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Rules for stopping or parking vehicles. Stopping and parking according to traffic rules: what is the difference between two road signs? Parking near traffic lights

Traffic rules (hereinafter - SDA) clearly describe where the zone of action of the "Stop is prohibited" sign begins and ends, in which case the motorist can be fined and even evacuated the car. You can learn more about this in Appendix No. 1 to the traffic rules (hereinafter referred to as the Appendix). In addition, information about signs regulating the movement of vehicles, and, in particular, about signs "Stopping and parking is prohibited" is also in GOST R 52289-2004 (hereinafter - GOST).

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you should understand how the pointer number 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited" operates in 2019, as well as what to do if there is an additional sign next to it, or a time restriction.

Ordinary people often do not make a distinction between these two designations, although it is. The prohibiting indicator 3.27 is made in the form of a blue circle, bordered by a red frame, crossed out with two crosswise stripes. This means that stopping in the area of \u200b\u200bthis sign is prohibited.

Pointer 3.28 “No parking” is similar to the previous one: a blue circle is crossed diagonally by one line. It prohibits parking for an extended period of time.

According to traffic rules, parking means leaving a car parked for a period of time exceeding 5 minutes. Is it possible for the driver to drop off the passenger near the No Stopping Sign? No. But if the driver needs to disembark a passenger, he can do so in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe blue circle at number 3.28, and this will not be a violation. Also, the car can stop to seat a passenger, unload or load cargo.

Where is the "No parking" sign installed?

Long-term parking is prohibited on the following sections of the road:

  • where a parked car can obstruct the passage of other cars;
  • in places where a car standing on the side of the road reduces traffic safety in this area;
  • in areas where a parked car can provoke traffic violations by other road users.

How to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe ban?

The zone where the "circle" 3.27 is in effect is determined by the Appendix and GOST. The territory along the road in which the prohibition is in force is limited by the intersection in the direction of travel closest to the place where the prohibiting symbol is installed, or by the border of the settlement (both at the entrance and at the exit). Also, the sign "Stopping is prohibited" can be terminated by a sign next to it indicating the direction of its action and the length of the road along which it is prohibited to stop and park. If there is a cancellation sign further in the direction of travel, it should be considered that the area of \u200b\u200bthe pointer has ended.

How does the prohibition work in combination with signs?

Depending on which sign is under the sign "Stopping prohibited", which sign follows it further in the direction of movement, the area of \u200b\u200bits action may change:

  • if after 3.27 there is the same blue circle, but with a plate numbered 8.2.3 (arrow down), then the prohibition is valid until this indicator;
  • if the “No parking” sign is installed together with the plate number 8.2.2 (arrow up), and the distance is marked next to the arrow on the plate, then the zone where the prescription must be observed will be extended to this distance. You can measure it by eye or by a navigator, but, as a rule, after the specified number of meters, the same road sign appears with a plate numbered 8.2.3 (see information above);
  • if the graphic designation “stopping and parking is prohibited” is adjacent to plate 8.2.4, on which the arrow points both up and down, then its effect extends to the road, both after the installation site and before it. Often such a prohibition is placed where it is impossible to stop on a large section of the track. This is how the driver is reminded that the ban is still valid.

Also, the prohibition can be supplemented with a sign showing one of the categories of vehicles. For example, if a truck is depicted next to a blue circle, this means that it is cargo transport that is prohibited from getting into the parking lot.

Limiting the period of the ban on time

Signs 3.27 and 3.28 may not be valid all the time, but only on certain days or hours. For example, a blue circle prohibiting parking with a white Roman numeral “1” crossed out with a line means that parking is prohibited only on odd days of the month (3.29). And the crossed-out two sticks on a blue background (3.30), on the contrary, indicate that you cannot park on even days.

Parking or stopping is also prohibited during the day or at night. As a rule, the restriction is in effect during the day, but at night you can ignore the sign. This is evidenced by a plate under it, indicating the time interval during which the ban is valid. So, if under the circle on the plate says "8: 00-20: 00", this means that you cannot leave a car here from eight in the morning until eight in the evening.

“No stop” in combination with markings

The sign can be combined not only with supplementary signs, but also with road markings. For instance. With line 1.4, a solid yellow line, analogous to a single solid line, with the only difference that it is located not in the center of the road, but at the side of the road.

If after the sign numbered 3.27 there is a solid yellow stripe on the side of the road, then the sign will be valid until its end.

"Stopping prohibited" in combination with other signs

To inform the driver about the termination of the prohibition, they use not only the sign "Stopping prohibited" with an arrow pointing down, but also a sign informing that all restrictions have been lifted (3.31).

If there are no other signs and plates

If there is no sign or road markings next to the sign, then the prescription applies until the first intersection with another street and road. Of course, exits to courtyards and paths do not count. In order not to doubt whether the intersection has canceled the sign, or it is still impossible to stop, it is worth referring to the traffic rules, where the moment is clearly spelled out.

