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Christmas rituals and conspiracies. The most powerful rituals and conspiracies on Christmastide - how to attract love, money, luck, health? Traditions on Christmastide

Conspiracies on Christmastide are very ancient, very interesting and very powerful magic. The Yule period, which falls in the middle of winter, has a special unique energy. This is the time when one annual cycle ends and a new one is born. For a while, nature seems to freeze in anticipation before starting a slow but irreversible turn towards spring.

It was at this time both among the Slavs and among other peoples it was customary to perform the most important religious pagan and magical rites. Some of them have survived to this day and still successfully help in solving love, financial, family and other everyday problems.

Popular conspiracies on Christmastide

There are conspiracies on Christmastide, both intended for the entire Christmastide period (from January 7 to January 19 according to the modern calendar), and those that are used on certain days. Most of the conspiracies associated with Christmas and Epiphany are the culminating days of Christmas. But there are special conspiracies for other days.

On Vasilyev's Day - January 14

The conspiracy for Vasilyev's Day is held on the night of January 13-14, that is, on the Old New Year. This conspiracy should protect the house and its inhabitants from damage, evil eyes and all kinds of misfortunes. To do this, you need to take three lighted candles in your hand on Vasilyev's day.

“Happiness in the palace - all troubles beyond the threshold.
He who plans evil will return three times,
who wants to jinx it, so trouble will happen.
And the Lord will protect this house, Saint Basil will look after it. Amen".

Repeat this ceremony, alternately bringing candles to each window of the house. After such a conspiracy, no evil spirits will penetrate your home. It is important to remember that the protective power of the ceremony on Vasilyev's Day is enough for exactly one year. The next year the ceremony will need to be repeated again.

On Feklistov day - January 17

Another day when Christmastide conspiracies are used is January 17 (Feklistov day). Conspiracies on Feklistov day are also aimed at protection from evil forces. To drive out evil spirits, devils and all kinds of evil spirits from your home and from the yard, you need to put on an inverted sheepskin coat (this should frighten evil spirits) and, picking up a frying pan or a poker, drive evil forces from all corners, pronouncing a conspiracy.

And his words are:

“All power is evil, all evil spirits are dashing!
Get out of the house, get out of the yard, don't come back.
Here you will neither live nor live, you will not know the joy.
If you don’t get away at once, you won’t get around to trouble! ”

In addition, according to an ancient tradition, on this day you need to sew a thistle into an amulet and wear it around your neck as a talisman that protects against damage.

Strong love spell

The most powerful love spell is carried out on the night of January 7-8. With the help of this rite, you can forever bind a person you like to yourself. Therefore, this ritual can only be performed if there are strong feelings. It should be understood that the chosen one should also have an interest in you, since this rite is not aimed at subordinating another person to himself.

Its action is manifested in such a way that it simply accelerates the natural course of certain events associated with building trusting relationships. In other words, the ceremony can become the basis for true and sincere love. On the first Christmas night from January 7 to 8, you need to retire in a separate room and comb your hair with a regular comb.

In the process, the following magic words should be pronounced:

“I comb my hair, each hair falls to the hair, and after combing my hair, I will put the comb to the comb. Also, my dear, the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) will cleave to me, the Servant of God, (own name), and will always be there. Everything will happen as it is said, and not otherwise. Amen. "

The plot is very simple and very easy to remember. It is important to read it nine times in a row, very clearly and without stuttering. After brushing your hair, place the comb under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, waking up, the first thing you need to do is get the comb out from under the pillow and remove the hair from it and burn it so that only ash remains of it.

According to the condition of the ceremony, this ash must be collected and added to food or drink to the chosen one until the end of the Christmas period. But if it is not possible to do this, then you can simply throw the ashes into the clothes pocket of the chosen one or under the threshold of his house. But, of course, in this case, the impact will be less effective. To enhance the ritual, it is necessary to arrange for the man to comb his hair with a magic comb used in the ritual.

For health promotion

On Christmas time, conspiracies are very effective, the action of which is aimed at improving health. It is noteworthy that such a ceremony can be performed both on oneself and on another person. Such a conspiracy allows you to leave illness in the past. A magical conspiracy should be read early in the morning on one of the Christmas days.

His words are as follows:

“I went to sleep, the Servant of God (proper name), in the dark evening, it was dark outside; I got up, the Servant of God, (my own name), in the early morning at a red dawn, when the street was bright; I, the Servant of God, (my own name) washed myself with fresh and cool water; I wiped myself, Servant of God, (my own name), with a white handkerchief. Then I went out door after door, from gate to gate. I went along the long road along the road-land right up to the ocean-sea, where there is a holy island. I turned east towards the red sun and I saw an open field.

On it I saw a large seven-tower house, in which a red maiden was sitting on a golden chair. She persuades ailments and diseases, and on her knees she holds a silver saucer on which sharp knives lie, forged from strong damask steel. I, the Servant of God (proper name), entered that seven-tower house, humble and with my head bowed. She bowed low to the red girl, obeyed her heart and said the following word: “Take, red girl, sharp damask knives from your silver saucer, and cut off that unhealthy black flesh with them. Cut off from him (her) all sorrows and sorrows associated with severe illnesses and ailments. Tighten all his (her) wounds with your magic power.

And after that, protect him (her) from any unkind intention of an evil person, be it a witch woman, a simple-haired girl, a single-married man or a polygamist, red-haired or black-haired. And having done this, close your deeds, red maiden, with twelve locks. And lower all twelve keys to the bottom of the okey-sea, pose the strong stone Alatyr. There is no one to open your locks and no one to wash your keys. The Slave (s) of God (the name of the sick person) will no longer hurt from this moment and never. As the evening dawn goes out, so all ailments will disappear. My word is strong, no one can change it. It will be so from now on and forever. Amen".

It is important to wash in the shower before reading this conspiracy, or even better in the bath. Be sure to let your hair down and wear clean, loose, light-colored clothing. You can enhance the effect of the conspiracy if you read it holding a lit church candle in your hand.

Christmastide is the period between Christmas and Epiphany. This period is the most favorable period for fortune-telling. It was during this period that conspiracies and rituals have the greatest magical power. Having performed ceremonies during Christmas time, you can safely count on a positive result.

For magic, all Christmastide is good

As a rule, there are three types of rituals:

  • Rites performed at Christmas.
  • Rites and conspiracies on Christmastide (all days except for Christmas and Epiphany).
  • Epiphany rites and conspiracies.

