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Can it be fined for the spike sign. The penalty for the lack of a "spike" sign was canceled

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In the article "Sign" Spike "is obligatory or not? What is fine? " We found out that the lack of a "spike" sign on a vehicle with bumpy tires is a violation, but the law does not provide responsibility for this violation.

In 2016, the information is increasingly increasing that the drivers are discharged at part 1 of article 12.15 of the COAP of the Russian Federation for the lack of a "spike" sign. The driver stops, reported to him about violation, the driver agrees, the inspector will decide and appoints a penalty of 500 rubles in accordance with Part 1 of Article 28.6 of the Code of Administrative Medical University.

1. In case directly on the place of the commission individual An administrative punishment is appointed by an administrative punishment in the form of a warning or an administrative fine, an administrative offense protocol is applied, and a decree on an administrative offense case is made in the manner prescribed by Article 29.10 of this Code. A copy of the decree in the case of an administrative offense is awarded to a receipt of the person in respect of which it was made, as well as the victim at his request. In case of refusal to obtain a copy of the resolution, it is sent to a person in respect of which a resolution has been made, by mail by registered mail within three days from the date of this resolution.

What if you write such a ruling?

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 28.6, you have the right to challenge the presence of a violation or punishment.

2. In the event that the person in respect of which the administrative offense case was initiated, challenges the event of an administrative offense and (or) administrative penalties appointed to him, a protocol on an administrative offense is compiled, which is attached to the decision made in accordance with Part 1 of this article.

The presence of a disorder is not necessary, as it is, but the qualifications of it is not true and the appointed sentence should be challenged. That is about this and declare the inspector. Simple words, demand the compilation of the protocol. It is most likely that the inspector will not make the protocol, as it will understand that in the fulfillment of his personal plan you will no longer help him, and by making up a protocol with knowingly incorrect qualifications he will only hurt himself.

Even if the protocol is drawn up on the analysis, no problems prove the lack of guilt will not. More precisely, the inspector will not have any opportunity to prove the guilt. Of course, in the protocol, it is necessary to note in the note: "With the punishment, I do not agree, the absence of a" spike "sign does not prohibit operation vehicle" But I repeat, drawing up the protocol in this case is unlikely.

What if the ruling is already on hands without a protocol?

In accordance with Article 30.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, you can appeal against the resolution into a higher authority, a higher official or to the district court at the expense of the case.

The deadline for filing a complaint - 10 days from the date of delivery.

Sticker "sh" when set winter tires It was obligatory since the 90s of the last century. Then it was relevant, since the studded tires though ceased to be exotic, but they have not yet received the mass distribution. The sticker served as a warning to the drivers traveling behind the drivers that it is necessary to observe the distance, as the rose slows down on the ice much more efficiently. Sincere time, much has changed, the included tires have become a massive, but appropriate requirement from the rules road Nothing disappeared.

But until last year, the penalty for the lack of sticker "sh" was not. But in 2017, for its absence (as well as other stickers, for example, a "novice driver"), a penalty of 500 rubles appeared in the form of a fine. (There is a 50 percent discount). Employees of traffic police with enthusiasm perceived innovation and sometimes arranged whole types on drivers, massively prescribing fines.

This year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared a draft change in traffic rules, which changes item 8 of the "basic provisions for the access of vehicles to operate" in terms of car with tires. The following text should disappear:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral white triangle top up with a border of red color, in which the letter "W" of black (the side of the triangle is not less than 200 mm, the width of Kaima - 1/10 side) - from behind the mechanical vehicles that have observed Tires »

But the draft resolution after the passage of the Public Discussion procedure has not yet been signed. Therefore, the sticker remains mandatory.

It is necessary on the rear of the vehicle, but nowhere is not stipulated whether it should be visible to others. Therefore, the "sh" sign can be independently printed (the main thing is to observe the size, there were cases when the inspectors with a roulette measured stickers) and place anywhere. Including from the inside of the salon on the glass, even if it is tightly toned, or even with inner Sedan trunk lids.

