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Speech at a meeting the role of women in society. Problems of women in the modern world and their solution

Social problems can affect various categories of the population, depending on their age, social, property or family status, health status, etc. The categories of the population with whom social work is carried out are distinguished according to various criteria. Recently, more and more attention is paid to the gender aspect of social problems, that is, the analysis of the social situation of the client of social work, the search for resources and technologies for providing assistance depending on the client's male or female gender.

In modern social and labor relations, the problem of the sexual division of labor seems to be relevant, which is understood as the distribution of occupations between women and men, based on traditions and customs, formally and informally enshrined in the practice and consciousness of people. All over the world there are purely male and purely female professions.

In employment, there is a problem of gender discrimination, which means that individuals who share the same performance characteristics are treated differently because they represent different socio-demographic groups.

There are several types of discrimination: wages, hiring, staff reductions, promotions, professional development. In modern science, there are 3 basic approaches that explain the origin and essence of the phenomenon of discrimination.

Discrimination at the level of preference (discrimination against women by the employer, consumer, or colleagues);

Statistical discrimination (the employer evaluates a specific employee based on the criteria that have formed for the group of which he is a representative, regardless of his individual professional and family characteristics);

Discrimination due to the monopoly structure of the labor market. (This approach emphasizes the fact that discrimination exists and persists because it brings benefits to those who implement it.

1) The concept of "discrimination"

Discrimination - (from the Latin word - discriminatio - difference) actions that prevent members of a certain group from accessing resources or sources of income available to others (Giddens E.).

The concept can be interpreted broadly - when members of a certain group are perceived differently, negatively, and there are prejudices against them (gender, national, racial, etc.), as a result of which discriminatory actions follow (The Great Explanatory Sociological Dictionary).

Narrow interpretation - when only actions directed against a discriminated group are considered as discrimination, and prejudices themselves are not included in the concept of discrimination (Giddens). At the same time, a situation is likely when individuals who are prejudiced against others do not participate in discriminatory actions against them; conversely, people can discriminate against others without prejudice against them.

Distinguish discrimination by category - when all members of a social group are discriminated against (for example, discrimination on the basis of sex), and statistical discrimination - based only on the likelihood of undesirable characteristics among members of a group. Social discrimination against women means the restriction or deprivation of rights based on sex (or gender) in all spheres of society: labor, socio-economic, political, spiritual, family and household. Social discrimination leads to a decrease social status women and is one of the forms of violence against her personality, and, therefore, a threat to her safety (Sillaste G.G.).

In Russia, there is gender discrimination in the world of work - long-term inequality of the status of individuals, which manifests itself, in particular, in the unequal remuneration of equally productive groups; in the practice of recruiting, paying, continuing education, promotion. Thus, the rights and opportunities of women as workers are limited. The problem is that social groups with fewer job opportunities will be hired for less money, so businesses seeking to reduce labor costs will replicate this way of exploitation. Closely related to the concept of discrimination is the concept of sexism - unjustifiably negative behavior towards a group or its members (in this case, women), which leads to reduced access of people to the prestigious values \u200b\u200bof society, for example, to work or education. Specific examples sexism can serve as rules prohibiting the service of women in the army.

Although socio-psychological biases about the superiority of certain groups over others contribute to the practice of discrimination, the reason for the discrimination is economic factors.

In Russia, there is an organization called Women Against Violence and Discrimination, gender centers are conducting gender expertise of legislation, legislation on equal rights and opportunities for women and men is being discussed, which includes, among other things, anti-discrimination measures in the world of work. It is necessary

  • - to economically encourage men to take care of children and household;
  • - to convey to the population the meaning of legislative changes;
  • - work on anti-discrimination legislation; eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex by limiting employers' behavior by law from the moment vacancies are advertised;
  • - create a mechanism for establishing the fact of discrimination and compensation for damage to citizens subjected to discrimination;
  • - implement programs to support women's entrepreneurship, vocational training and retraining of women.

Gender turns out to be the central organizing principle in the world of employment. And although it is difficult to separate the factor of gender from age, class, race and ethnicity, it can be argued that gender discrimination in the world of work is very widespread in the world.

2) Background

The sources of social discrimination against women should be sought in ancient times. Even then, scientists and politicians covered up the unequal position of women in society, her oppression and exploitation by disputes about whether a woman is a man and whether she has a soul. The view of a woman as an inferior being was reflected in the theological and philosophical works of the ancient world. Today, many statesmen and public figures, scientists and sociologists among them oppose the very concept of “social discrimination against women”. It is replaced by calls to fight for their equality with men. But they are not the same thing. A necessary prelude to gender equality is overcoming all forms of infringement of the rights and interests of women, especially in the world of work. The very term "social discrimination against women and girls" is now generally recognized.