The famous soothsayer N. Stepanova, like many people with extrasensory abilities, consider Christmastide to be the most suitable period for many rituals: for love, for attracting money, for luck, for protection from illness and misfortune. The period during which Christmastide is considered is the period from January 7 to January 19 of one year. In order for everything to go without sad consequences, several rules must be strictly observed:

  • It is necessary to carry out all the rituals: read conspiracies, perform rituals or fortune telling only on a moonlit night, when there are a large number of stars in the sky.
  • If the choice fell on fortune-telling, you need to gather a large company. It is undesirable for one to guess, but conspiracies must be read, being completely alone.
  • During magical actions, you must remove your pectoral cross, and as soon as all actions are completed, put it on again.
  • Candles should be lit during any ritual.

The ceremonies that are held on Christmastide days on other ordinary days during the year will not bring any result, therefore it is impractical to conduct them.

Christmas night can help everyone

On the night of Christmas magic, while in a dark room, light one candle. Go to the window, which faces east, and put a lighted candle on the windowsill. As soon as the first asterisk appears in the sky, pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times:

Then quickly put out the candle and say:

So that Madame Luck always walks along the path of life during 2016 on the night before Christmas, namely January 6, sketch the side of a 5 cm by 5 cm leaf with a red pencil. Write your first and last name on the surface of the red side. Next to this data, write the date of your appearance in this world. Turn the sheet over with the clean side to you and write your most cherished desires in no more than three. Hide the paper with desires under the pillow on which the head rests during sleep, and whisper:

These words must be said three times. Then go to bed, and you have to have time to carry out the whole ceremony before the clock strikes twelve in the morning. At this time, the dream should already completely take over the fortuneteller. The dream that came into the mind of a person on the night before Christmas is prophetic, and it is able to tell what to expect in the coming 2016. Waking up, hide the leaf with desires in a secluded place until the full realization of the desired.

In order to protect herself and her family in the coming 2016 from diseases, the Siberian healer N. Stepanova recommends an excellent effective and strong conspiracy that will become a talisman for loved ones. On the day before Christmas, purchase a towel, which should be woven from linen. The magic words of the prayer are read on this towel, and during 2016 they wipe the sick person.

This ceremony is recommended by the famous soothsayer N. Stepanova.

When there are only two days left before Christmas, namely January 5, you can conduct a ritual that will allow you to get a "cake of happiness" and thereby create yourself a talisman for the entire 2016 year. This ritual requires rye flour. You need to take three handfuls of flour. Mix it with holy water. From the resulting dough, mold a cake, which will become a talisman. While kneading the dough, say a ritual prayer:

All these rituals performed at Christmas are very effective and bring the desired result. If spent on any other day in 2016, forgetting about Christmas, they will not bring any results.

Baptism can protect and protect from disease

For good health throughout 2016, you need to prepare water on January 19, for Epiphany. It is enough to read a magical prayer over the water collected on this day:

Wash with this water, forming a kind of cross with movements. And if someone gets sick in the family throughout 2016, you can wash your face with prepared water in the same way.

For the bright holiday of Epiphany, a lot of accepts have been invented since ancient times. And all the signs of Epiphany are based on the water collected in Baptism. The main feature is the belief that exactly at twelve o'clock in the night all the water becomes illuminated and "magic".

According to baptismal signs, on this day, namely January 19, as well as on the day before baptism, in no case should you remember deceased relatives. Otherwise, there is such a bad omen that new dead people can be called.

In addition to all this, the signs on January 19 say that any dream that the subconscious gives out is prophetic.

Prayers, Epiphany rituals and conspiracies, as well as Christmas rituals, are very effective. You can easily, by fulfilling all the conditions of Epiphany rituals and conspiracies, attract wealth to your home.

Go outside early in the morning and go to church. Collect water in the church. When you are at home, you need to make sure that no one is around. And already being completely alone, you have to walk around the house. The detour should make three circles and from a glass of consecrated water, not a single drop should splash out. Then return home and say a prayer:

To attract good luck in love, as N. Stepanova advises on the feast of Epiphany, take your clothes, which are very often worn and burn them to the ground. After burning, pull out three hairs from the left side of the head and, combining hair and ash, create a ball, adding wax from a candle there. Throw the resulting ball into the fire, saying the words of the prayer:

To strengthen the health of a loved one N. Stepanova advises to carry out a ceremony for health. Thanks to this rite, you can save your husband or a man for whom love is tested from illness.

Christmas rituals will instantly change your whole life

According to signs that from time immemorial have multiplied and grew, in order for money to be found in the house, it is necessary to light aroma sticks throughout all Christmas time. They should smell like vanilla, cinnamon, and also have a clove scent.

Christmastide rituals for love and marriage for a long time, both girls and women of all ages spend. IN christmastide need to guess at the narrowed while carrying out special rite , those who have already managed to get married on Christmas week read conspiracies and prayers for love husband. Christmas magic keeps strong conspiracy for love and simple marriage ceremony that anyone can do. Rites and conspiracies on Christmastide week from January 7 to January 19, this is exactly the time when you can independently spend the most ancient and 100% working christmas rite for love and read the real love conspiracy that strengthens love husband to his wife, who has cooled down with feelings or, even worse, began to walk to the left - if read a conspiracy for love on Christmas time , this situation will be corrected very quickly and the bewitched man will love only his wife. Love ritual for unmarried done at home during the celebration of Christmastide week (Christmastide week) and soon as read conspiracy prayer for love on Christmastide, fate will send a husband who will very soon propose to you and marry you.

Christmas time conspiracy to read on future or true love

The best time when you need it read conspiracies and spend christmas rituals starts at 8 pm, at which time the magical powers of the earth have the greatest power and this time lasts until 4 am. At the specified time on any Christmas day celebration, perform the following ceremony. Approaching each window of a house (apartment) with any lighted candle, it is barely audible at each window, you need to say 1 time the words of the Christmas spell for love . Christmas time conspiracy following:

I will go out, red maiden servant of God (name),
In the morning in a clear field, I will go to look for my beloved.
I will look to the left - my beloved is not there,
I will look to the right - my beloved is not there,
I will look back - there is no one and there is one field ahead.
I will be sad, red maiden of the servant of God (name),
Where to look for me a good fellow servant of God
(God knows the name) (if you know the name of a man or a guy, name yourself)?
And the wind will tell me:
You return home, Red maiden of the servant of God (name),
Your sweet servant of God (name) is waiting for you,
Sits and yearns for you, all alone.
You gently nip him, hug him tightly,
And he will not look to the side, and he will not say a word across.
I am in the hallway and my dear one in the hallway:
Waiting-waiting, not eating-not sleeping-not drinking, looking at the road,
Who is walking along the road, Who is going to enter the canopy now.
I'll come home, where my dear.
My words are strong and molding.

