All about buying and selling cars

Classification of modern cars. Car classification

A car is a self-propelled carriage designed to transport passengers, various cargo or special equipment along a trackless track, as well as to tow trailers. The classification and designation system of domestic vehicles is based on the following features: type of vehicle (rolling stock); main technical parameter (weight, power or dimensions); body type; appointment; wheel formula; engine's type.

Automotive rolling stock is subdivided into passenger, freight and special.

Passenger rolling stock includes cars, buses, passenger trailers, trucks - trucks, towing vehicles, cargo trailers and semi-trailers with universal or specialized superstructures for placing cargo.

Special rolling stock includes cars, trailers and semitrailers with special equipment installed on them, having a special technological or other purpose and performing various, mainly transport operations.

Passenger cars with a capacity of up to eight people, including the driver, are classified as cars, and over eight people are classified as buses.

All cars, depending on the type and purpose, are subdivided into classes according to which they are marked.

Each model of a car, trailer or semi-trailer has its own designation, depending on whether it is a basic or modification. The basic model is called the basic model on the basis of which its modifications are released.

The base car model is assigned a four-digit numeric code, with the first two digits representing the class and the next two digits representing the car model. In this case, the first figure corresponds to the class of the car (in terms of engine displacement for passenger cars, gross weight for trucks and length for buses); the second digit is the operational purpose of the car (1 - cars; 2 - buses; 3 - cargo onboard vehicles; 4 - truck tractors; 5 - dump trucks; 6 - tanks; 7 - vans; 8 - reserve; 9 - special vehicles). The letter designation of the manufacturer is placed before the digital index.

A modification is a car model that differs from the baseline in some indicators (structural and operational) that meet certain requirements and operating conditions. For example, modifications may differ from the base model in the used engine, bodywork, interior trim, etc.

Modifications have a five-digit numeric index, in which the fifth digit indicates the modification number of the base model.

According to the national classification, passenger cars are divided into five classes depending on the working volume of the cylinders (displacement) of the engine (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Classes of passenger cars depending on the working volume of the engine cylinders

Passenger cars are marked as follows. For example, BA3-2105 and BA3-21053 mean: BA3 - Volzhsky Automobile Plant, numbers 21 - a small passenger car, numbers 05 - the fifth model (basic), number 3 - the third modification.

According to the UNECE international classification, passenger cars belong to the same category M1, since they, regardless of their size and design features, must meet the same technical requirements.

From the point of view of the consumer, cars can have very significant differences between themselves. In this regard, the European experience of classification suggests using its overall length as the main classification parameter of a passenger car. At the same time, general purpose vehicles are divided into six main classes, denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet. The following distribution of cars by class is established (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Classes of passenger cars depending on overall length

Urban (overall length up to 3.5 m)

Convertibles and Roadsters

Small class (overall length from 3.5 to 3.9 m)

Premium convertibles and roadsters

Small middle class (overall length from 3.9 to 4.3 m)

Off-road wagons

Middle class (overall length from 4.3 to 4.6 m)

Light SUVs up to 2100 kg GVW

Business class (overall length from 4.6 to 4.9 m)

Medium SUVs with GVW up to 3000 kg

Executive class overall length over 4.9 m)

Heavy SUVs with GVW over 3000 kg

Executive "premium" (overall length over 4.9 m)


Coupe "premium"

Small commercial

If the overall length coincides with the upper limit of the range, the car belongs to a higher class.

In terms familiar to us, class A cars refer to especially small, class B - small, classes C and D - medium, class E - large, class F - upper class.

There are, however, passenger cars of a narrower purpose, for which the adopted classification criterion is impractical, since it does not reflect the characteristics of their consumer qualities. These cars are usually divided into separate classes.

The specificity of powerful high-speed passenger cars, called sports cars, is taken into account by separating them into two classes G and H, in which they differ depending not on the length, but on the cost.

The body type of passenger cars is determined by the number of functional compartments and their design. Bodies can be three-, two- and one-volume. The three-volume body has an engine compartment, interior and trunk. In the two-volume body, the interior and trunk are combined.

According to the national classification, buses are also divided into five classes depending on their length (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3

Bus classes depending on overall length

Buses are designated as follows. For example, LIAZ-5256 means: Likinsky bus plant, large class bus, 56th basic model.

By appointment, buses of three groups are distinguished: urban, intercity and long-distance.

According to the UNECE international classification, buses from the point of view of the difference in technical requirements are divided into two categories: M2 - buses with a gross weight of less than 5 tons (small seats) and M3 - buses with a gross weight of over 5 tons.

Trucks according to the domestic classification are divided into seven classes depending on their gross weight: first class (up to 1.2 tons), second (over 1.2 to 2 tons), third (over 2 to 8 tons), fourth (over 8 up to 14 tons), the fifth (over 14 to 20 tons), the sixth (over 20 to 40 tons), and the seventh (over 40 tons). In this case, for trucks, the first digit of the index means the class of the car, the second digit of the index indicates the type of the truck, the third and fourth digits are the model number of the car, and the fifth digit (for modifications) is the modification number.

For example, ZIL-4331 means: Automobile plant them. Likhachev, a truck with a gross weight of 8 ... 14 tons, onboard, thirty-first model.

Trucks can be general purpose, specialized and special.

General purpose trucks are designed for the transportation of all types of cargo, except for liquid without containers. They have cargo bodies in the form of side platforms.

Specialized trucks are used to transport only certain types of goods. They have bodies adapted for such transportation and are equipped with special devices and devices for loading and unloading. Specialized vehicles include dump trucks, tanks, vans, refrigerators and self-loaders.

Special trucks are designed to perform a variety of non-transport jobs and operations. These include car workshops, cranes, towers, concrete mixers, as well as vehicles used in municipal services (garbage trucks, snow plows, watering machines, etc.) and fire trucks.

