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Installation of parking sensors on VAZ do it yourself. Installation of parking sensors on the Vaz of the tenth family Installation of a parking radar on a VAZ 2110

Parktronic is a device designed to facilitate the process of parking a novice motorist. Install parking sensors in numerous car dealers or your own hands. We consider exactly the last option when there is no desire or opportunity in the car service.

First you need to decide on the choice of device. Now in stores presented great amount various models and modifications. By and large, there are few differences among this set. The main differences are to appearance Monitor, and the characteristics of the sensors themselves are no different. On the bumpers of the car you can install a different number of sensors. Usually motorists are installed 4 on each bumper, and some motorists put only on the rear. Particularly relevant parking sensors on tonned machines, when under conditions of limited visibility, you have to take back to the darkness.

Installation process

Immediately before installing parking sensors, wash the car. Next, it is necessary to define the places most suitable for the installation of the sensors. For example, in the jeep, the mounting of the spare wheel, which can be placed on the rear door, is an extreme overall point.

At the next step, it is required to dismantle the car bumper. In the process of dismantling, you should be careful not to confuse the fasteners for the front and rear bumper. After that, you need to make marking and drill holes for parking sensors (Fig. 1). But you can not remove the bumper - you can drill holes and so, only then you need a certain skill and patience to carry out wires in the car's salon.

Fig. 1: Place the places on the bumper for sensors

In the course of marking places for sensors, it is important to be extremely attentive: unnecessary drilled holes will not be eliminated. In order to further navigate in the parking lot, parking sensors are located at the same distance from each other.

The next step is to lay the wires (Fig. 2) and connect the device sensors to the electrical circuit of the car. Before connecting the sensors and the parking sensors, you need to de-energize the car's electrical circuit. Put the wires from the sensors to the boarding sensors need extremely gently. Rear bumper sensors can be connected to the power of the reverse fan. Thus, parking sensors will only work when you have rear. This is convenient - once again there will be no disco in the car, when, for example, someone will come back in a traffic jam.

Fig. 2: Laying wires from sensors

Next is set to the board (Fig. 3) and all sensors are connected. The location of the board of Parktronic should be extremely favorable for the driver: it should see the display of the scoreboard, without changing the position of the head.

Fig. 3: Parking Radar Scoreboard

That's all! The whole procedure takes 2-3 hours - it's not so long, but at the same time informative. And below we offer to see the whole process on the video.

The process of statutory on video

Parktronic is a parking assistance system that obsesses you about approaching the object and displays the distance to the object to the object or indicator.
Currently, the parking sensors reverses many car enthusiasts when parking in the city or in the dark. After reading this article, you will understand that the installation of parking sensors on the VAZ with their own hands is a simple operation.

The principle of operation of a parking assistance system.

Parktronic sensors installed on the bumper of the VAZ car transmit an ultrasonic signal, which reflected from the object is accepted by the sensors and is transmitted to the control unit, which calculates the distance to the object and transmits it to the display or bipper.

We will need:

  • Parktronic himself. In stock with four sensors and LED indicator. (bought on Aliexpress)
  • Special crown with a diameter of 22mm.

  • Drill / screwdriver.
  • Means for marking (pencil, roulette).
  1. Now take in the hands of a pencil and roulette and lagging a bumper. Between the sensors, the distance should be 30 - 40 cm. If you install a parking sensor on the VAZ 2109 or similar to the dimensions, the car can be placed as: from the edge of the bumper 20 cm and between the sensors of 34 cm. From the top you need to take about 5 cm, since on the bumper VAZ 2109 in the area of \u200b\u200b6 cm there is an amplifier of the rear bumper and you can get into it (it is from the same material, like the bumper itself and drill normally). It should turn out something like that. We tried to install sensors not at an equal distance, no problems are noticed.

2. Drills the holes with a diameter of 22 mm, the crown, which comes with a parking sensor.

3. Install the sensors in accordance with the marking (A, B, C, D).

4. Extend the wires in the trunk. It is convenient to do through the hollow for the rear light.

5. Install the Parktronon control unit in any place convenient for you in the trunk and connect all the wires to it.

PackageTronics Power take the reverse lamp wires. When turning on the rear transmission, the parking sensors will automatically turn on. To exclude "scrubs" and tape, I recommend using clermets.

6. We pave the wire to the display.

7. Install the display and connect it to the parking assistance system control unit. We check the performance of parking sensors set by your own hands on the VAZ turning on the rear gear.

For many parking sensors have become an integral part of the car, as they allow you to make parking much easier. The reason for this is a huge number of cars and the lack of parking spaces, and if they are, it will not be easy to stand there. It is for this that the parking sensors are needed. Sensors scan the space from the back and front of the car, warning about the object approximation in advance. On many modern cars foreign production, parking sensors are installed from the factory, but in russian car industry About such innovation and think do not think. You have to do everything with your own hands. This article will describe in detail the process of installing parking sensors on the car.
So, let's begin. First you need to select a set of sensors that will more or less comply with the standard. Typically, sellers in auto parts stores do not try to slip you any garbage, since in many cases they themselves do not know what is better. Choose a set of parking sensors is better in their number, the minimum number of sensors 2. For more detailed scanning of the area and to scan dead zones, it is best to purchase a set of sensors in which the list includes 4 sensors.

