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The movement of buses along the route. How are numbers given to public transport routes? "New model": everything according to the old rules

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More than three dozen new city bus routes are being prepared for opening this year in Moscow. The plans of the capital's transport workers for the coming months will not let the passengers get bored. For many destinations, it is still necessary to select carriers and conclude government contracts with them. For other new items, Mosgortrans will be responsible.

"New model": everything according to the old rules?

The largest number of route openings is expected in August-October 2018, when carriers selected based on the results of tenders will be able to start operating. A little over two years after the auctions for servicing 211 routes, the need to close the gaps in the coverage of several more directions is ripe. They can be roughly divided into four groups - "work on mistakes", "new social", "New Moscow" and "new connections".

On December 28, 2017, the Moscow Government signed order No. 763-RP “On the conclusion of long-term government contracts for the provision of transportation services for the population on the routes of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by car in city traffic ". An additional RUB 8.88 billion has been allocated for these purposes in the next five years. (2018 - RUB 608.53 million, 2019 - RUB 1,723 million, 2020 - RUB 1,762 million, 2021 - RUB 1,747 million, 2022 - RUB 1,820 million and 2023 - 1,220 million rubles). These are the sums that GKU "Organizer of Transportation" will be able to operate under the leadership of the Moscow Department of Transport, announcing auctions for the right to service new routes.

Like last time, carriers on the routes will operate for five years. To be more precise, the provision of services by them should end in 2,009 calendar days from the date of the state contract. At the same time, they must go on the route no later than six months after the signing of this document and then carry out transportation within 1,826 days. It is planned to play among the carriers on 29 routes, on which 197 buses will operate (145 large, 18 medium and 34 small class).

First of all, they decided to carry out "work on errors". The first five tenders of the "one route" were announced the next day after the signing of the above-mentioned order - December 29, 2017. The remaining 24 routes were divided into three bids announced on January 30, 2018.

The maximum starting price of contracts for all eight purchases announced by the "Organizer of Transportation" in December-January is 7.646 billion rubles. More than a billion rubles, allocated under the same order, are still "in reserve".

"Correcting mistakes"

Not in all directions, after the launch of 211 routes according to the rules and the subsequent cancellation of "minibuses", it was possible to eliminate the deficit in transportation capacity. Somewhere in the course was "squeezing" maximum number flights from the possibilities of existing contracts (an increase in the volume of traffic by 10%). Somewhere the routes were modified until they were transferred to other areas of the city, somewhere Mosgortrans was called in to help. And still there were areas in which we had to think about opening additional routes. Which, however, are very much like the old ones. This group includes seven routes.

  • № 324 "Metro Park Pobedy" - 2nd Mosfilmovsky Lane "();

5 small buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:30 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15-20 minutes, the rest of the time up to 30 minutes. Route: st. Barclay, Kutuzovsky Avenue, Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya St., 2nd Bryansk Lane (only to the metro station "Victory Park"), pl. Kievsky railway station, Berezhkovskaya emb., Vorobievskoe highway, Mosfilmovskaya st., St. Pyrieva.

  • № 333 Street Fedosyino - Metro Yugo-Zapadnaya ();

9 buses large class... Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:30, on weekends from 7:00 to 23:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 10 minutes, the rest of the time - 20-30 minutes. Route: st. Sculptor Mukhina, Chobotovskaya st., Borovskoe highway, Ozernaya st., Michurinsky ave., Nikulinskaya st., St. Pokryshkina, ave. Vernadsky.

  • № 449 "Station Perovo - Metro" Cherkizovskaya "" ();

15 large buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:30, on weekends from 6:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 9 minutes, the rest of the time 15-20 minutes. (in the evening - 30 min.). Route: Kuskovskaya st., St. Plekhanov, Green Avenue, Novogireevskaya Str., Federated Avenue, Svobodny Avenue, Bolshoy Kupavensky Avenue, 15th Parkovaya Str., Shchelkovskoye Highway, Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya Street.

  • No. 456k "8th microdistrict Mitina - Street Seryogina" ();

9 middle class buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 6:30 to 23:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 23:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time is 20-30 minutes. Route: st. General Beloborodov, Dubravnaya st., Pyatnitskoe highway, Volokolamskoe highway, Leningradsky ave.