The text of the Appendix says that the action of the stop prohibition sign cannot be canceled:

  • exits from adjacent territories;
  • intersections with roads leading to fields or forests;
  • any intersections with secondary roads that do not have a primary road sign in front of them.

The ban is canceled when the motorist leaves the city or other settlement where the ban is established, or enters the settlement after having passed the prohibiting sign. If both an intersection and a settlement meet on the way, then the action of the prohibition cancels what the driver reaches earlier.

How to understand that a settlement has begun or ended

The fact that the village or city is already behind is evidenced not by the impression of the driver, but by the road signs. Even if the last houses have already disappeared over the horizon, this does not mean that you can leave your car here. Likewise, the driver should not be embarrassed by shopping centers and pedestrians if he has passed a sign informing that he has left the village.

The beginning of a settlement is indicated by a road sign with its name on a white rectangle. There may be silhouettes of houses next to the name. Exit from the settlement is indicated in the same way, only its name will be crossed out.

Important: you should carefully follow the signs on the road. Often, immediately after leaving the village or city, there is another road sign "No parking" and, despite the cancellation of the previous one, it will still not be possible to park.

What if the ban area extends beyond the intersection?

What to do if there is an intersection ahead, and there are no signs or other signs next to the sign "Stopping prohibited" is clear. It is also clear how to proceed if the pointer is available. But what to do in a situation when there is an intersection ahead with a "main road" sign, but the arrow next to the stop prohibition makes it clear that its area of \u200b\u200baction extends beyond the intersection.

Traffic rules do not give any clear instructions regarding this situation. The answer to the question can be found in the text of GOST, paragraph 5.9. The area of \u200b\u200bthe prohibition, which is indicated on the plate, should not be larger than that established for these signs by paragraph 5.4.31. This paragraph provides the same information as in the text above:

The zone of validity of the sign ends after the first intersection, entry or exit from the settlement.

Accordingly, if there is a sign in front of the driver and an intersection or an exit from a settlement, which cause conflicting interpretations of the prohibition, you need to focus on paragraph GOST 5.4.31 and follow the instructions of the sign before the intersection, exit or entrance to the settlement.

The amount of the fine for violation of the ban on stopping and parking

If the driver decides to stop where the ban is in force, then he can be fined 1,500 rubles if the violation occurred in one of the regions of Russia, or 3,000 rubles if the situation occurred in Moscow or on the territory of St. Petersburg. The amount of the fine is established by Part 4 and Part 5 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

When can a fine be avoided?

You can avoid punishment for unauthorized parking if it was forced. For example, the driver stopped due to a technical malfunction of the vehicle, or as a result of an accident. Being on the side of the road due to a sharp deterioration in the driver's well-being is not subject to a fine.

But, even if there is a good reason for an unauthorized stop, you should repark the car at the first opportunity, and also turn on the alarm.

Can an auto-fix camera register a violation?

A video-recording camera can, among other things, take pictures of an incorrectly parked car, and then send a "letter of happiness" to its owner. It should be noted that more often the fixation of this violation is performed not by stationary cameras, but by moving traffic police cars equipped with video equipment. Photo-fixation cannot serve as evidence of a violation, since it is impossible to determine from the photo whether the car is moving or is standing still.

Can the amount of the fine be reduced?

If the fact of leaving the vehicle in the wrong place was recorded, then punishment cannot be avoided. However, as with other traffic violations, you can save half the fine if you pay it within 20 days after the order was issued.

Can a vehicle parked in a prohibited area be evacuated?

It is important not only to drive correctly, but also to stand - for this you need to know the parking rules.

Sign 6.4

Stopping and parking of cars should be done on the right, on the side of the road, if there is no such thing - on the carriageway. For this, yellow markings are applied.

The left shoulder is used if:

  • two-lane road (one lane per direction)
  • tram rails are not laid
  • one way.

There are restrictions for trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons, on the left they can unload and make a short stop.

Occupying the sidewalk is only permitted in accordance with the permits listed in 12.2. You can park for this item:

  • in one row, strictly along the edge of the carriageway
  • mopeds, other two-wheeled vehicles can be put in two (if there is no side carriage)
  • the sidewalk can be used if there is sign 6.4 and additional signs 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9, 8.4.7, which indicate the permissible way of staging the car (only passenger cars and two-wheeled vehicles)

How to park your vehicle should be determined by the signs that are used to regulate the driver's actions:

  • 6.4 + markup
  • 6.4 and 8.6.1-8.6.9 + marking (with this combination, setting at an angle is possible).

Long-term parking, for example, for an overnight stay, is only permitted in special areas (12.3).

