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The girl does not feel discomfort from the presence of a guy. Anorgasmia

Hello, I'm 16 with my girlfriend, sexual life began recently, I took her virginity as expected, after a few days we had sex again, but when I proceeded directly to the act, she felt at first a slight pain, and then she did not feel anything at all, tell me what is the problem? What can be done in this case?

Evgeniy, St. Petersburg

ANSWERED: 05/16/2015

Evgeniy! Probably there is no need to rush here, let it take some time for your girlfriend to understand what sex is, and then you can already talk about something. By the way, in order to understand her feelings and thoughts about this, it is better to turn to her herself. Good luck! ***** **

Clarifying question

ANSWERED: 05/16/2015

No problem, Eugene! If a woman is just starting sex life, she in rare cases, immediately, at the same time, experiences pleasure from intercourse. Time will pass, experience will accumulate, and with your tenderness, delicacy, understanding and responsiveness, your partner, for sure, will be able to get satisfaction from intimacy! In case of serious problems with this, contact a specialist: a sexologist. Good luck and love to you!

Clarifying question

ANSWERED: 05/17/2015 Pokrovskaya Yulia Alexandrovna Moscow 0.0 Neurologist, head. branch. Psychotherapist

Pay more attention to foreplay to keep your partner well aroused before intercourse. Remember, the vagina is not the only erogenous zone; pleasure can be delivered in other ways as well. Also, understand that your friend has entered a new era of life, both her psyche and her body must adjust to her. This takes time. And, of course, ask what she thinks about it, perhaps it doesn't bother her that much, or she understands that it takes time. With care and attention to each other, you will succeed!))

Clarifying question

ANSWERED: 05/17/2015 Oleg Kantuev Omsk 0.0 Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, narcologist.

This is Eugene's anatomy, and there is no cause for concern. In a very short time, everything will be fine for both of you!

Clarifying question

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Frigidity of a woman is a rarity, despite the fact that the fairer sex during sexual intercourse may experience discomfort more often than their partners. Most often, frigidity develops against the background of hormonal disorders. The same goes for trauma of a psychological nature. "I don't feel anything during sex" - if this is reality for you, then it's time to sort out this problem and try to cope with it .


  • stress;
  • irritability;
  • depressive state;
  • one partner feels guilty;
  • rape or perverted sex, the consequences of trauma.


  • systemic diseases - diabetes mellitus or neurological ailments, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • menopause;
  • alcoholism, drugs;
  • the use of antidepressants.

Many conditions affect the degree of manifestation of factors:

  • age;
  • sexual experience and upbringing;
  • character of a person, his temperament;
  • "Map" of erogenous zones;
  • day on which menstruation began.

Which leads to a lack of full orgasm

  1. Fast transition from caressing to action. It is very important for a woman to reach orgasm - this requires full sexual arousal. Therefore, the foreplay should take at least 10 minutes.
  2. The sensitivity of the vagina is reduced - this may well become the reason why it is impossible to achieve pleasure during sexual intercourse.
  3. Very often, girls have a more sensitive clitoris than a vagina. Therefore, the partner should not only act on the vagina, but also stimulate the clitoral area.
  4. Lack of skills in a man. The skill of a partner will help bring the girl to the peak of pleasure. Therefore, it is high time to read special literature in order to comprehend the art of love.

Why doesn't a woman have an orgasm? The reason may be the pathology of the female organs, poor blood flow, stress in the psychological sense.

Learn more about causes and solutions to problems

Passion has passed, satiety has come about what is happening in the bedroom. As a result, intimacy with a partner ceases to excite. The same applies to the partner - he realizes that now he is not an ideal lover.

One of the reasons why it can dramatically lose its libido is hormonal disruption in the body. As a result of a decrease in the level of certain hormones, the desire for sex in women decreases. The hormonal background can be evened out by applying a certain therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

Perhaps menopause is approaching. In this case, the gynecologist will suggest choosing a drug suitable for hormone replacement therapy. This can help relieve symptoms and enjoy sex again.