  • No. 551k "Veterinary Academy - Hospital named after Semashko" ();

6 small buses. Working hours: daily from 6:00 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time is 20-30 minutes. Route: st. Young Lenintsev, st. Academician Scriabin, Volgogradsky Avenue; st. Marshal Chuikov and st. Young Lenintsev (only to the Veterinary Academy), Volzhsky Boulevard, Krasnodonskaya st., Stavropolskaya st., Novorossiyskaya st., Krasnodarskaya st., Sovkhoznaya st.

  • № 580 “Chukhlinka Platform - Samarkand Boulevard” ();

8 small buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 10-12 minutes, the rest of the time is 15-30 minutes. Route: st. Konovalov, st. Mikhailova, Yasnopolyanskaya st., 1st Veshnyakovsky pr., St. Papernika, Ryazansky prospect, st. Vostrukhina, st. Khlobystov, Tashkent st., Tashkent lane, Samarkand boulevard.

  • № 974 "3rd microdistrict Novokosin - Metro" Cherkizovskaya "" ().

20 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 1:30, on weekends from 5:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 7 minutes, the rest of the time is 15-20 minutes. (in the evening - 30 min.). Route: st. Nikolay Starostin, Novokosinskaya st., Gorodetskaya st., Nosovikhinskoe highway, Ketcherskaya st., St. Staryi Gai, Veshnyakovskaya st., Svobodny prospect, Bolshoy Kupavensky pr., 15th Parkovaya st., Shchelkovskoe highway, Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya st.

Route № 333 prepared in support of the route № 330 "Ulitsa Fedosino - Metro" Yasenevo "" in the busiest section from the Novoperedelkino area to the nearest metro station along its route. In addition, it will allow you to quickly get from Novoperedelkin to Yugo-Zapadnaya, as it follows without entering the Solntsev microdistricts along Aviatorov, Volynskaya and 50th anniversary of October streets, but will go straight along Borovskoye highway.

Route № 324 on the section from 2nd Mosfilmovsky lane to Kievsky railway station will unload the route № 320 , with which it completely coincides on the highway, being its semi-express version. but new route will become longer, reaching the Pobedy Park metro station.

Route № 580 will combine two problem areas served by routes No. 51k and 410 .

The letter "k" in the route number No. 456k doesn't cheat - it's really just a shortened version of the route № 456 (from the Mitino district to the middle of Leningradsky prospect). Route No. 551k not so simple: it will strengthen the route № 551 on the middle section of the route, but its end points are slightly away from the line of the "old" route.

Two new routes ( №№ 449 and 974 ) until the summer of 2016 they worked quite successfully in a different format - like "minibuses" No. 249m and 274m... Unfortunately for the passengers, they went to the “pilot area” of Izmailovo, where during the implementation of the transport reform they tried to do with the forces of one “Mosgortrans”, at a minimum compensating for the unique transport links not serviced by it.

Routes No. 324, 333, 456k, 551k, 580 are additions to routes No. 51k, 320, 330, 410, 456, 551... In order to put things in order with transportation on the sections of their joint following, it would be nice in 2021 (after the expiration of the contracts signed in 2015-2016) to re-calculate the need for transportation and revise the route routes. But new contracts are also planned to be concluded for the "traditional" five years. This means that in three years the contractual obligations will not allow the formation of optimal routes from scratch.

"New social"

Several routes with sometimes intricate routes will open for communication of local residents with social facilities (clinics, centers for the provision of public services, and others). They will continue the line " FROM”- routes, of which after last year's changes there are already 12, and by the end of this year will be at least one and a half times more. The envisaged number of buses for them should be enough to provide "social" intervals of movement - every 20-30 minutes.

  • No. С13"St. Novatorov - st. Innovators "();

2 large buses. Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 20:30. Average intervals of movement 30 min. Route: one-way ring - st. Novatorov, st. Obruchev, st. Academician Volgin, st. Miklukho-Maclay, st. Academician Oparin, st. Samory Machela, Leninsky prospect, st. Innovators.

  • No. С14 "Etc. Karamzin - MFC Tyoply Stan "();

3 large buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 7:00 to 21:00, on weekends from 8:00 to 20:00. Average intervals of movement 30 min. Route: st. Inessa Armand, Golubinskaya st., St. Paustovsky, Litovskiy blvd., St. Rokotov, Nightingale pr .; Sevastopol Ave. (only from Karamzin Ave.), st. Aivazovsky, Tarusa st. (back - Yasnogorskaya st.), Novoyasenevsky prospect, st. Tyoply Stan, st. Academician Varga.