You can park far from everywhere (12.4), the list of which is prohibited:

  • rails (these include proximity to them that can interfere with movement)
  • railway crossings
  • overpasses, bridges, overpasses, viaducts and under them *
  • sections of the road where the width of the direction is less than 3 meters (the lines that indicate the edge of the carriageway do not count)
  • at the pedestrian crossing (not less than 5 meters away); at the same time, you can not get up in front of him, so as not to obstruct the view for drivers, but you can behind him
  • near turns, bends in the road, which make it impossible to see 100 meters in any direction
  • at intersections (except for T-shaped intersections with a solid line)
  • lane for cycling
  • close to stops of minibuses or passenger taxis (15 meters); there may be a markup, if not, navigate by the stop.

In addition, you must not obstruct the visibility of anyone and do not interfere with anyone.

For a high-quality assimilation of traffic rules, you should understand in terms of:

  • bridge - a structure that provides traffic over a water obstacle
  • the overpass is actually a bridge, but it is being erected over other roads, ravines, and other obstacles (except water)
  • overpass - a complex of spans on supports, which are built for the purpose of bypassing or crossing areas where it is impossible to build a road on the surface, or traffic flows.

An overpass and a viaduct are types of overpasses that can be used in various combinations.

12.5 paragraph "Rules of the Road" continues the theme of prohibitions and indicates that you must not park the car:

  • in the above places, as well as where there is a prohibition sign
  • on a road where it is indicated that this is the main road
  • closer than 50 m from railway crossings - to exclude obstacles for full visibility to train drivers.

If the driver had for objective reasons to stop the car in places where this cannot be done, he should try to drive away from them as quickly as possible (12.6).

Before leaving the car, make sure that the door being opened will not interfere with movement (12.7). Before leaving your car, you should make sure that all measures have been taken to park it safely: the brake is on, the ignition keys are removed, etc.

The rules for evacuating a car to a parking lot for improper parking provide for substantial fines (from 500 to 2000 thousand rubles). The driver will have to pay for driving the car himself - up to 7 thousand rubles. If the car is category D, then the violation will cost 25-27 thousand. This is if the owner took it immediately, otherwise the daily cost of staying in the parking lot will be added to the payment.

Video lesson: Stopping and parking according to traffic rules

Amendments to the rules on privileged parking

Discount parking is provided for disabled people, however, to use them, you must present a certificate of disability (it is shown by the disabled driver himself or by a person accompanying him). A special sign must be attached to the machine. These are the rules (2.1 SDA), adopted in February 2016.

Mandatory disability document - a measure taken to reduce the number of people willing to park for free. But it does not completely solve the problem - for example, if a citizen took a disabled person to the station, from where he left, of course, with his documents. How can a person now be able to prove that his car parked in a privileged parking lot is legally parked?

In any case, according to the new rules, the sign and the benefits arising from it can be used only if the disabled person drives the car himself or is next to the driver and is ready to present a document confirming the right to the benefit.

A car that unreasonably occupies a place in a parking lot for disabled people can be evacuated to an impoundment parking lot, and the owner is fined for violating the rules for stopping and parking (5000 thousand rubles)

Apartment owners have the right to improve their yard, and a properly organized parking space is included in this concept. To set up a site on the adjacent territory of an apartment building, it is necessary to draw up an application, under which there will be at least 2/3 of the signatures of the total number of owners. Compliance with its sanitary standards is indicated in the SES Regulation, which provides all the necessary criteria to preserve the normal ecology of the surrounding space.

The main instruction of the traffic rules on yard parking is to prohibit a long stay of a car with a running engine in the courtyard of a residential building (more than 5 minutes). Violation of this clause costs 1,500 rubles.

How much does it cost to deliver a car in Moscow

Parking on the territory of the capital is regulated by Resolution No. 289. Paid areas have been introduced in Moscow, which simultaneously solve the problem of parking and the safety of the vehicle. Free places have also been preserved - in some areas, in addition, discounted areas for disabled people have appeared.

Parking rules in Moscow on weekends have not changed - it is carried out in the same way as on weekdays. The only difference is in the cost of staging the car, on weekends the price is slightly lower. This applies to the central areas of the capital and sleeping areas.

Parking correctly is a separate category of driver's skill, and this art is not immediately mastered. However, even with little experience, you should know the basic methods of parking cars - this is not in the Rules, but you need to know this.

A car in a parking lot must always be parallel to the roadway, unless there are markings that allow a different arrangement. This also applies to parking areas, the so-called "pockets". The arrangement of cars is carried out according to the signs and markings, in the absence of them - as compact as possible so that there is space not only for parking other cars, but also for leaving the site. The car must always stand so as not to interfere with anyone - this is a principle that must be followed.

If parking space is limited, you should leave your mobile number on the windshield to get out and take your car if someone needs to leave.

Parking problems arise most often because novice drivers do not feel the size of their car and cannot calculate their relationship with free space.

A mistake, which is also quite common, is orientation when parking backwards only using mirrors. By turning your head, you can see more. It is also important to know exactly the turning radius of your car, here the owners of cars with all-wheel drive will have an advantage, since it is minimal. If possible, it is better for a novice driver to install a parking sensor - it will signal the distance to the obstacle.

