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Coffee grounds heat bird. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: Bird - The meaning of the symbol

Fortune telling on coffee is considered a truthful ancient method of obtaining information about the future or the present. The various images that appear in the cup take the form of animals, objects, letters and numbers. A bird on coffee grounds is often associated with a transition to a new level of life, which requires the abandonment of outdated principles.

The general meaning of the symbol

The bird silhouette means global changes in human life.

In most cases, they are positive, but their end result depends on the person's reaction and his willingness to accept something new.

Feathered are associated with lightness and smoothness with which changes will come into reality. But at the same time, excessive fixation on details, rejection of the dynamics of life can frighten off luck and lead to sad consequences.

When interpreting, details are of great importance:

  • a flying flock promises good news, and finding it on the edge of the cup - glory, recognition and enrichment;
  • the bird at the bottom of the dishes is associated with financial issues, more often with obtaining real estate;
  • a bird with one wing is a harbinger of serious upheavals that will entail the destruction of romantic ideas about people and the structure of the world, but will bring thinking to a more rational level;
  • a walking bird means a gradual clarification in a difficult situation, the disclosure of an old secret;
  • a bird sitting on a branch personifies good news, good luck in business;
  • the chick serves as a symbol of unexpected, but good news, but if he is in the networks, he will have to overcome difficulties on the way to happiness;
  • a bird's head with a closed beak - advice to refrain from rash statements and divulging other people's secrets;
  • a bird standing on one leg hints at a lack of strength or self-confidence, therefore it is better to weigh everything and think it over again before starting active actions;
  • a nest with a bird in it transfers the attention of a person to his family and loved ones, who will support in difficult times.

Fortune telling for work

The appearance of a bird's silhouette in fortune telling for business, career and finance predicts success, wealth and joy.

The symbol at the bottom of the cup means moving on business with full housing, a long business trip abroad. Feathered on the walls of the dishes are a sign of the successful completion of the project.

Fortune telling gives each type of bird a certain meaning:

  • the pigeon is considered one of the most successful symbols, brings good luck in trade affairs, increasing the financial situation through the conclusion of mutually beneficial contracts;
  • swallow - an interesting business trip to gain work experience;
  • partridge promises regular replenishment of the personal budget;
  • an eagle on top of a mountain means getting a high position in a team, the interpretation of a flying silhouette is associated with successful business management, complete victory over competitors;
  • a peacock with a fluffy tail makes a profit, if there are points around the head and body, this speaks of a life of luxury;
  • the heron in the middle of the cup wall is the embodiment of alienation, the need to search for common interests with employees;
  • the owl warns of serious health problems that will change the outlook and activity, a wise mentor will help.

Divination for love

Feathered are a positive sign for coffee love spells. Their meaning is based on mutual love, family creation, and strong family ties. Such a symbol becomes a characteristic of a person in marriage or intimate relationships.

A duck on the coffee grounds serves as an omen of acquaintance with the second half. This will be a caring and devoted person, ready to selflessly give himself to his family. The duck promises a stable life full of wealth and love.

The swan has similar qualities - loyalty to a loved one.

It will be easy, interesting, pleasant to build relationships with such a partner. The silhouette of a stork speaks of parental qualities and readiness for a serious relationship. If he spread his wings on the left side of the cup, then an early marriage, replenishment in the family or good news for all relatives is expected.

Another symbol of the appearance of the second half is called a rooster. He is a proud and self-sufficient person who loves self-praise and honor. But he loves his family, belongs to his beloved. If the rooster bows its head, there will be a wedding, a big and noisy party.

Personality characteristic

A bird in fortune telling on coffee is interpreted as a set of characteristic qualities of a person who is fortune-telling. When deciphering, attention is paid only to key character traits, dwelling on positive points or vices. If a large symbol is seen next to other animals or signs, then they complement the overall picture.

