All about buying and selling cars

How to deregister a sold car. Remove the car from registration if it is not possible to provide a vehicle: is the procedure possible and what are its features? Some features that relate to the inspection of the car in the case of

There are several situations when accounting actions are carried out over a car without its presence:

What documents are required?

In all of the above cases the mandatory ones required for include:

  • for the traffic police of the proper sample.
  • The identity document of the owner of the car.
  • Registration certificate and technical certificate on the car.
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee, the amount of which varies depending on the specific case.
  • Purchase and sale agreement, if accounting actions are performed for the car after the monetary policy transaction.
  • with the signature of a notary, if his representative acts on behalf of the owner of the car.

Is it possible to contact the traffic police for removal without a car and documents?

Without TCP

Often, car owners need to remove an old vehicle, access to which has been lost. In particular, a passport for a vehicle was lost. In such circumstances the owner of the car has the right to ask the traffic police to dispose of the car... In this case, only a civil passport and an application are required.

At the legislative level, it is allowed to restore lost documents for a car, but then you will need to have transport for verification state numbers... But in our case, in the absence of documents, you need to apply for the disposal of the vehicle.

Without a vehicle or if it is no longer there

As mentioned earlier, deregistering a car without having a car is available in 3 situations:

  • when a car is stolen by fraudsters;
  • when it is sold in accordance with the DCT;
  • with full or partial disposal of a car in favor of the state.

No numbers

Carrying out registration actions in relation to the car remains available without state number plates. To carry out this procedure with a vehicle, the license plates of which are absent, an explanatory note is attached to the application of the established form indicating the reason for the loss of numbers. In the note, it is important to state in the most detail and reasonably the circumstances of the loss of state signs, since if there is insufficient persuasiveness, representatives of the traffic police will ask the owner for the originals of the State Tax Inspection.

What can you do in other situations?

Where to go?

The production of accounting actions in relation to the car takes place in the traffic police department, in which the vehicle was registered. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 399 dated 06/26/2018, registration and re-registration of a vehicle can be carried out in any department of the traffic police throughout the territory Russian Federation... How to remove a car from the register in another city and region is described.

What to write in the application?

The procedure for removing a car from the register without a car is available in several variations: in case of theft, sale and disposal. To carry out all the activities, you need to draw up an application to the traffic police, collect a package of documentation for a specific case, pay tax, and then wait for the result and not worry about tax deductions for an unexploited car.

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First of all, the seller needs to check whether the buyer has fulfilled the obligation to register the car. The easiest way to do this is as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of the traffic police.
  2. Click on the "Services" item and in open menu select the section "Vehicle check".
  3. A search form will open in a new tab. You need to enter the VIN of the car in it.
  4. After that, open information on the vehicle will be displayed.

Among other information, the time of registration actions will also be indicated. with the car. The names of the owners are personal information and, according to the Federal Law "On Personal Data", are not disclosed without permission. However, knowing when the sale and purchase agreement (DCT) was concluded, you can compare its date with the moment of the last registration. If the car was re-registered after this point, then everything is in order. If not, the former owner needs to take action. In this case, it is possible to suspend the registration of the car, as a way to protect yourself from all possible problems after the sale of the vehicle.

How many days after the conclusion of the transaction the procedure begins?

How many days after the sale can the issue of removing the car from registration be resolved? Since, in accordance with clause 60.4 of Part 3 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 605 of 2013, only 10 days after the sale, you can remove the car from registration, it makes no sense for the seller to submit an application earlier - it will not be accepted.

If, within the period established after the sale, the buyer did not deregister the car and did not register the car for himself, and the seller made a statement - the car will be listed as wanted. Among other things, this will mean that after the sale of the car, the new owner may have difficulties when he nevertheless decides to register: almost always the question of bringing him to administrative responsibility under Art. 19.22 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, before registering the car, the buyer will first have to pay a fine.

What should the former owner do if the new one has not re-registered the car?

