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Vehicle escort. The procedure for filing applications for escort by patrol cars of the state traffic police

Cargo escorting in Moscow and Russia

Cargo escorting is one of the services provided by a freight forwarding company, because in modern times, many types of business activities have as one of the components of the production process the need to transport goods, valuables, documents from one place to another. This can be manufactured products, purchased lots of goods, raw materials or equipment, important documentation, or just cash or securities. In those cases when the transported cargo leaves the territory of the guarded object and is sent along the route intended for it through the vastness of our vast country, it turns out to be dangerously vulnerable to criminals or "unfairly gambling" business competitors. That is why it would be a good strategy to use the cargo escort service provided by the KoronaTrans company.

Quite often, the need to use the experience of cargo escorting professionals is not only possible, but also a prerequisite transport companies - as a rule, this happens in the case of a high value of the transported cargo (for example, precious metals, furs, elite alcoholic beverages, etc.) or when the route of transportation is laid in areas that are unfavorable from the point of view of criminal tension. However, it can be stated with confidence that the loss of any cargo turns out to be not only significant financial costs for the enterprise, but also additional time and "nervous" costs, failures in the technological process and other indirectly arising problems. Escorting and guarding the cargo allows the entrepreneur to "spread the straw" in a timely manner where necessary.

All the details of the cargo escorting operation are developed individually for each specific case, and are generally determined by the nature and value of the cargo, the type and route of transportation, the general criminal situation on the route and possible individual threats to the safety of the transportation of this cargo.
Escort oversized cargo

Speaking about the measures taken to ensure the safety of goods in transit, one cannot fail to mention such an effective and simple method as escorting oversized cargo by cover vehicles. It can be either organized at the request of the customer or mandatory.

According to the requirements of the traffic rules, mandatory escort of oversized cargo by cover vehicles is carried out in the following cases:
- if the width of the transport or cargo exceeds 3.5 meters or the length of the transport exceeds 24 meters;
- if the permit contains special instructions on artificial structures, passage through which can be carried out alone, or conditions under which the movement of cargo can be promptly changed.

Compulsory escort of goods is carried out both by conventional cover vehicles and by a tractor (if necessary). Depending on the agreement of the parties, both the carrier company and the shipper can provide cover cars and tractors. The escort vehicle must be equipped with orange or yellow flashing lights.

There are also cases in which the obligatory escort of the cargo by the traffic police patrol car is necessary:
- if the width of the vehicle or cargo exceeds 4 meters or the length of the vehicle exceeds 30 meters;
- if a vehicle needs to occupy a part of the oncoming traffic lane for movement;
- if the transported cargo is classified as dangerous;
- if on the way to ensure the safety of the passage, it may be necessary to change the organization of traffic.

In other cases, cargo escorting can be carried out at the request of the customer to ensure maximum safety of the cargo. The customer can request a cover car from the carrier or turn to the help of third-party specialized companies. Now in the country there are many security companies that professionally provide accompanying services, including an armed cover. Agree, given the current crime situation on our roads, this is often almost the surest guarantee that your valuable cargo will reach its destination.

Escort vehicle organized when according to safety requirements road traffic when vehicles carry out certain types of transportation, it is necessary to introduce restrictions on the movement of other vehicles.

1. Escort of transport

patrol cars of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the military automobile inspection are carried out on the basis of the Regulation on escorting vehicles by cars of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation and the military automobile inspection, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2007 N 20 (with subsequent amendments and additions).

This Regulation does not apply to escorting vehicles special purpose, which is carried out within the framework of security measures in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Protection".

2. Cases, conditions and procedure for assigning escorts.

2.1. Accompaniment with the use of cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate can be carried out in the following cases:

a) organized transportation of groups of children;

b) organized transportation of participants in events held by the President of the Russian Federation or the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) transportation of especially dangerous, bulky and (or) heavy cargo;

d) movement of a military column;

e) movement of vehicles and special equipment when carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate consequences emergencies;

f) carrying out other activities if escort is directly prescribed by acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

g) movement of a vehicle when following a senior official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for official purposes (the head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) - within the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and in addition, movement of a vehicle when following senior officials for business purposes persons of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region - within the territories of Moscow and the Moscow region, senior officials of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - within the territories of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, senior officials of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol - within the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

2.2. In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 N 1177
"On approval of the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses"
the head or official responsible for ensuring road safety, organizations, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement, the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensures the submission of notifications on the organized transportation of a group of children to the traffic police if the organized transportation of a group of children is carried out by one or two buses, or applications to escort transport convoys by cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate if the specified transportation is carried out in at least 3 buses.

2.3. Escort with the use of military traffic police vehicles may be carried out in the following cases:

a) movement of a military column;

b) transportation of especially dangerous, bulky and (or) heavy cargo for defense purposes.

3. When considering an application and deciding on the appointment of an escort, the following conditions are taken into account:

a) the ability to move vehicles without taking additional measures to ensure road safety;

b) the optimality of the proposed route and schedule based on traffic intensity and compliance road conditions safety requirements;

c) the possibility of using alternative modes of transport for transportation;

d) the need to temporarily restrict or stop the movement of vehicles on sections of public roads.

If the implementation of escort requires a temporary restriction or termination of the movement of vehicles on road sections, the organizer of the event coordinates the application for escort with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities local government within their competence.

