state changes continuously and immediately throughout the entire volume. A second-order transition is also the transition of liquid helium from the He I state to the He II state. In all these cases, a jump in the specific heat is observed at the transition point. (In this regard, the second-order phase transition temperature has a second name: it is called the -point, according to the nature of the heat capacity change curve at this point; this was already mentioned in § 118, in the text on liquid helium.)

Let us now examine in a little more detail how phase transitions occur. Fluctuations of physical quantities play the main role in phase transformations. We have already met them when discussing the cause of the Brownian motion of solid particles suspended in a liquid (Sec. 7).

Fluctuations - random changes in energy, density and other related quantities - always exist. But far from the point of phase transition, they appear in very small volumes and immediately dissolve again. When the temperature and pressure in the substance are close to critical, then in the volume covered by the fluctuation, the appearance of a new phase becomes possible. The whole difference between phase transitions of the first and second order lies in the fact that fluctuations near the transition point develop in different ways.

It was already mentioned above that in a first-order transition, a new phase appears in the form of nuclei within the old phase. The reason for their appearance is random fluctuations of energy and density. As the transition point is approached, fluctuations leading to a new phase occur more and more often, and although each fluctuation covers a very small volume, all together they can lead to the appearance of a macroscopic nucleus of a new phase if there is a condensation center at the place of their formation.

In the case of a second-order transition, the situation is much more complicated. Since a new phase appears at once in the entire volume, ordinary microscopic fluctuations by themselves cannot lead to a phase transition. Their character changes significantly. As the critical temperature is approached, fluctuations that "prepare" the transition to a new phase cover an ever larger part of the substance and, finally, at the transition point, they become infinite,

that is, they occur in the entire volume. Below the transition point, when the new phase has already been established, they begin to fade again and gradually become short-acting and transient again.

A second-order phase transition is always associated with a change in the symmetry of the system, in the new phase either an order arises that was not in the original one (for example, the magnetic moments of individual particles are ordered during the transition to the ferromagnetic state), or the already existing order changes (during transitions with a change in the crystal structure ).

This new order is also contained in fluctuations near the phase transition point.

A clear explanation of the described mechanism of transition is the well-known "effect of the gawking crowd" (Fig. 185). Imagine passers-by walking along the sidewalk and looking in the most random directions. This is the “normal” state of the street crowd, in which there is no orderliness. Now let one of the passers-by, for no apparent reason, stare at an empty window on the second floor ("random fluctuation"). Gradually, more and more people begin to look through the same window, and in the end all gazes are directed to one point. An "ordered" phase has arisen, although there are no external forces contributing to the establishment of order - absolutely nothing happens outside the window on the second floor

Phase transitions of the second kind are a very complex and interesting phenomenon. The processes occurring in the immediate vicinity of the transition point have not yet been fully investigated, and a complete picture of the behavior of physical quantities under conditions of infinite fluctuations is still being created.

P, t-re T and other parameters change abruptly with continuous change of these parameters. In this case, the transition heat is released or absorbed. In a one-component system, the t-p transition T 1 is related to the Clapeyron - Clausius pressure p 1 by the equation dp 1 / dT 1 \u003d \u003d QIT 1 DV, where Q is the transition heat, DV is the volume jump. Phase transitions of the first kind are characterized by hysteresis phenomena (for example, overheating or overcooling of one of the phases), which are necessary for the formation of nuclei of another phase and the occurrence of phase transitions at a finite rate. In the absence of stable nuclei, the superheated (supercooled) phase is in a state of metastable equilibrium (see Nucleation of a new phase). The same phase can exist (albeit metastable) on either side of the transition point in the phase diagram (however, the crystalline phase cannot be overheated above the melting point or sublimation temperature). At the point phase transitions The first kind of Gibbs energy G as a function of state parameters is continuous (see Fig. In the article. State diagram), and both phases can coexist arbitrarily long, that is, the so-called. phase separation (for example, the coexistence of a liquid and its vapor or a solid and a melt at a given total volume of the system).

F basic transitions of the first kind are widespread phenomena in nature. These include evaporation and condensation from a gas to a liquid phase, melting and solidification, sublimation and condensation (desublimation) from a gas to a solid phase, most polymorphic transformations, certain structural transitions in solids, for example, the formation of martensite in an iron-carbon alloy ... In pure superconductors, a fairly strong magn. the field induces first-order phase transitions from the superconducting to the normal state.

