All about buying and selling cars

What does it mean a car removed from accounting. How to remove the car from the record on the new rules? Different situations


The owner who sold his car has the right 10 days after the conclusion of the contract of sale to take off the car from registration. During this time, the buyer must have time to register the vehicle on itself.

According to the current rules, selling an unregistered vehicle today is unprofitable. The new owner risks:

  • get a car S. bad history;
  • do not get the right to restore registration under the new rules without attracting the last owner;
  • purchase a car not subject to repair;
  • incur big material losses.

If the buyer bought a car at the punch, and her former owner had already removed her from accounting what to do, would be prompt in the traffic police. In general, the buyer must be good to check all the documents of the car. The lack of numbers should be alert - this means that the car is prepared for disposal or export abroad.


If the machine prepared for disposal was sold by fraudsters, it will need to be registered again in the traffic police only in cases where the machine did not participate in the program state recycling And for it no remuneration was received. Then you can put the car for registration again without difficulty.

If the car did not participate in the state recycling program, then it can be simply and quickly registered again. Repeated registration is exactly the same as the primary one.

To carry out it, you need to take the following documents:

  • TCP, in cases where it is made undesigned with the STS;
  • your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • OSAGO;
  • application for installation;
  • documents obtained in the traffic police after disposal.


Besides necessary documents It should be given to the inspection of the car itself. A specialist after inspecting the machine and checking documents will write a new registration certificate if no violations will find. It must be remembered that the issuance of a new registration certificate will have to pay a duty.

When making a transaction on secondary market You should carefully check all documents on the car and only after that sign the transaction. When re-registration, you will need to pass a medical examination. Often the dealers do not want to make themselves paperwork. The buyer needs to carefully check all registration databases and, if necessary, require price reduction.

After re-registration, you should not travel to the road a few days. You need to wait until the registration is performed. Often it takes several days to enter the traffic police database. This will help to avoid trouble on the road.

Lack of registration gives the right to equate such automobile transport to auto parts. To pass the inspection, you will need to attract a tow truck, as it will not be possible to reach a hundred.


Before purchase, check all databases to check the legal purity of the car. The buyer can save on the preparation of documents if it has experience with documents and databases. In the absence of such knowledge, you can lose a large number of of money. Savings on paperwork may result in large material losses. If a person has no work experience with legal documents, then the services of professionals should be used.

Rules governing state accounting of machines, including removing the means of movement, for many car owners remain unknown until the moment the question arises of this necessary procedure. Every year, the rules relating to the accounting of the means of movement are becoming increasingly gentle and advanced. In this material, we describe in detail how to remove the car from accounting, in what situation the procedure may be needed by car owners, as well as consider other nuances.

There are several of the most frequently arising situations in which the owner of the car must initiate a procedure for removing the vehicle from accounting. These include the following.

Most often, the removal of the car from the accounting is carried out when purchasing a car. Thus, in the State Security Inspectorate road There are information that a particular car no longer belongs to the old owner, and became the property of the new owner.

In this situation, the procedure for removing the car and re-registration is obliged to register by law by the buyer of transport, however, if within 10 days from the date of the acquisition of "wheels" he will not do this, responsibility for the first element of the procedure (deregistration) to go to the seller's shoulders .

The desired procedure, first of all, should be interested in the old owner of the car, as if the machine is not re-registered on the new owner in the database of the traffic police, then when making a new owner, for example, crimes on the road, questions will first be addressed to Former owner.

The second frequent case in which you have to remove the car from state registration - the transfer of the machine to recycling. Typically, the processing of old vehicles is made within the framework of the state program. In order not to continue to pay tax on transport, which is mandatory for car owners in almost every region Russian FederationIt is necessary to contact the State Road Safety Inspectorate, and remove the car from the accounting.

