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Congratulations on the start of school life. Congratulations on the start of the school year

Here are the texts of congratulations on September 1 (Knowledge Day) for teachers. They can be pronounced both by the parents of the students and by the students themselves, as well as by the school principal and colleagues. All texts are written in prose (not verse).

The texts are relevant both for public speaking (for example, at the school "line"), and for personal, personal congratulations of the teacher. All names are used solely for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. Recommendations for use are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Dear teachers! Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year! After sunny summer days, you have gained new strength and are ready for new successes, victories and discoveries. I wish you endless patience, energy, inspiration in your work and the implementation of all your plans. May this year bring you new achievements, a lot of joy and achievements.

Dear teachers! We are glad to meet with you the new academic year. Congratulations on its coming. We wish that the students will only please you, that your work will be fruitful, your efforts will always be rewarded, and your plans will be realized.

Dear teachers! On this day, I want to wish you that all year you have the same positive as today's holiday ... May it also give you infinitely many joyful impressions, charge you with activity and bring new aspirations. Happy holiday, Happy Knowledge Day!

Dear teachers! You have an amazing, brightest profession - you sow knowledge and it never happens that these seeds do not germinate. We love you, appreciate, respect and wish that in the coming academic year you will receive only joy, recognition and satisfaction from your work. We sincerely congratulate you on the most life-affirming holiday of all!

We are proud that we study at the best school in the city, with the best teachers and are grateful to fate that we have such an opportunity. At the beginning of the last academic year for us, we promise that we will pass the final exams perfectly and our teachers will be proud of us, because the best teachers have the best students. We congratulate you, dear teachers, with the beginning of the new academic year and wish that your students always make you proud.

Dear friends! I congratulate you all on this truly national holiday! Today every family celebrates this day, because 16 million schoolchildren today sit down at their desks. And about 2 million of them are first graders. We, teachers, have much to be proud of ... today we accept 119 girls and boys - first grade students. Our school family is growing! And I wish all of us that our family remains as friendly and strong as it has been over the past years. So that friendship, fun, curiosity, a spirit of competition, mutual assistance and support reign here as before. Happy holiday to you, dear teachers, students. Peaceful sky over our heads to all of us!

Dear teachers! It is you, along with your parents, who create, build the foundation on which all life values \u200b\u200bof a person will be held throughout his future life ... it is you who conquer new heights every year and prepare new students for exams, as ships prepare for their first voyage. Day after day, you discover new abilities and talents in your students, win competitions and school olympiads, experience failures, teach them new skills, prepare them for an independent life, and grow with them. I congratulate you on the new academic year, which will bring you (I am sure of this) new victories and successes. I wish you to admire the brilliant results of your labor and may there be as many of these results as possible. May each of your students be successful, prosperous and grateful.

Teachers! May your road be sunny, the sky clear, the path easy, and your health strong in the new academic year! May the whole year be happy and productive. Happy holiday, our dear!

Dear friends! This holiday is a good start to the school year. Let the light of knowledge that you give your students, like a beacon in the night, lead them to the right shore safe and sound. And personally to you, invaluable teachers, I wish that the fruits of your efforts are not wasted, that they support you in moments of despondency and energize you for many years. I wish you health, longevity, warmth and eternal spring in your soul.

Dear teachers! Let the lessons become eternal holidays for you, let the students delight you with intelligence and ingenuity, completed homework and victories at the Olympiads. Let the work be a joy, and the results of your work never cease to amaze you. I wish you all that each of you has graduates who glorify their city, their school and their teacher. So that each of your students in the future will remember you with gratitude and warmth. So that you never run out of reasons to be proud of yourself! Happy Holidays!

Dear teachers! You are not just a source of knowledge for us, but are relatives, in fact, family members. For many years you have been giving your care to children, participating in their upbringing and becoming as a person. We admire your hard work, patience, strong nervous system... We congratulate you on our common holiday and wish that all the good, light, warm and beautiful that you give us every day - will return to you multiplied.