During phase transitions of the second kind, the quantity G itself and the first derivatives of G with respect to T, p, and other parameters of states change continuously, while the second derivatives (respectively, heat capacity, coefficients of compressibility and thermal expansion) change abruptly or are singular as the parameters change continuously. Heat is not released or absorbed, there are no hysteresis phenomena and metastable states. TO phase transitions Of the second kind, observed with a change in t-ry, include, for example, transitions from a paramagnetic (disordered) state to a magnetically ordered (ferro- and ferrimagnetic at the Curie point, antiferromagnetic at the Néel point) with the appearance of spontaneous magnetization (respectively, in the entire lattice or in each of the magnetic sublattices); dielectric - ferroelectric transition with the appearance of spontaneous polarization; the appearance of an ordered state in solids (in ordering alloys); transition smectic. liquid crystals in nematic. phase, accompanied by an anomalous increase in heat capacity, as well as transitions between diff. smectic. phases; l -transition to 4 He, accompanied by the appearance of anomalously high thermal conductivity and superfluidity (see Helium); transition of metals into a superconducting state in the absence of magn. fields.

Phase transitions can be associated with pressure changes. Many materials crystallize at low pressures into loosely packed structures. For example, the structure of graphite is a series of layers of carbon atoms far apart from each other. At sufficiently high pressures, such loose structures correspond to large values \u200b\u200bof the Gibbs energy, and to lower values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to equilibrium close-packed phases. Therefore, at high pressures, graphite transforms into diamond. Quantum liquids 4 He and 3 He at normal pressure remain liquid down to the lowest of the attained Tp near abs. scratch. The reason for this is weak interaction. atoms and a large amplitude of their "zero-point vibrations" (high probability of quantum tunneling from one fixed position to another). However, an increase in pressure leads to solidification of liquid helium; for example, 4 He at 2.5 MPa forms hexagen, a close-packed lattice.

General interpretation phase transitions The second kind was proposed by LD Landau in 1937. Above the transition point, the system, as a rule, has a higher symmetry than below the transition point; therefore, the second order phase transition is interpreted as a point of symmetry change. For example, in a ferromagnet above the Curie point, the direction of the spin magnets. moments of particles are distributed chaotically, therefore the simultaneous rotation of all spins around the same axis at the same angle does not change the physical. sv-in system. Below the transition point, the backs have advantages. orientation, and their joint rotation in the above sense changes the direction of magn. moment of the system. In a two-component alloy, the atoms of which A and B are located in the nodes of a simple cubic. crystalline. lattice, the disordered state is characterized by chaotic. distribution of A and B over the lattice sites, so that the shift of the lattice by one period does not change the st-in. Below the transition point, the atoms of the alloy are arranged in an orderly manner: ... ABAB ... A shift of such a lattice by a period leads to the replacement of all atoms A by B and vice versa. T. sample, the symmetry of the lattice decreases, since the sublattices formed by atoms A and B become nonequivalent.

Symmetry appears and disappears abruptly; while symmetry breaking can be characterized by physical. a value that changes continuously during phase transitions of the second kind and is called. the order parameter. For pure liquids, this parameter is density, for p-ditch - composition, for ferro- and ferrimagnets - spontaneous magnetization, for ferroelectrics - spontaneous electric. polarization, for alloys - the fraction of ordered atoms for smectic. liquid crystals - the amplitude of the density wave, etc. In all the cases listed above, at m-ts above the point of phase transitions of the second kind, the order parameter is equal to zero, below this point its anomalous growth begins, leading to max. value at T \u003d O.

The absence of transition heat, density jumps, and concentrations, characteristic of second-order phase transitions, is also observed in critical. point on the curves of phase transitions of the first kind (see Critical phenomena). The similarities turn out to be very deep. The state of the island is about critical. points can also be characterized by a quantity that plays the role of an order parameter. For example, in the case of equilibrium between liquid and vapor, this parameter is the deviation of the density of the island from the critical. values: when driving on critical. isochore from the side high tr the gas is homogeneous and the deviation of the density from the critical. value is zero, and below critical. t-ry in-in stratified into two phases, in each of which the deviation of the density from the critical is not equal to zero.