One of the reasons for removing the car from accounting is the output of the Iron Horse

The drivers of new and relatively new vehicles may not think about the conduct of such a procedure for a long time, most likely, after a certain time they exchange the car to a newer and powerful one. However, citizens who initially acquired an old car or received it, for example, by inheritance, may well face such a situation, and dispose of a vehicle before removing. Although, in this case, not everything is lost, because it is possible to cancel the state registration.

If your car was hijacked, you also need to suspend its registration until it is found. In this case, pass a bureaucratic removal procedure in the interests of the car owner itself, since without it, the tax fees will continue to recover. Well, if, as a result, the vehicle is removed, but it happens that the owners never see their own car. However, they pay in it tax tax charges, the value of which, among other things, is very unpleasant reflected on the wallets of ordinary Russian citizens.

Once you found that the car is stolen, immediately contact the law enforcement agencies, and apply for the hijacking. When the fact of the crime occurred is confirmed, require an official document indicating your unpleasant position. Only on the basis of this reference in the State Road Safety Inspectorate, you will have a positively answer the request for removing the car from accounting.

If you leave for a permanent place of residence or temporary, but long last time, staying to another country, and take a car with you, you will have to remove the car on the territory of the Russian Federation. As a result, it is necessary to:

  • do not pay tax fee for transport;
  • be able to register a motor vehicle on the territory of another country.

At the same time, there can be no car in several countries in several countries. To get the right to drive your own car in another country on legal grounds, while living there, and at the same time not to become a malicious non-payment of tax fees in the homeland, you will have to go through this procedure before moving.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for the removal of the "iron horse" from state registration. Now let's consider the procedure you are interested in in more detail in the context of each of them.

How to remove the car from accounting for disposal

Allowned time relying time (and sometimes much more) vehicles are sent to disposal. In order not to create "cemeteries" from completely whole cars, they pass special processing under the press and the so-called scissors, the value of which exceeds the size of the machine itself.

To spend this procedure with the favor who served you, first of all, it is necessary to withdraw its finding on state registration. To do this, you need to collect and submit the next package of necessary documents to the traffic police:

  • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certifying the identity;
  • technical passport related to the vehicle;
  • certificate of passing by the car of the State Registration Procedure;
  • it is also necessary to remove (preferably still wash) plastic plates with numbers that are fixed next to the bumper from the front and rear of the car;
  • it is necessary to make an application for disposal.

In addition, it will be necessary to transfer a paid receipt for the state fee for the license plates of the car.

As soon as you collect all the documents listed above, get the opportunity to recycle your vehicle with all the units built into it. After transferring papers to check and receive confirmation that the data in them correspond to reality, you will receive from the automotive inspector working in the traffic police, a certificate of opportunity to recycling.

If you decide to transfer the car to recycling, with the aggregates from it, you will need to carry out the following procedures:

  • carry out reconciliation numbers of the desired aggregates;
  • order a visit to the expert, the tasks of which will be conducted by the inspection of vehicles and the subsequent issuance of the appropriate conclusion;
  • pay during the disposal procedure some amount for those aggregates that will remain in your possession and will not be destroyed;
  • transfer all the received official papers to the automotive inspector, which in return will give you a certificate of ownership of the desired aggregate;
  • pay a state fee for the disposal and issuance of a certificate of its conduct, the amount of which is only 200 Russian rubles.

Let us consider again in the table, what actions will need to be made while maintaining the aggregates and without them.

Table 1. Recycling auto

If the machine is destroyed with aggregatesIf you saved some parts of the car
  • it is necessary to collect a package of documents;
  • remove and provide in the traffic police license plates;
  • pay the state duty;
  • get a certificate of destroying cars.

  • rewrite the rooms of the preserved technical elements;
  • call an expert to inspect;
  • transfer to check in the traffic police all the above documents;
  • remove and provide license plates;
  • pay the state duty for the certificate of disposal, as well as to give money for the saved technical means;
  • get a certificate of destruction and certificate of ownership by aggregates.
  • How to remove the car from the taking into account

    If your car has recently hijacked, do not hurry to apply for the removal of the car from accounting. The fact is that without real evidence that the owner of the car does not know where he is actually stolen transport, the traffic police will not hold the procedure for cancellation of state registration. To provide such evidence can only another official state authority, will not be enough for your words.

