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Multiple ovarian cysts are more dangerous. Possible consequences of an ovarian cyst

A benign neoplasm that grows not due to cell proliferation (division), but due to the accumulation of fluid in the membrane is called a cyst. It can be described as a liquid-filled pouch with a stem ranging in size from a few millimeters to several tens of centimeters.

When such a neoplasm is found on the genitals, of course, it pleases that it does not have a malignant nature. Nevertheless, this is still a tumor-like formation and requires observation, in some cases, urgent treatment, because it can give serious complications. Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous? This question is important for any woman with a similar diagnosis.


The complications that can be expected from these neoplasms and the degree of their danger are determined by their type. Among all cystic formations, it is customary to distinguish congenital and acquired.

Among the cysts are distinguished:

  1. True cysts and cystic formations.
  2. Functional and non-functional neoplasms.
  3. Formed by ovarian tissues and paraovarial.

True cysts are:

  • Functional, associated with cyclical changes in a woman's body.
  • Endomerial, formed by endometrial tissues that are grafted outside the uterus (with endometriosis). They are filled with bloody, thickening contents.
  • Paraovarial, formed from peri-ovarian structures and do not affect ovarian tissue. Their formation is not associated with cyclical changes in the female body.

Functional cysts include:

  • Follicular.
  • And luteal (from the corpus luteum).

The former are formed from mature, but not ruptured follicles. The follicle membranes form the membrane of the tumor-like formation, which is filled with transparent secretion. The second are formed by the unregulated corpus luteum. The membrane of the neoplasm in this case is formed by the membrane of the corpus luteum, the secret is transparent, yellow. Both types of formations rarely reach large sizes and are prone to self-resorption when the cystic cavity collapses as a result of resorption of the contents of the neoplasm.

It is believed that functional cysts are more commonly diagnosed on the left ovary.

This is due, firstly, to the fact that eggs often mature in this ovary. Secondly, intestinal loops are located close to the left ovary. It is believed that this arrangement facilitates the penetration of infection from the intestine into the ovary.

A cyst of the right ovary is less commonly diagnosed. According to one theory, their formation is also correlated with an intestinal infection. For example, appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is often considered a provoking factor for the development of neoplasms on the right ovary.

Other types

It is customary to refer to formations unrelated to cycles in the female body:

  1. Dermoid (dermoid or teratoma).
  2. Endometrioid ("chocolate").
  3. Paraovarial cyst.
  4. Cystadenomas (mucinous, serous).

In this case, teratoma and cystadenomas are referred to as cystic formations. Dermoid refers to congenital anomalies, its structure is formed from embryonic rudiments and contains nails, hair, teeth, etc.

Cystadenomas are true ovarian tumors, they are benign in nature. This term replaced the previous definition of cystoma. Cystadenomas are referred to as epithelial tumors and are considered the most common among ovarian neoplasms. Among cystadenomas, in the first place are serous tumors, which are rather difficult to differentiate from functional cysts. They are called serous cysts.

Mucinous cystic formations are called, the contents of which are represented by mucin (thick mucous mass). Unlike other types of cystic neoplasms, mucinous cystadenomas produce their own contents on their own. The inner mucous lining of the cyst is responsible for this process. Mucinous cystadenomas have dense fibrous stroma and almost always consist of several chambers.

Cyst threat

Functional formations rarely cause any discomfort to a woman. Discovered by chance as a result of examination. But palpation does not allow them to be detected, ultrasound diagnostics is needed.

Quite often, they resolve without harm to the patient's health. But there are also directly opposite situations, when a neoplasm or its complications pose a threat to a woman's health. Most often this applies to non-functional benign cysts, but functional ones cannot be excluded from the list of potential threats.

The main types of threats are:

  • Hemorrhagic cyst.
  • Rupture of cystic tissue or ovary and shock from fluid (blood) loss.
  • Torsion and necrosis.
  • Functional disorders of nearby organs.
  • Glorification.
  • Suppuration.
  • Adhesion formation.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Ovarian degeneration.

All these threats, realized, can cause serious damage to a woman, deprive her of her ability to reproduce, and even cause her death.

Hemorrhagic cyst formation

Sometimes, with the progression of functional formations, a complication develops - a hemorrhagic cyst. She becomes hemorrhagic as a result of hemorrhage in her cavity. Hemorrhagic neoplasms are more prone to apoplexy than normal functional ones.

Break and twist

The sac, which is a cyst, may rupture. In this case, the threat lies in the penetration of the contents of the ruptured sac and blood into the abdominal cavity, irritating the abdominal wall with it. As a result, inflammation of the mucous lining of the abdominal cavity, called peritonitis, develops. In this case, the pathological process requires the intervention of a surgeon.

There is a very high risk of rupture for endometrioid formations and the outpouring of bloody contents into the abdominal cavity. At rupture, there is a high risk of serious bleeding, up to the development of hypovolemic or hemorrhagic shock.

In addition to rupture, there is a danger of twisting the leg of the formation. Since it can have a rather long leg that twists easily.

Torsion is no better than a rupture, because as a result of this, the vessels feeding the tissues of the cyst itself are compressed, and sometimes it, along with part of the ovary, is deprived of nutrition. Ischemia or exsanguination leads to tissue death (necrosis). Decaying dead tissue poison the woman's body, inflammation develops at the site of necrosis. Surgery is required to remove the formation, in some cases together with the ovary. This reduces the likelihood of conception and can even lead to infertility.

