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Life hack: dismantling the protective covers and wheel arch liners of the Priora car without self-tapping screws. What are wheel arches? Do you need wing protection

Today you can hardly meet a car owner who still does not understand why fenders are needed on a car and how useful they are. So, they are assigned a protective function, which provides the machine with longer service life without the need for repairs.

Why are lockers useful?

In the process of using a car, its body is exposed to the harmful effects of dirt and water, to which chemical reagents are added in winter, generously scattered by road workers along the highways. All this is in constant contact not only with the paintwork, but also directly with the metal. It is enough to get a small amount of salt from the winter road for the centers of corrosion to begin to progress. Due to the presence of wheel arch liners (you can also find their other name - lockers), the rate of corrosion formation can be noticeably reduced. Moreover, the installation of such elements improves the noise insulation properties, the arches are protected from snow deposits, and the comfort during travel increases.

Are lockers really necessary?

Modern technologies have significantly improved the quality of painting of body elements, which has increased their corrosion resistance. It should be noted that the bodies of foreign cars have always been distinguished by better anti-corrosion treatment, moreover, some models had galvanized elements capable of taking on corrosive effects. Naturally, the cost of such cars turned out to be higher, so the use of this on budget models is not entirely justified.

Nevertheless, you should not go right away to buy lockers, since most manufacturers have declared warranty periods from the appearance of rust up to 5-7 years. An important point to achieve such deadlines is not so much in the use of special treatment compositions, but in the use of a multi-stage body protection system:

Phosphating is performed first;
- then applying a primer;
- then paint in several layers, accompanied by varnish and sanding;
- the bottom is processed with a special composition;
- a special composition protects cavities in the bottom, sills, and also wings.

Thus, the body of most modern cars can easily withstand corrosion for at least 6 years, after which some simply buy a new car. If you belong to the latter, you can refrain from installing the wheel arch liners. When planning to drive your car for a long time and not have serious problems with the condition of the body, it is still better to think about purchasing lockers.

Arches are susceptible to rotting, like any part - so they must be protected. To do this, put fenders (lockers). On the Priora car, they come without screws and with self-tapping screws that are screwed along the perimeter of the wing.

For Priora, special plastic covers are installed from the factory, which cover the metal of the wheel arches from the environment. These parts rarely need to be changed for practical reasons. Often, car owners are looking for analog wheel arches on Prioru, preferably without self-tapping screws, which will provide a large coverage area for metal arches. The price for these parts is from 300 rubles to 3000.

This is not just a decorative patch. It has a practical purpose, and even breaks down. Like any plastic element, it becomes too fragile in freezing weather, so the time for its replacement is only approaching. Established Priora wheel arch liners are of sufficient quality and are well designed functionally.

Standard wheel arch liners Priora - article and price

The "official" name is wing flaps. Each shield consists of two parts - one is attached under the wheel arch, and the other goes under the bumper. The price of wheel arch liners for Lada Priora averages 500 rubles per piece. Much depends on the store. Factory wheel arches on Prioru, which are called lockers, received the following catalog numbers:

  • right: 2170-8403602, 2170-8403362;
  • left: 2170-8403603; 2170-8403363.

Why put lockers (lockers)

Each body has several areas that are more prone to corrosion than others. Wheel arches suffer serious damage, as they come into close contact with raindrops and snow throughout the year. Therefore, they must be secured - corrosion without protection of the arches will develop at a rapid rate.

The most common and effective solution is considered to be Prioru lockers. They are made of plastic. It transfers snow and water more easily than metal, so parts are the best solution. Trying to protect the body from the early appearance of rust, a simple and at the same time effective method should be used.

Even at the factory, the body of the VAZ-2170 is intensively treated with an anti-corrosion layer along with other areas prone to rust formation. In conjunction with the protective covers of the wheel arches, it is necessary to constantly provide protection against the rapid "aging" of the metal, but modern realities do not allow even the strongest cars to work without rust.

Not only snow and raindrops will be clogged inside, but also reagents. All this causes a serious blow to the primer, and therefore, even under the plastic covers, corrosion often begins. It is necessary to renew the anti-corrosion layer so that the metal under the new locker will survive for a long time without rust.

Major malfunctions

The fender flaps are replaced before they become faulty. The idea of \u200b\u200breplacing them comes to car owners who want to keep the look of their favorite car for a long time. But, nevertheless, breakage of fender flaps on a car can also manifest itself:

  • The plastic does not adhere firmly to the wheel arch. The reason for this is a loose mount. As a result, there is an unpleasant sound next to the wheel and dirt, which is driven inside, lingering for a long time, creates a favorable environment for the formation of rust.
  • Crack in the flap. Snow and water will also pass through it.
  • Mechanical damage. Appear after a strong blow. This can be achieved by hitting the frozen plastic too hard, kicking snow off the wheel arch.

