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Stopping place for vehicles. Where is parking allowed and prohibited?

Newbie drivers who have successfully passed the theoretical examination on knowledge of road traffic rules (SDA), in practice, experience difficulties in their application. The same problem is often inherent in drivers with solid experience behind them. After all, once the knowledge gained, how to behave on the road, what can be done and what is not, is forgotten over time.

And as a rule, the question "is it possible to park here at all?" does not even flicker in the mind.

Motorists park as if they first got behind the wheel... This creates problems for others, and almost guaranteed to ourselves. But the traffic police are not asleep and the evacuators have not been canceled in the country yet, they are working properly. Therefore, before stopping, it is worth remembering the rules, and then only decide whether it can be done.

What is the difference between stopping and parking?

Based on the traffic rules, if the driver decided to stop the vehicle and stood for less than 5 minutes, then such a maneuver is called a “stop”.

If the driver stopped moving to board - drop passengers or for unloading-loading, then according to traffic rules it is also a stop, but the time of its duration in this case is not regulated.

In other cases, the stop made by the driver will be considered a parking lot!

It follows that there, where parking is prohibited, unload the contents of the trunk for a long time, then load back at the same speed - it will not be considered a violation. The list of points where stopping and parking is prohibited is quite impressive, but every driver should know it. This will save money, time and, of course, nerves.

Moreover, it is not easy to memorize the points of traffic rules, this will not give anything, but to understand what is said in official language.

Stopping prohibited:

  1. At stops dedicated to public transport and taxis.

So the bus not assigned to a specific routeA driver who does not have documents confirming the legality of the mass transportation of people cannot be considered public transport. Therefore, all restrictions apply to it, according to the rules of stopping at a public transport stop.

Even if the bus is full of people, but is not route (watch or service), the driver can stop at bus stops in the same way as ordinary (non-route) transport.

It follows from the traffic rules that the territory in which it is forbidden to stop vehicles, includes the stop itself, indicated by the sign "public transport stop" and a fifteen meter section before and the same section after it.

The border from which measured 15 meters, is determined by a sign warning that this is a bus (trolleybus) or minibus stop. If there is no such sign, the countdown is carried out directly from the applied markings indicating the place where public transport stops.

The fifteen meter zone is also counted in other directions. This means that if the distance to the vehicle parked opposite the bus stop is less than 15 meters, the driver faces a fine and possible evacuation of the vehicle.

Such a zone is highlighted not to make life difficult for drivers ordinary transport. A stop is a place of congestion of people near the roadway, and therefore of increased danger. There is constant traffic here. Buses, trolleybuses, taxis come and go. If every driver who wants to stop for some reason puts his car here, this will create problems.

Bus you will have to make additional maneuversto drive up to the bus stop. A standing car will interfere with people when boarding and disembarking, which can lead to an accident.

Therefore, stopping at a public transport stop is strictly prohibited.

There is one exception, when the stop is done in order to drop off passengers or, conversely, to board them. But what is important is that creating interference with both other vehicles and pedestrians is considered a violation.

  1. It is also prohibited to stop on tram tracks and in the immediate vicinity of them, if this creates an obstacle to the movement of the tram.

It is not worth paying attention to "if", because a tram can appear at any moment, which means that a car standing on the tracks will be a hindrance for it.

Is it possible to park on abandoned tram tracks?

Even if the tram track has long been rusted, stop risking is not worth it. What if at this very moment someone decides to launch a tram along this line?

  1. On railway crossings, in tunnels, on overpasses, bridges, overpasses, and under them.

But there is a significant caveat here. If the road has two lanesgoing in one direction, stopping is permitted without restrictions.

  1. If the vehicle has made a stop, and the remaining distance to the opposite side of the road, or the dividing strip, or the solid marking line is less than three meters, then such a stop is prohibited. Three meters should remain in order to ensure an unobstructed detour.
  2. At the pedestrian crossing, and the five-meter zone, before the markings - "zebras".

Five meters helps to see whole pedestrian crossing... If there was a car in this zone, then part of the crossing would remain invisible, and could lead to tragedy.

You can stop before reaching the crossing five meters.

Except for one case. If the intersection is T-shaped, stopping is allowed opposite the exit from the road, which is considered adjacent. And then only if the main road is divided by a solid marking line or a dividing strip separating the traffic of different directions from each other.