After reading conspiracy of love which will help you to successfully marry for love during the year, put out the candle and go to bed. This christmas plot also helps to fall in love with her husband so that he does not walk and does not look to the side.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • White magic is especially powerful around Christmas. Conspiracies and rituals for love on Christmas evening or Christmas night help to quickly and very much fall in love with any person and even make him propose to you, awakening his obsessive desire to marry you and create with you a strong and happy family... Traditions and customs for Christmas contain a lot of strong prayers, conspiracies and love spells for love. Christmas conspiracies help to meet your betrothed or greatly fall in love with an already existing lover and marry a beloved man. Almost all Christmas conspiracies and prayers for love are usually read in front of the Icon or the crucifixion of Christ, this love spell - a prayer for love on the holiday of Christmas is also read in front of the face of Jesus Christ:

  • Epiphany magic for love is an ancient ritual of conspiracies and prayers to kindle and maintain love between people. On the day of January 19, when the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated, you need to read a strong love conspiracy for the love of the one you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom the white Epiphany conspiracy was read will love his other half very much and will forever love and be faithful to her. Many who performed this magical rite on the night of baptism and spoke to the bright and strong love of their chosen one have already lived together in love and harmony for many years, without quarreling or cheating on each other. Light a church candle holding it in your left hand with your right, pour a sip of holy water into a transparent glass. Without releasing the candle, take a glass in your right hand and say the Epiphany conspiracy - a prayer for love:

  • On New Year's Eve, the magic of love and family creation "marriage" is the strongest. If before the new year before its onset, as well as in new year's eve conduct a magical rite of love and marriage and read a strong conspiracy for strong and mutual love in the family, then all year your family will be bypassed by family problems, the spouses will remain faithful and the purest and strongest love for each other thanks to the magic amulet. A love conspiracy read on New Year's Eve helps to meet and get to know your betrothed and during the new year to marry him for mutual love. Night on New Year this is best time in the year when you need to read conspiracies for love. New Year's love plots is an old New Year's tradition passed down from generation to generation. Knowledgeable people have always carried out pure "white" conspiracies and rituals for love at night from 8 pm on December 31 to 4 am on January 1. This ceremony was done with the sole purpose that the husband only loved his wife and was always by her side. On the eve of the New Year, read on your own the best home conspiracy to love your husband or beloved man. This is a quick New Year's conspiracy and it does not take much time to carry out and does not require preparation, you just need to buy a church candle in advance and independently conduct a rite of love on New Year's Eve. On New Year's Eve at a specified time, retire, light a candle and make a wish (to get married, meet narrowed or strengthen the love feelings of her husband) quickly 3 times say the New Year's conspiracy for love and marriage:

  • All the rituals for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells will help make a person marry you and, experiencing strong love, marry in the shortest possible time. If you need to marry your beloved man or boyfriend, on Palm Sunday they read a love prayer for love and family creation. According to the tradition of witches and healers who keep the customs of their ancestors and magic recipes and spells for all occasions, there is a good conspiracy prayer for Palm Sunday aimed at love and helping to fall in love with a person on the day of reading and make him quickly marry you with the help of white magic ... A day before the onset of Palm Sunday, break an odd number of willow branches that have already fluffed up (3,5,7 ...) or purchase them on the market. On the same day, before the onset of the holiday, having come to your home, read a love spell over the willow - a conspiracy of love, and on Palm Sunday, present the willow that has been spoken of for love and wedding to the person you want to bewitch. The conspiracy for love on Palm Sunday is as follows:

  • White magic for Easter aimed at love and marriage is sinless and harmless. A simple love spell prayer for love read on the Easter holiday, in heaven and on earth, will strongly bind the souls of loved ones and will protect your marriage from betrayal and the evil eye and damage, protecting the family after the wedding. There is a good white conspiracy for marriage after reading which you can quickly and successfully marry a loved one by forcing him to quickly marry with the help of a love spell prayer. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is not so decisive that he does not make an offer to you to marry him can do it. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry, and the walking husband to settle down and settle down, having experienced strong love, respect and constant attraction for his wife. Easter conspiracy - a prayer for a quick and successful marriage, which is read on Easter in church:

It is surprising that it is with these official church holidays that the people traditionally associate such pagan rituals as divination... Let us remind you that the church does not welcome such exercises ... but nevertheless, one wants to penetrate into the future, at least with one eye to look and see the betrothed. Of course, fortune-telling is most often of interest to young people, who, as was sung in the once popular song, “all life is ahead”.

So, fortune-telling in order to find out the future is included in the Christmastide rites. The very word "reptile" - Hebrew, means the name of the goddess of happiness.

One of the most common - fortune telling ... Those gathered take rings, earrings, cufflinks and put them under the dish along with pieces of bread and pieces of paper with various wishes. Cover with a towel on top. Then they put a hand under it and take out items with wishes. Accordingly, they refer to the owner of the item.

Widely known eavesdropping rite ... Girls go outside at midnight and listen to the first words of passers-by. They are interpreted for the future.

For divination they also take several bulbs and notice each of them. The bulbs are placed on the ground, which will germinate faster - the mistress of that will sooner get married.

Fresh egg - also a divination subject for Christmas. The contents of the egg are carefully released into a glass of clean water. They let it stand for a while, judging the future by the location of the protein.

You can take birch torch , wash with spring water and ignite. Whoever flares up faster is destined for a long life.

They also take a scarf¸ a piece of bread and a piece of wood and dipped into a cast iron pot (where can I get it?). Closing or blindfolding, the girl goes up to the iron pot and takes whatever she comes across. If there is a handkerchief - to marriage, bread - to stay at home, a piece of wood - a coffin. Eerie, some kind of fortune-telling.

Therefore, let us turn to the sung by Ivan Zhukovsky in the poem "Svetlana" fortune telling with a mirror ... On Christmastide days, closer to the night, taking a mirror, candle and towel with you, go into an empty room. Put all this on the table and sit in front of the mirror with the words: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me for supper." You can sit in front of the mirror for a long time, but you can not. Five minutes before the groom's appearance, the candle flame will begin to tremble, the mirror will dim. Then immediately wipe it with a towel, and you will see: the groom will definitely show himself, stand behind your back and look in the mirror. Take a closer look at it, and then shout: "Out of this place!" - the groom will disappear. And if you do not say such words, then the groom will sit down at the table and put out some piece of jewelry from his pocket. The main thing is to have time to say the word "chur", then in the future the groom will make you this very gift.