    Having found that you don't know anything about the real location of your car, first go to the police and make a statement about the hijacking of vehicles. After his consideration against the criminal who stole your car, a criminal case will be initiated. The basis for its initiation will be theft of car.

    When it turns out that the car is temporarily or as a whole can be found, you will receive a letter from law enforcement agencies notifying the situation. Take the desired letter and go to the State Road Safety Inspectorate. Consider the document you have in your hands, and declare the desire to carry out a car withdrawal from the registration state accounting.

    To carry out the procedure, in addition to the certificate from the police, you will need the following papers:

    • motor vehicle owner passport;
    • technical passport of the device of movement;
    • written statement.

    Implementation of the machine and removing it from state registration

    To stop payments to tax payments for transport when selling a car, the owner must appear in the traffic police department and submit to the audit relevant documents, as in all other situations. After contacting the state authority, your car and the paper offered to it will be viewed and analyzed by the competent staff of the system. If you have to qualify for new numbers, it will write down the permission and give good to remove the car from the account.

    So that everything happened, as conceived, it is necessary to apply to the same separation of the State Road Safety Inspectorate, in which the machine was registered initially. With you, you need to take the package of the following documents:

    • passport of the owner;
    • the same document for the technical means (your car);
    • contract concluded between the former and current owner of the car;
    • a check of a paid receipt issued in the form of a document on a state fee, the amount of which will vary depending on the set of different factors.

    Let us give an example. If the car was initially purchased on credit in the dealer salon, it is important that at the time of its removal from accounting, all debt on credit payments were repaid. In the event that there are delay in payments, the car is not considered to fully belong to the past owner, therefore, can not be taken from accounting and decorated on a new person.

    After the test is fully conducted, the representatives of the state system will issue a list of payments that he needed to produce. Without transmission of desired means, remove the car from the records will not work. One hundred percent probability will have to pay changes made to the technical means.

    After all procedures are executed, the machine is inspected by the traffic police representatives for the last time, all of its parameters that interest them are checked, and you write an inspection certificate. Together with him on the hands you will get:

    • technical passport of the car;
    • card with information about registration;
    • different requests for payment;
    • if the numbers changed, then you will be issued their new samples.

    All procedures described above are carried out rather quickly, if you hurry, most will be passed in one day.

    We want to draw your attention to a very important fact: since 2013, the procedure for implementing a car associated with removing it from registration and retraining has been simplified. Now the car can not be removed from the bases of the state system, and immediately re-register on the new owner. This avoids a large number of time costs, and also reduces the number of payments produced during the re-registration process.

    Video - how to remove the car from accounting in the traffic police

    Removal from the record when moving

    If you changed the place of residence, according to the letter of the law on your shoulders, there is a responsibility for re-registration of the car at the new address of the permanent registration. To do this, you need to conduct the following actions.

    Bring in the venue of the current registration of the vehicle vehicle (traffic police at a new place of residence) the next set of documents:

    • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • registration certificate of the car;
    • certificate of assigning a taxpayer identification number to the owner of the machine and on its formulation for tax accounting;
    • written by the statement by you, which says you wish to make some changes regarding the registration of the machine;
    • insurance document on the car;
    • cauita on payment made on government duties.

    In the last place of registration, it is necessary to conduct the necessary procedures related to the abolition of your registration record car, and then send you a notice with the appropriate content that must be delivered to the local department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. This will re-register the car in a new place.

    If you are individual entrepreneur or representative of any legal entitywho made the decision to move along with a faithful iron friend abroad, it will be important to get in the territory of Russia when removing transit numbers, paying for them some amount in the form of state duty.