Dear teachers! Transferring knowledge and receiving it is difficult, painstaking work... School is a planet where there is no place for laziness, absolutely everyone works here. And this is wonderful. We congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, and we wish that your joint work with your students is always productive, pleases all participants in the process and leave in you a feeling of satisfaction, warmth and gratitude to each other.

Dear teachers! Please accept our congratulations on the new academic year! He (year) promises new beginnings, new fruits of your activity will see the light of day, students will surprise you and surprise you again. I wish you an easy and joyful experience of these hot times, may the new voyage be calm and interesting, may the storms and storms pass you by, and that the seeds of knowledge that you sow every day bring a rich harvest for both your students and yourself.

Our beloved teachers! We congratulate you on the day of knowledge and wish you good health, always excellent mood, a charge of cheerfulness, which will be enough for the whole year and responsible, intelligent, conscientious students ... Well, we promise that we will contribute to all of the above so that you have something to be proud of, what to be happy about and what to be surprised at.

Dear teachers! We not only love you, but we will also remember you for life. You are not outsiders to us. And we will enjoy the fruits of your labor all our lives ... Thank you for the fact that we have something to use. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish that everyday meetings with students were joyful and long-awaited, so that work will give you new strength, and not take it away. May the future that you create together with your students be wonderful.

Dear teachers! Over the summer you have saved up a lot of knowledge, tasks and assignments for your students. We believe that all these valuable things will not be wasted and will certainly be in demand by the younger generation and appreciated at their true worth. I congratulate you on this joyous holiday - the beginning of the school year. I am sure that the year has prepared many pleasant surprises for you. I wish you all of them and not get tired of enjoying them. Happy holiday, our priceless ones!

Dear, valued, dear our teachers! Carrying knowledge into the minds and souls of people is not only a profession, but also a wonderful mission. Thank you for choosing this activity and giving it all your time and energy. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish that the fire of interest in your work never goes out in your eyes. May happiness and good luck become a faithful companion, and work brings you only joy, students cause pride, and let life itself bow to you in gratitude and respect.

Congratulations on the national holiday of knowledge! Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge, passing on valuable experience, helping to become independent, donating your time, care and participation. We wish you that the reward for all the best that you give to children will definitely find you. Let your students surprise you with a sharp and clear mind, apply the knowledge gained from you for the benefit of themselves and everyone around you.

Dear teachers and friends! Thank you for your dedication to your chosen cause, for bringing goodness, light of knowledge and support to the younger generation into this world. I congratulate you on the start of the school year and wish you:

  • be fully realized in the chosen field;
  • get everything from the profession that you expected from it once and expect now;
  • see all the opportunities for personal growth and development that the profession provides;
  • so that the year will bring not only knowledge to your students, but also give you a lot of new knowledge, skills and discoveries;
  • so that the restless school life infinitely pours new strength into you.

But most importantly, dear teachers, I wish you never to lose your curiosity, never stop there and always have the strength to move forward, setting an example for your students and all of us.

Dear teachers! With the beginning of you, a new academic year! I wish that this year will become an adornment of your teaching career ... So that all your teaching activities will be adorned with the loud achievements of your pupils, and that their gratitude will illuminate your path. Let your deeds without any words themselves publicly speak about your merits.

Dear Maria Ivanovna! On behalf of the whole class, we congratulate you on the holiday! Thank you for teaching us Russian. No one could have done better with this responsible occupation. We are happy to go to class knowing that we will meet with you. We wish you that the number of gifts of fate will be equal to the number of days you have lived and that we will never be able to upset you.

Dear Svetlana Pavlovna! The math you teach is the best math in the world. We are glad to see you again, after the holidays, we missed your lessons very much and dreamed of making you happy with our knowledge of your favorite subject. Congratulations on the start of the school year ... Finally, we will all be spending time together again. We wish you that this year even the most hard-to-understand your students suddenly discover their mathematical abilities and finally pay tribute to your efforts and efforts spent on them.

Dear Roxana Anatolyevna! Probably, we will not become great artists, but your art lessons decorate our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Thank you for this and for the fact that even without the hope of teaching great artists, you still continue to teach us. We wish you to receive as much positive from the world as your lessons give us all.

