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BMW E46 electrician, design, interior, photo, video, price, reviews. BMW E46 - how to choose - what to watch the variety of species according to the characteristics

BMW 3 E46 Writing object for many motorists. Someone loves "Troika» For aggressive and balanced appearance, someone for technical specifications. To love, of course, is for what, but how expensive will such affection cost? The age and features of operation impose their prints even on a well-designed car. Is it possible to find an instance in "living condition» ? Let's deal with.

A bit of history

In the body E46 BMW, the third model appeared in 1998. Differences from substantial. Especially in terms of safety and interior decoration. Motors have been finalized, they became more powerful. Although externally differences are not so fundamental. More smooth lines added modernity and attract the view of connoisseurs to today. And the body coupe came out so harmonious that in popularity overtook the sedan.

Engine power increased not from whim, but from the need. In those years, the requirements for car safety have greatly increased. Therefore, the manufacturer has radically improved the rigidity of the body, which resulted in weight gain. And the BMW 3 car driver in spirit, then everything should be balanced.

New weight and power led to complication and cardinal alteration of the chassis. Thanks to such efforts, it was possible to create a new fourth generation of the third BMW model and save the clarity of the control and a sense of driving driving.


Body from BMW 3 Full set: sedan, coupe, wagon, convertible, and even a budget compact, which is few people like. The first three find in our territories will not be difficult. Moderately rot, mainly due to age and physical damage. There are "special» Places to check before buying:

  • bottom doors round;
  • wheel arches, especially if there are a wide tires and dirt with pebbles "Sandblastite»Arches edges;
  • cups front shock absorbers -be sure to check. With a long ride on "killed» Suspension on our roads they come off from the body. BUTThe VIN number is knocked down on the right cup, so you risks not to put the car on accounting;
  • place rear subframe connection with body. The problem that the manufacturer tried to fix after restyling, but it did not work until the end. After 2001, the gaps are less common, but still take place.

BMW BMW 3 E46 is on the right in the trunk and some owners forget to put on the tube for evaporation. This contributes to the accelerated corrosion. At the same time, do not forget to check the terminals. Plus on "Treshka» Special, she shoots with a serious accident to de-energize the car. If the terminal turns out to be normal, then this is a reason to think about the emergency past of such an instance.

Salon and configuration

There were no spaces in the cabin in the new generation. As always, BMW 3 is a driver for the driver, well, and the front passenger will also be comfortable. But the quality of finishing materials has improved significantly. Soft plastic and high-quality leather are saved in good condition as long as possible. Therefore, according to the appearance of the salon, you can judge the attitude of the owner to your car and the real run.

Security passengers improved Not only with the help of body rigidity. Already in the basic configuration there are 4 airbags: two in front and two side. And seat belts began to install with force limiters and pretensioners.

In "Base» It will already be air conditioning, front electric windows and disc brakes in a circle. The driver will be comfortable in all respects. Ergonomics, seats, front panel position - everything was designed for him.

The list of optional equipment is quite standard: climate, rain / light sensors, electrical seats and mirrors. In the secondary market, these options do not affect the price, the engine, year and the general condition is greater importance.

Electrical systems

There are many reasons for possible anxieties, but most of them are eliminated "Malokrovno» . If you wish, in many damage you can figure out and eliminate yourself, all the more topics already "contemplated» On the Internet.

The comfort unit (ZTE) is responsible for electrical adjustments of the hatch, glasses and mirrors. As a collection, it is not necessary to change it, it is enough to replace individual relays or clean the contacts.

With climate control glitches, do not hurry to change the control unit. Sometimes it is enough to disassemble it and clean the inner elements from dust. Namely, the temperature sensor and the fan that is inside the block. The axis of the fan is preferably lubricating.

More troubles are able to bring the wiring itself, especially under the hood. Damage to find extremely difficult, and because of them begin to "buggy» A variety of sensors. Including responsible for the operation of the cooling system fan, and this is already fraught with engine overheating.

Some headaches can bring banal ignition keys. They are with an immobilizer that feeds from the built-in battery, which is charging while the key is in the ignition lock. Over time (5-7 years), the battery capacity drops, and after a two-hour walk you can already not open the machine from the button.

Painless battery replacement is not provided. Need "to get» Old housing and transfer the whole fill in a new one. Then you need another special initialization procedure. The new car was supposed to have three ordinary keys and two with immobilizer. The presence of the latter when buying is necessary.

Gasoline motors

Favorite section "Bimers» . Moreover, the E46 installed engines still with a loan for reliability. Chain motors with cast-iron blocks or sleeves are capable of listening to 250+ km. Km without complaints. But there are exceptions, let's consider them in order.

316I, 318I. - Unlike the previous generation, the designation 316 does not mean that the 1.6-liter engine is set. There are several options.

Before restyling:

  • M43TUB16. - Really motor 1.6 with a capacity of 102 liters. with., But put it only on Compact and only a few first years of release;
  • M43TUB19 - The same 8-valve motor, only 1.9 liters. At 316i, there were 105-strong, and at 318i - 118 liters. from.

After August 2001:

  • N42B18.- Not a very successful updated engine of 1.8 liters (115 liters p.). Created on the basis of N42B20, only with short-spectal crankshaft. Installed on E46 316i;
  • N42B20.- two-liter "older brother» The capacity is already 143 forces and with the same problems. Home - increased risk of overheating. Contribute to this scored radiator and an unreliable thermostat. Increased noise when operating the engine is usually associated with the timtory of the timing. If the motor is loud and "diesel» It works, you will have to at least change the tensioner of the chain, and the chain itself is possible (the opening will show). Such engines have completed the 318th;
  • N46B20.- Improved N42, which appeared after 2003. The technical changes were quite a lot, but on the overall reliability it did not affect. But the power has grown to 150 forces.

Above in the confusion line of a little smaller. Starting with the 320th "Troika» Only row six-cylinder engines were installed. During the release period of E46, they managed to change two generations -M52TU. and M54..

