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I want to know everything: what is computer diagnostics and how it is carried out. The meaning of the word diagnostics What is taoke diagnostics

Technical awareness is like a traveler's compass. This is the same Glonass, GPS. Without knowing the basics of the subject, you will not move a single step. How and where to go? These are the questions that have to be addressed almost constantly. Any car requires knowledge and experience. Not everyone has the desire to use them. It's all about the possibilities. A critical situation, however, does not spare anyone. The road is the road. It may happen that there is nothing to hope for. You have to take hold of your head and hands. It is not superfluous to equip them with something. Advance!

Introduction to the topic

Diagnosing a car is not an easy process. Affordable, but requires training. In addition to the desire and ability, and even a penchant for technology, a certain theoretical and practical support is needed. Namely:

  • knowledge in the motor system (nodes, functions, common causes of failures, minor repairs);
  • the concept of electrical equipment (equipment, the purpose of each device, elimination of the simplest malfunctions);
  • ability to work with a computer, programs, databases;
  • understanding of diagnostic equipment that partially replaces a computer in its absence (control probes, multimeters, oscilloscopes, scanners);
  • knowledge of ICE specifics different cars domestic and foreign production (comparative characteristics, selection of special equipment).

It also takes experience. From primitive soldering of contacts in wiring to feeling and understanding the engine in all its subtleties. At every moment of work. Over time, intuition appears. It contains the philosophy of an intelligent person. His naked nerve and salvation. These are all the basics of diagnostics. You shouldn't get down to business without mastering them. You can't!

The essence of the subject

Translated from Greek, this word means - to recognize, to be capable of deep vision.

Medicine interprets it as an analysis to reveal the essence of the disease.

Technical diagnostics does the same. Only not with a person, but with a machine.
By car in this case.

The principles of approach to the procedure are the same for all equipment, be it a carburetor, injector or diesel.

What is included in the concept of "diagnostics":

  1. Information about the state of the motor system (ICE) and the car as a whole.
  2. Troubleshooting methods.

ICE state parameters:

  • engine power (l / s, W);
  • revs crankshaft (per minute);
  • ignition (degree of advance);
  • position of the carburetor flap in accordance with the speed (for diesel engines and injectors, the state of the fuel pump);
  • detonation on each cylinder (synchronization with spark on candles);
  • temperature (intake air in fuel system, coolant in the cylinder block);
  • oil pressure (in the block and on the onboard controller sensor);
  • determination of errors of the electronic control unit (ECU) and their correction;
  • online exchange mode (receiving additional information and capabilities from other diagnostic programs via the Internet);
  • graphic display of parameters on a computer monitor;
  • voltage in the electronics network (V);
  • battery charge:
  • operability of the main electromechanical units: starter, generator, automatic transmission, interior heater fans and engine cooling radiator (for diesel engines and injectors - electric drives of fuel pumps);
  • systems ABS, ACC, Traction Control, 4WS, etc. etc.

Each of the parameters is constantly being compared with the standard set by the car manufacturer. Any deviation is recorded and eliminated automatically using a specific diagnostic program. In problem cases, mechanical intervention is possible. That is, renovation.

Problem detection methods.There are mainly two applied:

  1. Visual is what you can figure out "by eye":
    - mechanical damage or wear of electrical wiring and pipelines of cooling systems, exhaust, brake hydraulics and steering (for injection and diesel engines - pipes for supplying fuel from the pump to the spark plugs);
    - oxidation of the contacts of the battery, starter, fuses, relays, etc .;
    - "looseness" of individual functional units of the internal combustion engine and suspension (generator mounts, starter, as well as backlash of the steering rack and wheel struts);
    - condition of air, fuel and oil filters.
  2. Instrumental. Assumes use:
    - the simplest devices (control probe, multimeter);
    - electronic computers (motor tester, scanner, computer).

Computer diagnostics

The most effective methods are those using complex computer technology.

What does this method give? First of all, it allows you to control the entire internal combustion engine as a whole. The diagnostic accuracy is exceptional. Errors that may arise as a result are automatically eliminated using special programs.