A diseased thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism can be the cause. If you suspect a thyroid gland pathology, the doctor will refer you to an endocrinologist for examination.

Different approaches to sex - too possible reason... So, for a partner, sex is a means of relieving tension. But you have the opposite. Sex starts in the head and it immediately affects desire. If a woman has recently experienced something that makes her live in a state of stress, for example, temporary problems at work, resentment against her partner, then the desire to love may disappear if the lady is not at ease with herself. After all, she does not separate emotions from sex. In this case, you just need to wait - you should not force yourself. After the stressful situation is resolved, everything will fall into place.

Depression, neurosis - psychological reasons. In the case of serious emotional problems, the desire to have sex often disappears.

Sexual incompatibility is one of the problems of lack of sensitivity during sex

Partners often blame each other when relationship problems arise, especially sexually. As for sexual dissatisfaction, it oppresses partners, especially if they have several years of marriage behind them. And here suddenly there were problems with sexual intercourse. The reason may be some kind of beginning disease or a difference in temperament. The same applies to anatomical imbalances, complexes.

Many women fake orgasm - in this way they try not to offend their loved one. Men can do the same.

Quite often, due to the fact that the girl's vagina is short, painful sensations appear during sex. In this case, of course, she cannot get pleasant sensations from sexual intercourse, sensitivity is lost. The reason is anatomical incompatibility. In order to cope with this, you need to talk to your partner - he should not enter the penis very deeply. You can also put a special ring on it to limit the length of the organ.

The reason for the lack of sensitivity in girls

  1. Incomplete physiological maturity.
  2. Painful sensations during intercourse, as a result, there is no arousal, orgasm.
  3. Inexperienced sexual partner.
  4. There are no skills and knowledge of your body.
  5. Fear and shame, complexes.
  6. Physical or psycho-emotional traumatic first sexual experience.

What to do

To begin with, you should talk to a gynecologist - a specialist examination will help exclude diseases that could cause a lack of sensitivity. After that, you can not be afraid that you have any physical problems. Start exploring your body - you need to find those zones, the stimulation of which will bring pleasure.

In order to get aroused, women often take longer than men - you need to extend foreplay with a partner.

If pregnancy is not planned, then you need to choose the most convenient contraceptive in order to feel more relaxed and confident during sex.

If there is still no result, then you need to seek individual advice from a sexologist.

Sexual life is a very important aspect of a person's life. Thus, we are liberated, free from fears and life problems. Sex is pleasure, consolation, tranquility, it takes us beyond reality. But this is possible provided that the woman has a real orgasm during sex. Otherwise intimate life can turn into a real routine, become one-sided, unpleasant.

Lack of sensitivity during sex is possible in both women and men. It is very important not to be silent, but to talk to your partner, to explain how you feel. Together you can always find a way out of this situation. A specialist consultation will help you make the right decision and achieve the desired results in treatment.

Sexual relationships play an extremely important role in the life of every person. After all, such a thing as sex exists not only for the human race to continue to exist. Carnal joys allow you to get away from the routine of everyday life, allowing you to show your true inner essence. What can be more enjoyable than sex? What else can so effectively open our "chakras", carry them far beyond the universe? All this happens during lovemaking, but if a woman can experience a true orgasm. If not, the relationship in any couple will become not so much ordinary as meaningless.

It's hard to hear, but a similar problem often happens among the beautiful half of humanity. A colossal number of women are simply not able to reap such a natural gift as sex, because they are not able to experience an orgasm. Needless to say, there is nothing to say about a full-fledged relationship with a man. Plus, not far from a nervous breakdown. It is usually customary to look for the cause of the disease at the beginning, at the start of sexual activity, but cases in a later period are not excluded. In what, can a woman who has never experienced it before be able to feel it?

Why doesn't a woman get an orgasm

You can consider a woman's body as a harmonious mechanism. It looks like this: the muscles of the vagina go into a state of periodic contraction, these contractions bring pleasure, i.e. from vibrations transmitted to the whole body.

