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When can you go on the rails. Penalty for driving on tram lines in the same direction

Even professional drivers often have problems with the ability to move on tram rails. At the same time, many motorists have a strong opinion that traffic rules completely prohibit driving on them.

Is it possible to travel on tram lines, and what is the punishment for this? We will consider the features of driving on tram tracks in this article.

When you can and cannot travel on tram tracks

According to the current rules, tramway traffic is possible, subject to a number of conditions:

Taking into account the above list of conditions, it is possible to identify cases when traffic on tram tracks is prohibited:

  1. It is forbidden to drive on opposite public transport routes - this is regarded as a traffic violation, for which the driver of the car will be able to receive an administrative fine in the form of withdrawal of driving rights.
  2. It is prohibited to drive on public transport routes when they pass to the right of the motorway. This rule should not be forgotten, since in large cities, in which there is a good organization of tram movement, these cases are often encountered.
  3. Do not ride on rails when they are not level with the road, for example on a lawn. In this version, the rails are a dividing strip and driving on them is prohibited. For what reason? According to traffic rules, the dividing strip is prohibited for moving and parking cars.

Traffic rules do not completely restrict movement on tram rails. Paths can be used for the following:

  • turn to the left;
  • moving straight;
  • turning.

Basic rule, which must not be forgotten when entering the rails - you must not interfere with the maneuvers of the tram. At the same time, remember that it is strictly forbidden to use the tramway to turn to the right - this action is regarded as a violation of traffic rules.

Additionally, driving on the rails of the passing movement can be limited by means of established signs or markings.

For example, there may be a solid line along the tramway route, or the location of two signs "Lane" and "No entry". In this case, it is necessary obey established signs and move only along the selected lanes.

Traveling on public transport lines at an intersection

It is possible to move directly on the tram rails only if the rest traffic lanes are busy... This provision applies only to the passing tramway. Tram lines at the intersection have some peculiarities.

The driver must not forget when it is necessary to yield at the intersection where the traffic controller is:

  • A car and a tram are at an intersection, driving in the same direction. The tram rails are to the right of the track and it will move to the left. You need to continue straight ahead or make a left turn.
  • The tram and the car drove up to the intersection in the same direction. The rails in this case are on the left and you want to make a left turn.
  • If a car and a tram are at an intersection, they go in the same direction. The rails are on the right, you need to turn right, and the tram will go forward.

In these situations, the traffic controller will be on his left side, with his right hand extended. To follow the rules, you have to at the intersection give priority to public transport.

Rules for turning left through tram rails

Traffic rules allow turning to the left through public transport lines. To make a U-turn, make sure that there is no marking line on either side of the tracks.

If even in some place there is a “solid” one, there is no need to make a left turn. This turn to you will cost 600 rubles... Also when the tram lines are to the left of the car and are level with the track.

Before making a U-turn, you need to determine the position on the path of the passing tram. It is worth paying attention not only to the movement of the tram in passing, but also oncoming traffic.

When making a U-turn through the opposite direction, they must be driven at an angle of 90 degrees... Thus, the opposite line must be located perpendicular to you.

Otherwise, the traffic police will evaluate your turn as a drive into the oncoming lane. That is punishable by an amount of 6 thousand rubles. or administrative warning in the form of withdrawal of rights.

Public transport U-turns and overtaking

If you need to turn around, then you need to follow the rules for turning to the left, we talked about them above. Please note that the U-turn must be performed at an angle of 90 degrees, so as not to give the traffic police a reason to ascribe to you a violation of the rules - driving into the oncoming lane.

Overtaking on tram rails is prohibited, even if it is movement along the tram lines of the passing direction. Since this maneuver is directly related to entering the oncoming line.

Do not forget that movement on opposite paths in any of its variants is prohibited. There is a fine for this. Rules not prohibited advance on passing tram tracks.

In simple terms, when you are in a traffic jam and there are no free lanes, you can move along the tram lines of the same direction if you do not interfere with public transport or there are no signs of restriction.

If an accident happened on the tracks - who is guilty

Consider an incident involving only a tram and a vehicle. This is due to the fact that any other accident on the tracks with the participation of several cars is no different from any other accident that occurred at an intersection or motorway.

If an accident happened on the way of public transport, then in this case, the culprit will be car owner... Since the movement on tram rails, in its essence, implies that there is no obstacle to public transport.

