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The order of registration of waybills of a truck. The procedure and rules for filling out travel tickets

For freight transportation, use the waybill of a truck in form No. 4-C. We described how to arrange it in the article and gave a sample of filling. B lank waybill 4-C can be downloaded in a convenient Excel format.

For cargo transportation, the company must issue waybills, regardless of whether it uses its own transport or rented. Such documents are needed to write off fuel costs and calculate the salaries of drivers. If drivers are paid for the work at piece rates, they use a 4C waybill form. The article contains instructions on how to fill it out.

Travel ticket form (form 4-C)

Truck waybill - Form 4-C approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78.

It is not necessary to use a uniform form. Companies and entrepreneurs can develop their own waybill form 2017. The main thing is that it contains obligatory details (orders of the Ministry of Transport dated September 18, 2008 No. 152 and dated January 18, 2017 No. 17). Record the use of non-standard documents in the accounting policy.

  • reference
  • Mandatory details of the travel document:
  • name, date and validity period of the document;
  • information about the owner of the car;
  • vehicle type and model;
  • state registration plate of the car;
  • odometer readings when leaving and entering the garage;
  • date and time of departure and arrival;
  • the signature and full name of the employee who puts the odometer reading, date and time in the document;
  • Full name of the driver;
  • date and time of the pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of drivers;
  • stamp, signature and name of the medical worker who conducts the medical examination;
  • a mark on the pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of the car with the date and time;
  • signature and full name of the vehicle technical condition controller.

The procedure for filling out the waybill of a truck

How to fill in the waybill of a truck (sample filling 4-С at the end of the article) is spelled out in the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78. In the form 4-С there is one page on which you must fill in both the front and back sides.

Waybill 4-C: filling the front side

At the top of the document, put the company stamp (if any), document number and date. Enter the name of the organization, its address, telephone number and OKPO code. If required, fill in the code with the mode of operation, columns, and brigades.

Please fill in the vehicle information below: car make, registration number, garage number, trailer details (if any). After the information about the car, write down the driver's data - full name, driving license details and personnel number.

  • Important:
  • If the driver does not have a waybill while working, he faces a fine of 500 rubles. (Part 2, Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Car and vehicle operation... In the table, write down the planned and actual time of departure and arrival from the vehicle fleet, speedometer readings at the beginning and end of the work shift.

Fuel movement... Indicate in the table the type of fuel, the amount at the beginning and end of the shift, as well as the amount of fuel filled. If necessary, record the ratio of fuel consumption in relation to company guidelines. This coefficient can be found in the order to write off fuel and lubricants.

Assignment to the driver. Enter the name and address of the customer, where the cargo should be delivered, and the time of car delivery, the type of cargo and its volume in tons, the number of trips.

After the tables, put the amount of fuel required.

The driver must be examined by a paramedic prior to departure. If admission is allowed, on the waybill, he indicates his position, signs with a decryption.

When leaving and returning, a mechanic checks the technical condition of the car. The transfer of the vehicle from him to the driver and back is carried out by transfer signatures.

In the section "Marks of the organization - the owner of the vehicle", write down information about the accident, repairs, etc.

A sample of filling out the waybill of a truck according to form No. 4-C

Waybill 4-C: filling the back side

The upper part of the reverse side is filled by the carrier. He records information about all his routes during working hours: where, when and what time the vehicle arrived, the number and numbers of accompanying documents.

In the section "Special notes" the driver writes down information about the reason, type, duration of downtime. For example, the deviation of the travel time from the planned one and the excessive consumption of fuel occurred due to the obstructed traffic along Mira Avenue.

The lower part of the reverse side is filled in by the dispatcher or other authorized person. It records information on gasoline consumption, which are calculated according to the rate and the fact. Next, he sets the operating time of the vehicle with a decoding by type of periods, the number of trips and arrivals to the garage.

Also, the dispatcher determines the mileage traveled, schedules the total and loaded mileage, indicates the amount of the transported cargo.

Completed truck waybill form

The work of many business entities is associated with the use of vehicles in their activities. The legislation stipulates that the use of vehicles, whether they are their own or attracted under lease agreements, requires special documentary registration. Consider how the waybill of a truck is compiled in 2019.

If the company uses vehicles, then it must organize the correct accounting of its performance.