- To restyling was completed with two-liter150 liters. from. Such a motor already allows you to enjoy the wonderful handling of "Troika» . At the same time, it is not necessary to bother greatly about reliability. Cast iron sleeves and "Double Vanya"(Double Vanos) Serve 300+ km mileage without much effort. With "human» The attitude to the car service, of course.

After restyling in 2001, the engine was replaced by an improvedM54B22.. The volume increased by 200 cubes and the capacity rose to 170 liters. from. Reliability after the improvements of engineers did not suffer.

323i - DorestaylingM52TUB25i gave out only 170 liters. s., afterM54B25growing muscles and with the same volume has a capacity of 192 liters. from. In connection with such changes, the nameplate on the trunk has changed on325i.

328i, 330i - The same situation and the top motors of the line. 2.8-liter, 193 strongM52TUB28., replaced three-literM54B30.with a taboon of 231 horses (cooler only m3).

All major and general problems with BMW 3 engines in E46 Body can be fitted in several points:

  1. The cooling system is to clean the radiators be at least once every 50 thousand km. The thermostat is changed only on the original and preferably for prevention times in 100 thousand km. Do not use the pump with a plastic impeller.
  2. Motor oil can not pour mindlessly. When using bad oil, oil canals, hydraulic components and piston rings are clogged. And then you need to do no less often than 10-15 thousand km. The oil must comply with the special tolerances of BMW:
    1. for M43TU, M52TU and M54 - BMW Longlife-01 or Longlife-98;
    2. for N42 and N46 - BMW Longlife-01 or LL-01FE.
  3. Engines N series. A large working temperature causes problems more often than the M-series.

Diesel motors

A good option to save on fuel, but the higher the age of the car, the rislaries such a purchase. Savings can turn into very large costs of repairing the fuel system.

On E46, there were only two diesel engines - M47 and M57. But, traditionally, each of them has modifications.

318d.- completed the most low-powerM47D20.115 liters from. But consumption in the area of \u200b\u200b6 liters of diesel fuel in the city.

320d.- installed already modifications more interesting - 136 liters. from. to restyling, and finalized 150-strongM47TUD20.after 2001. The fuel system has undergone main modernization, since 2001 - Common Rail. And the turbocharger began to be controlled by electronics.

330d- Inline and six-cylinder, as it should be at BMW. Most of the time producedM57D30.184 power. Only on BMW 3 E46 after 2003 releasedM57TUD30.(204 l.), Which could already "stand» with a top gasoline engine. Especially at the start, due to an excellent traction from the bottom.

Officially diesel E46s were not supplied to us, so all the copies were brought by the b / ears. General objects of increased attention when purchasing:

  • turbine - the lifetime of which directly depends on the timing of oil replacement in the engine;
  • vacan intake manifold - if you ignore their bad condition, then you can "get» on the engine overhaul;
  • fuel injectors - It is expensive, but in early modifications are subject to recovery.

Approaching "diesel» Problems cannot be determined without high quality, and respectively expensive diagnostics. But if you manage to find a worthy copy, especially a three-liter, then you can save on fuel without loss in dynamics. Although the average annual Diesel BMW service price mark is still obtained higher than gasoline (with the last statement, you can arrange, of course).

Boxes gear

Mechanics on 5 steps usually does not fail. According to the regulations, the oil is not needed in it, but if there is a mileage for 200 thousand km, then such a procedure will not be superfluous. Clutch even from "riders» walks 150+ thousand km. But the two-mask flywheel in the risk area. Checking its condition without removing the box can not, and the replacement will cost 500+ dollars (if repaired).

If you choose BMW 3 E46 with an automatic box, then look for German ZF. There are two modifications: 5HP19 and amplified 5HP24. You can check with the VIN number or on the lift. If the previous owner has changed the oil on time and overduely did not overheat the box, then up to 250-300 thousand km, it is not particularly worried about automatic transmission. After that, to go through the planned (in the measure of expensive), then with the replacement of exacerbated parts, and ride on.

The second option is an automatic box from GM. (American General Motors). In this case problems arise quite regularly. An oil pump can be broken, jammed the thermostat in the automatic transmission and the frictions are afraid of heavy loads, especially after 100 thousand runs.

A common misconception that GM-Kea box was put on E46 from the American market. They can be installed on any "Troika» Fourth generation, with any engine.

In the Body E46 there are rare instances with full-wheel drive IX. He is smart - tolerates the moment to the desired wheels, and does not add any special problems during operation. But the sensations of driving may change dramatically.

The rear gearbox is maintenance free, so if there are no leaks, it is better not to touch it. It fails very rarely.


Myths and legends on the weak suspension at BMW are confirmed if you ride the R18 drives with a tire height of one centimeter, and not slowing down on the pins. In other cases, the suspension is quite reliable, without pronounced weak points.

Yes, she is tough, but at the expense of this E46 and rulitsya perfectly. Moreover, BMW 3 is difficult to call a comfortable anyone except the driver.

The service life is also directly dependent on the quality of the established consumables. Their choice is huge, and not always before selling the most expensive components set. On monolvodny cars ball support does not change separately from the lever. Some rocket the seat and put a ball support from all-wheel drive versions, where it comes separately. It does not affect security and manageability, but you can save some money.

Cardan shaft and rear suspension require constant attention as regular checks. On time replaced drotker drive or gear radical gland, can save from major costs.

All suspension elements are changing individually and separately. If the car completely "killed a hodovka» And long ago, the recovery will cost more than it seems. Moreover, there is a reason to think about the overall ratio of the owner to your car.


The most difficult task is find well-kept specimen. Every year there are less and less. It is better to choose BMW 3 E46 with a row six or a three-liter diesel, which has become famous for its reliability. Just be sure to launch dear diagnostics to the budget before buying.

In some cases, the automatic box from ZF will cost cheaper than the mechanic (when problems with the flywheel). ACP GM, like the N-series engines, it is better to go around the side.