But sometimes the culprit can be tram operator... For example, when public transport moved to a red light or left the Depot.

Amount of fines

The amount of the fine for traveling on public transport lines depends on which paragraph of the traffic rules you violated. For example, the size of the fine for traveling on opposite lines will cost more expensive than passing.

Repeated violation of traffic rules on public transport lines punishable by forfeiture up to a year. If a repeated incident is recorded using video surveillance, the withdrawal of rights can be replaced with a fine of 6 thousand rubles.

As a result, it must be said that the rules do not prohibit passage on tram rails when the movement is in the same direction and does not pose a threat no road or public transport.

By completing all the points of traffic rules, you be sure to avoid the fine... But for travel in opposite directions, punishment is provided - this maneuver may end with the withdrawal of rights.

As for the traffic rules at the intersection, it is advisable to give priority to public transport, especially when you do not know what to do right.

Also, don't forget that tramway traffic not prohibited, when you do not create any interference, but it is undesirable to advance along the opposite lines. Now you know all the features of the movement on tram rails and have information about the amount of fines for this violation.

You will not be surprised to know what rails are dreaming of. They are steadily associated with the beaten path, predetermination and reliability. If you saw sleepers receding into the distance in a dream, what do the dream books advise? Is success awaiting on the path followed by many, or is it time to turn, take a chance, find your own path?

Tram and subway, accidents and disasters, travel and obstacles - all these night images associated with rails await their interpretation.

Rail and tram rails

The most common interpretation in dream books of what rails on the railway dream of is that they symbolize the path paved by those who walked before. It is believed that the dreamer will achieve his goal, fulfill his dreams, be happy, but only if he gives up being original and looking for his own ways to solve problems. There are no barriers on the beaten path.

In Miller's dream book, you can read: the rails in a dream indicate that it is necessary to be vigilant - competitors are not asleep, business needs special attention. In business, one should avoid templates that are imposed from the outside. Miller also explains why a young girl dreams of such images - she has a journey ahead of her, and the girl will have a wonderful time visiting friends.

Tram rails symbolize conformism, and Freud's dream book interprets them as cold, emotionless sex that does not give pleasure.

To dream of a detached carriage on rails is an unpleasant discovery: business has slowed down and business prospects are unclear. An especially bad sign is if the carriage rolls downhill. It is necessary to urgently do something, otherwise it is close to bankruptcy.

Follow the paths

Moving on rails in a dream - run or drive - reflects the existing reality. The dreamer unreasonably, passively follows ready-made algorithms, generally accepted norms. He makes a successful career, but the very idea of \u200b\u200bit is dictated by the prevailing stereotypes. Explaining why this sign is dreaming, the dream books say: it's time for a person to understand how dear his individuality is to him, whether he is ready to continue to abandon his I.

Dream books also interpret this image as the personification of spiritual values \u200b\u200bimposed from the outside. A person needs to remember whether it was joyful or painful for him - this will tell you what to do in the future - to adhere to ready-made dogmas or follow your impulses.

There is also such an interpretation: walking along the rails in a dream means: in reality, a person consistently and relentlessly follows the intended course, and under such a calm pressure, difficulties recede. He should not continue to stray from the chosen path.

Why dream that the rails suddenly go into the water? Dream interpretation interprets the sign as unfavorable. Life will be darkened for a while by troubles that will completely unsettle you. However, the black streak will end quickly, and all the work started will be able to be completed.

Cross the rails

Why dream of crossing the rails? This is interpreted as follows. In reality, a person goes against the stream, against social stereotypes. What lies ahead for him - success, fame and recognition or condemnation and failure?

Dream interpretation interprets such images depending on how decisively the person acted in a dream. If he ran across the rails, then in reality he had already decided on the choice of his own path. It may fail, but it doesn't scare him. The dreamer is ready to sacrifice a lot to go his own way.

Another thing is to cross in a dream the rails along the railway crossing. Dream Interpretations interpret what this sign dreamed about, as the presence of doubts, fears, indecision in reality. A person in reality found himself at a crossroads, and he can find an answer to his questions by analyzing other images of his dream.

Man on rails

Dream Interpretations believe: a man on rails is a bad symbol. Decoding a dream depends on whether a person saw himself or other people.

If the dreamer himself was lying on the rails in a dream, dream books indicate loneliness, depression, suicidal tendencies. What is the reason, what events provoke such a state - this must be understood before such moods become uncontrollable.