It is possible not only to twist the cyst in the area of \u200b\u200bthe leg - sometimes it twists along with the fallopian tube and ovary. Then the surgical intervention is carried out urgently, the volume of the operation is determined during its implementation.

Dysfunction of internal organs

Functional formations rarely reach large sizesHowever, it happens. In this case, the enlarging ovary begins to press on the surrounding organs and tissues. This leads to disruption of the work of internal organs. For instance:

  • The intestines are suffering.
  • The movement of feces and the absorption of food along the intestinal loops are impaired.
  • Constipation and colitis develop with all the consequences of this disease.

The same complication can occur with the formation of any large neoplasm.


Endometrial formations and mucinous cystadenomas are prone to malignancy (malignant transformation) much more than other formations. The potential risk of malignancy exists for any benign tumor and tumor-like formation. But for these two species, it is significant.


Blood is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. Endometriotic formations are often infected, pathogenic bacteria actively multiply in their bloody contents. Neoplasms suppurate. With this development of events, an operation is required.

Adhesions and hormonal imbalances

Endometrial formations often cause adhesions (sometimes rough) in the small pelvis. This leads to dysfunction of internal organs and infertility.

In the formation of cysts (except congenital), hormonal imbalance is often to blame. The formation of the neoplasms themselves entails disruption of the ovary. This, in turn, increases hormonal imbalances and increases the risk of developing diseases associated with a violation of the amount of hormones in the blood.


With frequent cysts in the ovarian region, ovarian tissue undergoes degenerative changes. The rate of oocyte maturation decreases. Over time, this function can be completely lost due to the complete atrophy of the organ. Such changes in one or even worse in two ovaries are a direct path to infertility.

Threat of cysts during pregnancy

In the gestational period, in addition to disrupting the health of the expectant mother, the presence of a cyst can also damage the child developing in her womb. As a result of complications in the formation of cysts, the following may develop:

  • Serious and even acute intrauterine hypoxia.
  • Fetal death (for example, during surgery for a ruptured cyst).
  • Slowing down of fetal development.
  • Disorders of fetal development and the formation of serious anomalies.
  • The birth of a premature baby.

All these threats are evidence of the need for planned, including surgical treatment of cysts. Modern surgery in the field of gynecology considers it necessary to maximize the preservation of organs during operations. And he prefers surgical methods that cause minimal damage to surrounding tissues.

Some formations, most often, require only observation (functional), others (dermoids, mucinous cystadenomas and endometriotic cysts) are subject to exclusively surgical removal.

Not many of us can boast that we constantly monitor our health, regularly undergo medical examinations and visit doctors. Modern man lives by the principle: nothing hurts, so he is healthy. Meanwhile, the initial stages of many pathologies can proceed without symptoms, without reducing the quality of life. This is their danger: they make themselves felt too late. These diseases include a kidney cyst.

What is a kidney cyst

A kidney cyst is a pathological cavity that is filled with fluid inside. It forms a different shape, more often round. Able to have a simple (single-chamber) or complex structure. In the latter case, the cyst consists of several cavities, which are separated from each other by partitions. The cyst is delimited from healthy tissues by a dense capsule.

The size of the cyst usually does not exceed 10 cm in diameter, but sometimes larger specimens are also found.

A simple kidney cyst looks like a capsule with fluid inside

Reasons for the appearance

A cyst may appear due to a congenital pathology. Hereditary diseases include:

There is a high probability of acquiring a kidney cyst throughout life. Risk factors for its occurrence:

  • advanced age;
  • lumbar injuries;
  • hormonal disruption in the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • prostate adenoma in men;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Other reasons are also possible. The risk group includes people who are overweight, as well as those who smoke and drink alcohol in large quantities.

In men, kidney cysts are much more common than in women.


At the initial stages of development, the cyst may not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms of the disease often appear when the formation reaches a significant size and begins to put pressure on adjacent tissues and organs. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

A rapidly growing cyst is a threat and can cause serious complications.

If the patient's immunity is weak, an infection can join and provoke an inflammatory process. In this case, the person will feel all the signs of an infectious kidney disease (pyelonephritis):

  • general weakness;
  • painful and frequent urination;
  • aching girdle pain;
  • increased body temperature.

Since bilateral lesions are quite rare, usually the patient complains of discomfort in only one half of the body. That is, if he has a cyst of the right kidney, then it will hurt in the right side.

Why is a cyst dangerous?

Usually a kidney cyst is of benign origin, but in some cases it can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Cysts with a complex structure are especially susceptible to this. It happens that there are no symptoms and the disease is detected at a late stage, when it is impossible to save a person.

A malignant kidney cyst has a lumpy, indistinct outline

In the absence of timely adequate treatment, even a benign cyst poses a threat to the patient's health and life. The patient may develop chronic renal failure. This pathology manifests itself:

  • polyuria - very frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • weakness;
  • constant thirst;
  • high blood pressure.

If the size of the cyst is large, it can squeeze not only the ureters and renal pelvis, but also important vessels. This, in turn, eventually leads to ischemia and atrophy of the affected organ.

Types of cysts

Kidney cysts are classified according to various criteria. So, at the place of localization, there are:

By the quality of the fluid inside the formation of cysts there are:

  • hemorrhagic (contain fluid mixed with blood);
  • serous (inside the capsule there is a liquid substance of a yellowish tint);
  • purulent (develop as a result of the addition of inflammation due to infection).

Calcifications - deposits of calcium salts can be found inside the cyst.