    Remove the car from account without a car

    Many car owners are asked if they can pass the procedure for removing the car from accounting, while not having the opportunity to grant the car itself. Hurry to answer this question in the section Presented section.

    To remove the car from state accounting, it is necessary to contact directly to the staff of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as well as all past times. At the same time, it does not matter in which the car was registered from the departments, you cannot present it in any case.

    In what situations there may be necessary to conduct such a procedure, earlier, we have already mentioned. These include:

    • utilization of obsolete and lost ability to perform its own technical task of the vehicle;
    • car hijacking, perfect by third parties, confirmed by the police;
    • premature transportation of a car in other countries;
    • if the buyer of the car did not re-register the transport on himself.

    In all cases presented, it may be so formed that, despite all the desire, his owner will not be able to provide a car. In a care situation, it will happen with a one hundred percent probability, since the car will not be absent at all by the fault of its owner, who himself would passionately wanted to return it.

    The same applies to the last situation when the former owner of the car is forced to independently initiate the procedure for removing the car from the records, even by agreement with the new owner they did not carry out re-registration, and he also did not pass this procedure for ten days after the purchase. The former owner will have to do it on its own, otherwise, no longer being responsible for the car face, he will continue to pay:

    • tax fees for transport;
    • penalties earned by the new owner.

    When removing the car, as we have said, two options are possible: full and partial, without units. In any case, if the car is already not on the go, drag it to the destination (the traffic police department), like burlak, the driver will not. It is necessary to conduct bureaucratic procedures without the participation of the "iron horse", however, in the case when you save the aggregates, inspecting them and the entire "body" of the machine will still have a specially invited expert. Immediately we want to remind you that additional payment is charged for it.

    The same applies to the export of the car abroad. Alone, this can make every citizen, no legislative obstacles to this, especially since today in Russia transit numbers when moving "for a hill" should receive only those persons who are:

    To ensure that the procedure for removal from registration is necessary, the following documents must be submitted to employees of the State Inspectorate:

    • application to stop finding a car on state registration;
    • the main document of the Russian citizen, belonging to the owner of the car;
    • certificate issued when registering a car;
    • technical passport belonging to a transport remedy;
    • paid for relevant government fees receipts or bank checks;
    • if the machine is implemented, it is also necessary to provide a concluded agreement between the first and second owner;
    • if independently the owner of the car cannot come, instead, a trustee is being sent instead that confirmation of the legitimate foundation of its own participation in the procedure is a confirmed notarial power of attorney.

    Nuances when drawing up a statement

    Depending on what caused the circumstance for writing a desired statement, it is necessary to take into account specific features.

    1. So, if the car is exported to another country, it is necessary in the removal of the machine from registration to specify this nuance. The wording may be as follows: due to the movement of the vehicle beyond the boundaries of the Russian Federation. "
    2. If you give the car to full disposal, you must specify this in the application. However, if part of the aggregates is decided to free up, the following items should be entered into the statement:
      1. "Removing from registration is made in connection with the utilization of the vehicle";
      2. "It is necessary to obtain a certificate for such a detail (for example, the engine)."
    3. If you sold a car, and new owner I did not remove it from accounting for ten days, while you doubt that you will be safe in connection with this, indicating in the statement that the car was sold, so you remove it from state registration, without being more its owner.

    Remote removal of cars from accounting

    Today, many citizens of the Russian Federation have accustomed to carrying out all official procedures related to government agencies through the Internet network. The fact is that government structures united in a single electronic Internet space, creating a service of public services of the Russian Federation.

    Go to it a citizen can absolutely from any computer connected to the World Wide Web. In the desired platform, you can find out everything that interests the car owner:

    • available number of fines;
    • whether its vehicles are registered, that is, it is put on accounting;
    • other, very important nuances.

