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How to remove from registration Sold by car. How to remove the car from accounting: Tips and recommendations

During transmission vehicle The new owner should be clarified in the MREO, how to remove the car from accounting if it is sold under the sale contract. You can put and cancel registration in a simplified scheme. A package of necessary documents and the process itself will differ depending on the reasons for the removal of the CU from the accounting.

To cancel registration, the availability of a car on the territory of the MREO is not required. And when registering, it is necessary to have a technically serviceable car and the presence of the owner itself. Sale of auto under the contract of sale, without registration at the time of its conclusion, implies direct registration of the vehicle with the new owner.

When need to be removed from car accounting

From 10/15/2013, registration needs to be canceled in 4 situations. Namely:

  • Hijacking The owner with a statement of deregistration refers to the traffic police.
  • Disposal. To get rid of the TC tax, you need to cancel registration.
  • Realization of cars abroad. When transferring a vehicle to another state, it must be taken from accounting in the Russian Federation.
  • If the previous owner sold the car, and new owner I did not put the car to account for 10 days and the tax came. The owner may contact the traffic police and remove it from registration. The new owner to put it on account will not be able to independently without the help of the previous owner.

In other situations, a simple change in the data in the state register of cars is carried out. If the new owner did not remove the car from accounting for 10 days stipulated by law, it is better to write an application for termination of registration.

Document package and application

From the account of the car, it is possible that all the requirements provided for in the current legislation will be fulfilled. To make a procedure, traffic police will need to submit the following documents:

The application in each individual case has various content. When contacting the traffic police, you should specify the reason for which this procedure must be done:

  • export of cars to another state: "Due to the transportation of the vehicle abroad";
  • full disposal: "Certificate for the remaining aggregates does not need, numbers and documents are attached";
  • partial disassembly: "Recycling a car to obtain a certificate for a specific part;
  • sale of TC and lack of registration with a new owner throughout the time allotted by the law, one can make a request for its destruction, with a mark on the loss of documents, state numbers.

The state duty for changing registration data will be 350 rubles. When recycling the car will have to pay another 200 rubles. For obtaining a certificate for license parts. If the car is planned to be sent abroad, the cost of transit numbers will cost about 1 thousand rubles.

Removing the vehicle when selling

The law provides that the new owner of the car after its purchase should re-refline it independently. Removing the vehicle in the traffic police is carried out with the following documentation:

  • passport owner;
  • request for cancellation of registration;
  • payment document on the introduction of state duty;
  • contract for sale and its photocopies.

After the supply of papers, the machine is checked for the presence of encumbrances. If there is an auto loan, the entire amount of the loan must be repaid by the same owner. Next, you need to pay transportation, taxes, pay for the appraiser services. According to the results of the inspection of the vehicle, the reconciliation of the transit number, the examination of the machine is issued an inspection certificate.

At the end of the procedure, the owner must receive the main package of documents:

  • accounting card;
  • vehicle vehicle;
  • transit state number;
  • tax receipts.

The state license plate belongs to the machine itself and can be left behind the vehicle when changing the owner.

Video: How to remove the car with myself from accounting after sale?

Re-registration of cars without DKP, maybe or not

All operations on the renewal of the vehicle, at the legislative level are called changes in credentials. You can only remove the car from the accounting after the sale under the sale contract, without this document it is impossible to make a procedure.

Even if the car is faulty and the owner wants to be implemented on spare parts, it is still necessary to conclude an agreement. Next, the buyer registers the car independently.

Cancellation of registration in MREO does not depend on the location of the vehicle in the territory of the Russian Federation, from the place of its accounting, registration of the owner. This operation can be implemented throughout the country. To accelerate the procedure, a simplified version is possible.

But, how to know whether the car is removed from accounting after the sale to avoid possible problems in future - contact the traffic police or go to the public service website for the relevant page of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Register Auto and Trailers to Him". When specifying the requested data, the user will receive an answer.

