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Excellent degree of adjectives in Russian. Norms of use and formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives

The need to use different degrees of comparison of adjectives arises in cases when, when describing an object, there is a need to compare its characteristics with a similar property of another object. For example, there are two chocolates. Which one is more expensive? Which is tastier? Which one is more beautiful? For this, there are two degrees of comparison in Russian.

Comparing quality adjectives

The first step is to determine that the degrees of comparison are inherent only in qualitative adjectives, that is, those words that describe size, shape, color, physical parameters and the ability to perform actions.

If the adjective does not compare anything, it is customary to speak of a positive degree. In other cases, the degree of comparison is:

  • comparative;
  • excellent.

Features of a comparative degree

With a comparative degree, one object is compared with another, and this can happen in two ways:

  • with the help of the suffixes -ee, -e, -che (far - farther, long - longer, white - whiter);
  • with the help of special words: more or less (cocky - less cocky, noisy - more noisy).

In everyday speech, a simple comparative degree can also be formed by adding the prefix -to: interesting - more interesting, solid - harder.

As is usually the case in Russian, there are exceptions when certain adjectives cannot form a simple degree of comparison using suffixes. These include:

  • words that have come down from antiquity: zealous, decrepit, raw, etc .;
  • individual shades of color: blue, gray, pistachio, etc.;
  • definitions for the color of the animal: brown, bay, etc.;
  • some words arising from relative adjectives or from verbs: hoarse, lively, fighting, stressed, comic, etc.

In such situations, words help out more and less.

More on superlatives

In superlatives, the adjective describes the maximum level of the characterized quality or property of the object. This can be done as follows:

  • add the suffix –eish or –aish (kind - the kindest, cruel - the most cruel);
  • combine the adjective with the word most in a sentence (favorite is the most beloved, distant is the most distant).

Sometimes, in addition, you can use the prefix na-, which will emphasize the maximum degree of characteristics of the object: smart - the smartest - the smartest.

We try to avoid mistakes

Many make speech mistakes when faced with the need to alternate root consonants. For example, bright is brighter, quiet is quieter, etc. And in the words bad and good, when comparing, the root is generally replaced: bad is worse, good is better. This is one of the many peculiarities and secrets of the rich Russian language.

Understanding degrees of comparison

In accordance with their general grammatical meaning, qualitative adjectives have two degrees of comparison, showing the extent to which a feature is manifested in an object. These are comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.

Comparative degree of adjective

The comparative degree of an adjective denotes a greater or lesser manifestation of a feature in a particular subject. For instance:

This cake is sweeter than cake.

The comparative degree is simple and compound.

A simple comparative degree is formed using the suffixes -ee - (- her-), -e, -che - / - same.

Beautiful is more beautiful

Wise is wiser

Before the suffix -, there is usually an alternation of stem consonants:

Sweet is sweeter

Low - below

Adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree do not change either by gender, or by case, or by number. In sentences, they can perform the functions of predicate and definition. For instance:

This city is more beautiful than our own.

Adjective more beautiful stands in the form of a simple comparative degree. In this sentence, it acts as a predicate.

Let's find a nicer place.

The same adjective in a simple comparative degree would be a definition.

Composite comparative degree is formed by adding words to the adjective more or less.

Sweet - more or less sweet

High - more or less high

Adjectives in the form of a compound comparative degree change in gender, number and case as follows: the first word - more or less - remains unchanged. And the second word changes:

To a higher

About less beautiful

In a sentence, adjectives in the form of a compound comparative degree can be both predicates and definitions:

The weather is warmer today than a week ago.

In this sentence, we see that the adjective in the form of a compound comparative degree performs the function of a predicate.

Kolya liked the warmer water.

The same form of comparative degree will be a definition.


The comparative degree of adjectives cannot be formed simultaneously in a simple and complex way.

It would be a mistake to use the "sweeter" construction. The options will be correct sweeter and sweeter .

Excellent adjective comparison

An excellent degree denotes the superiority of a given subject in comparison with the rest for some reason:

Everest is the highest peak in the world.

An excellent degree, like a comparative one, is simple and compound.