In order not to reward your parking neighbors and yourself with a crumpled bumper, you need to try to take enough time to master the basic parking methods. You can park:

  • parallel
  • reverse and forward
  • perpendicular
  • diagonally.

Practicing the setting of a car according to the rules of parallel parking in a confined space is the most difficult option, especially for beginners, but after mastering it, parking will become a simple routine and will not be a problem in almost any conditions.


There are three big tasks to solve before parking:

  • evaluate the available space and dimensions of the car, as well as your level of skill in this part of the driving skill
  • remember traffic rules and check if it is really possible to park the car here
  • if parking is allowed, park the car as much as possible according to the rules and so that it does not interfere with other cars
  • when using reverse, it is better to turn on the emergency light so that other drivers know that a dangerous maneuver is being performed.

The basic rule is that you can park wherever permitted and not prohibited.

To designate places where parking and stopping of cars is allowed or, conversely, they are tabooed, the Rules provide for special corresponding signs that can be installed separately or together with explanatory plates and inscriptions indicating the zone and duration of these signs. For the same purposes, yellow road markings are also intended in the form of continuous and intermittent stripes applied from the right edge of the roadway or curbs. In addition, it is important to remember that the Rules establish a certain list of such zones where stopping and parking is prohibited, regardless of the presence or absence of appropriate markings or signs (see clause 12.4 of the Rules).

Stopping and parking are prohibited

  • Tram lines, level crossings and places immediately adjacent to them.
  • One or two lane overpasses and bridges. On wider bridges with more than two passing lanes, a stop is allowed, since it does not interfere with traffic.
  • Tunnels and places located under bridges and overpasses. This is connected with minimizing the consequences of road accidents associated with falling vehicles from bridges and overpasses. If there is a specially equipped area under the flyover with an installed parking sign, then parking in this place is allowed.
  • Narrow roads, where the gap between the standing car and the edge of the road or its solid line remains less than 3 meters. In this case, it is difficult to bypass the standing transport or this will require crossing the dividing line, which is prohibited by the Rules.
  • Distances closer than 5 m to the edge of the pedestrian crossing and the marked area of \u200b\u200bthe pedestrian crossing. The pedestrian crossing zone is marked with wide longitudinal stripes or narrow transverse discontinuous stripes crossing the road perpendicularly or at a slight angle.
  • Intersections and the area of \u200b\u200bintersection of roads, as well as the adjacent territory at a distance of up to 5 m in all directions from the border of the intersection.

Stopping and parking are allowed after 15 meters from the marking or sign

  • Public transport stops and the territory of the entrance and exit within 15 m from the beginning and end of the stop. Route public transport stops are indicated by special information signs or yellow broken road markings. If there is a markup, it starts and ends at its borders. Taxi stands, marked with a corresponding sign (see sign 5.18), also refer to those territories where it is prohibited to park for other means of transport.

  • A designated lane or cycle lane. Such stripes are indicated by appropriate information signs (see signs 4.4; 5.14) or markings in the form of the letter A.
  • Any section of the carriageway, from where the visibility of the road in one of the directions is less than 100 m. The limited visibility of the road may be due to its turns or inclines.
  • Any section of the carriageway, from where a parked vehicle obstructs the visibility of signs or traffic lights to other road users.
  • Any section of the carriageway, where a parked car creates an insurmountable obstacle to pedestrians and vehicles, interferes with the entry and exit of other vehicles.
  • The expressway has special stops for stopping, located outside the carriageway and marked with a parking sign. You cannot stop on the motorway itself. In case of forced stops due to malfunction or lack of fuel, it is recommended to move the car to the side of the road and install an emergency sign (turn on the alarm).

According to the Rules (clause 12.5), only parking is prohibited in the following two additional cases, but stopping is allowed:

  • on the carriageway of intercity highways with an intensive flow of cars, designated as the main road and without shoulders. Such a route can be considered as a motorway, only with a reduced speed;
  • less than 50 m from the railway crossing. This requirement is due to the need to ensure good visibility of the approaching train at the crossing. Thus, only parking is prohibited near a railway crossing (50 meters), and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crossing (5 meters), both stopping and parking are prohibited.

Video: Stopping and parking 2016

How to correctly interpret the rules of stopping and parking

While memorizing the provisions established by the Rules and areas where stopping and parking is prohibited, it is important to be able to correctly interpret these provisions and understand the reasons for these restrictions. So, let's look at what the accepted rules of stopping and parking are dictated by:
1. You cannot stop at a pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 m in front of a pedestrian crossing, but you can stand right behind it. This limitation of the distance is caused by the fact that closely located vehicles obscure the view for other drivers, who will find it difficult to notice people in the pedestrian crossing zone in time. Pedestrians will also not be able to timely see the approaching traffic in the next lane. You cannot stand at the pedestrian crossing itself, because the vehicle will obstruct pedestrian traffic.