BMW 3 buy to ride, not moving. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the selection process.

The coupe is represented in a variety of modifications, including 12 models of the usual "Troika" and two models of the line of M. The coupe version is not fundamentally different from the sedan, except that a shortened body, the number of doors and fewer body modifications.


The first model E46 coupe was released in 1999. Compared to the last generation, the new body has become longer, wider and higher, and, accordingly, the places for passengers have become more, even at the body coupe.

In 2003, there was a restyling coupe, thanks to which the car received new front and rear headlamps, bumper, as well as new body coloring.

All versions of the bodies, except for the coupe, were removed from production back in 2004-2005. The production of the coupe continued until 2006, after which the new body came to replace the E46 - E92, as well as his convertible version - E93.

In 2002, the maximum number of copies for the year was sold, namely 560 thousand. For all the production time, more than 3,266 million copies were produced.


Specifications E46 coupe, like all BMW models, were based on engine modifications, transmissions and many other factors.

Photo E46 coupe is presented below.


Compared to the body of the sedan, which looks too simple and has been concerned, the coupe does not lose its aggressive and attractive appearance to this day.

The first thing that rushes into the eye at the sight of E46 is a design. Designers of the company "BMW" worked for glory by making it memorable thanks to his radiator lattices, optics and many other details.

Compared to the last generation E36, the suspension was changed, which became a little softer and calmer that increased the car handling.

As for the motors, they are more than enough. They can be divided into two groups: gasoline and diesel. The basic equipment is equipped with a 1.8 liter motor, the top-3-liter motor. The new generation of "treshka" began to put completely different modifications of engines, but some of them had the same power. Therefore, the engines began to denote certain numbers for their difference.

Transmission as always at the highest level. Tens of thousands of kilometers without a single repair can be served as mechanical and with proper handling. But they, like everyone, require attention. In the machine it is worth changing the oil every 60 thousand kilometers. Also, a regular replacement is also subject to a coupling that is a linking link of transmission. For late shifts, a number of problems may appear, thanks to which the cost of repair will increase at times.

Since the sedan E46, in the E46 coupe, the suspension began to partially consist of aluminum, namely: levers, ball supports, shock absorbers supports and many other elements. According to the owners, the ball support usually serves no more than 40,000 kilometers, then the entire lever is replaced. The full price of replacement is about 340 euros (26,000 rubles).

Restyling E46 coupe

In 2001, the sedan was restyled. Later, in 2003, redesign was also a body coupe. After it, new modifications of engines added in the coupe, electronic filling and much more.

Changes were also the appearance of the car. The front headlights now have a framed edge, which fell in the souls to all motorists. By width, the hood has become a little more, the outer angle of headlights has become more pointed and directed upwards.

The bumper was also changed - two fog lights were built into it.

All technical shortcomings of the dorestayling version were fixed, including suspension, body and much more.

In the restyled version, the central panel acquired a large monitor with the navigation system. Inserts over the glove compartment and the door "BMW E46" coupe have aluminum and wooden design.

The instrument panel is equipped with a speedometer, tachometer, fuel level and oil temperature. The bottom between the speedometer and the tachometer is a monitor that displays the total car mileage, the current mileage, as well as the temperature overboard.

The gearbox is ordinary for serial cars "BMW" of that time. On the left and right of it are the opening and closing buttons of the side glasses. The emergency button and the place for the handbrake is below.

Standard multimedia includes speakers all over the cabin, and in the restyled version - two subwoofer.

For greater security, the designers of the BMW company made the body more durable, which improved the car handling. Also in the cabin are airbags: the driver is behind Klaxson, the front passenger has the left of the deflector located in front of the passenger seat.

Steering wheel - three-spoke, the lower needles are divided into two. The left steering wheel is the volume buttons, switching radio stations, as well as a notebook. Right - indications of the speedometer. Some models contain shift shifts. Right - raising, left - down. But such models are rare and cost much more expensive.

The owners of various cars of BMW are often knocking for us to the editor, so that we publish their feedback on their machines. We decided to open the heading "BMW reviews", in which we will publish your feedback. Today is visiting the BMW 3 series in the Body E46.

Average car valuation according to the site version

9 out of 10

Why solid nine, not 10? It is not reliable enough and safe. All the same time goes, and this car is already morally outdated. Finding live, in good condition BMW 3 series in the body E46 is almost impossible. And if there is money on E46 in good condition, then maybe you should look at E92? In principle, you will not order the heart, and if you are the fan of this particular car - read the reviews about it just below.

  • Appearance: ★★★★ ☆
  • Comfort: ★★★★★
  • Security: ★★★★ ☆
  • Reliability: ★★★★ ☆
  • Quality: ★★★★★

Watch the video, how this trip is driving and possible tuning can be on page "".

Weak spots:

  1. The box automatically breaks, and flies in a penny;
  2. Bottom. From our winters, during which the snow sprinkles with reagent, the bottom literally corps, so it's better to come up with something for the winter.

Review Artem, Owner BMW Coupe E46 325 2002

"Honestly, I did not expect anything supernatural from buying this car. Previous Mercedes C500 broke, and to repair it - as much as he is as much as it costs. Therefore, I decided not to be worn out, sell it for half acende and buy a second German car. The choice fell on the 3rd series, and it is E46. I really like her appearance, and in St. Petersburg there are a lot of them ... if there are many of them - it means that cars are not bad.

I went to Avito and began to choose normal options. I am often asked why the all-wheel drive 325, and not cheap 318, or diesel 330, so, just lucky to stumble at exactly 325 in good condition.

I looked at the options 15, all were not those. That gur is broken, the door opens poorly, it is painted with a bunch of small problems. Already a little upset and wanted to stop thinking about BMW and return to the familiar Mercedes, but suddenly came across an ad in the suburbs, from the couple. I went to Len. region.

