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A truck approaches the intersection at a speed. Errors related to the assessment of the current traffic situation

Topic 14. Passage of intersections (traffic rules, chapter 13). General rules. Regulated intersections.

What is an intersection?

The intersection is different from the exit from the adjacent territory. Clause 8.3. Traffic rules say that in relation to the road, the adjacent territory is always secondary. Leaving it, you must let through all vehicles and pedestrians whose path intersects.

According to statistics, more than 30% of collisions occur precisely at intersections. This is 13-14% of the total number of all road accidents. In this case, only incidents with the dead or wounded are recorded. Collisions without casualties are not taken into account by the reports. If you believe unofficial data and take into account minor accidents, there are 8-10 times more collisions at intersections. In Moscow alone, more than 15 thousand such cases occur every year, more than forty a day on average.

The main reason for road accidents at intersections is non-observance of the sequence of passage. The driver must thoroughly know the rules and technology of crossing intersections, be able to quickly navigate already when approaching the intersection, determine his turn and give way to those who have an advantage. These rules are universal and interrelated. They apply to intersections of any configuration, with any number of intersecting roads, with any traffic volume.

When driving through an intersection, you should be attentive, careful and focused. Rushing can easily lead to a mistake that can lead to an accident. A hesitant driver can also create a traffic jam or an emergency, delaying not only himself, but other road users as well. That is why actions when driving through an intersection must be clear, conscious, timely and understandable to others. Courtesies to other road users are unacceptable, as they can put them in a difficult position or be misinterpreted and ultimately cause confusion on the road.

Sequence of actions when driving through an intersection

The crossing of an intersection consists of three consecutive stages. Each of them is carried out separately, but in a specific order.

The procedure for driving through an intersection begins even before the driver enters it, namely, with the definition and understanding of its type. Each type of intersection has its own driving rules. An error at this stage will entail the application of false rules and the development of an incorrect movement sequence, which in turn may cause a collision with another vehicle.

All intersections are divided into regulated and non-regulated. Unregulated intersections can be equal and unequal. Among the unequal, in turn, there are intersections with a turn of the main road and without a turn. The type of intersection is determined by a set of specific features.

Traffic conditions through this or that intersection can be very different. The type and equipment of the intersection is determined by the number of vehicles passing through it per day or per hour, that is, by the traffic intensity. Lightly loaded roads, on which vehicles rarely meet each other, usually have unregulated equivalent intersections. This is the simplest type. Unequal intersections occur on roads with medium traffic. One road passing through them is the main road, and the other is secondary. At unequal intersections, priority signs are installed to help drivers find their way around which road. The risk of collision at such intersections is less than at unregulated equivalent ones.

A regulated intersection is in demand at high traffic volumes. It is equipped with traffic lights. Such an organization of traffic can ensure a fairly safe interaction of large traffic and pedestrian flows intersecting in one place and branching in different directions.

At the second stage of the process of overcoming the intersection, you must correctly enter it. When there are several vehicles, it is important to determine who needs to give way, and who, on the contrary, will have to let your vehicle pass. After waiting for your turn, you can enter the intersection.

The third stage is the exit from the intersection. In this case, the sequence of movement is determined by the direction of further movement (straight ahead, turn, right or left).

At any intersection, a situation may arise in which the driver who entered it first exits last and vice versa.

Chapter 13 of the SDA describes in detail all actions related to the passage of various intersections.

General rules for any intersection

Clauses 13.1. and 13.2. The rules contain requirements common to all intersections. In particular, according to clause 13.1. when turning, drivers must give way to pedestrians and cyclists moving in the same or opposite direction and continuing to move straight. This requirement is mandatory regardless of the presence or absence of a pedestrian crossing, cycle path, traffic lights or road signs. There are only two situations to keep pedestrians or cyclists out of a corner when making a turn. Firstly, while driving on a signal from a traffic controller. Secondly, at intersections with pedestrian traffic regulated by a separate pedestrian traffic light.

Clause 13.2. regulates the driver's actions in the event of a traffic jam immediately behind the intersection in the direction in which he was moving. In this case, the Rules allow entry to the intersection only to travel in another free direction. If the driver is unwilling or unable to change the route, entry to the intersection is prohibited even with a green traffic light. It is recommended to stop in front of the stop line, wait until there is a free space behind the intersection and, if there is a permission signal, move in the intended direction. Failure to comply with these requirements may cause blockage of traffic in the lateral direction and interfere with the movement of other vehicles or traffic jams due to the fault of the driver who entered the intersection and failed to release him in time.

Signs of a controlled intersection

Regulated intersections have more traffic. In order for everyone to be able to pass, some vehicles must stop and allow others to pass. This is traffic regulation. A traffic controller or a traffic light performs such a task.

Clause 13.3. Traffic rules call regulated only such an intersection at which there is a valid traffic light or traffic controller. In a situation where the traffic light does not work, is faulty or switched to a flashing yellow mode, and the traffic police officer is resting or simply monitors the traffic and does not give any signals, the intersection should be considered unregulated. Accordingly, its passage is made according to the rules for unregulated intersections.

There are no main or minor roads at regulated intersections, and priority signs at the corners are irrelevant. Obviously, when determining the type of intersection, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the presence of a traffic light or a traffic controller and classifying it in this case as regulated. In their absence, the intersection is considered unregulated, and then the question of priority signs, main and secondary roads becomes relevant.

Entrance to a regulated intersection

The right to enter a regulated intersection is granted by a permitting signal of a traffic light or a traffic controller. Clause 6.10. The rules establish the requirements according to which different signals of the traffic controller allow you to move in all or only in certain directions. The traffic light works in a similar way - turning left, right, making a U-turn, sometimes the traffic is directly regulated by separate and additional sections with green and red arrows. In the absence of additional sections at the traffic light, the main green signal allows passage in any directions not prohibited by signs and markings. Usually the green light is on at the same time as the vehicle moving towards it. At the same time, there is no movement on the crossed road.

If there is tram traffic at the intersection, then even if there is a permit signal, the queue of other vehicles will never be the first. Clause 13.6. Traffic rules say that when crossing the path of a tram following in any direction to the green light, and another vehicle, the vehicle must give way to it.

In addition to the green signal of the traffic light, admission to the intersection is provided by a combination of a red (yellow) signal with an active additional green arrow. According to clause 13.5. You can only move in the direction of this arrow, while giving way to all vehicles traveling across the path from other directions. In such a situation, not only drivers of trackless vehicles should give way, but also tram drivers.

If the movement is carried out on a green signal with an additional arrow on, then when entering the intersection, except for the tram, no other vehicles need to be passed. At this time, traffic signals either prohibit them from moving, or oblige them to give way.