To find out what the groom will be like, lay on the floor ring, hook and piece of bread, cover it all with a handkerchief. A person who has not seen the order in which these items are laid out wonders. If he took out a ring for you from under the scarf, the groom will love himself very much, expensive things and outfits, if the bread is very good, then the betrothed is rich, the worst of all is the hook - you will have to work to provide not only yourself, but also your spouse ...

Another original fortune-telling, which so far is unlikely to be done. Usually in winter, if a lot of snow has fallen, the girls secretly go out into the yard and throw themselves back into the snow ... Early in the morning they go out to see what the figure is. If it is even, the husband will be calm, if not, he will be grumpy.

It is possible at night walk on the first snow ... If in the morning the trail is swept up or it remains unpatched, there will be abundance and a lot of happiness in the house. If the trail is damaged or someone crossed it, it is an unkind sign: expect trouble.

In the 18th century in Germany in the winter they wondered for four kings ... Before going to bed, they put cards with their image under the pillow and said "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream!" In the morning, without looking, they took out one card from under the pillow. The king of spades is an old jealous husband, of clubs is a widower, of worms is young and rich, but the tambourine is desired. Men can also do all this with ladies.

Write any of your wish on a piece of paper , place it on a plate with the text side down and light the paper. If it burned out completely, the plan will soon be fulfilled, if only part of it, something will prevent it.

It's even better if you live in your house cat ... Go to another room, conceive a cherished desire, call a purr. If she steps over the threshold with her right front paw, the wish will come true.

After dinner, take a large platter and spread it out in a circle tablespoons... Each fortuneteller remembers his own. Then the dish is placed in a secret place overnight. In the morning, they come to see how the spoons lie: inverted means death, turned to one side - illness, in the usual position - long life.

You can dip the woolen thread into a bucket of water. If she is curled up in a circle - her husband is cheating, if he swims freely - everything is going well in your life, a thread that sank right to the bottom, to the death of someone close, floating on the surface - to a wedding.

Of course, to believe or not in fortune-telling is everyone's personal business. As a rule, those who have something come true join the ranks of supporters of divination, the losers become unbelievers. We have a whole life ahead of us when we can check all the predictions.

Prepared by Elena KORNILKOVA

Christmastide is 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany. They are celebrated from 7 to 19 January. At this time, various rituals were held in Russia, the most famous of which was caroling. As a rule, children and adolescents or separately some girls went to it.

The guys gathered in small groups and, as it got dark, went around the houses of the village with a basket in which they put food. Approaching the house, the carolers knocked on the corner of the hut with a stick. The ritual was performed at the door; they did not go inside the hut. Even if someone let them in, the guys would carol at the doorstep, and did not go further.

To get a treat, the carolers sang different ditties, for example, the following:

Give me a pie
For a plot!
Don't give me a pie
So a cow by the horn -
Chubby ".

The owners prepared for the arrival of the carols well in advance. As soon as there was a knock on the wall, they immediately took out the treat. The kids were presented with koloboks, juices, pieces of pie, pancakes, cheesecakes, gingerbread cookies, cookies, sweets. They gave eggs and milk. They could have poured beer, kvass, or even wine. They also gave money - in general, whoever could.

But not all owners were complacently disposed towards the collectors of the presents. Sometimes adults made fun of the carols in a peculiar way. The jokes of some of them were offensive: someone poured water over the children, and some put a piece of dung instead of a treat in the hem of the hem in the dark. Let's not be surprised, such were the customs!

They dressed in different ways for caroling. Whoever could, and dressed up. The funnier the clothes were, the better. Some dressed up for women, some for men; for example, the boys wore grandma's skirt, sweater, scarf. Or you could dress up as a ragamuffin: to put on all the rag-stuff that is in the house, and bast shoes too.

It was customary to hide the face, it was smeared with soot, and pieces of raw potatoes were inserted into the teeth to make it worse. Or they put on homemade masks on their faces.


In our time, you can also carry out Christmas rituals. For example, money and beauty.

For money

It should be spent from January 16 to January 19 - on the growing moon.
In the evening, place three lighted candles in the bathroom and turn off the electricity.
Put five coins of any kind in the bathtub and start drawing water. At the same time, drop by drop any aromatic oil, saying: "The river flows from afar, as there is no end and end to it, so there will be no end and end to my wealth. To be in my opinion!"
Then climb into the bath, lie down, relax. Then plunge seven times and get out of the water. Let the candles burn out completely. Collect the coins and always carry them in the secret compartment of your wallet.

For beauty

This ritual is performed from January 6th to 19th.
Pour in a large cup (or ladle) of water, light a candle, and “program” the water for beauty and freshness. Water remembers information, so "talk" to it. For example, say: "I am the loveliest in the world, all blush and whiter", or "I am the most charming and attractive", or "There is dew from the grass, beauty on my face!" etc.
Take a sip of this "charged" water, rinse your face, hair, spray your body.
The ritual must be repeated daily.

Inga Kristinskaya

Christmastide is the period from Christmas Eve (January 6) to Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18). During this period, the boundaries between the world of the living and the haven of spirits are not so strictly observed. Therefore, Christmastide is ideal for conducting all kinds of rituals to cleanse from negativity, improve well-being and health, attract love and stimulate monetary energy. Unmarried girls only on these holidays are allowed to guess about their future and make an appeal to the groom, and family people can ask the Higher Forces for procreation, prosperity in the house.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina: "There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

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    Traditions on Christmastide

    Christmas traditions - dressing up in wild fairy-tale images and scary animal masks - are rooted in the ancient belief that at Christmas the spirits and creatures of hell emerge on the surface of the earth and rampage among ordinary people. It was believed that a person himself needs to be like a demon so that they could not harm him.

    Christmas carols, accompanied by exuberant merriment, opened the two-week festivities. To songs, with the wish of good and a rich harvest, carollers knocked on every house. Everywhere they were brought out a generous treat or presented with small money. It was a bad omen not to open the door to the mummers or to drive them away from the threshold.

    The festivities were headed by a young joker, recognized by everyone as the main merry fellow. He was dressed in shapeless bright clothes, hung with all sorts of rattles and beads, and his face was covered with a mask of a Goat with long horns.

