All about buying and selling cars

Presentation on "cars of the future". Presentation on the theme "Project on the theme:" Cars - old and modern "" Slides for the presentation on the theme of cars

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Automotive pioneer Karl Friedrich Benz is a German mechanic and entrepreneur, a pioneer of automotive engineering, officially recognized as one of the creators of the first car. Born November 26, 1844 in Ladenburg. Graduated from the "Higher Polytechnic School" in Karlsruhe. He worked as a photographer, watchmaker, laborer, draftsman and mechanic. In 1871, he decided to found a company for the construction of internal combustion engines, developed by him. In 1879 Benz tried to patent his motor, but it turned out that a similar engine had already been patented in the UK. Nevertheless, he received a patent, however, only for the fuel supply system used in his engine. In 1883 Benz founded the Benz & Company Reinische Gasmotorfabrik in Mannheim and began experimenting with building a motor carriage in his home workshop.

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The first car In 1885, the first example of a 3-wheeled car with a single-cylinder engine appeared. It was an open carriage weighing 250 kilograms on bicycle-type wheels with spokes, and the front wheel is much smaller than the two rear drives. The single-cylinder four-stroke engine produced 0.85 horsepower and 200 rpm. The engine was located in the back, under the seat. Its engine power was enough to accelerate the car to 15 kilometers per hour. On July 3, 1886, Benz decided to drive his car for the first time to the streets of Mingheim, his hometown. Then the crackle of the engine and the very sight of the outlandish carriage frightened everyone. Benz built three of these machines in total. Two of them disappeared, and one is in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, and it is perfectly preserved, you can still ride it.

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On January 29, 1886, the inventor received the German Imperial patent for a "gas-powered carriage" called "Motorvagen". In 1893, Benz began producing the four-wheeled Victoria with a three horsepower engine, and in 1894 the Velo model went into production. By the beginning of 1901, Benz's company had become one of the largest in the industry. In recognition of the merits of the engineer, the Higher Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe awarded him an honorary doctorate. In Russia, the first Mercedes-Benz car with a capacity of 1.5 liters with two seats appeared in 1894. First sold in 1895 in St. Petersburg. Subsequently, the first Benz car became the prototype of the first Russian production car of the Petrol and Gas Engine Factory of the industrialist Yakovlev in St. Petersburg. Mercedes Benz

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Description of the main properties of the car Reliability is a property of the car, in which it is able to perform the specified functions, keeping in time the values \u200b\u200bof the established performance indicators within the specified limits, corresponding to the specified modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repairs, storage and transportation. Efficiency is a property of a car, in which it is able to perform specified functions, while maintaining the values \u200b\u200bof specified parameters within the limits established by regulatory and technical documentation. Reliability - the property of a car to continuously maintain performance for some time or some operating time.

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Classification of cars A car is a self-propelled vehicle designed to transport goods, people and perform special tasks. Cars are designed to carry from one to seven passengers. Buses are designed for mass transportation of passengers. Buses, depending on the destination, are intercity or urban. Tourist buses form a separate group. Depending on passenger compatibility, buses are divided into buses of small, medium and large compatibility. Trucks can have a platform and can be used as universal vehicles for transporting various goods and can be specialized, with bodies adapted to transport individual loads. In addition to the body type, trucks are classified by carrying capacity and cross-country ability. Special vehicles are designed to perform one task. These include: firefighters, sanitary, aerial platforms, watering, car repair shops. * Vehicle classification can be seen on the diagram

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Vehicle classification Automobiles Transport Special Passenger Cargo Light Buses

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The first car and its creator Car properties Car classification Car models and their sales ratings Information sources

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Automotive pioneer

Karl Friedrich Benz is a German mechanic and entrepreneur, a pioneer in the automotive industry, officially recognized as one of the creators of the first car. Born November 26, 1844 in Ladenburg. Graduated from the "Higher Polytechnic School" in Karlsruhe. He worked as a photographer, watchmaker, laborer, draftsman and mechanic. In 1871 he decided to found a company for the construction of internal combustion engines, developed by him. In 1879 Benz tried to patent his motor, but it turned out that a similar engine was already patented in the UK. Nevertheless, he received a patent, however, only for the fuel supply system used in his engine. In 1883 Benz founded the BenzandCompany Reinische Gasmotorfabrik in Mannheim and began experimenting with building a motor carriage in his home workshop.

