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The law of increasing the degree of ideality. Laws of systems development Idealities of the technological system for working with

4. Practical use of the concept of ideality

A. V. Kudryavtsev

Ideality is one of the key concepts of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. The concept of ideality is the essence of one of the laws (the law of increasing ideality), and also underlies other laws of the development of technology, most clearly manifested in such as:

The law of ousting a person from a technical system;

The law of transition from macrosystems to microsystems.

GS Altshuller said that an ideal system is a system that does not exist, but its function is performed.

When building an image of an ideal technical system, it is necessary to perform two actions - to imagine that there may not be a real system, that it is possible to do without it, and also to formulate and precisely define the function for which the system is necessary. It can be difficult to do both in real life. Let's consider them in more detail.

Formulating the system as absent in the educational process is usually done quite simply. (An ideal phone is a phone that doesn't exist ... an ideal flashlight is a flashlight that doesn't exist ... and so on). However, in real life, when working with objects that are important for the solver, he may have problems with the very combination of what is expensive and necessary by the procedure of the figure of negation. For example, the abstract concept of "ideal specialist" is easy to construct. An ideal specialist is a specialist who does not exist, but whose functions are performed. This definition is quite simple to form. But many people find it difficult to formulate the ideal model specifically for their specialty. For many specific specialists, difficulties arise in the formation of a model of the world in which there is no need for their services. It is difficult for a doctor to define what an ideal doctor is, for a teacher, what an ideal teacher is. Previously clear, the model in this case can be deformed, reduced to another, for example, to the enumeration of a set of requirements. The problem here is in building a new model of the world, one that lacks an important and seemingly unshakable element.

It is also not easy to fulfill the second part of the prescription - to define exactly what “and its functions are performed”. But it is precisely in this work that the most important aspect of applying the model consists - to understand why the improved system was required at all.

In the process of solving problems, they are often formulated without prior definition and clarification of the goal. The definition of the future result of the work is replaced by the description of the machine designed to achieve this result. For example, if it is necessary to fix a part, the wording “develop a device for fixing the part” may appear in the development assignment. Such initial phrases should, if possible, be corrected and clarified.

In the previous lecture on ideality, it was noted that it is very important and useful to be able to see the goal, freed from the specific means of its realization. Seeing a goal is seeing the result of an action before it becomes clear how to approach this result. This approach is also necessary because the assessment of the funds found can be performed only with the understanding of the desired goal. The depth of this understanding determines the possibilities and accuracy of the assessment, the choice of the optimal tool for a particular situation.

For example: "it is necessary to develop a device for lowering equipment into a well."

This wording can be replaced by a more general one - “it is necessary to lower the equipment into the well”. Here already there is an opportunity to use existing means. This wording can also be changed once again to an even more general one. For example, to this: "It is necessary that the equipment is in the well."

Can a number of generalizations continue? Of course, if we turn to the purpose of the equipment. If it is intended to raise water to the surface, then the goal may sound like this: "It is necessary for the water to rise to the surface." At the same time, it becomes possible to consider options in which the device located at the top raises water from the well.

Independent, autonomous application of the principle of ideality and determination of the ideal technical system is one of the distinctive featuresthat form the style of work of TRIZ specialists. However, one can most often find in the literature the use of this principle in the IFR operator (the formation of an ideal final result) - one of the most interesting and heuristically valuable steps of ARIZ.

The scope of the concept of the Ideal end result may differ from the scope of the concept and the capabilities of the ideal technical system. IQR is a statement before a selected object of the requirement to independently implement a set of functions that were originally implemented by another object (an element of the same system, a supersystem, the external environment). There are three possible variants of such an implementation, differing in the degree of ideality (disappearance) of the initially given technical system.

1. The object itself (without conventional, specially designed systems or devices) processes itself, while maintaining consumer qualities. This means that the product fulfills the function of a system designed to process it (while remaining useful to the consumer). This IFR actually coincides with the understanding of an ideal technical system. However, the formulation of such an option is not always appropriate, since in some tasks it may conflict with the previously set level of concretization of the conflict zone.

The system to be processed usually consists of a number of units. (The composition of these nodes in a generalized form was considered when studying the law of completeness of parts of the system). The ideality of such a system increases if any of its elements takes on an additional function, replaces other elements. It is most expedient to require this from a tool, a part of the system that directly processes the product. In this case, the IFR looks like:

2. The tool itself performs the function of auxiliary elements of the system (supplies itself with energy, orients itself in space ...), continuing to process the product (that is, to perform its function).

Naturally, in this case, the tool can take on not all auxiliary functions, but part of them (for example, control functions, or energy supply ...). In various cases, systems will be obtained that differ in the level of "collapse" - systems without a pronounced energy source, or without a transmission, or without a control.

If for some reason it is not possible to get rid of a system that implements an important function, then you can load this system with additional functions and thereby get rid of other systems. The IFR in this case is written in the following form:

3. The system itself performs an additional function, continuing to carry out its own.

As you can see, the general structure of the IFR looks like this:

Selected object

performs an additional function,

continuing to perform its function (other additional conditions may be introduced here).