  1. On road sections where visibility is limited:
    • immediately before a dangerous turn;
    • if the road is an uphill, uphill, etc., while visibility is limited and does not exceed 100 meters. That is, you cannot see a moving vehicle rising from the other side of a mountain or hill.

The explanation for the restriction is simple. Taking a sharp turn, or rolling over the top of a steep hill, the driver does not see the continuation of the roadcar parked behind the bend. This could cause a serious accident.

  1. If a vehicle with its dimensions (for example, having a covered body with an awning, or a booth) restricts the view for other drivers.

The car is blocking traffic lights, or road signs.

  1. If the vehicle blocks the entry-exit.

Create a risk of congestion for other road users, or interfere with pedestrian traffic.

  1. On the bike lane.

No parking:

  1. In places where stopping is prohibited. This is logical, if you cannot even stop, then there is no question of parking.
  2. On the carriageway, outside settlements, if the road is "Main", marked with a corresponding sign. On such roads, parking is only allowed on the side of the road.
  3. 3. Closer 50 meters from the railway crossings. The distance of 50 meters, before the crossing, is indicated by appropriate signs.

In addition to the above points, parking is prohibited in places where signs prohibiting stopping, parking or just parking are installed.

The main thing to remember is that if the restrictions of the signs are not explained by the signs, then the sign remains valid until the first intersection. If there are no intersections on the way, then the prohibition remains until the end of the settlement.

It is also important not to forget that if the road sign is on the right side of the road, then it acts precisely on the right, when on the left, then, respectively, on the left. That is, if the road has one-way traffic, and there is a “No parking” sign on the right side, this restriction does not apply to the left side of the road.

Traffic rules also explains

Where and how is it allowed to park vehicles

What types of transport are allowed such parking, and the method of its location, is explained by the signs located under the "Parking" sign. Outside the village, parking is allowed only in specially equipped areas... If there are none, then you can stop for parking only outside the road.

Forced stop in prohibited places

A stop is considered forced if:

  • there was a technical breakdown of the vehicle that could pose a threat to the life of the driver or passengers, and would also pose a potential danger to other vehicles;
  • an obstacle on the road is a potential hazard;
  • the transported cargo can cause a dangerous situation;
  • the driver or passengers have health problems.

In a forced stop, where it is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from there. It should be noted that during a stop, traffic rules prohibit opening the car doorsif it could disturb other road users.

Stopping is a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for a period of up to 5 minutes, as well as for more, if it is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers, or loading or unloading a vehicle.

Parking is intentional stopping of vehicle movement for more than 5 minutes. for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers, or the loading or unloading of a vehicle.

To ensure safe traffic and high traffic capacity, the correct observance of stop and parking regimes is essential.

It is allowed to park vehicles in one row parallel to the carriageway. Two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles without a side trailer, mopeds, bicycles) can be parked in two rows due to their small dimensions.

As an exception, parking at an angle to the edge of the carriageway is permitted in several cases:

1. The road has a local widening of the carriageway.

2. There are special areas on the roads, marked with sign 5.15 (parking place). At such sites, markings may be used to show the boundaries of the parking lot.

3. Sign 5.15 is installed on the road together with sign 7.6.1.-7.6.9. (Way of parking the vehicle.)

Stopping or parking on the sidewalk (partial or full) is allowed only for cars and motorcycles parallel to the carriageway in one row (motorcycles without a side trailer in two rows).

Rules for stopping and parking outside the settlement.
1.Only on the side of the road (high permitted speed, few lanes.)
2.Only on the right side in the direction of traffic. (On the left side of the road, standing cars will pose a great danger, especially at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility. Front parking lights are white, rear parking lights are red, misinform drivers of oncoming vehicles. For long-term parking for rest, overnight or repairs, a vehicle is necessary park on specially designated sites or outside the road, since, especially at night, a car on the side of the road poses a danger to the movement of other vehicles.

On motorways, stopping and parking is allowed outside the road, only at special areas marked with signs 5.15 or 6.11 (resting place). This is an exception due to the high permitted speed, which excludes vehicle detours and provides greater visibility for drivers.

Stopping and parking rules in the village

As an exception, stopping and parking in a settlement is also permitted on the left side of the road in two cases:
1. On roads with two-way traffic, with one lane in each direction, in the absence of tram tracks in the middle. (Excluding turns, which in such sections can lead to the creation of emergency situations).
2. On one-way roads. (Lack of oncoming cars).