    Not only motorists can use the site, but also people who do not know how to led, since in addition to the State Automobile Inspectorate on the Internet site there are all state bodies that provide any services to citizens.

    Through "" you can not only learn any details on your own car, but also remove the car from the metering, while you will not even need to get up from the table, it is not that leave the walls of the apartment.

    This can be done as follows.

    1. In the category of service on the "State Service" website you need to select "Removing from accounting".
    2. Among the reasons for removal of the car, you must select the appropriate to you, and click on the link with the mouse.
    3. You will be taken to the page containing specific graphs specifically created to make information from specific documents, such as:
    • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • transport passport;
    • insurance certificate;
    • other papers.

    When all information is entered into the graphs specifically existing for them, the system will start processing the request, and will direct it directly into the traffic police. The fact that the specialists of the service received your official "messsed" you will learn from an electronic notice that appears in the Personal Account on the portal. If all parts of the questionnaire are filled with relevant reality information, most likely, you will immediately get a positive result. Soon, civil servants will contact you personally, no longer through the worldwide web, but through the phone, home or mobile, depending on which you pointed out in the electronic questionnaire.

    If you are denied to remove a car from accounting, you will also get an oral and / or written notice from employees of the State Automobile Inspection, the reasons for refusal will also be explained in detail.

    Why does it profitably use a remote way to transfer information? Everything is very simple:

    • you save time without standing in a live queue directly to the traffic police, and you are at home at a computer, or even at work, while in parallel engaged in our own deeds remotely;
    • through the computer, the procedure can be passed less than an hour, alive sometimes lacks a full working day, it really affects the psyche and retains it calm;
    • through the website of public services, it is possible to obtain a solid discount of 30%;
    • if you can not be in the day you need in your city - it's not scary, interacting with all the necessary instances is now easier than simple, and it is remotely done.

    Let's summarize

    Removing the car from accounting - the procedure is not at all such a vigorous and complicated, as a large number of modern drivers think. Of course, if you didn't take it earlier, everything may seem to be slightly more problematic than it is actually. Be sure that you will succeed, feel free to consult with representatives of the State Road Safety Inspectorate, in each branch they have specialized personnel providing free consultations.

    The main task when passing the desired procedure is to keep calm and attentiveness. Collect the necessary package of documents and prepare it in advance to convulsely do not look for the missing paper at the last moment.

    In the fall of 2013, an administrative regulation entered into force in our country, which had some changes that touched the renewal of cars during the sale. In the yard of 2018, but people still do not know what to do if the car is removed from the account and sell it on the car market or bulletin board? Why are the former owners remove the car from accounting and is not dangerous to buy such vehicles?

    In 2018, every motorist has the right to register machines in any traffic police branches. In addition, transit numbers are no longer there, but they give them only to citizens of the country, decreasing outside Russia, for example, for permanent residence. If you are watching a used car in the secondary market, you had to come across vehicles that have already been discontinued.

    Purchase subtlety removed from accounting

    Experts note that in our days, it is much safer to buy a car if the former owner took it from accounting. Such vehicles are chicted from a legal point of view. The term "legal purity" suggests that the documents on the car are in perfect order, and the wine code is original and you will not have any problems.

    In addition, if the car is discontinued, it is not wanted due to the hijacking or for other reasons. Otherwise, in the traffic police the owner would simply refuse to hold the procedure. But even when buying a car, removed from the register, you need to be vigilant, because there are certain criminal schemes.

    The only problem with which you can face, if I bought a car from registration is the possibility of finding it from the bank in pledge. Check and calculate this fact is not easy, since there are no common base, and loans are issued in different regions. If you suspect something, you can negotiate with the seller about the transfer of money only after setting the vehicle for accounting, that is, after registering and receiving license plates.

    How are such transactions?

    Today, the purchase and sale of a vehicle, which has already been removed from accounting, is issued in one of two ways. The most common option through a commission firm (Lark, car dealership, etc.), which provide services for registration of car sales contracts.