The simple superlative is formed with the suffixes -eish- or -aish-:

Quiet - the quietest

Wise is the wisest

Adjectives in the form of a simple superlative degree of comparison can vary in gender, number and case. In a sentence, they are both definitions and predicates.

Everest is the highest peak in the world.

Adjective the highest is a definition.

This crater is deepest.

Adjective deepest - predicate.

The compound superlative degree of adjectives can be formed in two ways:

1. Adding words to the adjective most, most, least:

The smartest is the smartest

High is the highest

In the form of a compound superlative with a word most both words change by gender, cases and numbers:

The smartest

About the most beautiful

In superlative form with words most and least only the second word changes:

About the highest

In a sentence, this superlative form can serve as both predicate and definition.

2. The word is added to the form of the simple comparative degree of the adjective totalif this is a comparison with inanimate objects, or the word of allif this is a comparison with living objects or with a number of the same objects.

This house is the highest in the area.

This house is taller than all the houses in the area.

This boy is the highest in school.

In sentences, such superlative forms can only be predicates.


The excellent degree of comparison of adjectives cannot be formed at once in a simple and complex way.

Deepest forms are misleading.

Other forms of superlative comparison must be used - either deepestor the deepest.

List of references

  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L. D. Chesnokova - M .: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M .: Bustard, 2010.
  1. On degrees of comparison ().
  2. ().


Write off the proverbs, forming a comparative degree:

True (bright) sun.

An old friend (best) of the new two.

Morning evening (tricky).

Rainy summer (bad) autumn.

Health (expensive) gold.

Choose adjectives that have degrees of comparison. Form all possible degrees of comparison from these adjectives.

Tin soldier, pewter eyes, cold day, long train, brave deed, kind person, stupid question, heart muscle, heartfelt greetings, stone house, stone face, short dress, fat boy, blue shawl, Moscow metro, children's literature, double chin , woolen suit, lead bullet, lead clouds, city park, heavy briefcase, heavy industry, deaf old man, deaf consonant, grandfathers office, Machine work, titmouse's nest, houndstooth, dog kennel, cleft palate, wolf fur coat, wolf appetite, deer horns, marines, dog cold, Katyushin bike, grinder, snake venom, snake smile, vegetable oil, lean face, mouse tail, neighbor's garden, grandiose plans, observant man, tragic fate, wooden voice, chicken foot, chicken soup, squirrel collar, iron will, grandfather's words, bird noise, hare hat, December frosts, school uniform, Serezhin briefcase, Barents Sea, Bering Strait.

Comparison of adjectives

her (s): beautiful - more beautiful, bold - bolder, cold - colder;
-e: big - bigger, short - shorter, sweet - sweeter;
-she: old - older, young - younger.
-nai + -aish-, -eish: high is the highest.
Sometimes, when a simple comparative degree is formed, a prefix can be attached to- (newer).
There are adjectives, in the formation of forms of the degree of comparison of which a different root is used: a simple form of the comparative degree --- good is better, bad is worse, small is less;simple superlative form ---good is best, bad is worst.
Simple comparative adjectives do not change and have no endings. In a sentence, they are usually part of a compound nominal predicate: This slope is more dangerous... The position of the definition of a simple comparative degree can take only in a separate position ( Much taller than other students, he seemed almost an adult) or in a non-isolated position with the prefix po in a position after a noun (Buy me fresher newspapers).
Composite form of comparative and superlative degree changes in the same way as the original form, i.e. by gender, number and case, and can also be in short form (more beautiful, most convenient).They can be both predicate and definition. (For instance: A less interesting article was presented in this magazine. This article is less interesting than the previous one.)
Formation of superlative compound form possiblewith the addition of the word all or all to the comparative degree(He was smarter than everyone). These forms are immutable and act as the nominal part of the predicate.

