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Back massage for a 5 month old baby. Proper massage for a baby in the first three months of life

Everything moves, everything changes, nothing stands in one place. The same can be said about the development of the child: at 5 months he can do quite a lot, and it's time to teach him water gymnastics. Some parents begin to practice such exercises earlier, but most pediatricians advise starting active water exercises closer to six months, since by this time the baby is strong enough, his immunity is ready for hardening procedures.

What a 5-month-old child should be able to do and developmental activities (with video)

Watch your baby while awake, when he is lying on his stomach. At 5 months, the child, lying on his stomach, actively straightens his arms at the elbow joints and raises the upper half of the body above the surface, can hold on to one straightened arm, and take the toy lying in front of him with the other.

What else should a child be able to do at 5 months with normal development? At this age, the baby is already well turned from back to stomach in both directions. Grabs a variety of toys, transfers them from hand to hand. Turns to sounds.

At this age, the strength of the muscles involved in extending the neck backward is greater than that of the muscles involved in bending the neck forward. This is due to the fact that the child, lying on his stomach, independently trains the back muscles involved in holding the head. And the muscles that flex the neck are trained lying on the back, and for this the baby needs the help of parents. And some children try to raise their head on their own while lying on their backs.

For the development of the baby at 5 months, it's time to start exercising in the water. If you decide to conduct developmental water exercises, then you need to know that this process will require you to work every day. To obtain good resultyou must adhere to simple rule - gradualness and regularity, these activities should, first of all, please you, because if this is done only for the sake of the child, then such activities very quickly get bored, end and do not lead to anything. What does this give the child?

First, it is an excellent hardening procedure. Moreover, it is very noticeable, since the temperatures of the water and air in the bathroom (or where you work) will differ from each other by about 10 ° C. Secondly, the emotional component. During classes with a 5-month-old baby, you are in close interaction with him, which contributes to a more trusting, close relationship, which is especially important for dads. Thirdly, the applied value. A child learns from birth to be with water on "you". He is not afraid of her, she is a friend and playmate for him, etc. In the future, these children, as a rule, do not have such problems as washing their hair and difficulties in mastering the swimming technique. For practice, first of all, prepare the bathroom. It must be freed from unnecessary things that can interfere with you, making it difficult to approach the bath and restricting movement.

So, in order to start classes with a child at 5 months, we fill the bathtub with water - the depth should be approximately up to the elbow of your hand or up to the chest, if you put the child in it. Water temperature 37-37.5 ° С.

Do not rush to immediately lower the child into the water, let him get comfortable in the room. To do this, walk with him, holding him in your arms, in the bathroom, let him look in the mirror, walk along the edge of the bath, drown and only then lower the child into the water.

But it is not necessary to put it into the water right away - first, the legs, then the body up to the waist, then lift the child out of the water and after 1-2 seconds again lower it into the water, now you can completely. This is how we achieve two goals at once. First, the child is getting ready for work. The second is, since the temperatures of water and air differ from each other by at least 10 ᵒС.

The first developmental exercise for a 5-month-old child in water is walking on the bottom. The water supports and pushes the baby up, therefore, axial load decreases, which makes it possible from the first days to train leg strength. Take the baby under the armpits with both hands. Walk slowly with him from the beginning of the bath to the end and back. Try to keep it down on your entire foot completely. We repeat this exercise 2-3 times.

Then, during developmental activities with a 5-month-old child, holding the baby by the armpits, go under the water with him so that only the head remains on the surface. We smoothly intercept it. The baby is now lying on its back in the water. One of your hands is positioned across the head and shoulders of the child so that the thumb is under the back of the head, and the little finger is between the shoulder blades of the child. The other hand is under the baby's pelvis so that the baby's feet are under water.

We move the baby in the water first forward, then back. All exercises with a 5-month-old child should be done slowly and smoothly, making sure that while moving the legs forward, the wave does not hit the child's face. Then we make movements to the right and left, from one side of the bath to the other. The next movement is a figure eight, that is, we connect together the forward-backward and right-left movements continuously. The more movements and directions you come up with, the better. Your task is to gradually teach your baby to lie relaxed on the water. Make sure that his arms are straightened along the body, the fingers are unclenched.