2. stop at the intersections of streets and roads and in the adjacent areas (within 5 m). The requirement is understandable, because the intersection is one of the most dangerous and tense sections of the road in terms of traffic intensity and safety, and a car standing in this place will certainly create an obstacle to the moving stream of cars.
3. At a one-way intersection (T-shaped), it is allowed to stop vehicles opposite the adjacent road in situations when:

In this case, stopping at a one-way intersection (T-shaped) is allowed

  • separates the traffic lane of the through street on which the car is parked. It prevents vehicles moving in this lane from turning onto an adjacent road. In this case, they will bend around the standing car, as in all other sections of the street;
  • the distance from the parked car to the solid line of dividing the lanes is more than 3 m, which allows bypassing cars, without crossing the dividing line, to go around it without compromising traffic safety.

In this case, parking at the T-junction will be prohibited.

When at such an intersection there is no continuous dividing markings or it turns into a dashed line, the Rules prohibit stopping cars in the intersection area, as they will create an obstacle to cars leaving the adjacent road and making a U-turn or turn to the left. If, moreover, intersecting roads are narrow, standing vehicles can completely block through traffic and lead to congestion.

4. At taxi stands and bus stops, according to the Rules, all vehicles are allowed to make a short stop in order to drop off or pick up a passenger in situations when this does not interfere with taxi drivers and public transport. For example, when a bus or trolleybus is not standing at the bus stop and is not arriving.

5. A moving tram requires special attention from the driver. The tram line may be adjacent to the road and parking on the side of the tram line can interfere with the movement of the tram. When a tram stops, the next cars to the right of it should also stop to let passengers get off and on the tram.

6. The rules for stopping and parking where there is insufficient visibility of the road presuppose their prohibition only within the carriageway, because Bypassing traffic in such cases, due to the limited visibility of the oncoming lane, has an increased risk of collision with a car that suddenly jumped out because of a turn. In the case when the car is parked on such a site completely on the side of the road and does not in any way affect the trajectory of traffic on its carriageway, this is not a violation of the Rules.

Quite a common violation is parking a car on an island formed between the guide lines of two merging roads. This is prohibited by the Rules, because parked vehicles limit the view of the main road to drivers leaving the secondary road. At the same time, where there are no such conditions that threaten traffic safety, the resulting islands can be used for parking cars. On such areas, a parking sign is placed or the corresponding road markings are applied.

Residents of megalopolises are already well acquainted with the concept of a paid parking zone. At the entrance to this zone, a corresponding warning board is installed with the image of a parking sign and coins indicating a paid parking lot. Frequent parking meters also warn you that you are in a toll area. Parking spaces are marked with markings and a corresponding sign with the parking number. In such a zone, parking is paid if the duration of the parking exceeds 15 minutes.

Paid parking lots are usually equipped with video and photo clips to obtain objective information and identify non-payers. Some drivers practice various methods to hide the numbers or make them illegible for cameras. Thus, they are trying to avoid penalty receipts. However, the law (Article 12.2.2 of the Administrative Code) provides for such violators a more severe punishment in the form of deprivation of rights and large fines. Traffic rules require drivers to always keep their license plates clean and in such a condition that they are clearly distinguishable at a great distance and have good lighting.

Parking methods

In order not to receive penalty receipts from the traffic police, you need to know not only the permitted parking places, but also be able to correctly park. There are various ways of parking cars, the basic requirements for which are described in the traffic rules. However, the Rules do not describe in detail how a car should be parked in different cases and at different types of parking. So in p.p.12.1; 12.2 indicates the general requirements for drivers of all categories of vehicles on the rules for parking them.

Parking is only allowed in one lane and on the right side of the road. In case of violation, the included emergency light will not save you from a fine

According to these requirements, vehicles are allowed to be parked on the side of the road on the right along it in one successive row. Only two-wheeled vehicles (bikes, scooters, scooters and motorcycles) can be parked in two rows in parallel. The same arrangement of vehicles is allowed if the road has special extensions on the side of the road for parking. Such "pockets" are widely used near theaters, shopping centers and other public institutions. Previously, cars in "pockets" had to be parked perpendicular to the edge of the roadway. But since April 15, 2015, changes have been made to the rules according to which the vehicle must be placed even in the “pockets” parallel to the edge of the carriageway, unless another way of setting is provided for by markings or a sign (plate).

Parking pocket

Parking lots are usually marked with markings indicating the position and number of parking spaces. In this case, you need to park in accordance with the markings. If there is a parking sign on the site with plates explaining how to park cars (see tables 8.6.2 - 8.6.9), then when parking cars, you should be guided by the established signs. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that these parking methods using a part of the sidewalk are allowed to be performed only by cars and motorcycles.

Parking in a "pocket" in the absence of markings and signs is allowed in any way, but at the same time it should not interfere with the movement of cars

The absence of explanatory tables under the parking sign implies the classic version of vehicle installation without driving onto the sidewalk. If there are no prohibitory and prescriptive signs on the site, and there are no markings, then the transport should be placed on it so as to ensure the maximum capacity of the site. In this case, the car should not interfere with the entry and exit of other vehicles. The location of cars here can be both along the curb, across the curb, and at a certain angle to the curbs.