Since near the second-order phase transition point the phases differ little from each other, fluctuations of the order parameter are possible, just as near critical. points. Critical are connected with this. phenomena at the points of phase transitions of the second kind: anomalous growth of magn. susceptibility of ferromagnets and dielectric. the susceptibility of ferroelectrics (an analogue is the growth of compressibility near the critical point of the liquid-vapor transition); a sharp increase in heat capacity; abnormal scattering of light waves in the system

Considering the Van der Waals isotherms, we saw that part of the isotherm corresponded to the gaseous state, and part to the liquid state. The set of homogeneous parts into which the system breaks up is called phases.

Phase is a thermodynamically equilibrium state of a substance, which differs in physical properties from other possible equilibrium states of the same substance. If, for example, there is water in a closed vessel, then this system is two-phase: the liquid phase is water; gaseous phase - a mixture of air with water vapor. If pieces of ice are thrown into the water, then this system will become three-phase, ice appeared, which is a solid phase. The concept of "phase" is often used in the sense of an aggregate state, but it must be borne in mind that it is broader than the concept of "aggregate state".

Aggregate states are states of the same substance, the transitions between which are accompanied by an abrupt change in its physical properties. A substance can be in three states of aggregation: solid, liquid and gaseous (sometimes the fourth state is also called - plasma). Within a single state of aggregation, a substance can be in several phases, differing in their properties, composition and structure (ice, for example, occurs in five different modifications - phases).

The transition of a substance from one phase to another - a phase transition - is always associated with qualitative changes in the properties of the substance. An example of a phase transition can be changes in the state of aggregation of a substance or transitions associated with changes in the composition, structure and properties of a substance (for example, the transition of a crystalline substance from one modification to another).

There are two types of phase transitions. Phase transition of the first kind (for example, melting, crystallization) is accompanied by the absorption or release of heat, called the heat of the phase transition. Phase transitions of the first kind are characterized by a constant temperature during the process, a change in entropy and volume. And this is easy to explain. For example, when melting, the body needs to transfer some amount of heat to ensure the destruction of the crystal lattice. The heat supplied during melting is not spent on heating the body, but on breaking interatomic bonds, therefore melting proceeds at a constant temperature. In such transitions - from a more ordered crystalline state to a less ordered liquid state - the degree of disorder increases, i.e. according to the second law of thermodynamics, this process is associated with an increase in the entropy of the system. If the transition occurs in the opposite direction (crystallization), then the system releases heat.

A second-order phase transition is a transition not associated with absorption or release of heat and a change in volume. These transitions are characterized by a constant volume and entropy, but an abrupt change in heat capacity.

Examples of second-order phase transitions are: the transition of ferromagnetic substances (iron, nickel) at a certain pressure and temperature to the paramagnetic state, the transition of metals and some alloys at a very low temperatures into a superconducting state, characterized by an abrupt decrease in electrical resistance to zero; transformation of ordinary liquid helium (helium I) at T \u003d 2.9 K into another liquid modification (helium II), which has the property of superfluidity.

The old man walked along the road and saw people working on a huge construction site. He asked them: "What are you doing?"
The first one replied: - "Don't you see, I am carrying sand and these damned stones!"
The second replied: - "Concrete floors."
The third said: - "I work hard from dawn to dawn."
The fourth answered: - "I am building a new cosmodrome from which my daughter will fly to the stars."
© an old parable in a new way

Once I noticed an interesting pattern: - the severity of disagreements in society is directly proportional to the level technological development this very society.
And the better developed people are, the more calmly they perceive something new. Assessing the opening prospects in terms of benefits, rationality and common sense.

What is a "phase transition"?
In physics, a phase transition is the transformation of a substance from one of its states into another (for example, when ice becomes water, and water becomes vapor), which occurs under the influence of a number of conditions (when pressure, temperature, concentration, magnetic field, etc.) ... The process is not instantaneous, it takes some time, and requires maintaining the created conditions. At the same time, a certain amount of energy is released into the external environment (or taken from it).
And then r-times! - and "the world will never be the same."

If we consider society as water (everything flows, everything changes), then for the phase transition in the same way it will be necessary to create the necessary conditions. According to my calculations, for a large-scale social shift, it takes from 2 to 7 years (depending on the strength of the impact and the level of development of society).