It is necessary to remove the vehicle from the State Registration in the case of its partial or complete disposal, export abroad, hijacking and if the buyer promised to re-reform the vehicle, but does not record it and it is also listed for the previous owner. The procedure is fully regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and must meet the established requirements.

In the fall of 2013, an administrative regulation entered into force in our country, which had some changes that touched the renewal of cars during the sale. In the yard of 2018, but people still do not know what to do if the car is removed from the account and sell it on the car market or bulletin board? Why are the former owners remove the car from accounting and is not dangerous to buy such vehicles?

In 2018, every motorist has the right to register machines in any traffic police branches. In addition, transit numbers are no longer there, but they give them only to citizens of the country, decreasing outside Russia, for example, for permanent residence. If you look after a used car on secondary marketYou had to come across vehicles that were already discontinued.

Purchase subtlety removed from accounting

Experts note that in our days, it is much safer to buy a car if the former owner took it from accounting. Such vehicles are chicted from a legal point of view. The term "legal purity" suggests that the documents on the car are in perfect order, and the wine code is original and you will not have any problems.

In addition, if the car is discontinued, it is not wanted due to the hijacking or for other reasons. Otherwise, in the traffic police the owner would simply refuse to hold the procedure. But even when buying a car, removed from the register, you need to be vigilant, because there are certain criminal schemes.

The only problem with which you can face, if I bought a car from registration is the possibility of finding it from the bank in pledge. Check and calculate this fact is not easy, since there are no common base, and loans are issued in different regions. If you suspect something, you can negotiate with the seller about the transfer of money only after setting the vehicle for accounting, that is, after registering and receiving license plates.

How are such transactions?

Today, the purchase and sale of a vehicle, which has already been removed from accounting, is issued in one of two ways. The most common option through a commission firm (Lark, car dealership, etc.), which provide services for registration of car sales contracts.

In this case, a new car owner will be issued a sale agreement, but for this you need passports of both parties to the transaction, a copy of the passport of the seller and the supasport. In this organization, you can also settle with the seller, that is, the transaction will be purely - it is sometimes important. After the contract is decorated for the buyer, it will become the owner of the car. It is advisable to take a receipt from the seller that confirms the transfer money.

With the contract and the technical service, you need to go to the insurance company for the execution of the policy of the OSAGO. Also during a ten-day period after the conclusion of the contract, you must put a car for accounting. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine. It is relatively small - from 300 to 800 rubles, but still unpleasant.

Why sell removed from accounting cars?

You can alert, why did the former owner removed the car from the records and how does it threaten you if you decide to buy it? For example, you must be confident in the possibility of setting the machine to record by registering in the traffic police of Russia. If the car is no longer registered and without numbers, you will have to undergo a registration process, but can you do this by buying a car in the secondary market?

As mentioned, since 2013, Russians have the opportunity to resell cars without removing from registration, as this happens automatically when the vehicle is reissued by the new owner.

Stop registering a car before selling on alienation (ownership rights to another) now it is impossible. The former owner has the right to remove the car from accounting in the traffic police only ten days after the preparation of the contract of sale, if the buyer does not put the machine to account for this allocated period.

In 2018, sell a car, taken from accounting, a little more complicated than a registered vehicle. The fact is that in addition to risks with communication with bad history Machines, the buyer will not be confidence in the possibility of restoring registration under the new rules, not attracting the former owner.

Buying a car that is not registered, should make you think about why the owner took the number from his car? The grounds may be somewhat, but the most common is the following:

  • Recycling vehicle.
  • Export of cars outside the country.

If the vehicle did not have time to dispose, it is possible to register it on legal basis again. So buy removed car From accounting should not be afraid. In addition, it is possible to restore the registration under the contract of sale independently, without referring to the previous owner.

Regardless of the fact that the new car owner will not have any problems with the registration of the purchased vehicle, taken from the register, to avoid troubles, it is better to restrain. You can ask the seller to put the car for accounting or agree on the transfer of money only after you yourself register the vehicle on yourself. In this case, you will get complete confidence that there will be no problems.