Exit from a regulated intersection

The third stage of crossing the intersection, namely the exit from it, depends on the direction in which the further movement of the vehicle is planned. The order of departure is described in clause 13.4. Of the rules. When a green traffic light is on, a roadless vehicle moving towards you and your own movement in a forward direction or when turning right, the road should not be given up. On the contrary, when making a left turn or making a U-turn, you must give way. This is how trams determine the order of passage between themselves, and trackless vehicles after trams between themselves. This requirement is based on the rule of interference from the right. After the started maneuver to turn left, the oncoming vehicle, which is in the same conditions and is also moving towards the green light, will be located to the right of your vehicle.

As a result of combining the requirements of clauses 13.4. and 13.1. the following order of exit from the intersection is obtained:

It is obvious that it is much easier to exit from a regulated intersection in a straight direction or to the right than to the left or to a U-turn.

The sequence of passage when switching traffic lights

This issue should be considered from two sides, namely, recommendations and requirements for entering an intersection when the traffic light switches from green to yellow, and the rules for leaving the intersection in a similar situation.

Quite often, the actual number of vehicles intending to pass through a controlled intersection is much larger than the number that a traffic light can pass in one cycle of its operation. As a result, there is a queue in front of the traffic light. When the green light comes on, only part of it has time to pass the intersection, then the yellow light turns on, and then the red traffic light. This situation is especially relevant for narrow streets with heavy traffic. The question arises: until what moment is it allowed to enter the intersection in the current conditions.

Clause 6.13. The SDA contains clarifications on this issue. So, it says that when a prohibiting signal is given, the driver must make a stop in front of the stop line, and in its absence, before entering the first intersection of carriageways. It is prohibited to enter the intersection if the yellow light comes on before this border is crossed. In this case, it is necessary to stop at the indicated places. If the traffic light is switched when the driver has already left the stop line or is at the intersection of carriageways, this is not considered a violation of the Rules. From this moment on, the traffic light does not allow anyone who is behind such a driver to move, but does not touch him, since he entered the intersection at a permitting signal. In a situation where there is a traffic jam ahead, even with a permit signal, you cannot enter the intersection of carriageways, you should definitely stop and skip the next traffic light cycle.

If the signal of the traffic light or the traffic controller changes when the vehicle is at an intersection, in no case should you stop and block the path to those who should be given a permission signal and who are ready to start moving. So, paragraph 13.7. obliges drivers who have entered the intersection to release it regardless of the color of the traffic light. The same provision applies to the situation with the change of the signal given by the traffic controller.

However, some drivers abuse this rule and drive through the entire intersection at yellow and sometimes even red lights.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that if the driver sees a yellow or red traffic light ahead or a traffic signal from a traffic controller prohibiting traffic, he must stop before the intersection. Clause 13.7. describes situations when the vehicle has already entered the intersection or is in the immediate vicinity of it and does not have time to stop before the stop line or the edge of the intersected carriageway. If the driver can stop without applying emergency braking, the continuation of movement through the intersection will become a passage to a red traffic light and will result in a fine of 1,000 rubles. A repeated violation of the same kind, committed within one year after payment of the fine, threatens the driver with a new fine already in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months (Article 12.12. Of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Clause 13.8. contains a requirement addressed to the vehicle not to enter the intersection until other vehicles and pedestrians have released it, even if the red light has already changed to green. Accordingly, the permission signal is a necessary condition for starting the movement, but not the only one. The driver must first make sure that all vehicles and pedestrians moving through the intersection from other directions have cleared at least the required half of the road. In what happened in the described situation, the accident will not be to blame for the one who did not have time to clear the way, but the one who started moving too early, not allowing those leaving the intersection.

The driver who finishes driving through the intersection drives at high speed, otherwise he could stop when the signal changes in front of the stop line. It is for this reason that he cannot avoid a collision with a vehicle that has driven out in the cut. A driver who has just started driving and has not yet managed to pick up speed can quickly stop in case of danger. The probability of a collision will depend on his actions.

A vehicle that enters an intersection ahead of time is severely damaged in a collision as a result of a side impact from someone driving at high lateral speed. The side of a passenger car is one of the most vulnerable spots. A collision of this kind can often have serious consequences, which are exacerbated if the machine rolls over. Obviously, the road user who is in greater danger should be more interested in preventing accidents.

It is very important to remember about pedestrians when starting traffic on the just lit up permission signal. The situation when the driver approaches the stop line, and at this moment the green light comes on for him, and vehicles that have arrived at the traffic light earlier are on the adjacent lanes, is very dangerous. An inexperienced or inattentive driver can immediately increase the speed, without taking into account the fact that pedestrians may be in front of neighboring vehicles, completing the crossing of the carriageway. At the same time, they do not see a moving car and can easily be in its path, and then under the wheels. That is why you must first make sure there are no pedestrians.

It has already been said above that at a regulated intersection with heavy traffic, it is much easier to drive in a straight direction or to the right than to turn around or leave to the left. The main problem in this case is that before making a U-turn or a left turn, it is necessary to give way to all oncoming vehicles, which quite often move in a continuous stream at the green light. When the flow ends, it turns out that a yellow or red light is already on and the movement in the transverse direction is ready to begin. A typical mistake in such a situation is an attempt to slip right in front of the oncoming vehicle. Obviously, you need to act differently. Clauses 13.7. and 13.8. The rules will help you deal with this problem. When solving it, you can be guided by the process of left turning and take similar actions.

So, a green traffic light allows you to enter a free intersection. The driver is allowed to reach its center and, when the path is closed, will stop further, taking the extreme left position and leaving the left turn indicator on. After skipping the oncoming traffic and waiting for the traffic light to switch to yellow or red, you can complete the turn behind the last vehicle.

The requirements set out in clauses 13.7. and 13.8., are appropriate in relation to small intersections, but not always relevant for the intersection of wide roads with dividing lanes. It can take so long for such an intersection to clear that the traffic light switches from green to red again. In order to solve this problem, intermediate traffic lights with stop lines can be installed between the intersections of carriageways. With such an organization of traffic, when switching traffic lights and finding the driver at an intersection, he can only reach the nearest stop line. Before it, you should stop and wait for the next enable signal. If there are no intermediate traffic lights and stop lines on the way, you can drive through the intersection to the end without stopping.

At such an intersection, the rules for turning left are also different from the generally accepted ones. If there is an intermediate traffic light, the driver making a left turn loses time, since he is forced to additionally wait until the signal switches, standing in the gap in the dividing strip. However, it significantly gains in safety due to the absence of the need to pass oncoming vehicles, calculate the distance to them and their speed. This left turn is done in two steps. The second of them starts as soon as the red light of oncoming vehicles turns on. In the absence of an intermediate traffic light and stop line at the dividing lane, the turn is performed, as usual, in one step, with the need to give way to everyone who is driving towards.

Thus, if the road has a dividing strip, then when approaching the intersection, you should definitely pay attention to the presence or absence of stop lines and intermediate traffic lights in front of each intersected carriageway.