I was met by a pleasant kind of a man for 40, gave the keys and allowed to ride through their site. Was I delighted with driving? Oh yeah! This machine is created for the driver.

Driving it is a pleasure: smooth, but at the same time a sharp drive is not a problem. It is felt that this trip has a soul. Feel her power.

I took not thinking for 300 thousand rubles, I was going home home. I tried drifting, miraculously saved 🙂 need time to get used to. "

My rating: 10 out of 10

Revocation Roma, Owner Diesel BMW 3 330D 2003

"If briefly: after this car I do not want to sit in others. At all. No, perhaps I will buy myself a new one in a couple of years, but it will definitely be BMW. There are, of course, small kosyachki, with whom you have to put up, but this car is already in 10 years, so everything is fine.

I am not from those who buys a car for drift or to drive in the city. I have already reached my youth on my previous E36.

Why changed? Yes, she tired and the bottom rotted, almost fell off. And the "Grandfather" cars, like Toyota, did not want to buy a prios. I needed a car that was not ashamed to show and in which it is pleasant to sit down. The choice fell on E46.

I have a family: two daughters and wife, so I bought a sedan. I wanted to initially take a diesel version, so economically, and everything was normal - the seller literally found me himself. I threw an advertisement for autoforums that, they say, I want to buy a diesel sedan in Moscow within 400,000 rubles. I immediately offered 330 configurations for 380 thousand, and I went to watch.

When you sit in BMW (except 7 series), you realize that this car is done for you. It is convenient for me to reach everything that is there. I am comfortable to sit, nothing bothers and I relax.

As soon as we started, I literally felt the engine. We drove in the Moscow Ring Road and I was running down on gas - I was pleasantly pressed in a chair. I called my wife, said that I take. I took for 350 - I was stupid. I'm ok. However, the oil leaks slightly, so I climb more often for a hundred. "

My rating: 9 out of 10

Feedback of fame, owner of the Sedana BMW 3 318 1999

"I bought my swallow in the distant 99, as soon as 20 years old. What only we have seen it: both rust, and oil problems, and a vehicle breakdown. In general, for his years it is normal, and I consider not a lot of problems. Compared, for example, with the machines of my friends who did not live and 5 years.

When I am asked why I bought a BMW 3 E46, and not Mercedes w 140, popular in those days, I say that I revised the "Boer".

At the younger, wildly used. Nothing to regret.
Now the fourth series came out, in the body coupe. Here I will take it. "

My rating: 10 out of 10

Revocation Dimona, owner of the BMW coupe 328 2003

"This BMW is my first car. I am 18, barely persuaded my parents to buy me a model in the E46 body, because E36 looks too old, but there is no money on E92 ... and girls will not approve 😉

I, in principle, compare nothing with anything (except that Papane Chevrolet Niva), but I like the car. I never regretted that I bought it.

Already a couple of times brought unfamiliar girls, the end was predictable (if you understand what I mean).

The leather seats are pleasantly pressed, if a bit pressed on the gas pedal.

However, there is one "but" - I did not stop me on the father's car at all, and now literally every time. Maybe they have such a reaction for all BMW? "

My rating: 8 out of 10

Review Ilya, owner BMW M3 330 2005

"Personally, I am not very lucky with this machine. I bought from my hands, the owner swore, that there is no problem at all and has served without breakdowns for about 5 years (according to PTS 3 owner). He said that he went only in Germany on the autobahn, and E46 did not see Russian roads.

Of course, I worked vaguely, but common sense does not work here - as soon as you sit down in it, you immediately forget about all the problems and face breaks down in a smile.

He took, came home, and immediately heard an unpleasant hum. I went to a friend in the garage, he said that my box automatic cranes should be changed. And it is standing with the repair of about 100,000 rubles. Upset, yes. But now it seems to be normal, but the first impression is difficult to forget. BMW 3 E46 - My Casual Car »

My hedition: 6.5 out of 10

Judging by the reviews, the BMW 3 series in the Body E46 is an ideal casual car, with relatively cheap spare parts and a good drive when driving.

The chronology of the BMW E46 chassis model has become the fourth generation of the third-series models, and at the time of its appearance - the youngest in the BMW family. At the very end of 1998, new items were presented as the 1999 models first only in the appearance of sedans 316i. 318i. 320i. 3231 and 328i (326-320 modifications not to Americans were not offered). If the predecessors in the bodies were a little angry, although in these forms, there was a little more sporting back, then the cars on the chassis who came to replace them, with the overall similarity of architecture and nuances looked much more solid.

A somewhat large roundness of the forms of BMW E46, visually did not add "fat". On the contrary, design work unequivocally pointed to the increased muscle mass. And at least at first the superiority of the mechanical stuff compared to the previous generation did not look overwhelming, the body difference was reflected not only on aesthetics. The new design has become tougher by 70%, but also, despite the dominant corporate ideology of creating vehicles for the driver, adding an open source rear passengers.

Features of the suspension BMW E46

The design features of the suspension, brakes and steering remained almost unchanged, but the river has become wider, and the wider use of aluminum in the pendant components has reduced unsappressible masses. The extension of the wheelbase allowed the engine slightly back to maintain the same weight distribution as E36 (50/50). In the same year, only a little later, the line was replenished with coupe (Ci) and wagon (Ti).

In 2000, a modification of the Ministry of Body of the E46 appeared in the E46 gamma, which in 2002 was supplemented with a convertible, 3-door hatchback E46 Compact, intended for the European, Asian and Australian markets, was presented for 2001 model year.

After a ten-year break in 2001, all-wheel drive modifications were returned to the range of machines of the third series. The transmission used in XI modifications constantly transmits the moment to all four wheels with the ratio between the front and rear axles 38:62, respectively. And the front, and the rear differentials in the XI E46 are free, the dynamic stabilization system (DSC) and the thrust control system (ASS + T) are interferred in their work (ASS + T), controlling the rotation of the wheels by the brake system.