    Other traditions for Christmas and the entire Christmastide period according to the Orthodox calendar:

    • a ban on any work after sunset;
    • visiting guests all day and a generous treat for those who made a return visit;
    • women were not allowed to sew or cut anything with scissors, and men were not allowed to fish or hunt forest animals;
    • it was considered a bad omen to take out the garbage from the house or lend money to friends after sunset;
    • it was impossible to swear or quarrel with elders, especially during meals;
    • old people tried to pass on their knowledge to young people, shared life experience, “taught the mind,” and young people listened to them with respect.

    One of the most important Christmas traditions was the distribution of seven alms in the name of Christ, as well as the custom of performing seven selfless benefits. 7 coins of the same denomination were for alms, which had to be distributed to good friends or neighbors.

    Instead of coins, it was customary in many regions to give new embroidered towels. Bringing the gift, the owner said: "I give you the towels, I will die, I will correct the evil with good, fortunately I will direct my family (my family)." Both giving and taking the towel had to be done with a bow.

    Guessing on Christmastide gathered in groups of three to ten people, and read the conspiracies alone.

    In village courtyards, a bathhouse was a sacred place for any magical action, less often a threshing floor or a barn.

    Divine services were performed on all Christmastide days, and the elderly people tried "out of zeal" to withstand most of them. In their free time, the old people carried alms in the form of sweet pastries, bacon and sausages to prison prisons, orphanages and hospitals.

    Money magic on Christmastide

    Attracting money was the main theme of the Christmastide conspiracies, and this is confirmed by numerous folk signs associated with obtaining or maintaining material wealth:

    • any personal thing lost on Christmas meant a poor and hungry year, and found - generous and well-fed;
    • if on Christmas the sky is starry or snow sows thickly - there will be wealth;
    • the month born on Christmas night meant continuous losses and waste.

    Monetary traditions were observed steadily on holidays, because the well-being of the whole family depended on them in the coming year:

    • for a meal on Christmas Eve, you had to eat at least a piece of each of the 12 dishes;
    • the remains of the baked goods and crumbs from the table were swept away into a clean plate and poured out under the windows so that the birds would peck;
    • a strong smell of vanilla, cinnamon, citrus or spicy cloves should have lingered in the house - these scents enhance the energy of money.

    The main monetary tradition at Christmas is putting coins in dumplings or sweet pies. Whoever came across the money was expecting a financially successful, well-fed year.

    Rite of passage to attract money for apples

    The three-day rite for apples is performed on Christmastide week on the growing moon. To do this, you need to buy 20 large red apples on the market, but give money to the seller for calculation or not take change.

    The sequence of the ceremony:

    1. 1. On the day of buying apples, you need to find 14 beggars in different parts of the city and silently distribute 1 fruit to them.
    2. 2. The next day, you must give 3 apples to those beggars who meet near the house.
    3. 3. The last 3 apples are brought to church on the third day, where they are placed on the memorial table among other offerings. At the same time, you need to whisper: “Remember my poverty for peace, and let the wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    If everything is done correctly, after the holidays, money will rush to the magician in a stream.

    Summoning wealth to a playing card deck

    Ritual with classical playing deck in 54 cards, it does not require the pronunciation of conspiracies and has maximum efficiency if it is carried out during the new moon, after sunset.

    From the deck, bought in the first days of Christmas time, they take out both jokers and immediately destroy the black one: they tear it into small pieces right on the street and burn it there, and scatter the ashes. The red joker is placed in a separate pocket of the wallet so that the card does not bend when opening and closing the wallet.

    The rest of the deck is wrapped in a light cloth, tied with a red cord and stored in a secluded corner of the house while the red joker is “working”. If a card from the wallet disappears, then the entire deck is destroyed. The ceremony will lose its effect even if someone discovers the hidden cards.

    Conspiracy with a piggy bank and a bill

    To get rid of debt and financial difficulties as soon as possible, magicians recommend making a talisman piggy bank, which will become the main stimulator of financial vortex flows in the house. In order not to have to separately charge the store piggy bank, it is better to make it yourself from a cheap wooden box, on which loops are installed and a lock is hung. A money slot is cut in the lid of the drawer.

    The ritual is performed on Wednesday, which falls on the growing moon during the Christmas time. Between sunset and midnight, you need to put a large-denomination banknote into the open piggy bank, then close the box with a lock and whisper three times, keeping your palms on the lid with a slot:

    "I do the money rituals, I attract bills to the piggy bank. So that the money goes to my house, the road is not forgotten. One to one, the second to the second! And all to me!"

    After that, during the entire lunar month, you must put at least three coins and any three (possibly the smallest) bills in the piggy bank every day. The box should show off in the house in full view of everyone.

    How to get the debtor to return the money?

    If the borrower drags on the debt or hides from the lender, a special Christmas-tree conspiracy is read in his name, forcing the debtor to suffer with pangs of conscience. To get your money back, you need to buy a broom at the market on Christmas Eve, and on the second or third day of Christmas time after sunset, say the following text to it three times:

    “I am sending the servant of God (name of the debtor) to nach. Let this nach burn and bake. He drives in the corners, breaks bones, does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink, does not give rest (name of the debtor). Until that debt is paid back to me. Amen".

    They read a spell by the light of the moon, and if this illumination is not enough, then also with a lit church candle. The sorcerer must see every twig of a broom lying on the table, and, while pronouncing the text, imagine how this broom hits and drives the borrower out of his house. Under the influence of this white conspiracy, the debtor will lose peace and soon return the borrowed amount.

    Cash call for the waxing moon

    The appeal for financial well-being is read for the new month in the first quarter. The starry sky should be clear, and the thin crescent moon is clearly visible through the window. Several coins of various denominations and 3-4 intact bills are laid out on the windowsill and pronounced, looking alternately at the moon, then at the money:

    “Magnificent Moon, you are growing so fast, so may my income increase. Share your light with my money so that it arrives every day. Money grows fast because the moonlight is drunk. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my house. "

    Then you need to go to another room, leaving the money to "charge", and after 2-3 hours come back and put coins and bills in a special pocket in your wallet. Until the next new moon, this money will serve as a financial magnet, and then it can be spent.

    Wallet read

    To increase profits and good luck, all financial enterprises conduct a ritual for a new wallet. The more expensive and roomy the accessory is, the better it will work.

    On the growing moon during Christmas time, a coin and a dried piece of horseradish root are put in one of the wallet compartments in one of the wallet compartments, and all available cash is carefully laid out in the remaining pockets.

