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Public transport hotline. The 24-hour "hot line" for passengers of intercity flights now operates under a single all-Russian number

Those who do not have a personal car spend a lot of time in buses, minibuses, trolleybuses and trams. Everyone can face the unprofessional work of the driver and the rudeness of the conductor.

What should passengers do in such situations? How to write a complaint about a bus? Is it possible to do this? Where to file a complaint about buses? These are the questions asked by most citizens using public transport. Everyone should familiarize themselves with the information, how and where to go in such cases. In addition, everyone should know the rules and duties of a passenger, driver and conductor of city transport.

Rules for the use of land public transport

The general rules for the use of urban transport were developed in accordance with the law of the Civil Code of Russia. The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” was issued on February 7, 1992. On November 8, 2007, the Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Land Electric Transport” came into force. On October 23, 1993, the Council of Ministers of the Government adopted the Law on Traffic Rules.

The above laws control the procedure for the correct use of land urban transport. In addition, they are needed to automate tariff control and toll control systems. These rules should be freely available in every vehicle compartment.

What rules must the carrier follow

During the carriage of passengers, every driver must know and use the generally accepted rules. Carriers are obliged to:

  1. Transport people of all categories, including disabled people, to their destination along a specific route.
  2. At stops there should be tables with their names. In addition, at each stop there should be a timetable of all passing routes.
  3. Carriers are required to adhere to the schedule on the public transport route.
  4. The transport company is obliged to provide passengers with up-to-date information in case of a route change or its closure.
  5. Before setting off on the route, the driver must check the sanitary and technical condition of the transport, the driver himself can in no case be in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, he must have a normal state of health that allows him to drive the vehicle without the danger of creating an emergency.
  6. To maximize the safety of passengers during transportation.

For violations of rules and laws, the carrier is fully responsible.

Obligations of the driver of passenger transport

During the transportation of citizens, each driver must fulfill his duties and not violate them. He is obliged:

  1. Observe traffic regulations.
  2. Provide safe transportation for citizens.
  3. To respond to information from passengers about a problem in the passenger compartment: smoke, fire, burning smell, as well as suspicious objects that can affect the health and life of passengers.
  4. Inform citizens about the names of stops.
  5. Sell \u200b\u200btickets only at bus stops.
  6. Issue tickets upon receipt of payment.
  7. Disembark and disembark only at stops.
  8. Take passengers according to the number of seats on the bus.
  9. Follow the schedule and do not disrupt the route.
  10. Mark the route number and the name of the final stop on the transport.
  11. Ensure safe disembarkation, including for people with disabilities.
  12. Follow your job description.

The order of travel in a city vehicle

During a trip in public transport, there is a procedure that must be followed by the driver, as well as passengers. Passengers are required to:

  1. Buy a ticket and validate it.
  2. Save your ticket until the end of the trip.
  3. Have documents that allow free travel (if any, in principle).
  4. Show your ticket or your documents to the conductor, controller.
  5. Pay a fine if an unpaid ride is found during the check.
  6. Hold onto the handrails while driving.
  7. Do not occupy seats reserved for disabled people.
  8. Observe order in transport.
  9. Free transport upon arrival at the final stop.
  10. If a passenger buys a ticket from the driver, then you should prepare money in advance and not delay the vehicle.

Each passenger should know not only the duties, but also the rights while moving in transport. He can:

  1. Do not pay for travel for children under 7 years old.
  2. Transport a stroller and sledges for free.
  3. Carry birds and animals in a cage (the cage should not exceed the size of your hand luggage).
  4. Ride free of charge if the previous one breaks down before reaching the desired stop.
  5. People with disabilities have the right to travel on benefits.

What are the violations

There are special rules for the use of a land vehicle that must be followed by drivers when transporting passengers. Not everyone follows these rules, although they know them.

Every day, passengers can face the rudeness and tactlessness of transport workers. List of everyday violations:

  • gross violation of the schedule on the route;
  • rudeness;
  • the driver can smoke while driving;
  • dirt in the cabin;
  • refusal to carry privileged passengers.

This behavior is unacceptable in a democratic and legal country. For such misconduct, the driver must lose his bonus, receive a fine, or he can be fired under the article. Such dismissal can significantly affect the further employment of the driver. If such an unpleasant incident happened, the victim should not be silent and think that his complaint about the bus will not be considered and accepted into work.

Sequential algorithm of actions of a victim in a conflict with a bus driver

During a conflict with the driver, the passenger must call the hotline or write a registered letter to the transport company. A sample of a complaint about buses can be taken at the appeal instance. When writing a letter or talking on the phone, the victim should control his emotions, not use profanity and statements. To get a fair outcome, the passenger must do the following:

  • find out the name of the driver;
  • write down license plates;
  • take contact details of witnesses;
  • choose an instance for filing a claim and apply in writing or orally.