Dear Elvira Lukinichna! From the whole class and heartily congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. Thank you for helping us learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us. Geography is the most interesting subject at school thanks to you. We wish you that all your efforts bring you only success and joy.

Dear teachers! We are starting the school year again and are glad to welcome you here, at the door of our second home, which has become the school for all of us. For a long time you have been close people to us. For some, even - second parents, whom we respect infinitely and always remember. Thank you for being with us year after year. We miss you when we go on long vacations and are glad to every new meeting. We wish you even more new pedagogical ideas and a new successful creative search this year. Happy Holidays!

Dear our teachers! We congratulate you on the holiday! We know that we meet every such holiday full of new hopes for the coming academic year, new creative plans. We wish you that hopes come true, your plans come true, and the results obtained exceed all expectations.

Dear teachers! The new academic year is coming and you, together with your students, will overcome several more steps on the ladder of knowledge. Some of you accept your first-graders, and some begin to prepare their future graduates for the main exam ... We congratulate you on a new page in your professional history and wish all your students to occupy by their names the most worthy pages of the history of our school, our city, our country ...

Dear teachers! On this day, we all wish our students an easy, interesting and exciting journey to the land of knowledge ... I would like to wish you that this road was exactly the same for you. Happy Holidays!

Our wonderful teachers! All of you from year to year become a legend in the lives of your students! All of you are remembered years later, passing school stories to your children and even grandchildren. I congratulate you on the most significant school holiday and wish to achieve such professional skill that your students, many years later, will not just remember you, but thank fate for giving them such a teacher.

Dear teachers! I would like to wish you the same as your students: perseverance, dedication, patience, many well-deserved awards and satisfaction from victories. Only, I wish all this to your students in their studies, and to you in the teaching field. Happy holiday, our precious!

Dear teachers! I congratulate you on a new, happy school year and wish that each of your students not only find their place in life, not only successfully use the knowledge received from you, but also multiply your pride and glorify the education of our country.

  • If you need to add greetings to a public speech and - take them on a separate page.
  • the texts published above can be used as an independent congratulation or included in a solemn speech at the school "line" dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.
  • Texts are universal. They can be used by both students and the director, parents and teachers themselves (for congratulations to colleagues).
  • If the text seems too short for you, you can combine 1-3 texts into one. But make sure that the texts differ from each other, otherwise your speech will look as if you are repeating yourself and cannot express your idea.
  • Also, with these words you can sign a card for a bouquet of flowers, a postcard or include it in a letter of thanks to the teacher (in the final part of the letter).

Congratulations to you parents
I want a wonderful day.
It's time to gnaw the granite of science.
Let everything be through.

I wish you on Knowledge Day
Always be tolerant
Believe sacredly in your child,
Never give up.

You need to remember the whole program,
What once did you go
And with a glorious child paired
You reach the height.

The school year is ahead,
Again, many are waiting for you.
And homework
Plus the usual worries.

Hand over money for this and that,
From the family budget.
Follow up on progress,
Go to the meeting.

Have a conversation at home
How familiar is all this.
You hold on, you hold on,
Stock up on valerian.

Congratulations on the day of knowledge,
And we wish you for the academic year
You have patience and strength,
After all, September has come.

Dear parents, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. May this holiday inspire us all to persistently achieve all our goals and joint success. I wish the children were real pride, that each of them would discover their individual abilities and talents, and you would always support them and help in everything. May this academic year bring us all only good emotions, great success, good mood and joy. Patience to you, dear parents, good health, well-being and wonderful relationships with children.

Parents, Happy Knowledge Day!
And at this very important hour
We wish you patience.

We wish you strength for the year ahead
And your children too.
Now it's their turn
No time is more precious.

We wish only fives
Home they carried
With great desire always
To come to school!

September day today
He calls everyone to study.
Mom, dad, congratulations
Things will come to you too.

I want to wish you patience
Learn a lesson with a child
Positive, inspiration,
To deliver assignments on time.

Let him open the school year
You have your new horizon,
I wish you and your child
Form a united front.