Accordingly, the absence of orgasm is explained by the absence of these very contractions and vibration. No matter how sophisticated skills the partner has in such cases, he is unlikely to be able to reach the "boiling point". What should be done?

You should know, perhaps the reason lies in a defect in the organs of the female body, for example, an irregular blood flow to the organs that are in the small pelvis, respectively, the same low reflection or precarious psychological position of the partner... The latter is in all situations the most difficult problem to solve.

Reasons for the lack of orgasm

You may not even dream of a real orgasm if the female body is not able to effectively relax. It turns out like this there is no calmness - there is no real ecstasy either.

Let's say a girl torments herself with thoughts: “For what reason do I not feel what my friends tell me? What do I not have that they have? " In her case, there may be several answers:

  • she is too worried about the opinion of her peers about herself,
  • impressions from the first experience were unpleasant,
  • it's about education that encourages restraint.
  • the partner who shares the bed with her is not at all attractive to her,
  • she is too busy with pressing problems.

However, in her case, it's time to sort out her problem and make up for lost time just a car.

Another question. What if a mature woman suffers from similar problems? In such a situation, the service of a specialist and even the use of so-called "pathogens" are necessary. Due to the fact that the woman's apathy is strongly rooted in her mind.

There is no point in hoping for a successful climax if any of the simplest stimuli re-feed this apathy. These stimuli can be tangible, audible, can smell, catch the eye, etc.

In any case, the unchanging criterion will always be a partner, to whom a woman should breathe unevenly.

In the same cases, when the reason does not lie in one of the above cases, there are special methods for solving the problem.

How to learn to get an orgasm for a woman

They just started talking openly about the problem of getting an orgasm, this is due to modern factors. Because in ancient times, male society demanded to keep itself within strict limits. When all the thoughts that God forbid will think about you that you are an easily accessible girl and rumors about your debauchery spread, what kind of orgasm can you even stutter about? A lady can't afford to think that.

However, this is a common misconception. Ancient sages from the east long ago developed a lot of techniques that make it easier for a woman to get an orgasm... It is difficult to answer why they were so worried about this question. But we can say with confidence that their goal is not to increase demographics.

Perhaps they are tired of hearing complaints about the fact that only men get pleasure from sex, and a woman acts as a tool. Or there is a possibility that men themselves felt uncomfortable if the partner does not melt in their arms, does not show any signs of satisfaction. Be that as it may, for many years millions of people have been using the advice of the wisest, the effect is still the same positive.

Intimate muscle training

The simplest technique for getting a woman an orgasm, invented by the followers of Taoism, which helps to restore female sensitivity, is as follows. Sequential tension and relaxation of the vaginal muscles with a change in pace... The main advantage of this technique is that you can practice it wherever you want and whenever you want: performing work duties or fussing in the kitchen at home, standing in a traffic jam inside your transport or being in line at the checkout.

This exercise stimulates the exchange of blood in the pelvic organs and makes the tactile sensations in this area more tangible. The main thing is not to take time off and produce up to five hundred repetitions a day, then the effect will not be long in coming. After all, this is not at all difficult, the Taoist sages foresaw that work on their organs would not knock a woman out of the schedule of her usual life, be it a maid, dressmaker or dancer. More details.

Simulation is the way to female orgasm

Another interesting way - simulation. That's right, it's hard to believe, but a woman can experience an orgasm by forcing herself to believe that she is experiencing it. This is exactly what men blame their partners for when they themselves have at least a gram of experience.

Explaining such a phenomenon is a mere trifle. Elementary autosuggestion or placebo, if applicable to sex. Any thought in a person's head is capable of influencing him... If this thought is repeated more and more often, then the body involuntarily begins to adapt to it.

In simpler terms, when we pretend to be who we are not for a long time, we begin to appropriate the traits of our Alter ego, it becomes a part of us. The same goes for constantly faking an orgasm.