The driver who has stopped or parked must remember that his car must not interfere with the movement of other vehicles and block the visibility of the traffic situation.

Stopping and parking is prohibited:
1. On tram lines and in the immediate vicinity. The tram has limited maneuverability, which will prevent it from further movement.
2. At level crossings. Stopping is fraught with danger.
3. In tunnels, on overpasses, bridges, overpasses and under them (if traffic in one direction has less than 3 lanes). On such sections, the carriageway is narrow, sidewalks and roadsides may be absent. There is insufficient visibility in the tunnels. All this can lead to congestion or an emergency.

4. In places where the distance between the solid marking line and the stopped vehicle is less than 3 meters. A solid marking line is drawn on sections of the road where it is dangerous to enter the oncoming lane. In this case, the driver driving in the same direction is forced to break the rules by crossing the solid marking line.

5. At pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 meters in front of them. A pedestrian crossing is primarily intended for pedestrian traffic and must be clearly visible by the driver in order to avoid hitting a pedestrian.

6. On the carriageway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road (ups and downs) when the visibility of the road is less than 100 meters in at least one direction.

7. At the intersection of carriageways and closer than 5 m from them, with the exception of the side opposite to the side passage of three-way intersections / intersections that have a solid marking line or a dividing strip. Stopping at an intersection can disorganize uninterrupted traffic on it. In this case, congestion is inevitable. A vehicle that stops closer than 5 meters to the intersection will close traffic lights and road signs, and will close the visibility of the intersection.

As an exception, stopping is permitted in front of the side passage of three-way intersections that have a continuous marking strip or a dividing strip. In this case, turning to the left is prohibited and the stopped vehicle does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles.

8. Closer than 15 m from the places of stops of route vehicles or taxis, and in their absence - from the stop indicator, if this interferes with their movement (except for a stop for picking up and disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with the movement of route vehicles). A stop closer than 15 m will interfere with shuttle buses, trolleybuses, as well as taxis arriving or leaving from the designated route stops.
9.In places where a vehicle will block traffic signals, road signs from other drivers, or make it impossible for other vehicles to move (enter or exit) or interfere with the movement of pedestrians.

No parking:
Closer than 50 m from railway crossings and outside settlements on the carriageway of roads marked with sign 2.1 "main road".

A vehicle standing near railway crossings forces other drivers to go into the oncoming lane to detour. This can lead to congestion and accidents.

By opening the car door during a stop, the driver must make sure that this action is safe. An open door should not interfere with the movement of other vehicles and pedestrians.

The driver can leave his seat or leave the vehicle, if he has taken the necessary measures to exclude the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver. To do this, use the parking brake, turn on the gear, unscrew the front wheels and rest them against the curb, place anti-roll shoes or other objects under the wheels. Leaving the car unattended, it is necessary to raise the windows, close all the doors with a key, turn on the anti-theft device or the security alarm.

Hello friends! A recent curiosity on the road made not only me, but all other drivers speechless and stared at what was happening in a daze.

On a rather busy section of the road, one of the cars suddenly stopped, and passengers started getting out of it - a woman with a baby carriage, an elderly grandmother, a boy ...

I don’t know what exactly happened and why the urge to urgently leave the car, but for such tricks, in fact, a serious fine is due.

I'm not even saying that such an act seriously threatens the health of both the "risky guys" and the passing motorists.

Remembering this incident, I, Evgeny Borisov, propose a new topic for conversation - where and when stopping and parking are prohibited. Are there any exceptions? What if "desperately needed"? Amount of fines?

We pass by!

If you look through the brochure with traffic rules, then it is easy to notice that paragraph 12-4, listing the places where stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited, is large enough, so I will not pull the cat by the tail. Let's get started!

Prohibitory signs

Apart from the cases that I list below, there are separate signs. And this is where the confusion begins. Parking under the stop sign is prohibited? Sure!

After all, before you park the car, you must stop. But the sign prohibiting parking does not mean at all that it is impossible to slow down in this place.

On a note! Let's not forget about even-odd days, when you cannot leave a car under the sign: one white stick - you cannot park a car on odd, two - on even.

The action of the signs begins from the place of their placement to the nearest intersection / settlement. The sign works only on the side of the road on which it is installed.