    In this case, a new car owner will be issued a sale agreement, but for this you need passports of both parties to the transaction, a copy of the passport of the seller and the supasport. In this organization, you can also settle with the seller, that is, the transaction will be purely - it is sometimes important. After the contract is decorated for the buyer, it will become the owner of the car. It is advisable to take a receipt from the seller that confirms the transfer money.

    With the contract and the technical service, you need to go to the insurance company for the execution of the policy of the OSAGO. Also during a ten-day period after the conclusion of the contract, you must put a car for accounting. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine. It is relatively small - from 300 to 800 rubles, but still unpleasant.

    Why sell removed from accounting cars?

    You can alert, why did the former owner removed the car from the records and how does it threaten you if you decide to buy it? For example, you must be confident in the possibility of setting the machine to record by registering in the traffic police of Russia. If the car is no longer registered and without numbers, you will have to undergo a registration process, but can you do this by buying a car in the secondary market?

    As mentioned, since 2013, Russians have the opportunity to resell cars without removing from registration, as this happens automatically when the vehicle is reissued by the new owner.

    Stop registering a car before selling on alienation (ownership rights to another) now it is impossible. The former owner has the right to remove the car from accounting in the traffic police only ten days after the preparation of the contract of sale, if the buyer does not put the machine to account for this allocated period.

    In 2018, sell a car, taken from accounting, a little more complicated than a registered vehicle. The fact is that in addition to the risks of communication with the poor history of the car, the buyer will not have confidence in the possibility of restoring registration under the new rules, not attracting the former owner.

    Buying a car that is not registered, should make you think about why the owner took the number from his car? The grounds may be somewhat, but the most common is the following:

    • Recycling vehicle.
    • Export of cars outside the country.

    If the vehicle did not have time to dispose, it is possible to register it on legal basis again. So buy removed car From accounting should not be afraid. In addition, it is possible to restore the registration under the contract of sale independently, without referring to the previous owner.

    Regardless of the fact that the new car owner will not have any problems with the registration of the purchased vehicle, taken from the register, to avoid troubles, it is better to restrain. You can ask the seller to put the car for accounting or agree on the transfer of money only after you yourself register the vehicle on yourself. In this case, you will get complete confidence that there will be no problems.

    Rules for making a car filmed

    If the machine is removed from accounting, to produce it "on the number" in the traffic police you will need the following:

    • contract of sale or other similar document;
    • technical certificate;
    • help on the passage of the medical examination;
    • some money amount.

    First of all, you need to go technical inspectionTo get a car service coupon. For a service station, it will be necessary to present a purchase and sale agreement or another document confirming your rights to possession of the vehicle. When the inspection is required, go to the traffic police department, taking all the documents and the contract. Probably, you will need a certificate of passing a medical examination. To get it, I need a certificate from the oculist, Laura and Narolog. When you go through all doctors, get an official certificate that allows you to control the vehicle on the roads of Russia.

    Go with a certificate of medical examination in the traffic police, grabbing and other documents. You need to explain that you bought a car that is taken from accounting, and you wish to register it again. The main thing is to prove that it was done not to avoid paying taxes. Otherwise, it will have to pay 9% of the cost of the car - the contributions will go to the pension fund.

    For several days it is better not to leave, as the data on the registration of the car to the database can not get immediately, and there will be problems with the auto inspection on the road in case of stop.

    And keep in mind that after you bought a car, removed from the metering, it will equate to parts and you cannot exploit it. Consequently, you need to turn off the car for the passage on the tow truck. And necessarily before buying a car, filmed, make sure that there are no unpaid fines.

    How to make a sale agreement?