Consciousness is trusting, especially if you try to portray these characteristic spasms and longed-for sighs and screams in a particularly similar way. It will reward you with what you give out at face value with such enthusiasm. Ultimately, the likelihood of a successful climax is directly related to the frequency with which a woman emits a blissful state.

This method stimulates a person on a psychological level. Also, fantasies of erotic content during intercourse can be attached to this. If violent erotic fantasies make you feel guilty towards your significant other, you can always make him the object of this fantasy.

And in no case should you feel awkward in front of your partner. This is not a joke. Solving the problem of a partner's lack of orgasm requires the approach of both halves, and with all seriousness. Plus, a female orgasm is a pleasure not only for a woman, but also for a man, because realizing that a lover is anywhere from him, he will also experience no small pleasure.

Before the sexual intercourse began, it is strongly discouraged to even mentally tell yourself that nothing will come of it this time, that you are not in the mood today. On the contrary, the more you force yourself to be aroused, the more likely it is to succeed. Buy erotic lingerie.

You know the means to achieve this:

  • Don't forget about the Taoist sages and, of course, the prelude.
  • When committing a crime directly to sex, we discard all negative thoughts, replace them with pleasant ones that inspire success. Listen to your body, your animal instincts. It is important to observe even breathing for the full effect.
  • Periodically, we tighten and relax the vaginal muscles during the reciprocating movements.
  • When the desired climax approaches, we connect the voice and continue to actively wriggle.

Such a sequence will contribute to your pleasure to break out, launch your body in the area of \u200b\u200bnirvana.

It is important to remember that the point is precisely in liberation, throwing into the background all extraneous thoughts, including thoughts about getting an orgasm. Otherwise, you ruin the whole process, even though you did everything else right.

Stimulating the clitoris

The next way to get an orgasm is clitoris stimulation - it has a strong effect on intimacy. Perhaps the partner for some reason will not do this (because of little experience, because of pride). In this case, you should direct him on your own, maybe even speak directly or bring his hand. As a last resort, do it yourself. Again, we discard any shyness, because the game is worth the candle.

All of the above is quite simple to do, you do not need to be seven inches in the forehead. In some cases, finding out the reason for the lack of orgasm in a particular woman can only be a waste of precious time. They are all different for everyone.

In our modern tech society, there are ways to deal with this even for the most desperate people. It is only necessary not to let everything take its course, to take the treatment seriously in order to experience this natural gift in all its splendor.

But that's not all. Getting an orgasm is just the beginning, but those who have experienced multiple orgasms really managed to feel all the quintessence of pleasure. The only help to achieve this goal is your confidence.

Constant repetitions:
"I can do it", "I am ready", "I am capable of it", "this night will become a fireworks of sensations and inner pleasures."

In this regard, we are smoothly moving on to another method of getting an orgasm.

Affirmations - a way to get a female orgasm

There is nothing more important than completely crumbling and surrendering to the pleasures that your body shell is able to give you. It is enough just to pronounce the so-called affirmationsto get as close as possible to a blissful climax during sex.

Affirmation is a verbal setting, with repeated repetition of which it lingers in your subconscious, thereby stimulating you to get an orgasm.

This procedure will create for you new model behavior that you will use in certain situations related to sexual intercourse.

Use the powers of your mind to change your sensitivity to everything your body is experiencing and turn it into pleasure for you. Perhaps your subconscious mind has made a wrong portrait of itself, change it radically.

Do not forget about the need for regular repetitions of affirmations, daily, at least 30 minutes, preferably for more than one month. Although the result is guaranteed to be visible sooner, you'll see. All your efforts will be rewarded many times over. You will finally move on to a full-fledged sex life, you will not be tormented by the question of why your body is not getting pleasure.

A flight of fantasy is not forbidden either. Come up with phrases on your own that can speed up your relaxation, increase your chances of pleasure. It is very important to remember that the phrases are positive, affirm every thought, and not negative negative. Forget the "not" particle. The time in which you are is always present, therefore the replicas should be in the present.