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First car

In 1885, the first example of a 3-wheel vehicle with a single-cylinder engine appeared. It was an open carriage weighing 250 kilograms on bicycle-type wheels, with spokes, and the front wheel is much smaller than the two rear ones. The single-cylinder, four-stroke engine produced 0.85 horsepower and 200 rpm. The engine was located in the back, under the seat. Its engine power was enough to accelerate the car to 15 kilometers per hour. On July 3, 1886, Benz decided to drive his car for the first time to the streets of Mingheim, his hometown. Then the crackle of the engine and the very sight of the outlandish carriage frightened everyone. Benz built three of these machines in total. Two of them disappeared, and one is in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, and it is perfectly preserved, you can still ride it.

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Mercedes Benz

On January 29, 1886, the inventor received the German Imperial patent for a "gas-powered carriage" called "Motorvagen". In 1893, Benz began producing the 4-wheeled Victoria with a three horsepower engine, and in 1894 the Velo model went into production. By the beginning of 1901, Benz's company had become one of the largest in the industry. In recognition of the merits of the engineer, the Higher Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe awarded him an honorary doctorate. In Russia, the first Mercedes-Benz car with a capacity of 1.5 liters with two seats appeared in 1894. First sold in 1895 in St. Petersburg. Subsequently, the first car of the Benz brand became the prototype of the first Russian serial car of the Petrol and Gas Engine Factory of the industrialist Yakovlev in St. Petersburg.

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Description of the main properties of the car

Reliability is a property of a car, in which it is able to perform specified functions, maintaining over time the values \u200b\u200bof established performance indicators within specified limits, corresponding to specified modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repairs, storage and transportation. Efficiency is a property of a car, in which it is able to perform specified functions, while maintaining the values \u200b\u200bof specified parameters within the limits established by regulatory and technical documentation. Reliability - the property of a car to continuously maintain performance for some time or some operating time.

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Car classification

A car is a self-propelled vehicle designed to transport goods, people and perform special tasks. Cars are designed to carry from one to seven passengers. The buses are designed for mass transportation of passengers. Buses, depending on the destination, are intercity or urban. Tourist buses form a separate group. Depending on passenger compatibility, buses are divided into buses of small, medium and large compatibility. Trucks can have a platform and can be used as universal vehicles for the transportation of various goods and can be specialized, with bodies adapted to transport individual goods. In addition to the body type, trucks are classified according to their carrying capacity and maneuverability. Special vehicles are designed to perform one task. These include: firefighters, sanitary, aerial platforms, watering, car repair shops. * Vehicle classification can be seen on the diagram

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Introduction Today: cars have completely taken over major cities. In the 21st century, the car will face significant changes: it needs to turn from an invader into a smart assistant. Other cars will come to replace them - faster, cleaner, safer. In the last century, the car has subdued man, forcing people to groom and cherish the "four-wheeled friend."

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What will the car of the future be like? Probably, many watched movies about science fiction or dreamed of moving in a time machine. And they probably imagined what the car of the future will be like. I propose to take a look at the car as it will be in 30 years.

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The basic principles of the automotive industry today and tomorrow: 1. The pursuit of efficiency - today modern engines consume fuel from petroleum products, the reserves of which in the bowels of the earth are decreasing every year; - tomorrow the electric motor will be small and can be powered from a regular electrical outlet. 2. Increase in power - with the development of technology and science, the engine power increases every year.

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3. Environmental friendliness - today cars pollute the environment, exhaust poison the air; - tomorrow the electric motor will be environmentally friendly. 4. Safety - a modern car must be safe in order to protect the driver and passenger in the event of an accident. - today there is already a system for monitoring the driver: the camera scans the face, the sensors fix the obstacle in the path of movement, which allows the driver to not be distracted from the road. - Tomorrow, with the development of technologies for navigation and autopilot cars, this type of transport will become the safest.

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5. Reducing the size of the car is the main task of the future, as cars become more and more every year, and the road space does not increase, then small cars will become very popular.