The rules allow using the left side of the road for parking vehicles under the following conditions:

  • the road has one-way traffic;
  • there is no solid line on the street and no tram lines.

These requirements result from the following safety considerations:

  • To park your car on the left side of the street, you must drive through the oncoming lane, which increases the risk of collision. If the road has more than one oncoming lane, then parking on the left is prohibited. crossing of two or more "opposite" lanes is much more dangerous. One-way traffic eliminates the risk of collision with oncoming vehicles.
  • The presence of tram lines also complicates the ability to cross over to the left side of the road, since the tram has the advantage of passing over other vehicles, therefore, parking on the left is prohibited on such streets.

Thus, if the right side of the street is occupied by parked cars, then you can park the car on the left side when one-way traffic is organized on the street or it is a narrow street with single-lane oncoming traffic and without continuous dividing markings. However, on a street with two-way traffic, there is a risk of violating the requirement of a parking prohibiting sign installed at the beginning of an intersection, which you do not know about, because drove into the street from the other side.


  1. While driving a motorcycle, you can park on the right or left in one or two rows (without a sidecar), including on the sidewalk if there are appropriate signs.
  2. Driving by car, you can also park, but only in one row.
  3. When driving a truck (over 3.5 tons), you must not stand on the sidewalk and on the left side of the street. You can stop there only for loading and unloading goods.
  4. Be sure to check that there are no prohibition signs or road markings before stopping your vehicle.
  5. When stopping near a tram line or under a trolleybus line, make sure that the car does not interfere with the passage of the tram and bypassing the trolleybus.
  6. When leaving your vehicle, stopped on the road, make sure that it does not cover road signs, there is enough space (more than 3 m) to the left edge of the road or a solid line, and does not stand in a limited visibility zone.
  7. When leaving your car in a parking area, make sure that your car does not interfere with the exit of other cars and does not block them in the parking lot.
  8. When entering a parking area, look for signs prescribing the correct location of the car and road markings, and if there are none, look at the location of the parked cars. Position the vehicle so that it does not take up unnecessary space and does not interfere with others.

In case of desperate situations and the absence of other options, leave your phone number on the front glass for a prompt call.

Both stopping and parking are deliberate cessation of movement, that is, they are made at that moment and in the place that the driver himself has chosen.

They must be carried out in such a way that, if possible, they do not interfere with other road users.

Stop - deliberate stopping of the movement of the vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for more, if it is necessary for the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

Parking - deliberate stopping of the movement of the vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading of the vehicle.

It is important to know!
Any embarkation and disembarkation of passengers or unloading and loading of a vehicle that is carried out without interruption, regardless of its duration, is considered a stop. If boarding, disembarking, loading or unloading is not performed, then a stop longer than five minutes is considered a parking lot.

Unintentional stopping of movement

Forced stop - termination of the movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger caused by the transported cargo, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

A forced stop is always unintentional - it is due to a specific reason that does not allow you to continue moving. The driver cannot choose a suitable time and place for a forced stop - it happens regardless of his desire.

Therefore, the main duty of the driver in case of a forced stop is to immediately mark his vehicle so that other drivers can see it from afar, and then, if possible, roll it back or tow it to a safer place.

In addition to a forced stop, which usually implies a prolonged cessation of movement, there are several situations that do not fall under any of the three definitions given.

They do not apply to stopping, parking or forced stopping, and do not require any additional action from the driver.

We are talking about a short-term cessation of movement in the following cases:

  • when the traffic light prohibits the signal (or when the traffic controller prohibits signal);
  • in front of a pedestrian crossing, intersection, tram stop, railway crossing, etc. - for the passage of people walking across the road or a vehicle taking advantage of the movement;
  • when driving in a traffic jam with stops and resumption of movement.

Parking methods

Stopping and parking of vehicles should be carried out on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway at its edge. It is allowed to park vehicles in one row, parallel to the edge of the carriageway.

Two-wheeled motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles are allowed to be parked in two rows.

We have considered the usual parking method, which is allowed for stopping and parking any vehicle in any place, except in those where parking is prohibited or otherwise required.

Other ways of parking mean:

  • parking across the road or at an angle;
  • parking with access to the sidewalk;
  • parking on the left side of the carriageway.

Stopping or parking at an angle to the edge of the carriageway or across the road is allowed where there is a local widening ("pocket"). In this case, you should park in such a way that the number of traffic lanes and their width do not decrease.

If there is sign 6.4 in such places with one of the plates 8.6: 8.6.1, 8.6.4, 8.6.5, the vehicle should be parked exactly as indicated on the plate, and only cars and motorcycles can be parked across the road.

If you have drawn marking lines showing the boundaries of parking spaces, you must comply with the requirements of these lines.