    After the new wallet is ready for energy processing, you need to destroy the old source of stagnant money energy - the old wallet. They burn him on an open fire, in the street, stomping around the fire and reading the conspiracy: “Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before - will triple, what was not before - will manifest. So be it. And so it will be. Amen".

    On the same night, the new wallet is “powered”:

    1. 1. The closed wallet is placed on the table.
    2. 2. Around the object are placed 7 church candles purchased after the Christmas service.
    3. 3. With candles lit, the spell is solemnly pronounced.
    4. 4. At the end of the ceremony, the candles are left on the table to burn out, and in the morning they are collected in a green woven bag and tidied up away from prying eyes.

    A talisman wallet will last longer if handled with respect, and not tossed or dirty.

    Conspiracy text: “The cash flow is striving and running into my magical new wallet. It multiplies my income, expenses become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, but poverty rather escapes from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen".

    "Unchanging Coin"

    You can start talking to yourself an unchangeable coin no more than once a year, and the best time when this should be done is on the growing moon on Christmastide. They choose any white metal money from the wallet and try to bend it at least a little. You need to do this before sunset yourself, without resorting to someone else's help.

    Closer to midnight, the bent coin is placed on the palm, symbolically spat on it three times, and the following words are read seven times: “The coin is bent, everything is confused. Ways, roads, money on the doorstep. Coin to coin, ruble to ruble, weaving to weaving, to a thousand thousand - and all in my pocket. I have Solomon's treasury. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Conspiracy money must be constantly carried in your wallet. Nobody should see her and know about her existence.

    White conspiracy with icon

    If the new moon falls on one of the Christmastide weeks, the hostess of the house performs a ritual so that money in the house is not transferred. For the ceremony, you need a personal icon of the witch, a new purse and 3 church candles.

    Between 1 and 3 am, all 3 candles are lined up on the table and lit, a wallet is placed in front of them, and the hostess herself stands opposite, holding an icon in her right hand, and in her left - any odd number of large banknotes. The conspiracy is read:

    “Greetings, dark night, I, your adopted daughter, My wallet is a vegetable garden. No one will encroach on him. And he won't take anything from him! How many grains are in a spikelet? Do not count and do not count. And do not eat at once. How many stars are there in the sky? Do not count and do not count. And not to cover at once. How many grains of sand are there on earth? Do not count, do not count. You can't get around in your whole life. So the same, let there be money in my wallet all the days. Not recalculated. Not wrapped around. Not retyped. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    With the last words of the prayer, all the candles are extinguished and, together with the wallet, they are tidied up in a secluded place for 3 days. After this period, the wallet and money in it can be used as usual, and the candles are again lit in front of the icon and allowed to burn out completely.

    Rituals for good luck and fulfillment of wishes

    Much attention in Christmastide was paid to finding out whether the coming year will be successful or not, but no less effort was made to lure luck and "settle" it in the house for a long time. For example, in order for all the undertakings of the household to lead to a successful result, the housewives tried to prepare friable kutya for the Old New Year. For the same purposes, the entire week from Christmas Eve to January 14, garbage from the house was not taken out on a pile, but burned in the yard.

    The rituals for fulfilling wishes in the Christmas time were distinguished by their simplicity - it was considered sufficient to voice your dream and accompany it with the reading of a simple conspiracy in order to count on a positive response from the Universe.

    They refrained from rituals of this direction only in one case - if the birthday fell on any of the days of the January holidays (from January 6 to January 18).

    Bringing good luck for the whole year

    Well-being can be anchored in the home by creating a comfortable energy oasis in the room. To do this, a healthy three-year-old flower is chosen from all domestic plants and placed in the common room.

    On the growing moon, after midnight, you need to fill a glass with holy water and whisper to it three times: “As many helpers enter my door, there will be so many helpers. But enemies, enemies do not go to my door. How many times the door opens - so much good will come into the house. And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and misfortune have no way here. Happiness - in the house, good - in the house! Amen".

    Half of the charmed water is spent on sprinkling the threshold and the front door, and the selected plant is watered with the remaining liquid.

    Conspiracy with candles for well-being in the house

    On the morning of Epiphany, a ritual is held, symbolically summarizing all the variety of mystical appeals to the Higher Powers during the Christmas time. The reading is performed at dawn, in front of a church candle lit on the table. In his left hand the magician is supposed to hold a piece of bread made of rye flour, and in his right hand - a container with holy water.

    The prayer is offered up three times, facing east:

    "The true truth is that the Lord fed five loaves of bread. The true truth is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The true truth is that the Lord is just and merciful. I appeal to you, Lord, the servant of God (s) (name)! Turn my luck towards me. And with grief-misfortune show the way to the serpent's womb. There is a place and dwelling for trouble. And I, the servant (s) of God (s) (your name), will take a talisman and gold - I will wrap myself in silver. My wealth is to be counted, not to be counted, but I will never know grief and misfortune in life. I close my words with a key and throw it into the bottomless sea. Amen. "

    The ceremony takes effect immediately, as soon as the magician eats the prepared bread and drinks all the holy water - this must be done immediately, without leaving the place. Then the candle is extinguished. On the same day, an unburned candle is taken to the church and lit in front of the image of the Son of God. Care should be taken that the attendant does not extinguish this candle before it is completely melted.

    To make your cherished wish come true

    The conspiracy allows you to ask for the assistance of the Higher Forces in fulfilling one main desire. If you make a few requests or poorly formulate a dream, the effect will be weak and blurry.

    Readings are performed after midnight, for 6 days in a row, at any phase of the growing moon (it is also possible on a full moon). Looking at the night light from your bedroom window, you need to whisper the words of the prayer three times:

    "The Lord Almighty, Mother Holy Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you for help. Help me, the servant of God (name) in the fulfillment of what I want (2-3 capacious phrases that conclude the main dream). In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. "

    Then one reads "Our Father" and you can immediately go to bed.

    On the same days, if they fell on the waning of the night star, conspiracies were read from the intrigues of enemies and from the sent fever (damage).

    Cleaning the home on Vasilyev's day

    From the evening of January 13, on Vasilyev's day, you need to make a trikiry with your own hands - a simple stand for three candles. An ordinary short board will do, on which 3 church candles stick at an equal distance from each other.

    Immediately after midnight, you need to light them, pick up the tricyria and, holding them to the front door, say the following words: “Happiness in the palace - all troubles are beyond the threshold. Whoever thinks evil will return three times; whoever wants to jinx it, so trouble will happen. And the Lord will protect this house, Saint Basil will look after it. Amen".

    The same text is read in front of each window surrounded by a trikiri. Everything needs to be protected, even service windows, as well as a fireplace chimney, if any.

