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Tires Matador Who is a manufacturer. Tires Matador.

To date, the world market of tires is simply filled with various brands and tire models. In stores you can find products of both the most famous manufacturers engaged in this case for decades and just appearing. Tires "Mator" produces since the beginning of the 20th century and today is considered one of the most famous brands along with Michelin and "Continentham". In this article, we will consider feedback on the tires "Mator" (summer and winter options), and also learn about all the peculiarities of this rubber.

Tire production

For the whole period of existence, Matador has passed a lot of tests, and now it is a modern international holding, which unites the whole 13 subsidiaries. And this manufacturer is engaged in the manufacturer of tires of the most diverse destination. For example, modern cargo tires are produced at the joint venture CONTINENTAL-MATADOR. Matador-Omskshina manufactures light cargo and passenger tires supplied to the domestic market of Russia. Also, this company has its own plants and in Ethiopia. "Matador-ATC" is one of the largest enterprises that is engaged in the release of passenger and cargo tires in the country. But that is not all. "Matador", in addition to large covench enterprises, has a joint research center in the PRC, referred to as Matador-Mesnac. How high-quality are tires from the company "Matador"? Manufacturer Matador pays great attention to the quality of products, so the risk of marriage is reduced to a minimum. All plants produce both all-season tires and rubber on the season. Special attention deserve studded tires and wheels like "Velcro". But we will talk about them a little later.

Modifications of the Tire "Mator" (Slovakia)

Car owners reviews celebrate high automotive tire production technologies. Due to this, the company occupies a leading position in sales ratings. For example, the Summer Tires "Mator" (reviews about these tires we will look at a little lower) are characterized by high resistance to the effect effect, which is achieved due to the special pattern of the tread. But many motorists know what damage the car can lead this effect.

In fact, the vehicle falling into aquaplaning, deprives the driver of the opportunity to make at least the slightest maneuver.

A thin layer of water is formed between the wheel protector and the road surface. This effect is created, as if the car goes on ice. As a result, the car with one negligent rotation of the steering wheel or with a sharp braking flies into a cuvette or at least goes into a skid. Specialists of the Slovak Company Matador took into account this moment and created tires, which prevent the formation of this film. Water simply slips down the tread grooves, and thus the contact stain with the road blade increases several times. Thus, the summer tires of the Slovak production provide maximum adhesion with an expensive, regardless of whether it is wet or dry.

Matador Winter Tires.

But not only the summer tires "Matador" have a high clutch with the canvas. It is also worth paying attention to the winter tires. What are the Winter Tires "Mator"? Ownership reviews noted that the presence of a special tread allows you to forget about the dangers when driving even on icy and snow-covered road surface. This possibility is explained by the presence of new sloping slots on protector protrusions and special configurations. All this allows you to make the brake path of the car as short as possible and reduce the risk of getting into zero. It should also be noted that winter tires perfectly cope with loose and rich snow.

A variety of winter tires

As we have already said earlier, "Matador" is engaged in a serial release of not only studded wheels, but tires like "Velcro". The last type of rubber appeared in the CIS market not so long ago, but immediately gained popularity among our car enthusiasts. And enjoys the great demand of "Velcro" due to more improved characteristics that were absent earlier in ordinary studded analogues. Such tires differ less noise. Probably, each motorist is familiar to the sound and vibrations when the car on the "sipovka" went on bare asphalt. With "Velcro" all went to the past.

About resource

In addition to the lack of vibrations, Matadorovsky "Velcro" are characterized by high durability. As practice shows, this tire withstands up to 5-6 seasons of operation, while its cheap its analogues go no more than 1-2 seasons. But even "Roshivka" is distinguished by its high resource. On average, this year's models are designed for 3-4 seasons of operation. On running it is about 30-40 thousand kilometers.

But why is there such a big difference in mileage between "velcro" and "sipovka"? Despite the fact that Matador produces one of the highest quality tires on the world market, all the same, modern technologies are not capable of increasing the resource "Robing" even one and a half times. The fact is that with each new kilometer, riding a naked asphalt spike coating is constantly blinking and falling out. And such a tire is completely unsuitable for operation. Although a similar question was raised by the French company Mishen. Now this company manufactures a "spindle" of a special design. Its essence lies in the fact that at a temperature of -5 ... + 7 the composition of rubber becomes less solid, and the spikes seemed to hide into the tread cavity, thereby not sprinkling at the occasion of naked asphalt.