Specialized and special vehicles are manufactured on the basis of general purpose trucks.

Depending on the purpose and wheel axle loads, there are two types of trucks: road and off-road. Cars of the first type are intended for driving on public roads, the second type - on special roads or on the ground. In Russia, there is a division of trucks into two groups depending on the axle load: up to 60 kN and up to 100 kN per axle. These vehicles correspond to the bearing capacity of two main types of roads in the general network. Vehicles with an axle load of more than 100 kN are classified as off-road vehicles.

Cars according to the total number of wheels and the number of driving wheels are designated by the wheel arrangement 4CH2, 4CH4, 6CH6, 8CH8, etc., where the first digit corresponds to the number of wheels of the car, and the second to the number of driving wheels. In this case, each tandem drive wheel is taken as one whole.

According to the UNECE international classification, trucks are divided by gross weight into three categories: N1 - up to 3.5 tons; N2 - from 3.5 to 12 tons and N3 - over 12 tons.

In the classification according to carrying capacity, trucks are distinguished especially small (up to 0.75 t), small (from 0.75 to 2.5 t), medium (from 2.5 to 5.0 t), large (from 5.0 t up to 10 tons) and especially large (over 10 tons).

Trailers and semitrailers according to the domestic classification are marked with a four-digit digital index, preceded by the letter designation of the manufacturer. At the same time, for various models of trailers (semitrailers), the following first two digits of the index of four are given: passenger cars - 81 (91), cargo onboard - 83 (93), dump trucks - 85 (95), tanks - 86 (96), vans - 87 (97) and special - 89 (99).

The second two digits of the index out of four for trailers and semitrailers are assigned depending on their gross weight, according to which trailers and semitrailers are divided into five groups (Table 1.4).

Trailers and semi-trailers are labeled as follows. For example, a heavy-duty trailer ChMZAP-8390 means: Chelyabinsk Machine-Building Plant of car trailers, a cargo trailer, with a gross weight of over 24 tons.

Table 1.4

Groups of trailers and semi-trailers depending on their total weight

According to the UNECE international classification, trailed rolling stock is divided into four categories (Table 1.5).



  • 1 Purpose

  • 2 Classification

    • 2.1 Cars

    • 2.2 Buses

    • 2.3 Trucks

  • 3 History of the car

  • 4 General structure

    • 4.1 Chassis

    • 4.2 Engine

    • 4.3 Transmission

    • 4.4 Control mechanism

  • 5 Application of cars

  • 6 Car manufacturing

  • 7 Automobile enterprises of Ukraine

  • 8 Car problems

  • 9 Interesting Facts Notes


Modern car Mercedes-Benz CLS 350 BlueEFFICIENCY

Car, auto, car (from the Greek. αὐτός - "Himself" and lat. mobilis - "The one that moves") - a self-propelled wheeled vehicle, which is driven by an engine installed on it and is designed to transport people, cargo, tow vehicles, perform special work and transport special equipment on trackless roads. Moves mainly on land.

1. Purpose

The car is designed to carry passengers and goods, initially it was considered as a mechanized version of the horse team.

Most modern cars have four wheels, liquid (usually antifreeze is used in cooling systems) or air-cooled engine, carburetor, injection or diesel internal combustion engine.

Electric battery vehicles and hybrid vehicles are also being developed.

2. Classification

Road train

Modern cars are subdivided into:

  • transport - the main group, intended for the transport of people and cargo (special towing and truck tractors designed to work as part of a road train also belong to transport vehicles):

    • freight,

    • passenger:

      • cars,

      • buses;

  • special - equipped with the appropriate equipment and designed to perform certain production operations (truck cranes, aerial platforms, autocompressors, fire trucks, mobile repair shops, etc.);

  • racing - used for sports competitions.

2.1. Cars

Passenger cars intended for individual transportation of passengers, having from 2 to 8 seats, including the driver's seat, and are classified according to the engine displacement, which is determined in liters. The following classes of passenger cars are distinguished:

  • minicar (up to 0.57 l),

  • subcompact (0.75-2 l),

  • middle displacement (2-4 l),

  • large-capacity (over 4 liters).
The engine displacement largely determines the main transport indicators of passenger cars. With a high displacement, cars have more power, speed and capacity, but they also consume more fuel. Passenger cars are also classified by body type:

  • limousines (closed body),

  • convertibles (closed body with cloth top),

  • phaetons (open body with awning).

2.2. Buses

The buses are designed for group transportation of passengers. According to the number of seats, they are divided into:

  • small buses (up to 25 seats),

  • medium (from 26 to 35),

  • large (from 36 to 45),

  • especially large capacity (more than 45 seats).
By appointment, buses are divided into:

  • urban,

  • intercity,

  • specialized, differing in body layout, equipment, seat equipment, speed of movement.
Specialized buses include buses designed to transport passengers of certain categories (sightseers, tourists, schoolchildren).

2.3. Trucks

Trucks are classified according to their carrying capacity. There are the following classes of trucks:

  • very low carrying capacity (less than 0.75 tons),

  • small (0.75-2.5 tons),

  • medium (2.5-5 tons),

  • large (5-10 tons),

  • very large carrying capacity (over 10 tons).
By body type, trucks are divided into:

  • universal - have an open platform with drop sides,

  • special

    • dump trucks (with a fold-over open platform),

    • vans (with a closed body),

    • tanks (for liquids),

    • cement trucks and others.

3. The history of the car

Car model "Velo" Karl Benz (1894) designed for the first car races.