This is necessary not only to plan the costs of its operation, the validity of tax costs, but also to ensure the safety of machines for both company employees and third parties.

For these purposes, entities can develop and use waybills, which reflect the operating time of transport, mileage, downtime, the amount of cargo transported, etc. There are forms of documents recommended by Rosstat, which are divided into two types - 4-C and 4-P.

In the waybill, marks are made of all responsible persons responsible for its safety, about the admission of both the car itself and the driver to work. In this form, the refueller reflects the amount of fuel dispensed for a given car, and the calculator determines its planned and actual consumption.

Attention ! In this document, the driver reflects the detailed route of the vehicle, with fixing the exact addresses. This allows management to determine how assigned tasks are being performed and to prove to clients that the appropriate service has been provided.

The waybill can be drawn up for every day, and, if necessary, for a work shift. When transporting goods and passengers, the waybill is one of the most important documents.

Types of waybills for trucks

Depending on what indicators are used to record the operation of the car, there are two types of waybills - 4-C and 4-P.

Form 4-P

Waybill 4-P is used in cases when the operation of the transport is recorded on the basis of fixing the time of its operation. This document is to be completed when car use is charged based on time-based rates.

For example, when a vehicle carries out the transportation of goods, and payment is made not for the transported tonnage, but for the time the vehicle is in operation. However, there is a limitation in its application. Such a waybill can be issued if the cargo is delivered to no more than two destinations per day.

Form 4-C

It is this form 4-C that is most often used to formalize the work of vehicles. It allows you to take into account the piece-rate performance of the vehicle.

Such a waybill is used by carriers who charge a fee per ton-kilometers.

Truck waybill form 2019 free download

A sample of filling out a waybill in 2019

Form 4-P

Front side

Such a waybill is used if the driver is paid a salary according to the hourly payment system. It is intended for only two flights, and there are two tear-off coupons on the form for fixing them, which are issued and handed over to customers.

You must start filling out the form from the top. The company stamp is put in the right corner. Further, it is necessary to indicate the series and number of the document, and the date when it was drawn up.

In the columns on the left side of the form, data about the car and the driver are recorded. Here you need to enter the brand of the car, its garage and state number, full name. driver and his driver's license data. Next are the columns where you can specify data on trailers working with the machine - their make, license plate and garage.

To carry out cargo transportation, there is a special reporting document for freight vehicles - a waybill. In this article, we will consider the forms of sheets, for what cases they are needed, and a sample of filling out a waybill of a truck, where the procedure for drawing up a document is indicated.

A waybill is an integral part of the work of freight carriers

Types of travel documents

The waybills are issued by the carrier company, which can be either a legal entity or an individual. Cargo transportation is carried out exclusively on a commercial basis. Thanks to this document, the transport company reports on expenses, maintenance of the vehicle, its depreciation. Trucks require high costs, both for maintenance and fuel. In addition, the driver's salary can be calculated according to the document. From the waybill you can see how much time the employee spent behind the wheel and how many kilometers he traveled.

Waybills come in three forms:

  • form number 1 - international;
  • form No. 2 - typical for cargo transportation by freight transport;
  • form No. 3 - typical for the carriage of goods by light transport.

An international sheet is issued for only one business trip.

In addition, waybills are divided into the following types, approved back in 1997 and still in force:

  • form 4-c - used for piecework wages of an employee;
  • form 4-p - used in case of time-based payment, this document is also issued if it is necessary to deliver the goods to several customers;
  • form 4 - for international transport.

Form 4-c is used for piecework payment of workers

How to fill out a document

In the car, the driver carrying the goods must have the following mandatory documents:

  • waybill;
  • consignment note;
  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

The procedure for filling out the sheets is almost the same. The document is issued for one day. The exception is trips calculated for long distances. The responsible dispatcher puts on it the date of issue and the number, which he enters into a special journal. The following information is prescribed in the reporting document:

  • flight date;
  • type of task;
  • in what composition is the delivery.

Below is the data about the car:

  • car brand;
  • registration number;
  • garage room.

If there is a trailer, then the same data is entered on it.

The next item is the driver's data. The column with the driver's license numbers is filled in. If there is a partner or forwarders on the trip, then their data is also prescribed in the document.