Under the hood bmw e46

In 2001, 2.5- and 3-liter engines appeared under the hood of the sedans (respectively, they changed modifications: 325i and 3301). Constantly replenished and standard equipment equipment, and the list of options. And for sedans and universal 2002 modeling year was held restyling. These machines received other headlights and fog lights, a somewhat modified plastic of the side surfaces of the body, a wider decorative radiator grille, new front bumpers and a hood for 325i and 330i. Restyling was not limited to appearance. The gamma of gasoline engines was also upgraded.

The very noticeable change was the appearance on the 4-cylinder engines of the Valvetronic system. In the suspension, the characteristics of the springs, shock absorbers and became tougher rear ripberometallic hinges. The transfer ratio of the steering mechanism has increased (the move of rotation from the stop before the stop has become less on the floor of turning less).

Not particularly long, but the rather cloudless life of the E46 platform on the conveyor did not cut off overnight. The first left the ruler in September 2004. 3-door hatchbacks Compact - the youngest in the range. Moreover, they were not transferred to the production relay on the next platform, but the cars of the new series of VMW models first.

In the middle of 2005, the sedans were gradually replaced by car conveyor on the chassis E90. The wagon in the same year gave way to machines E91. The coupe and cabriolets remained in production longer than others until they appeared at the end of 2006 coupe E92 and E93 convertible. BMW E46 M3 modifications were laid in production until the spring 2007 at the Geneva Motor Show was not shown a new EMKE coupe on the basis of E92.


In most cases, the device cannot be carelus - disposable lots. VMW cars are not from this number, but also tedious, their maintenance is not called. Attention The car will require exactly as much as necessary for understanding that they own not plastic soaps, but a real technique that loves lubricant, purity, and so on. Since the structural base of the motors was worked out on the predecessor, the machines on the chassis E 46 were almost spared from most children's sores.

The epic with Nicacle, destroyed from the sulfur-containing gasoline, did not affect the automobiles in the 46th body. By the time of their appearance, the manufacturer has already moved to cast-iron cylinder sleeves in b-cylinder power units. In general, the reputation of the "six" above, rather than 4-cylinder engines. And it's not so much in a stereotypical understanding, what should be a real BMW. Although the functions and those and other power units with proper operation reaches 300 thousand kilometers, the "four" is heavier tolerely transfer the increased temperature load of the urban operating cycle.

Already 100 thousand, mileage kilometers may appear through the rear crankshaft gland (- € 20, plus work - € 60). If the engine overheating, this problem may occur naturally before. Big motors are delivered from this attack and if not forget about the control over the oil level (in order to protect against the wear of the hydrocomathers and tensioner of the timing chain), its timely shift (€ 1b0 - € 190 every 10-12 thousand km at urban operation), replacement Ignition candles are not less than 30 thousand km of run (€ 60 per set) and cleaning the injector, then they do not annoy the owner.

All versions of gearboxes - automata, semi-automatic (SMG) and pure mechanics work flawlessly. Only among the latter, assembled in the first year of production, there were instances with the inclusion of the first transmission. In mid-1999, the defect was eliminated, and the problematic aggregates changed under warranty.

Prices for spare parts BMW E46

Depending on the ride manner, the clutch replacement will be required after 100-200 thousand km, but there are often cases when and after 250 thousand, km the node is still fully operational. Its replacement will cost € 400 - € 500 (including the price of details and work). The charm of the suspension BMW is in its kinematics and carefully selected characteristics of the components. It does not exceed the average average among classmates. This is especially true of the front McPherson. The rack of the stabilizer (from € 80 together with work) is faster. Until the first hundred thousand mileage dying shock absorbers (€ 600 per full front line replacement set, plus € 120 - € 150 for work), ball supports (€ 250 - € 300 per knot assembly with lever) and rear racks (€ 30) .

On our roads, the knocks may appear by 30-50 thousand km. The culprit of this will be the steering rail. The knock is gradually progressing, but without a criminal increase in the backlash in the mechanism.

The factory specification, its adjustment is not provided, despite the fact that the support nut in the design is. The new rail will require about € 1000. The tips of the steering (€ 70) are extremely durable. The front brake pads (€ 80 - € 150) may require replacement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Z0-thousand mileage, the rear (€ 80 - € 100) is about 60 thousand km. The replacement of each pair will cost about € 50 - € 60. According to the factory instruction, the front ventilated brake discs require replacement when installing each third set of pads (80-100 thousand km of run). The factory kit will cost about € 200. Details of third-party manufacturers times in half cheaper.

Prices for spare parts and regulatory work on servicing BMW E46 are not cheap. Nevertheless, the operation of these machines is not called the ruinage due to the extremely small probability of unscheduled visit to the car service. From the first years of release, BMW gasoline tresures were constantly kept in the avant-garde of the rating on the smallest number of breakdowns.

Perspectives BMW E46.

Today, the price variation on BMW E46 is quite large. The cost is lowly depends on the modification and configuration of the machines. First of all, it is due to their condition, which is statistically in the cars released in 1998 and 2005 will be much varied. The latter, if they cared for them, can be considered almost new specimens, because it comes to BMW, but the price tags are humane (2 tab.).

In our market, the majority of E46 have on the trunk of Sild 318i. This modification, especially with a 2-liter motor installed in post-folding versions, has the ideal balance of properties for everyday life, but also will delight the owner with an active work with the accelerator pedal.

Feels like Bavarian horses are much more, treated in other planet corners. The merit in this belongs, of course. Distribution of torque over the operating range of motor revolutions and the exact setting of the interaction of other engine and transmission systems. But to look for additional horsepower in four cylinders less profitable than in six. Sixters - not only more reliable, but also provide tuning opportunities more.