Watch the video "Exercising a baby for 5 months in the water" - the baby really likes these exercises:

Hand massage for a 5-month-old baby at home (with video)

During a massage at home, a 5-month-old child should lie on his stomach or on his back. At this age, children hold their heads well and lean confidently on their forearms. You most likely will not be able to persuade the child to lower his head on the table during the massage. Therefore, you will have to do a massage, despite the active turns of the baby's head and his overturns on the stomach. From the massage techniques, kneading of the shoulder region, more intensive rubbing in the form of a sawing technique in the gluteal region are added.

Massage of infants of 5 months is started from the hands, for this, the baby needs to be put on his back. With one hand, take it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist, stroking it with the other, then rubbing each of his fingers in turn from the tip to the base. Repeat the technique 2-3 times.

Pat the baby's palm separately and pay attention to the thumb.

Moving on to the forearm and shoulder. To do this, place your thumb in the child's palm. With the palm of the other hand, first stroke, then rub in the direction from the wrist to the elbow joint, then to the shoulder. Stroking is done both from the outside and from inside arms.

As shown in the video "Massage for a 5-month-old baby", rubbing is performed only on the outer surface of the forearm and shoulder:

Repeat the techniques 2-3 times.

Now add kneading techniques. To do this, grab the muscles of the shoulder above the elbow joint along the outer surface between your 1st toe on one side and 2-4th on the other. Move the muscles to the shoulder joint with translational movements. Repeat the technique 2-3 times.

We finish the hand massage by stroking the entire limb from fingers to shoulder.

How to give a 5-month-old baby a chest and abdominal massage

At the next stage of massage of a 5-month-old baby, they switch to massaging the chest. The first technique is stroking. It is carried out along the sternum with the palmar surface of the hands in the direction from bottom to top and to the shoulders. Repeat the technique 3-5 times.

Then stroking is carried out with the fingertips from the sternum along the ribs to the side. Repeat the technique 3-5 times on each side.

The next technique is rubbing. With your fingertips, move in a spiraling movement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sternum, along its edges from bottom to top. Repeat the technique 2-3 times.

Next, change the direction of the rubbing motion. To massage a 5-month-old baby, your fingers should move from the sternum to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side. It is not recommended to massage the heart area! Repeat the first step - stroking - again.

And how to give a 5 month old baby a belly massage? To do this, leave the baby on his back with his feet towards you.

The first technique is stroking. Your right hand slides the palm of your hand over your stomach in a clockwise direction in a circle. Then, the movement of your palms should go from the lateral surface of the abdomen on both sides at the same time and connect above the navel area. Repeat the technique 4-5 times.

The next technique is rubbing. Bend the fingers of your right hand. With the bent fingers, rub the peri-umbilical area in a spiral motion, while circling the navel in a clockwise direction. Perform the technique by completing 3-4 laps. Increase each subsequent circle in diameter.

To stimulate the abdominal muscles during massage to babies 5 months old, you can add the technique of pinching the anterior abdominal wall in a circle.

The abdominal massage should be finished by repeating the circular stroking from which the procedure began.

Foot massage for babies 5 months old (with video)

Let's move on to foot massage. Foot massage begins with the feet. With one hand, grasp the baby's leg in the shin area. In this case, the leg should be slightly bent at the knee and hip joints.

First reception - stroking from the fingertips to the ankle. In this case, your thumb should be on the plantar side, and the rest of your toes should be on the back of the foot. Repeat the technique 3-5 times.

Next trick - trituration. Holding the foot on the back side, rub the sole of the sole with the pad of your thumb in spiraling forward movements from the heel to the baby's toes. Repeat the technique in 2-3 passes.

If, for a baby massage, a 5-month-old baby needs to straighten his fingers, additionally stroke the foot from the back side in the direction from the base of the fingers to the ankle joint.

We move on to stroking and rubbing the lower leg and thigh. Place your palm around the baby's shin just above the ankle. Slide your hand over the lower leg with sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the front and side surfaces of the thigh towards the hip joint. We repeat the reception 3-5 times.