Traffic Laws:

6.10. The traffic controller signals have the following meanings:


  • from the side of the left and right sides it is allowed to move ... trackless vehicles straight and to the right ...;
  • from the side of the chest and back, all vehicles are prohibited ...


  • from the side of the left side it is allowed to move ... off-road vehicles in all directions;
  • from the side of the chest, all vehicles are allowed to move only to the right;
  • all vehicles are prohibited from the right side and back ...

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Traffic Laws:

6.13. With a prohibiting signal from a traffic light or a traffic controller, drivers must stop in front of a stop line (sign 6.16), and in its absence:

  • at the intersection - in front of the intersected carriageway ... without interfering with pedestrians ...

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Traffic Laws:

13.3. An intersection where the sequence of movement is determined by signals from a traffic light or a traffic controller is considered regulated.

In case of a yellow flashing signal, idle traffic lights or the absence of a traffic controller, the intersection is considered unregulated, and drivers must follow the rules for driving through unregulated intersections and priority signs installed at the intersection.

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Traffic Laws:

13.4. When turning left or making a U-turn at a green traffic light, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right. The same rule must be followed by tram drivers.

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Traffic Laws:

13.7. A driver who has entered an intersection with a permitting traffic light must exit in the intended direction regardless of traffic signals at the exit from the intersection ...

13.8. When the permitting signal of the traffic light is turned on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing the movement through the intersection, and pedestrians who have not finished crossing the carriageway of this direction.

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RF Code of Administrative Offenses:

Article 12.12, part 1

Driving on a prohibiting traffic light or a prohibiting gesture by a traffic controller, with the exception of cases provided for by part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and part 2 of this Article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1,000 rubles.

Article 12.12, part 3

Repeated committing of the administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this Article shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 4 to 6 months.

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Priority signs at a controlled intersection

Traffic signals may contradict the requirements of priority signs installed at the same intersection. However, there can be no main and secondary roads at a regulated intersection - the current traffic light always allows traffic on one road and prohibits on another, which intersects with the first. Therefore, when the traffic light is on, no priority signs are valid and have no meaning. They are installed only in the event that the traffic light breaks or turns out to be turned off, due to which the intersection will become unregulated.

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In this article, we will analyze the rules for driving unregulated intersections of equivalent and unequal roads. Let's consider the example of the simplest intersection with the intersection of two carriageways. Having understood and memorized how to correctly pass such an intersection, you can easily figure out more complex intersections.

When approaching an unregulated intersection, you need to look at the priority signs and determine who needs to give way. At such an intersection, we can go in four directions, namely: right, straight, left and in the opposite direction. Other road users approach us from three directions: to the left (blue car), to the right (black) and from the opposite direction (green).

When considering the situations depicted in the figures, we will assume that all cars are moving in the same direction as we are. Those. if we turn right at an intersection, then the blue car goes straight, green turns left, black turns around. Also in other directions of our movement, we will always have points of intersection of trajectories with all cars.

There is a sign "Main road" in front of the intersection

When we are driving on the main road, only cars will have to give way, which are also moving along the main road and will approach us from the right side.

  1. When turning right, we do not give way to anyone.
  2. When driving straight ahead, we also do not yield to anyone.
  3. When turning left and making a U-turn, we give way to oncoming vehicles (green car) moving in our direction (in this case, we reach the middle of the intersection and wait for them to pass), because they are also on the main road and are an obstacle for us on right. If the oncoming ones turn left, then in a friendly way we disperse with them on the right sides.

The main road turns left

Sign "Main road" in conjunction with the sign "Direction of the main road".

  1. When turning to the right, pass the intersection first.
  2. Also when driving through an intersection in the forward direction.
  3. We do not yield to anyone when turning left.
  4. And only when making a U-turn will have to give way to the vehicle on the left (the blue car turns to the right), because they are also driving along the main road and will be an obstacle for us on the right.

If the blue car is going straight, then at first we will be a hindrance on the right (that is, we have an advantage), and, having reached the middle of the intersection and turning in the opposite direction, we will turn the right side to it ourselves and will have to yield.

At narrow intersections, it will be difficult to part in this way, therefore, when making a U-turn, it is advisable to give up your advantage to the blue one and perform a maneuver after he goes straight.

The main road turns right

  1. If you are planning to go to the right, feel free to go first, because this is the only direction in which you don't have to give in to anyone.
  2. When you go straight, do not forget to look to the right and give way to a black car, which is also moving along the main road and approaching us on the right.
  3. Moving to the left, you will also have to yield to vehicles on the right, which are driving in the forward direction or turning left. If the black car turns to the right, then we will not interfere with it and can make the turn simultaneously with it. You just need to make sure that he really started to perform the turn, otherwise, maybe he will go straight with the turn signal turned on.
  4. Turning around, we act in the same way as when turning left.

A sign "Give way" is installed in front of the intersection

When passing the intersection, we give way to everyone who drives along the main road, as well as to those who are on the secondaryapproaches us on the right. Yielding the road, we stop at the intersection of the carriageways.

  1. When turning to the right, we give way to vehicles on the left (blue car), because they are moving along the main road. If the blue car has turned on the right direction indicator and began to turn, then you can drive along with it. In the event that a black car (on the right) decides to turn around at an intersection, you will have to give way to it too.
  2. Passing unregulated intersections in a forward direction, we give way to cars on the left (blue) and right (black).
  3. When turning left, besides the fact that you have to give way to cars on the left and on the right, you will have to miss oncoming vehicles, which, like us, are on a secondary road, but will be a "hindrance to the right" for us.
  4. If you decide to make a U-turn at an intersection, you will also have to give way to all vehicles.

Main road on the left

  1. When turning to the right, we yield to the vehicle on the left (blue car) and oncoming vehicles (green), if they go to the same place as we do.
  2. Moving in a forward direction, it is necessary to give way to the left, oncoming people, because they are driving along the main road, and also on the right (black car), although they are also on the secondary road, they are a "hindrance to the right".
  3. When turning to the left, we also yield to everyone.
  4. Not the best option for a U-turn, but if there is no choice, we perform, yielding to all vehicles.

Main road on the right

  1. Before turning right, you should make sure that no one is driving from the opposite direction in our direction, and also that the black car (on the right) is not going to turn around at the intersection.
  2. Moving straight or to the left, we will also give way to green and black cars, as they are driving along the main road.
  3. When making a U-turn at an intersection, you will have to give way to the blue car, because, performing this maneuver, we will tuck its right side. But at the same time, when approaching the intersection of carriageways, we ourselves will be a "hindrance to the right" and therefore have an advantage.

Travel rules for unregulated intersections of equivalent roads

When driving through an intersection of equivalent roads, we are guided by clause 13.11 of the traffic rules, i.e. give way to cars approaching from the right.