Types of work:

  • stationary - with the device connected directly to the vehicle ECU (PC, scanner);
  • remote - via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (tablet, smartphone).

Computer processing of data is carried out by introducing into the processor of the device "software" (programs) focused on:

  • complex diagnostics (engine, suspension and steering systems, brakes);

How to carry it out? Typically, drivers use the services of a car service. This is not the only option. With a certain preparation, it is possible to diagnose a car with your own hands.

Description of the procedure:

  1. completing basic equipment:
    - computer;
    - "K-Line" adapter with a cable on Olb2 and Usb connectors (for a stationary connection) or an Elm327 adapter with bluetooth (remote research);
    - diagnostic programs and drivers;
  2. installation on the computer platform of the necessary "software" and "chip" (driver);
  3. "Firmware" (adaptation) of the ECU (provides communication between the controller and the computer and the transfer to it of all available vehicle parameters.

Determination of the state of the required systems is carried out by gradual scanning of each node. Defects that cannot be eliminated by the intervention of electronic correctors are eliminated in the course of minor, medium or major repairs.


Nothing is impossible in the world. The term "computer diagnostics" scares away many people. Mostly newbies. But this is at first. Everything in life happens for the first time. With a car, this happens all the time. And he is the life of the driver. His destiny. Mastering the basics of understanding your technique is the best insurance against trouble. Go for it. The road will be mastered by the walking!

Andrey Goncharov, Expert of the heading "Engine repair"

Establishment and study of signs characterizing the state of building structures of buildings and structures to determine possible deviations and prevent violations normal mode their exploitation. Source: SP 13 102 2003: Rules ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

DIAGNOSTICS - (by this, see the previous word). Generally defining the distinguishing features of objects; in particular, a part of medicine, which has as a subject the definition of the genus and signs of diseases. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

diagnostics - probing, checking, testing, recognizing, testing, testing Dictionary of Russian synonyms. diagnostics noun, number of synonyms: 42 autodiagnostics (1) ... Synonym dictionary

diagnostics - Procedures and systems for detecting and isolating errors and malfunctioning devices, networks and systems. diagnostics (ITIL Service Operation) Stage life cycle incident or problem. ... ... Technical translator's guide

Diagnostics - - the establishment and study of signs characterizing the state of building structures of buildings and structures to determine possible deviations and prevent violations of the normal mode of their operation. [SP 13 102 2003] Diagnostics ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

Diagnostics - the science of recognizing diseases and making a diagnosis. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Business glossary

DIAGNOSTICS - (from the Greek diagnostikos capable of recognizing) the doctrine of the methods and principles of disease recognition and diagnosis; diagnosis process ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DIAGNOSTICS - DIAGNOSTICS, diagnostics, women. (honey.). The branch of medicine, the doctrine of the methods of diagnosis. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

DIAGNOSTICS - DIAGNOSTICS, and, wives. 1. see diagnose. 2. Teaching about the methods of diagnosis. 3. Establishing a diagnosis. Laboratory D. Early D. disease. | adj. diagnostic, oh, oh. D. analysis. Diagnostic service. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DIAGNOSTICS - women., Greek. recognition, recognition; determination of signs and mutual reflections of works of nature; knowledge will take: recognition of diseases, by seizures and phenomena. Diagnostic, related to diagnosis, recognition. Diagnostic husband. ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Diagnostics - 1) the doctrine of the methods and principles of disease recognition and diagnosis; the process of making a diagnosis; 2) establishment and study of signs of any objects or complex systems to characterize their state, predict possible ... ... Emergency Dictionary


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Diagnostics in orthodontics is the first and one of the most important steps to creating a beautiful smile. And if you want to get excellent result, it is impossible to do without a diagnostic analysis of each specific case. Moreover, this must be done correctly and carefully. After all, it is not braces that treat at all, but a doctor. And he must clearly understand the goals of treatment and how to achieve them.