With all the pluralism of views on the problem of discrimination against women, one should not forget the fact of historical significance: it was the October Revolution in Russia (1917) that gave impetus to the solution of the key issue of equality between women and men in all spheres of life, incl. in civil and legal rights, in work and education, in the family.

But discrimination against the "weaker sex" persisted under the Soviet regime. The party-quota system of female “appointment” practically sanctified it, if not by force of law, then by the omnipotence of an administrative order. Service in the armed forces and other power structures (with the exception of a number of technical or auxiliary specialties) was closed for women. They were legally denied access to "heavy" and "harmful" industries, which completely excluded freedom of personal choice.

As for post-Soviet Russia, despite all the talk and incantations about its democratization, the problem of social discrimination against women has acquired a special, exceptional urgency in connection with the collapse of the socialist social system, the change in the entire socio-economic structure and the actual elimination of social guarantees for families, children, women.

Thus, for social analysis, the problematic situation is concluded in a deep contradiction that has developed between the formal course towards democratization of Russian society, towards the implementation of the constitutional principle of "equal rights and opportunities" for the sexes, on the one hand, and the actual discrimination of women in the world employment, infringement of their social rights in economic life - on the other. Word and deed, the “de jure” position and the “de facto” situation, alas, as is often the case in Russian reality, are in flagrant contradiction to each other.

Currently, employers do not always justifiably put forward “gender and age” as the main requirement in advertising for employment. Such ads are indeed discriminatory, but it is extremely difficult to prove this in practice.

According to Part 5, Article 1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" dated July 18, 1995 No. 108 - FZ: "This Federal Law does not apply to ads individuals, including in the media, not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. " The editorial office is not responsible for publications about vacancies, since the employer practically buys a place in the newspaper, where he places paid information. Thus, the mechanism of responsibility for the placement of this information has not been worked out and requires amendments to the current legislation.

It is more correct to call discrimination in hiring as hidden, since when selecting applicants, the employer formally indicates business qualities as the reason for refusal, but in reality the selection is based on gender or age. Thus, although Article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation proclaims the prohibition of discrimination in the labor sphere, there is no mechanism for implementing this principle. How serious this problem is, we see from the material provided by the Club of business and professionally active women of St. Petersburg, which is implementing the project "Protection of women's rights in the labor market." With the official recognition of the equality of men and women, discriminatory tendencies against women are increasing in Russia. Women are gradually being ousted from prestigious areas of activity, their status and role in society are decreasing.

The above data indicate what potential our society is losing. According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the average duration of a job search for women is 9.1 months. Already in the early stages of job search, women are faced with gender discrimination.

It has become the norm for employers and recruitment agencies to indicate gender, age, marital status, physical and physical data, etc. when publishing advertisements in the media about employment. Ignorance of legal rights and remedies leads women to accept discrimination as a norm. Among the vacancy advertisements that are printed on behalf of recruitment agencies, there are significantly fewer openly discriminatory advertisements. The absence of this factor can be a good indicator of the high professional level of the agency, indicating that the quality of the work of specialists allows you to accurately fulfill the order for the selection of personnel without violating the law.

It is sometimes said that the presence of discriminatory ads in the media is a trifle, not worth attention... But this "trifle" every day reproduces in millions of copies outdated stereotypes that harm both those who are looking for a job and those who are looking for the right personnel. In addition, a "trifle" is an open violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3 of the Labor Code (prohibition of discrimination in the labor sphere), as well as international documents signed The Russian Federation... Such open discrimination must be eliminated. Even a cursory analysis of newspapers specializing in the publication of advertisements on the labor market ("Vacancy", "Profession", "Job for you", "Recruitment", etc.) testifies, to put it mildly, that they are incorrect, or rather, practically every ad is discriminated against on the basis of sex and age. When providing jobs, the employer indicates gender and age as the first requirements, leaving professional qualities in third place. Judging by these ads, our country does not need women over 35. Often the employer does not hesitate to point out that men and women are required for the same position and they are given different salaries. I think it's easy to guess who is less. This is confirmed by statistical data - women in our country have a salary 30-50% less than men.