Often the following birds act as personal characteristics:

  1. Chicken - recklessness, spontaneity, cowardice. Such people make rash decisions that often lead to failures in work and personal life. A chicken is a man who often loses money in dubious contributions, and a woman who talks a lot about the correctness of upbringing, but is unable to maintain order in the family.
  2. The Firebird personifies carelessness, excessive daydreaming, naivety. A person under this symbol is looking for easy ways to achieve their goals. He does not notice that he receives less than he invests, hopes for the best without self-development. Life often teaches him lessons to be learned.
  3. The heron means a tendency to loneliness and isolation. A person has a hard time getting along with people and often does not need their company. He even chooses occupations and a way of life with minimal participation in communication.
  4. The peacock is a sign of bragging, as is the rooster. But envy joins them if someone is more successful in business and has talent. Interpretation is associated with loudness, arrogance and a penchant for empty promises.
  5. Goose - efficiency, self-discipline, arrogance. Such a person knows what he wants from life, and goes in that direction steadily. He perceives everything new with caution and doubt, prefers traditions and chooses proven actions. At the same time, the goose values \u200b\u200bfamily comfort and devotes a lot of time to the family.

Modern fortune-telling on coffee grounds is no different from the fortune-telling of past centuries. At the bottom of the cup, there are patterns of coffee grounds, which have a fateful character in a person's life and give us pondering over our actions, sometimes unnoticed by us, and signs of fate and inevitable events appear there.

If you decide to tell fortunes for real, then for fortune telling on the coffee grounds you will need the following things:

and) Turk is a special dish with a long handle for brewing coffee,

b) Several teaspoons of coffee (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per one cup),

at) Small special coffee cup, better porcelain,

d) A porcelain saucer, best smooth and no pattern.

Usually, coffee for subsequent fortune-telling on coffee grounds is drunk without sugar, but as an exception, you can add a small spoon to give the coffee a peculiar taste. The prepared drink should be drunk slowly, savoring every sip, relaxing and, as it were, plunging into an atmosphere of peace, a kind of trance, which will allow you subsequently to unravel unknown symbols as clearly and clearly as possible.

One of the conditions of fortune-telling is that the coffee must be finished so that the coffee grounds remain at the bottom of a sufficiently liquid consistency, which, when poured onto a saucer, forms a pattern on the walls of the coffee cup. To obtain this pattern, the cup is taken in the left hand, several circular movements are made (strictly clockwise!) Shaking the contents of the cup, and with a movement away from you, the cup is placed on the saucer so that one edge falls on the edge of the saucer, and the other - on the bottom.

Consequently, the cup stands on the saucer as if in an "oblique" direction, allowing the remaining coffee grounds to drain and form a pattern on the walls of the cup, which we will interpret. It is enough for the cup to stand in this position for about a minute, and you, having turned it over again with your left hand, can start reading the drawing from the coffee grounds.

Interpretation of coffee patterns:

1. The larger the sign or symbol in the cup, the greater the impact on a person's life.

2. The closer the patterns are to the edge of the cup, the sooner what you see will come true, from about a week to a month.

3. The closer the signs are to the bottom of the cup, the longer the execution of the event will take, from a month to a year.

4. The handle of the cup is the questioner himself, and so what is located closer to the handle is happening at the moment and here in the life of the questioner and relate to his person personally.

5. The more dark in the cup, the more the burden of internal problems presses on a person, or the subconscious lessons come out.

6. Of course, the lighter the cup, the happier and happier a person's life (this rule does not apply to those cups where the coffee grounds were poured incorrectly, and it all just poured out of the cup)

The meanings of the figures that can be seen in fortune telling on the coffee grounds are given below.

Interpretation of coffee symbols:

Arch- displacement for the worse in health, threat to career or fulfillment of plans

Harp- family harmony, for a single or unmarried - the outcome of love affairs

Butterfly- frivolous but innocent adventures. If with dots - the risk of wasting life

Drum- scandals and quarrels await you, gossip is spread around you

Boot- unexpected - unexpected move, leaving work. Torn - the threat of failure and shame

Bottle- take care of your health

Libra- litigation is possible. Balanced scales - justice will prevail, unbalanced - injustice

Windmill- success that will be achieved through hard work, not talent

Question mark- doubts

Nail- you are threatened by criminals and you have every chance of doing unfairly