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It already works! Digital rear-view cameras transmit the image to the driver on a monitor in the cabin. Exhibition at Chery International Motor Show. 360 ° View - Nissan has already made a system that gives the driver a top view of their vehicle. The image comes from several outdoor digital cameras. It is very useful to see the location of all neighboring cars fighting for a place in a traffic jam. Communication system between vehicles. Sitting in a car, a driver can send messages along a chain to the driver of another car.

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Science fiction will come true! In the future, there will be no mechanical parts in the car - everything will be replaced by electronics. The electronics will have more control rights than the driver, it will monitor the car, the driver and the traffic situation. Electronics will completely replace the driver. Then a person only has to set a route, and the car will take him to his destination, even from Saratov to Paris - the navigation system will envelop the entire globe. The profession of a chauffeur in the future will face the same fate as coachmen at the beginning of the 20th century.

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In metropolitan cities, roads and streets turn into one continuous traffic jam. What's the hardest part? - squeeze in your car to park. The car will be able to fold and unfold in length. It will not be difficult to park such a car, especially since the car will be able to rotate around its axis, because each wheel rotates 120 degrees and has its own micromotor.

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A car that is powered by air! The biggest problem facing environmentalists around the world is exhaust emissions. Modern automakers are already introducing them into their cars MDI company has come up with a unique car, the engine of which runs on normal air. This machine feeds on the regular air we breathe and throws it out - the air back into the atmosphere. The pistons are driven by highly compressed air.

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General device of the car

Compiled by:

teacher of special disciplines

Adzhimefayev Redvan Ismetovich

General device of the car

A car of any modification consists of interconnected main parts: engine, chassis and body, each of which has a specific purpose.


Most cars are equipped with piston internal combustion engines that convert the thermal energy of the combustion fuel into mechanical energy, which is necessary for the movement of the car.


Vehicle chassis includes transmission (power train), chassis and controls


The transmission transmits torque from the engine to the driving wheels of the vehicle and consists of a clutch, gearbox, cardan gear, final drive, differential and axle shafts.

  • Clutch serves for short-term separation of the gearbox from the engine, their smooth connection when starting off and changing gears.
  • Transmission - allows you to change the amount of torque transmitted from the engine crankshaft to the propeller shaft, to decouple the engine and drive wheels for a long time and to ensure the car is moved in reverse.
  • Cardan transmission - Transmits torque from the gearbox to the main gear at varying angles.
  • main gear - serves to transmit torque at a right angle from the propeller shaft through the differential to the drive wheel axle shafts and to increase it.
  • Differential - provides the ability to rotate the driving wheels with different frequencies when the vehicle is moving on bends and on uneven roads.
  • Half axles - transmit rotation to the driving wheels.


The chassis of the car consists of a frame (for cars - a load-bearing body) and car suspension mechanisms: springs, shock absorbers.

Control mechanisms

Control mechanisms include steering and braking systems.

Steering - change the direction of movement of the vehicle by turning the steered wheels.

Brake system - provides a decrease in the speed of the car, its complete stop and keeping it stationary.


A truck has a separate body and cab.

The body includes a platform with sides (van, tank, etc.), and it is designed to accommodate goods.

The cockpit has seats for the driver and one or two passengers.

Cars and buses have a body to accommodate passengers and the driver's workplace.

Cars - old and modern

GBOU SO "Secondary school number 3"

Kurushin Gleb


Ragozina Nadezhda Alekseevna

My hobby

Part of my car collection

I am a constructor

Purpose of the study

comparison of modern cars

with cars of the past.

  • Collect information about the different stages of vehicle development.
  • Analyze the collected information.
  • Conduct a survey among class students.
  • Conduct a survey among parents.
  • Make a rating of the most famous cars.
  • Issue a wall newspaper: "Cars and Emblems"

Subject of study

literature about cars.

Object of study cars


  • I suppose that modern cars differ from old ones not only in appearance, but also in other parameters.

Research methods

  • Observation
  • Analysis
  • Questionnaire
  • Collection and processing of information

The history of the word "Car

CAR (from auto ... and lat. Mobilis - mobile, easy to move), transport trackless vehicle mainly on wheels, driven by its own engine (internal combustion, electric or steam).

First vehicle

The first steam powered vehicle was designed by Nicholas-Joseph Cagnot and built by M. Brezin in 1769. It could reach speeds of 6 km / h. (!) Two years later, he managed to design another, much faster steam engine.