In addition, the end of the prohibition can be indicated by duplicate signs:

  • a short arrow indicating the number of meters during which the sign works;
  • long arrow;
  • or a special sign indicating the end of the zone of any restrictions.

    Tram rails

The rules say that you cannot stop if the car becomes an obstacle for others - cars, trains, etc.

It's clear. And if the railway line is abandoned?

Even if every day passing by you have never seen a train rushing along it, this does not mean that the rules are canceled - you still cannot stop on such tracks.

Another situation is also possible. Ahead - a traffic jam, behind - indignant drivers honking. The only way to slightly move forward is to get onto the railway tracks.

You can't do that! You should wait until after the rails there is room for your car, and only then cross the tracks.

Tunnels, bridges, overpasses, overpasses

It is also impossible to stop at these structures if the road has one or two lanes for traffic (on wider ones, it is permissible). Not sure if you know what is the difference between an overpass and a bridge?

The bridge is built over a body of water, and an overpass is built over any non-water obstacle. The overpass is part of the overpass, but everything is clear with the tunnel.

Narrow road with and without markings

If you want to park at the side of a narrow road, then you can do this only if the distance from the car to the solid carriageway in the center or to the opposite side of the road is at least 3 meters.

This width is needed so that other cars can go around the obstacle in the form of your "swallow".


It is prohibited to stop in the zone of the "Pedestrian crossing" sign:

  • directly on the "zebra";
  • closer than 5 meters to it.

That is, if you see a pedestrian crossing in front of you, then you pass and 5 meters after it you can already park. These rules are spelled out so that your car does not turn a pedestrian into an invisible person for other motorists.

Zero visibility

You cannot stop in the middle of the carriageway if:

  • saw signs 1-11-1 or 1-11-2, which warn of a dangerous turn;
  • leaving the lowland;
  • the road is visible for less than a hundred meters.

On a note! A short respite on the sidelines in such conditions will not be a crime.

Crossroads / adjacent areas

It is absolutely impossible to stop at the crossroads. Moreover, parking closer than 5 meters to them is also prohibited.

An exception is the shoulder opposite the side driveway of a 3-way intersection with a solid line.

Do yard exits fall under this rule? No. But in order not to become a hindrance to those who rush to go home for lunch or come back tired from work, it is better to park the car also 5 meters before the turn.

City transport stop

It is allowed to brake 15 meters before special markings that outline the boundaries of the stop.

We are talking not only about trolleybuses, buses and minibuses, but also about taxis. If there are no markings, then the footage is measured from the corresponding sign.

An exception is a short stop so that passengers can get out or get into the car, provided that there will be no inconvenience for drivers and pedestrians.

Important! 15 meters are measured not only by traffic, therefore it is prohibited to park on a narrow road on the other side of the stop.

Concluding the conversation about where you can not brake, let me remind you that if a car obstructs a traffic light, a permanent or temporary road sign, an exit-entry, or, in principle, prevents people from passing or driving, not only a stream of curses will fall on its owner's head, but also a fine will be issued ...

It is clear that parking problems force you to use any more or less free space, but do not choose the bike path for this, which is indicated by signs 4-4-1 and 8-14.

This is also subject to a fine. As well as for a stop / parking in a disabled parking lot.

Where is parking prohibited?

A little discouraged by questions like "Is parking under the sign" No Stopping "allowed?"

Those looking for answers should call on logic to help - if you can't stop, then how can you leave a car in this place?

In my opinion, it is quite natural that no. For those who have learned the rules well, it is clear that in all cases where stopping is prohibited, parking is also not allowed (paragraph 12-5).

Important! If you are driving outside the city along the main road (sign 2-1), then you can stop only after leaving the road.

Is it possible to leave the car at a certain distance from the railway crossing? Closer than 50 km - it is impossible, in other cases the permissible distance is set by the sign:

  • 50 meters - signs 1-1, 1-2, 1-4-3, 1-4-6;
  • from 50 to 100 meters - 1-1, 1-2, 1-4-2, 1-4-5;
  • more than 100 meters - 1-1, 1-2, 1-4.1, 1-4-4.

Violators - a fine!