The life of a modern woman can be very diverse. She meets with men and dreams of meeting “her only one”, and maybe already taking care of children and her husband. She can look for a job or make a fast-paced career, holding a high position, or maybe all this is already in the past and she leads a free measured life, spending time in beauty salons, sports clubs and shops. She can win in a fight with a rival for her beloved, or she can remain all alone, abandoned by her husband. Today she dreams of realizing herself as a woman-mother, and tomorrow she suffers that she has forgotten in herself about a woman-wife. She can manage to do millions of things and play many social roles, or she may not be able to do anything at all and take care of nothing.

The most important thing is not to get confused in all this and not to lose yourself. Not to lose exactly as a woman.

What problems do women face today? What prevents the original natural flow of female forces. No matter how positive there is in progress, the modern rhythm often affects the personal life of a woman not in the best way.

1. Uncertainty about your beauty.

Almost every second modern young woman considers herself not beautiful enough. In the modern world, certain criteria of beauty have developed. Not every woman fits them. And then there are two ways out:

  • 1) fight it;
  • 2) love yourself for who you are.
  • 2.Low self-esteem.

It leads to disbelief in oneself, indecision in actions, procrastination. Surely there will be situations to remember when, while you were marking time, an excellent opportunity slipped from under your nose ?!

3. Stresses, loads.

The reality is that the modern young woman has so many things to do that there is an overload, which leads to permanent stress. It loads the brain, suppresses feminine beauty: smoothness, femininity, tenderness.

4. There is no time and energy for yourself.

And when is there to do oneself. Eternal once. Work, home, work? - a vicious circle. Eternal circumstances, more important and urgent matters that take time and money. The head is porridge from constant troubles and the woman does not hear yourself. And nothing pleases, the feeling of a dead battery. As a result, he spends the weekend like a vegetable in the garden, staring at the computer.

5. Weak men are attracted.

Every young modern woman wants to be close to strong man, but they bypass or do not want to build long-term relationships or men become henpecked, and the woman loses interest in them. Somehow it turns out that men take little responsibility upon themselves, rarely show themselves as gentlemen. Sometimes, it seems that the latter are completely extinct or are already all occupied.

6. Hostage role.

Many have already played so hard at times that it is embarrassing to show themselves from the other side, they suddenly do not understand. They come to work and put on a mask. You do not live your own life, but the norms of society, habits and the imposition of fashion from the media. There are also parental attitudes from the “We must be correct” series. And inside, everything boils and hollows in different directions. Health begins to deteriorate, or periodic explosions occur. Come off, as a rule, on close, harmless people. A modern young woman is becoming a volcano, which is scary to approach, because it is not known when there will be an eruption.

7. Resentment, pain, disappointment.

Inflicted by loved ones and other people, explicitly or implicitly, meaningfully or accidentally, sometimes by itself. And the bitterness of regret, unrealizable expectations, annoyance and resentment of betrayal, just annoyance from life's injustice, settles in the heart. They squeeze the chest, torment from the inside, literally burning all the forces and forcing, silently sobbing inside, "banging your head against the wall", not understanding why this happened to you.

8. Survival syndrome.

Women often ask the question: “just to live? - how is it?”. All the time there is an aspiration to achieve, to earn more, necessarily by itself, this is as a guarantor of security. Women with this problem sometimes do not even think that she is worthy of love just like that, without reasons and without conditions. She can also choose, and not stay with the first one who paid attention to her, as if they met on a desert island. Living quite successfully, such women feel melancholy, fear and anxiety, especially when they find themselves in silence alone with everyday life. An eternal race, thoughts in the future, and you simply do not remain in the "now". You do not live, you exist.

9. Tired of working on yourself and being alone.

There is a moment of a certain bias. It happens that a woman begins to work so hard on herself and forgets that in addition to knowledge and personal growth, relationships are also in practice.

10. A man in a skirt, but not a Scotsman.

It happens to hear about "a woman with eggs" and "a man in a skirt" all the time. Sometimes from men. It sounds scary and even offensive, although it does happen. From the fact that from an independent and independent woman becomes quite courageous, starting to do a man's work, think and behave like a man. Benefit, result, goals, plans? - this is the arsenal from the lexicon of such a lady, although it is completely not characteristic of the female nature, which is more focused on the process and atmosphere. And even in feminine clothes its inner skew is felt. It is difficult for them to understand what they are feeling, but they will immediately say what they think. All forces are in the head, and the body and soul suffer.

Such problems are very often faced by a modern young woman.