Knowledge Day for parents -
Day of hopes, memories,
Day of pleasant expectations
Very important wishes:

So that the children have time
Didn't miss anything.
Not to be called to school,
They rented less for repairs.

We wish you patience
Bold plans of embodiment
Combat mood
And great luck!

You know yourself, dads and moms,
How difficult this program is today.
Children do not want to study now,
They only look at the phone and computer.
It's time to show by personal example
That knowledge is worth looking for in books.
It's not boring at all, it's not hard to learn
If you try and not be lazy.
May knowledge always be wealth
Appreciated by your whole family.

Happy Knowledge Day to you and your children,
After all, their relatives and closer there are no!
We wish you strength, patience,
So that your children, without a doubt,
Studied only excellently
And they were not indifferent
To each other, relatives and friends,
We gave happiness, joy to you!

Notebooks, books and pencil cases,
Bows, briefcases, primers,
You've been waiting for this day for so long
The kids went to school again!

Happy Knowledge Day, I congratulate you,
Patience, happiness and kindness,
So that the children study well,
To always make you happy!

Here is your child with a bouquet
And dressed with a needle,
It means that the summer is over,
Time for mental victories.

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge
And I want him to bring
Dear memories
And tears of brilliant happiness!

Let the child go to school with a smile,
Let him not be lazy.
Say no! idleness to arbitrariness,
So that every new day is successful!

We wish you patience and understanding.
Support the child with the whole family.
Let him learn easily and with understanding,
To admire yourself in the diary

Beautiful and stately "five".
We wish you good luck and success!
Let everything grab you deftly
And everything is going excellently!

September 1 is a long-awaited holiday for first graders, their parents, teachers, as well as all schoolchildren and students! In this article you can find original congratulations on the Day of Knowledge for everyone, both in prose and in poetry.

To express emotions and wish everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured for a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

In order for the holiday to be remembered, to touch the soul, you need to prepare in advance solemn words of parting words. We will first present you with several options congratulations on September 1 in prose.

Congratulations to class 1 on September 1

First graders are the main heroes of the celebration on the Day of Knowledge. The doors of the school open before the worried kids, where they will spend 10 years of their lives. Here they will meet their first love, get their first grades, learn letters, the multiplication table and much more! That is why it is so important to find the right words on this day in order to support the newly minted students and wish them success in their studies.

In this article, we will present several concrete examples congratulatory texts.

  1. Congratulations from parents to first graders on September 1

“Today, all the words of congratulations will be addressed to the youngest schoolchildren - our first graders! Guys, how does a school uniform suit you! In it you look very big and seem so brave and fearless on the threshold of new knowledge! Eyes are on fire, and a smile never leaves your face, because today you are celebrating one of the most important holidays!

You will go to school by the hand with those who will become a part of your life! You will follow the person who will become your second mother! We sincerely wish you to be kind, patient and obedient! Study well, do not let your parents, your teachers and your country down, because you are its future and our hope! Be happy, healthy! Have wonderful and unforgettable school years! "

“Dear first-graders, perhaps everything that adults are telling you now seems so incomprehensible to you! But we are sure that the main thing that you hear today will remain in your hearts for a long time. We wish with all our hearts that during all school years you will be carefully protected from troubles by your angels.

We want you to learn how to be friends, appreciate each other and love. Let the school, the threshold of which you cross today, become your second home, where you will rush with pleasure every morning! Do not be upset over trifles, be cheerful and cheerful! Learn with interest and pleasure! Believe that every school subject will definitely come in handy in your life! Happy holiday, kids! "

“The first call is the sweetest and warmest holiday! Guys, from this day on in your life, everything will happen for the first time. Today you will enter your first grade, your first teacher will speak to you, you will open your first school notebook and fill out the first diary. In a few years, you will fall in love for the first time, for the first time experience the joy of victory and the bitterness of disappointment!