4. The decision on the appointment of an escort is made:

a) in the case of following public roads - by the chief state traffic safety inspector of the Russian Federation (his deputies), the head of the Special Purpose Center in the field of road safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (his deputies), as well as the chief state traffic safety inspectors movement in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in districts, cities and other municipalities, including in several municipalities (by officials performing their duties) - within the respective constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal formation or several municipalities;

b) if the route leaves the boundaries of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation - by the chief state inspector of road safety in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, from the territory of which the movement of escorted vehicles begins, in agreement with the chief state inspectors of road safety in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by territoriality in according to the route;

c) in the case of following the roads within a closed administrative-territorial entity - by the head of the traffic police unit in the corresponding closed administrative-territorial entity;

d) if the route leaves the closed administrative-territorial unit - by the head of the traffic police unit in the corresponding closed administrative-territorial unit in agreement with the chief state traffic safety inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by territoriality in accordance with the route;

e) when moving military convoys on public roads - by the authorized head of the military traffic inspectorate in agreement with the chief state traffic safety inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the heads of the State Traffic Inspectorate units in closed administrative-territorial entities in accordance with the route.

5. Basic security requirements for escorting.

5.1. The initiators of the escort and the owners of the accompanied vehicles are obliged to comply with all the requirements established by regulatory legal acts for the admission of drivers and vehicles to participate in road traffic, the requirements for the work and rest regime of drivers.

5.2. When carrying out escort, no deviations from the requirements of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, related to the exit to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, at the prohibiting traffic signal, by exceeding the established speed of movement, movement through railway tracks.

5.3. If the number of escorted vehicles exceeds 10 units, at least 2 escort vehicles are allocated.

5.4. IN necessary cases measures are envisaged to regulate road traffic, organize detours, restrict or stop traffic on certain road sections.

5.5. Before the beginning of the escort, the escort outfit (if necessary with the involvement of other officials) provides:

a) checking the compliance of the escorted vehicles with the declared composition, the availability of the documents necessary for their admission, as well as the admission of vehicles to participate in road traffic, compliance of the transported goods with the accompanying documents;

b) inspection of escorted vehicles, bus salons, as well as transported goods in order to check the correctness of their placement, if necessary - checking vehicles, persons and goods in them using service dogs, using accounting data provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and search measures;

c) visual inspection of vehicles in order to identify technical malfunctions that threaten road safety;

d) instructing the drivers of the escorted vehicles.

5.6. Escort is not carried out if the escort outfit reveals circumstances that prevent safe traffic vehicles, and the impossibility of their removal by the initiators of the escort and (or) the owners of the escorted vehicles.

5.7. When escorting, the escort team takes measures to prevent road accidents involving escorted vehicles and to ensure priority movement of escorted vehicles (subject to the established restrictions) along the route.

5.8. If necessary, the internal affairs bodies carry out the development and implementation of additional measures to ensure public safety in places where escorted vehicles stop for rest, food, lodging and other purposes.

6. Transport escort patrol cars of the traffic police are carried out in accordance with the instruction of the same name, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
of August 31, 2007 N 767 (pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2007 N 20).

7. Transport escort with the use of civilian cover vehicles for the transportation of oversized cargo is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2014 N 7. The conditions of transportation and requirements for cover vehicles are given.

Registration N 10357

In order to streamline the activities of the State Traffic Inspectorate related to the organization and escort of vehicles - i order:

1. To establish that the fulfillment in the system of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation of tasks related to the organization and implementation of measures to escort vehicles with patrol vehicles is the exclusive competence of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

2. To approve the attached Instruction on the implementation of escorting vehicles by patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

3. To the Department of Traffic Safety (VN Kiryanov), DRO (VV Shlemin) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, ministers of internal affairs, chiefs of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, internal bodies in closed territories and restricted facilities:

3.1. To organize the study and fulfillment of the requirements of this order by the employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, endowed with the authority to dispose of or operate official vehicles equipped with special sound signals and flashing beacons.

3.2. Ensure that the interested executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and other organizations, citizens are informed of the necessary information about the conditions and procedure for escorting vehicles by patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

3.3. Take measures to create conditions to improve the level of professional training of traffic police officers included in the escort orders.

3.4. Ensure control over the use of patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate. On the facts of inappropriate use of patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as well as the organization of escort in cases not provided for by the Instruction approved by this order, conduct official inspections, based on the results of which, take disciplinary measures against the guilty.

4. To the Ministers of Internal Affairs, chiefs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, internal bodies in closed territories and restricted facilities:

4.1. Provide, within two months, the development and approval in the prescribed manner:

4.1.1. With the bodies of the federal security service, federal bodies of state security, as well as officials of administrations, authorized members of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the procedure for escorting patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate vehiclesused by members of the State Council of the Russian Federation for official purposes.

4.1.2. With the state educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the procedure for sending applications for escorting vehicles with patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate for organized transportation of groups of children and students.

4.2. Organize interaction with the territorial management bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia on the issues of escorting vehicles and special equipment during measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

5. DKO (V.Ya. Kikotu), the Department of Traffic Safety (VN Kiryanov) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to amend the programs of special vocational training, retraining and advanced training of the State Traffic Inspectorate employees in terms of organizing and escorting vehicles with patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

6. To consider as invalid subparagraph 1.4 and the Instructions on the organization and implementation by the units of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of escorting convoys or individual vehicles by patrol cars (Appendix 4) of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 6, 1995 N 260 1, paragraph 23 Instructions on the work of the road patrol service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 20, 1999 N 297 2.