Norms of using degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1. It is completely unacceptable to use two ways of expressing comparison at the same time: words more / less or most / most in combination with an adjective in a comparative or superlative degree. Wrong: more beautiful, heavier, calmer. The exception is the forms: the best, the worst.
2. Not all qualitative adjectives are capable of forming degrees of comparison using the appropriate suffixes. Do not form such word forms:
immortal, brilliant, near, fighting, sick (about a person), stormy, superior, eternal, possible, strong-willed, outstanding, heroic, deaf (about a person), naked, proud, long-standing, distant, business, cruel, familiar, oblique, short, crooked (about a person), dead (not alive), peaceful, mighty, unknown, lower, general, excellent, advanced, positive, last, constant, similar, right (fair, containing the truth), empty (about a container: nothing not filled), developed, early, ragged, timid, blind, controversial, urgent, predatory, gloomy, colored, young, etc.
Some of these adjectives are not able to be used in a comparative degree due to the specifics of their meaning (for example, one cannot be more or less immortal, more or less naked). Others could theoretically form a comparative degree, but due to their formal characteristics, they do not have such a form or are of little use. In the latter case, in informal speech, in some combinations, you can use a descriptive way of expressing the degree of comparison: more strong-willed, more businesslike, more cruel.
3. It is possible that an adjective has several meanings related to different categories. So, a relative adjective can develop a meaning that is characteristic of qualitative ones (for example: iron detail (rel.) - iron will (qual.) - metaphorical transfer). The possessive can have meanings characteristic of relative and qualitative (for example: fox hole (attraction) - fox hat (relative) - fox habits (quality). Qualitative adjectives used terminologically function as relative (voiceless consonants). At the same time, the adjective retains the type of its declension, but morphological signs often change: qualitative ones lose the degree of comparison and a short form (for example, one cannot say * This consonant is deaf), and relative ones, on the contrary, can acquire these signs( With every word, his voice became more honey, and habits - more and more fox .)

Comparison of adverbs

The simple form of the superlative degree of adverbs, formed with the help of the suffixes -YSE (-AYSHE), is now outdated and is used extremely rarely: justly - most justly, deeply - deeply.

Ways to distinguish between adverbs and adjectives in a simple comparative form




Item attribute

Action sign

Refers to

To a noun

To the verb

Answers the question

Which one? Which one? Which one?

How? How?

The offer is






Memorize the following forms of comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs:
Voiced, voiced - louder; dry, dry - on dry land; bitter, bitter - bitter; sweet, sweet - sweeter; biting, biting - whip; small, little - less; bad, bad - worse; good, good - it's better. > Comparison of adjectives

The grammatical feature of qualitative adjectives is the presence of degrees of comparison.

The degree of comparison is grammatical category adjectives, expressing differences in the degree of manifestation of quality. For instance: strong - stronger, stronger, less strong, strongest, strongest, least strong, strongest, strongest, strongest.

There are 3 degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives:

1) positive degree (positive),

2) comparative degree (comparative),

3) superlative (superlative).

Positive degree of comparison shows that a given attribute of an object is not compared with a similar attribute in another object. The original (initial) form of the adjective is considered as a positive degree, for example: fast, hospitable, carefree; stuffy, sad, light, petty, small, proud, decisive, brave, skillful, skillful, wonderful, adorable, appropriate, instant.

comparative shows that a given feature of an object is manifested to a greater or lesser extent in comparison with a similar feature in another subject, for example: bolder, bolder, less brave; higher, higher, lower.

The comparative degree serves as a means of comparison in terms of quality:

Homogeneous items: today morning is more cloudy than yesterday; the faces of the children become more joyful at the sight of their mother;

- dissimilar items with the same properties: melon is sweeter than watermelon; the son is higher than the father; sister is younger than brother;

- the same item: Before the session, students become more responsible and conscientious.

comparative formed:

1) in a synthetic way; the means of expressing the degree of comparison are suffixes -ee- (-e-), -e, -che-;

2) in an analytical way; the means of expressing the degree of comparison are additional words more- less;

3) Supplementary method; the means of expressing the degree of comparison is the exchange of bases: good is better, best; bad - worse, worse; little- less.

The comparative degree of an adjective has two forms: simple (synthetic) and compound (analytical).

Simple comparative form

1) her (s): round- round-her (round-her); beautiful - beautiful - her (beautiful); long-long-long (long); lingering - lingering (lingering);

2) -e, if a:

a) the base of the adjective ends in r, k, x, d, t,cm followed by alternating consonant stems: hot- hot; dear - dear; quiet- quiet; young - younger; rich man - rich man; clean - clean;

b) the adjective has a suffix -k- (-ok-, -ek-)followed by truncation of the suffix and alternation of the consonant stem: low-e - bottom; narrow-th - really; high - high; close - near;

3) -sheif the stem of the adjective ends in r, kwith the subsequent truncation of these consonants: distant - farther; debt-y - long-she; thin-th - thin-she.