Manufacturers and prices of analogues

Among all the analogues, the Novline fenders on the Prioru stand out. They can be with or without sound insulation:

  • With "Shumka": Left front - NLS.52.16.001, right - NLS.52.16.002. Rear left - NLS.52.16.003, right - NLS.52.16.004. About 800-900 rubles apiece.
  • Without insulation: rear - NKK16.004, NLL52.16.003, front - NLL52.16.002, NLL52.16.001. About 350-400 rubles per unit.

In addition to the protective covers of the wheel arches "Novline", the analogue is offered by the "Totem" company with sound insulation:

  • rear left fender liner - 99999-2170-11082, 950 rubles;
  • rear right - 99999-2170-21082, 950 rubles;
  • front left - 99999-2170-31082, 770 rubles;
  • front right fender liner - 99999-2170-41082, 770 rubles.

My opinion is the following: Of course, practicality should be present, but thick lockers on the cars of Priora and a dozen do not look very nice, even collective farm!

Installation: how to put wheel arch liners on Priora

The installation of the wheel arch liners and the removal process will be considered using the example of the front right locker. New elements for Prioru can be self-tapping or without self-tapping screws. Installation of protective covers without drilling arches is possible - this will involve strong clips, which are not inferior to self-tapping screws.

There is one point: when replacing lockers, it is convenient to carry out additional anti-corrosion treatment of the body. Therefore, for your own convenience, it is worth not just unscrewing the wheel in order to gain access to the fender flaps mounts, but removing the wheels completely. Having done two jobs at the same time, it will be possible to extend the protection period of the wings under the shelter of new lockers.

To dismantle the protective covers of the Priora wheel arches, you will need a Phillips screwdriver and a key "10". If you decide to apply an anti-corrosion layer, you can use a rubber-bitumen mastic or an anti-corrosion layer. You can limit yourself to a pit or overpass if you do not want to remove the wheels. Carry out the work in the following order:

  1. Pressurize the lockers to remove any dirt.
  2. First unscrew the nuts that are closer to the center of the body using a wrench.
  3. Below is a self-tapping screw, which is installed under the threshold. Unscrew it with a screwdriver to loosen the splash guard.
  4. Unscrew two more screws that hold the mudguard from the fender. Set the mudguard aside.
  5. Use the head to unscrew the bolt located at the top of the wheel arch.
  6. A little to the left there will be a self-tapping screw, which must be unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver.
  7. Pull the rear of the wheel arch liner towards you, which is closer to the center of the body.
  8. Using the head, unscrew the nut that secures the front of the locker to the bumper.
  9. Unscrew the three screws that hold the shield in place.
  10. Pull the front of the locker towards you.

When installing new wing guards using self-tapping screws, make sure that the guards themselves are completely covered with anticorrosive, and also process the self-tapping screws - they can become the "weak link" that will be the first to rust.

The advantage of installing lockers for Priora without using self-tapping screws - with clips - is not only that you do not have to spend anticorrosive treatment on them. To install the clips when attaching plastic parts, you will have to make small holes. It will turn out to avoid metal-to-metal contact, which is good news - the chance of rust will decrease.

After the anti-corrosion layer has been applied, check the density of the layer - there should be no lightly colored areas. Install new parts only after making sure that the wheel arches are completely covered from rust. Make sure that the shields fit snugly enough to the metal without creating unnecessary gaps at the joints.

If you remember the old days, then most cars, even completely new ones, were produced from the factory without wheel arch liners. Moreover, most often there were no front and rear lockers. But for the most part it belonged to domestically produced cars, although many budget cars suffer from the lack of protection in the wings.

Now this problem has already been partially solved, but even if you take such relatively fresh cars as Lada Kalina and Granta, as well as Priora, they do not install a fender liner from the factory at the back, and the front ones are disguised in such a way that many car owners also believe that they are no. But even if you did not find such accessories on your car, do not rush to buy them and install them on your car.

The main disadvantages of installing non-factory lockers

Before tweaking anything, take a close look at the inside of the wing in good lighting. If you take the same Kalina or Granta, then from the factory there are already lockers in front, which are very neatly installed without the use of metal screws. In this case, in no case install additional wheel arch liners.

The fact is that the end of the wing is very thin, and if you drill a hole to install the locker, then it is from this place that your car will start to rot the fastest. Don't believe me? I do not recommend checking with my own example, but pay attention to the front fenders of many Russian cars that catch your eye. You will notice a strange feature:

  • cars that do not have non-standard lockers, most likely will not suffer from mushrooms on the arches
  • but those cars that have already undergone this kind of tuning are likely to have corrosion. exactly on the inside of these holes

Even if there was no protection in the rear arches at all from the factory, you should not think that by installing new lockers, you will protect the body from corrosion in these places. Everything will be exactly the opposite. It is in those places that the car will begin to rust.

Again, remembering my personal car, I can say that the front fenders performed their ideal function, but the rear ones were not at all. And there was not even a hint of corrosion in my case, but my friends and acquaintances, who put the wheel arch liners on the screws, already tinted the arches, and more than once.

And what about foreign cars?