Tires "Matador" - reviews of motorists

Operating experience has shown that the Matador tires have practically no shortcomings. Of course, the cost of a set of Slovak tires is low, but there is something to pay for. During operation, motorists note low tire noise. When driving at high speeds, even expensive tires make a loud monotonous hum, from which it is impossible to get rid of even with the very modern sound insulation of the arches.

Yes, "Matadorovsky" tires are not silent, but their vibrations are an order of magnitude lower than those who publish its main competitors. Also motorists note the smoothness and softness of the stroke of the car on which the "Mator" tires are installed. Reviews say that even at a 120-degree rotation at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, the car does not go into a skid. It is controlled rather smoothly, without displacement. This, as we have already said earlier, was achieved by increasing contact spots between the wheel and the road surface.

Softness rubber

The rubber is not at all "oak", as it is sometimes felt on other brands of tires. However, such a soft composition distinguished himself on the characteristics of the tire and from a negative side. For example, some drivers emphasize the lack of strong sidewalls. With permanent operation in bad roads and at the occasion of small borders, "hernia" or "bump" may form here. And these two factors can not be eliminated, and it is very difficult to prevent. As for our roads, "Matador" is although heavily soft tires, but very comfortable. There are almost no vibrations from her, and with its main function - the clutch of the car with the roadpapers they cope with the "hurray".

Also, the Tires "Matador" perfectly behave on a wet road. Even with the most intense shower, the machine does not fall under the effect of the aquaplaning - all excess moisture is displayed through the tread pattern grooves, and the checkerels ensures maximum adhesion with asphalt.


Are there any more disadvantages from the "Mator" tire? The owners say that there are, but they are not so much. And they are that at high speeds soft tires loses its clutch properties. That is, at a speed of more than 120-140 kilometers per hour, the car begins to throw to the left-right, so such wheels are hardly suitable for drivers with a sports or aggressive driving style.

So, we found out what kind of tires "Mator" reviews, as well as their advantages. As you can see, the Slovak manufacturers of tires can make a serious competition even to the French "Michelin". However, the latter does not have deficiencies in terms of sideways. Although the cost of such products is many times more "Matadorovsky".

In 1905, an enterprise for the production of rubber hoses and belts was founded in the city of Pukhov. Until 1911, the company was called Matador casting.

The first tires with the Matador marking came off the enterprise conveyor in 1925, when the plant in Bratislava was opened with the support of Austria banks and Hungary. In 1932, the Bratislava factory and the Praguery of rubber products in a joint joint stock company occurred. At the same time there was a complete transition of the plant for the production of tires.

The plant's products were gaining popularity in Europe, but the development plans were violated by the Second World War. And only in 1946 the company returned to the economic structure of Czechoslovakia. In the period from 1948 and until the end of the 1990s, the plant produced a tire with the name of Barum formed from the abbreviated BATA-Rubena, large changes occurred in the company's activities with the beginning of the 90s. The Barum brand bought the German concern Continental AG, and the plant in Pukhov, undergoing significant changes during the privatization processes, resumed the production of tires of the Matador brand. These changes contributed to the formation of the modern appearance of the independent enterprise Matador, Puchov-oriented consumer.

The use of Innovative All Still technologies using a solid construction from a metal cord and the original rubber coating on a metallized base of the framework made it possible to create fundamentally new winter tires for trucks and SUVs. For example, the Matador DH 1 Diamond tires are equipped with a powerful two-layer tread, which is capable of adjusting overheating and external loads. A similar model Matador DR 2 VARIANT M + S with a special tire tread loop guarantees a confident and reliable clutch with an icing surface. Matador tires are summarized in summer and winter tires for passenger and cargo transportation, as well as SUVs. One of the popular tires manufactured by the company includes the following models: Matador MP 14 Prima tires. These tires are intended for summer trips on a passenger car of Russian or foreign production. Special tread pattern with stepped grooves will provide maneuverability and safety of the car even on a wet road. Thanks to the well-thought-out tire design, having a narrow central belt across the entire width of the tire, the car is easy to control on any road.

Matador MR-51 Sibir tires.
Winter studded tires designed for passenger cars will provide confidence on the roads in the conditions of severe northern weather. The use of modern technologies, reliable chipovka, impeccable production quality made these tires optimally suitable for winter Russian roads. The symmetric protector will provide confident adhesion with snow or ice coating.