7. I entrust the control over the implementation of this order to the deputy ministers for the supervised areas of activity.

general of the Army R. Nurgaliev

Appendix to the order

Instructions for the implementation of escorting vehicles by patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate

I. General provisions

1. This Instruction was developed in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2007 N 20 1 and determines the procedure for implementing a set of measures to ensure road safety along the route of vehicles (hereinafter - escort) using vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate, on the outer surfaces of which a special color-graphic scheme is applied, equipped with devices for sending special sound signals and flashing beacons of blue and red colors (hereinafter - the escort car).

2. The legal basis for escorting is the Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 N 1026-1 "On the Police" 2, Regulations on the State Traffic Safety Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 15, 1998 N 711 3, other decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Regulations on escorting vehicles by cars of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 4, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2007 N 20, other decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, this Instruction, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adopted within their competence.

3. The main tasks in the organization and implementation of support are:

3.1. Implementation of additional measures to prevent road accidents involving escorted vehicles along the route.

3.2. Providing priority movement of escorted vehicles along the route.

4. Escort is organized when, according to the requirements of ensuring road safety when carrying out certain types of transport by vehicles, it is necessary to impose restrictions on the movement of other vehicles.

5. The organization and implementation of escorts during security measures are regulated by the Instruction on the organization and provision of safe and unhindered passage of special-purpose vehicles 5.

6. The organization of escorts during sports events outside sports facilities is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 3, 1994 N 446 "On measures to improve road safety when holding sports events in the Russian Federation outside special sports facilities" 6.

7. Organization of escort during the transportation of special cargo is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by this Instruction.

8. The organization of escort during the movement of military convoys is carried out in the manner determined by the joint regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of Russia 7.

II. Organization of escort

9. Organization of escort includes:

9.1. Methodological support of the activities of directorates (departments, divisions) of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, internal bodies in closed territories and restricted facilities 8.

9.2. Professional training of employees involved in the organization and implementation of escort.

9.3. Preparation of escort vehicles, operational and technical equipment and communication facilities used during escort.

9.4. Dissemination of information on the procedure for organizing and implementing support.

9.5. Interaction with the military automobile inspection, other bodies and organizations on the issues of road safety in the implementation of escort.

9.6. Accounting, analysis of maintenance work, development of measures to improve maintenance.

9.7. Control over compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in terms of the organization and implementation of support.

10. Subdivisions of the State Traffic Inspectorate can carry out the following types of escort:

10.1. Following by car members of the State Council of the Russian Federation 9 for official purposes.

10.2. Organized transportation of groups of children and students.

10.3. Transportation of especially dangerous, oversized and (or) heavy cargo.

10.4. The movement of vehicles and special equipment during measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergencies.

10.5. Implementation in cases directly provided for by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of other transportation by road.

11. The basis for consideration of the issue of escort is the application submitted by physical, official or legal entities according to the form (Appendix N 1).

The following materials must be attached to the application, where applicable:

a) the approval of the state educational authorities of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the transportation of children and students (in the case provided for by subparagraph 10.2 of these Instructions);

b) documents stipulated by the Rules of carriage dangerous goods by road 10 and (or) the Instruction for the carriage of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation 11 (in the case provided for in subparagraph 11.3 of this Instruction);

c) the decision of the governing body for the implementation of measures to prevent, suppress and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations (in the case provided for by subparagraph 11.4 of this Instruction);

d) a copy of a regulatory legal act that directly prescribes escort (in the case provided for in subparagraph 11.5 of this Instruction).

12. Applications for escort are submitted to directorates (departments, offices) of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, internal bodies in closed territories and restricted facilities 12 at the place where escort began or, in exceptional cases, to the Department of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at least than ten days before the planned transportation and are considered within five days.

13. When considering an application, the following is studied:

13.1. The ability to carry out transportation without the implementation of additional measures to ensure road safety.

13.2. Optimality of the proposed route and transportation schedule based on traffic intensity and road conditions compliance with safety requirements.

13.3. Possibility of using alternative modes of transport for transportation.

13.4. The need to introduce a temporary restriction or stop the movement of vehicles on the relevant highwaysah, or portions thereof.

14. If the implementation of escort requires a temporary restriction or termination of the movement of vehicles on highways, or their sections, the applicant (organizer of transportation) is invited to additionally coordinate it with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, in who is in charge of these highways or their sections.

15. The decision on the appointment of an escort is made:

15.1. On public roads - by the head of the Department of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (his deputies), as well as by the heads of directorates (departments, divisions) of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, internal bodies in closed territories and restricted facilities 13 (officials executing them duties) within the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a district, a city, a district in a city, a municipal or other municipal formation, a closed territory and a restricted facility, respectively.

15.2. If the escort route goes beyond the boundaries of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation - by the heads of departments (divisions, departments) of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, from whose territory the movement of accompanied vehicles begins, in agreement with the heads of departments (departments, departments) State traffic inspectorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GUVD, ATC for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of territoriality in accordance with the escort route.

15.3. In the case of escort within a closed administrative-territorial entity of a particularly important or restricted facility - by the head of a department (department) of the State traffic inspectorate of the corresponding OVDRO.

15.4. In cases where the route goes beyond the boundaries of a closed administrative-territorial entity of a particularly important and restricted facility - by the head of a department (department) of the State traffic inspectorate of the corresponding OVDRO in agreement with the heads of departments (departments, departments) of the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GUVD, ATC for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by territoriality in according to the route.