Do you want to have a beautiful smile? Then pay close attention to choosing a doctor.

Everything plays a role here: his qualifications, attention to detail, etc. In general, as in any serious matter in life, the approach is the same: measure seven times, cut once :)

What is diagnosis through the eyes of a patient?

Some 30 minutes spent in the clinic, which include:

  1. Inspection.
  2. Taking photos of the face and teeth.
  3. Taking casts (impressions) of the jaws.
  4. Taking X-rays.

What is diagnostics through the eyes of the doctors of our clinic?

Not one (!) Hour of work in the clinic on the creation of a presentation after the diagnosis, which will contain conclusions on a large number evaluation criteria. Why it happens?

It should be understood that the approaches to the analysis of diagnostic data are completely different for all doctors.

Someone does not conduct it at all and is ready to outline a treatment plan immediately at a consultation without the slightest doubt. And this, in general, does not mean high qualifications, rather the opposite.

For some doctors, one panoramic (overview) image and casts are enough. Which is also unacceptable for a modern orthodontist.

What is the right way then?

Now we will tell you the steps of our diagnostic presentation.

1. Analysis of diagnostic models.

An electronic caliper calculates the space deficit for each tooth on the plaster model of the jaws. The data is transferred to the presentation.

2. Analysis of X-rays.

The data are calculated in special computer programs. On their basis, the main conclusions are drawn.

3. Evaluation of periodontal status (level of the gums and frenulum).

4. Assessment of facial parameters.

The main questions at this stage are - can you delete? Will it ruin your profile? Even if removal is required by bite, the face is always a priority.

5. Assessment of smile and incisor visibility at rest.

It is important to understand which teeth are more visible when talking - upper or lower. It has been proven that the greater visibility of the upper teeth significantly gives the face a youthful and attractive appearance. It works better than any anti-aging cream :) One of the basic goals of any treatment.

6. The width of the smile.

The more teeth you see in a smile, the wider and more open it appears.

The most charming smile is the one that maximally follows the contour of the lower lip. Also the basic goal of any treatment. For more information about the canons of the beauty of a smile, see our article - What is a beautiful smile.

8. Planning the positioning of braces on the teeth according to the findings of the smile analysis.

As you can see, the patient's half-hour in the chair turns into a huge "behind the scenes" work for a thoughtful orthodontist.

Treatment planning is a creative, painstaking job. Unfortunately, not all orthodontists nowadays fully understand this process. They are not ready to lay this foundation, without which it is impossible to build good and stable treatment in the long term.

Orthodontics is not about fixing braces. The teeth can be as even as you like, but the smile, nevertheless, remain very mediocre, the profile of the face - spoiled removal "in the name of the teeth."

Our treatment directly affects the appearance, because the result remains with the patients forever! Therefore, the fundamental point in treatment is only right choice doctor!

The main thing is to get into reliable, experienced hands. And if you are reading this, then you are already on the right track!