Rules for making a car filmed

If the machine is removed from accounting, to produce it "on the number" in the traffic police you will need the following:

  • contract of sale or other similar document;
  • technical certificate;
  • help on the passage of the medical examination;
  • some money amount.

First of all, you need to go technical inspectionTo get a car service coupon. For a service station, it will be necessary to present a purchase and sale agreement or another document confirming your rights to possession of the vehicle. When the inspection is required, go to the traffic police department, taking all the documents and the contract. Probably, you will need a certificate of passing a medical examination. To get it, I need a certificate from the oculist, Laura and Narolog. When you go through all doctors, get an official certificate that allows you to control the vehicle on the roads of Russia.

Go with a certificate of medical examination in the traffic police, grabbing and other documents. You need to explain that you bought a car that is taken from accounting, and you wish to register it again. The main thing is to prove that it was done not to avoid paying taxes. Otherwise, it will have to pay 9% of the cost of the car - the contributions will go to the pension fund.

For several days it is better not to leave, as the data on the registration of the car to the database can not get immediately, and there will be problems with the auto inspection on the road in case of stop.

And keep in mind that after you bought a car, removed from the metering, it will equate to parts and you cannot exploit it. Consequently, you need to turn off the car for the passage on the tow truck. And necessarily before buying a car, filmed, make sure that there are no unpaid fines.

How to make a sale agreement?

Why the car is removed from the record and what to do if you bought such a car, we found out. Finally, we'll figure it out how to make up and fill in the sales contract yourself, thereby saving a certain amount of money? This way of saving suits people who know how to work with documents and make it carefully. First of all, you will need a suitable purchase and sale form in three copies that need to be accurately filled.
All information should be filled without errors, blots and corrections, and at the bottom there should be a signature of the former owner of the car (coinciding with the signature from the suggestion). If you buy a car, removed from the records, compare the signature from the DCP with the signature in the seller's passport and preferably make a copy.

After filling out the contract (how to do this in details, you can learn from a separate article on the site), you can safely pay with the seller. Also ask to make a receipt for you on making money and the absence of claims. After that, take the keys and go to inspection and in the insurance company. After that, it will be possible to put the car on accounting in the nearest branch of the traffic police.

Previously, when the car sales contract was drawn up, a prerequisite for the transaction was to remove a car from registration. However, relatively recently, this practice was abolished for the purpose of convenience for the buyer and the vehicle seller, i.e. A direct transition of ownership of the car from one person to another began to be implemented. However, many still ask the question - how to remove the car from the registration accounting, as well as in what cases this procedure is obligatory? Let's try to deal with all questions in this article.

When you need to remove the car from accounting in the traffic police

As it has already been previously said, the purchase and sale of the car is performed without a preliminary removal of the car from the accounting. But there is special casesWhen this procedure must be manufactured:

  • Recycling vehicle within the framework of the state program. This procedure can be two types: full and partial. In the first case, utilization occurs when the car can no longer function, and absolutely all its components and parts are disposed of. Partial disposal is to write off the score of individual parts of the machine. At the same time, the owner of the car is exempt from the tax on the vehicle.
  • The helm of the vehicle was performed. If these unlawful acts have been made with your car, it is necessary to contact the nearest compartment of the Avtospect, with an appropriate application for removing the car from the registration record. For obvious reasons, deregistration is carried out without the availability of the vehicle itself. If the machine is found in the future, then it can be registered again.
  • In the event of a vehicle export outside Russia. If you are going to leave the country's limits on your car for a long period of time, then it is necessary to remove the machine from registration. Then, arriving at the new place of its location, you need to put the car on accounting in the local inspection department.
  • In the event that the new owner did not register the vehicle on himself. According to the current legislation, the buyer is obliged to put a purchased car for ten days. If this did not happen, then this procedure must be made by the seller, otherwise the vehicle will continue to be listed. This means that all fines and taxes will continue to pay the old owner, which is understandable, is unacceptable and not profitable former owner cars.