    Why the car is removed from the record and what to do if you bought such a car, we found out. Finally, we'll figure it out how to make up and fill in the sales contract yourself, thereby saving a certain amount of money? This way of saving suits people who know how to work with documents and make it carefully. First of all, you will need a suitable purchase and sale form in three copies that need to be accurately filled.
    All information should be filled without errors, blots and corrections, and at the bottom there should be a signature of the former owner of the car (coinciding with the signature from the suggestion). If you buy a car, removed from the records, compare the signature from the DCP with the signature in the seller's passport and preferably make a copy.

    After filling out the contract (how to do this in details, you can learn from a separate article on the site), you can safely pay with the seller. Also ask to make a receipt for you on making money and the absence of claims. After that, take the keys and go to inspection and in the insurance company. After that, it will be possible to put the car on accounting in the nearest branch of the traffic police.

    Removing the car from accounting is the process, albeit important, but not so time-consuming, like most other registration procedures. In the article, you will learn how to remove the car from accounting, how to do without a car, is it possible to take off the car in another region, how to write a statement where other nuances of this procedure.

    Termination of car accounting can be carried out for several reasons, although the most common of them is the sale of the machine. Also, the car is removed from accounting for disposal, with a loss, hijacking, as well as in those rare casesWhen you want to remove the car abroad. It is done in order to stop coming fines on the old owner (the seller - in the case of a car sale), and also accrued transport tax.

    Please note that the TC from the accounting of the traffic police database in 2020 it became even easier - the fact is that legislation, and specifically, the rules of re-registration motor vehicles Updated in 2017, therefore, even if you had previously had the experience of removing from accounting in the traffic police, now for this introduced new - several modified rules.

    Where you can take off the car registration

    Any TC is removed from accounting only in a single state institution - the registration department of the traffic police. List of registration branches in your region or city you can find on the official traffic police website in the Contacts section. Here are the registration offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in all major and small cities, as well as the regions of our country.

    Removing the car from taking into account

    Many drivers think that when selling a car, it is not necessary to shoot it from registration. After all new owner puts it for accounting for yourself, then the car is automatically removed from the traffic police and put on the new owner. But it is not. The main catch here is if the new owner will not put it on account. Then fines will come to you as a seller, the transport tax will also be accrued. In addition, there is a risk of entering the CFA statement for the transfer of a person's control in a state of intoxication if the buyer is caught in such a state, although it is rarely and mainly in cases where you lose the sale contract and cannot confirm the fact of transfer transfer.

    You can remove the car from accounting in 2020 on the 11th day after the sale specified in the contract, because the seller has another 10 days by law to put the car for accounting.

    To remove the car from accounting, you will need to write a statement, pay the state duty and take a document with you. Although, in the traffic police you will need to appear with 3 documents in the end:

    • filled with a statement for removing the car,
    • passport
    • treaty of purchase and sale.

    If you decide to contact the traffic police not through state services, but directly, then you can fill out the application directly in the traffic police department, there is a sample to fill. If you decide to fill it at home right away, so as not to spend time in the traffic police, do not worry, the application form is not installed and filled in free form. You just need to specify all the necessary data about the car and yours. Such data can be viewed in a special form of the regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the provision of TC registration, in its annex number 1.

    How to remove the car from accounting through state services

    And here there are two ways to remove the car from accounting: through the appeal to the traffic police office directly or through the website of the State Service. In the first case, the instructions are not required, in the second it is also simple:

    1. You go to the public service website and log in,
    2. Fill out an online statement by making data of your passport, TS passports, registration certificates, as well as purchase and sale agreements, submit a statement,
    3. Write on the reception in the traffic police at the selected time,
    4. At the selected time, come to the traffic police with the documents listed in the previous list.

    How to remove the car from accounting if the contract of sale has lost

    If you managed to lose a DKP, then you should not despair - you can still make a removal of the car in the traffic police, although it will have to do this for other reasons. Therefore, if you broke up with a new buyer in good terms, it is easiest to fill out a new copy of the contract of sale with his signature (and, most importantly, the former sale date). And already with this contract, please contact the traffic police department, having learned a lesson for myself not to lose important documents.