If the buyer approached the performance of his duties in bad faith, the car seller will have to take action and contact the traffic police himself. If vehicle sold, the previous owner can either remove the car from registration or suspend the process. To do this, he will need to take a few simple steps.

Collecting documents in the traffic police

To apply to the traffic police (GAI) with a statement to remove the sold car from registration, the previous owner will need:

Moreover, it will be useful to attach to the copy of the TCP and STS... The data indicated in them are available in the traffic police databases - however, the provision of copies will speed up the check. Finally, in the event that the registration department does not apply himself former owner, and his representative (or if the former owner was entity), then it will be additionally required.

Drawing up a statement

A special form is used to contact the traffic police. You can find it to fill in the following ways:

  • By personally contacting the MREO traffic police.
  • By submitting an application using the portal "Gosuslugi". To do this, you will need to have a confirmed registration there.


What are the possible consequences for the buyer as a result of the sale of the vehicle, if the seller terminates the registration of the car? After the sale has taken place, and the previous owner himself has removed the car from registration with the traffic police, the operation of the vehicle ceases. The buyer faces the following:

What happens if the buyer of the vehicle is late in processing the documents?

What should the buyer do if the former owner of the car deregistered it from the traffic police? In the event that the buyer missed the deadline for registering the car and the seller was forced to deregister the car himself, the buyer will have to restore the registration. This procedure will look the same as a normal car registration. The new owner will need:

  1. Pay the state fee (taking into account the need to obtain new numbers).
  2. Write an application for registration of the car.
  3. Submit an application to the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, attaching a purchase and sale agreement to it, presenting a passport and other documents for the car.
  4. Wait until the end of registration actions. Clause 10 of Part 2 of the Administrative Regulations provides that registration must be carried out no later than 1 hour from the moment when the traffic police officer received the application and the documents attached to it.

After the registration is completed, the buyer is legally entitled to use the car.

Important. Unlike deregistration, registration of a car under a sales contract requires the vehicle to be presented for inspection. Without this, its registration is impossible.

Therefore, before concluding a sale and purchase agreement, it is important for the seller to know whether it is possible to remove the car from registration with the traffic police without his own participation, and the buyer, as a car sold to him, should be correctly registered. In addition, after the sale of the car and its removal from registration by the previous owner, it will be problematic for the buyer to deliver the car to the MREO, since the operation of the vehicle is prohibited until registration with the traffic police.

Deregistration of a sold vehicle is no longer a mandatory step in the registration procedure. However, this option is admissible if new owner missed the 10-day period established by regulatory enactments and did not register the car for himself. In the event that the car was removed from the register, the buyer will have to re-register the car for himself.

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According to the current rules, it is necessary to remove the car from the register only in case of theft, moving abroad and during disposal.

But when the owner changes, all the hassle of registering the car falls on the new owner.

How to remove a car from the traffic police register, and what documents to submit, we will tell below.

Earlier, until 2014, it was quite simple to deregister the car from the register - this procedure was carried out when concluding a purchase and sale agreement, donation (another transaction that implies a change of owner).

At the same time, the seller of the vehicle had to independently remove the car from the register, draw up all the necessary papers, obtain transit numbers and transfer all this to the buyer.

Most often, the buyer came on the same day and at the same traffic police department and again submitted documents to the inspection officers, to issue a car in his own name. To reduce this procedure to a minimum, a new administrative regulation was approved.

The main innovation of the document is that the seller now does not need to worry wherever possible, since this is the responsibility of the new owner.

When a car is necessarily removed from the register

Nevertheless, in some cases, it is necessary to deregister the vehicle from the traffic police register with the receipt of transit numbers:

  • theft - if the car is stolen, the owner must definitely contact the traffic police department with a request to deregister;
  • departure from Russia - if you are traveling abroad for a long time, then the car is removed from the register to register the vehicle in another country;
  • recycling - if the car owner decided to use the vehicle recycling program and hands over the car to the state, then his main duty is to remove the car from registration with the traffic police so that he is not charged transport tax;
  • new owner ignored his obligation to register the car. If, after 10 days, the buyer has not applied for registration, the seller must initiate this procedure on his own.