Separately, we should consider the situation when, in the process of working on a task, it is decided to introduce an additional element. It can be an element that actually exists in the environment of the system, or it can be an abstract representation - the so-called "X-element". In such situations, it is customary to formulate the IFR according to the following structure:

Selected object ("X-element")

Eliminates previously formulated unwanted effects

Absolutely not complicating the system (after all, the requirement to preserve the proper functions of an element is often redundant here, and the risk of complicating the system with additional elements is quite real).

Working with the "X-element" (in the early versions of ARIZs the concept "External environment" was used) requires special skills. After building the IQP and performing some subsequent actions, the inventor forms a set of requirements, properties, characteristics, the introduction of which into the system will allow solving the problem. The "X-element" is a set of such required characteristics, which will then have to be sought in the system itself as its latent, hidden, unmanifest possibilities. If such internal selection is impossible, it becomes necessary to use elements with the required properties.

Let's try to develop the skill of formulating an IFR and its practical use in solving inventive problems.

We use the IRR in relation to such a field of technology as heat transfer over a distance. It is well known that the best natural conductors of heat available to us are metals. Copper, silver and gold stand out especially in this regard. But metals do not transfer heat as well as sometimes we would like it to be. For example, transferring a significant flow of heat along a metal rod several meters long will be quite difficult. The heated end of such a rod may already begin to melt, and from the opposite side it will be quite possible to hold it with your hands. An interesting problem emerges here: how to ensure the flow of significant power through a limited section in conditions of small temperature differences.

Let us formulate the ideal end result in the following form: "A heat flux of high power itself passes through space without losses and with a minimum temperature difference."

Such devices have been created. They are called "heat pipes". Let's consider the simplest design of such a device.

Let's take a pipe made of heat-resistant material (for example, steel). We pump out air from it and introduce a certain amount of liquid - heat carrier inside (Fig. 4.1).

Figure: 4.1

We will arrange the pipe in such a way that its lower end is in the heating zone, and the upper end in the heat removal zone. Heating the liquid will turn it into steam. Steam will instantly fill the entire volume and begin to condense at the cold end. This will give off heat equal to the heat of vaporization. (After all, it is known that the heat of vaporization is equal to the heat given off during the condensation of steam) Drops condensed on the upper surface of the coolant will fall down and reheat. Such a "water cycle in nature" can actually carry very high power.

As can be seen from this description of the heat transfer process, the heat flux actually spreads itself throughout the volume of the heat pipe.

Consider now a new situation with the device we have invented. In the previous case, we had a heating zone at the bottom, and heat removal at the top. Let us ask ourselves the question: what happens if the heating zone is at the top, and the heat is removed from the bottom (Fig. 4.2)? Obviously, the device will stop working. In order for it to work, it is necessary that the liquid rises up before heating.

Problem 4.1 .: how to ensure the rise of the coolant to the upper end of the pipe?

Figure: 4.2

The first impulse is to lift the liquid upward using a special device - for example, a pump. But let's build an IFR. We can apply this operator to a pipe, to a liquid, to a thermal field, to a cooling agent. It is important in this case that the formulations are really built to the end and fully pronounced or written down. For instance:

ICR: the pipe itself raises the liquid up into the heating zone, without interfering with the free propagation of steam;

(implementation option: special channels can be made in the pipe body through which the liquid will rise);

ICR: the liquid itself rises into the heating zone, without interfering with the free propagation of steam;

ICR: the thermal field itself raises the liquid into the heating zone, without stopping heating;

(implementation option: the thermal field propagated from above can do useful work to raise the liquid into the heating zone).

We emphasize once again that the implementation of the IQR, that is, the work additional to the element, should not interfere with the performance of its useful functions, and of course should not interfere with the performance of the main useful function of the entire system. The choice of this ancillary requirement depends on what function the selected item performs.

In addition, we can talk about the zone inside the pipe from which air is pumped out. For her, we can also formulate an IFR that sounds very similar to those already built. "The zone inside the pipe itself ..." There is one more object - this is the very pump that we want to do without. In order to ensure that the system performs the main function, it may be useful to pre-introduce a new element into the system, simply in order to immediately try to get rid of it, keeping all its advantages. In this case, we can try to imagine a system with a pump and, according to the IQR, leave only the working element of the pump in the system - for example, its impeller. And after that, demand from the impeller that it itself, without the help of the engine and other elements, lifts the liquid - the coolant into the heating zone.

Of course, if we choose a pump that works on a different principle, for example, a peristaltic pump, then the requirement will be presented to a different working body. "The tube itself pulsates and lifts the liquid up."

The entire set of constructed IFR options may not be determined within the framework of a real solution to the problem. But from the constructions made it is visible general principle - IFR ensures the concentration of intellectual efforts on the selected element, makes the person solving the problem look for hidden opportunities in it.

The use of capillaries is an effective solution to the problem of independent ascent of the coolant into the heating zone at short tube lengths. By the way, capillaries are also the most effective remedy delivery of the coolant to the heating zone when using a heat pipe in zero gravity. In this case, the lateral surface of the tube is lined with a layer of a capillary-porous substance. For pipes with a high operating temperature, a notch on the inner surface of the pipe is used as capillaries.