The document is signed by the chief mechanic, who certifies that the machine is in good condition and ready for use. The driver also signs on the sheet, thereby confirming the fact of inspection of the vehicle. From the moment the driver put his signature, the responsibility for the cargo and the car falls on his shoulders. This will mean that the task has been accepted for execution.

The mileage data is entered in a separate column. First, the numbers are entered at the time of departure of the car, upon return, the data changed after the trip are entered next to it. Information on fuel consumption (at the time of departure and upon returning to the garage) is entered, indicating its type.

A sample of filling out a waybill

Filling in the column "Assignment to the driver"

This graph sometimes causes a lot of difficulties. But it requires the correct design. Here all the addresses of the customers are registered where the goods need to be delivered, the invoice numbers. The customer, in turn, puts a date on the document, signs and puts a stamp. This measure is proof that the driver was in the right place and delivered the cargo entrusted to him.

In addition, the filling procedure requires the addition of additional data on the distance to each individual customer, tonnage and cargo name.

In the column "number of trips" a number is entered equal to the number of trips made by the driver. All this is typical for the example of filling out the 4-p form. Tear-off coupons may be attached to this form, acting as a presented invoice, according to which the customer undertakes to pay for the delivery of the goods. In them, the customer prescribes the following information:

  • data about the car;
  • delivery time;
  • its unloading time.

The coupon is filled in in 2 copies, one remains with the customer, and the second is sent with a driver to the company that provided the service. The vehicle owner must carefully check the information entered.

Body check

Each driver must undergo a compulsory medical examination before leaving. This is necessary for the safety of both the employee himself and to ensure the safe movement of the vehicle. Therefore, the doctor's mark on the waybill is required.

The driver must undergo a medical examination before every departure

Return to base

Returning back to the base, the driver hands over all the reporting documentation to the dispatcher, who checks the correctness of filling. The data provided is used to calculate the perfect mileage, fuel consumption and travel time. Based on the data provided, the driver is charged a salary.

If not without breakdowns, then the relevant information is entered by the dispatcher in the "Marks" column: what happened, the cost of repairs, the funds spent on spare parts.

After checking the documents, the driver signs that he handed over the transport and the following columns are filled in:

  • No. 12 - period of equipment operation;
  • No. 13 - motor running time;
  • No. 24 - the numbers of the trips made in order;
  • No. 25 - No. TTN;
  • № 26 - the time spent on the operation of the vehicle;
  • No. 27 - amount of cargo transported;
  • No. 28 - completed work;
  • No. 29 - information about the consignor is registered.

The data entered in these columns is confirmed by the signatures of the dispatcher and the driver.

After all the manipulations, the document is transferred to the taxist, who calculates the cost of the trip. The final signature is put by the accountant after verification.

Thus, there is nothing difficult in filling out the waybill. A correctly completed document will not create unnecessary problems in the future. The main thing is to follow the instructions and the procedure for filling it out. The presented example of filling out a document will help you understand the sequence of filling it out.

Organizations that own cargo transport units are required to fill out certain types of documents. The waybill of a truck is no exception. Its filling is carried out when the car leaves the base for the purpose of the driver's work. The purpose of creating this paper is to record expenses and record the working hours of each car. On the basis of the key parameters, calculation measures are made for the amount of salaries for drivers. What this type of documentation is, and what are the features of its filling - will be discussed in the article.

As part of any activity for the transportation of goods, which the company's car is engaged in, there is compliance with a certain form of document, which is confirmed by the Ministry of Transport.

There are several standards on the basis of which the process of official adoption of templates took place:

  • order of the Ministry of Transport No. 152, with the appropriate editions and amendments;
  • a charter formed on a legislative basis 259;
  • a decree issued by the Ministry of Transport;
  • statutory provision under number 402.

These are mandatory papers, which must be completed in strict accordance with the law. Any flight to a specific location is accompanied by the completion of a form by employees, for example, an authorized director or foreman. Filling occurs on 4-p, 4-s and 4-m long-distance paper. You can easily download the truck waybill form.

General principles of interaction with documentation

Filling out the document is carried out once a day before the car sets off. There is a clause suggesting that the sheets issued for previous shifts have already been returned to the organization at the base. Tear-off forms are filled in by the customer partner. It is he who carries out the process of issuing an invoice for payment. When the work is completed, the document is sent back to the company, where information on the number of hours worked and other data is recorded. Consider a sample of filling out a waybill of a truck in a clear sequence of actions.