What conditions must be created for the transition from quantity to quality?
1. Continuous scientific and technological progress, the fruits of which quickly penetrate the life of society;
2. The growth of social pressure from below (when they are not allowed to live in a new way, but to live in the old way is disgusting);
3. Increasing the independence and autonomy (from the state and the elite), awareness and intellectual development of citizens;
4. Distribution of the Network, popularization of open space and open solutions;
5. Something else;

In an ideal world, if we could use all these processes at once, we would get a quick and high-quality result. But even individually, they can undermine the historical legitimacy of the modern world order, drop by drop.

The society of the future is a society that has experienced a scientific and technological revolution. And the point of the phase transition will be the moment when the emerging technologies will make it possible to live in a new way, independently of the old elite.
There will be a gap between the "masters of the world" and ordinary people. People will get “elite” opportunities - and the elite will lose the aura of omnipotence. And this will be the first step into the Open World, where the future and people will become worthy of each other.

Open World System.
Why fight - taking the lives of others, if one day the resources and production facilities enough for everyone?
Why should people argue about hoarsely (throwing themselves at each other with axes) - if everyone and everyone is happy with how the socio-economic model is finally being implemented in society?

- Supporters of leftist ideas will receive "torrents for real life”, And each person will become a producer and a consumer at the same time. Without the exploitation of man by man; without classes (and forced "declaration"); without money in the usual role - as a synonym for power and a product of a special kind (and not a means of accounting); without humiliation and groveling on other people's social elevators; without violence against yourself and your ideals.
The fundamental principle will be implemented: - "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Anyone can do something they like - sharing success with the world around them. This is exactly what one might call communism.

- Each nation will be able to develop according to its unique strategy, without imposed restrictions and difficulties, without aggression and pulling blankets, without looking for the guilty among foreigners and foreigners. Understanding strangers and each other as if you know all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
Peoples and nations will gain powerful power: - the power of generators of culture, - developing and enriching the planet and a single information network. Will nationalists resist this?

- Each person will become extremely free in economic terms, and his personal property will only be his (since society is already sufficiently provided with everything necessary).
You will be able to exchange goods without borders and customs. Money will become electronic, and corruption will become a thing of the past as an anachronism. Will liberals and free market advocates be against it?

- People will independently develop the "rules of the game", rewriting the social contract so as to develop as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Instead of the "leaders" who have set their teeth on edge, the voice of every person will be heard. Elections and referendums (at various levels) will become honest and open, due to powerful crypto-protection systems that protect your vote from forgery. Each chosen one can be recalled, encouraged or punished.
Will democrats and supporters of self-government (for example, anarchists) still have cause for discontent?

- If you are a supporter of globalization, you can feel like a citizen of the world. By making an open superstructure over historically established countries. Founding the "Earth Alliance" - as a community of ra Zcountries, ra ATinside themselves. It will be a planet of open borders, where all countries live in peace (preserving and developing their cultural heritage), and act together in common supranational projects (research, medicine, space exploration), but do not merge into one hypertrophied state.

- If, on the contrary, you want to live in a mono-ethnos, please, live and develop your native land. Nobody is calling for a forced compote from different cultures.

What can you argue about in such conditions? The overall positive scenario will be implemented in a simple and natural way. Everyone will get what they want, and no one will leave offended.

Power is either "taken", - rigidly concentrating it around itself, - with a red-hot iron driving their will into an imperfect reality (hoping that they did not make a mistake).
Or, - power is distributed to all citizens through the mechanisms of scientific and technological revolution. Making people share in the correct (from their point of view) future.

Why do people themselves need it?
Then, to move into a new era of development. I was a cashier - I became an engineer. He was a janitor - he became an artist. Was a sales manager - became an inventor. I was a beggar - I became richer. He was mortal - he gained immortality. I plowed for my uncle from morning till dawn - you do what you love. I crawled on the ground not daring to raise my eyes to the sky - you conquer into space.
Everyone will be able to realize their cherished dreamwhich would have been impossible otherwise. And what is also very important - you can see the fruits of your labors even during your own life.

Resources and technologies.
Every day we are surrounded by a mass of purely physical limitations. People have to seek out some optimum and maintain a balance of interests. Sometimes getting up "vaskaryaku" between their desires and other people's capabilities, in the world of super-limited resources.

1. For a decent life for billions of people, for the creation of modern industries, movement around the planet (and beyond), Humanity will need a super-powerful source of energy. Then it will be possible to cheaply implement any overly energy-intensive (albeit useful) projects.
What will it be? Thermonuclear fusion, efficient use of solar energy, any other promising technologies? - wait and see.