What are the necessary documents for removing the car

Many are interested in how to remove the car from accounting without a car? First you need to collect all the necessary documents that will allow you to resolve this issue soon. Here are their full list:

  • Written by the owner of the vehicle a statement in a special form.
  • Passport citizen Russian FederationThe owner.
  • Certificate of registration of the vehicle, as well as a vehicle for a car.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty (the cost of this procedure will depend on the type of registration procedure).
  • In case the car is for sale, then you need to provide the original.
  • If for some reason, the owner does not have the opportunity to independently submit an application for removing the car from accounting, then this can make his representative. Accordingly, he should have a power of attorney in his hands, certified by the notary.

When writing a statement, there are certain nuances affecting its compilation.

Traffic police statement about removing car accounting

Depending on what reason the car is removed from accounting, the writing of the application will occur in different ways:

  • If the vehicle is exported outside the Russian Federation, then in the application you need to make an appropriate note - "in connection with the removal of the vehicle beyond the border of the Russian Federation."
  • If complete disposal is used to the machineYou need to write the following - "Certificate of released units is not required and the numbers are included in the kit."
  • If partial disposal is usedThe statement is made a mark about the need for a certificate for a particular detail (body, motor, etc.).
  • In case the new owner did not register the car in the allotted period, You can apply for disposal, indicating that license plates and documents are lost.

Now about each case more specifically.

How to take off the car for disposal

If a complete disposal procedure is performed, then you can remove the car without a car. To do this, we will need a specific list of documents:

  • Passport of the Russian Federation owner.
  • Technical passport and certificate of registration of the car.
  • Compiled by application application and number.
  • Receipt, where it is indicated that you paid the state fee.

In the event that partial disposal occurs, the car must be provided. The specialist will inspect the vehicle, the license plates will complete, after which it will give an extract. If there is no possibility to deliver the car independently, you can call a specialist in the location of the vehicle dislocation.

Removing car metering

Naturally, the first step will be an appeal to the police, where you need to fix this fact. Employees will have a statement with you, after which a criminal case will be initiated.

To remove the car from accounting, you must have the following documents:

  • Statement that you want to remove vehicles from registration.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Technical passport for the car.
  • Police statement.

Removing the car from accounting when selling

Previously, the responsibility for removing the car from registration was always on the seller. However, now this procedure has been simplified, after which this procedure for removal from the car accounting during the sale was assigned to the buyer. However, if for some reason he did not do this for ten days, the seller must independently implement this procedure. For this, he must have the following package of documents:

  • Designed by the sample application for removal from registration.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Original sales contract.
  • Receipt.

Site State Services - Removal from Car Accounting

Currently, there is a possibility of removing the car through the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the public services website - Removing the car online is very convenient, because it saves time significantly, and there are no queues here.

We find among the categories the corresponding graph, i.e. "Registration of vehicles". Next, we see on the right in the menu Count of Removing from Registration. Here you need to choose your reasonable cause - removal during disposal, during sale, etc. Then, the procedure will be as follows:

  • Need to choose the nearest department of the institutionwhich provides such a kind of service. You also need to decide on the date and time.
  • Fill in all the dataThe system processes a request in automatic mode, after which it sends an application to the relevant authorities.
  • Employees of the institution providing these services will receive a statement and, in the case of a positive response, contact you on the contact phone indicated when writing an application through the site. If for some reason a failure will be made, then information will also be reported to you.

This method of appeal is more preferable because you avoid large queues that are inevitably waiting for you in institutions. This practice is widely introduced to unload the compartment, making the procedure itself more perfect and civilized. Of course, you will have to visit the department after all, but you will do it at certain hours, the more will save your time and you do not have to eat half a day in line and run around the cabinets.