The content of certain information is assumed, which is key:

  1. Information about the details of the company that issues the document.
  2. Date - the moment of filling out the document along with the serial number.
  3. A mark of the car's serviceability, confirmed by the signature of the person who carried out the inspection activities.
  4. Information about the car - registration code, make, trailer or lack thereof.
  5. Data and information related to the personality of the driver: full name, certificate and his number.
  6. An informative table is mandatory filled, within which the movement of a combustible substance is reflected - its quantity, brand, duration of stay in working order.
  7. There is a description of the driver's task, subject to a mandatory execution process.

An example of filling in data about a car and driver in a waybill

There is a special form of the waybill of a truck, on the basis of which you can familiarize yourself with the information required for the indication. At the next stage, a detailed filling of the table takes place, containing information about such moments as "the work of the driver and the car". It should contain the following interesting information:

  • readings marked with a speedometer;
  • time intervals for performing work actions;
  • working time after the fact.

The second part of the waybill contains a table that reflects and characterizes the exact sequence in which the task was completed. It is filled in directly by the driver's specialist, and there is also data on all movements performed within the time frame, as well as on the result of the tasks performed. Finding the waybill must be with the driver during the entire trip. If necessary, the document is provided to the traffic police officer.

Checking the waybill by the traffic police inspector

Filling in the waybill in the framework of the 4-p form

This form is drawn up by an authorized person who is responsible for the fulfillment of all norms and obligations. In addition, the persons who manage the processes are responsible. If the driver has successfully passed the document related to the previous shift, he can apply for the next paper against receipt. There is a list of additional papers provided to the driver. They are given in a situation when goods and materials are being transported. The accounting department provides their joint storage. The sample truck waybill is simple and straightforward and contains a basic set of all data.

In this case, the application of a time-based payment rate is implied. The number values \u200b\u200bof these documents are entered into the waybill. Form 4-p arrives at the driver just before the start of the shift, while the delivery of the waybill for the previous shift plays an important role. Next, the driver should sign for the receipt of the sheet, check the presence of a stamp and seal, and also familiarize himself with the date of issue. When the shift is complete, the documentation is sent to the company that owns the truck.

As part of this process, the customer receives a tear-off coupon, which includes certain information:

  1. The time that is paid.
  2. The total mileage of a laden and empty car.
  3. Over-mileage indicator, if any.
  4. Tonnage.
  5. The amount to be paid.

An example of filling out the waybill of a truck can be viewed on the Internet and it can be done quite simply. The statement can be carried out within the framework of the accounting program.

Features of filling out the waybill for 4-s

Regardless of whether the vehicle is rented or its own, the company undertakes to draw up documentation within the framework of the 4-s piecework sample. The obligatory type of the document form is provided in the framework of the current legislation. The company has the right to engage in independent development of the form. Data sheet type 4-c applies when used in the calculation of piece rates.

What should be on the front side

In this process, the company affixes a stamp, code, presence or absence of a trailer. Within the first table are the data records related to the work of the driver. Here, the provision of planned and actual parameters related to date and time takes place. The following columns imply an indication of the type and code of the fuel resource that is used for refueling. Also, its indicators at the beginning of the day and the end are noted. Subsequently, the hired specialist completes the information about the task that is facing the driver. It includes an indication of the name, information about the cargo, the number of trips, tonnage and features of the mileage. There is a section in the document related to special tags. It includes information about the accident. This is not the entire list of information that must be contained within the framework of this document.

What should be on the reverse

Considering the question of how to fill out a waybill for a truck, you should pay attention to the turnover of paper. On the other side, a record is made about the process of completing tasks: what time and at what point the car arrived, how many accompanying documents are present, and what their numbers are. It is important that the data are certified by means of signatures and seals. Information about downtime, as well as their reasons, duration is noted below. The lower table is also filled in, in which the dispatcher enters information about the results related to fuel consumption.

What are the nuances of filling out the documentation

Considering a sample of filling out a 4C waybill, it is worth paying attention to several points. It is worth considering that all responsibility for the literacy of filling lies on the shoulders of the director of the company and only subsequently passes to the officials. This applies to the mechanic, the dispatcher and the driver himself. If there are other authorized persons, their signatures also play an important role.