The following rubbing is carried out with the pads of the fingers with translational spiral movements along the front and outer-lateral surfaces of the thigh. We repeat the reception 3-5 times.

The next technique is kneading. Place your hands across the child's thigh. Grasp the anterolateral muscles just above the knee joint.

Pull them slightly, then begin in S-shaped, multi-directional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat the technique, going through each hip 2-3 times.

And we finish the techniques with the initial stroking.

In the video "Massage for babies 5 months old" you can see how to massage your baby correctly:

Neck massage for 5 month old babies (with video)

We proceed to massage the back of the body. Before giving a massage to a 5-month-old baby, turn the baby over onto his stomach with his feet facing you.

To help your back and neck muscles get stronger faster, give a stimulating massage to the back of your neck and shoulder girdle. Stimulating massage is not indicated if the baby's back muscles that extend the neck are strongly and constantly tense, because of which he cannot bring his chin to the chest either lying on his back or lying on his stomach. In these cases, a relaxing massage is indicated.

During the massage, the baby should lie on his stomach, bend his arms at the elbow joints and bring them under the chest. Start with stroking. Your palm should move from the back of the head towards the shoulder girdle, along the back and sides of the neck. Separately stroke the girdle itself from the neck to the shoulder joints. Repeat the technique 4-5 times.

The next massage technique for infants of 5 months is rubbing with fingertips. The fingers should move forward in a spiral motion along the back of the neck, as well as separately along the shoulder girdle towards the shoulder joints. Reception repeat 2-3 times in each direction.

Perform an additional rubbing technique with the bent phalanges of the index and middle fingers of the right hand in the region of the base of the neck in a circular motion. Do the reception for 10-15 seconds.

Finish with light stroking.

If the child's neck muscles are tense, rubbing is not performed. This technique is replaced by gentle stretching movements that are used directly on these muscles.

Start with a normal stroke, and then hold the back of your head with one hand, and with the other from this area, slowly slide down the muscles of the neck and to the shoulder girdles, pausing at the end of the movement for 2-3 seconds. Reception repeat 3-5 times.

Watch the video "Massage for 5 month old babies" to consolidate the skills:

Back and buttocks massage for babies 5 months

We turn to back massage. The first technique is stroking. It is carried out first along the spine, then along the ribs from the spine to the side. Repeat the technique 3-5 times.

Now - rubbing. With your fingertips, in forward spiral movements, walk about the spine on both sides from the bottom up, then from the spine to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

The next new method of back massage for a child at 5 months is kneading. Stretch the muscles of the lateral surface of the torso from the bottom up. At the same time, your hands grab and slightly pull the muscles, then make S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the body. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

Finish the back massage by repeating the stroking technique.

We pass to the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks. The first technique is stroking. Your palms slide over your buttocks. The movement begins with a grasp of their lateral surface, and the hands are directed towards each other. Repeat the movement 5-7 times.

This is followed by a rubbing technique. To do this, use the phalanges of the bent fingers. The direction of the spiral movements in a circle, work out in turn the right and left sides of the gluteal region. Repeat the technique in 3-5 circular passes.

For more intense stimulation, add a "sawing" rub. It is carried out using the outer edge of the palms. At the same time, your hands should be located along the buttocks, and your palms should be close to each other.

The direction of hand movements when massaging 5-month-old children is back and forth simultaneously towards each other, reminiscent of sawing. Massage each buttock separately for 20-30 seconds.

To stimulate the gluteal muscles, we use the technique of pinching this area with our fingers.

Repeat the stroking technique you started with.

Massage the back of the legs for a 5 month old baby

After the gluteal region, we continue to massage the back of the legs. Repeat stroking and rubbing in the same order and direction.

When massaging a 5-month-old baby, hold the lower leg with one hand, while the leg should be slightly bent at the knee joint. Move your hand over the calf muscle, stroking sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the thigh towards the buttocks 2-3 times.

Then rub the back surface of the lower leg, back and outer-lateral areas of the thigh with the pads of the fingers with translational spiral movements. We repeat the techniques 3-5 times.

The next technique is kneading. Place your hands across the baby's calf muscle. Pull it slightly, then begin S-shaped, multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the lower leg to the knee joint. Repeat the technique 2-3 times.