Deregistration with simultaneous registration

Despite the fact that the seller does not deregister the car, it cannot be said that deregistration is not performed. In fact, the deregistration of the previous owner and the registration of a new one are carried out simultaneously.

In the event of a sale of a car, the seller does not come with the buyer to the traffic police and does not control the entire renewal procedure.

The seller only needs to put his signature on the TCP and conclude a sale and purchase transaction. is carried out in this way:

  1. After the new owner submits documents to the registration window, the traffic police check the car at various bases.
  2. After that, the experts inspect the vehicle, all numbers are checked: engine, body, other parts with the data specified in the documents for the car.
  3. Next, a check is made by criminologists, during this procedure it is determined whether he is on the wanted list or does not participate in any criminal schemes.
  4. An automatic verification of the documentation for the car is carried out according to a unified database in the Russian Federation;
  5. After all the above procedures and after checking the data about the buyer, the car is removed from the register, and it is automatically transferred to the register with the data on the new owner.

Therefore, the deregistration has not been canceled, but the order of this procedure has simply changed. Deregistering a car is now much easier and faster.

However, it is not possible to sell a car with encumbrances in accordance with the new rules. If the vehicle is subject to a bank arrest or other restrictions, the vehicle will not be reissued.

Removal of the machine for disposal

As already noted, when disposing of the vehicle, it must be removed from the traffic police. If your car has fallen into disrepair, then to dispose of it, you first need to find a company that deals with recycling.

After the owner agrees on the disposal, he needs to contact the traffic police to remove the car from the register in connection with the subsequent disposal. If possible, the car should be inspected by the traffic police.

After carrying out all the stages of checking the vehicle and data on the owner, the citizen is issued documents on the removal of the car and within 1 month after the removal from registration it is necessary to dispose of the vehicle.

Remember that after deregistration with the traffic police for disposal, the vehicle cannot be sold, donated or entered into another deal. The rules for deregistration in connection with the disposal of vehicles were also slightly simplified.

Earlier, before deregistering a car for disposal, it was necessary to carry out an examination of the vehicle, however, due to the fact that most of the cars are already non-transportable, the requirement for an examination has now been canceled.

Travel abroad

If the car is transported to another country in connection with leaving for permanent residence, then the Russian license plates are surrendered, and the traffic police issues transit numbers. Temporary numbers are valid for 20 days. In this case, the owner needs to carry out the following actions:

  • to remove from registration accounting the citizen arrives at the traffic police department. It is allowed to rent a car in any of the traffic inspection offices;
  • traffic police officers should submit documents for the car: registration certificate, title, passport, insurance policy;
  • the owner writes a statement to remove the car from the register for the subsequent export of the car from Russia. The column on the reason for deregistration shall indicate: "in connection with the departure to Romania, Greece, France, etc.";
  • the car is checked for possible encumbrances: fines, arrests, etc.;
  • at the last stage, the traffic police issue permits and transit numbers to the owner of the car.

If necessary, the inspector can find out from the owner the purpose of removing the car, request additional papers. It is also necessary to deregister a car in the event that the vehicle is moved to another country for sale.

It is possible to ride transit numbers only temporarily, if the car owner drives such numbers for more than 20 days, then he may be fined 500-800 rubles. It is best to remove the car from registration immediately before leaving the country.

Removing a car when stolen

When a car is stolen, the car owner needs to apply to the police to initiate a criminal case on this fact. After that, you should also write a statement to deregister the traffic police. To deregister in this case, you must submit the following documents:

  • the passport of the owner of the stolen car;
  • notification from the police station;
  • if available, a vehicle registration certificate is submitted;
  • owner's application for deregistration.

If the car is found and transferred to the rightful owner, the vehicle can be registered again. In addition, in some cases, forced deregistration is permitted by law. In particular, this is possible if there is a court decision on the return or transfer of the car to another person.

What to do if the new owner has not registered the car

If the buyer has ignored his obligation to register the car with the traffic police, but, despite this, he operates the car, all fines and transport tax will be charged to the previous owner, since it is his data that is indicated in the traffic police database.