DIAGNOSTICS (from the Greek. diaqnostikos- capable of recognizing) - cognitive activity, consisting in comparing the observed features of the object under study with a system of a priori (normative) given empirical features in order to identify it and then project onto this object the previously obtained factual and nomological knowledge about it or about objects of the same type with it. D.'s object is always a single entity (thing, process, or situation): the clinical diagnosis is made not to a person in general, but to a given patient; the opinion on the state of financial discipline is not addressed to the organization as such, but to a specific firm or institution. D. consists in the formation of a cognitive image of the investigated (or sought) object. For example, collecting information about the event of a crime, about people who could be involved in its commission, the investigator tries to “calculate” on their basis the individual “signs” of the criminal, that is, builds his individual image. Examining the dried plant, the botanist concludes that it is a magnolia, therefore woody plant with evergreen leaves, fragrant flowers, and thus forms its typological image. The specificity of the diagnostic image is associated with the extremely important role that a priori knowledge plays in the process of its formation, i.e. one that, as available, “ready”, precedes any diagnostic search and channels it, thereby predetermining the spectrum of possible results of this search. Plato already drew attention to this side of knowledge, who believed that the presence of the idea of \u200b\u200ba square, given to the mind of a person, is a prerequisite for his perception of a specific figure precisely as a square. Similarly, the mechanic must first study the possible causes of failures in the operation of the unit, in order to then carry them out; a physicist is not able to recognize the nature of an elementary particle if he does not know the typical characteristics of its "behavior" in an experimental situation. D.'s constituent component is the identification process. Identification models known today presuppose: a) interpretation of the object D. as a "bundle" of its attributes; b) ranking all features on the basis of "observed - unobservable"; c) ranking the observed features according to their informative significance - “specific-non-specific”, “constant-non-constant”; d) the definition of criteria of a qualitative and / or quantitative nature, allowing the identification of the built image with the object itself, i.e. creature algorithmidentification. Those a posteriori signs by which identification occurs are called identification. The role of identification signs is representative: by their presence or absence in a diagnosed object, it is judged that it has or does not have noumenal (unobservable) signs that characterize the essential content of this object. In the dialectic of individuality, identification occurs when a feature or some set of such features is found in the object under study, relative to which the diagnostician initially knows that they are inherent only in the desired object. In typologizing D., identification means the discovery of a complex of features in an object that specifies it as an element of one of the taxa of a certain taxonomy (plant species, type of elementary particles, nosological form of a disease, type of criminal offense, etc.). The mental transition from the detection of identification signs in the object to the recognition of the presence of the corresponding complex of noumenal signs allows the diagnostician to acquire new knowledge about the object under study. The doctor, stating that the patient has "external" manifestations of a certain disease, associates with them its noumenal content - a possible cause and mechanism of development; on the basis of the trace displays (hands, shoes, vehicles, etc.) discovered during the inspection of the crime scene, the criminologist concludes about such circumstances of the crime event, which may not be directly witnessed; abandoned physicist elementary particle track in the Wilson chamber judges its energy (by the length of the track), charge (by the curvature of the track), and about the speed (by the number of droplets per unit length of the track). The main stages (links) of diagnostic research are as follows: 1) comprehension of the problem situation, determination of the subject, purpose and objectives of the research; 2) search for sources and selection of methods for obtaining factual information, collection of diagnostically significant initial data about the research object; 3) the primary interpretation of the received factual information and the construction of several preliminary diagnoses on this basis; 4) search for additional facts about the object, excluding all diagnoses, except for one or two of the most plausible; 5) a critical assessment of the remaining diagnostic hypotheses and the selection of the most justified of them as the final diagnosis. On the whole, this sequence reproduces the well-known regularity of scientific research, with the exception of one thing: the typical content of facts, the composition of explanatory hypotheses and diagnoses, methods and means of research are taken by the diagnostician from the arsenal of a priori, normatively specified subject and methodological knowledge, and are not invented by him. The methodological basis of dialecticism is formed by the principles of cognition of the whole in terms of its part, reasons - in terms of its action, internal - in terms of external. The logical basis of D., i.e. the mechanism of including an object in a taxon, projecting noumenal knowledge onto an object, etc., is inference(output). The immediate goal of D. is to build an adequate image of an object within the boundaries of the chosen subject of research. Such an image in medical terminology is called a diagnosis. The diagnosis is focused on practical tasks; the description and assessment of the state of the object, the reasons and dynamics of structural and functional changes in it allow making appropriate management decisions, making rational transformations in this object, changing its position and role in the environment. The nature of dialecticism as a universal epistemic practice is revealed when correlating dialecticism and scientific research . The diagnostician, having met an unfamiliar object, first tries to comprehend it in the system of theoretical and empirical knowledge, methodological tools, which were successfully used earlier. But all this is just a step towards getting very close to the border of the unknown, to determine exactly what and why cannot be interpreted (understood, evaluated) within the boundaries of previous knowledge. Therefore, successful dialectic assumes extensive knowledge in the relevant field of science, systematic and logical severity of the mind, the ability to apply standard rules and algorithms to a specific situation. Scientific research is also unthinkable without these qualities, but they must be combined with the criticality of the mind, development imaginationsand intuition.For science, an intention opposite to diagnosis is more characteristic: the study of single objects is subordinated to the task of developing new theoretical knowledge. This does not mean that D. has an exclusively uncreative, routine character. When a sample, or standard, is projected onto a specific single object, creative effort is required, coupled with the ability to rethink the situation in such a way as to see in the single, random and changeable - the general, regular and stable (I. Kant called this creative act the ability to judge). In the scientific and philosophical literature, there is a wide range of studies on disciplinary (sectoral) dialectics - medical, psychological, sociological, forensic, technical and engineering, etc. However, the predominantly applied nature of these studies and their weak philosophical understanding do not allow accumulating the positive results obtained in them, translating them to other branch D. This task is intended to be solved by D. E.A. Meek, T.V. Nosova Lit .: Leonova A.B.Psychodiagnostics of human functional states. M., 1984; Gorelik A.L., Gurevich I.B., Skrynkin V.A.The current state of the problem of recognition. M., 1985; Devyatko I.F.Diagnostic procedure in sociology. Essay on history and theory. M., 1993; Dubrovin SV.Methodological aspects of forensic diagnostics. M., 2002; Meek EA., Tsaregorodtsev G.I., Afanasyev YM.Rational medicine: universal algorithms medical diagnostics. Belgorod, 2004; Krotkoe E.A.Diagnostic cognition. Belgorod, 2006; Krotkoe E.A., Nosova T.V.Diagnostic cognition // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2006. T. X. No. 4; Soumelidis A., Nagy I., Kiss K. and Piacsek I.Knowledge representation and diagnostical inference in PWRa using structural and functional information, Proc. Of IAEA Specialists' Meeting on "Early Failure Detection and Diagnosis in Nuclear Power Plants - Systems and Operational Experience" (Dresden, GDR), 1989, P. 284-294; Nagy I., Soumelidis A. and Bokor.Knowledge representation and inference in noise diagnostic expert systems, Symposium on Nuclear Reactor Surveillance and Diagnostics (Gatlinburg, Tennessee), 1991. SMORNVI. P. 62.02-62.12