  • No. С15 "Art. Losinoostrovskaya - MFC Yaroslavsky "();

7 large class buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 22:00. Average intervals of movement during peak hours are 20 minutes, the rest of the time up to 30 minutes. Route: Anadyrsky pr., Minusinskaya st., St. Comintern, st. Menzhinsky, st. Pilot Babushkina (only from the station Losinoostrovskaya), Pechorskaya st., Yeniseyskaya st., St. Menzhinsky, Shokalsky Ave., Zarevy Ave., Shirokaya St., Ostashkovskaya St., Moscow Ring Road, Yaroslavl highway (back also on Prokhodchikov str. and Roterta st.), Malyginsky pr., st. Prokhodchikov (also back along the Yaroslavl highway).

  • No. С16 "9th microdistrict of Kozhukhov - Kosinskaya factory" ();

4 large buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 21:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 21:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, the rest of the time - up to 30 minutes. Route: Lukhmanovskaya st., St. Rudnevka, Saltykovskaya st., Svyatoozyorskaya st., Lukhmanovskaya st., Kosinskoe highway, Saltykovskaya st., Kaskadnaya st., 4th Poselkovy pr., Zlatoustovskaya st., St. Sverdlov, st. Mikhelson (back - Leninogorskaya st.), Poselkovaya st., Bolshaya Kosinskaya st.

  • No. С17 "Kravchenko Street - Ochakovo Station" ();

7 large class buses. Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 21:30. Average intervals of movement: 15-20 min. Route: ave. Vernadsky (check-in back through Kravchenko street), st. Udaltsova, st. Koshtoyantsa, Olympic Village Avenue, Nikulinsky Avenue, st. Academician Anokhin, st. Pokryshkina, Nikulinskaya st., Projected passage 1980, Bolshaya Ochakovskaya st., St. Lobachevsky, Aminevskoe highway, Ochakovskoe highway, Stroykombinata ave.

Another "social" route will open in New Moscow.

"New Moscow"

The road infrastructure received from the Moscow region turned out to be so cumbersome and lagging behind the metropolitan standards that even five years later, not everywhere had time to improve it. If cars have gotten used to driving on roads even with temporary crushed stone, then regular bus transportation in such conditions cannot be started.

This was partly the reason that city “minibuses” remained in New Moscow - after they were canceled in “old Moscow” and Zelenograd. And the inhabitants of the villages of Evseevo and Kuvekino still remember how in the "regional" times a "minibus" went from them to Vatutinki and the Teply Stan metro station. As it turned out later, she worked without the necessary permits. But the new route could not be organized "by all the rules": it was necessary to reconstruct and expand several kilometers of not the most strategically important road. Nothing will change in the transport accessibility of these villages in 2018. But others will be lucky.

For the first time in history, several settlements of the Ryazanovskoye settlement will receive a bus service at once. Buses will also reach Promyshlennaya Street on the outskirts of Troitsk, as well as the nearby village of Puchkovo. The village of Shelomovo will receive communication with the village of Kievsky and the stations Bekasovo-1 and Bekasovo-Sortirovochnoe. Commercial minibuses connecting the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, Moskovsky, pos. Mosrentgen and South Butovo with shopping center "MEGA Tyoply Stan" will be replaced with large-class buses operating according to the approved city tariff menu.

  • № 301 Industrial st. - Troitsk (Shopping Center) "();

4 large buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:00 to 22:30. Average intervals of movement during peak hours are 20 minutes, the rest of the time up to 30 minutes. Route: Promyshlennaya st., Quantum st., Krasnaya Pakhra, Kaluzhskoe highway, Physical st., Solnechnaya st., Oktyabrsky avenue, Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya st., Academic square.

  • № 302 "Troitsk (microdistrict" V ") - Puchkovo" ();

2 small buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time up to 30 minutes. Route: st. Police Colonel Kurochkin, s. Puchkovo, Troitskaya st.

  • № 305 "Station Rassudovo - Zverevo" ();

4 middle class buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 23:30. Average intervals of movement 20-30 min. Route: pos. Rassudovo, st. General Donskov.

  • № 306 "Station Bekasovo-1 - Station Bekasovo-Sortirovochnaya" ();

3 small buses. Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time up to 30 minutes. Route: Bekasovskaya st., Kiev highway, pos. Kievsky, Kiev highway, Central st., Fevralskaya st., Central st.

  • № 307 "Village of the state farm Kryokshino - station Kokoshkino" ();

4 small buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 23:30, on weekends from 6:30 to 23:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, the rest of the time is 30-60 minutes. Route: pos. state farm Kryokshino, Ozernaya st., der. Kryokshino, Borovskoe highway, Railway st.