However, in many Western partners for the improvements of 4-cylinder engines full-fully. Up to turbocts (€ 2500 - € 4000) and compressors (€ 4500 - € 5000). Together with the nomenclature of the stock and components from third-party manufacturers it is possible to build turbo variants with non-standard geometric sizes of the subsoil unit. But still the same operation (and almost for the same money - about € 10,000 - € 15,000 for the full range of works) with 6-cylinder devices more efficiently.

tuning BMW E46.

The manufacturer makes it for the "six-pot" crankshaft blocks, under which the piston stroke is 66 mm, 75 mm, 84 mm, 85.8 mm, 86 mm, 89.6 mm, 91 mm and rods with a length of 135 mm, 140 mm and 145 mm. The nomenclature of the piston allows you to build as atmospheric, the same inflatable versions. The compressor or turbine, delivered to the prepared bottom, make it possible to remove more than 450 liters. from.

The maximum-charged tuning version of the "Trex" will cost more than the Japanese. But the main thing - it may be lost, brought by BMW engineers to the absolute, the balance of running qualities, scrupulously calculated in the same EMKET or ALPINA'X, which are for most tuning benchmarks. The offer of the parts of the suspension, kites, and the accessories tuning is simply huge. Some factory wheels are about 20 options. Stylistics E46, as in stock, the same in the finalized versions, in terms of external tuning for many years have been erected to the legislative rank for the owners of various brands.

Legendary models in 46 bodies


In general, it is believed that cars with the Litera "M" are a mansion in the BMW model range due to significant differences from the standard row. But it was not always so. The cardinal revision of the basic structure in the design of the M-modification began to practice precisely when working with the platform E 46. Unlike the predecessor, the E 46 of the MH was structurally significantly different from a regular car. In the exterior of M3, only doors, roof and trunk lid were common with standard machines.

Front wings with lattices at M3 were wider. Bumpers, skirts thresholds, mirrors, hood, back spoiler, 4-pipe exhaust - it and much more m3 was original. Differed and interior. The most visible innovations: steering wheel, sports seats and a combination of devices. Others were the motors.

In addition to the standard row (oddly enough it sounds) a compartment and convertible MZ, the M-Tech branch produced special limited series of machines. M3 GTR, which appeared in early 2001, had a 4-liter power unit V8 under the hood, who squeezed on-mountain in a racing version up to 450 liters. from. (331 kW). The civilian modification of this engine was modest - 385 liters. from. By the way, these civil versions were actually practically full-fledged combat vehicles, which were on sale for the sake of meeting the Competition Rules of the American Le Mans (AMLS) competitions.

Moreover, due to the same rules obliging to ensure the implementation process for 12 months, each of 10 copies exhibited at a price of a quarter of a quarter of a million euros each, sold only to chosen customers. In the future, the requirements of the rules have tightened even more, but in BMW no longer followed them. It was too expensive to release another hundred cars and a thousand "eights". GTR MH continued to participate in competitions no longer for legally legitimate victories (it was impossible due to permanent fines), but for the sake of improving the technical concept. Today there are such copies of collectors, in close circles of people from motorhorsport.

BMW E46 M3 - CSL

The BMW E46 M3 CSL limited series was released in the second half of 2003. In accordance with the decoding of the CSL abbreviation (Coupe Sport Lightweight) in the design of this modification, special attention was paid to weight reduction. Many parts were used on the car: the roof, front bumper, rear diffuser, door upholstery and the central console, besides this, the weight of the trunk cover molded from the fiberglass composite of the trunk lid, a thinner rear window, lightweight exhaust system, racing seats was sent to weight loss . The model also lost sound insulation and sideways of safety.

In the basic configuration, there was no air conditioning, and the audio system (though, in the options they were saved). From ordinary EMCI CSL differed not only weighing and elements of appearance. Motor power in z60 l. from. reached in other camshafts, valves, modified intake manifold and engine control program. SMG II gear control program has been changed. The suspension has received thicker transverse stability stabilizers, the springs of increased rigidity. Subsequently, part of the components of the CSL version (19-inch wheels, pendant springs, steering rack, brake mechanisms and some others) have received registration in the Competition package (in the USA) in standard MH. In Europe, a similar package for Emok was called M-Sport (it is often confused with a ClubSport package for ordinary E 46, which included parts from standard M-models).

BMW is German and reliable cars that will be able to serve for a very long time if the owner carefully applies to the car and correctly serves it. But mostly, very often on the market you can meet the BMW 3rd series in the E46 body with problems associated with the suspension, engine and the body.

As far as these problems are expensive to owners of these cars, we will now find out.

When you buy BMW 3rd series on the secondary marketYou can, you can be sure that the mileage of this car is real, because to twist the odometer will fail, since the drove kilometers are written simultaneously on several electronic blocks, even on the ignition key flash drive there is data on the mileage. Therefore, synchronously change all the data on run in all places.

In the key there is a built-in battery and it recharges only when located in the ignition lock. So, it is desirable to use both keys that come in the set so that they recharge. From the key you can withdraw such data as the year of the auto, VIN code, equipment, engine number, mileage, etc.

The headlights are plastic glass, which over time is muttered, but they are inexpensive (15 euros) and they can be easily changed, because they are attached on the latches. With xenon headlights there is no such problem. As for the headlight washer nozzles, they can be twisted in the cold.

Buying this model must be very careful to check the body's condition. At least protection against corrosion at the height, but after about 9 years, rust can appear on the wheeled arches, near the lanterns of the license plate. If there is a leaning paint on the body, it means that it was not particularly high-quality body repair, in the future more serious problems with suspension or steering can occur. Therefore, before buying it is necessary checkIf the suspension is not yet killed, and it does not manage to set the wheels correctly, it means that it is better not to buy this instance.

If the car was in the accident, then this can be revealed using the battery, which is in the trunk. On the plus wire there is a so-called black box, with a special cartridge that is broken during a strong blow to disconnect the power circuit, it is done for safety. To change this cartridge, you need to spend 150 euros. By the way, if you decide disconnect the battery terminals in the trunk, then you need to start with a minus wire so that the pyropatron does not work.