    If for one reason or another to make a new instance of the lost DKP you can not succeed - for example, the new owner of the car does not communicate, has claims to you relative to the purchased car and, thus, does not meet in this matter, you have to remove the car on the basis of Her loss. In this case, the purchase and sale agreement will not be needed. That's just have to be indicated that the TCP, which will be required to stop registering on this basis, is also lost (for example, lay in the car's glove compartment). But it is worth warning a new owner of the machine that he may have problems, because at the same time the traffic police is made in the database that the car is lost, and the new owner can wait for the problem if the traffic police officers on the road are stopped. So, registration is registered with the new owner and / or to facilitate removal from the seller in the interests of the new owner of the car.

    What to do with fines that came to withdraw from car accounting

    Penalties that caught a new car owner before registering and removing the car from accounting by you, you need to appeal. It's easy enough to do it: you need to send a complaint to fines by putting a copy of the contract of sale. Thus, in the traffic police will see a confirmation that the car has dropped out of your property to a certain date, and the fines were caught after this date. Thus, this is an irrefutable proof that these fines are not yours, and they are canceled and transferred to the new owner of the car.

    How to remove the car from taking into account without a car

    If you want to remove the car with registration accounting Without the vehicle itself for one reason or another - for example, if the cars are not on the go, then it is possible to do this in all grounds, except for one - the removal of the car abroad (paragraph. administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the provision of vehicle registration).

    In this one case, you will have to bring the car to the mandatory inspection on the traffic station. Even if the car is not on the go, then to remove it from accounting for subsequent sale abroad will need to pay for the tow truck to bring it to the inspection.

    Removing the car from accounting for disposal

    The process of removing the TC from accounting for its disposal is also simple. And it can also be done on the website of the State Service by choosing the appropriate service. Unlike the simple removal from the account due to the disposal of the ownership of the car, another 3 additional documents will be required for recycling:

    • registration certificate (technical distribution),
    • reference on disposal (according to the changed rules for removing 2020).

    Separately, it is worth noting a recycling document. Before the changed accounting rules in 2017, this was not required. Now it is necessary to officially confirm the recycling itself. The innovations were made due to the attempts of removal from taking into account cars when selling and losing the contract of sale.

    That is now for removing the car from accounting in connection with the subsidy, the fact of scrap is required. You can purchase such a document at the disposal site - simply speaking, in the department of iron reception, which has a license for issuing references.

    How much is the removal of the car from accounting and is there a state duty for it

    Removing the car from accounting with the help of one of the above-losses listed above is not subject to both absolutely free. All your expenses will be minimal: the cost of an Internet connection when submitting an application through state services, as well as transportation costs and payment of the tow truck, if you take off the TC from accounting in connection with sending it abroad, and you don't have a car because How we have already mentioned above, for this you will need to bring cars to inspection in the traffic police.

    Is it possible to remove the car from the account in another region

    Legislation of 2020 does not provide for any restrictions on the suspension of car accounting at the place of registration of the owner ( former ownerWhen selling the car). This means that you can stop the registration of the vehicle in any branch of the traffic police in all of Russia.

    If the inspector in the registration department is otherwise, it should be remembered that it is an executive part of the law, and demand to refer to a regulatory act prohibiting from taking into account the car at the place of stay and obliging it to do at the place of registration (registration) of the applicant. The traffic police officer does not find such grounds, because they are not in any Russian law.

    How to check if the car is removed from the account

    Checking the history of the vehicle registration is also carried out on the official traffic police website on the VIN-code of the machine, its body number or chassis.

    Go to the vehicle check page on the traffic police website and enter one of the listed numbers. Next, go to the protection from robots and click "Request Check". As a result, the site will show you the entire history of registration of your car, including the current state of his accounting.

    Just remember that the database of the traffic police on the site is somewhat late with updates - on our experience, for several days, so be a little patience.

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