To insure himself, it is best for the seller to keep a copy of the vehicle's passport, which indicates the change in ownership of the car.

In such a situation, the seller must immediately contact the traffic police department and attach the following documents:

  • a statement indicating that the car was sold and is owned by another person;
  • copies of car documentation;
  • copy of the sales and purchase agreement.

When concluding a sale and purchase transaction, a special mark with the signature of the new owner and the date of sale is put in the vehicle passport about the change of owner. If, within 10 days, the new owner does not contact the traffic police, the seller must inform about the transaction. After that, they will start looking for a new car owner.

If, during this time, fines and taxes were imposed on the buyer (but issued in the name of the seller), he will not be able to register the car until he has paid all the costs.

In all regions of our country, there is one administrative regulation, according to which vehicles are registered and deregistered.

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It was adopted in 2013 and greatly simplified these procedures. Therefore, their implementation will not be difficult for car owners, especially since significant fines are provided for non-compliance with the law.

Why do it

Since 2013, it has become optional to deregister vehicles upon sale, and it has become possible to carry out a direct re-registration to a new owner.

But in some circumstances, termination of registration remained necessary:

  1. In the event of theft of a vehicle, traffic police inspectors recommend applying with a statement to remove it from the register, confirming it with documents on the institution of a criminal case. After finding the car, you can restore the registration.
  2. The car was lost due to an accident.
  3. If the owner is going to hand over the vehicle for recycling, it should be deregistered in advance so as not to pay tax.
  4. Departure outside the country for a long time. You will need to register the car at the new place of residence.
  5. The lease agreement was terminated. For the lease period, the vehicle is registered with the lessee. Therefore, upon its completion, registration should be terminated.

When moving to a new place of residence in another region, the owner himself decides whether he should re-register his movable property.

Previously, in order to sell a car, it had to be removed from the sale beforehand, now this is not necessary.

The seller and the buyer draw up a sales contract, after which, within 10 days, the latter must register the car in his name. In this case, the data on the previous registration will be canceled.

If the new owner did not re-register it during the specified period, the seller can perform this action on his own so that fines and taxes are not charged to him.

Therefore, when selling, it is advisable to make all copies of documents confirming the fact. Authorized bodies in addition, a check will be carried out for encumbrances: whether the property is pledged or whether it was bought on credit.

A vehicle purchased on credit cannot be deregistered until the owner pays the full amount for it.


The owner of the vehicle can independently choose the traffic police department, where it will be more convenient for him to remove the car from registration. It doesn't matter where the person is registered and the movable property was registered.

The procedure is allowed to be carried out in a public or private MREO. The difference is that private services are more expensive.

Before visiting the institution, it is worth finding out what documents will be needed to deregister the car in connection with the sale and the amount of the state duty. The procedure for re-registering cars can take place without the presence of the object itself, except for the cases of its export abroad and partial utilization.

The owner must provide a completed application and a package of documents. The inspection officer will establish his identity, check the authenticity and correctness of the paperwork.

If deficiencies are identified, the documents will be returned for their elimination.

Then the employee must conduct a visual inspection of the car, check the compliance of the identification numbers with the submitted documents, as well as the design for compliance with the requirements. If discrepancies are found, this will be noted in the application.

When registration is terminated, a deregistration entry will be made in the vehicle's passport, and state signs (if the owner is not going to use them) will be handed over to the traffic police department and disposed of or can be stored behind the car.

If the car was sold under a sale and purchase agreement and was not deregistered, the new owner can re-register the movable property on its basis without any problems.

An application submitted through the Portal of Public Services is checked and processed by an inspection officer. If there is a lack of information or inaccuracy in filling out, he will send a notification to the applicant.

If a positive decision is made, he will be given a choice of time and place for the procedure.

The application will be assigned a number by which you can trace its status. Then, within a day, information will be sent to e-mail or to your personal account to confirm the date of admission.

Through State Services

At present, almost all government services can be issued via the Internet through the Single Portal. Including deregistration of vehicles.