On versions of dorestayling, it can squeeze the cups where the front shock absorbers are attached, and the body can be cracked in those places where the rear subframe is attached thanks to driving along the harsh Russian roads. After restyling, these places were strengthened, but for those who like quick starts on the traffic light, you need to be ready for cooking the body, even on postwalk cars.

Rust does not spare electrics, first flames are out of order, highlighting the number, as well as an electric drive button on the trunk lock. To correct the situation - you have to change the entire trunk lid bar. Moreover, it is not cheap - if you take a unpacked, it will cost 100 euros, and the painted in the right color costs 300 euros. And if the signal appears that the light bulb is overloaded, it is necessary first to check the contacts on the wiring connectors, which can be green over time.

The same situation can deliver problems with climate control and engine cooling system. You can reanimate the terminals, but it is not for long, you still need to put new harnesses.

And it happens that the locks on the doors do not react to the key-keychain commands. And you can only open the driver's door. In this situation, you need to install a new electronic unit, which will be responsible for the windows and electric drives of the side mirrors.

In addition, the cable mechanism that raises the glass creaks, and the lubricant dries over time, and if you completely lower the glass, then they will thunder inside the door when the machine will fall on the pits.

Can also turn off climate control displaysAnd if the control cascade of resistors or the climate control unit is burning, then the fan on the stove will work spontaneously, independently change the speed, and then will turn off at all. And if one of the 2 sensors refuses, the fuel level pointer on the instrument panel will be buggy. One of these sensors is part of the fuel pump, the new such node will cost 420 euros.

In the salon weak place are considered "wooden" inserts that can crack in several years of operation. As for the skin on the seats, it is very durable, it does not break and does not rub, even after 22,000,000 km, it may simply be slightly able to change the color at the most frequently spent places.

In general, the quality of the separation materials of the salon at the height, and even after a long period of operation, the salon remains pretty beautiful. And on some instances there are even 2 layer glasses on the rear and side windows. Such glasses could be ordered as an option.

As for the spaciousness on the rear seats, the back of the cabin is slightly closed, if compared with other cars in this class.

Motors BMW.

Yes, they are reliable, but they require care. It is necessary to pour only a low-viscous synthetic oil 0W30 or 5W40 with factory tolerances LL-98, LL-01 and LL-04. Also, the motors do not like washing the lubricant system, feeling chemistry in new oil. They may even fail an asterisk, chains and their tensioners, all this pulls 1000 euros along with the work. Therefore, it is better not to wash the lubricant system, and then the motor does not suit 250,000 km.

If appeared specific knock under the valve lidThis means that an end to the mechanism of changing the phases of gas distribution, in this case, is a double vanos, which costs 800 euros. And on motors with 4 cylinders and the Valvetronic system, you must not save on the oil, always add it when necessary, because in the future there may be problems with ignition or ignition passages will appear.

It is always necessary to monitor the oil level, it should be enough, the car consumes oils normally, the liter of oil can leave after 2 thousand kilometers. And the oil level sensors are better not to rely, because they can be buggy. Therefore, the oil must be checked using the probe. Especially greatly increase oil consumption if scroll Carter Ventilation Valve. Oil flows out from everywhere. The new such valve costs 50 euros.

And on 6-cylinder engines through the glands begins to flow oil if the engine overheats. These 6 cylinder engines are overheated no more than other BMW engines, however, the effects of overheating are very serious - the shape of the aluminum head of the cylinder block is deformed, even its grinding does not help, and if it is completely changed, then such a procedure will pull 3000 euros .

The main reasons for high temperatures in the cooling system can be plastic impeller on the water pump, which are turned on the axis. After restyling, these impellers became metal, and one cause overheating was less. Also, special reliability does not differ viscous fans clutches, which are installed on 4-cylinder engines and electric motors on 6 cylinder engines.

So that the radiator is better cooled, it is necessary to clean it once a year, the cleaning of the radiator will cost approximately 70 euros. And the main reason for the elevated temperature in the engine is usually becoming expansion tankIf the valve jinned in its cover or plastic fasteners broke, which hold the elements of the thermostat inside the housing.

It happens that 6-cylinder engines do not develop their full power after 4000 revolutions per minute, and during idling, the shocking of the DISA inlet path of the DISA inlet path. This means that it's time to change the actuator mechanism of this system. It costs 220 euros. As for the spark plug, they serve no more than 40,000 km. They must be changed, because the defective candles will be submitted to the fact that they will have to change the individual ignition coils, each of which costs 40 euros.

As for the BMW of the 3rd series in the E46 Body with a diesel engine, then there are few such modifications in the Russian market, which are mainly brought from Europe, and half of all Europeans in the body of the wagon. Diesel modifications are quite problematic. For example, in 3-liter diesel modifications, high-pressure fuel pumps required replacement. And on 2 liter diesel engines often faced the fuel pressure sensors and air flow meters.

Even nozzles serve no more than 150,000 km, replacing each nozzle will cost about 300 euros.


5-speed automatic boxes ZF Steptronic - Different reliability, they have the ability to manually switch gear. These automatic boxes in terms of reliability are not inferior to mechanical boxes. Until 2001, General Motors were installed on the 4-cylinder versions, but they cannot be said about them that they are reliable, not even departure 200 thousand km. These American automatic boxes may require serious repairs with replacing torque converters, bearings and seals. The price of such a repair can be 2000 euros. There are a complete set with Robotic SMG boxes. As a rule, they were installed on restyled models 325i and 330i. Here are the petals of switching gear on the steering wheel. On these boxes, the control electronics is sometimes buggy, and there are cases that after 100,000 km. The mileage has to change the clutch, which pulls on 350 euros.