You must understand that anonymous claims will not be taken into account. In the letter, you must ask about the time frame for resolving the issue and the notification of the decision. Only conscientious passengers with the help of active actions can control the conscientious and professional performance of the work of city transport employees.

Where can you complain about a passenger transport driver?

What to do and where to complain about unacceptable driver behavior? You can file a complaint about the bus with the city office. The contact phone number and address of such a department must be posted in the vehicle. As soon as the passenger has become a witness or participant in the conflict, it is necessary to urgently call the indicated phone number and present your claims.

In addition to a call, you can write an official letter to the passenger transport control organization. The letter must be sent by mail. Necessarily it must be with a notification of receipt. The complaint against the bus driver must contain the victim's claim. To receive a response, you must indicate your passport details, place of residence and postal code. A complaint about a bus is considered within one month.

Portal "Virtue"

The Dobrodel portal is an e-book developed for suggestions and complaints in the Moscow region. It was created in 2015 to regulate the work of the authorities with city residents.

To leave a complaint about a bus or a specific driver of the route, the victim must register on the site. During registration, the program will ask for your first name, last name, email address and password. To confirm registration, a link for authorization will be sent to the specified mail.

A complaint about the bus or carrier should be left in the "Report a problem" section. The exact address must be provided at the time of filing a complaint. Within eight working days, the appeal will be considered, and the applicant will receive a response.

Call the transport department Mosgortrans

A complaint about the route of the bus or the driver of the transport can be accepted orally. Where can you file a service claim, report a schedule violation, a critical state of transport or a violation of the rules on the road? To do this, you need to call Mosgortrans.

Such a hotline was created by the carrier in February 2016. The hotline telephone number should be at the stand in the transport salon. The call can be made to the passenger without leaving the bus or other vehicle. All incoming calls are free of charge.

Written notification of Mosgortrans about violation

Since 2015, stickers have appeared on public transport with the e-mail address of the Public Control project. The purpose of such a project is to receive video footage from the victim from the scene of the violation. In such a video message, it is necessary to indicate the license plates of the vehicle, the time and place of the incident, and also describe the details of the incident.

Every complaint about the bus driver is checked and processed. If the information is reliable, the driver will be fined or fired for violation of the law.

Written notice of the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region

Where to write a complaint about the bus or the driver of this bus if an unpleasant incident happened? The victim should write an e-mail to the address of the main transport department of the region.

The letter in free form must describe the conflict, the incident that happened on the route. In addition, the letter must indicate the license plates of the transport and the route number. To consider the complaint, you must write the full name of the applicant. The address where the applicant lives and the contact phone number do not need to be indicated, since the answer will come by e-mail.

Complaint against a bus conductor

If the conductor is rude or insults the passenger, then it is imperative to complain about him. This incident should not be ignored or reacted. The unrestrained employees of the transport company should not work with people.

To make a complaint about the work of a conductor, you should find out his name and the number of the city transport on which he works. After clarifying the data, you need to call the depot or vehicle fleet, telling about the situation.

The management of the fleet considers each claim independently and decides whether the transport worker is to blame or not. It is possible that the townspeople themselves are the initiators of the conflict. To avoid problems with citizens, conductors are given lectures "on the prevention of conflict situations."

A conductor who constantly receives complaints from passengers will be dismissed from this position under the article.

Duties and prohibitions of the conductor

The conductor has his own duties, which he must perform during work. He must:

  • be polite to passengers, do not engage in conflicting conversations, be calm;
  • answer questions about payment for travel, about the route of the bus;
  • give an answer if the passenger requests the name of the conductor and the service number;
  • first get money for travel (be sure to announce the amount given by the passenger), and then issue a ticket.

While working on the route, the conductor has prohibitions that he must not violate. The employee is prohibited from:

  • have non-work conversations with the driver or others;
  • eating, smoking, or otherwise distracted from work;
  • you cannot leave the transport before arriving at the final stop;
  • be rude and inappropriate to talk to passengers.

Consequences for the employee of the transport company

The driver will be held responsible for his actions if he creates problematic, conflict situations with citizens or does not comply with legal norms. A complaint about a bus or driver is considered individually. As a result of the consideration of the complaint, the following consequences may occur:

  • bringing the offender to administrative responsibility: payment of penalties, withholding of bonuses or part of the salary, etc .;
  • disciplinary action with further dismissal.

Only the indifference of citizens will help keep the entire public transport system in order.

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" informs about the launch of a single multi-channel number in the branch "Service for the operation and development of bus stations" 8-800-200-08-41 for passengers of interregional and international flights. The call to the "hot line" is free for all regions of Russia.