This will help save the applicant time and effort by avoiding queues. You can consult with a specialist in advance by phone. After completing the application, you should set a convenient time for the further procedure.

Procedure on the website:

  1. First you need to go to your personal account and go to "Transport and driving".
  2. Then "All services" → "Vehicle registration".
  3. Click on "Deregistration".

  4. Select the reason for deregistration.
  5. Specify the type of service: "electronic".
  6. Click "get".
  7. Then you should indicate the data of the vehicle and the owner:

  • select the type of vehicle;
  • inform, the owner or his representative is the applicant;
  • enter personal data;

  • enter passport data;
  • specify the address;
  • enter the data of the state mark;
  • category, description, vehicle data;

  • data of the registration document and TCP;
  • document of ownership of the car;
  • choose the traffic police department in which the deregistration will take place;

  • check the box about familiarization with the rules for submitting an electronic application.
  • After that, you will receive a notification about the time and day of the visit to the traffic police, which was selected. You will need to appear there with the original documents. You will not have to occupy the general queue, since the applicant has already been assigned a serial number.

    The fee for paying for services on the site of the Single Portal can be paid with a 30 percent discount when submitting an electronic application and non-cash payment.

    Required documents

    To carry out the registration termination procedure movable property the following documents are required:

    • applicant's passport;
    • application for withdrawal;
    • vehicle passport;
    • car registration certificate;
    • export abroad: transit numbers;
    • hijacking: certificate of opening a criminal case;
    • sale: purchase and sale agreement;
    • recycling: receipt for payment of state duty;
    • partial disposal: documents with vehicle part numbers;
    • moving: insurance certificate.

    How to fill out an application

    The application for the removal of the vehicle from registration is written according to a single sample, but it differs depending on the reason for this action.

    When disposing of it, it is necessary to indicate that it is being completely recycled and attach documents to the machine. If the disposal is partial, then you will need papers on the chassis, the engine and other parts that have a number.

    If the property was sold more than 10 days ago, the application states that the documents and numbers were lost. When traveling abroad, this fact should be indicated as a reason.

    Step-by-step instructions for filling out an application:

    • indicate the name of the traffic police department;
    • underline the line with the desired reason;
    • enter the brand, model, VIN, year of manufacture and vehicle number;
    • passport data;
    • fill in the information about the owner's representative, if present;
    • enter vehicle details again;
    • the rest of the lines are for traffic police officers.

    Time and cost

    The terms for the provision of public services are 60 minutes after submitting an application to the traffic police, with the exception of unforeseen situations.

    If the documents were received through the Portal of Public Services, the reception can be scheduled no later than the fifth day from the moment of their submission. If the applicant does not arrive on time, they will not be expected for more than 30 minutes.

    The state duty when removing a car from registration when selling is not taken, but in some cases you need to pay for:


    After buying a car, the owner must register it with the traffic police within 10 days. If this has not been done, he may be held liable in the amount of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

    If a traffic police inspector stops a citizen driving an unregistered vehicle, he faces a fine of 500 to 800 rubles.

    In case of a repeated violation, the punishment will be much stricter - 5,000 rubles, and the likelihood of deprivation is also high driving license for a period of one to three months.

    Can I save the number

    By law, vehicle registration is permitted in any region, regardless of the residence permit of the citizen to whom it belongs. Mandatory deregistration of vehicles upon sale was canceled. Therefore, the sale and purchase transaction can be made with the preservation of the number.

    Whether the numbers remain after registration is terminated is decided by the owner of the car and the future owner, if one already exists. In this case, the region of residence of the seller and the buyer does not matter.

    When preparing a vehicle for sale to the owner, in order to avoid trouble later, it should be deregistered.

    Moreover, this can be done in any department of the State Traffic Inspectorate and in any region. And in order not to waste time, it is worthwhile to study the procedure in advance.

    Reading time: 10 minutes

    The procedure for deregistering a car may take several days: collect paperwork, come to the traffic police, wait in line and complete a number of registrations. There is another way - to sign up on the Internet. Here you can take a queue for re-registration of transport, register and remove from it in 15 minutes.