Serous cysts are not dangerous. Cysts with blood, pus and calcifications inside pose a threat and can develop into cancer, often requiring surgery.

  • decreased kidney function;
  • renal failure;
  • oncology.

Bosniak classification of kidney cysts

In 1986, Bosniak proposed grouping cystic masses based on radiological indicators. Many doctors have adopted this system. Classification helps you choose the right strategy for dealing with the disease.

The radioisotope study of the kidneys is one of the most effective methods diagnostics. It is prescribed primarily for patients with suspected oncology. This method gives more accurate examination results than ultrasound.

Table: classification of renal cysts according to Bosniak

Category I,
simple cysts
  • rounded shape;
  • thin walls;
  • do not have partitions and nodules;
  • do not contain calcifications (accumulation of calcium salts);
  • contrast agent does not accumulate.
0% supervision is not required
II category,
complicated cysts
  • the size of the cyst is not more than 3 cm;
  • have thin partitions;
  • minor calcification:
up to 14%observation
IIF category,
complicated cysts
  • the size of the cyst is more than 3 cm;
  • thickened partitions;
  • nodular calcium deposits;
  • no contrast agent accumulates.
30% close observation
III category,
more complex cysts
  • fuzzy outline;
  • thick walls and partitions;
  • large areas of calcification;
  • signs of contrast enhancement.
50% surgical removal
IV category,
high grade cysts
  • the contour is bumpy and uneven;
  • sharp thickening and heterogeneity of the walls and partitions;
  • the cyst contains a tissue element;
  • signs of contrast enhancement in all cases;
  • severe calcification.
85–100% surgical removal


Very often, a cyst is diagnosed during routine medical examinations using ultrasound.

But often patients go to the doctor on their own with complaints. The task of the urologist or nephrologist is to confirm the diagnosis of kidney cyst. For this purpose, the patient is initially examined by a doctor. By palpating the kidneys, he can detect formations with a diameter of more than 3 cm.Then the patient is referred for examination, which includes:

These studies help not only to confirm the presence of a neoplasm, but also to accurately establish its localization and structure.

Also, to determine the nature of the formation, a radioisotope examination is usually prescribed, for example, scintigraphy, urography, etc. It is his results that make it possible to judge whether a malignant tumor has formed in the kidney or is it a benign formation.

Computed tomography of the kidneys (CT) and arteriography are used to diagnose malignant tumors.

CT solves the following tasks:

  • the prevalence of the disease, there is a search for distant cancer cells in other organs;
  • location of the tumor and its borders;
  • monitoring of dynamics during treatment.

Arteriography allows you to assess the degree of damage to the vessels of the kidney. The essence of the method: a contrast agent is injected into the artery of the kidney using a catheter with a curved end, and a very accurate image of the vessels of the organ is obtained.

Life prognosis with cysts in the kidneys

The prognosis of life with a kidney cyst depends on many factors: the size of the formation, the type of cyst, the presence or absence of cancer cells. Taking into account all the features, the correct tactics for further treatment is selected.

An almost 100% positive prognosis is determined for a simple kidney cyst. This option is relevant regardless of the implemented treatment tactics (surgery or conservative therapy). If the cyst does not cause dangerous complications, including extensive infection, irreversible changes in the kidneys and cancer, treatment leads to the patient's recovery.

The most unfavorable prognosis for people with congenital renal cysts.

A malignant tumor of the kidney can lead to the death of the patient. According to several medical studies, patients in whom cancer did not spread beyond the kidney had a five-year survival rate of 90%. With the penetration of cancer into other organs, this percentage decreases rapidly.

Dependence of the prognosis on the size of the cyst

A small cyst, up to 5 cm in diameter, does not require surgical intervention and does not threaten human health. Systematic observation by a doctor and monitoring by ultrasound is recommended. Large cysts, from 5 to 10 cm in diameter, are removed surgically, as they can lead to complications:

  • rupture of the cyst;
  • internal bleeding;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • peritonitis.

Outcome of the disease: consequences and complications

Every disease, even the most harmless, in the absence of proper treatment can lead to a sad outcome. And the kidney cyst is no exception.

Complications of kidney cysts

When a kidney cyst is diagnosed at a late stage of the disease, the following complications may progress:

  • Decreased kidney function. A large cyst puts pressure on the vessels of the kidney, which leads to a deterioration in its work. This can develop into chronic renal failure.
  • Enhancement blood pressure.
  • Cyst rupture when its contents enter the abdominal cavity and inflammation (peritonitis) begins. An urgent surgical intervention is required.
  • Suppuration of the contents of the cyst.
  • The degeneration of a benign cyst into a malignant tumor, which may entail the removal of the organ.

Peritonitis is a very dangerous consequence of a ruptured cyst. This inflammation of the peritoneum, which leads to a serious condition of the body, is life-threatening and requires emergency hospitalization. In acute peritonitis, urgent surgery is performed. The outcome of the operation depends on the timeliness of assistance. If the operation is done in the first hours of exacerbation, 90% of patients survive, on the first day - 50%, after the third day - only 11%.

Chronic renal failure is a serious consequence of a large kidney cyst. It is characterized by the extinction of the functions of the kidney up to the complete cessation of the work of the organ. Diuresis (the volume of urine secreted over a certain period of time) decreases, heart failure, pulmonary edema, and uremic coma develop in the later stages. Hemodialysis or kidney transplant is indicated.

Prevention of complications

A kidney cyst occurs due to many reasons, and it is completely impossible to protect yourself from this disease. But everyone can reduce the likelihood of complications caused by a cyst.