Let's start from the very beginning. To connect diagnostic equipment to a car, you need a special connector, which all cars now have, and which is sometimes simply called OBD-II. In fact, OBD-II is not a connector, but a whole on-board diagnostic system. And despite the fact that it firmly entered our life only 20 years ago, its history begins in the 50s of the last century.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the American government suddenly came to the conclusion that the rapidly growing number of cars somehow does not have the best effect on the environment. The government began to pretend that it wants to improve this situation at the legislative level. Automakers, in turn, began to pretend that they were complying with invented laws.

Extremely diverse diagnostic systems appeared, the task of which was limited to monitoring emissions into the atmosphere (and since there was no sophisticated technology, the maximum that could be more or less adequately monitored was fuel consumption). Nobody (sometimes even the manufacturers themselves) could use such systems normally. And when, by the mid-70s, the Air Resources Board (ARB) and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) began to realize that nothing good was going to be achieved, they began to strongly recommend the introduction of new systems. ...

They would not just blink a light "if something went wrong", but would allow them to quickly check the car for performance. environmental standards... The first manufacturer to respond was General Motors, which developed its ALDL interface. Of course, we have not yet talked about any world standard, and neither about the American one. In 1986, ALDL was modernized, but it never reached the required scale. And only in 1991, the California Air Resources Board (California Department of Air Control) ordered all American automakers to equip their cars with the OBD-I (On-Board Diagnostic) diagnostic system developed in 1989.

What could be monitored with OBD-I? Of course, the first priority was to monitor the composition of the exhaust gases. It was possible to trace the work electronic system ignition, oxygen sensors and an EGR recirculation system. In the event of a malfunction, the MIL (malfunction indicator lamp) lamp came on. No more accurate information could be obtained, although over time the light bulb was taught to flash with a certain sequence, which made it possible to identify at least faulty system... But this soon became not enough.