Violating the rules of stopping and parking, you can get both a warning and a serious fine of 5 thousand rubles. (for parking on the site for cars of people with disabilities). Sums in other cases for example:

  • stopped at a pedestrian crossing or stop markings - pay a thousand;
  • left and stood on the railway tracks - one and a half;
  • stood in the middle of the roadway - two.

We decided to take a break under a prohibitory sign, keep a receipt for fifteen hundred, and if you committed such an offense in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the amount doubles.

I am sure that after studying the topic, you have no questions left with the rules of stopping and parking. Share your stories in the comments.

Tell us how things are going with parking spaces in your yard. For reposting the article on the social network - a huge gratitude from the author. Good luck to everyone on the road!

Stopping and parking are very important in traffic rules. Indeed, in the modern world there are more than enough violations of this kind, especially in megacities and big cities, when it is necessary to park a car, but there is nowhere to put it. And in order to avoid such mistakes, it is important to know the rules of the road.

Traffic rule number one

Let's start with generally accepted norms. First, you need to tell about where it is allowed to stop, and where is parking (parking). The traffic rules say that the driver can stop or park the vehicle on the right side of the road, and just drove to the side of the road... If there is no shoulder, then it is allowed to park the vehicle at the edge of the carriageway. And what about the left side? Is it generally forbidden to stop there? Permitted, but only in localities:

  • Cities
  • Selah,
  • On roads where there is only one lane for traffic in different directions,
  • In the absence of tram lines in the center of the road.

It is also not prohibited to stop on the left on a one-way road... This action is prohibited only for trucks weighing more than 3500 kilograms. Except for short-term loading or, conversely, for unloading. Now you know where to park and where not. But there are other features as well.

Features and exceptions

In addition, the traffic rules contain some explanations regarding this rule. So, it was mentioned that a truck is allowed to stop on the left side of the roadway, but only for the purpose of loading the car or, conversely, unloading it. This is possible, but only if this place is marked with a special sign "Beginning of the settlement".

This sign looks like a plate where the name of the settlement is written in black letters on a white background. But even then, you can not stop in all cases. On the left, it is allowed to stop only on a two-lane two-way road. And if the middle part of the roadway is not divided by continuous markings. In general, all this must be taken into account and be extremely careful so as not to create accidents, and not to be fined.

Rule number two

The next provision, which relates to the topic of stopping and parking (parking) in the traffic rules, states that the car can only be parked in one row, while it must be parallel to the edge of the carriageway... But there are exceptions. And these are just those situations when the driver has no opportunity to put the car in a different way. Also, if you need to park your bike, motorcycle or moped, you can do it in two rows. This rule is explained, of course, by rather small dimensions.

It is also allowed to park the car at the very edge of the sidewalk, located on the border directly with the carriageway. But it is allowed to do this by drivers of cars and two-wheeled vehicles. And in this place there must be a special sign - this is sign 6.4 and, without fail, sign 8.6.2 or another similar sign.

It is worth paying attention to one nuance: the traffic rules state that if a carriageway separates the lawn from the sidewalk, then it is strictly forbidden to put transport there. Such cases are very common, because at the moment this is already being discussed. Vehicles cannot be parked on such sidewalks.


Another point that should also be mentioned is rest. For this purpose, both parking and stopping are also provided. The traffic rules indicate that there are special sites for these purposes. This is actually the case. If the driver is tired and feels that he needs to warm up a little, or maybe even needs a long rest, then you need to find a permitting sign as soon as possible, which is a sign with a Christmas tree and a bench.

If such signs did not come across on the way and, most likely, are not foreseen, then you just need move off the road and stop - you can do that too. The main principle is that the vehicle should not interfere with other road users.


As mentioned above, stopping and parking of cars is not allowed everywhere. It is forbidden to do it on tram lines, and next to them, since, in this way, you will interfere with trams, therefore, you will be fined. At a railway crossing and 50 meters from them, this also cannot be done, since this maneuver can be life-threatening. Overpasses, overpasses, tunnels, and bridges are also not subject to parking and short-term parking. In addition, these actions are prohibited on a too narrow road. To do this, there must be at least three free meters between the car and the edge of the carriageway. For all these violations, the driver will be fined.

Bus stops and crossings

Pedestrian crossings, of course, are not meant to be stops. You can park, but no closer than five meters away from it. If there is any stop near your chosen stop dangerous turn, it is also prohibited to park the car there.