It is known that a constant temperature is established (SAMA!) On the surface of the heat pipe in the operating mode. This is very convenient for thermostating, because in technology it is often required to ensure the constancy of the temperature field, for example, during drying, when testing a series of devices ... With the help of a heat pipe, this is quite simple. It is possible to have a heater at the inlet with any temperature exceeding the evaporation temperature of the coolant, and the heat pipe will “cut off” all unnecessary. The temperature of the pipe surface will depend only on the ratio of the intensities of the supply and removal of heat and the areas of heat exchange. If the processes of supply and removal of heat are stable and equal to the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe evaporator and condenser, then the pipe temperature is equal to half the sum of the heating and condensation temperatures.

Task 4.2 .: Consider a working heat pipe. Outwardly, it does not differ from a non-working pipe. On the test bench, a problem arose: how to determine that the heat pipe is in operation. Let us pose this problem through the formulation of the IFR, through the definition of the required result. Of course, this requires understanding what happens to the pipe when it goes into operation. This can be reported by its elements that are in an altered state: in a state associated precisely with the fact that the heat pipe works stably.

What happens to the elements when the heat pipe is running? The entire surface of the case is at a constant temperature. The capillaries are filled with fluid rising upward. There is a pressure drop between the pipe ends. In the heating zone, the vapor pressure of the coolant is maximum, in the condensation zone it is practically absent. The heated heat transfer medium, which has become steam, is transferred from the hot end to the condensation zone.

All these phenomena, which we can call the features of a particular situation, can inform us about the appearance of the regime we need. On each of them, you can formulate an IFR and build on the basis of these IFR options for possible solutions.

One of the options implemented in the laboratory in order to test the operability of the heat pipe was to place a regular whistle inside the pipe (or an elastic plate that vibrated in the steam flow and made the pipe sound). Of course, this solution is in some ways "perfect", but in some ways it is not. Indeed, in a real installation, this method is most likely inapplicable because of the additional sound background. But this “quick-to-implement” solution provided the necessary knowledge with the help of available tools. It also gave one more task: how to make the whistle sound only at the required moment. And here, too, the IQR operator can suggest the answer. It can be formulated as follows.

"The whistle itself sounds only when the operator needs it."

Let's build an even more precise formulation of the requirement:

"The whistle itself only oscillates when the operator needs it."

This selective behavior can be realized with the help of an external force, for example, a stopper screwed into the lateral surface of the tube and healing the whistle tongue.

Let us consider situations in which ideality and the IFR operator based on it will be used to find solutions.

Problem 4.3 .: Small metal hollow balls are made of metal. It is required that the walls of the balls are of equal thickness. To ensure this selection, you can create a complex non-contact control device, or you can try to build an IQP and look for a solution based on its formulation.

But first, it is advisable to determine which of the balls is required. For example, a ball in which the inner cavity is not centrally located. If so, then after this refinement the requirement is much easier to define.

The "bad" ball separates itself from the good balls.

More precisely, that is, after considering the nature of the phenomenon at the physical level:

The "displaced center of gravity" of the ball itself separates it from the "good" ones.

Possible solution principle: the balls should alternately roll along a narrow ruler set obliquely. Those of them whose center of mass is not in the center will deviate from a straight path and fall from a narrow path. The separation of high-quality and defective balls occurs "by itself".

Task 4.4 .: Consider the real situation described in the book by M. Wertheimer "Productive Thinking".

“Two boys were playing badminton in the garden. I could see and listen to them from the window, although they did not see me. One boy was 12 years old, the other was 10. They played several sets. The younger one was much weaker; he lost all games.

I partially overheard their conversation. The loser, let's call him B, became more and more sad. He had no chance. “A” often served so skillfully that “B” could not even beat off the shuttlecock. The situation was getting worse and worse. Finally “B” dropped the racket, sat down on a fallen tree and said: “I will not play anymore.” “A” tried to convince him to continue playing. “B” did not answer. “A” sat down next to him. Both looked distressed.

Here I interrupt the story to ask the reader a question: “What would you suggest? What would you do if you were the older boy? Can you suggest anything reasonable? ""

Let's try to solve this non-technical problem (how to make both players want to play and be interesting to play) using the RBI operator. It also requires a clear goal. What would we like ultimately? Obviously, both players should be interested in playing, even with the difference in class.

The IFR can sound like this here:

"Player" A "himself helps player" B "to hit the ball without worsening his performance and not making the game more boring for himself."

This can be achieved if both players play for the same outcome.

The goal of the game could also be:

The desire to keep the shuttlecock in the air as long as possible;

The need for a strong player to hit the target with a shuttle that will beat off a weak player.

Or ... a strong player could play with his left hand, etc.

The very formulation of the goal in this case opens up opportunities for its achievement.

Task 4.5 .: In winter, the downpipes are filled with ice. In spring, the ice begins to thaw, and situations are possible when the ice plug, having melted from the outside and losing its adhesion to the pipe, flies down. The impact of such a plug on the protruding parts of the pipe often leads to its rupture. If the ice plug falls onto the sidewalk, it can cause injury to people nearby. Ice-breaking is an expensive and ineffective exercise. How to ensure that the plugs do not fall down?

The IFR can be applied to all of the elements in this problem. We can assume that there are only two of them: ice and pipe. An important issue is the formation of requirements for these elements.

"The ice itself is held in the pipe until it melts completely."

"The pipe itself holds the ice until it melts completely."

As you can see, in a real situation the pipe and ice do not hold to each other until the moment of complete melting (after all, we have to "ask" them about this).

"The ice itself clings to the pipe with the part that will melt last."