Factors that reduce the risk of complications:

  • nutritious and healthy food;
  • obesity prevention;
  • adherence to a diet;
  • treatment of all existing infections of the genitourinary system;
  • avoiding alcohol abuse;
  • absence of back and spine injuries;
  • an ultrasound scan once a year;
  • rejection of dubious methods of healing.

Proper nutrition will help speed up the healing process and prevent relapse. It is recommended to cut down on salt and avoid fried and fatty foods. At increased pressure, the volume of fluid consumed is reduced.

Video: kidney cyst - when there is a threat to life

A kidney cyst is an insidious disease, but with timely detection of the problem, the risk of complications decreases and life is saved. Be a literate patient! At the first symptoms of discomfort in the kidney area, see your doctor and undergo the tests prescribed by him.

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled mass. According to medical statistics, this pathology is detected in every fourth woman of reproductive age. The disease is accompanied by irregularities in the menstrual cycle, the appearance of abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Some forms of infertility are also associated with the pathology of the appendages.

An ovarian cyst is dangerous because, without treatment, it can grow, press on neighboring organs and interfere with their normal functioning. There is also a risk of malignant transformation. In addition, with this pathology, the likelihood of life-threatening complications is high. With this disease, gynecologists strongly recommend not to delay the examination and not to abandon the proposed therapy. In the initial stages, you can get rid of the problem with gentle methods. In advanced situations and with the development of complications, it is far from always possible to maintain fertility.

Invisible, dangerous, unpredictable: which cyst should be feared?

Not all formations detected on the appendages pose a serious threat to the body. It is worth distinguishing between the types of cysts in order to be able to assess their real danger:

  • Follicular - formed from a non-ovulated follicle. May be asymptomatic or be accompanied by menstrual irregularities. Rarely exist for more than 3 months. Are prone to self-regression;
  • Luteal - formed from the corpus luteum. They grow slowly, reaching a size of 6-8 cm. They often disappear on their own within 3 months;

Luteal cysts have the ability to dissolve on their own within a few months.

  • Endometrioid: affect the menstrual cycle and are one of the leading causes of infertility. May regress during menopause and during pregnancy;
  • Paraovarial. They differ in asymptomatic course and slow growth. Does not affect the menstrual cycle and reproductive function. Do not dissolve on their own;
  • Dermoid cysts are a congenital pathology. They have been growing for many years. Not a serious hazard when small. Do not regress;
  • Serous. They are characterized by unpredictable growth. Does not affect the menstrual cycle. Do not pass on their own.

According to statistics, tumor-like formations in 70% of cases are detected on the right ovary. Ovulation occurs here more often, which means that there is a higher likelihood of pathological processes. But this does not mean that the pathology of the left ovary is less dangerous. Various formations can arise from one or two sides, and possible risks determined by completely different reasons, such as:

  • Localization. Functional formations that tend to regress without treatment are usually one-sided. Endometriosis can be bilateral;
  • The size. The larger the cyst, the higher the likelihood of complications. Formations up to 5 cm in diameter are rarely accompanied by severe symptoms and sometimes require only dynamic observation. A serious danger is represented by large cysts (from 10 cm), the rupture of which can lead to massive intra-abdominal bleeding;

A giant ovarian cyst that damaged the lungs and intestines of a 24-year-old Mexican woman.

  • Location on a wide base or on a thin stem. In the latter case, there is a high risk of torsion and the development of an acute abdomen clinic;
  • The presence of concomitant pathology. Against the background of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, the likelihood of cyst suppuration increases;
  • Reproductive status. If a woman dreams of becoming a mother, education on appendages may interfere with the implementation of her plans;
  • Age. It is not always possible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on examination and ultrasound data, and sometimes a malignant tumor is hidden under the guise of a cyst. Ovarian cancer is more often detected in women over 40 years old, but the appearance of a dangerous pathology at a young age is not excluded.

The examination also takes into account the thickness of the tumor capsule, blood flow in the surrounding tissues and other parameters. All these factors help to find out the type of education and decide on further tactics.

It is important to know

Often, the type of formation can be determined only after its removal and histological examination of the material.

As a rule, the type of tumor can be identified only after histological examination.

Let us consider in more detail the probable complications of the pathology and figure out how you can avoid their appearance.

The effect of a cyst on the menstrual cycle: from delayed menstruation to bleeding

The nature of menstrual irregularities and associated complications will depend on the type of tumor formation:

  • Follicular ovarian cyst is fraught with a delay in menstruation, after which the discharge becomes abundant and prolonged. Development of uterine bleeding is not excluded. Moderate and scanty spotting in the middle of the cycle is somewhat less common. As long as the problem persists, your periods may be irregular;
  • The corpus luteum cyst is similar in clinical manifestations to the follicular cyst. Against its background, there is also a delay in menstruation, often giving way to bleeding. Cycle failure can be long;
  • The endometrioid cyst makes itself felt on the eve of menstruation. The appearance of a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is noted. The pain increases with menstruation and persists until they are over. Menses become profuse and prolonged. Often, this pathology is combined with endometriosis of a different localization, which only enhances the negative symptoms.

Before menstruation, the endometrioid cyst is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Prolonged and heavy menstruation, as well as acyclic spotting, can lead to the development of anemia with all the characteristic manifestations of this disease, such as:

  • Severe weakness and decreased performance;
  • Deterioration of attention and memory;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes.