State duty for removing the car

  • 350 rubles - making changes and clarifications in TCP;
  • 500 rubles - execution of the STS on another person;
  • 350 rubles - changing the place of registration made in TCP:
  • 200 rubles - state duty for removing the car during the disposal of the traffic police,

For the sign "Transit":

  • 1,600 rubles - metallic;
  • 200 rubles - paper.

The size of the state duty for removing the car from accounting depends on many factors and individuals to each car. On average, the cost of removing the car from accounting is from 850 - 1050 rubles. The maximum value of the state duty reaches up to 2500 rubles. After payment you need to provide a receipt to the traffic police department. Payment details need to be recognized in your traffic police department.


Having considered all ways to remove the car from the registration accounting, we can conclude that without the availability of the vehicle itself, it will be possible in almost all of the cases described. The exceptions are only the removal from the accounting of partial disposal, as well as when exporting a vehicle outside the Russian Federation, to any other country, due to the fact that in another country its laws and their orders.

Removing the car from accounting is the process, albeit important, but not so time-consuming, like most other registration procedures. In the article, you will learn how to remove the car from accounting, how to do without a car, is it possible to take off the car in another region, how to write a statement where other nuances of this procedure.

Termination of car accounting can be carried out for several reasons, although the most common of them is the sale of the machine. Also, the car is removed from accounting for disposal, with a loss, hijacking, as well as in those rare casesWhen you want to remove the car abroad. It is done in order to stop coming fines on the old owner (the seller - in the case of a car sale), and also accrued transport tax.

Please note that the TC from the accounting of the traffic police database in 2020 it became even easier - the fact is that legislation, and specifically, the rules of re-registration motor vehicles Updated in 2017, therefore, even if you had previously had the experience of removing from accounting in the traffic police, now for this introduced new - several modified rules.

Where you can take off the car registration

Any TC is removed from accounting only in a single state institution - the registration department of the traffic police. List of registration branches in your region or city you can find on the official traffic police website in the Contacts section. Here are the registration offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in all major and small cities, as well as the regions of our country.

Removing the car from taking into account

Many drivers think that when selling a car, it is not necessary to shoot it from registration. After all new owner puts it for accounting for yourself, then the car is automatically removed from the traffic police and put on the new owner. But it is not. The main catch here is if the new owner will not put it on account. Then fines will come to you as a seller, the transport tax will also be accrued. In addition, there is a risk of entering the CFA statement for the transfer of a person's control in a state of intoxication if the buyer is caught in such a state, although it is rarely and mainly in cases where you lose the sale contract and cannot confirm the fact of transfer transfer.

You can remove the car from accounting in 2020 on the 11th day after the sale specified in the contract, because the seller has another 10 days by law to put the car for accounting.

To remove the car from accounting, you will need to write a statement, pay the state duty and take a document with you. Although, in the traffic police you will need to appear with 3 documents in the end:

  • filled with a statement for removing the car,
  • passport
  • treaty of purchase and sale.

If you decide to contact the traffic police not through state services, but directly, then you can fill out the application directly in the traffic police department, there is a sample to fill. If you decide to fill it at home right away, so as not to spend time in the traffic police, do not worry, the application form is not installed and filled in free form. You just need to specify all the necessary data about the car and yours. Such data can be viewed in a special form of the regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the provision of TC registration, in its annex number 1.

How to remove the car from accounting through state services

And here there are two ways to remove the car from accounting: through the appeal to the traffic police office directly or through the website of the State Service. In the first case, the instructions are not required, in the second it is also simple:

  1. You go to the public service website and log in,
  2. Fill out an online statement by making data of your passport, TS passports, registration certificates, as well as purchase and sale agreements, submit a statement,
  3. Write on the reception in the traffic police at the selected time,
  4. At the selected time, come to the traffic police with the documents listed in the previous list.