Matador MPS115 Variant 2 tires.
Winter not saved tires for passenger vans and freight transport. Different with improved burden, low noise level, high degree of reliability due to a special tread pattern. Suitable for all-season use. Equally well operate on all axes of transport. Thanks to the thoughtful investment of profits, powerful support for science and research, the energetic introduction of new forms of management and consistently high product quality, Matador today is a successful international corporation exporting its products to many countries of the world. The company has expanded the product range, adjusting the production of conveyor belts, machinery and equipment for the tire industry, drive belts.

The Austrian and Hungarian bank consortium supported shareholders in the construction of the first plant in Bratislava. Matador brand appeared on many rubber products, which were produced at the new enterprise. In 1932, the Bratislava Plant united in a joint-stock company with the Prague Rubber Product Plant in Highs with a location in Prague.

In a short time, the plant "Matador" became the main enterprise of the joint stock company and unequivocally reoriented to the production of tires. Matoredochi became popular throughout Europe.

1937 - Opening of two branded shops in Bratislava. 1938 - Occupation by German troops during the 2nd World War. "Matador" for some time was excluded from the company "Rubber" registry.

After graduating from the 2nd World War in 1946, Matador returned to the economic structure of Czechoslovakia and a year later, began to create a tire manufacturing enterprise in the Pukhovo. The events of 1948 have adversely affected the launch of production, since high-performance technology from the United States remained overseas. The plant in Puhov was included in the Barum joint trademark - Bata-Rubena-Matador enterprises. During the period of Socialist Czechoslovakia, the Pukhovskoe company received the name of Gumarne 1.maja, Puchov, and the tires made on it were sold under the Barum brand.

After democratic changes at the end of the nineties and the division of Czechoslovakia for two independent states, in the framework of the privatization processes, Barum brand has fallen into the hands of the German concern. Continental AG. Pukhovsky plant Gumarne 1.maja, Puchov, passed after privatization to the managerial joint-stock company and returned to the first trademark "Matador". Shareholders received it by acquiring the main firm - the factory in Bratislava.

The purpose of the transformation process was the emergence in 1993 of the Joint-Stock Company Matador, Puchov, the result was open to the creation of a modern independent tire manufacturer of an international scale. Consistent reorganization and restructuring of production and technological processes, the energetic introduction of new forms of management, quality, sales and expansion of the production assortment led to the modern appearance of an independent consumer-oriented enterprise.

2005 Matador brand notes a significant anniversary - a 100-year anniversary of his education. The name of the enterprise agreed in Bratislava at the Zeleny Strom Hotel (Green Trees), today the famous CarLton, its first shareholders even during the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy in September 1905. The Matador brand was always connected with the rubber industry of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. She became a purely Slovak brand in the newest history, after the collapse of the Czechoslovak federal republic.

Today, Matador is a member of the famous Manufacturers Association at the International - ERMC - European Rubber Manufacturers Conference. Joint-stock company one after another received many important international certificates in the production management system, the environment, quality and commerce, which, among other things, give him the right to supply its products for the Armed Forces of NATO.

The success of Matador in the early years after the transformation was founded on a thoughtful investment of profits, in strong support for science and research - by creating a research base in the form of its own research institute and on cooperation with international organizations and institutes - Deloitte Touche, SAP, Hewlett-Packart. By favorable branch of ineffective activities, space was created to expand entrepreneurship in 4 main areas: Tires, cars and equipment for the tire industry, conveyor belts and automotive.

From the Regional Plant, the joint stock company has become an internationally cooperative company, which has created joint ventures with shared participation:
- Continental-Matador - Production Treasure Tires;
- Matador-Omckshina - Lightweight and lightweight cargo tires in the Russian Federation;
- Matador-ATC - release of passenger and light cargo and cargo tires in Ethiopia;
- Matador-Mesnac - Joint Research Center in China.

After entering the Automotive sector, Matador's JSC acquired a controlling stake in Pal-Inalfa's production enterprises, thereby firmly showed the desire of the dynamic development of the fourth main subject of its entrepreneurial activity.

Today, Matador tires are produced in Russia and European countries. But such fame to the brand did not immediately. The company comes from the Czech Republic, the city of Bratislava. In 2007-2008, the shares bought the company Continental and became the full owner.

To date, Continental headquarters - full owner - is located in Germany in Hannover. But the manufacturer can be any:

  • Germany;
  • Russia;
  • France;
  • Slovakia;
  • Slovenia;
  • Portugal;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Romania.