To correct anemia, iron preparations are prescribed, but you can get rid of the problem only by eliminating its cause - the formation inside the ovary.

Uterine bleeding that occurs against the background of a cyst is considered dangerous not only because of possible anemia. This is a life-threatening condition for a woman. If the bloody discharge does not stop or increases, pains in the lower abdomen appear, the general condition worsens, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. With profuse blood loss, you need to call an ambulance.

On a note

If, against the background of the existing pathology, the stomach hurts, the head is spinning, nausea appears, there is a sharp weakness, there is no need to hesitate to visit the doctor. Such symptoms may indicate the onset of an ovarian hemorrhage and a ruptured cyst.

General weakness, up to loss of consciousness, may indicate hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity.

Inflammatory processes and purulent damage to the ovary

Suppuration of the cyst does not occur suddenly. The following factors contribute to the development of a dangerous complication:

  • Long-term existence of pathology (more than 6 months);
  • Large cyst sizes (from 50 mm);
  • Partial torsion of the pedicle of the tumor-like formation;
  • Acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, cystitis).

The development of purulent inflammation of the ovaries is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Acute pain in the lower abdomen on the affected side. Pain can radiate to the groin, perineum, rectum;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Abdominal muscle tension;
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Bloating and flatulence;
  • Increase in body temperature to high numbers and chills.

One of the signs of purulent inflammation of the ovaries is a high body temperature.

Fever is a key symptom of ovarian cyst inflammation. Body temperature can be subfebrile, but more often the thermometer reaches 38.5-39 degrees. With purulent inflammation of the ovary, it can vomit for several hours. Nausea is replaced by vomiting, there is a malfunction in the intestines (diarrhea or constipation).

An inflamed cyst without treatment leads to the development of such life-threatening complications:

  • Pelvioperitonitis - inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum;
  • Peritonitis - the transition of a purulent process into the abdominal cavity;
  • Sepsis is the spread of infection throughout the body.

Diagnosis is by characteristic symptoms and medical history. With a vaginal examination, the doctor manages to palpate a painful formation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendages. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound.

Treatment of a suppurating ovarian cyst is only surgical. Removal of the pathological focus, sanitation with antiseptics is carried out. The operation is performed by laparoscopic access. With the development of peritonitis, a laparotomy is performed - opening the abdominal cavity.

It is important to know

In the distant future, inflammation of the ovarian cyst threatens the development of the adhesions of the small pelvis. Adhesions lead to persistent pain in the lower abdomen and prevent pregnancy.

Inflammation of the cystic formation can lead to an adhesion process, which threatens a woman with infertility.

Dysfunction of the pelvic organs

Small formations on the ovaries do not affect the functioning of the bladder and rectum. Problems arise when the tumor reaches a large size - from 8-10 cm.The growing cyst presses on the adjacent organs and interferes with them normal work... The more education, the more serious the consequences for the woman's body will be.

If the tumor presses on the bladder, the following symptoms occur:

  • Frequent urge to urinate;
  • Discharge of urine in small portions;
  • A feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Urinary incontinence (including involuntary leakage);
  • Acute urinary retention with complete blockage of the urinary tract.

Compression by the formation of the bladder disrupts the normal flow of urine from the kidneys and prevents them from working. Perhaps the development of hydronephrosis - a progressive expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces. This condition threatens renal failure - the complete inability of the organ to perform its function. Patients with this pathology need lifelong hemodialysis or kidney transplant.

Large ovarian cysts indirectly affect the functioning of the kidneys. If the outflow of urine from the kidneys is impaired, hydronephrosis may develop.

Compression of the growing cyst of the rectum leads to constipation. The stool becomes rare, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines, heaviness in the abdomen. The relationship is obvious: a tumor located in the small pelvis presses on the distal digestive tract, making it difficult for the feces to move. A large mass can lead to intestinal obstruction.

The growing tumor extends beyond the pelvis and rises into the abdominal cavity. Giant cysts lead to an increase in abdominal size. At this stage, surgical treatment is indispensable. The sooner the operation is performed, the easier it is to restore the organs to work.

Gynecological emergencies

Tumor-like formations of the ovaries, reaching large sizes, can lead to the development of such dangerous conditions:

Capsule rupture

The following factors can provoke this complication:

  • Sexual intercourse;

Having sex can cause an ovarian cyst to rupture.

  • Sharp movements, jumps and turns;
  • Sports activities;
  • Visiting saunas and baths, thermal procedures;
  • Surgery on the pelvic or abdominal organs.
  • Luteal and endometrioid cysts are prone to rupture of the capsule. Other formations of the ovary are less often accompanied by the development of such a complication.

    Symptoms of a ruptured cyst:

    • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin, lower back, leg;
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Delayed urination and bowel movements (diarrhea is possible);
    • Bloody vaginal discharge;
    • Decrease in blood pressure.

    When the first symptoms appear, call an ambulance.

    In the diagnosis of this complication, ultrasound and laparoscopy are the most informative. After the diagnosis is made, surgical intervention is performed, in which the following options are possible:

    • Excision of the cyst, suturing and coagulation of damaged tissues;
    • Ovarian resection (removal of part of an organ);
    • Adnexectomy (removal of the ovary along with the bursting formation).

    The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of damage to the tissues of the appendages and the technical capabilities of the clinic.