    Is it possible to remove a car from the traffic police register through State Services

    In a situation where the owner sold the vehicle through a sale and purchase agreement, and the new owner, in violation of the agreement, does not register the vehicle. After 10 days from the date of the transaction, the previous owner can remove the car from the register. Several years ago, it was easy to deregister a car through State Services. Today, the portal has a function of termination of registration in connection with disposal and export outside the Russian Federation.

    When writing this manual, four regions of Russia were checked, therefore, perhaps the service is available in others. To check this, you need to go to the portal. If you are on the site for the first time, you must register (use our guide). The main page contains a complete list of government services. We enter the section "Transport and driving".

    There is no normal deregistration, without specified reasons or in connection with a sale. In this situation, residents of Moscow and Moscow region can log in through the profile of the State Service on the official website Residents of other areas can also check their regional portals for this feature.

    How to deregister a car in connection with the sale through Autocode: step by step instructions

    For residents of the capital, there is an opportunity to make an online appointment with the traffic police to stop the registration of a car. The Moscow site is a regional version of the federal resource of the State Service, therefore we enter it under the same username and password. The principle of operation of the capital version is similar, on the main page we see the link "Go to the service catalog".

    Step 1. Search for a service

    The screen is divided into three columns. In the first, we select the section "Personal transport", in the second - a list of actions that can be performed with the vehicle, as in the sample. And among the services and services, click on the first line "Sign up for registration actions Traffic police ". The service takes you to the next page to confirm your choice. Click on the red button.

    The service will ask the purpose of the request. In our case, you need to select the third line "Disposal, loss, theft or termination of registration of the vehicle after sale." If the purpose of your appeal is different, select the required line.

    Step 2. Selecting the traffic police unit, date and time

    All districts of the capital region are listed, when a specific one is indicated, the service will give out all possible traffic police departments for this area. Those interested can use the map to clearly see where the office is. The link to the map is in the lower right corner.

    Go ahead and choose the time of your visit. For this, a table with hours and minutes is shown. The green mark on the line and the inscription "Free" speaks for itself. Click on a suitable one and the site reserves a place, the inscription "Busy" appears.

    The application remains to be sent to the department. Then print an electronic coupon, which will come to your personal account and go with it on the appointed day.

    Removal from registration of a motor vehicle in connection with export outside the Russian Federation for permanent residence

    To take a car abroad, you must write a statement to the traffic police with the introduction of personal data, detailed description technical characteristics car and documents on it. In the "Transport and driving" section, select the desired line and confirm.

    A three-part questionnaire opens. In the first, the department finds out what kind of transport is planned to be exported abroad

    and offers to fill in personal data and information from a civil passport.

    The next stage is information about the documents for the car. We need a title and a certificate that the property has been accounted for. Some columns are optional, so only the main series and numbers can be entered.

    As with registration for registration, the procedure for liquidating registration registration will take place in a specific traffic police department. We enter the address where the service provides a list of possible inspection offices. On the map we choose a convenient one, we also set the day and time ourselves in the windows that open below. The site asks to confirm the entry, click on the blue button.

    The response of the department should come in a few minutes to the personal account of the State Services. It remains only to appear with the package of documents on the appointed day.

    What documents are needed for deregistration

    When filling out applications and a personal visit to the State Traffic Inspectorate, you must take with you:

    • identification;
    • power of attorney certified by a notary (only for a representative);
    • statement.

    Service cost

    A single portal informs in detail what and how much you have to pay for in the "Transport and driving" section. Most of the services are provided free of charge. So, you do not have to pay a state duty for deregistering a vehicle:

    • for disposal;
    • when stolen or sold.

    But if you plan to take the car out of the borders of the Russian Federation, you will have to pay a state duty in the amount of 1120 rubles. Motorcycles and trailers are cheaper - 560 rubles. Such rates are valid for cash payment, for example, at the traffic police. If you pay online, there is a discount.

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