The possible outcome of the solution is described in one of the Russian inventions:

"A drainpipe, including a drainage funnel, attached near the roof slope, a bypass elbow of the eaves and drain, characterized in that, in order to create protection against damage from ice falling inside the pipe, the pipe is equipped with a piece of arbitrarily curved wire located on the side of the funnel inside the pipe and attached top end to the roof slope "(Fig. 4.3).

Figure: 4.3

In this solution, it can be seen that the change made - the wire passed inside the pipe allows you to approach the implementation of the ICR defined for ice: the ice itself is kept inside the pipe until the moment of complete melting.

Equipment objects have great amount properties and characteristics, of which, in specific circumstances, a person almost always uses an extremely insignificant part. This stock of properties allows us to demand something new from the elements of the system and find new possibilities for their use.

It can be stated that ideality is a universal tool of mental activity.

The difference between the ideal technical system and the idealizations used in science is that in science the model is brought closer to the real world, and in technology the real world is created on the basis of the model. And if in science one can only strive for absolute truth, never achieving it, then in technology one can immediately understand this absolute truth for oneself, that is, the final limit, the final state of the object, but also strive for this state, for this truth infinitely. Figuratively speaking, technology enables us to live in a world of dreams, making them a reality. And the mechanism for working with ideal models, with IFRs, is a practical tool for realizing these opportunities.

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- laws that determine the beginning of the life of technical systems.

Any technical system arises as a result of the synthesis of separate parts into a single whole. Not every combination of parts gives a viable system. There are at least three laws that must be met for a system to be viable.

A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the presence and minimum performance of the main parts of the system.

Each technical system must include four main parts: engine, transmission, working body and control. The meaning of Law 1 is that the synthesis of a technical system requires the presence of these four parts and their minimum suitability to perform the functions of the system, because the workable part of the system itself may turn out to be inoperative as part of a particular technical system. For example, the engine internal combustion, which itself is efficient, turns out to be inoperative if used as a submarine engine.

Law 1 can be explained as follows: a technical system is viable if all its parts do not have "twos", and the "scores" are put on the quality of the work of this part as part of the system. If at least one of the parts is rated "two", the system is not viable even if other parts have "fives". A similar law in relation to biological systems was formulated by Liebig back in the middle of the last century ("the law of minimum").

A very important consequence for practice follows from Law 1.

For a technical system to be controllable, at least one part of it must be controllable.

“To be controlled” means to change properties in the way that is necessary for the one who controls.

Knowledge of this consequence allows you to better understand the essence of many problems and more correctly evaluate the solutions obtained. Take, for example, Problem 37 (sealing ampoules). A system of two uncontrollable parts is given: ampoules are generally uncontrollable - their characteristics cannot (unprofitable) be changed, and the burners are poorly controlled according to the conditions of the problem. It is clear that the solution to the problem will consist in introducing one more part into the system (Su-field analysis immediately suggests: this is a substance, not a field, as, for example, in Problem 34 on the color of cylinders). What substance (gas, liquid, solid) will not let the fire go where it should not go, and at the same time will not interfere with the installation of ampoules? Gas and solid fall off, leaving liquid, water. We put the ampoules in water so that only the tips of the capillaries rise above the water (and.with. No. 264 619). The system gains controllability: you can change the water level - this will ensure a change in the boundary between the hot and cold zones. You can change the temperature of the water - this guarantees the stability of the system during operation.

A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the through passage of energy through all parts of the system.

Any technical system is an energy converter. Hence the obvious need to transfer energy from the engine through the transmission to the working body.

The transfer of energy from one part of the system to another can be material (for example, a shaft, gears, levers, etc.), field (for example, a magnetic field) and material-field (for example, energy transfer by a flow of charged particles). Many inventive problems come down to the selection of one or another type of transmission, the most effective in the given conditions. This is Problem 53 about heating a substance inside a rotating centrifuge. There is energy outside the centrifuge. There is also a “consumer” located inside the centrifuge. The essence of the task is to create an “energy bridge”. These kinds of "bridges" can be homogeneous and heterogeneous. If the type of energy changes during the transition from one part of the system to another, this is an inhomogeneous "bridge". In inventive problems, one has to deal with such bridges most often. So, in Problem 53 on heating a substance in a centrifuge, it is beneficial to have electromagnetic energy (its transmission does not interfere with the rotation of the centrifuge), and heat energy is needed inside the centrifuge. Of particular importance are the effects and phenomena that make it possible to control energy at the exit from one part of the system or at the entrance to another part of it. In task 53, heating can be provided if the centrifuge is in a magnetic field, and inside the centrifuge, for example, a ferromagnetic disk is placed. However, according to the conditions of the problem, it is required not only to heat the substance inside the centrifuge, but to maintain a constant temperature of about 2500 C. No matter how the energy selection changes, the temperature of the disk must be constant. This is ensured by the supply of an “excess” field, from which the disk takes energy sufficient to heat up to 2500 C, after which the disk substance “self-switches off” (transition through the Curie point). When the temperature drops, the disk “self-energizes”.

The consequence of Law 2 is important.

For a part of the technical system to be controllable, it is necessary to ensure energy conductivity between this part and the controls.