In the absence of signs and markings, the driver independently chooses the position of his vehicle in the parking lot so that it does not interfere with parking, entry and exit of other vehicles.

Parking on the sidewalk is allowed only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles and only in places marked on the sidewalk with markings of parking spaces or sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6: 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.7, 8.6.8, 8.6 .nine.

In the absence of such signs or markings, parking on the sidewalk, regardless of its width, is prohibited.

It is important to know!
Parking with full or partial (two wheels) driving onto the sidewalk is always prohibited for any buses, tractors and trucks, including those trucks that have a permissible maximum weight of less than 3.5 tons and are classified as Category B vehicles.

Stopping and parking on the left side of the road is allowed only in settlements and only if any of the two conditions are met:

  • the road has one-way traffic (at the same time, trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are allowed only loading and unloading);
  • a two-way road with no tram tracks in the middle has one lane for movement in each direction. In this case, the driver will have to cross only one oncoming lane to enter and leave the left edge of the carriageway.

Parking for an overnight stay or long-term rest outside settlements is permitted only outside the road or in specially equipped parking areas marked with the signs "Parking" or "Resting place".

Places where stopping is prohibited

It is important to know!
If stopping is prohibited, then parking of vehicles is also prohibited. In places where only parking is prohibited, you can stop.

Stopping is prohibited in the following places:

  • in the area of \u200b\u200bvalidity of the sign 3.27 and where along the edge of the carriageway there is a yellow marking 1.4;
  • all along the highway 5.1 and "roads for cars" 5.3. The shoulder on such roads is intended only for a forced stop, and parking is allowed on special areas equipped outside the road and marked with signs 6.4 or 7.11;
  • on tram tracks, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them, if this interferes with the movement of trams;
  • at level crossings 1.1 A crossing zone is the distance between barriers or signs 1.3.1 (1.3.2);
  • in tunnels 1.31 and under any bridges, overpasses, overpasses;
  • on overpasses, bridges, overpasses, if there are one or two lanes for movement in this direction. If there are three or more passing lanes, both stopping and parking are allowed;
  • in places where a parked vehicle will force other road users to take a detour through a solid marking line or along a median strip. The width of the free section of the carriageway must be at least 3 m;
  • at pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them (from the side of approaching vehicles);
  • in places with limited visibility (less than 100m in at least one direction) on the carriageway. At the same time, stopping and parking on the side of the road is not prohibited;
  • at intersections of carriageways and closer than 5 meters to either side of them. An exception is parking at a T-junction with a solid marking line at a distance of at least 3 m from it, or with a continuous dividing strip. With this configuration of the intersection, it is only possible to drive straight on it, therefore, a bypass of the parked vehicle is made in the same way as on any other section of the road outside the intersection;
  • closer than 15 meters in both directions from the place of stopping of route vehicles or parking of passenger taxis. Here, too, there is an exception - a short-term stop is allowed only for embarking and disembarking passengers, if this does not interfere with route vehicles and taxi cars;
  • in places where a stopped vehicle will block traffic lights or road signs for other drivers;
  • in places where a stopped vehicle will make it impossible to enter and exit or interfere with the movement of pedestrians.

Places where parking is prohibited

Parking is prohibited (and stopping is allowed) in the following places:

  • within the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe signs "No parking" 3.28, "Parking is prohibited on odd 3.29 or even 3.30 days of the month", "Restricted parking zone" 3.27, as well as in the presence of a yellow marking line 1.10 drawn along the edge of the carriageway;
  • outside settlements on the carriageway of roads marked with sign 2.1 Parking is not prohibited if the vehicle fits entirely on the side of such a road and other drivers do not need to go around it;
  • closer than 50 meters in both directions from railway crossings. A vehicle parked on either side of the road will obstruct the train's visibility to drivers approaching the crossing. Thus, stopping is prohibited only at the crossing itself, and parking is prohibited at the crossing and at a distance of 50 meters from it.

It is important to know!
The driver can leave his seat or leave the vehicle if he has taken the necessary measures to exclude spontaneous movement of the vehicle or use it in the absence of the driver.

When leaving his vehicle after stopping, the driver must securely brake it with the parking brake.

When parking on a slope road, you need to turn the front wheels so that when the car tries to roll down, one of the wheels rests on the curb.

If there is no curb, the steering wheel is turned towards the curb. Remember to remove the key from the ignition, close the doors and set the car on the burglar alarm.

Every year the traffic in megalopolises became more intensive, because the number of cars is steadily growing. When purchasing a new car, many do not even think about where they will park it, being sure that it is enough to leave it in the yard.

But this is an extremely important issue not only from the point of view of dissatisfied neighbors, but also from the point of view of the law. We often answer questions from car enthusiasts about how to legally park in the yard and what to avoid to avoid getting a fair punishment.

○ Parking rules in courtyards.