Many ways have been considered to make your sex life more vibrant and fulfilling. Do not hesitate to use them. After all, sex is not only carnal pleasures, it is the ability to understand yourself and your partner. Many things in a relationship are determined after intercourse. It is very important not to be mistaken with the choices you may make for the rest of your life.

For many women, orgasm is nothing more than a mystical phenomenon that occurs only among a select few. The reason is simple: most of the fair sex do not know how to get an orgasm. Women withdraw into themselves, they begin to believe that they are frigid and defective. However, it is not. Let's find out why a woman cannot cum, and what causes this problem exist.

Psychological barrier

If a woman does not get an orgasm, then this is the first alarm bell, which indicates the presence of any problem, physiological or psychological. The main reason for the inability to finish is tightness and constraint.

During intercourse, a woman cannot relax and enjoy. As a rule, her thoughts fly anywhere, but not in bed. She closes her eyes and sees not half-naked guys or exciting objects, but everyday problems, conversations with friends and dinner that languishes on the stove.

Not warmed up

The physiology of a woman is unique, but not all men remember this. Before sexual intercourse, they only undress the girl, throw her on the bed and passionately pounce, trying to immediately enter her and start intercourse. And only then they ask the question: "Why can't a woman finish?"

For a man to get an erection, he just needs to look at the exciting object and massage the penis. For women, it is more and more difficult - you need to caress her, kiss her passionately, touch her skin and whisper tenderness and vulgarity in her ear. If a woman does not have an orgasm, perhaps she is simply hiding that the coitus itself does not satisfy her, and she waits until her partner ends. Again, in order for the fair sex to turn on and reward you with sweet moans, sincere and natural, you need to take 10-20 minutes to arouse the girl, relax her and endear her as much as possible.

Selfishness of a man or indifference of a woman

Let's answer the popular question: "Why can't a woman cum?" She is simply not interested in having fun and knowing the highest point of coitus. Instead, the girl will endure pain and discomfort, not take an active part in sex. It is important to understand that in order to get an orgasm, you need to work with your body and find optimal positions. If you feel that the missionary position is not stimulating the nerve endings, try rolling over on your stomach or riding a man.

The reason a woman doesn't have an orgasm is the man's selfishness. Sometimes the stronger sex does not hear his partner when she says that she does not like the position or depth of penetration. By paying attention to your girlfriend, you will discover how intense her orgasms can be. And for this it is enough to caress the breast, and not to grab it roughly and hard. Change positions and together look for the optimal position, where the sensitivity is higher.

Sad statistics

In 2017, the percentage of women who did not experience orgasm (vaginal or uterine) exceeded 70. Most of the sexes only cum if they stimulate the clitoris, and they simply do not have enough time to enjoy other types of pleasure.

New problem - lack of time

Why can't a woman cum? Because she simply does not keep up with her man. This is proved by numerous reviews, because the female body is unpredictable. If a full-fledged man can have sex on average for 30-60 minutes, while delaying orgasm for a long time, then most of the stronger sex spend no more than 20 minutes on intercourse. During this time, a woman only has time to relax, choose a comfortable position and start enjoying the process.

So why doesn't the woman reach orgasm? Not all men can wait for the girl to catch the coveted wave and enjoy. Often they simply cannot stand, which is why ejaculation occurs before the woman starts stimulating the cherished points. In this case there is good advice, which will tell you how to get an orgasm for a woman.

If you do not have time to finish and start to rush, get distracted, worry, then you can play with your body before sex. Connect a man to the game, let him caress you with his hands or orally, so that you get a clitoral orgasm. This will help speed up the process, because immediately after you finish, the man should enter you. But there is no need to relax here either - continue to stimulate the clitoris, because together with the G-spot you can get incredible sensations.