Now place your hands across the child's thigh. Grasp the posterolateral muscles just above the knee joint. Pull them slightly, then begin in S-shaped, multi-directional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat the technique 2-3 times.

We finish the massage of the leg, repeating stroking in the direction from the foot to the thigh and further to the buttocks in 4-5 passes.

Exercises on the ball for a 5-month-old baby: fitball for babies

At this age, be sure to continue exercising on a gymnastic ball. As the child gets older, the exercises become more varied.

1. The first exercise on fitball at 5 months is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arms. Take your baby in your arms with your back to you. If the child has learned to stand, you can put him on his feet, holding him by the waist. Invite him to push the gymnastic ball away from him with both hands. Measure his muscle effort by holding the ball. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

2. Exercises on a gymnastic ball at 5 months to strengthen the muscles of the back. Place the baby on the ball with his belly facing you and hold him in the armpit. Roll in a rolling motion away from you, then towards yourself. It is necessary for the child to learn to bend in the back in the form of a boat. In this position, you need to stay up to 8-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times. Then change the direction of movement from side to side, then in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise. We also do these movements 3-5 times.

3. Exercise on fitball for babies 5 months old to form support on the legs. The baby continues to lie on the ball on his stomach. Roll it on the ball towards you until the soles touch the table surface or with the massage mat. The kid must learn to straighten his legs and maintain body weight while resting on his legs. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

4. Now teach your child to hold the tuck position on the ball. This is a position in which the bent legs are pulled up to the stomach, and the head is tilted towards the chest. The ability to group is necessary when the child is learning to walk - in order to fall without serious bruises. In this exercise, start by holding your head in a flexion position. Your baby lies on a ball on his back. His head is on your shoulder girdle and his legs are pulled up to your stomach. Roll it on the ball towards you, slowly lifting your shoulder from under the child's head. He will have to hold his head for a while without relying on you. Performing this exercise on a ball for a 5-month-old baby, stay in this grouping pose for 2-3 seconds, lengthening the time to 5-7 seconds. Return to the starting position, give the baby a rest, at this time his head should lie on your shoulder girdle. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

5. After you have achieved a long (up to 10 seconds) retention of the baby's grouping position on the ball, start the exercise in the form of rolling on the ball at a slightly accelerated pace. In this case, the ball should contact the child's back along the spine, and your movements are directed towards yourself and up, then away from yourself and down. The duration of the exercise is 10-15 seconds.

6. After practicing in the previous exercise the ability to group on the ball, go to turns on the ball of the pelvis and hips on the side in each direction, while holding the baby lying on the back also behind the torso in the axillary region with his head towards you. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in each direction.

What set of developmental exercises to do with a 5-month-old child

What exercises can you do with a 5 month old baby without using a gymnastic ball?

The following exercises are performed on the massage table. To strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and arms, practice the ability of the baby to group and sit down while pulling up the arms. The child lies on his back, with a thin, dense pillow under his head and shoulders. Place your thumbs in the child's hands so that he grabs them tightly. Pull the baby towards you, wait for his desire to bend his arms at the elbow joints and, pulling up on your fingers, sit down. Return it to its original position. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

Also, the set of exercises for a 5-month-old child includes walking on his hands. This is to prepare you to start crawling on all fours. Take your baby in your arms with your back to you. Hold it in the chest area with one hand and in the pelvic area with the other. Move him to a horizontal position so that he rests his hands on the table. At the beginning of the motor skill exercise, help him move his arms. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

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In order for the baby to form the correct movements, parents should, from the first weeks of a child's life, perform massage and gymnastics complexes appropriate for his age.

Every few months, the gymnastic complex for babies becomes a little more complicated, expands... This article is addressed to parents of infants 4-6 months old, contains a description of a set of exercises suitable for them and information about the importance of gymnastics at this age.


Exercise has a beneficial effect on the activity of all body systems - nervous, digestive, hematopoietic, stimulates the processes of respiration, blood circulation, metabolism, strengthens muscles.

Without gymnastics, the complex education and development of the baby is incomplete, the formation of movements is delayed, they are not so accurate and correct.