  1. When turning right, we do not need to give way to anyone.
  2. Passing the intersection in a straight direction, give way to the right (black car). In the case when black, green and blue cars also go straight, drivers will have to decide for themselves who will go first, because the rules do not regulate this situation.
  3. When turning left for us, both black and green cars will be a hindrance to the right.
  4. When making a U-turn, you will have to yield to all three directions. In this case, blue will have an advantage only when we go in the opposite direction from the middle of the intersection.

Let's generalize the rules for driving unregulated intersections

  1. At the crossroads of equivalent roads, we look at who will approach us on the right.
  2. If the sign "Give way" is installed, let those who are driving along the main road, then those who are approaching us on the right side of the secondary road.
  3. Sign "Main road" - we are inferior only to those who are also on the main approaching us on the right.

4. The movements of two pedestrians are described by the equations x1 \u003d 0.5t and x2 \u003d 5-t. Describe the nature of the movement of each pedestrian, find the module and direction of their speeds, build traffic schedules, speed schedules and graphically define the place and time of their meeting.

5. The movements of two bodies are described by the equations x1 \u003d 12-3t and x2 \u003d 2 + 2t. Analytically define the place and time of the meeting.

A. 4m; 2s. B. 2m; 6c. H 6m; 2c. D.2m; 4c.

6. An electric train 200 m long enters a 500 m long bridge, moving uniformly at a speed of 5 m / s. How long will it take for the train to completely pass the entire bridge?

A. 100 p. B. 40 p. V. 140 s. G. 50 p.

Option 1.1

1.The helicopter rises evenly vertically upward. What is the trajectory of a point at the end of a helicopter rotor blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body?

A. Point. B. Straight. B. Circumference. D. Screw line.

2. The swimmer swims along the river. What is the speed of the swimmer relative to the river bank if the speed of the swimmer relative to the water is 1.5 m / s and the speed of the river is 0.5 m / s?

3. The raft floats evenly along the river at a speed of 6 m / s. A person moves across the raft at a speed of 8 m / s. What is the speed of a person, in the frame of reference associated with the shore?

A. 2 m / s. B. 7 m / s. H 10 m / s. G 14 m / s.

V1 Figure: B

Figure: AND

A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

5. The boat crosses the river 600 m wide, and the helmsman keeps the course in such a way that the boat always floats perpendicular to the banks. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5 m / s, the speed of the river is 3 m / s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore?


Option 1.2

1.The helicopter rises evenly vertically upward. What is the trajectory of a point at the end of a helicopter rotor blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body?

AND. . Circle. B. Screw line. B. Point. G. Direct

2. The swimmer swims along the river. What is the speed of the swimmer relative to the river bank if the speed of the swimmer relative to the water is 1 m / s, and the speed of the river is 0.5 m / s?

A. 0.5 m / s. B. 1 m / s. H 1.5 m / s. G. 2 m / s.

3. The raft floats evenly along the river at a speed of 3 m / s. A person moves across the raft at a speed of 4 m / s. What is the speed of a person in the frame of reference associated with the shore?

A. 2 m / s. B. 7 m / s. H 4.6 m / s. G 5 m / s.

4. A truck is approaching the intersection with a speed V1 \u003d 10 m / s and a passenger car with a speed V2 \u003d 20 m / s (Fig. A). What is the direction of the vector V21 of the speed of a passenger car in the truck's frame of reference (Fig. B)?

Fig. 2 B

V1 Fig. 2 B

Figure: AND

A. 4. B. 3. C. 2. D. 1.

5. The boat crosses the river 800 m wide, and the helmsman keeps the course in such a way that the boat always floats perpendicular to the banks. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5 m / s, the speed of the river is 3 m / s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore?

A. 120 p. B. 150 p. H. 200 p. G. 90 p.


Option 2.1

A. Point. B. Circumference.

B. Straight. D. Screw line.

2. The swimmer swims against the stream of the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank, if the swimmer's speed relative to the water

1.5 m / s, and the speed of the river flow 0.5 m / s?

3. The crane evenly lifts the load vertically upward at a speed of 0.3 m / s and at the same time moves uniformly and rectilinearly along the horizontal rails.
itself at a speed of 0.4 m / s. What is the speed of the load in the frame of reference related to the Earth?

A. 0.1 m / s. B. 0.35 m / s. H 0.5 m / s. G. 0.7 m / s.

Figure: B

1 4

Figure: AND

A. 1. B.2. IN 3. D.4.

5. The speed of movement of a boat, sailing with the current relative to the shore, is 3 m / s, and the speed of the same boat, sailing against the current, is 2 m / s. What is the current velocity?



1.The helicopter rises evenly vertically upward. What is the trajectory of a point at the end of a helicopter rotor blade in a reference frame related to the Earth's surface?

A. Point. B. Straight.

B. Screw line. D. Circumference.

2. The swimmer swims against the stream of the river. What is the speed of the swimmer relative to the river bank if the speed of the swimmer relative to the water is 1 m / s, and the speed of the river is 0.5 m / s?

A. 0.5 m / s. B. 1m / s. H 1.5 m / s. G. 2 m / s.

3. The crane evenly lifts the load vertically upward at a speed of 0.3 m / s and at the same time moves uniformly and rectilinearly along horizontal rails at a speed of 0.4 m / s. What is the speed of the load in the frame of reference associated with the Earth?

A. 0.35 m / s. B. 0.1 m / s. B. 0.7 m / s. G. 0.5 m / s.

4. A drop of rain flying at a constant speed, V vertically down, hits the vertical surface of the glass of a car moving at a constant speed U (Fig. A). Which of the trajectories in Figure B corresponds to the trace of the drop on the glass?

Figure: B

4 3

Figure: A Fig. B

A. 1. B.2. IN 3. D.4.

5. The speed of movement of a motor boat, sailing with the current relative to the coast, is 4 m / s, and the speed of the same boat, sailing against the current, is 2 m / s. What is the current velocity?

A. 0.5m / s. B.1m / s. B 1.5m / s. G. 2.5m / s.

Option 1.1

IN .a \u003d 0

D. The direction can be any.

2. According to the graph of the dependence of the module V , m / s

speed versus time
in the figure, define the acceleration
a rectilinearly moving body, at the moment
time t= 2c.

A. 2 m / s2 B. 9 m / s2.

B. 3 m / s2. G. 27 m / s.2

3. According to the condition of task No. 2, determine the movement of the body in three seconds.

A. 9m. B. 18m. H.27m. G. 36 m.

4. The car acquires a speed of 30m / s 100m after the start of movement. With what acceleration the car was moving.

A. 4.5 m / s2. B. 0.15 m / s2. H. 9.2 m / s2. G. 11m / s2.

V x = 2 + 3 t

A. Sx = 2 t + 3 t2 (m). IN. Sx = 2 t+ 1.5t2 (m).

B. Sx = 1.5t2 (m). G. Sx = 3 t + t2 (m)

5 m / s. Under the action of friction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1 m / s2. What is the distance traveled by the bar in 6 seconds?