Volcano- passions have every chance to overwhelm you and cause harm

Viper- success and honors

Eye- be attentive and careful, especially in business

The mountains- high aspirations, success in achieving the goal

Rake- make an attempt to normalize business and regulate lifestyle

Mushroom- height, weight gain

Pear- comfort and prosperity

Handbag- unexpected - unexpected lottery

Wood- plans will be fulfilled, wishes come true

House- reliability, especially in business, you can start new business

Toad- beware of flattery and flatterers

Fence- you will not be free in your actions and plans

Castle- strong character, often overwhelming those around

Keyhole- an obstacle to success

Hare- shyness

Five-pointed star- success, but without joy, 6 - luck, -7th- sadness, 8th- incident

Umbrella- you need shelter

Snake- hatred and intrigue

Cabbage- jealousy leads to complications in life

Square- restriction, from case to case imprisonment, isolation of character

Dagger- ardor, impulsiveness or conspiracies of enemies

Key- assess the situation correctly and new opportunities will open

Book- open - litigation in court, closed - difficult searches

Goat- you are threatened by enemies

Bell- one - news, two - great joy

Column- success

Ring- independence, completion of business, constancy, engagement. Two rings - the implementation of all plans

Comet- a guest from afar

Ship- close luck

Crown- big success. If the sign is clearly outlined - inheritance

Cat- your false friend is spreading gossip behind your back

Bed- cleaned - you are smart, uncleaned - undisciplined

Rabbit- fearfulness

Rats- betrayal, loss You have unreliable friends who are able to go into the camp of enemies

Jug- excellent health

Swallow- unexpected - unexpected journey with a happy ending

Swan- excellent, quiet life

a lion- influential friends who can help in business

Bat- beware of conspiracies and false friends

Stairs- nomination

Lines- progress

A boat- find shelter in difficult times

Shovel- hard work that will end in success

Horse- beloved or news from him

Full moon- love, the first quarter - new plans, the last quarter - a recession in business, uncertainty, despondency. Dots around the moon - marriage or marriage of convenience

Lighthouse- trouble threatens, but it will be prevented

Bear- unreasonable decisions that lead to problems

Hammer- the ability to overcome difficulties. Tendency to cruelty

Bridge- luck can turn away from you as soon as it is one step away

Ant- be persistent, success will come to you

Fly- troubles, problems More flies - more problems

Ball- luck in life

Knife- breaking up relations, ending friendship

Scissors- quarrel, separation

the fire- avoid hasty reactions and anger

Necklace- many support you

Torn apart - separation, failure in love

Circle- successful outcome of affairs

Palm- success, honors, etc.

Parachute- getting rid of danger

Spider- perseverance of character, with cunning and cunning

Pen- inconsistency and lack of focus

Saw- an outsider threatens the peace of the family

Pistol- you are in danger

Letter- inaccurate sign, bad news Surrounded by dots - business news

A parrot- scandal and subsequent gossip expected

Profile- short friendship or acquaintance

Birds flying - good old news standing - successful journey

Bee- success in society, good old news

Fork- decision time

Gun- a threat to family well-being

Mermaid- caution, you are tempted

A fish- good luck in everything

Glass- the integrity of nature

Candle- zeal, diligence in learning

Pig- success, accompanied by spiritual discord and illness

Net- avoid traps

Skeleton- poverty, poor health

Violin- individuality, selfishness

Dog- rely on friends

Owl- ordeals

The sun- great joy, success, power

Table- reception, celebration, meeting

Arrow- expect bad news

Chair- improvement of the situation

Ax- difficulties

Point, command - cash, one - reinforcement of the accompanying sign

Triangle- up - success, down - failure

Flag- danger

Flower- your wish will come true

Teapot- up - well-being, down - a quarrel in family life

Man- give gifts or take on guests

Suitcase- travel, decision making

Turtle- sensitivity and criticism

Hat- rivals, failure

Brush- minor troubles will disappear

Egg- prosperity, success, brotherhood

Anchor- success awaits you

Hawk- sudden danger

Interpretation of letters in the cup:

AND- to victory over enemies

B- to power

AT- Unfortunately

D- light a candle to St. George

D- to spend your funds

E- feel remorse

TO- buy a cross

H- to concern, anxiety

P- to deception

R- to drink

FROM- to acquaintance

X- to marriage

YU- anxieties and fears

I- a change for the better.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation

Fortune telling on the coffee grounds - is a very popular fortune-telling among lovers of the arts of the unknown, the method fortune-telling on coffee grounds is to correctly identify the symbols that are formed in the thick and subsequently correctly interpret. For the right way fortune-telling on coffee grounds you need to know that this requires natural, ground strong coffee. The desired proportion of coffee, to obtain the desired consistency of coffee grounds, is approximately as follows: - For 1 cup, brew two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one spoonful of finely ground coffee. And so, first you need to clearly formulate the question. Take a white cup without any patterns and brew a thick coffee in it. The coffee should cool down for about five minutes. After the coffee mixture has more or less cooled down and you can drink it, we do this pleasant thing, but it must be drunk with the expectation that about a tablespoon of coffee grounds remains at the bottom of the cup.
Further so that tell fortunes, we take a coffee cup in our left hand, and mentally focus on our question being asked, and at the same time making three full circular motions of the cup - the movements should be made clockwise. When rotating, the liquid (that is, the thick) must reach the edges of the cup, this is done so that the sediment from the coffee is evenly distributed over all the walls of the cup. After circular movements, the cup must be quickly turned onto a saucer prepared in advance. Now count to seven and calmly remove the cup from the saucer. Subsequently, you can calmly leisurely study the shapes and spots that you got in the cup.

The spots of coffee grounds that have spread in the saucer show you the past.
The thick spots that are in the cup show the future.
The thick, which is farther from the edge and closer to the center, anticipates more distant future events.
You need to consider a spot from the thick in the following order:

    look from left to right;

    we look from right to left;

    then only to the bottom;

    symbols are viewed from the edge of the cup towards the center of the bottom.

Legend of various coffee grounds signs

The meaning of coffee grounds in the form - Line

Long straight line - life will pass carelessly and uselessly;
Oblique line - illness;
Many oblique lines - things will end badly.
There are many broken lines –Severe financial difficulty;
Short and long straight line - happiness;
Lots of straight lines - health and longevity;
A straight line bends- illness and adventure;
Curved line - there is an enemy that should not be approached;
There are many curved lines - many enemies who harm you;
Wavy line - roundabout travel, nose lengths that depend on the lines;
Oblique line - illness;
Line crossed other lines, curved lines - heart wounds
In the middle the bottom of the cup is a separate line - a good trip

Fortune telling on coffee grounds meaning - Numbers

ABOUT - a happy star has been with you since childhood;

1 - someone will love you;

2 - continuous diseases await;

3 - a good deal;

4 - do not hope;

5 - gossip;

6 - problems with the wedding;

7 - happiness in the family;

8 - quarrel with a loved one;

9 - acquaintance in the near future;

10 - happy life.

101 - life is long and good

Fortune telling on coffee grounds meaning - Letters

AND - victory is expected;

B - the power is in your hands;

AT - grief;

D - put the candles of St. George

D - lack of money;

E - you have a clear conscience;

F - conspiracy;

Z - entertainment and pleasure in life

AND - rash actions with consequences

TO - buy a cross, tests are coming;

L - be lucky in love, find happiness;

M - financial wealth;

H - anxiety awaits;

ABOUT - travel is expected;

P - insincerity;

R - you prefer to drink;

FROM - disputes;

T - dating;

Have - quarrels await;

F - all in hope;

X - marriage in the near future;

C -career;

H - loss of a loved one;

Sh - make peace;

B - flirting;

B - guests;

E - lost things;

YU - unsuccessful disease;

I - life will get better.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds the meaning of figures - People