    The photo shows a picture of a ruptured ovarian cyst with bleeding - one of the most dangerous consequences of pathology:

    Twisting the legs

    The reasons for the development of this complication are similar to those with the rupture of the capsule of the formation. The clinical picture of the pathology depends on the degree of torsion:

    • With partial twisting of the leg, the pain increases gradually. There is an increase in body temperature, the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
    • With a complete twist, the clinic develops rapidly. Sharp pains in the lower abdomen, muscle tension of the abdominal wall, intestinal paresis and stool retention appear. A fast pulse, a drop in blood pressure, and a pale skin all favor torsion. The appearance of bleeding from the vagina is possible.

    Only surgical treatment:

    • Untwisting the legs of education. Possibly with laparoscopic access and use of an atraumatic instrument;
    • Oophorectomy. It is carried out if it was not possible to restore the blood supply to the organ after untwisting the leg.

    The photo shows the complete torsion of the leg of the ovarian cyst. This condition is always accompanied by a vivid clinical picture and cannot go unnoticed:

    The danger of malignancy (when the formation can become malignant)

    Ovarian cysts are benign and almost never develop into cancer. However, there are some subtleties here:

    • Follicular and luteal formations do not contain adenogenic epithelium, therefore, their malignancy is impossible;
    • A serous cyst is usually an accidental finding by a doctor. Such cysts are treated as functional before histological examination. Their ability to malignancy has not been proven to date, but this outcome cannot be completely denied;
    • Endometrioid cysts do not degenerate into cancer;
    • Paraovarial formation is considered as a congenital pathology. It is believed that this cyst does not become malignant, but there is no reliable data on this issue;
    • Dermoid cysts are more likely to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

    It is important to understand that cysts and benign ovarian tumors are similar in symptoms, and often an accurate diagnosis can be made only after surgery and histological examination. Unlike cystic cavities, many types of tumors can develop into cancer. It also happens that an ultrasound scan shows a kind of rounded formation, which is mistaken for a cyst, and after the operation a malignant tumor is revealed.

    It is important to know

    The insidiousness of ovarian cancer lies in the fact that it is often asymptomatic, without so-called minor signs (weight loss, unmotivated weakness, etc.) and is sometimes detected already in the later stages of the disease.

    The following methods are used in differential diagnosis:

    • Test for tumor markers. In ovarian cancer, CA 125 levels are elevated;

    In ovarian cancer, the concentration of CA 125 increases; therefore, the test for this protein is used in differential diagnosis.

    • Ultrasound. The examination uses a transvaginal probe for small tumors and a transabdominal probe for large tumors. The localization of the cyst, its structure, the presence of cells and partitions, the thickness of the capsule, and inclusions are assessed. Education can be hypo- and hyperechoic, which also helps to determine its type;
    • Color Doppler mapping. Malignant neoplasms are well supplied with blood. Identification of atypical blood flow is an argument in favor of the oncological process;
    • CT scan. Helps to clarify the localization of the tumor and determine its type. Used in differential diagnosis with other diseases of the pelvis and abdominal cavity;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging - used to detect metastases;
    • Laparoscopy. It is carried out to clarify the diagnosis and is usually not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic.

    On a note

    Follicular formations up to 3 centimeters in size should not be considered cysts. Even in the natural menstrual cycle, the dominant follicle can reach this size, and this is a variant of the norm. When such structures are identified, dynamic observation is shown.

    Impact on conception and pregnancy

    Follicular ovarian cysts prevent ovulation and pregnancy. As long as education exists, there is no conception of a child. After regression of the cyst, the hormonal background is restored and the menstrual cycle returns to normal.

    Luteal cysts can exist during pregnancy. Formations of the corpus luteum do not interfere with the bearing of the fetus, but they can burst at any time. In this condition, an emergency operation is indicated. In this situation, the likelihood of a spontaneous miscarriage is high. With a favorable outcome, the corpus luteum cyst independently regresses at a period of 12-16 weeks.

    The photo of the ultrasound results shows a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy.

    An endometrioid cyst changes hormonal levels and can prevent the onset of ovulation, making conception impossible. Sometimes pregnancy occurs only after the removal of the formation. It is noticed that when carrying a child, endometrioid cysts decrease and regress.

    Serous, dermoid and paraovarian formations do not pose a danger at small sizes. They do not have hormonal activity, do not interfere with the conception and bearing of the fetus. However, large tumors can interfere with fetal development.

    It is important to know

    It is recommended to get rid of large formations of the ovary (more than 10 cm) before pregnancy. When carrying a fetus, the risk of rupture of the capsule and torsion of the cyst leg increases.

    Should ovarian cysts be treated?

    The tactics for detecting this pathology can be different:

    • Observation. It is possible if functional cysts up to 5-6 cm in size are detected. Control ultrasound is performed 3 months after the detection of the disease immediately after the end of the next menstruation;
    • Hormone therapy. With functional formations, COCs are prescribed, with endometriosis, gestagens can be used. The course of treatment is at least 3 months. The feasibility of using hormones is decided on an individual basis;

    Hormone therapy for functional cysts involves the use of combined oral contraceptives.

    • Surgery. It is indicated in the absence of the effect of hormonal therapy, as well as in the development of complications.

    What happens if the ovarian cyst is not treated? It all depends on the type of pathology. Functional structures can dissolve on their own, or they can be complicated by rupture of the capsule and bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Dermoids and paraovarian formations do not regress, and you can only get rid of them surgically. When deciding on the tactics of therapy, you need to clearly understand the possible consequences and choose the safest option for a woman. Sometimes it is possible to find out the type of cyst only after a histological examination, and in this case it is impossible to do without an operation.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    What is the most dangerous cyst?