16. A reasoned response is sent to the applicant (organizer of transportation) about the refusal to assign an escort within the time limits established by clause 13 of this Instruction.

17. The decision to refuse escort may be appealed to a higher department of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the prescribed manner.

18. The heads of the departments of the State traffic inspectorate, who have made a decision on the organization of escort, organize a set of preparatory measures, which includes:

18.1. Study of the escort route, the peculiarities of the organization of traffic, the communication system, the deployment of posts and patrol routes, the possibility of interaction with escort orders, if necessary - a preliminary survey of the selected route.

18.2. Determination of the required number of escort vehicles 14.

18.3. Assigning an escort outfit and a senior escort outfit 15.

18.4. Coordination with the departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate on the route of escorting the order of intermunicipal and interregional interaction.

18.5. Determination of the order of interaction between the escort and the outfits that support it.

18.6. Organization of checking the technical serviceability of escort vehicles.

18.7. Approval of the order for escort (Appendix No. 2) and bringing it to the escort order.

18.8. Determination of the place and topic of briefing the escort order and the employees involved in providing it.

18.9. If necessary:

a) making adjustments to the disposition of forces and assets along the escort route, organizing additional posts and patrol routes 16;

b) initiating decisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the adoption of additional measures to ensure public order and safety at the places where escorted vehicles stop for rest, food, lodging and other purposes of their drivers and passengers;

c) notification of road users and the population, including using the mass media, in cases of imposing restrictions or stopping traffic on highways or their sections.

19. Highways are selected for escort, the operational condition of which ensures the required level of road safety.

20. In the case of the appointment of an escort, the route of which passes through the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, by the ministers of internal affairs, chiefs of the GUVD, ATC for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO, directorates (departments, departments) of the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GUVD, ATC in In accordance with the competence established by this Instruction, provisional information is sent, as well as operational information on the movement of escorted vehicles to the Traffic Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

21. Before escorting, instructions are given to escort squads and the employees involved in providing it, on which the specifics of the route, the procedure for ensuring the safety of traffic, the organization of communication and methods of transferring information, the procedure for the use and use of firearms and the use of special means are given.

22. Upon arrival at the place where the escort starts, the senior escort squad provides:

22.1. Verification of the compliance of the escorted vehicles with the declared composition, the availability of the documents required for their admission by drivers, as well as the admission of vehicles to participate in road traffic, compliance of the transported goods with the accompanying documents.

22.2. Inspection of escorted vehicles, bus saloons, as well as transported goods in order to check the correct placement, if necessary - check vehicles, persons and goods in them with the use of service dogs, using the accounting data provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the implementation of search measures ...

22.3. Visual inspection of vehicles in order to identify technical malfunctions that threaten road safety.

22.4. Instructing drivers of escorted vehicles.

In the presence of operational information or suspicions about the offenses (crimes) committed (preparing to commit) by the escorted objects, the escort squad checks the vehicles, the persons and cargo in them using the accounting data provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, initiates and assists in the established procedure in the implementation of the search measures and the use of service dogs.

23. When instructing the drivers of escorted vehicles, the following shall be reported:

23.1. The route of movement.

23.2. Travel speed and distance between vehicles on certain sections of the route.

23.3. Conditional signals in case of an unforeseen stop, lagging of an escorted vehicle or a break in a column.

23.4. Procedure and placement of vehicles at stops, refueling, food and rest.

23.5. Places and sequence of pick-up and drop-off of passengers.

24. The head of the traffic police unit, who made the decision on the appointment of the escort, or the responsible person on duty for the corresponding unit, is reported to the head of the escort order about the readiness and beginning of escort or the identification of circumstances that impede the implementation of escort and the impossibility of their elimination by the organizers of transportation and (or) the owners of the escorted vehicles State traffic inspectorate.

III. Accompaniment

25. When escorting by an escort order, the implementation of road safety measures for escorted vehicles is ensured, including:

25.1. Use while driving on escort vehicles and escorted vehicles with dipped headlights.

25.2. Provision, in accordance with the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 17, advantages for accompanied vehicles in travel on highways.

25.3. Analysis of the current operational situation on the escort route, implementation of response measures to its change.

25.4. Interaction with the traffic patrol service on the route.

25.5. Report to the traffic police unit on duty on the passage of escorted vehicles along the route, the need to change the escort route, unscheduled and planned parking, road traffic and other incidents involving escorted vehicles and escort vehicles.

25.6. The choice of the speed limit and maneuvers that meet the requirements of the road traffic regulations, regulations, instructions for escort, as well as a safe distance between escorted vehicles.

26. As part of the escort order, the duties of employees are distributed in accordance with the following requirements:

26.1. One employee drives a patrol car, uses special sound signals and flashing beacons, and operates a loudspeaker installation.

26.2. The second employee is a senior escort squad, supervises the actions of the escort squad, monitors the escorted vehicles, the traffic situation and liaises with the duty units of the State Traffic Inspectorate, other escort squads and traffic patrol squads along the escort route, determines the speed, lane of the escort car and the trajectory of its movement.

27. When accompanied by one escort vehicle, in order to prevent oncoming traffic from entering the lane of the escorted vehicles, he must move in front of the escorted vehicles at a distance that ensures the safety of their movement, based on the conditions for creating minimal obstacles in traffic to other vehicles, the type of escort, the intensity road traffic, road and climatic conditions, the selected speed, the composition of the escorted vehicles.