Acquired summer or winter tires can be released in one of the countries - information should be clarified when purchasing. Some factories produce certain brands of tires.

Official site in Russia

Finding out whose brand produces tires, talk about the representative office of Matador in Russia. In our country, rubber is produced at the Continental plant in Kaluga. You can find products on the official website (sending from Moscow) or through dealers.

Factory Continental (owner of the company) produces Matador tires in Russia from October 2013. In the same year, representative office was founded, procurement stopped from abroad.

History of Matador

Mark originates since 1905, when the plant, producing hoses and belts from rubber, was launched in Puhov. Initially, the concern was not aimed at production of tires, but over time and a change in the demand of buyers after 20 years the company produces the first batch of automotive tires called "Matador". This contributed to the large financial contribution of banks of Austria and Hungary.

In 1932, the branch of the Bratislava and Prague factories occurs, the production of automotive tires is being built. For the period of World War I, the company is experiencing financial difficulties, but since 1946 renews its activities. Available freight and passenger tires called "Barum". Indigenous changes have appeared since 2007, when the shares have bought CONTINENTAL and start the production of Matador tires. Since the end of 2008, the full package belongs to the Continental brand.

Prices in Russia

The company produces many brands, from budget to expensive. We will look at the top 5 popular models - prices are shown in the table below.

Mark.Matador Sibir Ice 2 VanMP-47 Hectorra 3Sibir Ice SUV.MP57MP 76 Bogatyr.
Price, rub2700 2900 3000 3000 2700

The average cost of these tires Matador fluctuates in the range of 2700-3000 rubles - this is the optimal ratio of price and quality. Rubber has excellent high-speed indicators and wear resistance.

Matador Sibir Ice 2 Van

These winter tires came to replace the first generation - they received a greater number of spikes and a modified tread pattern. The new relief provides reliable clutch with a surface with a sharp start or emergency braking.

Tin advantages:

  • low price;
  • good coupling properties on dry asphalt and satisfactory on wet;
  • uniform wear of the tire, the durability of the miscords.

A special pattern of the tread received a new direction of drainage grooves and lamellae, as a result of which the rubber wear decreased compared to the predecessor. Aluminum spikes with a solid core are installed on the tire, which are less wearing dry asphalt.

According to the reviews of experts, tire has some drawbacks:

  • increased noise at high speeds;
  • bad grip with snow;
  • weak longitudinal grip on slippery surface.

Matador Sibir Ice 2 Van Tire Manufacturer Country - Russia. Rubber can be bought from the dealer or on the official website.

Tire MP-47 Hectorra 3

This is a tire for passenger cars and SUVs for the purpose of the summer type. The tire has a unique tread pattern, which is designed to increase coupling properties.

The advantages of rubber:

  • efficiency - on the results of the experiment, low fuel consumption was set during driving;
  • comfort - rubber soft and quiet, in the process of controlling the car behaves well on the road;
  • satisfactory course stability - the average stop time from the moment of clicking on the brake pedal.

In the manufacture of tires, Matador uses a new composition of the rubber mixture for the best resistance of the car on the road. A special pattern of the tread increases grip with a road surface.

Tire flaws:

  • bad grip with wet asphalt;
  • bad handling with sharp rebuilding.

In our country, tires of domestic production are sold. Sometimes foreign counterparts can be found on the market.

Wheels Sibir Ice SUV

These winter tires are installed on crossovers and SUVs, passenger cars. Rubber has a characteristic drawing "Christmas tree" and a misinterpret around the edges and in the middle.

Pluses of tires:
  • soft - with a dynamic ride, ergonomically behave on the road;
  • good transverse adhesion with dry and wet asphalt;
  • universality - retain their properties with a strong frost.

Wheels Matador were designed for off-road and urban conditions, the location of the spikes is intended for a good longitudinal clutch. It provides short braking and quick start of the car.


  • small spikes;
  • weak ice resistance during lateral braking;
  • noise when driving on dry asphalt.

MP 76 Bogatyr models

This model manufacturer Matador produces for off-road driving - there are no spikes from the tire, the protector is made complex pattern.


  • good grip with dirty and wet coating;
  • excellent handling on rubbank and off-road;
  • wear resistance during operation in the middle strip.

Tire flaws:

  • weak clutch with ice;
  • low safety on an ice road at high speeds;
  • increased wear in hot weather.

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