    From the point of view of possible malignancy, serous formations often lead to the development of cancer. But another pathology can be no less dangerous. In particular, endometriosis leads to infertility. Follicular and luteal cysts, reaching large sizes, can twist and burst.

    Serous cysts are the most dangerous. It is they who most often become malignant formations.

    Can you die from an ovarian cyst?

    No, education is not life-threatening, but you can die from complications: intra-abdominal bleeding, peritonitis, sepsis.

    If a cyst occurs on both ovaries - is it dangerous?

    Potential risks to health and life are primarily determined by the type of education, and not by its location.

    Do ovarian cysts get fat?

    No, pathology does not affect a woman's weight. Extra pounds can appear against the background of hormonal disruption, which led to the formation of an ovarian mass. It is necessary to find a reason to reduce weight and get rid of the pathology of the appendages.

    Can an ovarian cyst cause hair loss or overgrowth, acne, or worsened skin?

    No, but these symptoms may be related to concomitant hormonal imbalances.

    Do adolescents have ovarian cysts and how do they threaten?

    Yes, such a pathology is often found during puberty - at the age of 14-16 years or earlier, when the menstrual cycle is just being established. Usually, follicular formations are detected, which dissolve within a few months. Less commonly, uterine bleeding occurs. If any cyst is found in a teenage girl, mandatory observation by a gynecologist is indicated.

    An interesting video about the causes of the appearance of ovarian cysts and their danger

    Details about the ovarian cyst. Is it possible to get pregnant and carry a child with such a pathology

    Few know how dangerous an ovarian cyst is in women. With such a pathology, women can feel completely healthy, do not see the need to visit a gynecologist, and the disease, meanwhile, can progress and give a number of complications.

    Disease development

    Often there is an education that does not carry a significant threat to a woman, but it so happens that the onset of a cyst is triggered by a complex disease that requires quick and careful treatment. It is extremely dangerous to trigger such a state. - a bubble filled with liquid. It can appear both on the surface of the ovary and in itself and be from a couple of millimeters to more than ten centimeters in size.

    Is an ovarian cyst dangerous with good functioning? Every month, healthy women may develop a small cyst up to 28 mm in size, the Graf follicle. Such a cyst is a fluid bubble, and inside it is a maturing egg. About a week after menstruation, the follicle is completely torn and the egg that is outside of it moves into the fallopian tube and can be fertilized there. Where there was a torn follicle, a thickened corpus luteum with a bubble inside is created. It is his job to produce hormones to support a good bearing.

    Sometimes the Graf follicle breaks and continues to grow due to the accumulated fluid. Then we are talking about a retention cyst. This type is also referred to as functional cysts, found in 90% of young women and girls. They are localized in one ovary, reach a size of several cm, and after a couple of months or even weeks they can dissolve on their own.

    Varieties of pathology and their danger

    What is the danger of a cyst is a serious question. It can be the cause of diseases or their symptom - in any case, competent treatment is required.

    Various diseases are accompanied by the following types of cysts:

    1. Dermoid. Swelling on the ovaries. It is benign, it includes such uncharacteristic substances for the genitals as hair, cartilage and others. It grows to a large size and often needs to be removed promptly.
    2. Cystadenoma. A benign neoplasm in the ovaries, growing up to 30 cm, developing without any symptoms.
    3. Endometriotic. It is filled with blood through its entry into the ovary due to the destructive effects of endometriosis. It is recognizable for prolonged aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, painful menstruation, cyst formation and attempts to get pregnant, which do not bring any results.
    4. Hemorrhagic. Occurs with hemorrhage in. There is aching or dull pain in the lower abdomen.
    5. Ovarian cancer. It often appears as a very slowly growing cyst. For a long time, a tumor in certain cases is the only symptom of the disease, due to which timely diagnosis is impossible. Other symptoms occur with metastases in neighboring organs. Usually, women after 40 years of age are susceptible to this disease, so the appearance of a cyst at the age of 40 may mean the development of oncology. But there are times when cancer can be diagnosed in girls who do not have menstruation yet.
    6. Polycystic ovary syndrome. The most important of the common gynecological ailments in the form of several cysts with different sizes... It is accompanied by a broken cycle, an increased amount of male hormones and infertility.

    Large functional cysts are seen in only a small number of women. Symptoms are dangerous because ovarian cysts with other serious diseases have common symptoms.

    The consequence of the development of cysts can be hormonal disruptions, abortions, early menstruation, endocrine system disorders, genital infections and inflammation.

    You cannot postpone a visit to the doctor if there are symptoms such as a sharp pain in the abdomen, fever, dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, irregular periods, prolonged constipation, severe hair growth on the face and body.

    Complications of ovarian cysts

    The bulk of functional cysts do not threaten health. It goes away on its own, but in some cases large cysts twist and cause bleeding. Some of the main signs are pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, bleeding, not related to menstruation. Such cases require immediate action, usually they call an ambulance.

    When the cyst leg is twisted, significant pain, rupture, peritonitis and infertility occur.

    If a cyst was detected during the first trimester of pregnancy, then it is worth monitoring its development, since it so happens that it increases to 10 cm, in which case an operation is required.

    Diagnosis of a cyst begins with a gynecological examination to assess the increase in appendages and the degree of pain in the lower abdomen. Ultrasound is a very informational method that allows you to monitor the development of a cyst. Next, laparoscopy is done. It gives 100% correct information about the diagnosis of the cyst and the method of treatment. Then a blood test is done to determine tumor markers and a pregnancy test to prevent an ectopic embryo. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography help to clarify the benignity, size, structure for the operation.