In tasks for measurement and detection, one can speak of informational conductivity, but it is often reduced to energy, only weak. An example is the solution of problem 8 about measuring the diameter of a grinding wheel working inside a cylinder. The solution of the problem is facilitated if we consider not information, but energy conductivity. Then, to solve the problem, you must first of all answer two questions: in what form is it easiest to bring energy to the circle and in what form is it easiest to bring energy out through the walls of the circle (or along the shaft)? The answer is obvious: in the form of an electric current. This is not yet a final decision, but a step has already been taken towards the correct answer.

A necessary condition for the fundamental viability of a technical system is the coordination of the rhythm (oscillation frequency, periodicity) of all parts of the system.

Examples of this law are given in Chapter 1 ..

The development of all systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal technical system is a system whose weight, volume, and area tend to zero, although its ability to perform work is not reduced. In other words, an ideal system is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and executed.

Despite the obviousness of the concept of "ideal technical system", there is a certain paradox: real systems are becoming more and more large-sized and heavy. The size and weight of aircraft, tankers, cars, etc. are increasing. This paradox is explained by the fact that the reserves released during the improvement of the system are directed towards increasing its size and, most importantly, increasing the operating parameters. The first cars had a speed of 15–20 km / h. If this speed did not increase, cars would gradually appear, much lighter and more compact with the same strength and comfort. However, every improvement in the car (using stronger materials, improving engine efficiency, etc.) was aimed at increasing the speed of the car and what "serves" that speed (powerful brake system, durable body, enhanced shock absorption). To clearly see the increase in the degree of ideality of the car, it is necessary to compare modern car with an old record car that had the same speed (at the same distance).

A visible secondary process (growth of speed, capacity, tonnage, etc.) masks the primary process of increasing the degree of ideality of the technical system. But when solving inventive problems, it is necessary to focus precisely on increasing the degree of ideality - this is a reliable criterion for correcting the problem and evaluating the answer received.

The development of parts of the system is uneven; the more complex the system, the more uneven the development of its parts.

The uneven development of parts of the system is the cause of technical and physical contradictions and, consequently, inventive problems. For example, when the tonnage of cargo ships began to grow rapidly, engine power increased rapidly and braking facilities remained unchanged. As a result, the problem arose: how to brake, say, a tanker with a displacement of 200 thousand tons. This problem still does not have an effective solution: from the start of braking to a complete stop, large ships manage to go several miles ...

Having exhausted the possibilities of development, the system is included in the supersystem as one of the parts; wherein further development goes at the level of the supersystem.
We have already spoken about this law.

It includes laws that reflect the development of modern technical systems under the influence of specific technical and physical factors. The laws of "statics" and "kinematics" are universal - they are valid at all times and not only in relation to technical systems, but also to any systems in general (biological, etc.). "Dynamics" reflects the main trends in the development of technical systems in our time.

The development of the working organs of the system goes first at the macro and then at the micro level.

In most modern technical systems, the working bodies are "pieces of iron", for example, aircraft propellers, car wheels, cutters lathe, excavator bucket, etc. The development of such working organs within the macrolevel is possible: "glands" remain "glands", but become more perfect. However, the moment inevitably comes when further development at the macro level turns out to be impossible. The system, while retaining its function, is fundamentally rebuilt: its working body begins to operate at the micro level. Instead of "glands", work is carried out by molecules, atoms, ions, electrons, etc.

The transition from macro to micro level is one of the main (if not the most important) trends in the development of modern technical systems. Therefore, when teaching inventive problem solving, special attention should be paid to the consideration of the “macro-micro” transition and the physical effects that implement this transition.

The development of technical systems goes in the direction of increasing the degree of su-field.

The meaning of this law is that non-field systems tend to become su-field, and in su-field systems, development proceeds in the direction of transition from mechanical to electromagnetic fields; increasing the degree of dispersion of substances, the number of connections between elements and the responsiveness of the system.

Numerous examples illustrating this law have already been encountered in solving problems.

"Only those tendencies that bring a real machine closer to an ideal one are progressive and effective over time."

"The development of all systems is in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality.

An ideal technical system is a system whose weight, volume, and area tend to zero, although its ability to perform work is not reduced. In other words, an ideal system is when there is no system, but its function is preserved and fulfilled.

Despite the obviousness of the concept of "ideal technical system", there is a certain paradox: real systems are becoming larger and heavier. The size and weight of aircraft, tankers, automobiles, etc. are increasing. This paradox is explained by the fact that the reserves released during the improvement of the system are used to increase its size and, most importantly, increase the operating parameters. The first cars had a speed of 15-20 km / h. If this speed did not increase, cars would gradually appear, much lighter and more compact with the same strength and comfort. However, every improvement in the car (use of stronger materials, increase in engine efficiency, etc.) was aimed at increasing the speed of the car and what "serves" this speed (powerful braking system, durable body, increased shock absorption) ... To clearly see the increase in the degree of ideality of a car, one must compare a modern car with an old record car that had the same speed (at the same distance).