Crossings of roadways are also not intended for this, as well as stops for minibuses. Must be at least 15 meters from the parking area to the intersection. Otherwise, the vehicle will interfere with buses and trolleybus when approaching the bus stop. And, finally, it is forbidden to park a car where it will block any established road sign or, which may be even worse, traffic. All this threatens with impressive fines. Therefore, it is very important to know what the traffic rules prescribe.

Penalty for incorrect parking of the vehicle

So, where stopping and parking is prohibited. Stopping and parking of vehicles is strictly regulated. And if during a stop the driver is not far from the parked vehicle, then in the second case, as a rule, he leaves. And, leaving the car parked in the wrong place, you can, upon returning, notice that the car is no longer there. And she was not hijacked. She was simply taken away by a tow truck. And this, in turn, to the driver promises the following problems:

  • Firstly, you will have to drive behind your car, which means that you will waste a lot of time, which obviously was not part of your plans, especially when time is running out,
  • Secondly, paying a fine and not wasting time. Therefore, it is better to show maximum attention and spend ten minutes looking for an unauthorized parking place so that you do not face problems and other troubles in the future.

Where you can't park

The rules for stopping and parking establish the following rules: it is prohibited for a long time (which is considered to be an interval of 5 minutes or more for cars) to park the vehicle outside the settlement on the carriageway, indicated by the sign “Main road” in the form of a yellow diamond in a white frame, 2.1. And closer than fifty meters from the rails. That is, a parking lot is a stopping of the car intentionally by the driver.

If he needs park for 5 minutesthen it is a stop. Parking, you see, takes much longer. But, if the stop is connected with the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading of cargo dragged on for a longer time, then there is nothing to worry about, therefore, you can stand.

Markup and signs

The traffic rules contain another important topic - these are markings and signs prohibiting parking for private cars. Stopping and parking is prohibited on those sections of the roadway on which yellow zigzag markings are applied. In such places it is possible to park only taxis with the included taximeter and route means. For crossing a solid line for parking, the driver faces fine of 500 rubles.

You can often see a duplicate road sign in parking spaces. For example, a pointer in the form of a sign “Place for the disabled”. If the driver ignores this sign and leaves his car where parking and stopping are prohibited, he will face a penalty in the form of a fine of 5 thousand rubles.

Marking 1.4, which is a straight yellow line, is a sign prohibiting any vehicle from stopping. The dashed line of the same color prevents the car from being parked. Therefore, parking there is prohibited. If the driver violates this rule, then he faces a fine one and a half thousand rubles... Therefore, it is best to learn in which places you can stop or park, and in which not.

Special situations

There are situations when the driver of the vehicle needs to stop urgently, as he was forced by the circumstances. In this case, he must take all necessary measures to remove the car from the area where stopping and parking is prohibited. The action of the sign, if there is one, does not cancel the emergency, and this must be understood. Of course, anything can happen, so in order not to confuse other drivers, you must immediately turn on the warning sign and put a “triangle”. In settlements, this is done at a distance of 15 meters... Outside the city - at least 30 meters.

When is parking and stopping prohibited?

Rule 12.7 stipulates that, even when completely stopped, you must not open the doors in the car if this in any way could interfere with other persons involved in road traffic. And this applies not only to the driver. Passengers must also comply with this regulation. Otherwise, all responsibility rests with the driver... Therefore, before leaving the car, the passenger must notify the driver. And only after his permission to leave.

First of all, this is important for taxi drivers and minibus drivers. Or rather, for their passengers. Often there are times when the driver has not yet had time to stop, but only slowed down due to which there was a traffic jam. In this case, he is obliged to let other cars pass, etc., while the passenger, meanwhile, is already starting to get out of the car. For this, a fine is imposed on the driver.

Rules of behavior for the driver while the vehicle is parked

Clause 12.8 prescription states that the driver should not leave the vehicle without taking appropriate safety measures. That is, he must ensure the car is completely stationary. Apply the handbrake, switch off, remove the keys and lock the doors. This must be done even if you park for a short time.

  • Firstly, the above actions are in the interests of every driver, in order to protect him from theft, since in our time it is not difficult to steal someone else's car.
  • Secondly, there is a chance to get a fine if you accidentally forgot to put the car on the brake. The car will go backwards and accidentally crash into a vehicle that gets in its way.

Therefore, be attentive to the study of traffic rules, and, of course, do not break them.

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