When accompanied by two cars on roads that have one lane for traffic in this direction and in other dangerous places, one of them moves as indicated above, and the second, the closing one, follows the accompanied convoy to prevent it from overtaking by other vehicles.

With a larger number of escort vehicles, in order to notify road users and patrol service orders about the approach of escorted vehicles, signal escort vehicles moving in front of the main escort vehicle with a distance of two hundred to four hundred meters can be used.

28. The escort speed is set taking into account road and meteorological conditions, traffic intensity of vehicles and pedestrians, dynamic characteristics of the escorted vehicles.

At the beginning of the escort, as well as after driving to the top of long ascents, the escort speed should not exceed 30-40 km / h to exclude the lag of the escorted vehicles.

If the escorted vehicle creates difficulties for overtaking it, the escort order takes measures to periodically stop it at safe places, including those determined by the order for escort, for the passage of vehicles accumulated behind him.

29. To gain an advantage over other traffic participants, the escort outfit must turn on flashing beacons of blue and red colors and a special sound signal. It is allowed to take advantage only if there is objective evidence that other road users give way to them and the vehicles they accompany.

In addition, special sound signals and a loudspeaker installation must be used to warn road users about the approach of accompanied vehicles when approaching intersections, areas with limited visibility, and places of concentration of road accidents.

30. Depending on changes in the traffic situation on the escort route, the senior escort squad may change the order of the escort vehicles.

31. When carrying out escort, it is not allowed:

31.1. Deviations from the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations related to going to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, at a prohibiting traffic light, exceeding the set speed, driving through railway tracks.

31.2. Deviation of the escort order from the established route.

31.3. Transportation in an escort vehicle of persons not related to the escort.

31.4. Parking of escort vehicles outside specially adapted or marked places.

31.5. Continuing escort upon occurrence technical malfunction at the escort car and accompanied vehicles, identifying other circumstances that threaten road safety.

IV. Features of the organization of certain types of escort

32. When organizing escort of a member of the State Council, applications for escort received by the State Traffic Inspectorate units, based on the results of their consideration, are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, OVDRO at the place of escort for the development of a special plan for ensuring the security of a member of the State Council, approved in the manner prescribed by the ministers of internal cases, chiefs of the GUVD, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO.

In the event that the transportation route passes through the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation and closed administrative-territorial formations, especially important and secure facilities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO from the territory of which escort begins, special plans for ensuring the security of a member of the State Council with MIA, GUVD, ATC for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO along the entire route of such escort.

33. When organizing escort for the transportation of groups of children and students, applications for escorting organized transport convoys consisting of, as a rule, at least three buses are accepted for consideration.

33.1. The head of the department of the State Traffic Inspectorate additionally organizes a check of information about the presence of:

a) a license from a carrier for the carriage of passengers;

b) continuous driving experience of at least three recent years as bus drivers for drivers involved in transportation;

c) teachers or adults appointed as accompanying transportation based on their presence at each door of the bus;

d) medical workers in established cases;

e) two drivers if the driver's working time is more than 12 hours a day and a berth equipped in the bus for their rest;

f) a traffic schedule that meets the special requirements of work and rest of drivers transporting children and students.

33.2. Conformity assessment of the operational state of highways along the escort route is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 8, 1997 N 2 18.

When using regular routes for the mass transportation of children by buses, a commission check of their operational condition is carried out in the scope of a special check of the existing routes for the movement of buses (trolley buses), provided for by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 8, 1999 N 410 19.

33.3. Before escorting vehicles carrying children and students, the senior escort is additionally checked:

a) the driver's operating mode for the previous day;

b) the presence on buses of identification marks "Carriage of children";

c) the results of the inspection of the technical condition of buses, pre-trip medical examination of drivers before leaving the line.

33.4. Accompanying the transportation of children and students by buses is carried out only during the daytime 20.

33.5. When providing support:

a) the speed of movement should not exceed the established traffic rules and road signs and be no more than 60 km / h;

b) the windows in the passenger compartment of the bus must be closed when driving;

c) the driver is prohibited from disembarking children and students until the bus has come to a full stop, leaving the bus when boarding and disembarking children and students, while reversing.

34. When organizing escort of vehicles carrying bulky and (or) heavy cargo, applications are accepted for consideration in cases where:

vehicle width exceeds 4 m;

the length of the road train exceeds 30 m;

the vehicle when driving is forced to at least partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic;

the transported cargo according to the classification of the Ministry of Transport of Russia belongs to category 2;

as an exception, in cases where it is impossible to ensure road safety by other means.

34.1. In accordance with the specific characteristics of the cargo, special conditions for its escort may be established.

34.2. When providing support:

a) the escort car must be in front of the escorted vehicle with a ledge to the left in relation to the escorted one, so that its left side is to the left of the extreme point of the dimensions of the cargo being carried;

b) when escorting long loads, the controllability of the rolling stock should be taken into account, especially when cornering, and measures should be taken to free the carriageway along the safe trajectory of the escorted vehicle.

34.3. The outfits of the road patrol service on the escort route are used to gradually restrict or prohibit traffic in the appropriate directions, intersections, small radius turns, narrowing of the carriageway, bridges, overpasses and other difficult road sections, providing:

a) regular admission of accumulating vehicles;

b) clearing intersections from other vehicles when making a turn with an escorted vehicle with a long load;

c) traffic safety on ascents, descents and areas of increased slipperiness of the carriageway.

35. When organizing escort of vehicles transporting especially dangerous goods, applications are accepted for consideration if there are permits established by the Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by road 21.