The abstract was completed by: class 10 student "A" Vasilyeva N.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Secondary school number 34.


"Social progress and changes of periods are made in proportion to the progress of women to freedom, and the fall of the social system is in proportion to the decrease in women's freedom."

François Marie Charles Fourier (1808)

On the role of women in modern society.

No human society can develop harmoniously, moving towards a higher state, if the role of women is diminished in it and the ratio of two complementary principles - male and female, is not balanced, because the position of women, like a litmus test, reveals the actual degree of civilization of a particular social or religious community and also unmistakably reflects the degree of commitment of its members to the principles of humanism, equality and mercy. As you know, in pre-Islamic times, women were the property of men and their position was little better than the fate of pets: for example, widows were then only part of the common inheritance and the heir himself decided whether to marry them, or simply sell them, but The Bedouin Arabs generally considered the birth of a girl a great misfortune and often either sacrificed these unfortunates to their imaginary pagan "deities", or simply buried them alive in the sand so as not to spend money on education. Moreover, such atrocious cruelty towards the female sex was observed in those distant times almost everywhere. But today we see with our own eyes how many women have an inquiring and clear mind, as well as very high business and moral qualities, while some modern menon the contrary, they sink to the most helpless and humiliating state.

It is well known that European women received the legal right to dispose of their own property in marriage only in the second half of the 19th century, while Islam almost fifteen centuries ago openly proclaimed the complete financial independence of a woman and endowed her with the inalienable right to dispose of her values \u200b\u200bherself, to have her own personal business and sign the necessary financial documents for this. However, despite this, we know that in some backward countries women are still in a difficult situation, oppressed and humiliated, but you need to understand that this is not at all connected with the wise principles of Islam, but, on the contrary, with deep ignorance. disdain for his religious commandments and fundamental principles on the part of the local men, who, due to this sad circumstance, are, from the point of view of Sharia, not true Muslims at all, but cruel barbarians. Unlike some foreign countries, where women are relegated to a humiliating and dependent position, the role of women in our society continues to increase every year, and our women - free, proud, talented and beautiful not only successfully cope with their direct responsibilities, but also try compete with the stronger sex in traditionally male spheres of activity, although this, of course, is not always good. I am deeply convinced that women-mothers and women-workers should be surrounded with special honor in our country, therefore, the state must once and for all solve the problem of their comprehensive and effective support. Over time, our country in general should become for the whole world an example of a humane and respectful attitude to issues of motherhood and childhood, an example of equality of men and women in all spheres of society without exception.

How often men, being convinced that this world is in our care, do not remember that we ourselves, from birth to our last breath, are in the care of women, we often forget that in addition to the main load at work, they all life also carries on their fragile shoulders the exhausting burden of our everyday life, and in fact most men, being assigned to everyday household duties, in all likelihood, would very quickly stretch their legs. It's a joke, of course, but I personally have no doubts that in everyday life our women are much more enduring than men, and besides, they are much more sensitive and, of course, much kinder, therefore, probably, if women still ruled the world, then in the world there would be much fewer wars, because only those who give life by the will of the Almighty know for certain its real value. It is gratifying that our women are trying to solve their problems together, that they have a sense of unity to protect their interests and therefore it is the duty of men to help them in this important and necessary matter, since women's problems, for a number of quite objective reasons, cannot be resolved alone women. In general, our entire society should constantly take care of a woman-mother, a woman-worker, for which a whole range of socio-economic, scientific-technical and spiritual-moral measures is needed, which, in turn, will enable our women to gain an all-encompassing sense of social security and in every possible way to show their business, creative activity. I am sincerely pleased with the increasing activation of women's business and entrepreneurship, the advancement of women in commercial firms and government bodies, however, in this matter, it is also necessary to provide them with comprehensive support, creating the necessary prerequisites for their advancement in the career ladder. due to the execution of all kinds of off-duty assignments and obscene claims on the part of male leaders.

Today, the women of our country have created numerous public organizations and foundations, all kinds of charity events, marathons and festivals are regularly held, nevertheless, a lot in this important area we still have to do for them. In particular, I am deeply convinced of the need for further comprehensive scientific research on women's issues, strengthening the social and legal protection of the family and its moral potential, the development of social infrastructure, a system of professional rehabilitation and retraining of female personnel, and, of course, much, much more. But there is also such a concept as

Social discrimination against women is the restriction or deprivation of rights on the basis of gender in all spheres of society: labor, socio-economic, political, spiritual, family and household. Social discrimination leads to a decrease in a woman's social status and is a form of violence against her personality, and, therefore, a threat to her safety.