How to remove the car from accounting if the contract of sale has lost

If you managed to lose a DKP, then you should not despair - you can still make a removal of the car in the traffic police, although it will have to do this for other reasons. Therefore, if you broke up with a new buyer in good terms, it is easiest to fill out a new copy of the contract of sale with his signature (and, most importantly, the former sale date). And already with this contract, please contact the traffic police department, having learned a lesson for myself not to lose important documents.

If for one reason or another to make a new instance of the lost DKP you can not succeed - for example, the new owner of the car does not communicate, has claims to you relative to the purchased car and, thus, does not meet in this matter, you have to remove the car on the basis of Her loss. In this case, the purchase and sale agreement will not be needed. That's just have to be indicated that the TCP, which will be required to stop registering on this basis, is also lost (for example, lay in the car's glove compartment). But it is worth warning a new owner of the machine that he may have problems, because at the same time the traffic police is made in the database that the car is lost, and the new owner can wait for the problem if the traffic police officers on the road are stopped. So, registration is registered with the new owner and / or to facilitate removal from the seller in the interests of the new owner of the car.

What to do with fines that came to withdraw from car accounting

Penalties that caught a new car owner before registering and removing the car from accounting by you, you need to appeal. It's easy enough to do it: you need to send a complaint to fines by putting a copy of the contract of sale. Thus, in the traffic police will see a confirmation that the car has dropped out of your property to a certain date, and the fines were caught after this date. Thus, this is an irrefutable proof that these fines are not yours, and they are canceled and transferred to the new owner of the car.

How to remove the car from taking into account without a car

If you want to make a car from registration without a vehicle for one reason or another - for example, if the machines are not on the go, then it is possible to do this for all the grounds, except for one - the removal of the car abroad (paragraph. Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the provision of registration motor vehicles).

In this one case, you will have to bring the car to the mandatory inspection on the traffic station. Even if the car is not on the go, then to remove it from accounting for subsequent sale abroad will need to pay for the tow truck to bring it to the inspection.

Removing the car from accounting for disposal

The process of removing the TC from accounting for its disposal is also simple. And it can also be done on the website of the State Service by choosing the appropriate service. Unlike the simple removal from the account due to the disposal of the ownership of the car, another 3 additional documents will be required for recycling:

  • registration certificate (technical distribution),
  • reference on disposal (according to the changed rules for removing 2020).

Separately, it is worth noting a recycling document. Before the changed accounting rules in 2017, this was not required. Now it is necessary to officially confirm the recycling itself. The innovations were made due to the attempts of removal from taking into account cars when selling and losing the contract of sale.

That is now for removing the car from accounting in connection with the subsidy, the fact of scrap is required. You can purchase such a document at the disposal site - simply speaking, in the department of iron reception, which has a license for issuing references.

How much is the removal of the car from accounting and is there a state duty for it

Removing the car from accounting with the help of one of the above-losses listed above is not subject to both absolutely free. All your expenses will be minimal: the cost of an Internet connection when submitting an application through state services, as well as transportation costs and payment of the tow truck, if you take off the TC from accounting in connection with sending it abroad, and you don't have a car because How we have already mentioned above, for this you will need to bring cars to inspection in the traffic police.

Is it possible to remove the car from the account in another region

The legislation of 2020 does not provide for any restrictions on the suspension of the car at the place of registration of the owner (the former owner when selling the car). This means that you can stop the registration of the vehicle in any branch of the traffic police in all of Russia.

If the inspector in the registration department is otherwise, it should be remembered that it is an executive part of the law, and demand to refer to a regulatory act prohibiting from taking into account the car at the place of stay and obliging it to do at the place of registration (registration) of the applicant. The traffic police officer does not find such grounds, because they are not in any Russian law.

How to check if the car is removed from the account

Checking the history of the vehicle registration is also carried out on the official traffic police website on the VIN-code of the machine, its body number or chassis.

Go to the vehicle check page on the traffic police website and enter one of the listed numbers. Next, go to the protection from robots and click "Request Check". As a result, the site will show you the entire history of registration of your car, including the current state of his accounting.