35.1. The basis for considering an application for the organization of escort for the carriage of special cargo is the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

35.2. The decision on the appointment of an escort for the carriage of special cargo that does not belong to the categories of especially dangerous, large-sized and (or) heavyweight, in cases where this does not require the introduction of traffic restrictions, as well as the implementation of additional measures to organize traffic, may be made by the heads of departments ( departments) of the State traffic inspectorate of the OVDRO without coordination with the directorates (departments, divisions) of the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Preliminary information, as well as information on the movement of escorted vehicles carrying special cargo that does not belong to the categories of especially dangerous, large-sized and (or) heavyweight, is not transferred to the Traffic Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

36. When organizing escort of vehicles and special equipment when carrying out measures to prevent, suppress and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, the deadlines for filing and considering the application are determined by operational necessity and may differ from the deadlines established by clause 13 of this Instruction.

V. Control and accounting of the maintenance

37. Control over the implementation of escort of members of the State Council is assigned to the ministers, heads of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO within the competence established by this Instruction.

38. Control over the implementation of other types of escort is entrusted to the heads of departments (divisions, divisions) of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO within the competence established by this Instruction.

39. Ministers of Internal Affairs, chiefs of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO, heads of the State Traffic Inspectorate units are obliged:

39.1. To create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the requirements of the Instruction, other regulatory legal acts related to the implementation of support.

39.2. Analyze activities related to the implementation of maintenance, take measures aimed at improving it.

39.3. For each fact of road accidents involving escort squads of escorted vehicles, conduct official checks, ensure the development of measures to prevent them.

40. The registration of received applications and carried out escorts is carried out in the departments (divisions, departments) of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, OVDRO, authorized to consider applications, in the vehicle escort log in the attached form (Appendix No. 3).

The journal is stored for three years.

1 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 4, Art. 525.

2 Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1991, N 16, art. 503; Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 10, art. 360; N 32, Art. 1231; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1666; 2000, N 46, Art. 4537; 2002, No. 18, art. 1721; 2003, N 2, Art. 167; No. 27, Art. 2700; 28, Art. 2880, No. 50, art. 4847; 2005, No. 13, Art. 1078; 19, Art. 1752, 2006, N 31 (part 1), art. 3452; 2007, N 10, Art. 1151.

3 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 25, Art. 2897.

5 Approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSO of Russia and the FSB of Russia of November 1, 2002 N 620dsp / 350dsp / 637dsp (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 18, 2002, registration N 4039).

6 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 3, Art. 226.

7 Subparagraph "d" of paragraph 9 of the Regulation on the accompaniment of vehicles by cars.

10 Approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia on August 8, 1995 (registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on December 18, 1995, registration N 997).

11 Approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated May 27, 1996 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 8, 1996, registration No. 1146).

14 If the number of escorted vehicles exceeds 10 units, at least 2 escort vehicles are allocated. Maximum amount vehicles in the column should not exceed twenty.

15 The escort outfit must consist of at least two employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The most trained employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate are included in the escort squad.

16 In difficult cases, measures are envisaged to introduce manual regulation, organize detours, restrict or stop traffic on certain road sections.

17 Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 47, art. 4531, Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 184; 1998, N 45, Art. 5521; 2000, No. 18, Art. 1985; 2001, N 11, Art. 1029; 2002, No. 9, Art. 931; 2002, N 27, Art. 2693; 2003, No. 20, art. 1899; 2003, No. 40, Art. 3891; 2005, No. 52 (3 hours), Art. 5733; 2006, N 11, Art. 1179.

20 At night, as an exception, it is allowed to escort such transport to railway stations, airports and from them at a distance not exceeding 50 km.

21 Approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated August 8, 1995 N 73 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 18, 1995, registration N 997).

When transporting a group by bus, passengers can be not only adults, but also children. To ensure the maximum degree of safety when transporting children, special rules have been developed and adopted.

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This article is devoted to the consideration of the rules and requirements for drivers, escorts and vehicles used for transportation.

When and by whom the rules were adopted

In this situation, parents or legal representatives must independently ensure the safety of the child on the basis of the rules for transporting children in the traffic rules bus 2020.

Rules for the organized transportation of children by buses

So, with the organized transportation of small passengers, you need to pay special attention to:

  • the need to be accompanied by a car inspection crew;
  • completeness of documentation;
  • requirements for the driver and buses;
  • requirements for persons accompanying children;
  • the rules of boarding a vehicle.

Traffic police escort

To receive an escort of a convoy of buses, consisting of 3 or more buses, by the traffic police, you must submit a written application for escort no later than two days before the start of transportation.

The document must indicate:

  • time period in which support is required;
  • the route of the column;
  • the number of children and the name of the accompanying group;
  • a list of buses with state registration plates, names and details of driving licenses of all drivers.

The application is submitted by a representative of the carrier organization to the regional branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The response from the traffic police is also drawn up and transmitted to the applicant in writing.

If children are transported by one or two buses, then at the traffic police department (also a maximum of 2 days before the trip) a notification about the carriage of children is given.

The document must contain:

  • information about the company organizing the transportation;
  • information about the carrier company;
  • date of transportation;
  • the route of the bus, supplemented by the names of the starting and ending points;
  • the number of children transported, indicating the age category;
  • the make and license plate of the bus delivering children;
  • data of the person accompanying the group.

The notice must be marked that the State Traffic Inspectorate knows and allows the transportation of children along the specified route and at the specified time.