    Removing the negative on Feklists day

    On January 17, it is necessary to remove damage from housing noisily, with the involvement of all senior family members in the ceremony. The purpose of the ritual is to make unclean spirits get scared and run away from a restless house themselves, so people prepared accordingly - they put on sheepskin coats, turned inside out, dressed in colorful women's sweaters, and ripped up their beards.

    Armed with a poker and a frying pan, the owner of the house "tapped" all the corners of the house, from time to time shouting intimidatingly: "All power is evil, all evil spirits are dashing! Get out of the house, get out of the yard, don't come back. You can't live here, don't live, don't know the joy. If you don’t get away at once, then you will not be in trouble! ".

    The rest of the family, while the head of the house spoke the corners, pounded on pots and made unimaginable noise in other ways. In the evening of the same day, each tenant of the house received a protective amulet for a year - an amulet with a dried thistle inside.

    Waning moon ritual from enemies

    To prevent the evil wishes of enemies from being deposited on a person's aura in the form of damage, they call on the element of fire... This type of magic requires the performer to know the basics of visualization.

    On any Christmas day, with the waning moon, between midnight and one in the morning, a thin white church candle is lit on the table. Looking at her, the magician enters a state of trance, imagining himself in the form of a complex dark crystal, from which all the darkness that fills him emanates. As the edges of the crystal become transparent, the fire of the candle begins to gradually saturate the energy cocoon that envelops the body of the meditator. Rising from the bottom up, the fiery element encompasses the entire aura of a person and closes up above his head.

    Feeling himself protected by the saving flame, the magician reads a conspiracy:

    “Now I am filled with noble fire, like the light pleasing to the soul! From now on and forever I get rid of all enemies! I'll turn around in a light smoke, I'll turn to the spirits for help. What my enemy prepares for me, let him take it! Holy fire won't let me down! The angel-fire will catch the anger of the enemy, but it will forever interfere with his machinations! I am purified with this light, I am filled with protection and power of fire from now on! All my words, be strong, sculpting and tenacious! Key, lock, tongue! "

    Conspiracies for good health and beauty

    In order for a seriously ill, lying person to recover faster, after the celebration of Christmas, his old clothes and bed linen were burned on a ceremonial fire, in which Didukh also burned - a rye sheaf symbolizing the spirit of ancestors. Be sure to try to wash the patient with the first snow that fell on Christmastide and read the healing plot over him.

    Christmas snow helped the girls keep their faces clean and protect themselves from skin diseases. It was believed that washing with a snowball that fell from January 7 to 19 at dawn reliably protects a woman from envy and the evil eye, and also helps to remove negative consequences after fortune-telling and performing magical rites.

    From all diseases (for a candle)

    The patient, who is being read, is bathed, combed and dressed in loose, light-colored clothing. If the conspiracy is pronounced on oneself, then you need to do all the same, but carry out the ceremony while standing, holding a lighted church candle in your hands.

    The action takes place after sunset, the lunar phase or the day of the week for the ceremony does not matter. The conspiracy is read from 3 to 9 times, depending on the complexity of the situation. For the prevention of diseases, one reading is enough:

    “Save from sorrow and sorrow, cut down all diseases and ailments from the Servant of God (name). May all wounds be healed by your magic power. Not to see more illnesses to the Servant of God (name) from now on and forever. He will not be subject to an unkind human word. As the evening dawn darkens, so it will be cleansed of ailments. My word is strong, it is not subject to change. It will be so forever and ever. Amen"

    Snow ritual for unfading beauty

    At sunrise, the girl runs out into the yard in one nightgown, with her hair down, picks up handfuls of untouched clean snow and washes with it like water. During the procedure, a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “I rub myself with white snow, turn into a white swan. Be my sweethearts white and pure, God grant me health and beauty. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, ever, forever and ever. Amen".

    To moderate appetite and lose weight

    Conspiracies to eliminate certain pathologies or cosmetic defects are considered alternative and appeared in the piggy bank of magical rites relatively recently. The principle of their work is equated to the placebo effect, but there are people who claim that such magic really works and helps to cope with real problems.

    Women who dream of losing weight are advised to refer to the waning moon on any of the women's days during the Christmas week. For this, the performer turns to face the night star and emotionally says three times: "As you, the moon, decrease, so ten fats go off me."

    To feel positive changes, the ritual is repeated 7 days in a row.

    Love magic

    And vice versa, whispers to strengthen the feelings of a loved one, calls for longing or conspiracies to reconcile spouses work immediately and have an amazing beneficial effect.

    Yule lapel

    Girls who have long and unrequited love should take advantage of the January holidays in order to free their thoughts from the image of a young man haunting them. The girl reads to cool down on her love next to the house where the beloved lives, but so that neither he nor the household sees the witch.

    To complete the lapel conspiracy, you need to wait for the waning of the moon, and get to the cherished house soon after sunset. Closing her eyes and pressing her palms to her chest, the girl quietly says:

    “I, the servant of God (name), a red maiden, with a frosty blush, came to your house through the creaking snow. I came to ask you to let go of my warm heart, so that it would not beat for you anymore, but lived its own life. If you will not let me go, the servant of God (name), so I will ask myself to turn away from you the devil that I saw on the way, and from the Saint on the way back, I will beg forgiveness for that. I am not ashamed of anything, I am not afraid of anything. I am ready to do everything in order to excise my pain from a warm heart.

    I want now for the last time to remember your eyes, to remember your lips, to be your masculine - this is the last time I admire you. With the devil they banish your image from my soul. She now has a free song to sing, hope for a new feeling. She will dance now, but forget you with every dance. As she said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise. Letting go, dying, reviving, loving. "

    From this day on, the witch must go out to people as often as possible, participate in dance evenings, go on dates. Avoid places where a former lover goes.

    A conspiracy to restore relationships

    After a quarrel with a loved one, they baked a special bread or pie, over which, after the baking was taken out of the oven, they read the following words:

    “I baked that bread, I thought about you, I put my desire to come to you on a dark night. I want to forgive you and ask forgiveness myself in order to love you in a new way. As you eat my bread, so think about me, come and talk and together we will decide everything. To you, beloved, from the heart, from the soul. From the servant of God (name). As I say, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise ”.

    The dough for the cake was prepared with sourdough or live yeast, and while it rose and crumpled, the girl tried to be around all the time, thinking about her lover and her desire to make peace with him. In the evening of the same day, the guy had to be treated to a slice of fresh baked goods, and if possible, to persuade him to take the rest of the pie with him.