If other people in a dream were in danger or became victims of an accident, this means that some force majeure will disrupt the plans of many people.

Why dream of falling on the subway rails? A fall from such a height indicates a loss of confidence, support, fear of a choice. If everything ended well in a dream, in reality it will also be possible to cope with a difficult situation. If in a dream it was not without injuries, dream books warn: you need to be prepared for misunderstanding and conflicts with friends and associates. Intense trauma pain is interpreted as despair, close to insanity.


An accident in a dream on rail transport is, in most cases, a premonition of disasters.

Dream Interpretations interpret the dream of a train derailed as a threat to health. In order to somehow influence the development of the disease, it is necessary to visit a doctor on time.

Also, to see how in a dream, as a train derails, reflects the fear of poverty. Indeed, the dreamer is threatened by a tangible deterioration in his financial situation, up to the need to seek help from loved ones. Most likely, the signs of financial instability are already being felt in reality, and it is high time that decisive steps were taken to overcome the emerging problems.

Even professional drivers often have problems associated with the ability to move on tram rails.

Many drivers do not know the exact answer to the question whether it is possible to travel on tram tracks in accordance with the rules of the road.

To understand this, you should consider in detail the nuances of moving along the tram tracks.

Tram tracks are not part of the carriageway, they are considered a separate road element.

According to the traffic rules, traffic on them is allowed, but only under certain conditions:

  1. Traffic rules of 2020 allow tramway traffic in the same direction only if it is not possible to move along the lanes. But when the car moves on the rails, it should not interfere with the movement of the tram in any way.
  2. In the case when the tram rails are level with the road.
  3. When the tram tracks are on the left.
  4. When all lanes are occupied.

Cases when movement on tram tracks is prohibited:

Moving on tram rails can be used for the following actions:

  • turn to the left;
  • moving straight;
  • turning.

When driving on rails, you should always remember an important rule - the car should not interfere with the movement of the tram.

It is prohibited to enter lanes for public transport of the same direction if there are appropriate signs.

For example, a tramway may have a solid line along the way, or the location of the lane and no entry signs.

In this case, you need to follow the instructions of the established signs and move only along the dedicated lanes.

If there is a solid line along the tramway tracks, it means that you cannot cross it. It denotes the edge of the carriageway, and even if on one side the movement on the tram tracks of the same direction is allowed, you can get a fine for crossing this line.

To separate the adjacent carriageway, separate tram tracks are used - this is a structurally separated element of the road.

Separate tram lines are not designed for the movement of roadless vehicles.

The ability to travel along the tram tracks of the passing direction according to traffic rules in 2020 is limited by certain conditions. The rails of the passing direction are not intended for the movement of off-road vehicles.

Location of tram lines when traffic is permitted:

  • to the left of the carriageway;
  • flush with the carriageway.

But only in such cases:

  • when all other lanes are busy;
  • a detour is in progress;
  • performing a left turn or a U-turn, in accordance with paragraph 8.5 of the SDA.

If there are no other restrictions for a left turn or turn and these maneuvers can be performed on any section of the road where there are no prohibitions.

It is equally important to consider the question of whether it is allowed to use tram tracks of the opposite direction for movement. The answer will be unequivocal - it is not allowed.

In accordance with the rules of the road, oncoming tram rails are only allowed to cross. Cars cannot drive along the paths of passing and oncoming traffic.

Such actions can provoke a serious accident, traffic jam, and interfere with the movement of trams.

But there are exceptions to all the rules. There are cases in which you can ride on the tram tracks of the opposite direction:

  1. During the repair work on the lanes of the passing direction. At the same time, traffic police officers organize a detour in oncoming traffic lanes and can use tram rails of the opposite direction.
  2. Travel on the rails of the opposite direction is possible in case of a major accident. In such cases, the traffic police are obliged to independently regulate the movement of traffic flows.

Sometimes the driver has to drive on the rails of the opposite direction, for good reasons, for example, when he is taking a person to the hospital, and there are no other ways to bypass.

In this case, evidence must be presented during the trial. If the outcome is positive, the offender is only threatened with a monetary administrative penalty.

The amount of the fine for driving on tram tracks directly depends on how serious the violation turned out to be:

Traffic regulations allow for left-turning across public transport lines.

Before turning around, check that there is no marking line on either side of the tracks. This action should be performed only at an angle of 90 degrees.