Self-propelled carriages of various schemes and designs were developed by many inventors back in the 16th - 18th centuries. Particularly interesting inventions were made in Russia. In 1751 - 1752 L. Shamshurenkiv built a "self-beagle stroller", which was moved with the help of pedals. In 1784 - 1791 the famous Russian inventor IP Kulibin built a "scooter", which had a kind of gearbox, flywheel, mechanical brakes, roller bearings. The invention of the steam engine allowed the French engineer Cunyo (1769 - 70) to create the first steam engine. The rapid development of automobiles began after the advent of high-speed and economic, internal combustion engines. This engine was the first carbureted gasoline engine, created in 1879 by the Russian inventor-designer A.S.Kostovich. Its engine weighed 240 kg and developed 60 horsepower. The invention of a lightweight, compact piston internal combustion engine was of great importance for the creation of a modern automobile. Between 1885 and 1887, German designers K.-F. Benz and Daimler built the first automobiles with internal combustion engines. An important role in improving and improving the performance of the car was played by the Soviet Scientific Automotive School, created by MG Briling and E. A. Chudakova.

4. General structure

4.1. Chassis

The chassis consists of a frame, front and rear axles (axles), suspension and wheels with pneumatic tires. The frame is the basis for fastening all mechanisms of vehicles, as well as the body or cab and cargo platform in trucks. In passenger cars and buses, frameless structures are widely used, in which all mechanisms are attached to the body of an all-metal monocoque body. Vehicle axles transfer vertical loads from the frame or body to the wheels, and pushing and braking forces from the wheels to the frame or body. The front axle consists of a beam and pivot pins pivotally connected to it, with which the car makes a turn. The rear axle is usually made hollow. It houses part of the power transmission mechanisms. The suspension resiliently connects the axles to the frame and, together with the tires, softens the shocks and impacts that occur while the vehicles are moving.

Springs (elastic beams made up of separate steel sheets) or coil springs are used as an elastic suspension element; also use rod (torsion), rubber, pneumatic and pneumohydraulic suspension. For the front wheels of cars, the so-called independent suspension is widely used, in which an elastic element connects the frame or body directly to the wheel. To damp the vibration of the suspension in all cars and some trucks, hydraulic or mechanical (frictional) shock absorbers are installed.

To improve maneuverability, the wheels of the vehicles are set at certain camber and ascent angles. To control and regulate these parameters, special (laser or computer) wheel alignment stands are used. "

In addition, the wheels of vehicles are subject to periodic balancing on special balancing machines.

4.2. Engine

Engine Mercedes V6, 1996 release.

The main engine type of modern automobiles is a piston internal combustion engine. A car with a gas turbine internal combustion engine has significant development prospects. Electric (battery) vehicles are used for urban transportation of light and small loads. Steam cars are now almost never used. By the type of fuel used for piston internal combustion engines, they are distinguished:

  • gasoline,

  • gas cylinders,

  • gas generating,

  • diesel.
Carbureted and diesel vehicles now make up the bulk of the vehicle fleet.

Diesel vehicles are predominantly heavy-duty trucks and buses of medium and large capacity. CNG and gas generator vehicles run on local fuels.

The engine converts the thermal energy of the fuel into mechanical energy, resulting in a torque on the engine shaft. Modern carburetor car engines operate in a four-stroke working process. They have a capacity from 25 (small cars) to 450 hp. (high-end passenger cars) at a crankshaft rotation speed of 3,000-4,500 rpm. Diesel engines use four-stroke and two-stroke power from 100 to 450 hp. at 1 500-2 500 rpm. The number of cylinders from 2 (small cars) to 12 (powerful engines of heavy trucks and engines of passenger cars of large displacement). The placement of the cylinders is usually vertical single-row or V-shaped. The engine is placed in front of the vehicle along its longitudinal axis or on the driver's side. In passenger cars and buses, the engine is often located at the rear along or across the body.

4.3. Transmission

Typical power transmission diagram of a passenger car.

The power train (transmission) is used to transfer torque from the engine crankshaft to the drive wheels of the vehicle. It consists of a gearbox, clutch mechanism, cardan gear, main gear, differential and axle shafts connected to the hubs of the driving wheels. The gearbox allows you to increase the torque on the driving wheels of the car when the resistance to movement increases (for example, on an uphill, when accelerating). In addition, it allows for reverse travel and provides long-term separation of the engine from the drive wheels, which is necessary during engine start and idling. According to the method of changing the gear ratio, gearboxes are divided into:

  • stepped,

  • stepless,

  • combined.
In a modern car, common simple step transmissions. The clutch is used to decouple and slowly connect the running engine to the gearbox, resulting in a slow start-off of the vehicle and reducing shock loads on the gear teeth when shifting. According to the method of transmission of torque, the clutches are divided into:

  • frictional - torque is transmitted due to frictional forces between the driving and driven elements of the mechanism (usually by discs pressed against each other by springs),

  • hydraulic (fluid coupling) - torque is transmitted by means of fluid circulating between the driving element - the pump impeller and the driven element - the turbine wheel,

  • combined - they are used in cars with a simple stepped gearbox, as the fluid coupling provides a very slow acceleration of the car, but does not prevent impacts between the gear teeth of the gearbox when shifting them like a friction clutch.
The cardan transmission connects the power transmission units, the shafts of which are located at a certain angle, which changes during the movement of vehicles. It consists of one or more tubular cardan shafts, cardan joints (cardan joints) and intermediate bearings. By their design, cardan joints are divided into hard and soft.

The main gear is designed to increase torque and transfer it from the propeller shaft to the differential and then to the axle shafts located at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The main programs are divided into:

  • gear:

    • single,

    • double;

  • worm.

4.4. Control mechanism

The vehicle control mechanism consists of two systems: steering and braking systems. The steering control consists of a steering gear and a steering gear. The steering mechanism converts steering wheel rotation into angular movement of the steering arm. The steering drive connects the bipod with the steering pivots. It consists of a longitudinal tie rod, pivot arms and a tie rod.

In heavy duty trucks and buses, the steering system includes hydraulic or pneumatic amplifiers (servomechanisms) that increase the driver's effort and greatly facilitate his work. There are two systems for braking in a car:

  • main, acts from the brake pedal

  • auxiliary (parking), operating from a manual lever.