The main thing when installing parking sensors to determine the correct location of the sensors on the bumper. If you do not do everything, then the sensors will be a bit, but deceive about the approaching objects. Thus, the system will notify you about the distance to the object or completely early, either too late, and may not detect objects at all.
When choosing parking sensors, consider their resistance to temperature, to the car's arrival in the car wash, etc. If you consider these parameters, then you will not suffer in winter time year in frost. There are several types of parking sensors, such as Multitronics PT-3TC sensors, have the ability to work with certain onboard computers TC 750, VC731, RC-700 and many other computers from Multitronics. If you have a desire to paint the park proxy in the color of the car, then you can paint them with ordinary paint, this will not affect the operation of the sensors. Prices for parking sensors are different, they begin with one thousand rubles, depending on their quality and brand. Something I talked, let's get to the installation of parking sensors. We start work. In order to set the sensors, we will need to drill four holes in the bumper equal to the diameter and altitude of the location on the bumper. For convenience, the bumper can be removed, but you can do without it, since everyone is comfortable in different ways. Using a centimeter, mark the appropriate distance between the sensors and drill the holes in the right place.

Now you can install parking sensors. In my case, I removed the bumper and only then began to drill. For drilling in a set of parking sensors there is a special crown, which has accurate sensor size. We set the sensors and adjust so that they are in the same plane. Now you need to stretch the wires. I decided to stretch the wiring through the trunk. With the help of drill, we do the hole in the body and go there wire there. Extend the wires in the trunk. Now in the right back corner of the trunk, fasten the control panel of the sensors and feed this panel from the plus wire, the reverse light bulb, so it will only work with the on-section included. Now everything is ready, check everything in business and rejoice.

Almost all car owners, at least once heard information about the ditch accidents.

Such information is often reported by newspaper media, television channels, while giving a large number of Recommendations, exactly how to behave when in contact with this situation. Nevertheless, people often completely forget all the received advice, giving them the opportunity to the chairs to make themselves an involuntary participant in a similar accident, including his culprit. How to act to reduce to the minimum level of the likelihood of entering this situation?

Principles of choosing "Victim". First of all, it is worth declaring what type of car owners most often comes across such schemes and becomes their victim. The most optimal goals for fraudsters are those drivers who manage inexpensive budget cars of foreign production, or high-quality domestic machines. They choose car owners who drive alone, and therefore do not have unnecessary witnesses in the cabin. The second most suitable option, female drivers are becoming. They cannot have physical resistance, and they are easy to intimidate them. But there are several categories of cars that almost never touch scammers. These include, for example, cars that are installed "thorough" numbers. In addition, they do not apply in their criminal schemes and "processing" owners of expensive SUVs or business class sedans. Attempts by their "divorce" can cause problems with the criminals themselves. Another type of machines, which rarely use similar schemes, become machines with tinted glasses. Simply put, they do not touch them for the reason that there is no possibility to see the number of people who are inside. And the latter who will not touch the autobriver, are cars with several people in the cabin. The reason is that they do not need unnecessary witnesses, in addition, the need to intimidate several people much more complicates the task.

Execution of a ditch accident. During the execution of such actions, attackers use cars of sufficiently well-known manufacturers who have a spectacular appearance. A feature of them can be the complete absence of numbers, or what they are smeared by mud. The second option may be the use of unreal license plates. On the left side of such machines, there are often damage that went to her in previous operations, or specifically applied. The total number of participating cars is most often equal to two. The task of the first of them becomes the displacement of the victim's car beyond the limits of the strip, the second goes on the collision. They adhere to this principle almost constantly.

Driver behavior in such a situation. Should they try to resist such actions? Of course yes.

  1. To do this, it is necessary to purchase a DVR in a car salon. A similar witness is quite difficult to intimidate or bribe.
  2. To call in the traffic police should always be independently, not trusting anyone;
  3. In the process of waiting for the arrival of the outfit, it is necessary to remove the location of both machines on the camera, and those damage they received. Do not forget about the appearance of the criminals themselves.
  4. If you are threatened, you should simply close the car from the inside and immediately cause the traffic police.

Outcome. One of the rules that can help avoid getting into a similar situation becomes observance of traffic rules. Often, criminals seeing that everything is developing not by their planned scenario, leave the place of action, without waiting for the emergence of traffic police officers.

I think there is no need to explain the practicality of the presence in the car Parktronics. Especially if the machine is operated in the metropolis. And if there is also a spoiler on the car ...

Parktronic was chosen according to the following criteria: the presence of 4 sensors and the display reflecting the distance to the object, the low price. Parking radar Falcon BPS-4i was selected.

Connection does not cause any questions because There is an instruction ... We connect parking sensors to a plus wire that goes on the reverse lights.

The removal of the bumper is described in detail in the manual and repair of the VAZ 2110-11-12. The problem arose except that when selecting the location of the sensors. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the distance between the sensors should be about 30-33 cm, and the installation height is not below 30 cm from the road - otherwise false responses are possible. Therefore, the deepening in the bumper skirt was excluded from possible seats Installations. The only place appropriate for installation remains at number. But with this location of parking sensors, the installation of small spacers is needed to provide perpendicularity to the surface of the road. Wires from sensors Put through a standard hole with the wires of the license plate backlight. The control unit can be fixed on the ribbiness of the right panel that supports the trunk shelf. The display cable will be allowed on the right side under the ceiling trim. And the display itself of the parking sensor is fixed with the screw to the panel, which closes the mounting of the rearview mirror.

During operation, some features were identified as pleasant and not very:
+ enough accurately output information about the distance to the object, both sound and visual indication;
+ Parking sensors distinguish even embankment lattices;
- Instead of the 1.5 meters of distance declared by the manufacturer, the bipper begins to work only at a distance of 1 meter;
- Ply low temperatures (below -15c) ParkTronics slightly slows down, i.e. Works with a certain delay.

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