With the help of the service, citizens can book tickets, as well as receive information about the work of the capital's bus stations, intercity and international bus routes, the cost of travel and the rules of baggage transportation.

“People from other cities often turn to questions about the work of Moscow bus stations. It was important for us to organize a convenient and modern service so that passengers at any moment, being anywhere in the country, could receive all the necessary information free of charge and plan a trip in advance. I also note that tickets can be purchased online at the same price as at the ticket office of the bus station. The service is available on the official website of Mosgortrans, ”commented Evgeny Zhigunov, director of the branch“ Service for the operation and development of bus stations ”of State Unitary Enterprise“ Mosgortrans ”.

Let us remind you that earlier a round-the-clock city number 8-499-940-08-43 was organized for passengers of intercity flights. It will continue its work along with a single all-Russian issue.

For reference

The service for the operation and development of bus stations was created in the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" in the fall of 2013. Since April this year, the Service has been administering four points of departure and arrival of buses of interregional and international routes (PMAM) in Moscow - these are the Tyoply Stan, Tushinskaya, Krasnogvardeyskaya and Orekhovo bus stations.

In this article, we will consider a topic that can be briefly called "mosgortrans - complaint hotline." We will consider where you can refer the complaint, how the complaint about the mosgortrans driver is written and after what time should be re-sent. In addition, in the article we will indicate the phone number of Mosgortrans for complaints, so that you can call with your own hands and present your claims. In general, we will try to fully cover our topic - mosgortrans - complaint, so that you do not have any questions and misinterpretations.

Mosgortrans - complaint

It just so happened that we live in Russia and it is considered the norm for our clients to tacitly agree with the disorder in the organization. In fact, the passengers of Mosgortrans are, in a way, customers, and the drivers are employees of the service company. How many times do we encounter problems and inconveniences when traveling on Mosgortrans, but hardly any of us even wrote a complaint about the driver to Mosgortrans.

Mosgortrans can have a lot of "shoals" and they all differ from each other: rudeness of drivers, delay of regular buses, non-working air conditioners, incorrect actions of conductors and so on. Unfortunately, this list can be continued for a long time, because the level of Russian transport service leaves much to be desired.

But we are interested in making it more convenient for us to travel, so that we arrive on time and enjoy the trip, and not discomfort and negative thoughts. What do I need to do? A lot, of course. But we, ordinary passengers, can help our long-suffering public transport with only one thing - to point out the "sick" places of the organization. And indicate in only one way: write a complaint to mosgortrans. The action seems to be simple, but efficient.

Unfortunately, stereotypes still nest in the minds of Russian people, which "whisper" that all complaints about the drivers of Mosgortrans buses will be useless, that nothing will change anyway, and the perpetrators will not be punished. It is not true. Let's get away from such a national self-awareness of our own insignificance and fight for our rights. Complaints are not received in mosgortrans in hundreds, therefore the management does not take any action. If we constantly talk about what we don't like, sooner or later we will be heard. One complaint written to Mosgortrans, of course, will not solve anything, but if there are a thousand of them, the management will not be able to act otherwise than to take real steps to eliminate the problems.

Why is the level of public transport service many times higher in Europe and the United States of America? First of all, due to the fact that the level of civic consciousness of people there is an order of magnitude higher. There, the driver cannot afford to drive drunk and be late for his route, as a result of which hundreds of people will be late for their jobs and receive reprimands, and someone, perhaps, will be fired. Agree, a high price for the incompetence of the driver. Therefore, you need to write complaints to mosgortrans. Send a complaint about the driver to mosgortrans if he is really guilty and behaves incorrectly. Don't let injustice reign in our daily lives.

Mosgortrans - hotline, complaints

So, let's narrow down our topic a little and analyze the section, which we conditionally called "mosgortrans - hotline, complaints."

In general, to begin with, we recommend that you read all the rules and laws related to public transport so that you can understand when your rights have been violated. Let's say that the driver is nasty to you or the bus is very late arriving at your stop. What to do? The algorithm of actions, in general, is simple.

First, you need to identify the vehicle in which the violations were committed. Remember, or better write down, the state number of the transport and the route number. If possible, write down the vehicle number. It is located on the sides or on the driver's cab.

After that, you need to call mosgortrans - hotline, complaints.

Toll-free phone 8495 950 42 04 or 8495 953 00 61

We can say that this is the main phone number of Mosgortrans for complaints. Tell the operator what happened and explain what the essence of your complaint is. Do not forget, by the way, to leave your contacts, because anonymous complaints have no influence and power.