5. Application of cars

In the process of improving the design and technology of car production, the scope of their application has significantly expanded, which led to the emergence of specialized cars. Special vehicles are used in particular for the needs:

  • armed forces (armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, mobile missile systems, radar installations, etc.).

  • construction and installation organizations (truck cranes, drilling rigs, etc.).

  • motor sports

  • emergency services (fire trucks, ambulance, etc.).

  • utilities (snow removal, garbage trucks, cleaning, etc.).

6. Car production

More than 300 million cars are produced annually in the world.

From 1951 to 1991, the number of cars on British roads increased from 2 million to 20 million.

In the first quarter of 2007, for the first time overtaking GM by the number of cars sold, Toyota came out on top. Toyota has this figure: 2.348 million, and GM - 2.26 million vehicles. The design perfection and adaptability of vehicles for use in various operating conditions are assessed by its dynamic (speed) qualities, driving stability, cross-country ability, smooth running, ease of control, fuel efficiency, and reliability. These performance characteristics of vehicles are determined by its design, geometric and weight parameters. The production of domestic cars is characterized by a significant need to improve the reliability and durability of mechanisms due to the improvement of the quality of materials, the improvement of the manufacturing technology of parts, the enhancement of their rigidity, the improvement of the oil and air filtration system in engines. An important problem is the ergonomics and comfort of domestic cars. Measures are being taken to facilitate maintenance, in particular, a system of central lubrication of chassis parts and control mechanisms is being introduced.

7. Automobile enterprises of Ukraine

  • Autotechnology

  • Anto-Rus


  • KrASZ

  • Eurocar

  • Stryi-Auto

8. Car problems

The number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants of the country.

The creation of engines that do not pollute the environment has removed the environmental problems of large cities.

A car is a complex system, a set of mechanisms and assemblies that can fail. Therefore, cars require regular maintenance. It is often necessary to check the tire pressure, the oil (oil) and brake fluid levels, and the engine temperature. Based on this, most cars are equipped with indicator devices that allow you to monitor these parameters. Tire pressure is measured with a tire pressure gauge.

When using a car, tires and galvanized pads are most often used. Shini can also be posed when visiting objects (tsvyakhi, screws, sklo, tosho). Repaired tires are often repaired and provided for later use. The worn out galvanized pads must be replaced with new ones. At the same time, there is a problem of disposal of used blocks, which is very expensive for people to get rid of asbestos. That will stop for an hour the promiscuity to switch to the preparation of asbestos-free galvanized pads.

Disposal of that recycling will also require a lot of waste, tire wear, accumulator batteries, galmivna ridina, too. Vikoristan wanted to pereroblyayut on the olive. Use the tires to sprinkle them onto the metal cord and gum, then the vicorist cord, yak metal, and the vicorist gum for the preparation of secondary gum virobes, or add to the asphalt. Rechargeable batteries are most often used for melting on lead ingots.


  1. Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia. In 12 volumes. / Ed. M. Bazhana. - 2nd ed. - M., 1974-1985.

  2. Nesvitsky Ya.I. Trucks. K., 1953. (Rus.)

  3. Car (descriptive course). Ed. G.V. Zimeleva. M., 1955. (Rus.)

  4. B.V. Gold, B.S. Falkevich Theory, design and calculation of the car. M., 1957. (Rus.)

  5. A.D. Abramovich Technical characteristics of cars. M., 1958. (Rus.)


Car Is a self-propelled crew, driven by an engine installed on it, and designed to transport passengers, cargo or special equipment on trackless roads and tow trailers.

Modern cars are classified according to the following main characteristics.

1. Transport and special vehicles are distinguished by purpose.

Transport vehicles are divided into several types:

  • a) cars - for the carriage of several passengers
  • b) buses - for transporting groups (more than eight) passengers
  • c) freight - for the transportation of various goods. The defining indicator characterizing cars and buses is their capacity, measured by the number of passenger seats

The main quantity that characterizes trucks is their commemorative carrying capacity, that is, the maximum permissible weight of cargo (in tons) transported when driving on paved roads. In this regard, trucks are distinguished with especially small (up to 1 ton), small (from 1 to 3 tonnes), medium (from 3 to 5 tonnes) and large (from 5 tonnes) carrying capacity.

Depending on the body structure and other design features, general-purpose trucks and specialized trucks are distinguished, designed for the transportation of certain types of goods (for example, dump trucks, tank trucks and vans).

Special purpose vehicles are used to perform any specific work and are equipped with appropriate devices and devices. This group includes firefighters, watering vehicles, truck cranes, aerial platforms and others. They are usually modified models of transport vehicles.

2. By the type of fuel:

  • a) cars with liquid fuel engines
  • b) cars with engines running on gaseous fuels

3. By adaptability to road conditions:

  • a) road (normal) cross-country ability, designed to work mainly on paved roads and dry dirt roads
  • b) cross-country ability, which can work on bad roads and off-road conditions. Normal cross-country vehicles are driven on one (rear) axle, and two-axle vehicles - on both axles and three-axle ones - on two or three axles

With the development of the automotive industry, the number of models increased, which differed among themselves in terms of overall weight and technical characteristics. In the most developed countries, government agencies began to keep records of cars.

Gradually, a certain system developed, the cars were divided into several classes, which for convenience were tabulated.

Abroad, the classification of motor vehicles has developed taking into account local characteristics. The subsequent development of globalization processes in the economy and the opening of markets for the products of automobile companies served to develop new standards in the field of transport accounting.

As a result, several systems of machine classification were formed, which operate in individual countries or extend to entire continents:

  • in the EU, the ECE and EuroNCAP classifications apply. In addition, there are own systems in France and Spain;
  • in North America and Canada;
  • in Asia, national classifications have been developed in Japan and China.