Otherwise, traffic police officers may regard this as driving into the lane of the oncoming line. For these actions, a fine of 5,000 rubles or revocation of rights is provided.

Overtaking on tram lanes is prohibited even if this movement is on the rails in the same direction.

Since this maneuver is associated with entering the oncoming line in any case. At the same time, traffic rules allow you to get ahead of associated transport when other lanes are busy.

Crossroad traffic

In some situations, it is allowed to cross the track at an intersection that is not regulated:

  1. The tram and the car were moving in the same direction towards the intersection, with the tracks on the right side of the motorist, and the tram will go in a straight line.
  2. The tram and the car move in parallel in the same direction, the line is on the right side of the driver and both will turn left.
  3. The line is on the right, the car is moving in a straight line, and the tram is about to turn left.

Thus, the rules of the road are allowed to travel on tram lines, subject to certain conditions. It is also allowed to turn to the left and turn.

But, when a motorist drives onto the rails, he should not interfere with the movement of public transport.

For non-observance of the rules of movement on tram lines, penalties are provided. The penalty will depend on the severity of the violation.

This issue causes a lot of controversy, even among experienced car enthusiasts. Many of them are convinced that this is absolutely prohibited. And there are no mitigating circumstances. In fact, there are circumstances permitted by traffic rules that allow unhindered movement in the same direction.

Permitted cases

The current traffic rules of the Russian Federation indicate the following situations in which movement on tram rails is not punished:

The paths run to the left

The rails are at the level of the roadway,

All lanes of passing traffic are occupied,

The tram rails and the road go in the same direction.

All other cases, in accordance with the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, the movement on tram tracks in the same direction is prohibited.

Existing bans

The Rules clearly explain that the location of tram lines is of great importance. On rails located below the roadbed or higher, the car is not allowed to enter. If there is a track, then it should be perceived by the driver as a dividing strip, which, as you know, is prohibited to cross.

Also, a taboo is imposed on the movement on tram tracks in the same direction, if they pass to the right of a moving vehicle.

It is forbidden to cross an intersection if there is a sign 5.15.1 in front of it or another sign - 5.15.2.

Some indulgences

They really are. And they concern maneuvers. So, for example, it is allowed to move on tram tracks of the same direction (2016-2017, traffic rules) when:

Making a left turn

Crossing the street at the crossroads



The last maneuver is permitted in the absence of a double continuous line between the tramway tracks and sign 4.1.1, which prescribes only straight ahead. And also there should not be an obstacle to the movement of the tram car and exit on the rails of the oncoming destination.

A detour is permitted only with a high density of the associated flow. Most often, if the distances between vehicles are minimal to maintain safety on the road, making the movement of the car along tramways in the same direction for possible overtaking, it is unlikely that it will be possible to return to your lane (as indicated in the SDA, paragraph 11.4). Therefore, paragraph 9.6 of the current Rules slightly expands the relaxation of paragraph 11.4, the part that concerns the inability to return to the previously occupied lane. It consists in allowing the use of tram tracks going with the roadway in the same direction. Nevertheless, no one cancels the rule that rail transport has an advantage over the car. Therefore, these exemptions can be applied only without interfering with the movement of the tram car.

Note to the driver

It is strictly forbidden to maneuver on the tram rails located on the right hand of the motorist. Failure to comply is fraught with serious consequences.

In places with heavy traffic, special markings are applied on the roadway and special prohibiting road signs are installed. That is, on such a segment there will always be:

Signpost with the words "Lane"

Sign prohibiting entry to any vehicle,

Solid white line on the asphalt.

The driver must understand that the tram track is not an additional lane for the movement of vehicles.

Any maneuver must be accompanied by turn signals, which turn off only after it is completed.

Traffic police officers recommend paying attention to making turns. If there is no special sign, then the maneuver must be at right angles. There are times when drivers ignore this and turn while moving along the rails. The traffic police inspectors regard this as driving on tram rails in the opposite direction, which, of course, is taken for driving into the opposite lane and is punished with a fine of 1,500 rubles or (less often) the loss of a driver's license.

If markings are applied

On some city highways, there may be a continuous line of markings. This topic raises many questions in driving schools and disputes on specialized forums.

On the one hand, according to the tram lines of the passing direction, it is not prohibited, but on the other hand, as indicated in the same norm in paragraph 1.1, it is impossible to cross a continuous one.