A copy of the application for escort or notice of transportation is a mandatory document that must be with the driver.


To transport children, the following documents must be drawn up:

  • or carriage, concluded between the organizer and the performer of carriage;
  • a document containing information about a medical worker who is obliged to accompany a group of children when a convoy or a bus moves for more than 12 hours. Previously, the presence of a medical worker was required for a transportation duration of more than 3 hours;
  • copy of the transportation permit;
  • copies of the notice of carriage or application for escort;
  • a list of persons accompanying the group. The list requires specifying not only the full names of people, but also passport details and contact numbers for emergency communication;
  • list of children (name and age);
  • list of food products that children may have during transportation. Most often, the list includes dry rations and bottled water. Previously, the availability of products was allowed in transit, which took more than 3 hours. From 2020, such a list should be available for any transportation, regardless of its duration;
  • a document reflecting information about bus drivers involved in the transportation of children. The document must reflect: full name of drivers, details of driving licenses, contact numbers;
  • a document reflecting the procedure for boarding children on the bus, indicating a separate seat for each person. The document can be drawn up:
    • trip organizer;
    • accompanying person;
    • a medical professional, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child;
    • a representative of the carrier company, if this condition is an integral part of the concluded contract of carriage.
  • a document containing a travel itinerary, which includes:
    • bus schedule with the definition of the time interval of movement;
    • places of stops for rest, meals, excursions with the indication of the name of the organization providing the corresponding action. For example, the name of the hotel in which children should stay for recreation or the names of organizations that conducted excursions. Previously, the indication of specific organizations in the document was not required;
    • dates and estimated time of stops for the needs of passengers.

When a convoy of buses moves, each vehicle is assigned a serial number, which it must adhere to when driving.

All documents must be handed over to the driver one day before the transportation of children.

Requirements for drivers and transport

The driver can be admitted to the organized transportation of children if all the requirements are met, including the following aspects:

  • you have a driving license of category D;
  • the driving experience of buses belonging to category D is at least 1 year out of the last 3 calendar years;
  • during the last year, the driver has not committed administrative offenses for which the deprivation of a driver's license is provided;
  • before the flight, the driver was instructed on the rules for transporting children, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • a qualified medical professional has issued a medical certificate before the flight confirming the suitability of the driver for work.

The new requirements for drivers are the most loyal, as previously it was required to have continuous work experience for 1 year.

For example, if a driver moved from one transport organization to another, while his driving experience was interrupted for several days, then such a person was not allowed to transport children.

The rest of the requirements for drivers remained unchanged.

As for the admission of vehicles to organized transportation of children, the new requirements should come into force on January 1, 2020.

These include:

  • availability or coupon technical inspectionconfirming the good condition of the bus;
  • the age of the bus must not exceed 10 years from the date of issue of the vehicle;
  • all buses must be equipped with tachographs - special devices for tracking the speed of the vehicle, observing the work and rest regime of drivers (the obligatory presence of tachographs is due technical regulationsadopted in 2010);
  • all buses must be equipped with GLONASS satellite navigation systems, which allows determining the location of the vehicle at any time.

Requirements for accompanying adults

When transporting children, accompanying persons must be appointed, whose main duties are:

  • coordination of the movement of the bus in case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, in case of worsening weather conditions;
  • tracking the behavior, health and nutrition of children during transportation.

The number of accompanying persons in one bus is determined by the number of doors that each vehicle has.

That is, an adult responsible for children during transportation must be at each door to avoid accidents while driving.

If there are several accompanying persons on the bus, then a responsible person is appointed among them, coordinating the work of all adults.

Bus admission

The group for transportation can include children of different age categories. The only restriction applies to children under the age of 7.

Such persons can be transported in groups only if the travel time is less than 4 hours. In other cases, transportation of small children in groups is prohibited.

The procedure for submitting applications for support
patrol cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate

The basis for considering the issue of escort is an application submitted by individuals, officials or legal entities in the form (Appendix No. 1).

The following materials must be attached to the application, where applicable:

a) approval of the state educational authorities of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the transportation of children and students;

b) documents stipulated by the Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by road and (or) the Instruction for the carriage of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation;

c) the decision of the management body for the implementation of measures to prevent, suppress and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations;

Possibility of using alternative modes of transport for transportation.

The need to introduce a temporary restriction or termination of the movement of vehicles on the relevant highways or their sections.

2.3. A reasoned response is sent to the applicant (the organizer of transportation) about the refusal to assign an escort within the time specified in clause 2.1.

The decision to refuse escort can be appealed to a higher department of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the prescribed manner.

3. Organization of escort.

3.1. When organizing escort for the transportation of groups of children and students, applications for escorting organized transport convoys consisting of, as a rule, at least three buses are accepted for consideration.

3.2. The head of the department of the State Traffic Inspectorate additionally organizes a check of information about the presence of:

a) a license from a carrier for the carriage of passengers;

b) continuous driving experience of at least the last three years as bus drivers for drivers involved in transportation;

c) teachers or adults appointed as accompanying transportation, based on their presence at each door of the bus;

d) medical workers in established cases;

e) two drivers if the driver's working time is more than 12 hours a day and a berth equipped in the bus for their rest;

f) a traffic schedule that meets the special requirements of work and rest of drivers transporting children and students.

3.3 Conformity assessment of the operational state of highways along the escort route is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 8, 1997 N 2.