Option 1.2

1. The speed and acceleration of a body moving in a straight line and uniformly accelerated are shown in the figure. What is this movement?

V and x

A. Resting. B. Moves uniformly accelerated.

B. Moves. evenly. D. Moves equally slow.

2. According to the graph of the dependence of the speed module

from the time shown in Figure V , m / s

Determine the acceleration in a straight line 80

a moving body at a time

t= 20s. 40

A. 2 m / s2 B. 9 m / s2.

B. 3 m / s2. G. 27 m / s.t, s

3. According to the condition of task No. 2, determine the movement of the body for t= 20s.

A. 820m. B. 840m. H 1000m. G. 1200m.

4.With what acceleration did the stone fall if it covered 19.6 m in 2s?

A. 19.6m / s2. B. 9.8 m / s2. H. 9 m / s2. G. 15.68m / s2.

x = 2 - 3 t (m / s). What is the corresponding projection equation for the body's displacement?

A. Sx = 2 t - 3 t2 (m). IN. Sx = - 1.5t2 (m).

B. Sx = 2 t- 1.5t2 (m). G. Sx =2 t +1,5 t2 (m).

6. The bar on the horizontal surface of the table was told a speed of 5 m / s. Under the action of traction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1 m / s2. What is the distance traveled by the bar in 6 seconds?

A. 6 m. B. 12 m. C. 48 m. G. 30 m.


Option 2.1

1. The speed of a body moving rectilinearly and uniformly accelerated changed when moving from point 1 to point 2 as shown in the figure. What is the direction of the acceleration vector in this section?

IN. a \u003d 0

And V. a \u003d 0.

It can be anything.

2. According to the graph of dependence V , m / s

shown in the figure, 10

determine acceleration 5

at the moment t=1 with.

A. 2 m / s2 B. 5 m / s2.

B. 3 m / s2. G. 7.5 m / s.t, s

4. Car moving with an acceleration of 2m / s 2 , passes 100m. What speed does it acquire at the same time?

A. 40 m / s. B. 100 m / s. H 80 m / s. G. 20m / s.

5. The equation of the dependence of the projection of the speed of a moving body on time: V x = 3 + 2t (m / s). What is the corresponding projection equation for the body's displacement?

A. Sx = 3 t2 (m). IN. Sx = 3 t+ 2 t2 (m).

B. Sx = 2 t+ 3 t2 (m). G. Sx = 3 t + t2 (m).

6. The bar being on the horizontal surface of the table was told a speed of 4 m / s. Under the action of frictional forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1m / s2. What is the distance traveled by the bar in 4 s?

A. 8m. B.12m. H 28m. G. 30m.


Option 2.2

1. The speed and acceleration of a body moving in a straight line are shown in the figure. What is this movement?

A. Uniform. B. Equally accelerated.

B. Equal slow motion. G. Peace.

2.According to the graph of dependence V , m / s

Shown in the figure, 20

determine acceleration 10

rectilinearly moving body 0

at the moment t=2 ct, s

A. 2 m / s2 B. 10 m / s2.

B. 3 m / s2. G. 5 m / s.2

3. According to the condition of task No. 2, determine the movement of the body in two seconds.

A. 5 meters B. 10 meters H.20m. G. 30 m.

4. Which way will the car go when moving with an acceleration of 2m / s 2 if at the end it acquires a speed of 72 km / h?

A. 40 meters B. 100 meters H. 80 meters H. 20 meters

5. The equation of the dependence of the projection of the speed of a moving body on time:

V x = 3 - 2t (m / s). What is the corresponding projection equation for the body's displacement?

A. Sx = 3 t2 (m). IN. Sx = 3 t- t2 (m).

B. Sx = 2 t+ 3 t2 (m). G. Sx = 3 t + t2 (m).

6. The bar on the horizontal surface of the table was told the speed

4 m / s. Under the action of traction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1 m / s2. What is the distance traveled by the bar in 4 s?

A. 6 meters B. 12 meters B. 24 meters G. 30 m.



1. In the pipe from which the air is evacuated, the pellet, the cork and the bird's feather are at the same height. Which of these bodies will reach the bottom of the tube faster?

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body in 4 seconds?

A. 20 m / s. B. 40 m / s. H 80 m / s. G. 160 m / s.

3. What is the path of a freely falling body in 3 seconds?

A. 15 m. B. 30 m. C. 45 m. G. 90 m.

4. What is the path of a freely falling body in the fifth second?

A. 45 meters B. 50 meters H. 125 meters D. 250 meters

5. The body is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 30 m / s. What is the maximum lift height?

A. 22.5 meters B. 45 meters H. 90 meters D. 180 meters



Acceleration of free fall is taken equal to 10 m / s2.

1.The body moves vertically upward at a speed V. How is acceleration directed

free fall, and what kind of movement does this movement obey?

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body in 10 seconds?

A. 20 m / s. B. 40 m / s. H 80 m / s. G. 100 m / s.

3. What is the path of a freely falling body in 5 seconds?

A. 25 m. B. 30 m. C. 50 m. G. 125 m.

4. What is the path of a freely falling body in tenth second?

A. 45 meters B. 50 meters H. 95 meters D. 100 meters

5. The body is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 50 m / s. What is the maximum

lifting height?

A. 2 meters B. 20 meters C. 100 meters D. 125 meters



Acceleration of free fall is taken equal to 10 m / s2.

1. In the pipe from which the air is evacuated, the pellet, the cork and the bird's feather are at the same height. Which of these bodies is the last to reach the bottom of the tube?

A. Slice. B. Cork. B. Bird feather.

D. All three bodies will reach the bottom of the tube at the same time.

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body in 3 seconds?

3. What is the path of a freely falling body in 4 seconds?

4. What is the path of a freely falling body in six seconds?

A. 55 m.B. 60 m.H. 180 m. D. 360 m.

5. The body is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 20 m / s. What is the maximum lifting height?

A. 10 meters B. 20 meters C. 100 meters D. 80 meters



Acceleration of free fall is taken equal to 10 m / s2.

1. The body moves vertically downward at a speed V. How is the acceleration of free fall directed, and what kind of motion does this motion obey?

A. Up, uniformly accelerated. B. Down, uniformly accelerated.

B. Upward, equally slow. D. Down equally slowly.

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body in 9 seconds?

v0 \u003d 0m / s, take the acceleration of gravity equal to 10 m / s2.

A. 15 m / s. B. 30 m / s. H 45 m / s. G. 90 m / s.

3. What is the path of a freely falling body in 2 seconds? v0 \u003d 0 m / s, take the acceleration of gravity equal to 10 m / s2.

A. 20 m. B. 40 m. H.80m. H 160 m.

4. What is the path of a freely falling body in the second second?

v0 = 0 m / s, take the acceleration of gravity equal to 10 m / s2.