A visible secondary process (an increase in speed, capacity, tonnage, etc.) masks the primary process of an increase in the degree of ideality of a technical system, when solving inventive problems it is necessary to focus specifically on increasing the degree of ideality - this is a reliable criterion for correcting the problem and evaluating the answer. "

"The existence of a technical system is not an end in itself. The system is only needed to perform some function (or several functions). The system is ideal if it does not exist, but the function is carried out. The designer approaches the problem like this:" It is necessary to implement this and that , therefore, such and such mechanisms and devices will be needed. "The correct inventive approach looks completely different:" It is necessary to implement this and that without introducing new mechanisms and devices into the system. "

The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system is universal... Knowing this law, you can transform any problem and formulate the ideal solution. Of course, this ideal option is not always completely feasible. Sometimes you have to deviate somewhat from the ideal. However, something else is important: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal variant, developed according to clear rules, and conscious mental operations "according to the laws" give what previously required a painfully long enumeration of options, a fluke, guesswork and insights. "

There is a good method in technology that allows "science" to invent and improve objects from a wheel to a computer to an airplane. It is called TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving). I studied TRIZ a little at MEPhI, and then attended the courses of Alexander Kudryavtsev in Baumanka.

Example in production

The initial state of the system. The enterprise operates as an experimental design production.

Impact factor. Competitors have appeared on the market who make similar products, but faster and cheaper with the same quality.

Crisis (Controversy). To make it faster and cheaper, you need to produce the most standardized products. But, releasing only standardized products, the company loses the market, since it can produce only a small number of standard items.

Crisis resolutionoccurs according to the following scenario :

The correct formulation of the ideal end result (IFR)- the enterprise produces an infinitely large range of products at zero cost and instantly;

conflict area: joining of sales and production: for sales there should be a maximum assortment, for production - one type of product;

ways to resolve the conflict: transition from macro to micro level: at the macro level - infinite variety, at the micro level - standardization;

decision: maximum standardization and simplification in production - several standard modules that can be assembled in a large number of combinations for the client. Ideally, the client does the configuration for himself, for example, through the website.

The new state of the system. Production of a small number of standardized modules and customization by the customer. Examples: Toyota, Ikea, Lego.

Law No. 7 transition to the supersystem (mono-bi-poly)

having exhausted the possibilities of development, the system is included in the supersystem as one of the parts; further development is already taking place at the level of the supersystem.

Phone with call function -\u003e Phone with call and SMS function -\u003e Phone as part of the ecosystem connected to the AppStore (iphone)

Another example is the entry of an enterprise into a supply chain or holding and development at a new level.

one company - two companies - a management company.

one module - two modules - ERP system

Law No. 8 transition from macro to micro level

the development of parts of the system goes first at the macro, and then at the micro level.

Phone-\u003e Cell phone-\u003e Chip in the brain or contact lenses.

First, a general value proposition is searched for and sales are made, and then the sales funnel and each step of the sales funnel are optimized, as well as micromovements and user clicks.

In factories, they start with synchronization between workshops. When this optimization resource is exhausted, intra-shop optimization is performed, then the transition to each workplace, up to the micromovements of operators.

Law No. 9 of the transition to more manageable resources

The development of systems goes in the direction of managing more and more complex and dynamic subsystems.

There is a famous phrase by Marc Andreessen - "Software is Eating the World" (software eats the planet). At first, computers were controlled at the hardware level - electronic relays, transistors, etc. Then low-level programming languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Assembler appeared, then higher-level languages \u200b\u200b- Fortran, C, Python. Management is not at the level of individual teams, but at the level of classes, modules and libraries. Music and books began to be digitized. Later computers were connected to the network. Then people, TVs, refrigerators, microwave ovens, telephones were connected to the network. Intelligence, living cells began to be digitized.

Law No. 10 laws of self-assembly

Avoiding systems that need to be created, thought through and controlled in detail. Transition to "self-assembling" systems

4 rules of self-assembly:

  1. External continuous source of energy (information, money, people, demand)
  2. Approximate similarity of elements (blocks of information, types of people)
  3. The presence of the potential of attraction (people are drawn to communicate with each other)
  4. Existence of external shaking up (creation of crises, termination of funding, change of rules)

According to this scheme, self-assembly of cells occurs from DNA. We are all the results of self-assembly. Startups grow into large companies in the same way under the laws of self-assembly.

Small and understandable rules at the micro level translate into complex organized behavior at the macro level. For example, traffic rules for each driver translate into an organized flow on the highway.

Simple rules of ant behavior translate into complex behavior of the entire anthill.

The creation of some simple laws at the state level (increase / decrease in taxes,% on loans, sanctions, etc.), changes the configuration of many companies and industries

Law No. 11 increasing the collapse of the system

Functions that no one uses are dying out. Functions combine

Convolution rule 1. An element can be collapsed if there is no object for its function. A startup can be closed if a customer or value proposition is not found, and for the same reason, once the goal is achieved, the system falls apart.

Collapse Rule 2. An element can be collapsed if the function object itself performs the function. Tourism agencies may be closed as clients search for tours themselves, book tickets, buy vouchers, etc.

Convolution rule 3. An element can be collapsed if the function is performed by the remaining elements of the system or supersystem.

Law no. 12 the law of human displacement

Over time, a person becomes an extra link in any developed system. There is no person, but the functions are being performed. Robotization of manual operations. Vending machines for self-delivery of goods, etc.

From this point of view, perhaps in vain Elon Musk is trying to populate Mars with people through physical transportation. It is long and expensive. Most likely, colonization will take place by information.

The laws of development of technical systems, on which all the main mechanisms for solving inventive problems in TRIZ are based, were first formulated by G. S. Altshuller in the book "Creativity as an Exact Science" (Moscow: "Soviet Radio", 1979, p. 122-127), and further supplemented by followers.