    If, nevertheless, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention due to the increase and the threat of rupture of the cyst, as well as to prevent infertility, the method of laparoscopy is most often used for the least damage to external tissues and minimizing postoperative complications. When performing an operation of any kind, surgeons preserve, if possible, the ovary and the patient's reproductive capacity. In order not to develop complications after the operation, in the future after it, it is worth consulting a surgeon and gynecologist if possible.

    To prevent the disease before surgery, it is enough just to visit the gynecologist, who will try to prevent such an ailment as a cyst on the ovary, and monitor the patient's condition in the future.

    No one will argue with the fact that frightening diagnoses are increasingly common in medical practice today. Tumors have become a real scourge of modern humanity. The disease does not spare either young or old, and, most importantly, no specialist can name the exact reasons for the development of the tumor. In this regard, it is not surprising that many of us regard the appearance of any neoplasm in our body almost as a sentence. Even when it comes to a cyst.

    We know that a cyst is dangerous and do not think about the nature of this neoplasm, believing that it is akin to any cancerous tumor. But this is not the case. A cyst is not at all the same as a tumor that matures in the body, provoking cancer. Indeed, a cyst is dangerous, but the danger of this kind of neoplasm is different. Let's try to figure out why a cyst is dangerous, and whether it is worth fearing.

    Why is a cyst dangerous?

    Before drawing conclusions about how dangerous a cyst is, you need to figure out what this neoplasm is. Any cyst, wherever it occurs, looks the same - it is a hollow neoplasm filled with fluid. Depending on the type of cyst, its filling may be different, but in any case it will be liquid.

    Of course, a cyst is dangerous, but the degree of its danger also depends on where it is located. For example, if a cyst grows under the skin, then it will not cause any special problems other than aesthetic, but if a cyst develops in the tissues of the brain, then this can affect health in the most sad way, provoking problems with vision, hearing, the development of seizures, etc. ., depending on those parts of the brain on which the growing neoplasm exerts pressure. Thus, we can say that the more important the organ, next to which the cyst develops, the more harm it can bring to health.

    Any cyst becomes dangerous when it begins to grow. Until this moment, almost any cyst is not touched, but carefully observed. There are cases when a patient lives for many years with a diagnosed cyst, and he is never prescribed surgical treatment. Why is a cyst dangerous? First of all, increasing in size, the cyst begins to squeeze closely located organs and thereby disrupt their functions, which affects the patient's health.

    Secondly, a large neoplasm is a kind of "time bomb", which at any moment can "explode", or rather burst and lead to the fact that the inner contents of the cyst spill out and cause general inflammation. Therefore, when asking the question of whether a cyst is dangerous, one must understand that, despite the fact that this neoplasm does not degenerate into a malignant one, it can nevertheless lead to the death of the patient if the cyst ruptures. This is especially dangerous if the cyst is located in the brain tissues, but any other cyst can become a serious threat to the patient's health and life.

    Types of ovarian cysts

    Thus, a cyst is dangerous. But millions of women most often encounter such a pathology as an ovarian cyst and would like to know how dangerous a cyst of this kind is. What are ovarian cysts and how dangerous is this kind of cyst? An ovarian cyst can be:

    • Follicular
    • Corpus luteum cyst
    • Dermoid
    • Endometrioid

    The first two types are referred to as functional cysts. How dangerous an ovarian cyst is depends largely on this. The fact is that functional cysts have one feature - they can independently resolve over time. Therefore, most often, patients with such a diagnosis are under the supervision of a specialist for some time, until the moment when the neoplasm resolves itself. If this does not happen, then the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

    How dangerous is a dermoid and endometrioid cyst? These cysts do not disappear on their own, and they will have to be treated anyway. It must be remembered that a cyst is dangerous, especially if the size of the neoplasm is large. You can find out how large the cyst is by going through an ultrasound scan prescribed by a specialist. In addition, whether a cyst is dangerous can be found out by determining the rate of its growth.

    The growth rate of cysts is different and no specialist will predict how quickly the neoplasm will increase in size. Some types of cysts grow slowly or do not grow throughout the patient's life, while others, on the contrary, begin to grow rapidly, provoking symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding, irregularities in the cycle, etc. The rapid growth of a cyst is a clear indication for its removal. In addition, an indication for surgery is rupture or suppuration of the cyst, which also leads to pain and fever. Thus, the answer to the question "is a cyst dangerous?" unambiguous. This neoplasm is dangerous because you can never predict how “calm” it will be.

    What other types of cysts are there?

    As mentioned, cysts can form almost everywhere in the body. Wherever a cyst appears, it becomes potentially dangerous. Most often, such neoplasms are diagnosed in the brain, kidneys, mammary glands, uterus, ovaries. A brain cyst provokes neurological disorders, a kidney cyst leads to compression of the organ, bladder and ureters, as well as impaired blood flow. All this provokes impaired renal function and the operation in this case is inevitable. The most "harmless" is the breast cyst. It very rarely grows large and does not deform the mammary gland itself. Although, of course, each case is individual.

    Thus, despite the fact that a cyst is dangerous, you should not panic if you have been diagnosed with this. To begin with, you need to find out where the cyst is located, whether it is large, and whether there is a need to remove it. It is possible that you will be able to live your entire life without the discomfort of a neoplasm, subject to constant medical supervision.

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