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Antifreeze Felix - brand awareness or high-quality engine protection? Felix Carbox G12 antifreeze - coolant, Felix test yellow.

In ancient times, water was poured into car radiators. It was diluted with ethylene glycol; In the cold, such a composition turned into a viscous sludge with ice crystals, which did not threaten to tear the engine and radiator to shreds. This was the first antifreeze (translated as anti-freeze).

Cast-iron motors and brass radiators of dense cars, such a mixture did not threaten corrosion. But in more modern engines hot antifreeze began to gnaw out pieces of metal. Therefore, chemists have created a new coolant. The first three letters of its name were taken from the plaque above the door of the department: "Technology of organic synthesis." The ending "ol" is borrowed from chemical terminology. This is how Tosol appeared.

The name has become a common noun. However, today the situation has changed: this name began to call any coolants for cars. domestic production... "Antifreeze" and "antifreeze" have become almost synonymous with the definitions "bad" and "good". Unfortunately, this coolant separation has been supported by everyone from wholesalers and retailers to motorists. In what is now called antifreeze, manufacturers most often add additives that provide only minimal anti-corrosion properties. And this is an understandable move: cheap and quite enough for Zhiguli. But what is poured into bright and attractive canisters with the words "Antifreeze", few people know. Moreover, it is not known how it will affect health. modern engine expensive foreign cars.

So the conclusion is traditional: examinations of the RR will help you avoid troubles.


Produced by OOO "Tosol-Sintez-Invest" .

Felix antifreezes are designed for use in all cars and trucks, including high-loaded, forced, turbocharged and intercooled vehicles, used in severe climatic and road conditions.

The manufacturer claims that thanks to a specially developed and patented additive package, Felix antifreezes extend the life of the cooling system, increase engine power, reduce fuel consumption, and protect against overheating and hypothermia at ambient temperatures from -45 to +50 ° C.

Felix Carbox G12 made of premium grade monoethylene glycol with a multifunctional package of anti-corrosion, anti-cavitation, antifoam and lubricating additives. The new unique packaging, specially designed for professional Felix antifreezes, has high ergonomic properties, excellent strength and performance characteristics.

It is also stated that since October 2009 AVTOVAZ made the transition to a new coolant - antifreeze Felix Carbox G12 (admission No. 30000-35 / 1083 dated November 24, 2008).The antifreeze contains a multifunctional anti-corrosion additive package Carbox based on organic compounds . Previously, for 4 years, during the first filling, Felix PROlonger antifreeze was used (approval No. 30000-35 / 1118 of 13.07.2005).

Antifreeze Felix Carbox G12developed by the technologists of the Tosol-Sintez company in close cooperation with representatives of AVTOVAZ. For 2 years, laboratory, bench and operational tests were carried out, and only after that the product was allowed for the first filling on the conveyor.

Felix Carbox G12 has a unique "targeted system" of protection against corrosion, instantly blocks the foci of corrosion in places of its occurrence, while forming a thin protective layer of no more than 0.1 microns. Recommended for use in modern cars with high-tech and high-powered engines, in which aluminum and other light alloys are widely used.

Designed for use in all types of gasoline and diesel engines cars and trucks.

Felix Carbox G12 antifreeze has been successfully tested and approved for use by manufacturers such asGAZ (admission No. 664 / 850-02-02-10 dated 16.02.2009); KAMAZ (admission No. 17-27-4635 dated 24.09.2008); YaMZ (No. 111/08 dated 11.11.2008); MAZ (MMZ approval No. 02-27 / 23-644 dated 19.02.2007).


Let's start with the fact that despite the statements about obtaining approvals from car factories, there are no copies of certificates for this composition on the manufacturer's website.

Antifreeze Felix Carbox G12, oddly enough, did not meet the main parameter - the temperature of the onset of crystallization, which turned out to be 1 degree lower than what GOST requires: 39° C. The distillation start temperature was 101 ° C, and the mass fraction of the distilled liquid at 150 ° C did not exceed the threshold of 50% and amounted to 46.5%. The parameters were also within the normal range pH value 8.235 pH. The boiling point was 110 ° C, which is 5 degrees higher than the requirements of the regulations.

In this case, antifreeze Felix Carbox G12 fails corrosion test of the compound on metals. It turned out that its effect on the solder was higher than normal. With a threshold value of 0.2 g / m 2 per day, its value exceeded this indicator and amounted to 0.213 g / m 2 per day.

The test results showed an increased activity of Felix Carbox G12 antifreeze in terms of the effect on the solder, as well as the inconsistency of the temperature of the beginning of crystallization with the requirements of GOST and the declared values.

Antifreeze felix carbox 40is a red antifreeze based on.