The classes of cars in them are determined based on different parameters, in particular, some technical characteristics can be taken as a basis, for example: engine volume, unladen weight or vehicle length. The regulation in this area also touched upon some other parameters, which began to be established at the legislative level.

Classification of cars by classes in different countries (table)

In developed countries, the number of machines in operation and leaving the factory conveyors is constantly increasing. Transport is subject to accounting, which requires a certain systematization and formalization. In each of the countries, this issue is approached taking into account the current legislation and regulatory framework and certain national characteristics.

In Russia

The division of vehicles into categories in each country took into account national characteristics. In the Soviet Union, and later in the Russian Federation, this process was delegated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within which bodies for the registration of vehicles were created. At first it was the ORUD, then the State Traffic Inspectorate replaced it, and is currently performing these functions.

Registration and examination departments are executive bodies, and methodological work was carried out by specialized institutions. In the Soviet Union, a fairly harmonious system of car class distribution was developed, which was put into effect in 1966 by a special document ОН 025270-66 (industry standard). At the moment, it is more of a recommendatory nature.

In accordance with the industry standard ОН 025270-66, passenger cars are divided into 5 classes depending on the engine displacement.

Table: classification of passenger cars in accordance with OH 025270‑66

In accordance with the mentioned document, the name of each model consists of an abbreviation of the manufacturer's plant and a digital code of four or more digits, which meant the following:

  • The first is the class of the car.
  • The second is the type of vehicle.
  • The third and fourth are the serial number of the model.
  • The fifth is modification.
  • Sixth - imported version.

As an example of the use of this classification in relation to a popular Soviet-made car, we can cite its decoding for one of the small class models. The designation VAZ-21079 means:

  • 2 - the machine has an engine capacity ranging from 1.2 to 1.8 liters;
  • 1 - in passenger version;
  • 07 - the seventh model according to the factory numbering;
  • 9 - modification in this case with a rotary piston engine.

The system turned out to be quite convenient in the conditions of a centralized state and a planned economy. In Russia, the car classification system according to the established classes has remained unchanged since Soviet times. In the context of market economy, some Russian manufacturers allow deviations from the established practice, which can lead to confusion and consumer disorientation.

In Europe

The unification of Europe and the formation of supranational structures led to the formation of a single economic and legal space. This process also affected such an area as the classification of cars by classes, the authorized structures have developed a corresponding table. The main parameter by which the division into steel categories was carried out is the overall dimensions.

Video - classes of passenger cars with examples:

As a result, all existing models were divided into six main classes, which, for convenience, were designated according to the first letters of the Latin alphabet. Below is the official table of machine classes adopted in the EU.

The adopted methodology for determining the category of cars is not perfect, some models do not fit into it. To correct this situation, the classification of cars by class in Europe was supplemented with three more categories. Their descriptions are presented in the table below:

However, these additions were not enough. I had to make additions to the existing system and add two classes: vans and pickups. It should be understood that this division is rather arbitrary and rather reflects the attitude of the model to a certain market segment. It is not for nothing that after the modernization of the machine, even if its dimensions change, the manufacturer attributes it to the previously announced category.

Environmental class of the vehicle

The massive development of transport equipped with internal combustion engines could not but affect the state of the environment. In the early nineties of the last century, a number of regulations were developed in the European Union that set the level of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the exhaust. Thus, the concept of the ecological class of the car was introduced.

The first set of rules received the general name Euro-1 and was approved in 1992. The rapid development of technology was followed by a further tightening of requirements for cars coming off the assembly line.

So, after 4 years, a new Euro-2 standard appears, and a little later, Euro-3. However, it did not become the last in this series, and at the moment the fifth version of environmental standards in the field of vehicle regulation is in force.

Our country joined this process much later - this is how the Euro-2 standard was introduced only nine years ago. Every two years, the requirements became more complicated and by now all cars imported into the Russian Federation must comply with the latest fifth version of this standard.

A natural question arises, how to find out the ecological class of the car and where to find the necessary information.

State control in this area is entrusted to special certification bodies that carry out the examination of vehicles. Information on the issuance of relevant documents for a specific model can be found on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. As practice shows, you can find out the ecological class of a car by the following data:, the make (model) of the car and the year of its release from the assembly line.

The specified information is necessary, first of all, for carrying out in the MREO. In 2005, amendments were made to the regulation on PTS, and now the specified document required for registration of a newly imported car into the country cannot be obtained without a certificate. From January 1 of last year, the car must comply with the latest Euro-5 standards.

Legislators have also made changes to the fiscal system, the amount of the toll now directly depends on the degree of negative impact of the car on the environment. As a rule, you can find out the environmental class of a car for transport tax on the website of the same Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Other car classification options

Categories A, B, C, D, E

The driver needs certain skills to operate the machine, corresponding to the category of the given vehicle. In 2013, the usual classes of cars A, B, C, D, E were changed in accordance with the new edition of the Federal Law "On Road Safety". A number of subcategories have been added to the already existing five categories, giving the right to control vehicles of a certain type or couplings.

Now, to drive a popular scooter, you will need a driver's license. Category A1 must be open in it, while the owner of a motorcycle license can also drive such a vehicle.

Some changes also affected the class of passenger cars, which include all cars weighing up to 3.5 tons. In order to drive with a heavy trailer, the car owner will have to open the BE category.

A separate class B1 includes such exotic cars for our country as tricycles and ATVs. Previously, driving them on public roads was completely illegal. The introduction of this legal norm will allow the owners of the aforementioned vehicles to legally use their property both within settlements and outside them. Some changes have also been made with regard to the rights to drive trucks and road trains.

By prestige

Cars of the same size can vary significantly in terms of equipment and, accordingly, in cost. The prestige of the model is also determined by its brand. It is not without reason that well-known companies have created departments that produce premium cars. We are talking about brands such as Lexus, Infiniti, Acura, Maybach and others. There are also companies that specialize exclusively in expensive cars: Porsche, Maserati, Bentley and others.