Two faces with a rose in the middle - near marriage and long-term happiness

Two faces separated by a line - divorce

Two faces in one circle - marriage

Two people against each other - love is mutual

Human head without a body - your friend works well on your life

The head of a man looking in profile - protection

Human head - you know that someone is in love with you

Head of a man looking down - there is a small danger for you

Human head looking up - your protector in life wants to help you

Woman head - love

Man's head - consumption with a loved one

Several heads - close people will help to get out of the problem

Girl - huge love

Guy - separation

Old woman - hot love

Elderly woman - happy family life

Eye - big changes in life

Lips - friends support is provided

Arm - disappointment in life

Human mouth - a fruitful life

Man with a four-legged animal - someone respected is busy with you

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - Animals

Bull - dangers await you

Bull below - treatment

Bull below - health problems are not expected

Bull on top - financial situation will change in a good direction

Buffalo - some suffering awaits

Camel - financial success with prosperity awaits

Raven - grief in the house

Dove - there is a good person around

Hare - cowardly

Snake - an ill-wisher, deceit and evil awaits

Cow - good luck in the near future

Cat - financial ruin and poverty awaits

Hen - a stranger needs you

Swan - money from heaven

a lion - power and might

Fox - lies, fraud

Frog - good news awaits

Frog - near the road, unexpected guests

Frog - at the top, depressed state

Frog - near the cage - recovery

Bear - life will be in danger

Bear underneath - solid bad luck

Ant - anxiety and vanity

Fly - financial success

Deer - wisdom and honesty

Eagle - the fight will end and you will be the winner

Cock - welcome news

Cock - at the bottom of the cup - a conspiracy

Cock -head down - good changes are expected

Cock - at the top of the cup - news about a dear person

Cock - on the hill - wedding

Spider - a surprise awaits

Bird - good society around

A fish - journey

Owl - illness, death

Dog - good friend

Tiger - Anger

Lizard - an unexpected event

Thick in the form of a Figure and a line - meaning

St. Andrew's cross - wedding is coming soon
Star - the current situation is decided in your direction
Vicious circle - the ability to get along with people
Not a vicious circle - acquaintance with a person
Arc - the enemy is close
Oblique lines - danger awaits
Solid cross bad news awaits
The cross inside is white and with a black outline - the family will be happy
Broken lines lines - money troubles
Zigzag line - Adventures
Line crossed others - problems in personal life and communication
Straight line and long is a good life
Broken line - continuous losses
Closed triangle - success in everything
The triangle is not closed - patron
Points - auspicious sign that brings success
Strokes - the sign brings good luck
Quadrangle - love by your side
Dashes - a new career is expected

Home Coffee Figures - Meaning

House next to the circle - buy your home
House with windows and roof - happiness in the family
House on top - successful cases
Cross window - the sign brings fire
Window - theft is expected

Shapes thick scapula - meaning

Dark shoulder blade in the hands of one woman - inheritance from her husband - widow
Scapula near the cross or a square - the death of a loved one
Spatula on top of the cup - what they did not hope to find - will be found
Scapula surrounded by human faces - your envious people envy you so much that they insult you at work

The interpretation of the letters of the coffee grounds in alphabetical order - Decoding

The letter a"

The letter a"
Means victory

The car is clearly visible - travel. The car is blurred - there are only worries ahead

Good news and joy. Your well-wisher will help you

Gifts and money as a gift

Happy love

Family harmony awaits. Lovers symbol

Letter "B"

Letter "B"
All power is in your hands

Turn dreams into reality and travel

Friends will support you at any moment and in all your endeavors

You are influenced by a person much younger than you.

Cup top butterfly
Means that interesting events will happen that will give you a sense of happiness.

Butterfly with dots
The risk of wasting your life.

Basically, such a sign can appear in the cup of gifted persons. Well, if success has not come yet, then look forward to the near future.

Do not grab onto all things at once, as this only leads to a waste of strength and energy.

Torn boot
Shame and failure is expected

The boot is clearly visible in the cup
Means that both friends and neighbors love you

The boot is poorly drawn
Means everything on the contrary, that you are not loved

This basically means fickle relationships.

Tambourine at the top of the cup
expect new love

Tambourine in the middle of the cup
means you want to get into a crazy romance

Tambourine at the bottom of the cup
you have given up love and cannot get rid of thoughts

This sign brings suffering

Beware of diseases

Bouquet of flowers
Brings happiness, especially when there is a triangle nearby

This sign brings danger. Try to understand who your enemy is and not get hurt.

The bull is above and clear
Great reward for work

The bull is below and clear
Health will deteriorate

Bull in the lowlands
Means strong and good health

Bull on the hill
Money sign, makes a profit

The letter "B"

The letter "B"
Suggests grief.