If you pay attention to many foreign cars that are far from budgetary, then both rear and front factory lockers are fastened with metal screws, but this does not mean that corrosion spots will begin to appear at the attachment points.

In fact, foreign manufacturers think about such things in advance, and such holes there are already made on the conveyor, and in fact do not have violations of the paintwork and metal. Why our manufacturers do not do this is not a secret for me, and I believe that our auto industry does not care about its customers, that's the whole answer.

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Many of my readers often ask me - what are fenders for a car and should they be installed at all? One of my readers wrote that he traveled all over the city in search of wheel arch liners, allegedly his grandfather told him that it was necessary to set it. So, should I bet or not? Let's think together ...

First, a little definition.

Lockersprotective covers, which are installed in the wheel arches of cars, thereby protecting the body "under the wings", and the "wings" themselves from dirt, dust, snow and salt during the winter period. Thus, the service life of the body elements is increased..

In fact, it is a piece of plastic folded under your body that "seals" the upper part of the wing. Installed on all four wheels, two front and two rear. They are usually screwed onto self-tapping screws.

Earlier (about 10 - 15 years ago), wheel arches were very common. Because the main vehicle fleet was our domestic cars - such as VAZ 2105, 2107, 2106, 2109, 21099, etc. Their bodies were poorly protected from corrosion (VAZ 2105 and 2107 suffered especially, the fenders rotted very badly), and therefore, immediately after the passenger compartment, many stopped by third-party stations, where they were treated with anti-corrosion compounds and fenders were installed. Thus, it was possible to increase the service life of the body elements, namely the wings, by 2 - 3 times. And if you repeat the anti-corrosion treatment about once every 3-4 years, then the metal practically did not suffer at all.

The main detrimental effect was in the winter, when a salt-sand mixture began to be poured onto the roads. She stuffed herself under the fenders of cars and decomposed what they said from the inside. Sometimes up to through holes. There were no contactless sinks then, and therefore it was problematic to wash this mixture (from difficult places). YES, and I was reluctant to do it myself in the cold.

Therefore, our Russian motorists of those years (and these are our grandfathers and fathers), it was hard in the brain that - you need to put wheel arches! So the metal of the body will last longer!

But what about foreign cars, all of our SOLARIS, KIA RIO, and let's say our PRIORS?

Do I need to install wheel arches?

Now technology has really stepped forward. Both in terms of painting the car body, and in terms of protecting it from corrosion. It should be noted that foreign cars have always been well treated against corrosion, previously there were such options as galvanized inserts in the body, which pulled off all the corrosion (increasing the service life). Of course, the price of such a car turned out to be more expensive, and therefore not all foreign cars use this, especially on budget (or popular) ones.

But don't rush to the store right away. Almost any manufacturer now gives a five to seven year rustproof guarantee. And the point here is in the new compositions against corrosion.

The car body now goes through many degrees of so-called protection from external factors, an aggressive environment.

They can be listed point by point:

1) Phosphating.

2) Primer.

3) Several layers of painting (more varnish and sanding)

4) Application of a special compound on the underside of the car

5) Protection of the cavities of the wings, sills and bottom with a special compound. Usually these are mixtures of polyvinyl chloride (or other PVC compounds), as well as bitumen and wax. Such a composition very effectively protects the body.

So guys, to sum up - the body of your foreign car, and modern domestic cars, with a high degree of probability will withstand 6 - 7 years without any corrosion. And then, usually the car is changed to a new one. So those who “ride” a car for 3 - 5 years may not even think about installing wheel arch liners.

What if the car has been in use for more than 6 years?

Here, guys, it is better to put the wheel arch liners, the point here is this - the composition of polyvinyl chloride, bitumen or wax, wears out over time, sometimes even falls off. Therefore, the metal is left alone with the harmful environment. Again, sand and salt on the roads work as an abrasive compound that grinds not only the protective compound from the bottom, but also paint and even a primer. Therefore, the metal left without protection rusts very quickly and then rots. So they will come in handy here, since they will not give sand and salt, grind off this composition and save it from any external influence.

And in general, after six to seven years of operating the car, it is necessary to do body prevention, it is advisable to once again apply a protective compound on the bottom and under the wings of the car. Put on protective fenders, process hard-to-reach cavities, etc. Thus, you will extend the life of the car body for several more years.

Installation of wheel arch liners as soundproofing

It should be noted that many do not care about protection. By installing wheel arch liners, they add additional sound insulation. As a rule, a special compound is applied over it, which makes the wheel arches almost silent. And also a vibroplast (special material) is installed on top to dampen unnecessary vibrations. What does this give - you can not hear any stones, or howling wind in the arches at speed, or the noise of rubber.


If you take a car for 3 - 5 years, especially if it is a foreign car (albeit a budget one), then it is not necessary to put wheel arch liners on it, you don't even have to bother. If you take a used car (from five years) or with the intention of driving for 10 years, then you definitely need to somehow secure the body, and installing fenders is a very good way out. Also, they will not be superfluous for those who are fighting for silence in the cabin, especially in unpaved cities.

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