  • № 308 "Village of the state farm Kryokshino - station Kryokshino" ();

2 small buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 6:30 to 23:30, on weekends from 7:00 to 23:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time is 20-30 minutes. Route: pos. state farm Kryokshino, Ozernaya st., 1st Railway st.

  • № 446 "TC MEGA Tyoply Stan - Solnechnaya st., 13" ();

10 large class buses. Working hours: from 6:30 to 0:00. Average intervals of movement 15-30 minutes. Route: TC MEGA Tyoply Stan, Projected passage 139, st. Hero of Russia Solomatin, Institutsky pr., St. Admiral Kornilov, Kievskoe shosse, Projected passage 5258, Projected passage 5259, Projected passage 5562, Valuevskoe highway, st. Khabarova (back also Raduzhnaya st. And Raduzhny pr.), Solnechnaya st.

  • № 485

14 large buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 1:00, on weekends from 5:30 to 0:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 10 minutes, the rest of the time is 12-30 minutes. Route: TC MEGA Tyoply Stan, Projected passage 139, pos. Mosrentgen, Projected passage 139, st. Hero of Russia Solomatina, Institutskiy pr., Projected passage 133, Projected passage 134, st. Admiral Kornilov, Kiev highway, Leninsky prospect, prosp. Vernadsky.

  • № 509 "Station Shcherbinka - Erino" ();

4 small buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 6:00 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 30 minutes, the rest of the time is 60 minutes. Route: Butovo blind alley, Novostroevskaya st., St. Stepan Erzya, Staronikolskaya st., Ostafievskoe highway, Troitskaya st., Ryazanovskoe highway, pos. Factories named after May 1, Mostovskoe, Expansion, Armazovo, Rybino, Central street, pos. Erino.

  • No. 509k "Station Shcherbinka - Mostovskoye" ();

2 middle class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 22:00, on weekends from 6:30 to 21:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 30 minutes, the rest of the time is 60 minutes. Route: Butovo blind alley, Novostroevskaya st., St. Stepan Erzya, Staronikolskaya st., Ostafievskoe highway, Troitskaya st., Ryazanovskoe highway, pos. Factories named after May 1, Mostovskoe.

  • № 953 "TC MEGA Tyoply Stan - Metro" Yugo-Zapadnaya "();

6 large class buses. Opening hours: on weekdays from 6:30 to 1:00. Average intervals of movement are 10-12 minutes, in the early morning and late evening hours 20-30 minutes. Route: TC MEGA Tyoply Stan, Moscow Ring Road, Leninsky Prospect, prosp. Vernadsky.

  • № 967 "TC MEGA Tyoply Stan - Microdistrict Butovskie Alley" ();

11 large class buses. Working hours: daily from 5:00 to 0:00. Average intervals of movement 12 minutes, in the early morning and late evening hours 20-30 minutes. Route: shopping center MEGA Tyoply Stan, MKAD, Kulikovskaya st. (back - Projected passage 680), st. Polyany, Skobelevskaya st., Blvd. Admiral Ushakov, Venevskaya st., Yuzhnobutovskaya st. (back also Projected passage 875 and st. Admiral Lazarev), Buninskaya alley, st. Admiral Lazarev, Projected passage 653, st. Academician Semyonov, Projected passage 941, st. Alexandra Monakhova.

  • No. С18Novovatutinsky Avenue - Novovatutinsky Avenue "().

3 middle class buses. Opening hours: daily from 6:30 to 22:00, on weekends until 21:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 20 minutes, the rest of the time is 30 minutes. Route: one-way ring - Novovatutinsky ave., Charoitovaya st., Kaluzhskoe highway, Officer st., St. Dmitry Ryabinkin, 1st Vatutinskaya st .. Kaluga highway, Charoitovaya st., Novovatutinsky ave.

Along the route line No. С18 bus traffic was organized before the competition, extending the route for this purpose № 891 "Metro" Tyoply Stan "- Novovatutinsky Prospect." On its old route, some buses continued to work under No. 891k... After opening a route No. С18 route № 891 will be able to straighten up, connecting the village. Vatutinki with "Tyoply Stan" without entering the microdistrict. New Vatutinki.