Chevrolet Corvette belongs to the S-class

Limousines can be distinguished as a separate class of cars, which differ from conventional models by the presence of a partition between the driver's seat and the passenger compartment. It should be noted that such cars were produced only in three countries: in England - by Rolls-Royce, in the Soviet Union, and later in Russia at the ZIL automobile plant, and in the People's Republic of China under the Red Wall brand.

Limousines from other manufacturers are, by and large, rework of production models. The standard body is lengthened and strengthened and equipped accordingly. The high cost of this kind of cars is determined primarily by the high cost of manual labor. Many assembly operations are often performed by qualified technicians under the supervision of engineering personnel.

Ambulance transport

In addition to passenger and cargo vehicles, there are appropriately equipped vehicles for special services. These include firefighters, rescuers, medics and law enforcement. To carry out the tasks assigned to them, cars equipped on the basis of serial models of different categories are used.

Ambulances are also divided into classes

Accordingly, they differ from each other in technical characteristics and equipment. There are the following classes of ambulance vehicles:

  • A - a car for transporting patients under the supervision of a doctor, paramedic or nurse. These ambulances do not have equipment for providing emergency patient care. Such special vehicles in our country are usually made on the basis of minibuses of the Gorky Automobile Plant.
  • B - an emergency medical vehicle is designed to transport patients while performing certain therapeutic measures. A special compartment of the car is equipped with diagnostic devices that allow you to monitor the patient's condition until he is delivered to a hospital.
  • C - reanimation ambulance car, equipped for performing medical procedures by specialized medical teams directly in the process of transporting a sick or wounded person to a hospital or hospital.

The described classification system allows you to keep track of their classes, degree of equipment and other indicators. There are certain standards for the number of special vehicles of different categories. It is installed for urban and rural areas, taking into account population density, distance to the nearest ambulance station and other factors.

For car wash

Some industry associations in the service of transport or other types of business can also develop their own classification systems.

For example, there is a classification of cars by car wash classes, designed to simplify the accounting of enterprises owned by one company in the network. This is necessary for the establishment of uniform tariffs and the settlement of other economic issues.

For car rental

Similar systems have been developed in large companies that operate in the field. The fleet of cars of such international corporations as Enterprise, Hertz or Avis exceeds tens of thousands of units of equipment of different models and manufacturers. To simplify control, SIPP codes were introduced, which establish not only the class, but also the equipment of the rental car.

This approach allows advertising materials and official documents not to indicate a complete list of cars by brand, but to publish the list by class in the form of a table. When placing an order, the client only needs to indicate information about which category of car he would like to receive for temporary use, taking into account the level of its equipment. This is much easier than negotiating the provision of a car of a certain brand and configuration.

Car rental companies are able to timely respond to changes in market conditions in a particular region. Having in hand a table of car classes with examples, the manager can quickly contact the management and transfer data on the availability of cars and the level of demand for them. Based on the information received, the administration can redirect some of the machines from other branches.

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Modern vehicles are classified according to various criteria: engine displacement, carrying capacity, capacity, wheel arrangement, axle load, overall dimensions; purpose, engine type, body type, etc.

1.3.1. Engine marking

Marking (identification number) of engines is applied:

on engines mod. 402.10, 4021.10 and their modifications on a special platform located on the left side of the engine, on the cylinder block between the gasoline pump mounting flanges and the ignition distributor drive;

on the engine mod. 4062.10 and its modifications on a special treated area located on the left side of the engine, on the cylinder block, above the front engine mount mounting bosses.

Engines are marked with Latin letters (except for letters I, O, Q) and Arabic numerals.

Letters and numbers are stamped with a shock method.

The labeling consists of two parts: descriptive and indicative.

The descriptive part of the marking consists of six characters and has the following structure.

In the first place is the abbreviated digital designation of the basic engine model. If the engine model designation includes less than six digits, then zeros are stamped in the blank spaces of the last characters (on the right). For example: "402000"; "402100"; "406200".

To reflect the version of the completeness of the engine that is different from the base one, the conditional letter code of this completeness is used, which is located on the last sign (on the right). The conditional completeness code is assigned by the manufacturer (ZMZ).

For example: "40200G"; 40620F "and others.

The indicative part of the marking consists of eight characters (numbers and letters).

The first character is a conditional letter code of the engine year of manufacture (V-1997; W-1998: X-1999).

The second character is a conditional digital code of the assembly shop (conveyor) that assembled the engine (O, 1, 2 ...).

Subsequent characters - the serial number of the engine assigned by the manufacturer (ZMZ). Zeros are stamped in the blank spaces of the leading part of the marking.

For example: "W1002774", where

1 - code of the assembly shop (conveyor);

2774 - engine number.

At the beginning and end of the marking, as well as between its component parts, a dividing mark is embossed - a five-pointed star.

Marking example: * 40200G * W1002774 *; 40620F * W4000774 *

In terms of mass and axle load (weight per axle), as well as overall dimensions (height, width, length), all vehicles are divided into two groups: road and off-road.

Roadcars - these are vehicles intended for use on public roads. Axle loads and dimensions of such vehicles comply with certain restrictions, which are taken into account in the design and construction of roads and road structures.

Vehicles outside the specified limits are classified as off-road... They are operated off public roads.

Examples of off-road vehicles are dump trucks: BelAZ - 75404, BelAZ - 75553, BelAZ - 75131, BelAZ - 75303, etc.

By purpose, cars are classified into transport and special (Figure 1.1). In this case, the purpose of the automatic telephone exchange and some design features according to ОН 025.270-66 are reflected in their designation (indexing).