And we, your parents, will always share all these moments with you, because we love you and want your life to be happy! On the Day of Knowledge, we wish you not to rush to grow up, to remain as sincere and direct! Rejoice, learn, discover new talents in yourself - go for it! We will always support you in everything! Happy Holidays! "

  1. Congratulations to first graders on September 1 from the teacher

“My dear first graders! I am sincerely glad to open the doors of our school for you today! I really want our every day to begin with the same joyful eyes and shining smiles with which you illuminate this holiday today.

We have a lot to go through and experience together. But the main thing that we must learn is to be friends, love, believe, understand! I believe that each of you will grow up to be a good person who will achieve great success in life, build a wonderful family and fulfill his cherished dream! And we will lay the foundation for such a happy future today! I invite you to your first lesson in your first grade! "

  1. Congratulations to grade 11 first graders on September 1

“10 years ago, just like you today, we stood with white bows and bouquets of gladioli on the doorstep of this school. It was so exciting and interesting, but at the same time a little scary, because everything is so unknown, unfamiliar and unusual! But we want to tell you that an unforgettable life awaits you, filled with joy and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositiveness.

Just don't be afraid of anything, learn your lessons, don't be lazy, answer, get grades and don't give up if something doesn't work out! We are always, at any moment, ready to help you! Good luck, dear first graders! We are confident that you will become the best students of our school! "

Congratulations from first graders on September 1

First graders at the celebratory assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge also always have something to say to their parents, teachers and future classmates. It is so interesting to listen to their fiery speeches, when almost none of the newly minted students can pronounce many words correctly.

Nevertheless, we have presented some congratulatory texts that can be instructed to be learned by first graders as an example below:

  1. Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

“On the Day of Knowledge, on behalf of all first graders, I want to congratulate all our teachers on the holiday! Although we are still completely unfamiliar with you, we hope that you are not very strict, but kind and affectionate, because we are still kids and it is so important for us to see love and support in your eyes!

We promise you that we will always be obedient and diligent students! We will teach all the lessons, and we will never let you down! We really want you to be remembered and liked! We hope that everything will work out together with you! Just don't get sick, be patient and strong! It may be difficult with us, but unforgettable! We congratulate you on the 1st of September! "

  1. Congratulations to the parents of first graders on September 1

“Our dear parents! Today is a very important day for you and us. You let us go into adult school life, in which we will learn to make decisions on our own and gnaw the granite of science. We wish you to go along this difficult path with us, withstand our whims and gain strength to do your homework with us! We promise you that we will not let you down! You will be proud of your children! "

  1. Congratulations to grade 11 on September 1

“Dear graduates! You are already quite big! Today the last academic year within the walls of the school begins for you! We hope that you will have time to teach us everything, because we want to be a good change for you! We wish you to successfully unlearn and get an excellent certificate! Happy 1st September! The Day of Knowledge!"

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

Teachers are the main people in the school. Therefore, congratulations on the start of the school year should always sound to them, first of all, not only from students and their parents, but also from the school administration. Here is some sample text congratulations on September 1 to colleagues from the school principal:

"Dear Colleagues! Today each of us has a special day - we meet first graders, our matured students and start a new school year! I wish you all inspiration, strength, health, good mood and talented students! May each of you experience this academic year a sense of pride in your work and wards! We wish you well-being and family happiness! "

Official congratulations on September 1

Every year, each school receives an official email congratulations from the head of the city or district from September 1... This letter is a solemn greeting on behalf of the administration of the village. It contains congratulatory words to teachers, students and their parents.

“Dear fellow countrymen! Today we are celebrating a wonderful bright Day of Knowledge - September 1! It concerns everyone - after all, we all once crossed the school threshold for the first time, sat down at the school desk and proudly called ourselves first graders. Then it seemed to us that the problems in mathematics are very difficult, but they taught us how to cope with complex life problems. From school, we realized that we will study all our lives, even after we finish school. And we must first of all express gratitude for this to the teachers!

Dear teachers! We honor you invaluable work! We wish that all your successes and achievements will only multiply! Be healthy!

Dear pupils and students! Congratulations on the start of the school year! After you sit down at your desk today, you should realize that your entire school path depends entirely on your own efforts. Listen to your teachers, they will help you know your self!