The view of a woman as an inferior being was reflected in the theological and philosophical works of the ancient world. Socrates expressed the feeling of primitively rude male superiority over a woman in the following words: "Three things can be considered happiness: that you are not a wild animal, that you are a Greek, not a barbarian, and that you are a man and not a woman."

The question arises: what are the limits of gender equality, can it be complete? The essence of the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of men and women, their equal opportunities, is that in terms of her intellectual and physical potential, a woman is in no way inferior to a man. For her, there are no fundamentally closed, inaccessible spheres of mental and physical labor. No law should prohibit a woman from engaging in this or that business, mastering this or that profession. Her sacred right is complete freedom of personal choice of types and forms of activity for her self-realization. This statement of the question, of course, does not mean that the physiological characteristics of women cannot limit their professional responsibilities. It follows from this that gender equality, while not absolute, can be quite complete and comprehensive. And now a little history of our country:

In the first years after the Great October Socialist Revolution, the main direction of the movement towards equality between men and women went through the economic liberation of women, the establishment of legal equality in family and labor relations, and the creation of a system of benefits for working women. The Soviet state abolished the previous legislation that stipulated discrimination against women, provided her with equal rights with men, and opened access to education. The state has recognized it as its duty to take care of motherhood and childhood. In December 1917, a special department for the protection of mothers and infants was created. At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, a number of decrees were adopted to protect the labor of women. It was forbidden to use female labor in underground and some other heavy work, on night shifts, as well as overtime. By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies of December 22, 1917, a monetary benefit was introduced on the occasion of childbirth in the amount of full earnings for 8 weeks before giving birth and 8 weeks after giving birth. The same decree provided that an employee, while nursing a child, could be paid an allowance in the amount of one quarter to half of her earnings within 9 months after giving birth. Subsequently, a significant number of normative acts on the labor of women, on the benefits provided to them during maternity were also adopted.

Since then, our country has made significant progress in ensuring legal and de facto equality of women and men.

However, with the increasing involvement of women in social production, the development of new industries related, in particular, to the use of chemicals, negative trends and contradictions began to appear.

Already in the 60s, experts drew attention to the decline in the birth rate in the country, the excessive workload of women in the national economy and in the sphere of everyday life, and, as a consequence, the deterioration of the health of women themselves and of new generations. To specific female problem began to attribute an increase in the number of divorces and an increase in child neglect.

Since ancient times, a woman was assigned a secondary role, which consisted in serving a man. She was supposed to be a cook, a servant, a creature without her opinion and ambition, an ordinary slave. Until today, some men believe that it is to do household chores, which is becoming a serious problem on the path to self-realization and personal growth of the fair half.

The fight against gender inequality began in the last century. Female power began to be involved in production only in wartime, due to the lack of male labor in the labor market. But after the end of the war, everything returned to its place, women were again at the stove.

What is ? It has become commonplace for any modern woman to build a career and reach heights. As for the male half, not everyone likes this, which gives rise to many different opinions on this matter.

But no matter how hard a woman tries, her main purpose is motherhood and keeping the hearth. A woman can try herself in any field of activity. Walking along the difficult path to achieving success, overcoming various obstacles, a woman can reach heights in any field, destroying the established stereotype of the "cook". But is this her true calling?

Women are divided into two types. The first type is women who try to fit the image of a successful woman. Image is important to her. She looks great, fresh, fit, sweet, smiling and flirty.

The second type includes careerists. They care little about external beauty. For them, work is in the foreground, as for the personal sphere, there is practically not enough time for it. She can be a colleague, employee, businessman, competitor, but not a woman. Often, such ladies are rude, unemotional, even embittered. At work, you can hear a lot of unflattering reviews about them.

The desire for self-realization is not considered careerism, most often it refers to the fanaticism of a woman. However, there are times when a woman is simply forced to work hard, for example, a single mother.

The role of women in modern society is not only in fulfilling their direct duties at work, but also realizing oneself as a good mother, an exemplary wife and mistress.

The main principle for any woman should be the ability to observe the rule of the golden mean.

P.S. Leave your comments on the article, I will be glad to answer them. If the article turned out to be useful for you, then share it with your friends by clicking the social media buttons.

Human society cannot develop harmoniously if the role of women is diminished in it, because the position of a woman, like a litmus test, reveals the true degree of civilization of a particular social community, and also unmistakably reflects the degree of adherence of its members to the principles of humanism and mercy.