Mosgortrans - write a complaint

If for some reason you cannot send a complaint to Mosgortrans by phone, then use the old method - mail. Yes, you can freely write a complaint to mosgortrans and drop the letter into the mailbox. In this case, by the way, you are entitled to an official response from the transport company. You write down your complaints on a piece of paper and leave your contact details so that you can be answered. You need to send a complaint to mosgortrans to the address: Moscow, Raushskaya nab., 22, Mosgortrans.

This method of complaint has long outlived its usefulness, but, in extreme cases, you can also try it. In addition, as we have said, you are guaranteed to receive a written response on the action taken to resolve the problem.

Mosgortrans - official website, complaints

If you are a supporter of a more modern approach to asserting rights, we recommend that you send a complaint to mosgortrans by e-mail. To do this, you register on the official website of Mosgortrans and leave your feedback. You should be answered within a month. Naturally, a written answer will come to you by e-mail, which you indicate on the site. This method has an easier and faster solution to your problem.

Complaints against bus drivers mosgortrans

And finally, we will tell you about another way to influence the situation and send a complaint to mosgortrans. We are talking about contacting the Moscow Department of Transport and Communications. The telephone number of this institution is 8495 957 05 47. It is quite possible that this measure will be more effective than all of the above, because this complaint is to the management of the company Mosgortrans. Although, it is not known where it is better to write, so try to "bomb" several targets at once, sending complaints to Mosgortrans.

The rules for the use of ground transport in Moscow stipulate not only the obligations of passengers, but also of carriers. For example, if the driver behaves unworthily, or other situations arise in which the rights of citizens are violated, it becomes possible to protect himself, preventing the repetition of such excesses - to write a complaint to Mosgortrans.

These include cases when:

  • there is a decent backlog of schedule;
  • rudeness from the driver's side;
  • gross violation of traffic rules;
  • route transport does not stop at the right places.

If one of the events listed above occurs, the injured party has the opportunity to complain to one of the services:

  1. The management of the company that owns the vehicle.
  2. To the Department of Transportation.
  3. Directly to Mosgortrans using a special form on the website.

When contacting any of the listed authorities, you must specify:

  • Full name, contact details, return address of the applicant;
  • Full name of the offending driver;
  • route number and vehicle registration plate;
  • time, place, circumstances of the violation;
  • photographs that document the incident;
  • the requirements set out in the essence of the case.

It is worth noting that it is best to try to negotiate peacefully, and only after that seek justice in court.

Mosgortrans complaint against the bus driver

A hotline has been launched in Moscow to control drivers who are disrespectful to their customers. Mosgortrans can consider a complaint against a bus driver through one of its branches in the capital, which receives such calls. At the moment, the bus fleets are already involved in a rapid response to telephone messages.

Passengers can always send a written complaint about the bus driver to Mosgortrans. It is imperative to deal with violations. And as a result, count on an increased culture of cooperation between urban transport workers and passengers.

At least two benefits are obvious:

  • the bus will become a worthy means of transporting citizens;
  • each chauffeur will improve his qualifications and improve the attitude towards those whom he serves.

Another important point is safety on city roads. In Mosgortrans, you can file a complaint against a driver who has grossly violated traffic rules in the same manner as in other incidents. Even the owners of other vehicles who have suffered or have witnessed how smartly the buses are taxiing onto the roadway can complain about the neglect of traffic rules.

To do this, you need to contact Mosgortrans, leave a complaint about the bus driver at the office. The term for consideration of such a written request cannot exceed 10 calendar days. After that, a definite verdict must be passed. The management is obliged to apologize and apply sanctions to the driver violating the rules, if the fact of abuse is confirmed.

A negligent driver expects, depending on the severity of the abuse:

  • money penalty;
  • disciplinary reprimand;
  • dismissal from work.

In order to write a complaint about a driver to Mosgortrans, you need to have certain skills, to know the procedures and norms of Russian legislation. Otherwise, it is quite difficult to monitor compliance with the rules of office work. The lawyers of the company "Pravovoye Reshenie" will be able to deal with this issuethat always provide customers with a high level of service.

Complaint to Mosgortrans about non-observance of the bus schedule or route

It often happens that the schedule is accurate only on paper. Buses are late, are generally removed from the flight, or arrive earlier. This has an extremely negative impact on passenger service. When something like this happens, a complaint to Mosgortrans about non-observance of the bus schedule or route becomes appropriate. At the very least, the management will know that a certain route has its own difficulties, shortcomings, which it would be good to eliminate as soon as possible.

When none of the above methods brings the desired result, you can go to court. Lawyers of the company "Pravovoe Reshenie" we are ready to help in drawing up a complaint of this kind, to advise how best to proceed to obtain the most favorable result.

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