Money sign.

The vase is standing straight
Speaks of your generosity

Vase tilted
Assumes loss of money

One success in business awaits you

The bucket is worth
Business success is unequivocal

The bucket lies on its side
You should refrain from deals

A bike
You will achieve everything that you have in mind, as you move on the right road.

Notice changes in yourself and others

The rope is tied to something
Health Problems Expected

The rope is folded
Financial difficulties ahead

Mostly a litigation

Balanced scales
Justice is on your side

The scales are unbalanced
Sorry not justice

Difficulties and anxieties clearly hinder your happiness.

It can also mean wealth.

At the moment, you will give everything, and in return you will receive nothing.

Thanks to your hard work and talent, success will be yours.

Fork upside down
A luxurious and rich life awaits you

Fork to the bottom with teeth
Some kind of trial awaits you

Basically, such a sign can appear in the cups of people who have suffered an ailment or have committed an act of some kind

You should be silent about your secret.

Travel and possibly even a change of residence

You have many plans and ideas. Dare you are full of energy

Question mark
A sign of doubt. It is worth looking at what other signs are nearby to determine what to do

Misfortune will happen in your home

You will be choked with only passions. You have to solve personal problems.

The influencer will help you with problems

The letter "G"

The letter "G"br\u003e You should go to church and light a candle to St. George

Honor and success

You are good at convincing people. Unfortunately, you will be treated unfairly.

It was worth being attentive and careful in business

Eye in the middle of the cup
Everything accompanies you. Get everything you need and want from life.

Problems in life are likely to begin soon

Either yours or someone else's wedding will happen

You have friends abroad, so take a trip

Basically, such a sign appears in people who are associated with children at work. And who does not have children, but the sign has appeared - this may mean that you have a lot of animals in your house

Says that you have a lot of thoughts in your head.

Human head without a body
You have a friend who is good for you and your destiny.

Human head in profile
You have protection

Human head look down
Small danger.

Human head looks up
A strong defender and patron wants to help you

Head with one eye
Someone will give you false promises

The head and figure of a dog
Spouse loyalty

You have a pure soul

Striving to the heights

Mountain dedicated
Reach all the peaks

The mountain is not clear
You should consider how to achieve your goal.

Several mountains
Says you have set many goals for yourself

You should put all your affairs in order and adjust your lifestyle.

Rake at the bottom of the cup
Reap the benefits

Rake at the top of the cup
A lot of money will fall on you

Rake in the middle of the cup
Your talent and hard work will turn a barn into a palace

This sign brings sorrow and grief

Coffin next to the bed
Get seriously ill

An addition to the family awaits you.

Height. Weight gain

Means love

Wealth and comfort in your family

The letter "D"

The letter "D"
A lack of money

Ladies bag
Winning a surprise lottery

Two faces in a circle

Two faces looking at each other
Your love is mutual

Two faces are separated by a line
Treason. Divorce. Quarrel.

Two faces with a rose in the middle
Long marriage

The sign denotes love

Success awaits in the new venture

Money in coins
The more coins you see in the cup, the more money will appear

Paper money
You can expect a fairly large amount.

Thanks to your strength, hard work, you will achieve success. Glory expected.

Getting creative will help you get what you want. If you do everything on time, then soon your wish will come true.

It is difficult to interpret this sign. If the house is strong, it means well-being in the family and business.

House poorly traced
Potential family problems

House with a crooked roof
There will be problems with neighbors

House next to the circle
Own your own home

House with roofs and windows
Family happiness

House on top
Things will go to success

Your trip or journey is coming soon

The enemy is very close to you

Triumph and victory is yours

The letter "E"

The letter "E"
Your conscience is clear

This is a sign of caution. You shouldn't be good to everyone, as it is not appreciated. You are only used for their own purposes and all

Letter "Ж"

Letter "Ж"
These are mainly family problems and quarrels.

This is a very good sign for those who are planning to create a family. Just beware of flattery.

Woman near a flower
Means that you have a sincere girlfriend

Woman near rose
Mistress for a young man

Woman near tulip
The friend is dangerous.