KamAZ-5320: KamAZ is the code name of the Kama Automobile Plant; 5 - class, a truck with a total weight of over 14 to 20 tons (KamAZ-5320 has about 15 tons); 3 - view, flatbed trucks; 20 is the serial number of the model.

It would seem that everything is simple. But what about cars developed on the basis of one or another basic model? For example, with cars with high and high cross-country ability, modifications of passenger cars with a station wagon, a taxi with a special body? In accordance with the industry standard, they are not considered modifications of the main model (that is, they do not acquire the fifth digit in the index), but receive independent third and fourth digits - in short, they are considered as separate models. But ambulances created on the basis of station wagons are considered as modifications of the latter and thus have a five-digit index. Finally, ambulances based on truck chassis are assigned special vehicle indices from the respective classes.

The emergence of a new car model, which is given an independent index, is, first of all, a change in one of the main parameters of its characteristics - total weight, engine displacement, wheel arrangement, operational purpose, and body. In this case, we are talking about the third and fourth digits of the index. The main car factories are assigned a group of 10-12 digits, which are used to number the basic models. At the same time, the normal recommends keeping, if possible, the third and fourth digits of the index (that is, the model number) when designating other types of specialized and special vehicles based on them, For example: a truck tractor designed on the basis of a truck designated 0301 is assigned an index 0401, a dump truck - 0501 , tank car - 0601, van - 0701 and special car - 0901.

But what about road trains? Their designation should consist of the conventional name of the company that produces the tractor, a dash, an index of the tractor model, a hyphen and an index of the semi-trailer model. For example: KamAZ-5320-8350.

Now a few words about five-digitand six-digit indices. Modification of a car means a set of qualitative changes made to the design of the base model, limiting or expanding the scope of its application in operation. It is indicated in the index of the base model by adding the fifth digit in ascending order. The first modification will receive the index 00001, the second - 00002, etc., and the ninth (last) - 00009. So, the long-wheelbase modification of the KamAZ-5320 truck has the designation KamAZ-53202. If the tenth modification appears, it is allowed to assign it a new model index with the number 1 in the modification sign.

And how are modernizedny cars and variant versionsniya?Modernization (the sum of improvements), which does not change the parameters of the vehicle specified in its technical characteristics, is not reflected in its index. Modernization, which significantly changes individual parameters, characteristics and appearance of the machine, with the advent of a variant version, is reflected in a two-digit digital "suffix". So, the designation of the modernized version of the model is composed of the conditional name of the manufacturer, a dash, a four-digit index, a hyphen and a two-digit digital "suffix" of the variant.

Export variants are assigned a unique numeric designation in the form of the sixth digit of the model index. If there is no modification, the fifth digit of the model index will be zero. For export versions of products, the following figures are established: 6 - export version; 7 - export version for tropical climate; 8, 9 - reserve for other export options;

Experiment designationheavy vehicles and their options. They are assigned a model index in the prescribed manner. It is recommended to put the letter E in front of the model index for the first version of the experimental sample, 2E for the second, etc. When the design is finalized and approved, the signs E, 2E, etc. are removed from the index, and it itself remains unchanged.

The normal for the classification and designation system of cars allows you to get a short, accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe car and its purpose by the index. We think that familiarity with this system will be useful for any motorist.

Figure: 1.1. PBX classification by purpose

Transport vehicles - these are vehicles intended for the carriage of goods and (or) passengers, i.e. performing transport work. They are divided into passenger, cargo and cargo-passenger.

Passenger cars include two types: 1 - passenger cars; 2 - buses. Trucks are divided into 2 large groups: general purpose and specialized (Figure 1.1). General purpose vehicles, as a rule, have an open cargo side platform (some of the vehicles have sectional platforms covered with an awning) and are intended mainly for transportation of piece (packaged) cargo, i.e. cargo placed on pallets, in containers of light carrying capacity, in bags, boxes and other containers. They include two types of cars: 3 - onboard; 4 - truck tractors. The latter are used exclusively for towing semi-trailers and do not have a platform for placing loads. All other transport vehicles are specialized, i.e. those that are designed for certain types of cargo. Specialized vehicles are divided into 4 types:

5 - dump trucks (for transportation of bulk and bulk cargo);

6 - tanks (for transportation of liquid, gaseous cargo and some types of bulk cargo):

7- vans (for the carriage of goods in need of protection from the adverse or harmful effects of the external environment);

8 - reserve;

The use of specialized vehicles is aimed at ensuring increased safety of the cargo and (or) reducing the time of loading and unloading operations.

Cargo and passenger cars are designed to carry both passengers and goods.

Special Cars, unlike transport ones, are not intended for the carriage of goods or passengers, i.e. performing transport work, but are used to move special equipment that is mounted on a chassis and is designed to perform various technological operations. These vehicles include truck cranes, auto repair shops, fire trucks, radio stations, measuring laboratories, sports, etc. All special vehicles are classified as type 9.

Thus, all automatic telephone exchanges are divided into 9 types by purpose.

Cars, buses and trucks are further divided into classes. At the same time, the main classification features are:

a) for trucks - gross weight;

b) for buses - overall length;

c) for passenger cars - the working volume of the engine (ie "displacement") and "dry" weight.

Trucks by gross weight are divided into seven classes; the eighth class includes all trailers, regardless of their total weight, and the 9th class includes semitrailers (Table 1.1).

Gross vehicle weight is understood as the mass of the equipped vehicle with the rated payload, additional equipment, with the driver and passengers in the cab.

Table 1.1

Car classes


Car classes


Full mass

Over 40


Semi trailers


Displacement (l)

3.5 and more


Overall length (m)

16.5 and more

M and \u003d M about + M hryvnias + M D + M eh (1.1)

where М 0 \u003d М с + М 3 + М с - own weight of the car;

M s - "dry" (constructive) mass of the vehicle:

M E is the mass of the filling (fuel, coolant, engine and transmission oil);

М с - weight of equipment (set of keys, spare parts and accessories);

M UAH - nominal weight of the cargo;

М Д - mass of additional equipment (entrenching tool, snow chains, fire extinguisher);

M e, is the mass of the crew.