Forms of degrees of comparison on -e (s), -e, -she by-,which adds the added value of mitigating the degree of dominance of quality; Wed: more - more; more interesting - more interesting; more fun- more fun; closer- cramped; heavier - heavier; tastier- tastier.

A number of adjectives have comparative variant forms: big - more, more; distant - further, further; long- longer, longer; late- later, later; early - earlier, earlier; small - less, less.

Not all qualitative adjectives form a simple comparative form.

These include:

1) adjectives with suffix -sk- (-esk-): comic, tragic, friendly, fraternal, sanctimonious;

2) some adjectives with a suffix -n-: blood, tame, sick, early, extra;

3) adjectives with a suffix -ow- (-ev-): gratuitous, business, private, combat, mass;

4) many verbal adjectives with the suffix - l-: lethargic, rotten, tired, husky, husky;

5) some adjectives with a suffix -k-: unsteady, impudent, brittle, sticky, boggy, timid, greedy, tenacious, chilly;

6) some non-derivative adjectives: old, proud.

Complicated form of comparative degree is formed in all adjectives that name a sign that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. It is formed by adding additional words to the positive degree more, less;eg: more important, less affectionate.

Superlative degree shows that a given sign of an object is manifested to the greatest or least degree compared to a similar sign in another object, for example: the tallest; deepest; the brightest; the narrowest; least sweet; most interesting of all; smarter than everyone.

The superlative also has synthetic and analytical form.

Simple superlative form is formed from the stem of the positive degree of the adjective by adding suffixes:

1) -eish-: white - white-eyish; rich - rich - eish; brave - brave-eish; wonderful - wonderful - wonderful;

2) -aish-to adjectives based on r, k, xand followed by alternating consonants: high - high - high - high, deep - deep - deep, quiet - - quiet - high.

There are some features in superlative education:

Adjective heavyforms superlative alternating f // g and to // h: heavy - the heaviest;

Adjectives close, lowform an excellent one by adding a suffix with a truncation of the generating stem and subsequent alternation of consonants s// f: close - closest, low - lowest.

In modern Russian, the simple form of superlative has two meanings:

1. Value highest quality that is inherent in any person or subject and on which this subject stands out from a number of similar ones. In superlative form, there is an indication of the circle of persons or objects from which they stand out the highest degree quality. This indication usually occurs in:

In the form of R. p. plural with pretexts from, among: the greatest of scientists; the most delicious fruit; the strongest among peers;

In the form of R. p. without pretexts: the most beautiful city in Europe; the most famous museum in the world; widest river country;

IN form T.v. plural with the pretext between: the greatest among generals;

- in the form of P. p. with pretexts in, on: the highest mountain in the world; the deepest lake on earth; beautiful place on the board; the largest lake in Siberia.

Superlative consumption is possible without any restrictions: the sweetest person; the main character; the strongest athlete.

2. The value of the marginal degree of quality beyond comparison with other items, eg: Above the forest, there was the gentle glow of the mountain range. Herbs are the surest remedy for colds.

Superlatives on -eish-, -eish-can be combined with a prefix nai-, which introduces an additional amplifying meaning, compare, for example: the hardest - the hardest; the strictest - the strictest; the most interesting - the most interesting; deepest- deepest; the fullest - the fullest.

Adjectives big, high, low, good, badform the following superlative forms: bigger, higher, lower, better, worse.

Not all quality adjectives form the simple superlative form.

These include:

1) adjectives with a suffix -sk-, -sk-: fraternal friendly, enemy, demonic, hellish, ugly;

2) some adjectives with a suffix -n-: native, efficient, blooded, quarrelsome, redundant;

The most charming, the most empathetic, the sweetest, the thickest, the least wide, the least funny. This method is productive even for those adjectives that do not have a simple superlative form, for example: the friendliest, the most combative, the most flexible, the most efficient, the least friendly, the least catchy;

2) by adding words everyone totalto a simple form of the comparative degree of an adjective, for example: most important of all, sweetest of all.