In January 1996, a new OBD-II version became mandatory for all cars sold in America. The main difference between this diagnostic system and OBD-I was the ability to monitor the power system, and it could also be checked on the car using a plug-in scanner. This was done by the police. They absolutely did not care about anything except toxicity - after all, this entire system was originally developed to control exhaust gas. It was believed that the diagnostic system on a new car should have worked for five years or one hundred thousand kilometers. But the story of OBD-II doesn't end there yet.

In 2001, all cars sold in Europe had to have an EOBD (European Union On-Board Diagnostic) system, now with a CAN bus (about which in detail some other time). In 2003, the Japanese introduced the mandatory JOBD (Japan On-Board Diagnostic), and in 2004, the presence of EOBD becomes mandatory for everyone diesel cars in Europe.

This is very (even too) short story OBD-II. I deliberately did not complicate it, you are hardly interested in reading about the recessive and dominant bits of the Controller Area Network specification? So I think that's enough for a start. Let's take a better look at the OBD-II connector "live".

Meeting place can not be Changed

I already said that through diagnostic connector Californian cops had to easily connect to the system if they wanted to. To simplify the task, it was decided to put the connector no further than 60 cm from the steering wheel (although, say, the Chinese often ignore this requirement, and sometimes Renault engineers indulge in the same). And if earlier the connector could be found even under the hood, now it is always in the driver's reach. What is the connector?

Generally, it is called DLC - Diagnostic Link Connector. It is quite obvious that the last itself also began to comply with the same standard. The connector has 16 contacts, eight in two rows. The standard also defines the purpose of the terminals in the block. For example, pin # 16 (the rightmost pin in the bottom row) must be connected to the “plus” of the battery, and the fourth pin must be grounded. And yet, six contacts are at the disposal of the manufacturer - something can be located there at his request.

You can often hear the word "protocol" from diagnosticians. In this case, it is a standard for data transmission between individual blocks of the diagnostic system. Here we are already dangerously approaching informatics, but there is nothing to be done: the diagnostics are computerized. We'll have to wait a little longer.

OBD-II developers provide five different protocols. To put it very, very simply, there are five different ways of transferring data. For example, the SAE J 1850 protocol is used primarily by Americans, with a data transfer rate of 41.6 Kb / s. But ISO 9141-2 is not common in the United States, the transfer rate here is 10.4 Kb / s. However, we do not need to know all this.

For now, just remember:

the OBD-II diagnostic connector is the same everywhere, the pinout is the same, and which connectors will be used to connect the scanner depends on the protocol used by the manufacturer.

Well, now let's try to diagnose the car - specialists from the "Speed \u200b\u200bLaboratory" company will help us in this. Along the way, let's see what a real diagnosis is.

What can diagnostics do?

To begin with, plugging in a cheap multibrand scanner and counting one or two errors is not even close to diagnostics. And it would be a big mistake to believe that the diagnosis is made by a scanner, and not by a person. In fact, they work in pairs, and if one of them is significantly more stupid than the other, nothing good comes of it. I hate numbered lists, but I use one to more clearly show what I should include correct computer diagnostics:

  1. Taking anamnesis.
  2. Reading existing and saved errors.
  3. View data stream (Live Data).
  4. Data logging "in motion".
  5. Poll and comparison.
  6. Actuator tests.
  7. Use of instrumental diagnostic methods.

Much incomprehensible? We will calmly reach each of the points.

There is also postdiagnostic work: adaptation, activation of additional functions ... But about this in one of the following publications. For now, let's focus on troubleshooting and consider all the steps.

Taking anamnesis

A good diagnostician before starting work will definitely ask the owner what is wrong with the car, how the malfunction manifests itself, under what conditions, with what frequency, what preceded the malfunction ... In a word, he will behave like an experienced doctor, and not from a free clinic, but from a good medical center.