A. 5 meters B. 15 meters C. 18 meters D. 36 meters

5. At what speed is the body thrown vertically upward if the maximum lifting height is 20m? Acceleration of free fall is taken equal to 10 m / s2.

A. 10 meters B. 20 meters H. 40 meters D. 80 meters


clockwise direction. how

the acceleration vector is directed, with such 1


2. The car moves on a bend along a circular path with a radius of 50 m with a constant modulus speed of 10 m / s. What is the acceleration of a car?

A. 1 m / s2. H 5 m / s2.

B. 2 m / s2. G. 0 m / s2.

3. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 10 m. The period of its revolution is 20 s. What is the speed of the body?

A. 2 m / s. B. 2 π m / s.

B. π m / s. G. 4 π m / s.

4. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 5 m at a speed of 20 π m / s. What is the frequency of circulation?

A. 2 s - 1. B. 2 π 2 s -1.

B. 2 π s -1. G. 0.5 s -1.

R1 = R and R2 = 2 R with

the same speeds. Compare their centripetal accelerations.

A. 1 m / s2. H 5 m / s2.

B. 2 m / s2. G. 0 m / s2.

3. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 20 m. The period of its revolution is 20 s. What is the speed of the body?

A. 2 m / s. B. 2 π m / s.

B. π m / s. G. 4 π m / s.

4. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 2 m at a speed of 20 π m / s. What is the frequency of circulation?

A. 2 s-1. B. 2 π 2 s-1

B. 2 π s-1. G. 5 s-1.

5. Two material points move in circles with radii R1 = R and R2 = 2 R with

the same angular velocities. Compare their centripetal accelerations.

AND. a1 \u003d a2.B. a1 \u003d 2a2IN. a1= and2/ 2 G. a1 \u003d 4a2



1.The body moves uniformly around a circle in 2

counterclockwise direction. how




A point with the same coordinates x \u003d y \u003d z \u003d 10 m is located from the origin at a distance of approximately ...

Using the following graph of pedestrian movement, determine his average speed (in km / h) for the last four hours of movement. Answer: 1.25

Frame263 name

The body is thrown at an angle of 70 ° to the horizon. Calculate the tangential acceleration (in m / s2) of the body at point A. The acceleration due to gravity is assumed to be 10 m / s2. Answer: 24.47

Frame264 name

The body rotates around a fixed axis passing through point O perpendicularly

plane of the drawing. The angle of rotation depends on time: Ф (t) \u003d Ф0 sin (Аt), where А \u003d 2 PI rad / s,

Ф0 is a positive constant. How does the ANGULAR SPEED of point A behave at the moment

time t \u003d 1 s?

Minimum value.



Two touching discs with radii R1 and R2 rotate around the parallel axes O1 and O2. Indicate the number of the correct expression for the ratio of the angular velocities of the discs if there is no slippage at the point of contact of the discs. Answer: 4



A body thrown at an angle to the horizon is subject to a constant horizontal force during flight. Do the altitude, flight range and flight time depend on the magnitude of this force?

Time and altitude do not depend, range depends.

Using the above graph, the coordinates of the car, determine how many times its speed V2 at the moment of returning to the origin was greater than the starting speed V1.

Frame253 name

The body moves uniformly along a flat curved path. At what point (what points) is the acceleration maximum?

At point A.

Frame254 name

The flywheel from a state of rest unwinds so that the angular acceleration B decreases to zero with time according to the formula: B (t) \u003d A - C · t, where A \u003d 10 rad / s2, C \u003d 1 rad / s3. To what angular velocity (in rad / s) does the flywheel spin? Answer: 50

Frame255 name

Indicate the number of the correct formula for calculating the instantaneous velocity vector of a point on the earth's surface through the wind radius r and the angular velocity vector w. Answer: 2

Name frame296

A passenger car with a speed v1 and a cargo car with twice the speed v2 are approaching the intersection. What is the number of the vector that correctly shows the speed of the truck in the reference system of the passenger car? Answer: 7

Name frame297

The speed of a material point moving along a straight line varied in accordance with the given graph. What was the point's average ground speed? Answer: 0

Name frame298



Near a stationary uranium nucleus, a proton flies along the KLM trajectory. At point L, the speed is minimal. Is it true that ... (list all correct statements)

Is normal acceleration directed away from the core?

The flywheel, spinning with constant angular acceleration from rest, makes the first revolution in two seconds. Find (in rad / s2) the magnitude of its angular acceleration. Answer:

Frame300 name


A wheel of radius R \u003d 25 cm rolls uniformly along a horizontal road so that the speed of its center O is equal to V \u003d 5 m / s. What are the angular velocity w of the wheel and the acceleration A of its upper point P in the "road" frame of reference?

W \u003d 20 rad / s, A \u003d 100 m / s2.

Frame236 name



Two rockets (without engines), launched from the Earth with the same initial velocities, one after the other, rise vertically upward. How does the second rocket move in the frame of reference associated with the rocket launched earlier? Neglect air resistance. The gravitational acceleration g is considered to be independent of the height.


The speed of the cyclist during acceleration changes in accordance with the above graph. Find the maximum acceleration (in m / s2). Answer: 1

Frame238 name

The body is thrown at an angle of 70 ° to the horizon. Calculate the normal acceleration (in m / s2) of the body at the moment when the velocity is directed at an angle of 60 ° to the horizontal. Acceleration of gravity is considered equal to 10 m / s2. Answer: 1.1339




How would the angular acceleration vector of point A be directed if the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation began to decrease?

From the north pole to the south.

The wheel accelerates during time t so that its angular acceleration B is constant. Enter the number of the correct expression for calculating the final speed of the center O of the wheel. Answer: 1

Frame271 name

The body moves from the origin. Its velocity vector changes with time t according to the formula shown in the figure, where A and B are some constants. Specify the number of the correct body trajectory equation.


Frame272 name

The coordinate of the crawling ant changes in accordance with the above graph. Determine the average speed (in cm / s) of movement of the ant in the interval from 2 to 6 seconds. Answer: 0.75




How does normal acceleration affect the velocity vector of a material point?

Changes only the direction of speed.



Yula rotates around the vertical axis as shown in the figure. The speed first increases, then decreases. Where are the vectors of angular velocity w and angular acceleration ε directed?

W - down, ε - first down, then up.


The wheel of the machine has a radius R and rotates with an angular velocity w. Indicate the number of the correct expression for the time it takes for the car to travel the distance L without slipping? Answer: 5




Two cars are moving towards each other on a straight highway at speeds v1 and v2. The speed module of the second car relative to the first is ...

The ant crawls along the path in accordance with the given path schedule. What is its maximum speed (in cm / s) over the investigated time interval. Answer: 1



The material point moves uniformly along a given curved path. At what points A, B, or C the magnitude of the acceleration vector is maximum?