Gymnastic complexes for young children are aimed at the formation and consolidation of coordination, balance, respiratory movements; as the child develops, new tasks arise that gymnastics helps to solve.


At 4-5 months of age, the infant's muscular system undergoes important changes that must be taken into account when choosing exercises:

  • It disappears, the activity of the flexors and extensors is gradually balanced;
  • Baby's movements become more conscious, coordinated and focused;
  • The child begins to roll over on his tummy and makes the first attempts to crawl, exercises should help to form this skill;
  • The kid not only reaches out to objects and grabs them, but can also hold for a sufficiently long time;
  • Passive exercises for arms and legs can be introduced into the complex, since the tone of their muscles has decreased;
  • The gymnastic complex should also include simple active exercises;
  • Movements are based on unconditional reflex reactions, sound and visual signals are used after six months.

At 5 months, gymnastics classes are carried out for the following purposes:

  • Development of the support reaction of the feet;
  • Formation of the skill of holding things;
  • Development of a sense of rhythm, complication of coordination of movements.


Regardless of the age of the child, certain rules must be followed during exercise:

  • Perform exercises at an air temperature of 20-22⁰, in a well-ventilated room, in summer - with an open window;
  • An adult should wash, dry and warm his hands;
  • Cover the exercise table with a 4-layer flannel blanket, oilcloth and a sheet;
  • Maintain an interval of at least 45 minutes between exercising and feeding the child;
  • It is important to create a positive attitude in the baby, talk to him affectionately, smile.

At 5 months some new rules apply:

  • The duration of the classes increases to half an hour;
  • A new massage technique is introduced - kneading;
  • It is advisable to use toys to stimulate the baby's motor activity;
  • Exercises are best done with a clear count or rhythmic music.


The complex for babies 4-6 months old combines passive and active movements, gymnastic exercises are combined with massage techniques, which were performed earlier are supplemented with more complex ones.

  • Hand massage.
  • Hand gymnastics - to bring criss-cross on the chest, perform rotational movements, bend-unbend in the hands and elbows, 4-5 times.
  • Foot massage .
  • Sliding step. Lay the baby on the back, rest the feet of the legs bent at the knees on the table surface. Alternately quickly bend and unbend the legs so that the feet slide without lifting the heels. 6-8 times.
  • Back and buttocks massage.
  • Soaring on your stomach... Raise the baby for a few seconds, putting your hands under his chest and stomach, and resting his legs on his chest. Lifting of the head, back deflection is stimulated.
  • Belly massage.
  • Sitting down. Raise the baby lying on his back to a sitting position, in which to stimulate the extension of the back, sliding two fingers up along the spine. 1-3 times.
  • Turn from back to tummy... Gradually teach the child to roll over without the help of an adult, stimulating him with toys. Perform in both directions 1-2 times.
  • Foot massage and stimulation of their reflex flexion and extension.
  • Dancing... Hold the baby upright, grabbing it under the arms so that it touches the table legs, and the entire surface of the foot should serve as a support.
  • Breast massage.
  • Boxing. Grabbing the baby's arms, rhythmically imitate the boxer's movements with them.
  • A bike . Press the legs of the child lying on the back to the tummy, alternately or both at the same time, then unbend.
  • Hovering on the back... Putting both palms under the back, carefully lift the baby and hold it semi-vertically for a couple of seconds, each time moving it further and further into a horizontal position. Exercise for children who can already tilt their head forward and maintain balance.
  • Kick-off crawl.

In an effort to get the toy, the child at five months turns on his stomach on his own, without the help of his mother. Trying to get closer to an object that is at some distance, he makes attempts to crawl. Consequently, the desire to get a toy helps children master the movements, with the help of which they independently change their body position and begin to move. Thus, a child masters movements in 5 months of life. This is a very important stage, therefore, special attention should be paid to it.

A child's development at five months is accompanied by a lot of time spent on the tummy. In this position, he makes various movements, which gives him pleasure. Lying on his stomach, he quickly masters crawling, and then the ability to sit down and lie down, get up. Also, clinging to a fixed support, he tries to walk around it.