Apparently, simultaneously with the opening of routes in New Moscow at regular rates №№ 306, 307, 308, 446, 485, 953, 967 similar "minibuses" will stop working №№ 22, 50, 46, 1011, 953, 967 ... Commercial carriers will also be asked to leave directions that are duplicated by the existing routes of Mosgortrans, - №№ 304, 398, 433, 504, 512, 521, 531, 577, 590, 592, 600, 804, 882, 887, 895, 952, 985 .

The fate of the routes is less clear so far №№ 53, 522, 548, 885, 894 and №№ 1, 2, 4 in the area of \u200b\u200bShcherbinka station, because neither the existing nor the planned Moscow city routes at regulated tariffs repeat them.

New bundles

Several more new routes are responsible for the formation of additional transport links in the "old Moscow".

  • № 300 "Belovezhskaya st. - Metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" "();

20 large class buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:30, on weekends from 6:30 to 0:30. Average intervals of movement during peak hours are 8 minutes, the rest of the time is 15-20 minutes. (late in the evening - 30 min.). Route: Belovezhskaya st., St. Tolbukhina, Zaporizhzhya st., St. Kubinka, st. Bozhenko, Yartsevskaya st., Krylatskaya st., St. Nizhniye Mnevniki, st. People's Militia, st. Alabyan, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya st., St. Lines of the October Railway (back also - Lokomotivny pr.).

  • № 325 "Matveevskoe - Metro" Ramenki "" ();

4 large buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 7:00 to 22:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time - 20-30 minutes. Route: Veernaya st., Matveevskaya st., Aminevskoe highway, st. Lobachevsky, Michurinsky Ave.

  • № 327 "Metro" Bulvar Rokossovsky "- Metro" Bulvar Rokossovsky "" ();

3 large buses. Opening hours: daily from 7:00 to 21:30. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 15 minutes, the rest of the time - 20 minutes. Route: one-way ring - Ivanteevskaya st., Otkrytoe shosse, Losinoostrovskaya st., Permskaya st., Losinoostrovskaya st., Otkrytoye shosse, Ivanteevskaya st.

  • № 523 "5th microdistrict of Northern Butovo - Butovo Station" ();

6 large class buses. Working hours: on weekdays from 5:30 to 0:00, on weekends from 6:00 to 0:00. Average traffic intervals during peak hours are 12 minutes, the rest of the time is 20-30 minutes. Route: Starobitsevskaya st., Starokachalovskaya st., Blvd. Dmitry Donskoy, st. Academician Glushko, st. Polyany, Skobelevskaya st .; Venevskaya st. (only from the 5th microdistrict of Northern Butov), \u200b\u200bProjected passage 666, 1st Mirgorodsky per.

By route № 327 the industrial zone on Permskaya Street will finally receive a direct connection to the nearest metro station, which opened more than a quarter of a century ago. The North and South Butovo regions will be connected by another route - № 523 , providing transportation to the Butovo station, through which one of the first two lines will pass. Route № 300 together with the converted from, it will provide direct communication over most of the North-West Expressway, including the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel. Thanks to the route № 325 the metropolitan area Matveevskoye will receive communication with the Ramenki metro station, which started working last year.

The metro is still being dug, but the routes have already been drawn

The number of Moscow metro stations will definitely increase this year. But information about the change in public transport routes will be made public closer to the dates of the opening of new lines. Nevertheless, two changes in the operation of city routes are already planned taking into account the unfinished Okruzhnaya metro station, which, according to optimistic forecasts, will be launched this spring.

Route No. 24k "VDNKh Hotels - Metro Maryina Roshcha" in the direction of Maryina Roshcha will leave the hotels along the projected passage 1564A and Gostinichny proezd, where the Okruzhnaya metro stop is planned, then going to Gostinichnaya Street and then on its usual route.

AND bus route No. 677k will not remain at the metro stations and MCC "Vladykino", having reduced to the Okruzhnaya station. However, the U-turn will be made along a new route - through Lokomotivny Ave., Stantsionnaya Ave., Hotel Ave., Hotel St., Station St. with the introduction of the stop "Metro Okruzhnaya".

It is possible that a change in the trolleybus route will be timed to coincide with the opening of the metro. № 36 "VDNKh (southern entrance) - Beskudnikovsky lane". Its route should go along Dmitrovskoe shosse to the final stop "Dmitrovskoe shosse, 155". At the same time, he will leave Seligerskaya Street and Beskudnikovskiye Lane with a boulevard. At the end of the year, it is planned to produce electric buses for this direction and the infrastructure for its service is being prepared taking into account the new route.