From the above pedestrian traffic schedule, determine his average speed (in km / h) during the last six hours of movement. Answer: 2.5

Frame218 name

The body is thrown at an angle of 70 ° to the horizon. Determine the modulus of tangential acceleration (in m / s2) of the body at the moment when the velocity is directed at an angle of 30 ° to the horizon. Acceleration of gravity is considered equal to 10 m / s2. Answer: 5

Frame219 name

The wheel rotates as shown in the figure with a frequency of 10 rev / s. You need to stop it in 6 seconds. What should be the magnitude and direction of the vector of angular acceleration B, if braking occurs uniformly?



A small body suspended on a thread of length L moves along a circle of radius R in the horizontal plane with a constant angular velocity w. Determine the modulus of its rate change over a half period.

An intersection is a place where roads intersect, join, or fork at the same level.

In other words, two or more roads, crossing in one place, form one intersection. Crossings of roads at different levels (overpasses, overpasses, bridges, etc.) are not considered crossroads.


Also, road exits from adjacent territories do not form intersections.

General rules for driving at intersections

The sequence of movement through an intersection depends on what type of intersection it belongs to. However, there are general rules that apply at any intersection.

These are the rules:

  1. When turning right or left at an intersection, the driver is obliged to let pedestrians crossing the road into which he is turning, as well as cyclists continuing to move in a straight direction along the cycle path or along the edge of the carriageway. The exception is when pedestrian traffic is regulated by a separate traffic light. If a prohibitory signal lights up for pedestrians while the vehicle is turning, then they should not give way.
  2. It is prohibited to enter an intersection if a traffic jam has formed on it or behind it, which will force the driver to stop at the intersection of carriageways, creating an obstacle to the movement of other vehicles in the transverse direction. In this case, you can enter the intersection only in order to immediately leave it in a free direction (for example, by making a turn or U-turn). If you need to move exactly in the direction in which the traffic jam has formed, then you need to stop before entering the intersection of carriageways and resume movement only after there is a free space for your vehicle behind the intersection.
  3. At any crossroads, vehicles with blue (blue and red) flashing lights and a special sound signal (siren) have priority regardless of the road signs, markings, and traffic lights at the crossroads. Other drivers are obliged to give way to the special vehicle and those it accompanies.

Algorithm for driving through intersections

The algorithm for driving through any intersection consists of three steps:

  • Firstly, you need to correctly navigate and even before entering the intersection, determine what type of intersection it belongs to.
  • Secondly, applying the appropriate rules, you need to give way to those who have an advantage, and then enter the intersection in time.
  • Thirdly, after entering the intersection, you need to leave it in the desired direction in time. At this stage, it may also be necessary to give way to other drivers and pedestrians.

Types of intersections

Intersections can have different configurations. They are cruciform, T-shaped, star-shaped, triangle-shaped, etc.

There are roundabouts and traffic intersections, where instead of one large intersection there are several small ones.

However, the rules for crossing intersections do not depend on their shape and size, but on what type of intersection belongs to.

Regulated intersection - this is such an intersection where the sequence of movement is determined by the signals of the current traffic light or traffic controller.

If there are no traffic lights and a traffic controller, then the intersection is considered unregulated, and drivers determine the sequence of passage independently, according to the rules that apply at unregulated intersections.

An intersection is also considered unregulated if:

  • there is a traffic light, but does not work;
  • there is a traffic light, but it operates in a flashing yellow signal;
  • the traffic controller is present, but does not give traffic control signals to drivers and pedestrians.

It's important to know!
In cases where traffic at an intersection is controlled by a traffic controller, drivers and pedestrians must comply with his requirements, even if they contradict traffic signals, priority signs, as well as other road signs and markings.

Unregulated intersections are divided into equivalent and unequal... There is always a main road at an unequal intersection, and the rest of the roads are secondary to it.

Naturally, whoever is driving on the main road takes precedence over those who are on the secondary road.

You must be able to independently find the main and secondary roads at an unequal intersection.

If you do not have time to do this while approaching the intersection, then you will not be able to correctly determine who has the advantage and who should give way. If you do not follow the sequence of passage, you can commit a serious accident.

the main road

Three signs of the main road:

  1. The highway, marked with sign 5.1, is always the main one in relation to all other roads that adjoin it.
  2. A paved road (asphalt, concrete, crushed stone, paving stones, etc.) is always the main road in relation to the intersected or adjacent dirt road, provided that there are no priority signs and sign 1.6 at the intersection.
  3. A road marked in front of the intersection with priority signs 2.1, and outside settlements - also with signs 2.3.1- 2.3.7 (2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.6, 2.3.5, 2.3. 7, is always the main road in relation to the intersected or adjacent road. The road, which is marked with signs 2.4 or 2.5, is always secondary. Signs 2.1, 2.4 and 2.5 are installed immediately before the intersection, and 2.3.1 - 2.3.7 at a distance of 150 - 300 meters before him.

At some junctions, the main road may turn left or right. In this case, priority signs are installed with signs 8.13 "Direction of the main road": sign 2.1 - with sign 8.13, and signs 2.4 or 2.5 - with sign 8.13.

The main road is shown with a thick line on these plates and the minor roads with a thin line. If signs 2.1, 2.4 or 2.5 are installed without signs 8.13, then you can be sure that neither the main nor the secondary road at this intersection changes direction.

If the driver cannot determine the presence of coverage on the road (dark, mud, snow, etc.), and there are no priority signs at the intersection, then for safety reasons he must consider that he is on a secondary road.

It's important to know!
Priority signs are also installed at regulated intersections, but in this case, drivers should not obey them, but only signals from traffic lights or an authorized official. If the traffic light fails or turns off, the intersection will become unregulated, and only then the established priority signs will take effect. Thus, when approaching an intersection, the driver must first of all pay attention to the presence of a traffic light (traffic controller), and only if it is not there - look for priority signs in the field of view.

There are no main and secondary roads at an equivalent intersection - all intersecting roads are equal in importance. As a rule, there is no heavy traffic at such intersections, so there is no point in installing traffic lights and priority signs.

Their absence is a sign of an equivalent intersection. In some cases, but not always, a warning sign 1.6 may be installed in front of an equivalent intersection.

Equivalent intersections have their own driving rules, which differ from the rules in force at regulated and unequal intersections.

Passage at unregulated intersections

The rules establish the order of passage of an unregulated intersection, depending on the type of intersection, the relative position of vehicles or pedestrians, as well as on the directions of their further movement.

In this case, some road users should give way to others.

However, if you know for sure that your path at an intersection will not intersect with the trajectory of another vehicle (for example, when driving towards each other in a forward direction), then with such a vehicle you can move through the intersection at the same time.

Passage of unregulated intersections of equivalent roads

At an equivalent intersection, all roads adjacent to it are equal in value. However, this does not mean that all road users are on an equal footing.