Our subject MINI is completely healthy, so in this case there is nothing to ask. However, sometimes it makes sense to carry out diagnostics as a preventive measure, without waiting for the Check Engine to shine constantly or periodically wink from the instrument panel.

Reading existing and stored errors

So, we connect a scanner and a laptop with BMW software to our "Minik" (we will not remind you how BMW and MINI are connected, everyone is competent here). Of course, through the diagnostic connector. By the way, Mini does not want to pass diagnostics normally on one battery, so we connect an external power source. But this is a feature of the car, the exception, not the rule. Now we are waiting for the connection with the car to be established. We look at the picture on the laptop screen.

First of all, we can see general information about the car - from the current mileage to the engine number and gearbox. By the way, if you buy a used car, then diagnostics will often help determine its true mileage, which will also be visible, for example, in an automatic transmission.

Or even more interesting: if you open the repair history, it will be visible at what mileage the last intervention was carried out (maybe someone threw off mistakes, carried out an adaptation of some mechanism, or did something else). And if there is a mileage of 100 thousand, and on the odometer - only 70, then someone wants to deceive you. It is far from always possible that such an opportunity is 100%, and the runners are often inventive and not lazy - sometimes they clean up runs everywhere, although this is a rarity.

But we got distracted. We quickly scan for errors and in the "Error memory" section we still find such entries that speak of errors in the electric power steering!

I emphasize once again: if the "check" is not lit on the car and there are no obvious malfunctions, this does not mean that there are none. The electronics may not work correctly without notifying about it without connecting the scanner.

Therefore, computer diagnostics, especially if you have expensive car with complex electronics, it must be carried out regularly so that many breakdowns are eliminated proactively, until they turn into something serious.

But back to our MINI. Open the EUR error record and look at the so-called Freeze Frame (frozen frame) - here it is described under what conditions this error manifested itself. In our case, this happened once with a mileage of 120 thousand kilometers, at a speed of 117.5 km / h, the battery voltage was 16.86 V.

The data in the Freeze Frame helps you understand why the error occurred. Not always, of course, but any related information about speed, mileage, voltage, etc. can be important. This is all provided that the specialist can think.

It happens that home-grown "diagnosticians" simply see what part in the car is "buggy" and immediately suggest changing it in the assembly, because, they say, only the Holy Spirit knows the cause of the error, it is impossible to unravel it. This is all from great greed and lack of professionalism. And we are moving on ...

View Data Stream (Live Data)

Live Data is data that can be obtained in real time. There are simple data such as engine speed or coolant temperature.

And there are those that are generally impossible to find out without a scanner. For example, the voltage of the pedal position sensors (we are talking about the electronic gas pedal). There are two of them, we look at the readings: 2.91 V on one and 1.37 V on the second. Now we press the pedal and look at the values: 3.59 V and 1.58 V. Actually, this is Live Data - what happens to the mechanism in real time.

1 / 2

2 / 2

The data stream can be viewed even on the go. It can be very useful to see how the on-board electronics of the car reacts to various manipulations, and what Live Data shows at the same time.

Poll and comparison

This is the job of the diagnostician, not the equipment. After the machine has been tested in all available ways, the readings have to be comprehended and compared. Was the voltage standard? And the resistance? And the temperature? And so on.

Actuator test

It is carried out to check their performance. Usually - just to make sure that the node is working as expected. We go to the menu section "Part activation" (yes, the Russification here is somewhat strange) and start, for example, the electric fan of the cooling system. Working. What is this useful for? But, say, motor overheating. If the fan had not turned on forcibly, the cause of overheating would have been revealed.

Using additional measuring instruments

It happens that diagnostics cannot show which of the system elements has failed. Take, for example, the same "electronic gas pedal". Let's say the voltage is abnormal. The scanner will show this, we have already seen this. But what is the reason for the voltage drop?

Only measuring the resistance of the rheostat with an ohmmeter and visual inspection of the tracks for damage or frayed contacts will help here. Or another example. Diagnostics shows errors on the crankshaft position and camshaft position sensors. Most likely, this indicates a displacement of the timing phases, that is, the stretching of the chain. How much are the phases shifted? Only an oscilloscope will help with this. Still, replacing the timing chain is an extremely expensive job, especially on some V 8. It's better to know for sure.