Otherwise, the traffic police inspector will have the full right to be fined you for failure to comply with the requirements of "basic provisions ..." and, accordingly, violation of paragraph 7.15.1 "List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. Will be punished under Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code ( penalty 500 rub.).

Download and independently print the "sh" sign (* .jpg). Its width is a little higher than 200 mm.

  • The penalty for the absence of the sticker "sh" caused bewilderment even at the main inspector of the country of Mikhail Chernikov. Almost immediately after his promise to understand the question and a draft change in traffic rules appeared.
  • The most unusual applications of the sticker "sh" - in our gallery dedicated to how drivers trolls traffic police.


In this article we will tell about the next calendar date, which you can make desires with a high probability of their execution.

This is "Date of three twenty" March 20 2020 - the number that contains three digits "20" and which day is equal to the night, and the astronomical winter is replaced by an astronomical spring (an event is called Happy Spring Equinox).

The technology of riddling desires on the day of spring equinox 20.03.2020 is extremely simple.

You should cross your fingers on your hands (thus joining what is happening on this day the intersection of heavenly equator with ecliptic) and mentally utter your desire.

There are two points in which you can make desires. The first moment - as close as possible to the exact time of the spring equinox, which is happening on March 2020 at 6:50 "in Moscow". And the second moment - at 20 o'clock 20 minutes 20 seconds local time.

That is, how and how much how much to make a desire in the "date of three twenty" 03/20/2020:
... Cross your fingers on your arms and pronounce a desire ...
1. As close as possible to the exact moment of spring equinox (06:50 Moscow time).
2. at 20 o'clock 20 minutes 20 seconds (local time).

On March 18, 2020, a report on the abolition of the event appeared on the official website of the Eurovision Song Contest.

We tell why there was a cancellation of the Eurovision contest 2020 - the reasons why the event was not transferred at later time, did not spend without viewers or remotely.

Why was the "Eurovision" 2020 canceled:

The reason for the abolition of a popular musical event was the uncertainty caused by the spread of viral infection in Europe called COVID-19 (Coronovirus).

Why the date of "Eurovision 2020" did not postpone at a later time:

The organizers placed on the official website of the competition a statement in which they reported that they were considered various alternative options holding a competition. Including an option for holding a competition without viewers, or transfer of the date at a later time, after the decline in the spread of infection.

However, the transfer turned out to be difficult because the situation with the epidemiological situation in Europe is extremely uncertain, and it is not clear when everything comes to normal. If you still manage to hold a contest, for example, at the end of 2020, the winner will have extremely little time to prepare the organization of the following event. (which according to the plan should pass in May 2021).

Previously, the Eurovision 2020 competition was planned at the second full week of May: from 15 to 16 May 2020.

Why didn't they have been "Eurovision 2020" without viewers or remotely:

Currently restrictions set in the Netherlands On the number of people who can at the same time attend public events do not allow Eurovision even in the format of "without viewers."

As for the "remote" format, then in this case the organizers will not be able to provide all participants to the same opportunities to demonstrate their talentWhat contradicts the values \u200b\u200band traditions of the organization.

Where will "Eurovision" will be held 2021, in which composition:

Most likely, the venue of the competition of the popular song next year rotterdam will remain (the second largest city of the Netherlands After the capital of Amsterdam).

The decision will be made by the organizers of the competition and the leadership of the Netherlands later.

Also, it is not yet decided whether the selected participants will be able to fulfill the songs presented next year, or they will need to compose new compositions. Recall that in the current year to submit Russia to Eurovision 2020 should have been group "Little Big" with the composition "Uno".

What is the essence of the action "Earth Hour" 2020:

Annually last Saturday of March All over the world has an environmental action " Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF).

The meaning of the promotion is in voluntary failure to consume electrical energy for one hour. Thus, the Company is aware of the importance of adopting measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the surrounding nature.

For the first time this wonderful idea was implemented in the Australian Sydney in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by an example, all new and new cities began to join the action "Earth Hour" every year. In 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements of our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in the voluntary disconnection of energy for 1 hour. Among the countries participating in the action, Russia is also over.