First electric bus routes

Launched by "Mosgortrans" at a positive pace of development of events, it should be crowned with the appearance of the first passenger lines, serviced entirely by rolling stock of a new type. According to the delivery schedule new technology in September-November 2018, serial samples are to arrive in Moscow, and the total number of operating electric buses should reach 300 units by the end of the year.

In the tender documentation, you can find the numbers of 20 routes that are going to be served by electric buses in 2018. Taking into account their routes, the places of installation of charging stations for ultra-fast charging have been determined.

Eight of these routes are currently trolleybus routes:

  • № 7 "Metro Park Pobedy" - Cinema "Udarnik";
  • No. 34k "St. Kravchenko - Kievsky railway station ";
  • № 36 VDNKh (southern) - 155 Dmitrovskoe highway;
  • № 42 Rizhsky Railway Station - Metro Dynamo;
  • № 73
  • № 76 "Kholmogorskaya st. - Metro "VDNKh" ";
  • № 80 "6th microdistrict of Bibireva - Ostashkovskaya st.";
  • № 83 "Ussuriyskaya st. - Metro station "Preobrazhenskaya ploshchad" ".

Twelve more - by bus, but four of them were previously served by trolleybuses:

  • No. T25 "Prosp. Budyonny - Metro "Lubyanka" ";
  • № 31 "Ostashkovskaya st. - Metro "Bibirevo" ";
  • № 33 VDNKh (southern) - Vladykino metro station;
  • № 53 "Metro" Bibirevo "- Metro" Vladykino "";
  • No. T88 "Prosp. Budyonny - Komsomolskaya Square ";
  • № 107 "Metro" Filyovsky Park "- Platform. Matveevskaya ";
  • № 649 "Yasny prospect - Ostashkovskaya st.";
  • № 705 "Abramtsevskaya st. - Metro "Bibirevo" ";
  • № 778 "Rizhsky Railway Station - Spartakovskaya Square";
  • № 832 Krylatskoe - Sports Center Krylatskoe;
  • B Garden Ring (inner);
  • B Garden Ring (external).

Trolleybuses or buses?

The Moscow Department of Transport has approved changes in the register of regular city routes, along which trolleybus transportation in several directions should be replaced by bus transportation. There is no acute technical need for this, because the installation of the contact network, provided for by the reconstruction project, continues on the Tverskaya Zastava square.

In addition to the routes extended in early autumn, trolleybus routes №№ 20 "Serebryany Bor - Belorussky Railway Station", 70 "Bratsevo - Belorussky Railway Station", 82 "MPS Hospital - Belorussky Railway Station" and 56 Bazovskaya Street - 2nd Lesnoy Lane will also be able to reach Tverskaya Zastava without changing the mode of transport. The restored contact network will also allow the trolleybus service to resume the route № 18 ... However, it is not yet known whether trolleybuses will operate on Tverskaya Zastava.

Feasibility of extending the route № 82 to Tverskaya Zastava generally raises questions. At one time, it was organized as a replacement for the tram line removed from Leningradsky Prospekt and 1st Botkinsky Passage. Connection of the area adjacent to the Botkin hospital with Leningradsky Prospekt under the terms road traffic possible only with a delayed U-turn under the Tverskoy overpass. Increasing this run by an extra kilometer with several traffic light objects on the way will only worsen the conditions for the carriage of passengers, for the sake of which the route appeared at one time. At the same time, the connection of Tverskaya Zastava with Leningradsky Prospekt and the beginning of the Volokolamskoe highway is provided by routes №№ м1, Н1, 456, 904, 904к, to which the route can also join No. 70 (T70).

Echoes of "My Street"

The bus route should start working in April № 216 "Luzhniki Stadium (southern) - Metro Krasnopresnenskaya". Its route will run along the embankments of the Moskva River, reconstructed in 2017 taking into account the organization of regular passenger traffic. Buses will proceed along Novoluzhnetskiy prospect, Luzhnetskaya and Frunzenskaya embankments, st. Khamovnichesky Val, Luzhnetsky and Novodevichy pr., Savvinskaya, Rostovskaya, Smolenskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya embankments, pl. Free Russia, Konyushkovskaya st. and st. Zamorenova. It is planned to operate four medium and large class buses on the route. Passengers will receive new stops "Novodevichy Cemetery", "Novodevichy Convent", "Novodevichy Prospect", "Savvinskaya Nab.", "Moskovsky Silk", "2nd Lane. Truzhenikov "," Bogdan Khmelnitsky Bridge "," Smolenskaya emb. " and "Novoarbatskiy bridge".