Filling out a document in form 4

Transport and other organizations that are engaged in the implementation of cargo delivery over long distances can carry out the registration of a specialized waybill, which is issued for the entire flight and has a duration of several days. This is an intersectoral form of the 4th. A special role is played by its filling in the case when the shipment of goods takes place outside the country. It is quite simple to draw up and fill out such a voucher for a truck, for this it is necessary to observe the features for the front and back sides.

Sample form of waybill form 4

The front part and its filling

In principle, the essence of filling remains the same as with other forms, for example, 4-p or 4-c. The data remains the same and includes the company stamp with the name, the serial number of the documentation and the date on which it was drawn up. Under the stamp, the general mode of operation of the car and the number of the column are indicated. After that, below you can see the filling of the name of the car and the name of the driver's specialist. Similarly, the table on the movement of combustible substances is filled in, all data are indicated in liters. At the end, the signatures of all parties follow.

Back part

It is filled in as part of the process during which the task is performed. The table showing the sequence of execution contains the numbers of the accompanying documents, on the basis of which the cargo transportation takes place. There is also a table containing information about downtime on the lines, it indicates the facts of downtime of the machine without work, as well as the reasons and dates. Below is the number of invoices transferred between specialists. All this is certified by means of the signatures of the leading parties and subordinate employees.

Each company must responsibly approach this moment so that all documents are in order. This will avoid misunderstandings within the company and prevent fines from government agencies, services and structures.

A sample route sheet for a truck driver can be viewed below. If you competently approach the organization of this process and attract more competent employees to work, the result will be a well-completed form designed to reflect the current reality.

Each exit of a truck from the garage of the organization must be accompanied by the receipt of a "voucher". Thus, the driver receives a document in his hands, which contains all the data about the upcoming trip. On the basis of it, a route is drawn up, which the driver must adhere to on the road.

The law obliges drivers to always have a "ticket" on hand. Often, traffic police officers, in addition to other documents, check the presence of a waybill. At their request, the driver is obliged to provide a sheet for verification. Naturally, the waybill is considered valid if it is properly drawn up.

Using the waybill, the route is kept. It also allows you to calculate the mileage of a truck. In addition, information about how the driver worked is noted here. How long did he spend on the road, when he left the garage, when he put the car in it? Thanks to this information, the driver's salary is calculated. From this we can conclude that the waybill, which the driver should have on the road, is considered no less important document than the driver's license, technical passport, TTN.

"Vouchers" are used not only in special companies that are engaged in freight transportation. This document must be completed in any organization that has its own fleet of company vehicles. The only difference here is that trucking organizations are required to use a specially designed form. The rest of the firms are allowed, relying on internal orders, to independently develop the form of "voucher".

Many documents of strict reporting, which must be in the accounting department of the organization, include travel tickets. As you know, without a primary document, the accounting department has no right to write off funds and display various business transactions.

On the day when the car leaves the garage, the dispatcher draws up a waybill. Immediately before leaving, the driver receives it in his hands. At the end of the work shift, the driver must return the "ticket". If this is not done, the driver will not be able to receive it the next day, respectively, will not have the right to leave the garage.

Do not forget that a truck is expensive. For example, for every hundred kilometers MAZ 5516 needs about 30 liters of diesel fuel. Tractors from foreign manufacturers will need even more. Here you can add oil change, expensive tire change, other maintenance. As a result, the company spends quite large sums that should be officially written off. It is the waybill that allows you to do this.

(Video: "Making a waybill")

In addition to writing off fuel and lubricants, the document allows accounting employees to calculate the driver's salary. Naturally, he himself should be interested in getting a "permit". If for some reason it is not received, this flight will not be taken into account when calculating the salary.

Types of waybills for trucks

Of course, you can develop a form for drawing up a waybill yourself. However, many firms use a standard form for these purposes, which is convenient and familiar to many organizations. Regardless of this, the form must contain a list of basic data:

  • document's name;
  • date of registration;
  • the name of the company that draws up the ticket;
  • description of the business transaction;
  • the positions of the employees who are responsible for the design;
  • signature of the driver carrying out the business transaction.