The question arises: what are the limits of gender equality, can such equality be complete?

There is such a concept : social discrimination against women . It means the restriction or even deprivation of rights based on gender in all spheres of society: labor, socio-economic, political, spiritual, family and household. Such discrimination leads to a decrease in the social status of a woman and is a form of violence against her personality and, therefore, a threat to her safety.

The essence of the idea equality between men and women lies in the fact that in her intellectual and physical potential a woman is in no way inferior to a man. For women, there are no fundamentally closed, inaccessible spheres of mental and physical labor. Not a single law should prohibit a woman from doing this or that business, mastering this or that profession. Her sacred right is complete freedom of choice of types and forms of activity for self-realization. But this statement of the question, of course, does not mean that the physiological characteristics of women cannot limit their professional duties. It follows from this that gender equality, while not absolute, can be quite complete and comprehensive.

In Russia after 1917, the main vector of movement towards gender equality passed through the economic liberation of women. Wide access to education was opened for women. The state has recognized it as its duty to take care of motherhood and childhood. It is significant that already in December 1917 a special department for the protection of mothers and infants was created. At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, decrees were issued aimed at protecting the labor of women. It was forbidden to use female labor in underground and some other heavy work, on night shifts, as well as overtime. By decree of the National Central Executive Committee of December 22, 1917, a cash benefit was introduced on the occasion of childbirth in the amount of full earnings for eight weeks before delivery and eight weeks after delivery. The employee was entitled to an additional allowance during the period of feeding the child.

In subsequent years, a significant number of regulations were adopted on the benefits provided to women during maternity.

In accordance with article 255 of the Labor Code RF working women, upon their application and on the basis of sick leave, receive maternity leave for 70 calendar days before childbirth and 70 calendar days after childbirth. If the pregnancy is multiple, the antenatal leave is extended by 14 days. Complicated childbirth adds 16 days to postnatal leave, and the birth of two or more children allows you to be on maternity leave for 10 calendar days. During this period, women are paid a state social insurance benefit in the amount established by federal laws. If desired, a woman can take parental leave until she reaches the age of three years. On January 1, 2007, Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children” came into force. This is true

called the Law on maternity capital in the amount of 250 thousand rubles for every second child and subsequent children born after January 1, 2007. This amount is subject to indexation (in particular, in 2009 it amounted to 299,731 rubles 25 kopecks) (Fig. 3).

It should be especially noted that sanitary rules and regulations are currently in force in our country that define mandatory hygienic requirements for production processes, equipment, basic workplaces and sanitary and household provision of working women in order to protect their health. These normative documents apply to enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership. The purpose of these documents is: to prevent the negative consequences of the employment of women in production conditions; creation of hygienically safe working conditions, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body; maintaining the health of working women on the basis of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the labor process

Figure: 3. Delivery of a certificate of maternity capital

For example, the presence in the workplace of chemicals of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes, pathogenic microorganisms, as well as substances with allergenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic effects, is a contraindication for the work of women of childbearing age.

With the increasing involvement of women in social production, however, some negative trends have emerged that have not yet been overcome. Already in the 1960s. the specialists drew attention to the excessive workload of women in the national economy and in the sphere of everyday life and, as a consequence, to the deterioration of the health of working women and new generations. The birth rate in the country gradually began to decline. The growth of neglect of children can also be attributed to a specific female problem. Unfortunately, this problem remains acute to this day. Women pushed men aside, more and more often they occupy leading positions in business, play a noticeable role in politics, even women ministers have appeared (although in fairness it should be recalled that there were women ministers in Soviet times), but at the same time many of them do not fulfill its main purpose is to be a real mother. Over a million street children by the beginning of the XXI century. - this is a shame for Russia, and if appropriate measures are not taken to strengthen the family, the shocking figure will grow even more.

Women-mothers should be surrounded in the country with special honor, therefore the state must once and for all solve the problem of comprehensive and effective support for this particular category of women. It remains to be hoped that over time our country will become for the whole world an example of a humane and respectful attitude to the issues of motherhood and childhood, a model of reasonable equality of men and women in all spheres of society without exception.

Questions for self-control

    How has the social role of women changed in different historical eras?

    What does the concept of "social discrimination against women" include?

    How was the problem of equality of women solved in our country?

    Are the production activities of women with harsh and harmful working conditions regulated?

    What, in your opinion, are the ways to solve the problem of gender equality in our country?

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