Studying the (evolution) of technical systems in time, Heinrich Altshuller formulated the laws of development of technical systems, the knowledge of which helps engineers predict the ways of possible further product improvements:

  1. The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system.
  2. The law of S-shaped development of technical systems.
  3. Dynamization law.
  4. The law of completeness of parts of the system.
  5. The law of energy through passage.
  6. The law of advancing development of the working body.
  7. The law of transition "mono - bi - poly".
  8. The law of transition from macro to micro level.

The most important law considers the ideality of the system - one of the basic concepts in TRIZ.

The law of increasing the degree of ideality of the system:

The technical system in its development is approaching ideality. Having reached the ideal, the system should disappear, and its function should continue to be performed.

The main ways to approach the ideal:

  • increasing the number of functions performed,
  • "Rolling" into a working body,
  • transition to the supersystem.

When approaching the ideal, the technical system first fights with the forces of nature, then adapts to them and, finally, uses them for its own purposes.

The law of increasing ideality is most effectively applied to the element that is directly located in the conflict zone or itself generates undesirable phenomena. In this case, an increase in the degree of ideality, as a rule, is carried out by using previously unused resources (substances, fields) available in the zone of occurrence of the task. The farther from the conflict zone the resources are taken, the less it will be possible to move towards the ideal.

The law of S-shaped development of technical systems:

The evolution of many systems can be represented by a logistic curve showing how the rate of its development changes over time. There are three characteristic stages:

  1. "childhood". It usually takes a long time. At this moment, the design of the system, its refinement, production of a prototype, preparation for serial production are in progress.
  2. "Flowering". It is rapidly improving, becoming more powerful and productive. The car is mass-produced, its quality is improving and the demand for it is growing.
  3. "old age". At some point, it becomes more difficult to improve the system. Even large increases in appropriations help little. Despite the efforts of the designers, the development of the system does not keep pace with the ever-increasing human needs. It slips, treads on the spot, changes its external shape, but remains as it is, with all its shortcomings. All resources are finally selected. If you try to artificially increase the quantitative indicators of the system at this moment or develop its dimensions, leaving the previous principle, then the system itself comes into conflict with the environment and man. She begins to do more harm than good.

Let's take a steam locomotive as an example. In the beginning, there was a rather long experimental stage with single imperfect specimens, the introduction of which, in addition, was accompanied by public resistance. This was followed by the rapid development of thermodynamics, the improvement of steam engines, railways, service - and the steam locomotive receives public recognition and investments in further development. Then, despite active funding, there was a way out of natural limitations: marginal thermal efficiency, conflict with the environment, inability to increase power without increasing mass - and, as a result, technological stagnation began in the region. And, finally, steam locomotives were replaced by more economical and powerful diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. Steam engine reached his ideal - and disappeared. Its functions were taken over by internal combustion engines and electric motors - also at first imperfect, then rapidly developing and, finally, resting in development within their natural limits. Then another will appear new system - and so on endlessly.

Dynamization law:

The reliability, stability and constancy of a system in a dynamic environment depend on its ability to change. The development, and therefore the viability of the system, is determined by the main indicator: the degree of dynamization, that is, the ability to be mobile, flexible, adaptable to the external environment, changing not only its geometric shape, but also the form of movement of its parts, primarily the working body. The higher the degree of dynamization, the, in general, the wider the range of conditions under which the system maintains its function. For example, in order to make an aircraft wing work effectively in significantly different flight modes (takeoff, cruise flight, flight at top speed, landing), it is dynamized by adding flaps, slats, spoilers, sweep change systems, etc.

However, for subsystems, the law of dynamization can be violated - sometimes it is more profitable to artificially reduce the degree of dynamization of a subsystem, thereby simplifying it, and compensate for the lower resistance / adaptability by creating a stable artificial environment around it, protected from external factors. But in the end, the aggregate system (over-system) still receives a large degree of dynamization. For example, instead of adapting the transmission to pollution by dynamizing it (self-cleaning, self-lubrication, rebalancing), you can place it in a sealed casing, inside which an environment is created that is most favorable for moving parts (precision bearings, oil mist, heating, etc.)

Other examples:

  • The resistance to the movement of the plow is reduced by 10-20 times if its share vibrates with a certain frequency depending on the properties of the soil.
  • The excavator bucket, turned into a rotor wheel, has spawned a new highly efficient mining system.
  • A car wheel made of a hard wooden disc with a metal rim has become mobile, soft and elastic.

The law of completeness of parts of the system:

Any technical system that independently performs any function has four main parts - an engine, a transmission, a working body and a control device. If any of these parts is absent in the system, then its function is performed by a person or the environment.

An engine is an element of a technical system, which is a converter of energy required to perform a required function. The energy source can be either in the system (for example, gasoline in the tank for an internal combustion engine of a car), or in the super-system (electricity from the external network for the electric motor of the machine tool).

Transmission is an element that transfers energy from the engine to the working body with the transformation of its quality characteristics (parameters).

Working body - an element that transfers energy to the object being processed and completes the required function.

A control means is an element that regulates the flow of energy to parts of a technical system and coordinates their work in time and space.

Analyzing any autonomous system, be it a refrigerator, clock, TV or fountain pen, you can see these four elements everywhere.