What is the number and how much is the action "Earth Hour" 2020:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually last Saturday of MarchWith the exception of those years when the last Saturday of March precedes Easter.

This year, the "hour of the Earth" is scheduled for Saturday March 28 2020. Promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the action hour of the Earth 2020 - what number is carried out and how much:
* Date of holding - March 28, 2020
* From 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

Starting from April 2017, the presence of a spike sign is a prerequisite for the operation of the vehicle. Employees of the traffic police are entitled to finant motorists who do not comply with the new road rule.

The letter "sh" on the vehicle means a shortened braking path of the vehicle. The "sh" symbol in the presence of studded rubber is glued to each vehicle. He obliges drivers to keep the distance.

How should the letter "sh" should look like a car?

  • the sides of the triangle must be 20 cm;
  • the background of the triangle must be painted white with red border;
  • the letter "sh" should be black.

According to the law, traffic police officers have the right to write a fine if the vehicle is equipped with studded rubber, and there is no sign.

The new law on the stickers "Spikes" provides for a decrease in emergency situations on the roads of Russia.

After the accepted law on the sticker "Spikes", the availability of a symbol was declined at times. Because of its deficiency, the cost exceeds 500 rubles. Find a sticker on the territory Russian Federation hard enough.

What if I did not find the factory sticker?

Sign it is not glued for the owner of the car, but for the rest drivers on the road:

  • the sticker must be visible at a distance of 20 meters and further;
  • if the glass is toned, the spikes symbol is attached from the outside of the rear window.

If not found on the sale of the right stickers, the law is allowed to print it, but subject to compliance with the above requirements.

Law on the sticker "Spikes"

The law provides that the "sh" sign is glued at a time with the setting of studded rubber. In the summer, the driver does not need a spike symbol, but according to the law it does not have a reason for issuing a fine.

According to the law on the "spike" sticker, the mark is glued on rear glass car. The rule is not definitely, the identification mark can be glued to the vehicle bumper.

The main thing! The law is indicated that the sign should be in the field of visibility of all participants in motion both at night and in daytime.

The law on the sticker "Spikes" is applicable to all car owners, without exception.

Sign "Spike" is required or not?

Experts believe that the designation "spikes" is not necessarily on cars. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation opposite believes that the presence of a sign will reduce the level of accidents on the track and reduce the severity of the consequences for an accident.

According to the Government Decision of March 24, 2017, the presence of a "spike" sign is a prerequisite for the operation of the car. His absence refers to the car malfunction and the use of the vehicle is prohibited.

The law was implemented for two reasons:

  • the brake let the car with studded rubber less than the vehicle with ordinary tires. At the moment of braking from behind, the reaching car may not calculate the desired time to stop and will occur;
  • spike rubber quality does not always comply with standards. During the ride, the spikes can fly into different directions, which can cause an accident.

The legislation of the Russian Federation is prohibited to use summer tires From December to February. Based on this, the use of studded rubber from June to August is prohibited. The rest of the time is granted to the driver. It should soberly assess the weather conditions and possible road situations.

According to the law, the placement of the spike symbol on the rear-type glass is not necessary. It can be pasted on the car body.

For the presence of a "spike" sign on the rearview glass in the summer, traffic police officers do not have the right to finf.

To get acquainted with the Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017, perhaps by downloading it by.

Penalty for the lack of stickers

No mandatory identification symbols on motor vehicle It is liable in accordance with the Administrative Violation Code. The size of the fine and the punishment conditions are described in.

Before writing a penalty for the lack of stickers, traffic police officers should make a remark to the driver who violates traffic rules.

The size of the fine for the lack of stickers by car - 500 rubles. The penalty refers to the category "non-compliance of safety conditions on the road."

The punishment for the lack of stickers with the "Sh" symbol on the car can be a ban on the driver for further movement. Due to the lack of an identification symbol of spikes when passing technical inspection The driver is not issued by the diagnostic card.

The law on the introduction of a fine for the lack of identification marks on the car began to operate from April 4, 2017.

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