M eh = ( m 4+ m 6 )P to, (1.2)

where m 4 is the estimated weight of one person;

m 6 - estimated weight of baggage;

P k - the capacity of the cabin (including the driver's seat).

The total mass of a passenger vehicle is determined by the formula

M and \u003d M about + M hryvnias + ( m 4+ m 6 )P H + M D (1.3)

where P N is the nominal capacity of the car (the total number of seats for passengers, service personnel and the driver),

The estimated mass of a truck driver and a unit of a bus service personnel is 75 kg. and the mass of the driver and passengers of a car and a bus is 68 kg. The estimated weight of baggage is assumed to be:

23 kg - for intercity and tourist buses;

13 kg - for local buses;

3 kg - for buses of suburban lines;

0 kg - for trucks, cars and city buses.

The nominal capacity is the sum of seats for passengers, service personnel (guides, conductors, medical workers, etc.) and the driver, i.e.

P H \u003d P n + P about + 1 \u003d (P forces + P st ) \u003d P about +1. (1.4)

where П n is the number of seats for passengers;

P forces, P st - respectively, the number of seats for seated and standing passengers;

P about - the number of places for service personnel.

In the domestic and foreign automotive industry, in terms of establishing requirements for structures and test methods, it is widely used internationalclassification ATC,adopted in the UNECE Regulations. It takes into account the purpose and weight of the vehicle. According to this classification, all vehicles, depending on their purpose, are divided into 3 categories: M - passenger cars; N - trucks; 0 - trailers and semi-trailers.

Each of these three categories, depending on the number of seats for passengers and the total weight, has its own gradations.

Passenger ATS:

M 1 - having, in addition to the driver's seat, no more than 8 seats

M 2 - having, in addition to the driver's seat, no more than 8 seats and a total weight of up to 5 tons;

M 3 - the same. but the total weight is over 5 tons.


N 1 - total weight up to 3.5 t;

N 2 - with a total weight of over 3.5 tons, but not more than 12 tons;

N 3 - with a total weight of over 12 tons;

Trailers and semi-trailers:

О 1 - single-axle trailers with a total mass of less than 0.75 tons;

О 2 - trailers and semitrailers with a total weight of 0.75 to 3.5 tons;

0 3 - the same, but with a total weight over 3.5. but not more than 10 tons;

About 4 - also. but with a total weight of over 10.0 tons.

In recent decades, it has become a rule to create families of cars to meet the needs of the country's national economy in cars of various types and purposes.

Families - this is a set (number) of models and modifications of cars that are different in their purpose and parameters, which are produced on the basis of unified main components and assemblies (driving axles, gearboxes, engines, cabins, etc.)

The conventional name of the family and the indexing of the models and modifications of cars included in it are produced on the basis of the so-called "base" model.

Basic model - this is the main model of the family, the predominant part of the components and assemblies of which is used to create other cars in the family.

Derived model - This is a car model in which the main units and assemblies of the base car model are used, and the operational properties or purpose of which differ from the base model. Example: a general purpose flatbed vehicle NDZ-5336 is the base model, the MAZ-5432 truck tractor is a derived model. Note that the derived models are indexed with a different number from the base model.

A modification should be distinguished from a derived model.

Modification model is a product that differs from the base model in some operational parameters, scope or design of individual parts.

The modification of the model is marked with the 5th digit (from 1 to 9) in the index. Example: MAZ-6422 - truck tractor: MAZ-64221 - modification of the MAZ-6422 truck tractor. characterized by increased engine power.

The model or modification can be made in various configurations, i.e. with a different nomenclature of secondary components that do not significantly affect the parameters of the car and its scope.

To change certain operational properties and increase competitiveness, the car can be manufactured in several versions.

The northern version provides for an increased power of the body and interior heating system, the presence of an engine preheater and other constructive measures aimed at improving the vehicle's adaptability to work in the north.

The tropical version also aims to adapt the car to work in the specific climatic conditions of the tropics and subtropics (reinforced anti-corrosion coating, sealing the interior or cabin from moisture and dust, etc.).

The export version differs from a conventional car in the increased quality of the cab (interior), seats (seats), dashboard, etc. as well as the presence of some additional devices and devices, which mainly provide an increase in comfort, appearance, fuel efficiency and safety.

Tractor transport.This type of transport takes the second place in agricultural production in importance, it accounts for 20 ... 27% of transported goods.

Tractor transport is used mainly for intra-estate and intra-farm transportation in difficult road conditions.

In transport work, mainly wheeled tractors and self-propelled chassis such as T-16M, T-25A, T-40M (AM), MTZ-160 and other modifications are used, as well as T-150K, K-744, which are engaged in these works for more than 50% of the time of the year.

Tracked tractors are used in transport operations only in off-road conditions and over short distances.

Tractor trailers, depending on the purpose, are divided into universal and special, and according to the number of axles - into one-, two- and three-axle.

The most widespread are single-axle tractor trailers of the 1-PTS-2 and 1-PTS-4 types with a carrying capacity of 2000 and 4000 kg, respectively, as well as two-axle trailers of the 2-PTS-4-887B type (with a carrying capacity of 4000 kg) and 2-PTS-6-8526 - with a lifting capacity of 6000 kg. Trailers with a carrying capacity of 4000 and 6000 kg are aggregated mainly with tractors of the MTZ-80 type.

A semi-mounted two-axle trailer MMZ-771B with a carrying capacity of 9000 kg is aggregated with tractors of the T-150K and K-744 types, and three-axle trailers 3-PTS-12B with a carrying capacity of 12000 kg are aggregated with a tractor of the K-744 type. All tractor trailers are equipped with hydraulic lifters for unloading.

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