Identifying the root cause

Sometimes the lack of orgasm is not associated with the passage of time or with the environment. The main reason is pathologies and diseases that affect either the genitals, or the endocrine or nervous system:

  • Diseases. These include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, surgery, hormonal imbalance, and endocrine disruption. Various infections, in particular those that are sexually transmitted, can lead to a decrease in libido and sensitivity. Also, operations on the pelvic organs and childbirth are responsible for the absence of orgasm. Often in the postpartum period, women are painful to have sex, they lose sensitivity and attraction, feel discomfort and inability to finish.
  • Medications. Anorgasmia can be caused by taking sedatives, antidepressants, drugs to reduce blood pressure and antihistamines. It is also noted that during chemotherapy, women lose sex treatment.
  • Dependencies. Regular alcohol intake, smoking, drug use reduce sensitivity.
  • Menopause (menopause). During this period, the woman undergoes a restructuring of the body, the hormonal background is disrupted, which may cause problems in the sexual life.

Frigid or not

There are several types of anorgasmia that explain who frigid women are. As a rule, they have absolutely no attraction and they do not experience sensations - neither moral nor physical. In the life of a frigid girl, there never will be orgasms, and all talk about sex is reduced to indifference. However, anorgasmia is divided into several types, which partially explain why a girl cannot cum:

  • Primary and secondary. The first type of women has never experienced an orgasm and is unlikely to be able to get to know him without medical intervention. But the second type is those girls who periodically cum, but only in a certain way. For example, she only gets pleasure if she stimulates the clitoris with her hand.
  • Situational and sporadic anorgasmia. In the first case, the girl ends up only in certain situations. For example, while watching a pornographic movie or being in a room with green wallpaper. In the second case, a woman is able to get an orgasm only during penetration (the entry of the penis into the vagina).

Stressful situations and psychological barriers

It is important to understand that the female body is truly unique and unpredictable. Even simple quarrels that do not play an important role for men can reduce sensitivity:

  1. Childhood injuries. Perhaps the girl is afraid of intimacy, but cannot tell her partner about it, or she herself does not suspect that this problem exists. This can arise against the background of abuse, internal conflict in the family, harassment, assault. Every tenth woman in the world experiences childhood perversion and abuse. Someone is lucky, and they get off with only vulgar jokes.
  2. Stress. If there are constant conflicts and unresolved issues in a couple, then the woman begins to move away from the man. Gradually, she withdraws into herself, and all interest in sex disappears. In this case, you just need to get rid of negativity, quarrels, raised tones, shouting, condemnation and accusations.
  3. Shyness. Many girls cannot cum because they are worried about their appearance. Excess weight, small pimples, uneven eyebrows - these little things can affect mental condition women and lead to a common problem - the inability to get an orgasm.

Orgasm is important in every girl's life. It relieves emotional stress, relaxes and enhances the production of endorphins that affect mood. Therefore, if you realize that you cannot come, then it is time to look for the root cause. In many cases, work on oneself, a change in character, an appeal to a psychologist and regular check-ups with a gynecologist help.

Elena Malysheva:
The topic of our today's issue of the heading "The Naked Truth" - I do not enjoy intimacy with my husband..
It is with such a problem that the heroine of the following story addressed us.

What to do if a woman wants to be happy, but cannot figure out how to achieve it. Although everything seems to be good and normal.

We have been living with my husband for quite a long time, we will soon have a “Silver Jubilee” and all this time we love each other very much. At first, everything was fine with us, just wonderful, we have two children, first a son was born, then a daughter.
Recently, quite serious problems have appeared in our relationship, I have ceased to experience the pleasure of sexual intimacy with my beloved husband. I don't even know what to think, maybe I have some problems, maybe my husband has changed something in relation to me and therefore I do not feel any pleasure.
Of course, I try to hide it, play something, but it seems to me that my husband still guesses about my insincerity.

I am afraid that this could create a big rift in our marital relationship. Although they say that if the spouses became friends during their life together, then everything else does not matter - it is not. I'm afraid my family will fall apart.