First car

  • The very first cars were actually two at once. ... Independently of each other, two German engineers, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, simultaneously built their own self-propelled carriages. In 1885, Benz first set out on a three-wheeled self-propelled carriage to the streets of the city.
  • The novelty did not arouse much interest; rather, it scared the residents with the roar of its engine.

the first four-wheeled vehicle.

Daimler invented the first four-wheeled vehicle.

This car was accelerating

up to 18 km / h.

The first racing car

  • The very first racing car was commissioned by an Austrian businessman to Daimler and named after his daughter Mercedes. This car was improved and developed a speed of 40 km / h.

The first Russian car

  • The first Russian car was born on the banks of the Neva. It was built by two St. Petersburg inventors Evgeny Yakovlev and Pyotr Freza in 1896 year. In appearance, their car resembled that of Karl Benz.

Henry Ford

When most people think of the first cars on the road, they feel like Henry Ford was the creator.

This is not entirely true. For the first time, one of Henry Ford's cars appeared in public only in 1896. Henry sold his first car, which he called the Quadracycle, and used all the proceeds to build another car. The next car Ford will offer for sale only in 1903.

Ford's first mass-produced car

It is the ancestor of Italian sports cars

And this is his descendant.

An incredibly fast, luxurious vehicle.

Just a dream!!!

The progenitor of the minibus

Modern minibus

This is Mercedes grandfather

Mercedes 600.

He doesn't look like his grandfather at all

This is a relative of a sports car

This is a modern sports car

It can reach speeds of over 300 km / h

Cars of the future

Nuclear-powered Cadillac


Hybrid car

powered by electricity

Flying cars


  • Scientists have been developing flying car designs for years

How many cars are there on our planet?

There are approximately 522 million passenger cars driving on our planet. Most cars are in the small town of Luxembourg. There are 6 cars per inhabitant. The largest number of cars is produced annually by Japan. Approximately 8 million pieces. In second place is the United States. It produces six and a half million cars. In third place is Germany.

How many cars are there in Verkhoturye?

At the beginning of March 2014, 6,517 vehicles were registered in Verkhoturye.

What should be the car of the future?

Questioning classmates

  • 1.What car brands do you like?

Most Popular Answers:

  • Mercedes-5 VAZ -3 Volga -2 BMW-6 Toyota -2 Skoda-4 Peugeot-2 Lamborghini -1 Jeep Hummer-1
  • Mercedes-5
  • VAZ -3
  • Volga -2
  • BMW-6
  • Toyota -2
  • Skoda-4
  • Peugeot 2
  • Lamborghini -1
  • Jeep hummer-1
  • Why does a person need a car?

For travel to work-22

For convenience- 3

  • Beautiful - 5 people
  • Expressway -12 people
  • Safe - 20 people
  • Eco-friendly -15 people

Most of the class guys believe that a car is needed not for entertainment, but for business travel, and value safety in cars.

Parents survey

  • Do you have a car and if so, what brand?
  • 2. Why did you buy this particular car?
  • 3. What kind of car would you like to buy and why?
  • Basically, the parents bought the car that was more suitable in price, and they dream of buying the most comfortable and safe one.

My favorite car .

The most important driver's document

This is a driver's license. The very first driver's license was obtained by the inventor of the motorized sidecar, Karl Benz, in 1888. A school of chauffeurs was opened in Russia in 1910. To get a license, you had to not only know the rules of the road, drive a car and be able to understand it, but also provide a photo or drawing of your car.

Red , yellow, green. ( or a few words about traffic rules)

Traffic rules are as old as a car. At first they looked like a collection of prohibitions. Moreover, for each city and for each country there was a collection of prohibitions. Gradually, the rules were brought to a single standard and in this form have survived to this day. Do not forget that the ROAD RULES APPLY ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE who leaves the house on the street. Pedestrians are also road users and need to comply with the Traffic Regulations.


This work:

  • allowed me to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of the car;
  • gave expanded knowledge on the creation and emergence of new car brands;
  • Modern cars surpass their ancestors in the creativity of appearance, engine power, environmental friendliness.
  • i think that my research work will be useful for those guys who are not familiar with the development of the automotive industry and will allow them to learn a lot about the history of the car.


The presentation used materials from the site:,,

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