Nikolay Nikonov

For the timely and normal physical development of a five-month-old child, it is important that he first mastered the ability to change position and move (crawl, sit down, get up). If at the age of 5 months your baby lies a little on his tummy, but requires to take him in his arms or does not want to roll over from a supine position, then this speaks of enough big problems with the muscles of the back, and not about its individual characteristics. There is no advance in development, there is only a lag behind healthy children due to the fact that the child's muscles cannot fully stretch when moving. In medicine, it is said that a baby cannot relax certain muscle groups.

Meanwhile, previously long sitting is harmful for a child at 5 months of age, since the muscles of the back, which do not allow him to roll over or lie on his tummy, in a sitting position constrict the lymphatic vessels coming from the spine. In the spine, changes begin to occur, which, by the time they become adults, lead to back pain. At the age of five months, the baby, while awake, hums for a long time and melodiously, uttering various sounds in a chant.

Massage for a baby at 5 months

At this age, massage stimulates physical activity, so it is extremely important to carry out these procedures. How to give a general strengthening massage to a healthy child at the age of five months who does not have muscle problems, watch and learn from the video. Explains, Nikolai Borisovich Nikonov, who developed a unique technique for influencing muscles according to the Nikonov method with fixing the problem muscle.

Massage and gymnastics

At the age of 4 to 6 months, many unconditioned reflexes disappear in the baby. He begins to consciously move around the bed, turn in different directions, reacting to the sound ...

Like massage, many gymnastic exercises have a beneficial effect on the child's body. With constant gymnastics, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation and respiration are improved. Such exercises not only develop the child's motor skills, but also help to regulate the processes of nervous excitement and inhibition.

Between the ages of 4 and 6 months, the child has an active interest in life. At this time, you need to communicate more with him, show him various objects and talk about their purpose. If there are pets or birds in the house, then the child must be introduced to them.

In addition, many unconditioned reflexes disappear in the baby during this period. He begins to consciously move around the crib, turn in different directions, reacting to sound, etc.

At this age, gymnastic exercises in combination with massage contribute to the development of muscles and joints of the child's musculoskeletal system, strengthen his central nervous system... The kid learns to hold large objects in his hands: soft toys, a mug, etc.

At 4-4.5 months, the charging time should be 30 minutes. During the entire procedure, it is necessary to evoke positive emotions in the child so that gymnastics is associated with pleasure and play. It is recommended to accompany each exercise with a score. This fosters a sense of rhythm in the child. For the same purpose, you can include rhythmic music. If the child likes it, then soon he himself will begin to move to the beat of a familiar melody.

During this period, the child makes the first attempts to sit on his own, therefore, gymnastic exercises should contribute to the development of a new skill for him. As at an early age, a positive effect is given by water treatments and swimming lessons.

Massage techniques should gradually become more sophisticated. In addition to stroking, rubbing, vibration and tapping, it is recommended to use forceps, kneading, felting, pinching and light tapping.

All movements should be rhythmic, smooth and careful.


Foot massage

This exercise helps to develop and strengthen the leg muscles. Its implementation consists in the sequential application of the techniques of light stroking, ring rubbing, felting and forceps-like kneading.

The procedure should start with light strokes along the entire length of the leg, which should be performed 3 or 4 times. Then it is recommended to go to ring rubbing (3-4 times) and again return to stroking. After stroking, you can start felting. This technique is repeated 3 times.

In the process of performing the procedure, the palms should clasp the child's leg so that one of them lies on the inner surface of the leg, and the other on the outer. The exercise consists of moving the muscles in a gentle but vigorous clockwise direction.

At the end of felting, you need to start gripping the lower limbs. To perform the exercise, you need to place the child's leg on the palm of your right hand and support it at the bottom of the lower leg. With the help of the index and thumb of the left hand, you need to grab the outer surface of the lower leg and move the muscles towards the big toe from the foot to the thigh and back. Finish the procedure with a few strokes.

Alternate and simultaneous leg flexion and extension

Starting position - lying on your back.

This exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should grab the upper part of the child's lower leg so that the masseur's thumbs are on its inner surface, and the rest are on the back surface.