    Within three days, the young man will feel the need to discuss the situation with his beloved and he will offer to meet.

    Love spell on a comb

    If a girl probably knows about the guy's sympathy for her, but cannot wait for the first step from him, then it is not forbidden for her to act as an absentee initiator of the relationship, having performed a white ceremony on the comb and hair.

    On Christmas Eve, the witch must buy a wooden comb and just before midnight, sitting in a disassembled bed, carefully comb her hair, while saying these words for the love of a man: “I will put the hair to the hair, the comb will fit the comb, and the dear (name) to me ... Amen, Amen, Amen. "

    The plot is read nine times, then the comb must be put under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, hairs entangled between the teeth are taken out of the comb and burned outside the house. The resulting ash is rubbed in the fingers, wrapped in a piece of paper and in the coming days they try to pour it into the food or drink of the beloved.

    Conspiracy with a mirror for a successful marriage

    This is the most powerful conspiracy for a successful marriage. It will be best to push the chosen one to the proposal of a hand and heart if you use the power of the mirror corridor, which has the properties of manipulating love energy flows. On the day of the ceremony (on the growing moon during the Christmas time), you need to buy an oval mirror and two church candles.

    Immediately after midnight, a structure is erected on a clean table to create the illusory presence of a young man in the room:

    1. 1. A mirror is installed in the center of the table in a vertical position.
    2. 2. On both sides of it, a candle is lit.
    3. 3. A photograph of a loved one is exposed in front of the mirror, facing the reflective surface.

    Turning off the electric light, the sorceress sits in front of the created structure and directs her gaze into the man's face reflected in the mirror. The conspiracy is read:

    “The dark, thick night itself helps me, directs its power into my divination, Take up the words of the mirror corridor, Bring the words to my beloved (name). I light candles, I kindle melancholy in the heart of my beloved, Burn love, burn hearts, Beloved, desire me, remember me, Come to me sooner, bring love faster. What is said will come true. "

    With the last words of the prayer, the photograph is tightly applied to the mirror, and all the attributes, together with extinguished candles, are wrapped in a large piece of black cloth. The bundle is hidden in the hallway next to the front door and stored until the beloved invites the girl to marry.

    To attract male attention (with water)

    If a girl ignores the opposite sex and she is already desperate to find her soul mate, you can make an appeal to suitors. The ceremony is held at midnight on the growing moon, ideally on the new moon.


    1. 1. A white wax candle is lit on the table and a white headscarf is laid out in front of it.
    2. 2. The girl paints her lips with bright red lipstick.
    3. 3. On both sides of the candle, a white cup is placed with a sip of holy water in each.
    4. 4. After 5 minutes, when the candle is sufficiently melted, it is taken in the right hand and outlined with a flame in a clockwise direction, a ring around the cups. At the same time, they read the spell: “Water becomes the magic nectar of love. My betrothed will come to drink it, will stop at nothing. So! "
    5. 5. From the cup on the left, all the water is drunk. It is necessary that the lipstick prints well along the edge of the dish.

    Then both cups are placed side by side in a dishware sideboard, and the handkerchief is folded into a bundle and tied around the leg of the chair on which the witch was sitting. The ceremony is repeated on every new moon, until the girl meets her betrothed.

    Fortune telling on Christmastide

    Yule divination was rarely performed alone, so most of the rituals were adapted for the possibility of group performance.

    The tradition of fortune telling on Christmastide was based on the desire to find out what to expect from fate in the coming year, but most often these days questions were asked about upcoming weddings and the welfare of the future groom.

    On a ring

    On Epiphany Christmas Eve, the girl bought a simple smooth ring and went with it to the top of a gentle hill until sunset. Before lowering the ring from the slope, he was asked a question, and then the jewelry was put on the edge and rolled down.

    Where the ring stopped, the girl carefully looked around and tried to catch some sign in the environment that served her as an answer to the question asked.

    On the needle

    On the eve of Epiphany, the assembled girls arranged fortune-telling with a needle. Each of the performers brought a new sewing needle, previously spoken alone in the following words:

    “I'll reveal a bit of a secret with a needle. I wish to know the future, I trust in the strength from above. Holy night can help me. Amen".

    The girls drew a circle on the plank floor and divided it into 12 equal sectors with an inscribed number inside (from 1 to 12). Blinking their eyes, the sorcerers took turns throwing their needle into the circle. Whoever gets what number will have a year with the corresponding prediction and meet:

    1. 1. The year will be measured and monotonous.
    2. 2. Success awaits in all enterprises.
    3. 3. Intrigues of enemies and envious people are possible.
    4. 4. Pleasant and useful acquaintances are coming.
    5. 5. In the future, a sharp change in social status awaits.
    6. 6. Monetary difficulties are expected.
    7. 7. One should beware of quarrels with close relatives.
    8. 8. Bad habits and personal deficiencies can lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.
    9. 9. Severe disappointment is coming, which will then bring positive life changes.
    10. 10. It is necessary to focus on personal life, and then the year will be successful.
    11. 11. You should be more modest and restrained, otherwise the enemies will prevail.
    12. 12. The year promises to be prosperous if you manage to keep in yourself a tendency to waste and gluttony.

    Throwing the needle if the first prediction seemed unsuccessful is by no means possible - this will only worsen the situation.

    On an acorn

    At least seven people must participate in this fortune-telling. Everyone stands in a circle, and each fortuneteller picks up an acorn. A "medium" moves to the center of the circle, and everyone gives him their acorns, which the chief fortuneteller puts in a canvas bag.

    The ceremony is carried out in this way:

    1. 1. The manager at random takes an acorn out of the bag and loudly asks any topical question, beginning with the words: "Which of those present ..." (will get married, become rich, become poorer).
    2. 2. Then the "medium" several times with closed eyes turns around its axis and tosses an acorn.
    3. 3. Whoever catches the oak fruit, or whom it strikes, took the prediction upon himself.

    If by the end of the ceremony there were people who had not caught a single acorn, it was believed that in the coming year there would be no big life changes.

    Since ancient times, the Yule rituals were not so much serious as entertaining. It was not accepted to treat poor results of fortune-telling or failures in the course of a magical ritual with dejection or negativeness. On Christmastide, the day was purified in the afternoon, and what could not be achieved with the help of secret rituals was requested in the church during festive services.

    The main "provision" of any magical manipulation in this sacred period was the requirement not to harm one's neighbor, and this condition was strictly observed.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started with the fact that I ordered myself a personal ...

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