The forms of the degrees of comparison should be distinguished subjective quality assessment words,which combine the designation of a feature with the expression of its assessment by the speaker. The words of subjective assessment of quality express an emotional assessment of the designated feature or indicate a real greater or lesser degree.

Subjective quality assessment words are expressed in the following forms:

1) in adjectives with suffixes -enk- (-onk-), -yeshenek- (-shenek-), -ehonek- (-honek-), -ysenk-,eg: black, yellow, dry, white, happy, lonely, tiny, thin;

2) in adjectives with suffixes -ush- (-usch-), -enn-: furious, huge, thin, fat, wide, tall;

3) in adjectives with prefixes arch-, pre-, once-, super-, ultra-: funny, overwhelming, super-powerful, super-strong, lovely, enormous, ultra-modern;

4) in adjectives formed by pure or prefix repetition: black-black, old-old; soft-soft; interesting-interesting; high-high.

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Comparison of adjectives have almost all quality adjectives. As you might guess from the name, quality adjectives are adjectives that indicate some quality of a noun: good, dark, prominent, talented. Such adjectives have comparative and superior comparison.

Comparative degree of comparison.

The comparative degree of an adjective expresses the manifestation of any quality of a noun to a greater or lesser extent than that of another noun: This car color is better than the previous one. Your drawing is more beautiful than mine. This plate is deeper than that. Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian can be simple and complex.

Simple degree of comparison of adjectives formed with the following suffixes:

- e: short - shorter, large - more, steep - steeper;

- her (s): stately - dignified, warm - warmer;

- she: young - younger, old - older.

When forming a comparative degree, adjectives sometimes change their root: small is less, bad is worse, good is better. Adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree do not change endings or change.

Difficult degree of adjective comparison formed by particles more or less, which are added to the form of the positive (initial) degree of comparison: more difficult descent, less accessible mode of transport. Like the full form of the initial (positive) degree of the adjective, the complex degree of comparison is inclined in cases, gender and numbers.

The superlative degree of adjectives.

Superlative adjective assigns the lowest or highest degree of any quality to a noun: It was the coldest winter in 10 years. Like the comparative one, superlative degree of adjectives in Russian can be simple and complex.

Simple superlative adjectives formed by adding suffixes to the stem -aish-, -eish-: the great is the greatest, the sweet is the sweetest, the weak is the weakest, the small is the smallest. The exception is the words good and bad - they are superbly replaced by adjectives best and worst.

Particles are used in superlative complex shapes least / most and most: most / least affordable, most affordable. Both types of superlative comparison of adjectives vary in case, number, and gender.

Norms of using the degree of comparison of adjectives.

  1. The roughest error when using degrees of comparison is the simultaneous use of both degrees of comparison with one noun: more talented, less kind. This mistake should not be made under any circumstances! The only exceptions are two forms of adjectives: the worst and the best.
  2. Not all quality adjectives can form both forms of degrees of comparison, or rather, the suffix method is not available when using such adjectives: fighting, sick, brilliant, immortal, stormy, eternal, upper, strong-willed, possible, outstanding, deaf, heroic, proud, naked, distant, long-standing, business, familiar, cruel, short, oblique, crooked, peaceful, dead, mighty, lower, unknown, excellent, general, advanced, last, positive, permanent, right, similar, empty, early, developed, ragged, blind, timid, controversial, urgent, predatory, colored, young, etc. Also, some of these adjectives cannot form even a comparative degree of comparison - for example, one cannot be more naked or less naked, more immortal or less.
  3. There are times when theoretically education and use of superlatives possible, but logically not. For example, the sentence "Aivazovsky is a talented Russian artist". The number of Russian artists is incredibly large, so say that some of them talented will be biased and incorrect. To emphasize the importance in this case, you can use the phrase "One of the most talented"... Despite this, often for campaign purposes or to express one's own opinion, such moments are permissible. For example, you might say: "I believe that Tchaikovsky is the greatest composer in Russia of all time." Thus, it will be an expression of a specific subjective opinion, which does not violate the lexical norms and logical connections of speech.

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