At such an intersection, there are two lines: the first is for trams, and the second is for trackless vehicles.

When at an equivalent intersection there are several trams and trackless vehicles, the paths of which intersect, within each of these two queues, drivers are guided at the entrance to the intersection by the well-known rule of interference on the right, according to which such an obstacle must give way.

According to this rule, trams drive away with each other, and trackless vehicles - with each other, after the trams have passed.

Having made way for trams and roadless vehicles on your right, you get the right to enter an equivalent intersection.

However, in some cases, it is not possible to leave immediately.

Before leaving in the right direction, you must:

  • when turning right - give way to pedestrians and cyclists who cross the road to your right;
  • when turning left - give way to oncoming vehicles moving straight and to the right (that is, in the same direction as you want to turn), as well as to pedestrians crossing the road to your left;
  • when making a U-turn - oncoming vehicles and those approaching the intersection from the left side (during the U-turn, such vehicles will also become oncoming vehicles for you);
  • when driving straight, you can freely leave the intersection if you entered it correctly earlier;
  • turning left of two vehicles moving from opposite directions can be performed simultaneously, provided that both drivers choose non-intersecting paths and maintain a safe lateral interval. In this case, the siding at the intersection is carried out on the starboard sides. Care should be taken when making such a siding, as an oncoming vehicle turning left may obstruct a car or motorcycle traveling in a forward direction.

Equivalent intersections are characterized by low traffic intensity, therefore, the situation when trackless vehicles drove up from four sides at the same time and created an obstacle to each other from the right occurs very rarely.

The rules do not regulate such a situation, therefore, drivers will have to determine the sequence of movement by agreement. After one of the four vehicles has passed first, the other three drivers will be able to separate according to the rule of interference on the right.

Passage of unregulated intersections of main and secondary roads

If there is a main road at an unregulated intersection, vehicles traveling on it have priority over those driving on a secondary road.

In this case, it does not matter which road your vehicle will be on after passing the intersection - the sequence of movement is determined by which road you approached it.

Thus, a driver turning from the main road to the secondary road still has an advantage over the driver who turns from the secondary road to the main road.

It's important to know!
In any case, the driver on the secondary road is not allowed to enter the intersection until the main road is cleared of all vehicles that are either already at the intersection or approaching it.

If there is tram traffic on the main or secondary road, the entrance to the intersection is carried out in four lines:

  • first of all, there are trams that drove up along the main road;
  • the second stage is made up of trackless vehicles that drove up along the main road;
  • the third stage is made up of trams that have arrived on a secondary road;
  • the fourth stage is made up of trackless vehicles that have arrived on a secondary road.

Thus, your turn at such an intersection may be the second or fourth, depending on which road you arrived on.

If the main road at an intersection turns, then it is possible that the trajectories of vehicles on the main road intersect with each other.

The same situation is possible between vehicles on secondary roads.

In this case, drivers who find themselves in equal conditions, that is, on roads of the same importance, must be guided by the rule of interference on the right.

Drivers on secondary roads disperse in accordance with this rule after both directions of the main road have been completely cleared.

Leaving an unequal intersection is carried out according to the same rules as leaving an intersection of equivalent roads. When turning left or right, you must give way to pedestrians and cyclists.

If the main road does not turn, then when turning left and making a U-turn, oncoming vehicles will have to be passed. At intersections with a turn on the main road, leaving to the left is not difficult, and the U-turn should be carried out as shown in the figure.


Passing a roundabout is carried out according to the same rules that apply to other intersections.

In the absence of priority signs, the intersection is equivalent, and drivers are guided by the rule of obstacle on the right. If there are signs “Give way”, drivers entering the intersection give way to those who are already moving in the circle.

Passing through regulated intersections

At regulated intersections, the traffic sequence is determined by signals from a traffic light or a traffic controller. If the signals of the traffic controller contradict traffic signals and directions of road signs, then you need to be guided by the requirements of the traffic controller.

If traffic signals contradict the requirements of road signs 2.1, 2.4 or 2.5, then you need to be guided by the traffic light.

Entering a regulated intersection is allowed by a permission signal from a traffic light or a traffic controller. Permissive traffic signals are:

Green light Green light with green extra arrow Red or yellow light
with green additional arrow
Allows entry to the intersection. Allows entry to the intersection and movement in all directions. Allows entry to the intersection only for movement in the direction indicated by the arrow.

It's important to know!
When driving to a prohibitory (red or yellow) signal with a green additional arrow, the driver must give way to any vehicles moving from other directions.

With a prohibitive signal from a traffic light or an authorized official, the driver must stop in front of the stop line indicated by markings or sign 6.16, and in their absence - in front of the intersected carriageway, without interfering with pedestrians.

The sequence of movement of trams and trackless vehicles

If a permit signal is given simultaneously to a tram and trackless vehicles, then trams pass the intersection in any direction in the first place, and trackless vehicles in the second.

However, if the tram is moving towards a red light with an additional green arrow, it must give way to other vehicles that are moving towards a green light.

Exit from a regulated intersection

The exit from the signalized intersection is determined by the direction of your further movement. Trams among themselves, and trackless vehicles - drive among themselves according to the following rules:

  • a driver driving straight ahead does not give way to anyone;
  • the driver of a tram or trackless vehicle, turning right, gives way only to pedestrians and cyclists who continue straight ahead;
  • a driver turning left gives way to oncoming vehicles (including those performing a right turn), as well as pedestrians continuing to move straight;
  • the driver making the U-turn gives way only to oncoming vehicles.

Driver's actions when switching traffic lights

Having entered an intersection at a permitting traffic light (including a flashing green one), the driver must clear the intersection, even if the traffic light switched to a prohibiting signal, provided that there are no stop lines on the way through the intersection.

However, if there is a stop line after the prohibitory signal has turned on, the driver must stop in front of it and resume driving only after the green light turns on again.

The same rule must be followed at the intersection with the traffic controller.

Considering the above, at intersections with heavy traffic, if you need to turn left or turn around at the green light, the following sequence of actions is recommended:

It's important to know!
Even after turning on the permitting traffic light, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing the traffic through the intersection, as well as pedestrians finishing the road crossing.

Passage of an intersection by signals of a traffic controller

Traffic signals can allow you to move in several directions.

In this case, it is necessary to comply with the rules of location on the carriageway before making a right, left or U-turn, and also take into account the requirements of signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2 or markings 1.18, indicating the direction of traffic along the lanes.

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Transportation of children on the bus: what is the penalty for violations
For maximum safety of persons under the age of majority, for the period of organized ...
When can I remove a car from the traffic police register without a car and how to do it?
Deregistration of a car is required in many cases - during disposal, theft, removal ...
How to return a car under warranty to a car dealership Replacement of a car within 15 days
Car owners are often disappointed in their purchases, and for many reasons ...