3.4. When using regular routes for the mass transportation of children, a commission check of their operational condition is carried out in the scope of a special check of the existing routes for the movement of buses (trolley buses), provided for by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of June 8, 1999 N 410.

3.5. Before escorting vehicles carrying children and students, the senior escort is additionally checked:

a) the driver's operating mode for the previous day;

b) the presence on buses of identification marks "Carriage of children";

c) the results of checking the technical condition of buses, briefing and pre-trip medical examination of drivers before leaving the line (This information must be reflected in the waybill).

d) documents required for admitting drivers and vehicles to participate in road traffic;

3.6. Accompanying the transportation of children and students by buses is carried out only during the daytime.

At night, as an exception, it is allowed to escort such transportations to railway stations, airports and from them at a distance not exceeding 50 km.

3.7. When providing support:

a) the speed of movement should not exceed the established traffic rules and road signs and be no more than 60 km / h;

b) the windows in the passenger compartment of the bus must be closed when driving;

c) the driver is prohibited from disembarking children and students until the bus has come to a full stop, leaving the bus when boarding and disembarking children and students, while reversing.

3.8. Vehicles no more than three days before departure are provided to the traffic police department at the place of their registration to check the technical condition for the presence of malfunctions that threaten road safety, a conclusion on technical condition The vehicle is entered in the appropriate column of the approval form (Appendix 2);


Head of UGIBDD UMVD of Russia

in the Tyumen region

from _______________________________

initials natural person or position

and the initials of the proxy

legal entity


place of registration of an individual or

I ask you to provide escort with a car (cars) of the State Traffic Inspectorate during the period from _______ __________ 20__ to ________ ___________ 20__ of the following vehicles:

hours, min. day, month hours, min. day, month

register -
diet -

Date held
the last
th state
military those -
nical basis

ly in -

Driver number
permissions, permissions
chenny ka -

Driver -
according to

for transportation: official _________________________________

unnecessary cross out the position, initials

groups of persons ________________________________________

social group, number

cargo _____________________________________________

along the route: ______________________________________________________________________________

address of the starting point of transportation, names of road

roads along the route of transportation, address of the place of termination of transportation

Please report the results of the consideration __________________________________________________

mailing address,


phone fax)

_______________ ____________________

date signature


"Agreed" __________________ "Agreed" ________________

Office of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of Education and Science

in the Tyumen region of the Tyumen region

"_____" ________________ 20__ year "_____" ________________20__ year.


coordination of the organization of escort for the transportation of groups of children and students.

Information about leaving by road organized group of people.

Name of information

Child transportation customer:

Organizer of children's transportation:

Full name, legal address, telephone.

Departure hour and date. Bus boarding address. Duration of the trip. The route and timetable taking into account the requirements of the “Regulations on the features of the regime are attached.

Series and number of the state technical inspection coupon and its validity period.

Conclusion of the state inspector on the technical condition of the vehicle

(at the place of registration of the vehicle)

Position and signature of the person responsible for organizing the trip: ___________________


Telephone for operational communication __________________________________________________

In case of departure of a group of children without being accompanied by cars of the State Traffic Inspectorate, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tyumen region is notified of the departure of such a group in accordance with Appendix No. 3.


"Agreed" __________________ "Approved" ___________________

Head of UGIBDD UMVD of Russia Director of the enterprise, organizer of the children's

in the Tyumen region transportation by road

"_____" ________________ 20__ year. "_____" ________________20__ year.

Special conditions _____________________________________________________________

Information about the departure by motor transport of an organized group of children.

Name of information

Child transportation customer:

Full name, legal address, telephone.

Departure hour and date. Bus boarding address. Duration of the trip. Route plan and timetable are attached.

Performer of child transportation: Full name, legal address, telephone. A copy of the license and license card for the vehicle are attached.

Brand and state. reg. bus sign, number of the TO coupon and its validity period.

FULL NAME. driver. No. driving license, categories, work experience on the bus.

Amount of children. A list of children with age is attached.

FULL NAME. senior column, accompanying persons. The list is attached.

FULL NAME. medical worker. Copies of educational documents are attached.

Full name of the host organization, legal and actual address, telephone. A travel information sheet is attached.

Note about those. serviceability of the bus. Inspection in the regional department of the traffic police is carried out during the implementation of an intercity trip at the request of the Customer. Departure without inspection is allowed only with the written permission of the Customer.

Position and signature of the person responsible for organizing the trip:


Telephone for operational communication ____________________________________


10. Subdivisions of the State Traffic Inspectorate can carry out the following types of escort:

10.1. Following the members of the State Council of the Russian Federation by road for official purposes.

10.2. Organized transportation of groups of children and students.

10.3. Transportation of especially dangerous, oversized and (or) heavy cargo.

10.4. The movement of vehicles and special equipment during measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergencies.

10.5. Implementation, in cases directly provided for by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, other transportation by road.

31. When carrying out escort, it is not allowed:

31.1. Deviations from the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations related to going to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, at a prohibiting traffic light, exceeding the set speed, driving through railway tracks.

31.2. Deviation of the escort order from the established route.

31.3. Transportation in an escort vehicle of persons not related to the escort.

31.4. Parking of escort vehicles outside specially adapted or marked places.

31.5. Continuation of escort in the event of a technical malfunction in the escort car and escorted vehicles, identifying other circumstances that threaten road safety.

33. When organizing escort for the transportation of groups of children and students, applications for escorting organized transport convoys consisting of, as a rule, at least three buses are accepted for consideration.

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