The exercise begins with alternating flexion and extension of the legs. Then flexion and extension are performed simultaneously with both legs. In this case, the knees of the child should be divorced. During this exercise, the child touches the abdomen with bent legs, and then smoothly unbends them.

If by the age of 4 months the child's muscle hypertonicity has disappeared and the flexion of the legs does not bring him unpleasant sensations, then it is recommended to make several stroking movements under his knees from top to bottom.

Foot massage and reflex massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

The procedure promotes the development of the muscles and joints of the foot. It consists in the consistent application of stroking, rubbing and tapping.

Foot massage begins with stroking. Then you need to do 5-6 rubbing. After rubbing, you need to return to stroking (3 times), and then start tapping (5 times). The whole procedure ends with 2-3 strokes. This exercise should be done on the left and right legs. In addition to massage, it is recommended to do leg flexion and extension every day, which should be repeated 5 times on each leg.

Hand massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

This exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the arms. Its implementation consists in the sequential application of techniques of light stroking and ring rubbing of each hand. At the beginning of the procedure, several light strokes should be performed, then proceed to ring rubbing, which is repeated 6 times. The procedure should be finished with light strokes.

Breast massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

The procedure promotes the development of the chest muscles. The implementation consists in the consistent application of stroking and vibration massage.

The procedure begins with several circular stroking movements from the ribs to the shoulders. Then you need to do 3 strokes along the intercostal spaces. After stroking the intercostal spaces, you need to start vibration massage, which must be repeated 3 times. The procedure should be completed with 2-3 strokes.

Circular hand movements

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the hands. To perform it, you should put your thumbs in the child's palms and force him to clench his fists so that he independently holds onto the masseur's fingers.

Carefully spread the child's arms to the sides and gently lift them up. Then extend your arms forward and carefully lower.

After that, you need to repeat the same movements, only in reverse order. This exercise should be done 6 times.

Crossing arms over chest

Starting position - lying on your back.

To perform the exercise, you should carefully place your thumbs in the child's palms and force him to clench his fists. Then you need to spread the baby's arms to the sides and cross them on the chest. The position of the hands should be alternated: first, the right hand should be on top, and then the left. Since at 4 months the baby is able to independently hold the fingers of an adult, he should not be supported by the wrists. This exercise should be done rhythmically, alternating between fast and slow paces. Repeat this procedure 7 times.

Back and buttocks massage

This procedure consists in sequential alternation of stroking, rubbing, forceps kneading and tapping.

At the beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to make several stroking movements. After stroking, you should start rubbing the child's back and buttocks, which is performed with your fingertips (2-3 times). After rubbing, you need to do a few strokes again.

At the end of the procedure, you can use the buttocks beat technique. To do this, gently hit the child's buttocks with the pad of the index finger. Then make a few more stroking movements.

Turn from back to stomach and back

Starting position - lying on your back.

To perform this exercise, on the side of the child, you need to put his favorite toy and kindly ask him to turn in her direction. After that, you should carefully help the baby to roll over on his stomach. This exercise must be repeated 3 times in each direction.

"Flying" on the stomach

Starting position - lying on your stomach.

This exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and develop the vestibular apparatus. Lay the child in the palm of the hand with his stomach down so that the masseur's thumbs are on the side of the lower ribs. Raise the child in a horizontal position, his legs should rest against the chest of an adult. The child's torso should be slightly arched.

Belly massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

The procedure consists of a combination of stroking, rubbing, sawing and pinching the skin around the navel.

The procedure begins with a circular stroking of the abdomen, which should be carried out clockwise with the palm and fingertips. This technique must be repeated 3 times.

After a circular stroking, you can move on to the counter stroking and stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

At the end of stroking, you need to start rubbing the abdominal muscles, which must be done with your fingertips.

After rubbing, it is recommended to cut along the rectus abdominis muscles. Finish the procedure with light pinching around the umbilical ring and light strokes.

Tingling is a good preventive measure against hernia.

Squat with spine flexion

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in the front of the neck, back and stimulates the development of the abdominals. To do it, put your thumbs in the child's palms and force him to clench his fists. With the rest of the fingers, the masseur should support the child by the wrists.