Woman holding stick
Your man can be carried away by a woman and this will bring problems to the family

Woman bored on horseback
There will be troubles and, moreover, from the woman's side

It is immediately clear that your favorite pastime is to spend time outdoors.

If not a dog or a horse, then this means that there is an enemy nearby.

Basically, such a sign is obtained in the cups of centenarians, as it means strength and endurance.

Letter "3"

The letter "Z"
Endless affairs, chores and worries in the family are expected

This is mainly a sign of strong character and suppression. You should take a break from work and draw your attention to the people around you.

Often, others decide for you. You may have decided to change something, but now you should not knock on closed doors.

Your stubbornness hinders you in many ways.

Obstacles in the way

This sign means shyness, cowardice.

It is difficult for you to find common language with people

All your desires will come true

Five-pointed star
Awaits success, but without joy

Six-pointed star
Luck is yours

The star of the seven points
Sadness sign

Eight-pointed star
Will bring an accident

Similarities with people are difficult for you.

Says that you can safely make a decision. It also means treason or someone can plot against you.

You shouldn't be afraid of troubles and hardships

Umbrella open
YOU are completely isolated from any adversity

Umbrella closed
There is protection near you, but it is weak for you too, if you have to work hard yourself.

Zodiac signs
Obviously, you will meet a person with the zodiac sign depicted in a cup. So you can look at the position of the sign on the cups and determine what to expect when you meet this stranger.

The letter "I"

The letter "I"
All secrets will be revealed

Sign of sadness and tears

The letter "K"

The letter "K"
You should get yourself a cross

Your jealousy only brings problems in life

Easy money is waiting

You need to pay attention to the suit of the card:

Club - means luck in earning

Cherva - with the help of friends you will be lucky

Pica - luck

Tambourine - thanks to your intellect, luck will come

Map at the bottom of the cup
Money from the past will come to you

Map at the top of the cup
You will have a great undertaking

Card in the middle of the cup
Luck and luck is yours

Romance splashes in you, just too careless

Life will be secure and happy

Guests should be expected

Brush opposite the handle
Your guest will reveal a secret to you

Feud and conspiracies will begin

Success in work and small profit

This sign says that you are a talented person.

This sign may indicate that you are a happy and lucky person. All your problems will be solved

Thanks to your abilities, all doors open in front of you.

You will learn something new for you. it is worth increasing your intelligence.

Open book
Difficulties in court

Closed book
A difficult quest is ahead

We can say that children and animals love you. You attract people with your hospitality and kindness.

Adventure awaits

It is worth thinking about health, as you devote too much time to work.

Success in everything

Basically, the bell can appear in the cup just before the wedding.

The bell is standing right
Good news awaits

The bell is ringing
News will be very important

Expect a guest from far away and trouble with neighbors.

A spear
You should learn as much as possible about your enemies and then success is yours.

The spear points up
Expect a good future

The spear points down
What you are waiting for will happen, just not in the way you thought.

Whole ring

Broken ring
Divorce or difficulties in marriage are possible.

There are many rings
The same number of weddings

The ring is solid and bright
The wedding will be gorgeous

The ring is poorly drawn
You will have difficulties with the wedding.

Two rings
All plans will come true

You should bypass all obstacles and obstacles, you do not need to go for a break. The basket can be filled or overturned, so be careful not to scatter what is in it.

Luck comes along, so be prepared for a change in your life

A sign that brings joy. The gift will not disappoint you at all. Brings success, joy and good luck.

You will meet with an old lover or friend. Expect happiness ahead.

Basically, such a symbol appears when someone prevents you from expressing yourself in life.

You have good energy that attracts everyone around you.

This sign basically means that you should be silent about the secret and then it will not be able to harm you.

You will most likely receive an inheritance. This does not mean that you will receive the money; perhaps it will be a gift in the form of a priceless gift or talent.

You have a fake friend who enjoys spreading gossip about you. Poverty and ruin.

Coffee pot
It turns out that you have the ability to possess the occult sciences

The cross is black from the inside
Bad news awaits you





















a lion







Broken line







Oblique line



Lots of straight lines

























Bear underneath










































Cross window



































































































Old woman



















Closed triangle













































































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