  • Milling machine. Working body: cutter. Engine: machine electric motor. Anything between the electric motor and the cutter can be considered a transmission. Control means - human operator, handles and buttons, or programmed control (programmed machine). In the latter case, software control has "pushed" the human operator out of the system.

The law of energy through passage:

So, any working system consists of four main parts, and any of these parts is a consumer and energy converter. But it is not enough to convert, it is still necessary to transfer this energy without losses from the engine to the working body, and from it to the object being processed. This is the law of energy through passage. Violation of this law leads to the emergence of contradictions within the technical system, which in turn gives rise to inventive problems.

The main condition for the efficiency of a technical system in terms of energy conductivity is the equality of the capabilities of the parts of the system to receive and transmit energy.

  • The impedances of the transmitter, the feeder and the antenna must be matched - in this case, the traveling wave mode is established in the system, which is most efficient for energy transfer. The misalignment leads to the appearance of standing waves and energy dissipation.

The first rule of system energy conductivity:

If the elements interact with each other form a system of conductive energy with a useful function, then in order to increase its efficiency in the places of contact there should be substances with close or identical levels of development.

The second rule of energy conductivity of the system:

If the elements of the system, when interacting, form an energy-conducting system with a harmful function, then for its destruction in the places of contact of the elements there must be substances with different or opposite levels of development.

  • When solidified, the concrete adheres to the formwork, and it is difficult to separate it later. The two parts are in good agreement with each other in terms of the levels of development of matter - both are solid, rough, motionless, etc. A normal energy-conducting system has formed. To prevent its formation, you need the maximum mismatch of substances, for example: solid - liquid, rough - slippery, motionless - mobile. There may be several constructive solutions - the formation of a layer of water, the application of special slippery coatings, vibration of the formwork, etc.

The third rule of system energy conductivity:

If the elements interact with each other form an energy-conducting system with a harmful and useful function, then in the places of contact of the elements there should be substances whose development level and physical and chemical properties change under the influence of some controlled substance or field.

  • According to this rule, most devices in technology have been implemented where it is required to connect and disconnect power flows in the system. These are various switching clutches in mechanics, valves in hydraulics, diodes in electronics, and much more.

The law of advancing development of the working body:

IN technical system the main element is a working body. And in order for its function to be performed normally, its ability to absorb and transmit energy must be no less than the engine and transmission. Otherwise, it will either break down or become ineffective, converting a significant part of the energy into useless heat. Therefore, it is desirable that the working body is ahead of the rest of the system in its development, that is, it has a greater degree of dynamization in terms of matter, energy or organization.

Often, inventors make the mistake of persistently developing the transmission, control, but not the working element. Such a technique, as a rule, does not give a significant increase in the economic effect and a significant increase in efficiency.

  • The productivity of the lathe and its technical characteristics remained almost unchanged over the years, although the drive, transmission and controls developed intensively, because the cutter itself as a working body remained the same, that is, a stationary mono-system at the macro level. With the advent of rotating cup cutters, machine productivity has skyrocketed. It increased even more when the microstructure of the material of the cutter was involved: under the action of an electric current, the cutting edge of the cutter began to vibrate up to several times per second. Finally, thanks to gas and laser cutters, which completely changed the face of the machine, the speed of metal processing was achieved unprecedentedly.

The law of transition "mono - bi - poly"

The first step is the transition to bisystems. This increases the reliability of the system. In addition, a new quality appears in the bisystem, which was not inherent in the monosystem. The transition to polysystems marks an evolutionary stage of development, in which the acquisition of new qualities occurs only through quantitative indicators. The expanded organizational capabilities of the arrangement of the same type of elements in space and time make it possible to more fully use their capabilities and environmental resources.

  • A twin-engine aircraft (bisystem) is more reliable than its single-engine counterpart and has greater maneuverability (new quality).
  • The design of the combined bicycle key (polysystem) led to a noticeable reduction in metal consumption and a decrease in size compared to a group of separate keys.
  • The best inventor - nature - duplicated especially important parts of the human body: a person has two lungs, two kidneys, two eyes, etc.
  • Plywood is much stronger than planks of the same size.

But at some stage of development, failures begin to appear in the polysystem. A team of more than twelve horses becomes uncontrollable, an airplane with twenty engines requires a manifold increase in crew and is difficult to control. The system's capabilities have been exhausted. What's next? And then the polysystem again becomes a monosystem ... But at a qualitatively new level. In this case, a new level arises only if the dynamization of parts of the system, primarily the working body, increases.

  • Let's remember the same bicycle key. When its working body was dynamized, that is, the jaws became mobile, an adjustable wrench appeared. It has become a mono system, but at the same time it is able to work with many standard sizes of bolts and nuts.
  • Numerous wheels of all-terrain vehicles turned into one movable caterpillar.

The law of transition from macro to micro level:

The transition from the macro to the micro level is the main trend in the development of all modern technical systems.

To achieve high results, the possibilities of the structure of the substance are used. First, a crystal lattice is used, then associations of molecules, a single molecule, a part of a molecule, an atom, and finally, a part of an atom.

  • In pursuit of payload at the end of the piston era, aircraft were supplied with six, twelve or more engines. Then the working body - the screw - nevertheless moved to the micro level, becoming a gas jet.

Based on materials from

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