As for mechanical transmissions, their drive can break out the sovereign hits, after which the rear and first gear will be enabled hard. And there are cases that after 120 thousand km. Begin to leak the groove shifts. Approximately 200,000 km. It will be able to serve the adhesion with a hydraulic engine, which has automatic adjustment of the free stroke. But if you ride aggressively, the clutch resource will be reduced by about 2 times. If you notice clutch problems, you do not need to slow with the replacement. Because, the worn driven disk helps to fail the two-mask flywheel - the knocks will appear at the time of closure. Replacing the flywheel will cost 850 euros.

If after 150000 km. During starting from the place, a hum or vibration will appear at the cardan shaft, then you need to immediately take action and not to leave the case. It is enough to replace an intermediate support that costs 80 euros, as well as an elastic coupling for 90 euros. If we prone, then you will have to buy a new shaft assembly for 700 euros.

In the rear axle, the gearbox does not require attention, sometimes you can check the oil level in it. But the silent blocks of the attachment of the gearbox to the subframe happens that they are rushing.

By the way, there are hatchback, they have a smaller rear Sve, so it is shorter than a sedan is 280 mm., But the chassis and the length of the wheelbase is exactly the same. The appearance of the Hatchback E46 Compact is distinguished by the front headlights - here are 4 separate headlights. Also, the rear lights are equipped with transparent glasses.

But if you compare coupe and sedan, here the design is already completely different: they do not even have the same body details. Kuhuses are a bit longer sedans, and the clearance is 5 cm below in 2-door cars. Because the coupe originally goes sports suspension.

there is sedany With a package "For Russia" in which the motor management programs, intended for winter operation, use lower-temperature fluids in the power steering and shock absorber hydraulic tape, also the suspension is more reinforced, and there is steel motor protection. Even clearance is more than 22 mm. Due to the fact that spring springs are used and there are metal spacers. The shock absorbers and transverse stability stabilizers are tougher.


In the suspension there are weak points - the front levers made from aluminum, two non-removable ball supports and stabilizers racks are attached to these levers. On cars released until 2001 These levers served more than 50,000 km. After restyling, they began to use new levers, they became wider, but they are interchangeable with the levers of dorestayling versions. New can serve more than 80,000 km., And the price of them remained the same as on the old - 250 euros.

About 100,000 km. Serves a rubber rear Silent-block, which can be changed separately from the lever, for 90 euros. The racks of stabilizers serve as much as much, but they cost less - the front for 40 euros, and the rear for 20 euros.

On all-wheel drive versions of the 3-series suspension, the pendant, the levers are made of steel, and not aluminum, and the inner ball support can be changed separately for 120 euros. Shock absorbers serve at least 100,000 km. New front shock absorbers will cost 560 euros, and the rear at 300 euros per set. The rear suspension uses a trigger, its joints will have to be changed approximately after 160,000 km. In general, to sort out the rear suspension, you need to spend about 800 euros.

But the most unpleasant problem in the BMW 3rd series A steering mechanism is considered, in which the backlash is 80,000 km appears, and after 130,000 km. It turns into a knock. You can fix this situation only to replace the mechanism completely. It pulls at 1000 euros. Even the tips on the steering traction in European versions serve longer than the steering mechanism itself, but on the eastern versions, the tips will serve approximately 50,000 km.

The brake system is strong enough, it is necessary to change only consumables. Sometimes ABS sensors may fail due to winter slush. But the replacement of each sensor will cost approximately 20 euros. But if these sensors do not change, it will not work the stabilization system of course stability. And if the ABS sensor has failed on the right wheel, it will not work odometer and fuel consumption calculator.

But all of the above problems should not scare, BMW E46 is technically quite complicatedBut but the driving qualities of these cars at the height. If you do not save and not late with the service, then such cars will serve for a very long time.

Prices for BMW Third Series on the secondary market are not falling as fast as the BMW fifth or seventh series. For example, on 5-ku or 7-ki with a large engine, the price drops by 16% per year, and by 3rd by about 12% per year from the initial cost of the car. So, the BMW of the 3rd series is in great demand in the Russian market of used cars. Today, the version with a motor 2.2 and 2.5 liters is asked about 700,000 rubles. Versions with a 4-cylinder engine cost 100,000 rubles cheaper. But 3-ki in the body of a coupe or a convertible, which are very small, stand on 120,000 rubles more expensive.

Generally, 3rd BMW Series in the Body E46 It is considered one of the most reliable models of the BMW brand, most importantly, when buying pay attention to the owner, because the condition of the car depends on the previous owner.

Feelings from BMW 325i

Motor behaves simply wonderful, it seems that the car with such a motor can do everyone at the traffic light. 5-step box Steptronic machine also switches as it should. On the gas pedal, the car reacts quickly, but smooth, without a sharp reaction.

The brakes also cause pleasant sensations from pressing the elastic pedal. Thanks to the eastern package, which is intended for Russian roads, managed to achieve a magnificent smoothness, the suspension smoothes irregularities, and the car rides very gently.

Even in the basic package of BMW 325i, an ASC + T anti-slip system is enabled, which perfectly performs its role. And if you turn off the electronics, then the ice can be perfectly used without harm to the car. BMW is not immediately included in the skid, and when the slip has already begun, it fades itself, if the driver does everything as it should.

It is impossible not to remember the charged versions of the BMW 3rd series of M3 with a motor, the volume of which is 3.2 liters with a power of 343 liters. from. This version appeared in 2000, the appearance is characterized by large front bumper, wider wheeled arches and rear-view mirrors in the form of oval. Initially, even up to 2001 in M3, a SMG-I robot can be installed or a manual box on 6 steps. Then the second generation SMG robot appeared. In terms of reliability, M-ki are the same reliable as the usual BMW 3rd series.

But with M-Koy there are some features in operation, for example, you need to fill special oil: Castrol TWS Motorsport or Castrol Formula RS. Amateurs of aggressive ride, the rear gearbox can be out of order after 15,000,000 km. As for the replacement of spare parts, the original parts on the M3 are 1.5 times more expensive than the usual 3-ku, and in most cases it is necessary to order the parts, and this is a rather long process.

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