We send the most reverent congratulations to the first graders and their parents! You will have a difficult, but very interesting period of your life! We wish you to easily overcome all difficulties, reach great heights and achieve your goals! "

Video: Cool congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in verse

Preparing for the Day of Knowledge, we are always looking for beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verseto add them to birthday cards for teachers or first graders.

We have prepared for you a small selection of good poems that may be useful to you.

Congratulations on September 1 to parents

Knowledge Day for Parents

Always very exciting

After all, daughters and sons

They carry books in portfolios,

Markers, notebooks,

Not chocolates.

It's time for teachings

Tasks, assignments.

Therefore, parents

We sincerely wish

Emotions positive

And live without knowing the trouble.

Let your first graders

Grow up as good people

And let them be in everything

They will look like you! "

Congratulations on September 1 to students

“Today is a big holiday in schools -

Day of Knowledge, First Call!

Both graduate and first grader

They carry notebooks in backpacks!

We wish them with all our hearts

Study well and not get sick

Good luck in comprehending knowledge

Be brave and not shy! "

Congratulations to graduates on September 1

"Knowledge Day for a graduate

This is no reason for fun

Indeed, in the status of a student

You will have to do a lot in a year:

Pass exams, pass books,

Decide on a profession,

Study without the slightest respite

And strive for everything new!

Good luck in this difficult case.

We sincerely wish you!

Love, achieve goals

And follow your dreams! "

Congratulations to students on September 1

“Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!

From now on, all of you will have no time for sleep!

Big monographs await you

And a whole mountain of abstracts!

Study fruitfully, rest

Try to keep up with everything in the world,

And never lose heart -

Despondency prevents the achievement of goals! "

Congratulations to first graders from graduates on September 1

“Yesterday they called you kids

You are now full-fledged students!

You cannot be recognized - you are all with flowers,

Backpacks in hand with pencils!

You have a hard way of learning

We managed to overcome it!

We wish you strength, patience,

Grow big - don't get sick! "

Congratulations to teachers on September 1 in verse

“You lead us to knowledge,

You give your warmth

You give your soul to us

And surround you with goodness.

May there be joy in your heart

In houses - comfort, love, prosperity.

May pain pass you, obstacles,

Live long and rich! "

Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1

“Knowledge Day is a meeting with the class,

With friends, school and teacher!

Especially we all missed

For our homeroom teacher!

We wish him great strength,

Health, joy, goodness!

After all, it happens with us

Not as easy as it seems! "

Video: Congratulations on September 1! Musical Card!

This video presents several original postcards and songs with which you can organize a congratulation, if you do not already know how to congratulate your child on September 1.

Dear teachers and parents, dear schoolchildren, pupils and students _______!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and best wishes for the start of the new academic year!
This day will be especially exciting for young ________, for whom the doors to the land of knowledge will open for the first time. Let it become the beginning of a new interesting life for them, give them acquaintances with wise mentors and faithful friends.
For high school students, this academic year will be decisive in choosing a profession. I wish them success in mastering knowledge and correct plans for choosing a life path. For students who have already chosen a field of professional activity, I wish to become not only highly qualified specialists, but also to develop an active civic position, to realize responsibility not only for their own destiny, but also for the future of our _______, all of Russia.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all educators for their painstaking daily work, professionalism and dedication to their chosen work.
I wish you all a successful school year, perseverance in acquiring knowledge, joy of creativity and all the best!

September 1 is a special holiday.
This is a kind of start on a long but exciting academic year. For first-time students, this is a meeting with the first teacher and the first school bell in their life, as a symbol of the fact that school youth is inexorably rushing to replace carefree childhood.
This day is marked in red on the local government calendar. Education is the subject of number one of our care and concern. We understand perfectly well that today's schoolchildren and students will have to live and work in their native land tomorrow, to increase the glory of our state.
What it will be, tomorrow's generation, largely depends on the teacher. That is why this profession is respected, responsible and honorable. We wish all teachers inspiration and creative discoveries! And to everyone who sits at the desk today - diligence and excellent grades.
Happy Holidays!

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