Oscilloscope alone, sometimes, is not enough. For example, this can also include pressure testing of the inlet with a smoke machine, and the performance test of the injectors "with return", and the control of the same diesel injectors on a special injector stand, and much more ...

You can also apply it, although very few people use it due to the lack of equipment. After all, measuring on the stand allows not only to see the figures of power and torque, but also to watch the nature of the curve of both and, in parallel, to take data on boost pressure, AFR, temperature exhaust gases, distribution of torque along axles and wheels and much more. But this is exotic in Russia.

Therefore, we note this point separately: a real diagnostician does not hesitate to stain clothes, because at the stage of instrumental diagnostics, you will have to open the hood, get into the wiring, dismantle problem sensors or components and check their condition visually and for correct functioning, ring the wiring, connect an oscilloscope, a multimeter, etc. other necessary devices. Computer diagnostics involves the use of not only one scanner (but real life there should be more scanners - more on that in a separate article), but also other diagnostic tools.


It is applied in a case that would definitely baffle me: if the error is of a floating nature. This is exactly the situation when the service usually says: "Well, now everything works, so as soon as it happens again, come." Indeed, such a malfunction can be difficult to determine. But there is a way out.

A special scanner is connected to the diagnostic connector (as a rule, a mini-scanner, which is simply inserted into the OBDII connector and does not hang, does not dangle, works autonomously, does not interfere with the driver. In general, it does not require any participation of an ordinary user - a car service client) and send the client ride according to your needs.

The scanner, meanwhile, is working hard, writing down the log, and at the time of the problem, it additionally registers the error itself and the conditions for its manifestation. The method is convenient, and most importantly - practically irreplaceable in the presence of complex "floating" errors. And another of its advantages is that the specialist does not have to sit in real time and monitor everything that is happening in the car. Sometimes this is simply impossible, and if it is possible, it is very difficult. It is much more convenient then just to take all the records and thoughtfully sit over the logs.

And in the end I will tell…

All of the above is just the tip of the iceberg. We will gradually lift the entire block, but not immediately.

For example, we didn't say anything about codes, although this topic is very interesting. Many people have probably heard something like this: “I have a P0123 code. What does it mean?". Yes, you can see. This is a high output from the throttle position sensor "A". In short, all errors are divided into groups. P - engine and transmission, B - body, C - chassis.

There are also divisions inside. It is not necessary to list everything for a long time, but at least for example: P01XX - control of the mixture formation system, P03XX - ignition system and misfire control system, but from P07XX to P09XX - transmission. Subsystems are indicated instead of XX. For example, P0112 - low level the intake air temperature sensor, and P0749 is a pressure control solenoid valve error. There are hundreds of codes, but an ignorant person cannot take anything sensible from this information.

In general, of course, the question is important: suppose I made a diagnosis somewhere, but what to do next? In this case, you can check the qualifications of the specialists again. It is almost always possible to understand the origins of this or that error. So if you hear advice to change parts one by one until the car runs normally, get your feet out of this service. You can understand them: changing parts sold at a premium is much easier than learning to be a diagnostician and poking around in little things that won't bring a lot of money.

Especially cynical about these matters official dealers, which do not feed bread, let me change half the car in the collection. And if the work is done under warranty, then the way will be. But if you have to change the damper at your own expense, then it can be oh, how expensive. Although the dealer still has an advantage - access to the knowledge base. This is the name of the accumulated statistics on breakdowns of a particular model of a certain year (or maybe the month and release date), a certain configuration and even color (if we are talking, for example, about the body) for all dealers where these cars are sold. Sometimes, using the knowledge base can be of great help in troubleshooting.

In future publications, we will understand in detail the error codes, carry out practical measurements and even compare the dealer scanner with multi-brand several price categories! Stay in touch.

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