Main characteristics:

  • The service life is up to 250 thousand km.
  • The freezing temperature reaches minus 70C.
  • It includes a set of anti-foam, anti-corrosion additives, which almost double the resources of the radiator, thermostat and pump. The additives also help to quickly warm up the engine to the desired temperature, protect the cooling system and clean it from scale and deposits, prevent pump corrosion, and repair parts of the car damaged by corrosion.
  • This antifreeze is all-season, used in all weather conditions.
  • Can be used not only in cargo and passenger carsbut also in industrial plants and special equipment.
  • It does not contain substances hazardous to humans, such as amines or nitrites.
  • Has high lubricating properties.
  • It does not include substances such as phosphates, borates, silicates.
  • Antifreeze has the highest degree cleaning.
  • Reduces fuel consumption.
  • Long term of use

Antifreeze felix carbox 40is a new generation product that meets the requirements of modern car manufacturers. Antifreeze has undergone research in scientific laboratories, and also passed road tests. Therefore, you can be sure of the high quality level of this antifreeze. Since the Carbox formulations vary, it is not recommended to mix them. To date, a concentrate of this Prolonger solution has been produced with a volume of 1 to 5 kg.

There are several instructions for using this antifreeze:

  • Antifreeze should be replaced according to the instructions
  • Not recommended different brands, as it reduces antifoam, temperature, antioxidant properties
  • The level in expansion tank... At low engine temperatures, the fluid should be at the MAX level, so sometimes it needs to be topped up
  • For unforeseen situations, it is better to have an additional supply of antifreeze in the car.

Coolant Felix is \u200b\u200ban indispensable and demanded component of every engine. It was developed by Tosol-Sintez and is considered one of the best refrigerants from Russian manufacturers. Felix red antifreeze is very popular among all products of this manufacturer. It is distinguished by its impeccable characteristics, which allow it to be used for more than 5 years.

One of the many advantages of Felix antifreeze is considered:

  • the versatility of this tool, because it can be used by all types of vehicles (from cars to trucks);
  • can be poured into gasoline and diesel engines;
  • the temperature range ranges from -45 to + 50 degrees.

Such properties of this type of fluid make it indispensable in many car cooling systems.


There are several types of this brand of antifreeze. Distinguish between red (Felix Carbox), green (Felix Prolonger) and yellow (Felix Energy) shades. They all have several of the same and most of the different properties that allow you to compare them during the selection and purchase.


Coolants have their own operational properties, the presence of which contributes to a better analysis of the parameters of certain coolants. General technical characteristics include:

  • reduced fuel costs;
  • ensuring normal engine functionality at optimally low and high temperatures;
  • increase in engine power;
  • resistance to corrosive processes.

There are a number of functions that are specific to only one type of liquid, which are described below.

Felix Carbox red

High quality coolant based on carboxylate acid and additives that prevent foaming and corrosive reactions.

Specifications red antifreeze Felix differ from the properties of other types of coolant of this brand. These include excellent data on heat removal from the engine and on counteracting precipitation and plaque in the vehicle cooling system. Red antifreeze is made for long-term use (up to 250 thousand km of run) at any time of the year, while maintaining all its working qualities. The boiling point is 60 degrees.

One of the main advantages of using Felix Red Antifreeze is additional additives that protect the system from plaque in radiator pipes and corrosion on system parts. If there is a built-in pump for the engine cooling pump in the car, it is advisable to use the Felix Carbox, as it extends the period of operation of this mechanism, especially when it increases its operation.

Felix Prolonger green

This type of antifreeze is produced with a high prolonged action, which allows maximum protection of aluminum engine parts. Therefore, this fluid is recommended for cars with such housings (in particular for Audi manufactured from 1996).

The characteristics of the green antifreeze combine almost all the properties of the red coolant, only some of them have become especially effective. Such processes occur thanks to additives, which, during production, underwent deep cleaning. This protects the engine from freezing and overheating, as well as parts and elements of the cooling system from corrosion. In a similar way, the life of the thermostat, pump and some radiator components is extended.

Excellent parameters of green Felix relatively temperature regimes... It provides fast acceleration even at very low or high thermometer readings.

Antifreeze shows similar excellent results in terms of thermal conductivity, lubricating properties and low level foam formation.

Felix Energy yellow

Coolants of this type are intended for high-power engines and engines with elevated level loads (eg trucks) that can run on petrol or natural gas. In antifreeze Felix yellow color there is a high content of additives, an increase in the boiling point and the onset of crystallization. It is also worth noting high lubricating properties and a long period of use of the fluid.

The temperature indicator reaches +120 degrees. During these extreme weather conditions, the coolant can help the engine heat up quickly and start the machine.

The difference between Felix Carbox and the rest

Antifreeze Felix red colors are distinguished by their versatility. It can fit almost all vehicles of any make... This is facilitated by the excellent technical characteristics of this coolant.

The use of antifreeze with such a composition makes it possible to protect the radiator from scale, the cooling system from premature failure, and the engine from overload. At the same time, a sufficiently long period of operation allows the use of Felix Carbox antifreeze all year round and at very low or high temperatures.

An important point is the replacement of the coolant in the engine. Although this type of refrigerant is considered one of the most durable substances, it also sometimes tends to "age". therefore timely replacement red antifreeze will contribute to its excellent performance.

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