Elena Malysheva:
Our guest is Irina - the heroine of our story, a person who sincerely told everything about herself, for which I want to thank her. Indeed, in Russia it is generally not customary to say that a woman also wants to enjoy intimacy.
Therefore, firstly - thank you for your sincerity, and secondly, I want to introduce you to our expert, this is a psychiatrist, associate professor of the Russian State Medical University - Veniamin Efimovich Zhitlovsky.

In general, the story is clear - there is a wonderful relationship with her husband and sex, but the person does not experience any pleasure from intimacy.
- What to do in such a situation?

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
As a rule, with a long-term relationship, the acuity of sensations is slightly dulled. Usually this is due either to the fact that the man begins to pay less attention to the woman, or the woman herself does not let the man understand what is happening with their intimacy.

Elena Malysheva:
- What do you mean “The woman does not let you understand”?

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
This means the following:

A woman adequately reacts to her husband's caresses, thinking that "If only he did everything, he succeeded, and I will somehow be."
If you have experienced similar situations, this is most likely the reason for the situation we are talking about today.

Elena Malysheva:
Today our topic is quite unusual.
In Russia, neither women nor men really know where their zones are located, which are created by nature in order to enjoy intimacy, so that intimacy will pass in the correct physiological form.
- Do you know what erogenous zones are?

Common: earlobes, along the spine.

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
I would like to add Irina.
She started talking about what she calls sensory sensitivity, in this regard, women are more diverse than men.
There are first-order (extragenital) and second-order (genital) erogenous zones.

Elena Malysheva:

In women, in contrast to men, almost the entire surface of the body belongs to the extragenital zones. Many people think that these are lips, earlobes, breasts, etc. In fact, the entire body of a woman is an incredibly tailored, unnerved extragenital erogenous zone.

Here, almost any caress can please a woman.

There are intimate areas, i.e. genital - areas located in the genitals.
We have a poster with a sectional view of the female genital organ.
Here we can see three points investigated by scientists.

  • First point "Point G" - the scientist who discovered it Ernst Grafenberg. This point was discovered in the 50s of the last century.

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
The "G-spot" is located on the inner front wall of the vagina, 3-4 cm from the entrance to the vagina.
Irritation of this area usually causes very pleasant unusual sensations in women.

Elena Malysheva:
When this zone is stimulated, nerve impulses from excitement rise to the brain, where they are formed into sensations, then these impulses from the brain go down, as a result of which the genitals are moistened.

  • Second point "Point A" - the scientist who discovered it also went down in the history of Koo Chii Ann.

- Where is Point A located?

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
This point is located just above the "G-Spot" on the inner front wall of the vagina near the cervix.
This point is responsible for deep arousal, the impact on this point enables a woman to experience multiple orgasms.

Elena Malysheva:

  • Third point "Point U" - discovered by the American explorer Alexander Skin, and this point is practically on the surface.

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
"Point U" is located at the entrance to the vagina, and all nerve endings are adjacent to the urethra, to the urethra.
This point is responsible for the release of an alkaline substrate, which is similar to what a man experiences during ejaculation.

Elena Malysheva:
- Why do you think the topic of female sexual physiology is absolutely closed in Russia?

I believe that these are all echoes of the Soviet past, when we “had no sex”.
The new generation, they are already more fluent in any topic.

Elena Malysheva:
It seems to me that a sense of proportion is also very important here.

Zhitlovsky V.E .:
Most importantly, an adequate relationship should be maintained between husband and wife or between partners.
For all these zones to sound, there must be an inner desire to jointly experience all these experiences. If there is an inner desire, then all these zones will sound by themselves and you do not need special knowledge of what and how to do.

Elena Malysheva:
The desire to experience these sensations with your loved one will give you more than our conversations about extragenital and genital erogenous zones.

Guests in the studio:

  • candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and physical culture Russian State Medical University, psychiatrist-psychoanalyst Zhitlovsky V.E.

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