One should start by defining what this “courtyard territory” is. Immediately, we note that the Rules of the Road give an undesirable clear concept. At the same time, section 17, dedicated to traffic in residential areas, applies to courtyard areas, which is directly stated in paragraph 17.4:

  • "The requirements of this section also apply to courtyards."

Therefore, it remains only to be content with the general legal definition of a courtyard territory, as a space bounded by buildings along the perimeter, inside which, as a rule, playgrounds, places for recreation, green spaces, local driveways to houses, schools, kindergartens, etc. are located. But there is one a significant difference - it is not indicated by signs 5.21 (residential area) and 5.22 (end of the residential area), and therefore the driver needs to be careful and understand that otherwise all the rules of traffic and parking of vehicles in the residential area apply here.

So clause 17.2 of the SDA clearly says:

  • "In the residential area, through traffic, training driving, parking with a running engine, as well as parking of trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons outside of specially designated and marked with signs and / or markings are prohibited."

That is, the main and most frequent violation on this point is truck parking and parking with a running engine. The latter is especially important in the cold period for those who like to “warm up the engine”, polluting the environment and interfering with the sleep of residents of adjacent houses.

It is worth paying attention to a few more important points regarding parking, which are relevant in courtyards. Clause 1.2 of the SDA defines a stop and a parking lot, which is very important because clause 17.2 speaks specifically about parking:

  • "" Stop "- a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for a period of up to 5 minutes, as well as for more, if necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.
    "Parking" - a deliberate stopping of the movement of a vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or loading or unloading of the vehicle. "

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation established additional parking bans, which also apply to courtyards. Usually the passages here are narrow, and therefore the parking lot manage to interfere not only with the passage of other cars, but also for ordinary pedestrians and mothers with strollers, let alone technical services. However, part 8 of Art. 20 .4 of the Administrative Code establishes a verticality for violation of fire safety rules. That is, if the abandoned car interferes with the passage of firefighters, one can prepare to pay a fine.

○ Fines for improper parking in the yard.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also does not define the courtyard territory, but establishes responsibility for violation of traffic rules in a residential area in Art. 12.28 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

  • "1. Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, with the exception of the case provided for in part 2 of this article, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles... 2. The violation provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in the city of federal significance Moscow or St. Petersburg, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles

That is, if your car is found by a traffic police inspector, parked in violation of the above rules, you can prepare to pay a fine of 1000 rubles, and in capital cities and all 3000... Exactly the same will be punished for parking on the sidewalk in the yard, because often because of parked cars it is simply impossible to carry a baby carriage.

But the matter may not be limited to this. It must be admitted that the traffic police do not often patrol courtyards, especially in small towns, but if something happened, the dangerous situation will be more serious. For example, in the event of a fire and the inability of a company car to pass through to a fire, a negligent motorist can apply Part 8 of Art. 20.4 Administrative Code:

  • “Violation of fire safety requirements on the provision of passages, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures and structures - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of from one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. "

But this is possible only if the fire inspection records the violation, it will easily impose a fine of up to 2,000 rubles.

The courtyards are often equipped with green spaces, including lawns. Traffic rules or Code of Administrative Offenses do not contain a definition of a lawn or a fine for parking on it. These issues are decided by local authorities, determining the amount of the fine for such violations. In most cities, this amount is fixed, so in St. Petersburg an ordinary car owner will pay from 3000 to 5000 fine. In other regions, such as Samara, they will be forced to pay for the damage to the plantation. In any case, you shouldn't do that.

Another aspect of the problem is through traffic through the residential area. Officially, it is prohibited by clause 17.2 of the SDA. But few of the drivers have ever tried to drive around the traffic jam through the nearest yard. The rules prohibit only through passage, and the movement itself at a speed of 20 km per hour is allowed in Clause 10.2 of the SDA:

  • "In settlements, vehicles are allowed to move at a speed of no more than 60 km / h, and in residential areas and in courtyards, no more than 20 km / h."

So you just need to get rid of the concept of "through". It is enough to stop for a few seconds and behold, you are already a respectable driver who has not violated anything. But the stop, of course, must be done taking into account the described rules.

In the absence of the car owner in any of the above cases, the car can be evacuated, especially if it interferes with the passage or the work of cleaning or fire trucks, which means that you will have to pay for your stay at the impound.

In addition, violators are often sure that if they are not caught by a traffic police officer, they will certainly go unpunished, but Part 4 of Art. 28.1 Administrative Code:

  • “The reasons for initiating a case on an administrative offense are:
    4. Fixation of an administrative offense in the field of road traffic or an administrative offense in the field of landscaping, provided for by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, committed using a vehicle or by the owner or other owner of a land plot or other real estate object, operating in automatic mode with special technical means that have functions photographing and filming, video recording, or by means of photographing and filming, video recording. "

Now there are even sites where you can upload photos and videos of evidence of the violation.

That is why the neighbors' threats to complain about the car owner, who warms up the car for half an hour in the morning, are quite real.

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