Even more routes for the MCC

In the coming weeks, there will most likely be an end to the issue of transporting passengers to the Likhobory MCC station. The new access road (Projected passage No. 490) was still in the fall of 2016 high degree readiness. However, until now, the movement of buses on it has not been organized. For a year and a half that have passed since the inclusion of bus routes to Likhobory station in the city register, one of them, without working a day, managed to change the number. "Virtual" route No. 123k "Metro" Petrovsko-Razumovskaya "- Art. Likhobory "assigned № 323 , under which he will start working. It will pass along Lokomotivniy pr., St. Oktyabrskaya Lines railroad, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya st., 4th Novomikhalkovsky pr. And Projected passage No. 490.

From the stop "NAMI" should move to the station Likhobory and final stops bus routes №№ 22 "St. 8 March - US "and 139 "Underground " Water stadium"- US".

The bus route restored from December 26, 2017 after the opening of the reconstructed Belokamenny overpass № 75 still does not call at the stop "Belokamennaya Station" provided by the register between the stops "Training Center of the Ministry of Health" and "Yauzskaya Alley". Unlike Likhobor, there are no positive developments in the construction of an access road to the MCC station.

One can only guess whether another “frozen” route connected with the MCC will start operating this year - № 47 "Metro" Technopark "- Station ZIL". Road construction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe built-up area of \u200b\u200bZIL is quite active. But whether everything will be ready for the launch of buses here, only time will tell.

Two more routes approved by the Moscow Department of Transport for a long time could improve communication with the stations of the MCC Boulevard Rokossovsky and Lokomotiv. Their failure can only be explained by organizational reasons of the carrier - for example, the lack of buses or drivers. The road conditions along their routes do not cause any complaints: on any of the roads they use, other public transport is already running.

The first is the route № 783 "Kamchatskaya Street - Metro Boulevard Rokossovsky". Its route will pass along Khabarovskaya, Baikalskaya and Irkutskaya streets, 2nd Irtyshsky passage, Montazhnaya street, st. Nikolay Khimushin, Tagilskaya st., Open highway and Ivanteevskaya st. 10 large-class Mosgortrans buses should operate here.

The second is a semi-express bus route № 941 "Kamchatskaya street - Metro" Preobrazhenskaya square "", which is planned to walk along Khabarovskaya street, Shchelkovsky sh. and Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya st. with intermediate stops "Khabarovskaya street, 20", "Altayskaya street", "Baikalskaya street", "Khabarovskaya street", "Metro Shchelkovskaya", "Kaloshino", "PO" Sokol "", "Metro" Cherkizovskaya "" and Khalturinskaya Street. 16 Mosgortrans buses of large and extra large classes are to enter the route.

From Tverskaya Zastava - to Kurkino

The bus route extended to Tverskaya Zastava last year № 905 according to previously approved plans, it should last beyond the Moscow Ring Road. Instead of the terminal station built at one time "in an open field" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 75th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road, it will reach the residential area of \u200b\u200bKurkino. The new section of the route will run along the Leningradskoye highway, MKAD, Projected passage No. 6699, Novokurkinskoye highway. and Sokolovo-Meshcherskaya st. Here, the semi-express route will follow with all stops along the route - while on Leningradskoye Highway and Leningradsky Prospekt, buses accept and drop off passengers only at junction stops.

How long can we expect changes?

For twenty-nine new routes on which tenders are currently taking place, carriers have not yet been determined, and this information has not been entered into the city's route register. That is why passengers cannot use them yet. It is necessary to wait for the completion of the competitive selection, the conclusion of the state contract and the fulfillment of the preparatory conditions provided for by it.

The situation is different with the approved routes, for which the carrier has long been known, and this is State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans". A whole group of routes either works on old routes, which the registry has already refused, or does not work at all (routes №№ 783, 941 ).

Back in 2016, changes to bus routes were adopted №№ 76 and 803 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe VDNKh metro station, which would bring stops closer to the VDNKh metro station lobby. Instead of the terminal station "VDNKh (sev.)", The register of routes for them provides for a new terminal on Kosmonavtov Street. And the route includes Ostankinsky passage and Prospekt Mira instead of Longitudinal passage. In fact, for almost two years now, Mosgortrans has been ignoring the routes established by the register, and passengers do not receive the promised and desired service in many directions.