2. It will take years before everyone becomes a producer and a consumer at the same time. A universal fabricator will appear, and from that moment each of you will be able to quickly and simply "print" (ie reproduce from already created 3D models) any things you need.
What is the difference between the "top ten" and the brand new "Porsche" - if the final cost in resources turns out to be almost identical? Everyone will get what they want, and "prestige" and "show-off" will become a thing of the past. Instead, a new phenomenon will appear:

3. Social reputation.
If it becomes impossible to stand out in front of a neighbor, then where will the healthy spirit of rivalry and competition go? How to "show yourself"?
You can manifest yourself through socially useful actions. To make a discovery or rationalize what is available, accomplish a feat or make people's lives easier, repair a school or improve mass air cars, win competitions or graduate with honors, and so on.
For this, the society will award you "social points" and award "achievements" ("medals" in electronic form). Visually displaying how "useful" you are in the eyes of others. With the development of augmented reality technology, your social capital and merits will be immediately visible to your friends, colleagues and just people on the street.

Points are not money (besides, people from society after a phase transition cannot be surprised by someone's material wealth for a long time). Transferring them to other people will not work purely technically (the "log" of your achievements is tied to your e-passport).
Social capital is awarded both by distinguished professionals in their field (this applies to science and technology) and society itself - automatically encouraging socially useful, verifiable actions. Graduated from school with all 5s - get + n points to your "social capital". Won the Olympics? Increased the efficiency of the power plant? Likewise, you get + m points.

A universal table will appear, which will openly show what the society gives priority to. This will be done in the form of a set of macro-goals, the focus on achieving which will give a "green light" and be further encouraged.
For example: - space exploration, biological immortality, victory over hunger and disease, creation of new materials, creativity, etc.

The point of social capital is that it gives you priority to perform certain actions that require either huge resources or the collective labor of other people.
For example: - you will be able to start research earlier than others (using the resources of an advanced laboratory), fly into space, dive into the depths of the ocean, etc. (And since social capital serves as a form of encouragement from society (and the state), on its " provision ”allocate resources, the use of which occurs in kind (if you choose a laboratory, funds are transferred to it to support your experiment).

Society itself, in some ways, will be similar to the Network (after all, there are also "buoys" for which it is better not to swim - but otherwise, everyone does what he likes). Rules and restrictions are openly spoken and discussed.

4. There will be a unification of things.
For example, instead of a home PC, laptop, tablet, phone, navigator and other gadgets, everyone will have something like a universal communicator with a resizable screen and full functionality of other devices. Making a universal type of mass product is much more economical in terms of resources.
Clothes, for sure, will be able to change colors to suit your mood, while maintaining the strength and accuracy indicators - and you will immediately unload the wardrobes.

And so it will go in all directions. Instead of a car park in the garage - you buy one, modular flyer on autopilot, and you can update its firmware and individual modules. Is the device completely outdated? - you hand over for processing.
A person needs not so many physical things for a comfortable and modern life. It is much more important to know for sure that if you need something, then - voila - and everything will be at your fingertips.

5. A lot of resources can be freed up by reworking and using something already created and obsolete / worn out. It will be a rational (i.e., resource-minded) society (possibly using AI to optimize the management system).
And this will happen not from the fact that we will have a society of ascetics, but on the contrary, from the fact that the necessary final goods will become so easy to obtain that you will cease to be engaged in storing everything that "maybe useful."

6. Knowledge as a special type of resource.
Long ago, people used copper tools - and then iron became available to them for processing. Yesterday we used kerosene and wood, and then we tamed the energy of the atom.
Has anything changed on the planet? Weren't these resources on her from the very beginning?

The level of technology and knowledge has changed. Knowledge - expands the resource base of Humanity. What could not be used yesterday is becoming in demand. What is outdated gets a second life and an increase in efficiency. What seemed incredibly expensive becomes a “waste” product.

In the Open World, each person will be able to continuously learn new things, moving forward, and becoming (at each moment of time) a "peak" in his possible development (surpassing himself in the future).

7. Something else.

New opportunities give every chance to open up for talented individuals, teams of researchers, and those who act together - being thousands of kilometers from each other.
A golden age for inventors and dreamers is approaching.

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