Spread the baby's arms to the sides and gently pull him towards you so that he sits down. During the exercise, the child's upper body and head should be slightly raised. Raise the child's arms up, connect them at the top and hold them in this position with one hand. With the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, slide along the child's spine from bottom to top. At the same time, he reflexively straightens his back. Then, supporting the baby's head with one hand, lower it to its original position. This exercise should be done once a day.

Ball swing

Starting position - lying on your stomach. To perform the exercise, you should use a sports equipment - a brightly colored large inflatable ball.

Place the child on the ball with their belly down. For the baby to take a stable position, his legs should be slightly apart. Then you need to carefully swing the ball in one direction or the other.

After that, the child can be turned over, put on the ball with his back and again shake it several times.

To prevent the child from falling and injuring himself during the procedure, he must be supported with one hand behind his back or stomach.

Massage and gymnastics for children 5 - 6 months old.

Baby massage is a fairly ancient practice in childcare, widespread in many cultures. A lot has been said about the benefits of baby massage and gymnastics.

Dear readers of the site! In today's article, we will continue to write about baby massage and gymnastics.

Regular massage is known to help premature babies gain weight. With the help of massage it is possible to reduce colic in babies, it helps to strengthen the immune system.

Massage and gymnastics for children helps in overall growth, as well as in the correct development of the child's musculoskeletal system.

Do not forget that a relaxing massage helps to calm down the child, to have a good, full sleep. You can talk endlessly about the benefits of massage and gymnastics ...

And today, our dear readers, we will get acquainted with the complex of massage and gymnastics for children 5-6 months old.

I remind you that before starting to massage the baby, it is advisable to read the recommendations and.

So, the complex "Massage and gymnastics for children 5 - 6 months."

1. To perform this exercise, put the baby on the back and take it by the handles. He should grab your fingers. But if this did not happen, that's okay. We cross the arms of the baby on the chest and take them in opposite directions, as if the baby is hugging himself. We repeat 6 - 8 times. For us, even a small resistance of a child will be a good indicator. Resisting means that the muscles are straining, and this is exactly what we need.

2. We do hand massage - from fingers to shoulders. We apply rubbing, stroking, kneading - all 3 times. This exercise improves blood circulation in the arms well.

3. Massage of the child's legs - we perform the same techniques as for the massage of the arms, from the feet to the pelvis 4 times each.

4. This exercise in our baby massage puts stress on the legs. Take the baby by the feet. In this case, your thumbs are on the sole of the baby. We bend and unbend the legs, bringing them to the tummy. It is possible one at a time, or two at once. We repeat 8 - 10 times. The child resists - it means that you are on the right track.

5. Starting position - baby on the back. Take it by the right handle (if at the same time the baby is holding on to your fingers - very good) and turn it on the tummy through the left side. We repeat the same with the left handle.

6. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the baby's back and neck. The starting position of the baby is on the tummy. Take the baby under the chest and tummy and lift it slightly. A few seconds are enough. We do it 1 time. At the same time, the baby raises his head and bends the back.

7. Backrest exercise continues our baby massage. Starting position - the baby lies on the tummy. We perform the exercises along the spine, from the sacrum to the shoulder blades. We apply kneading (without effort), rubbing, stroking - all 3 times.

8. Tummy massage. Baby on the back. We stroke the baby's chest and tummy clockwise, in a circle.

9. The baby is on the back again. We take it by the shoulders and quietly bring it to the "sitting" position and just as carefully return it back. As in many massage and gymnastics exercises for children, if the child resists even a little, this is very good. So his muscles are working.

10. We rub and knead the child's feet - from heels to toes. If your baby tickles, slightly increase the pressure while doing the exercise.

11. Flexion and extension of the baby's arms - 8 - 10 times.

12. And finally - vibration massage of the chest - lightly tap on the front wall of the chest, side walls and back with the fingertips.

Massage and gymnastics for children 5 - 6 months old takes a little time - only 5 - 6 minutes. And the benefits from it are enormous! Be sure to do a baby massage with your baby every day!

In the next article we will write about a set of physical exercises and massage for

With respect.
Elena Medvedeva.

P.S. I bring to your attention a video on the topic "Video jokes" about bathing babies.

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