For trucks, three types of waybills are used:

Form No. 4

This form is used when the cargo transportation is of an intercity nature. The front side of the document has a red stripe, which indicates that an intercity transportation is being made.

Form No. 4-p

The form was named "time-based". Time-based rates are used to calculate payment for work. Can be used for simultaneous work with two customers.

  • Form No. 4-c

The document is drawn up for shipments for which payment is made at piece rates of uniform tariffs. In addition to other information, data about the company that owns the truck is indicated here.

Front side

  • date of completion and title of the document;
  • name, address, working hours of the company, its contact details;
  • information about the vehicle. The license plate, vehicle brand, its garage number, and other information must be present here;
  • data of the driver carrying the cargo. The full name, series and number of the driver's license are entered here;
  • the date of departure of the vehicle, the time of its operation, the number of kilometers wound, the time of arrival at the garage;
  • fuel information: received volume, its costs and balance;
  • the specific task that is set for the driver on this flight, namely, the delivery address of the cargo;
  • signature of the driver and responsible persons, which include the medical worker who examined the driver, the dispatcher, the controller and the mechanic who checks the serviceability of the car.


This is where information about the process of completing the task is entered. Not only the date of departure and arrival at the destination is indicated, but also the speedometer data, the name of the recipient of the cargo, pieces of TTN, how many trips were made, the route. Particular attention should be paid to additional information:

  • if there was a downtime, indicate its reason and time;
  • is there a difference between the rate and the actually consumed fuel;
  • how long the trip was deviated from the planned one.

Download the form and sample in the form 4-P

Front side

The date of preparation of the document is indicated, as well as its name. In addition, you will need to enter the OKPO code, the name of the company and its contact details. Enter information about the car, its number, make and other information. If you intend to use a trailer, include details about it. Information about the driver is also necessary when registering a "voucher". There is a table below that also needs to be filled in:

  • detailed information related to the work of the vehicle and the driver;
  • indicators related to the movement of fuel: receipt, costs, balance;
  • time of arrival, address of place of arrival and name of the consignee company, other tasks that the driver performs.

Also marks are put here:

  • dispatcher on the issue of fuel and assignments;
  • a medical worker confirming the admission of the driver to the trip;
  • a mechanic who checked the technical serviceability of the vehicle;
  • a driver who confirms the completion of the task and the delivery of the car.

In addition, the form has a special block for additional marks. Data on repairs, accidents or other unforeseen situations that could disrupt the route are entered here.


Designed to indicate the sequence of tasks that are assigned to the driver. In fact, this is where the route is written, which he must adhere to. Also, additional information should be registered here:

  • places where loading and unloading of cargo will take place;
  • time and date of departure and arrival;
  • tTN number or other accompanying document;
  • the name of the companies, both the sender and the recipient, the signatures of their responsible employees.

Also below you can see special columns designed to mark whether there were downtime on the route, their duration and reasons. If the driver uses up more fuel or is delayed for a significant time, this information will not allow him to be blamed.

The reverse side of the form has a second part, which is intended for information about how the driver worked:

  • how much fuel was consumed;
  • the total operating time of the driver and the car;
  • time spent on loading / unloading, road, downtime;
  • total mileage and number of trips;
  • volume of cargo delivered per shift;
  • the size of the salary charged to the driver per shift.

Download the form and sample in form 4-C

Document storage strand

The waybill falls into the category of primary documentation that must be kept in the organization for a certain period of time. Typically, these documents are kept for five years. However, if we consider the "vouchers", there are some nuances that cause problems in many enterprises.

Yes, the voucher storage period for vehicles with increased load capacity is five years. However, it must be remembered that if during this period the control authorities did not carry out checks, these documents cannot be destroyed. In addition, if the work is dangerous, harmful and hard, this gives the driver the right to receive a preferential pension. Often it is the waybill that is the only confirmation of this fact. In such situations, it must be stored for at least 75 years.

Upon arrival, the driver hands over the "ticket" to the accountant. It can be stored right here, or donated to the archive of the organization. Considering all the features, the sheet is stored here until the time comes to write it off. As a rule, such documents should be stored in a separate room, which is equipped with blank cabinets or special racks. To prevent paper documents from spoiling during long-term storage, the windows are covered with blackout curtains. For these purposes, many organizations equip basements for the archive.

Sample Form 4-C

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