In the meantime, the route register should reflect up-to-date information on the operating routes of regular transport. From the moment the changes are approved (or the announced date of the changes coming into force), carriers are required to work according to the new parameters. And to indicate intentions and long-term plans, there is the envisaged concept of planning documents for regular transportation. With its help, you can resolve all possible conflicts between long-term plans and the current route network, indicating the timing of the planned changes and the necessary procedures for the start of transportation.

However, Moscow, unlike other regions, has not yet mastered this format. As a result, it is extremely difficult to figure out where the carriers themselves are driving in violation of the routes, working according to the old schemes, and where, on the contrary, the bold plans of the Department are not supported by the necessary road conditions... Only one thing remains clear: passengers on many destinations are not able to use routes that exist only "on paper".

Among the routes of the Moscow tram, the register of city routes also plans changes, about which TR. ru . Exact dates have not yet been announced, and in general it is not known whether they will fall on 2018.

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For several years, a picture-meme has been circulating on the Internet - the emotional obscene impressions of a provincial from Moscow. Among them there is a phrase: "Bus 483rd, not a fig for yourself!" The logic of the numbering of urban transport is, indeed, not always obvious. The Village learned how numbers are assigned to buses, trolleybuses and trams.

Press Service of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"

All city routes passenger transport capitals have single, two-digit and three-digit numbers. This numbering has developed historically and does not change. On new directions, the transport is assigned new numbers or numbers of previously canceled routes. All numbering is individual, but there are also coincidences: routes of different types of transport can be marked in the same way. Thus, tram No. 3, trolleybus No. 3 and bus No. 3 travel around the city, but they all follow different routes.

There is no need to assign four-digit numbers to new routes yet. There are, however, bus routes number 1001, 1002 and 1004, which previously belonged to commercial carriers. In 2013, they were transferred under the control of Mosgortrans; for the convenience of passengers, the numbers were not changed.

Sometimes the numbering takes into account the specifics of a particular route. For example, in Moscow there are several "social" directions of movement, they cover educational institutions, medicine, social protection. The numbers of such routes begin with the letter C: C1, C2 and so on. There are also night routes of ground urban transport, these are buses No. H1, H2, H3. The letters are also used for shorter flights: they duplicate the busiest sections of the route. To make it easier for passengers to navigate, when entering such a route, the letter "k" (short) is added to the main number. There is, for example, bus route No. 709, which runs from the Orekhovo metro station to the Kashirskaya metro station, and there is No. 709k, which goes from the Orekhovo metro station to the Moskvorechye platform.

Konstantin Trofimenko

Director of the Center for Research on Transport Problems in Megalopolises, HSE

There is no special system for the numbering of transport in Moscow - it is a wild mixture between the route numbers of a century ago, Stalin's, Brezhnev's and numbers of the 1990s. They all layered on top of each other.

There are also routes that use letters in the designation. This may be due to the fact that the transport route was once divided into two parts. It also happens that the route forks: the transport follows the route, and then its variant, to the numbering of which the letter A is added, turns to the right. The variant without such a letter continues to follow straight. All this, of course, causes confusion. City navigation is not user-friendly at all. If a person does not specialize in this topic, he is unlikely to know about any routes other than those that he needs.

In Soviet times, work was regularly carried out to optimize the urban transport system. In the 90s they stopped doing this, but now attempts are being renewed. Last year, not only the problem of transport numbering was raised, but also the question of the need for certain routes. It happens that they lose their relevance: for example, there was a bus that took people to the plant. The enterprise was closed, and people stopped going there, but the route continues to function. Does the city need it? But, unfortunately, so far these works have not led to a positive result.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

You can also plan a route manually, armed with a map, pencil and ruler. But if you find yourself on the route planner page, then another, often more convenient option is possible - laying a route online, one of which is offered to you on our site.

There are two types of routing: manual and automatic.

  • With manual routing, you plot a series of points on the map, forming an arbitrary route.
  • With automatic compilation, you need to specify the start and end points, and our service will lay the optimal route itself, calculating the shortest path, taking into account the traffic rules and the current traffic situation.

On the compiled route you will see all car roads and nearby intersections, which will be very useful for motorists and travelers. A map with a route in the city of Moscow will allow you to plan a route and will not let you get lost in an unfamiliar place.

To create a route on a map of Moscow, enter the starting point in the first field of the form below and the end point in the second ole. Then indicate in what way you will move to the final destination by clicking on the appropriate button - "By car", "On foot" By public transport". After that click on the" Show route "button.

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