In response to repeated requests to clarify the situation, the traffic police officials officially reported that this marking line shows the edge of the roadway. for ignoring these requirements, prescribed by the road marking, this year they amount to one thousand and one and a half thousand rubles.

There are situations when tram lines are isolated from the roadway by a curb. Traffic rules equate it to a solid line.

Crossroads maneuvers

Each driver must remember that it is allowed to move along the tramway tracks in the same direction only if all lanes of the road are occupied. And this has to do only with parallel movement.

Crossing the tram track is not allowed in the following episodes:

The vehicle moves with the tram in one direction, the latter being to the right of the vehicle; public transport, if any, continues to move straight;

When moving in one direction, the tram going to the right of the car and the vehicle will make a left maneuver;

The tram on the right hand of the driver of the car can make a left turn, while the car continues to move straight.

Sometimes on city highways in front of the intersection you can see signs 5.10, 5.15.1, 5.15.2 informing about traffic on lanes or about a road with reverse traffic. In this case, penalties for going on the rails will be mandatory. When entering a road with a marked, it must be borne in mind that the sign indicates movement only on the extreme right lane of the roadway. Rebuilding can only be done if such movement is permitted by advising signs or special road markings.

Left turn

According to traffic rules, this maneuver is allowed only if the following conditions are met:

There are no markings on the roadway

The tram track is located to the right of the vehicle moving in the outer lane.

The driver must remember that this turn must be made in accordance with paragraph 8.5 of the SDA. That is, in the absence of signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2 and markings 1.18 at the turn, tram rails running on the left and on a par with the roadway allow the car to turn left from them. The main thing is not to forget that the car should not be an obstacle for the tram car.


Many violations involving the movement on tram lines in the same direction are considered very gross. But the deprivation of a driver's license is not provided.

The most modest of them is the intersection of a continuous strip that separates the rails from the road. In accordance with clause 12.16 of the SDA, this driver error is punished with a fine of 500 rubles. Also, a fine for stopping on the rails will be charged from the offender moving along the tram tracks of the same direction. Today it is one and a half thousand rubles.

Secondary and subsequent non-compliance with the Traffic Rules may result in the loss of a driver's license for at least a year. If this violation was recorded by a video camera, the fine increases to five thousand rubles.

Tramway accidents

The main thing to remember: the transport department of the settlement will recover the lost profit from the culprit through the courts. Indeed, while the traffic police inspectors are waiting, the analysis and the route will not run trams. And these are losses for the electric transport fleet. They can amount to tens of thousands of rubles. The courts, by the way, almost always take the side of the management representatives. Therefore, the car must be removed from the tracks as soon as possible.

Even if the movement on the tram tracks in the same direction provoked an accident in which the tram did not participate, as soon as possible it is necessary to draw a diagram of the accident, take photographs from different angles, write down the phone numbers of witnesses and remove the vehicle from the rails. Then both the victim and the culprit must appear at the nearest traffic police department to draw up and sign the protocol. Or, if there are no discrepancies between the participants in the accident, you can resort to the increasingly popular scheme for registering a traffic accident according to the European protocol.

If an accident happened with the participation of a tram, then the tram driver can be guilty only in two cases:

The car continued to move at a red light,

The tram was leaving the depot at that moment.

In all other cases, the driver should remember that any permitted maneuver on tram rails must not interfere with the movement of electric vehicles.

Rails - Seeing "running away" - a lot will pass by, you risk missing out on the opportunity of movement in your life.

Go on the rails - you missed your chance, and your attempts to return time or catch up with it will be futile.

Sitting on the rails, striking on the rails is a pointless waste of time and energy.

Laying, working with rails - you are paving the way for others. Do not expect to use the fruits of your labor yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Drive

Ride a horse.

Tip of the day: You have the right to claim success. Do not be afraid of anything, go towards your dream.

Be driving a car or public transport.

Tip of the day: do not give up on increased obligations: they will be on your shoulder.

Keep it up!.

Ride a passenger in a car.

Tip of the Day: Take responsibility for a lingering problem.

Take public transport.

Tip of the day: it would be nice to do something unusual for you.

Go by train.

Tip of the day: you are on the verge of change, but not yet ready for it. Consider what's wrong with your life.

Ride something and have an accident.

Tip of the day: You misbehaved in a recent situation. Now be careful. No activity anytime soon. Also refrain from travel

Interpretation of dreams from

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