Just remember that the database of the traffic police on the site is somewhat late with updates - on our experience, for several days, so be a little patience.

From October 15, 2013 in Russia changed the procedure for selling a car. The main innovation became that now the vehicle owner does not need to take it from accounting in the traffic police. The procedure is greatly simplified. But this does not mean that it has become better for citizens, it was made more convenient primarily for the traffic police, which was engaged in developing this document. First of all, the traffic police tried to remove the car from the roads without registration numbersso that no one could ride the allocated for public transport strips exceed the speed, slip on the prohibitive signals of traffic lights.

According to the new rules, you do not need to remove the vehicle for sale. The seller and the buyer conclude a sale agreement, produce cash payments and the car goes to the new owner with old registration signs and documents. After that, the buyer must transform the car for 10 days.

At first glance, it seems that it has become easier to sell the car and more convenient, you do not need to go to the traffic police, stand in queues, wait for transit numbers. Partly, this is true. New rules resemble a widely used scheme for the sale of the car "by proxy", when the former owner graduated from the new owner general power of attorneyBy passing it to carry out all the necessary actions in the traffic police on the removal and production of the vehicle. However, the desire to ease their lives often led to significantly more serious problems later. In principle, it can be used now. The problem is that until the buyer rejected the car on himself, the previous owner remains its owner, and in the event of an accident or other incidents, the responsibility of the victims will have to be.

Since the new transportation procedure of vehicles is very similar to the sale of "by proxy", then with its advantages in new law Interposed and all flaws. According to the new rules, the design of purchase and sale occurs in the following way: an agreement is concluded in simple writing, it is possible at the notary. The buyer signs in the passport of the vehicle, puts the current date and becomes its owner. There is even an oral design version of the transaction. In this case, both sides (seller and buyer) must arrive for its design in the traffic police.

So in what cases now it is necessary to remove the car from accounting? In accordance with the new administrative regulations, the vehicle is removed from accounting only at strictly defined purposes: if the owner leaves for a permanent residence abroad, a car acquires a citizen of another state or to dispose.

In all other versions, the car is transferred to the buyer with numbers and documents of the former owner. After that, the new owner must transform all over 10 days. But he can not hurry with it. But even in the designated one and a half weeks, it is possible not to get into the field of action of the violations of automatic fixation of disorders. All this time, the fines will come to the former owner who will have to prove its innocence.

For this, the former owner of the TS must be sent or delivered personally to the statement of the traffic police statement that the car does not belong to him no longer belong. Application must be made copies of documents on the car and contract of drop-selling.

To avoid this, it is necessary when making a sales contract immediately lead appropriate changes to the PTS and then make copies of all documents. In addition, the former owner has the opportunity after 10 days to contact the traffic police department with a statement about the cessation of the car registration. If the buyer has not rejected the car on itself, it will be wanted.

However, it is best to re-register a car in the traffic police department at the time of sale. Now it can be done in any area of \u200b\u200bthe country, regardless of the locations of the former and new owners of the car. It should take no more than an hour.

To remove from the registration accounting due to the removal of a vehicle outside the Russian Federation, the following documents will be required:

Statement of the established sample, about removing from accounting in connection with the export of the Russian Federation

Public duty payment document for registration actionsrelated to the issuance of state registration marks "Transit" manufactured from consumables on a metal basis (provided by the applicant on its own initiative)

Vehicle (if the vehicle is exported and left for the same or new owner outside the Russian Federation, if there is an appropriate mark in the registration documents - the visitor inspection is not produced)

for removal from registration in connection with the utilization of the vehicle:

Statement of the established sample, about deregistration due to disposal


Document certifying the authority of the applicant to provide the interests of the owner of the vehicle (if available)

Certificate of registration of the vehicle (if available)

Transport passport (if available)

State registration signs (if available)

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How does the speedometer be connected? The device is connected through the diagnostic connector ...
Technological process of maintenance and repair of the car Technological process of car maintenance and repair
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