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The windows in the car fog up what to do. Sweaty windows in the car, what to do? Tips to beat glass fogging

With the onset of a cold pore, when there is an excessive amount of moisture in the air and large changes in temperature, one of the most common problems that drivers have is fogging the windows in the car. This phenomenon occurs when the ambient temperature drops, as a result of which the glass cools. Respectively, because the interior is warm and moisture does not evaporate, and cools near the glass, then it settles on it in the form of the smallest droplets. It is enough to sit in the car for only 2-3 minutes so that the windows are covered with the smallest drops.

Of course, in this case, the visibility deteriorates sharply, and the glass changes from transparent to opaque hazy. The driver ceases to see the surroundings, and moreover, he is also distracted in order to wipe the glass on the go, increasing the risk of getting into emergency situations. If the windshield and two front side windows are somehow saved by airflow and heating, then the rear ones simply "die".

Most car owners with experience in this regard give many different advice, which boil down to one thing - you need to change cabin filter... But is it really so? What causes fogging of windows in the car?

Why do glasses sweat

Condensation on the inner surface of the glass appears with even a slight temperature difference on one side of the surface. Even one or two degrees Celsius. And the greater this difference, the faster and in greater volume condensate appears.... So, it can appear not only in the most common case when the driver and / or passengers sit in a cold cabin, and as a result of their breathing, the mentioned condensation appears on the windows. This phenomenon can also occur in the case of, for example, driving in cold tunnels or under ramps, that is, where the ambient air temperature is lower.

The physics is simple. At an air temperature of + 20 ° C and a relative humidity of 60%, the amount of moisture is 9.6 g / m³. However, if the temperature is lowered to + 9 ° C with the same moisture concentration, the relative humidity will rise to 100%. And this is a direct reason for the appearance of condensation on the surface of the glass in the car.

Some modern machines manufacturers use a hardware solution to keep the glass from sweating. In particular, an emergency glass blowing or system is used. However, within the framework of this material, we will not consider this issue.

Causes of fogging

There are several main reasons why glass sweats. Moreover, each factor can affect both the general fogging situation and the fact that the windshield will sweat more, only the side or rear glass. Let's do it in the form of a table.

What are the reasons for fogging windowsFrontalDrivingSideRear
Wet seats
Incorrect airflow
Stove and / or internal ventilation failure

Clogged or too dense cabin filter

Due to the fact that it does not cope with its functions, a closed airspace without ventilation is formed in the cabin. The temperature rises over time, the air heats up and the windows in the car sweat from the inside due to the above physical phenomenon.

It is worth noting here that the cabin filter can be not only clogged, but also simply incorrectly selected, in particular, too dense. Its material does not cope with the passage of enough air and moisture remains in the cabin. For the same reason, the windows in the car sweat when the stove is turned on. In this regard, many motorists advise install a standard filter in the cold season, and in the warm season - a charcoal filter. The standard one has not such a high density, and, accordingly, it passes air through itself better.

Wet seats in the car

The main reason the seats get wet is because some of the moisture gets into the cabin and is absorbed by the foam pad. In turn, this phenomenon can be caused by the following factors:

  • finding passengers and / or the driver in the cabin in wet outerwear (after snow, rain);
  • bad (old, rotten) rubber seals on windows or car doors;
  • prolonged presence of the car with open doors in a wet room;
  • liquid getting on the seats (banal spillage of water or other liquid, because of which it is absorbed and can stay inside the seat for a long time).

It is also worth noting here that the humidity in the cabin can also increase from the fact that the car stands in the cold for a long time, and then abruptly moves into a warm atmosphere.

Moisture under the rugs

Wet carpets are also the main source of moisture in the vehicle interior in winter and autumn. And in turn, they are the cause of significant fogging of the windows. There are several reasons why moisture accumulates on or under them:

  • hammered drain holes in the floor;
  • applied and subsequently melted snow in winter or wet shoes of passengers / driver in the rain;
  • leaking (even slightly) stove or its mains.

Incorrect blowing of glass

Usually this phenomenon occurs due to problems with internal ventilation. Glasses do not sweat when the ventilation of the air masses is correctly turned on. An exception is the rear window at -15 ° C. Clogged ventilation ducts or a recirculation valve are usually to blame. In addition, if the car is old, then it is possible that the ventilation pipes are simply leaky, and holes have formed in them. Also remember that for window blowing from fogging it is necessary to take air from the outside, that is, turn off the internal air recirculation.

Glasses do not sweat when the ventilation of the air masses is correctly turned on.

At the beginning of the movement, all first direct the air flow to windshield , then to the front side windows, and then to the rear windows. The ventilation and heating mode is not regulated in the service, but while driving, depending on the state of the passenger compartment and external factors, which change every few minutes. First you need to pick up the instructions for the car and read the section "Heating and ventilation".

Quite often it happens that the driver does not even suspect that the recirculation valve is broken, but continues to drive, and wonders why the air in the cabin becomes too heavy, or the smell of dampness appears (in such a situation, it helps either to fix the breakdown or to temporarily remove the cabin filter, if, of course, it has recently changed, but there is still a smell).

Alcoholic fumes

The windows in the car fog up and from the fumes of passengers. This interesting physical phenomenon, why glasses sweat, is based on the fact that ethyl alcohol is able to heat up and attract water vapor. Because of this, a situation occurs when the moisture present in the cabin air becomes more concentrated, and in this form it settles even more densely on the inner surface of the car windows when you drink.

Stove failure

In this case, we mean the leakage or complete failure of the stove. In the first case, moisture from it can get onto the mat, forming additional moisture in the cabin. In the second, a complete breakdown leads to the fact that the air and liquid will not heat up, so the air in the cabin will not dry out, which means that fogging will continue.

What to do if glasses sweat

The surest way to combat fogging will still be to eliminate the cause itself, so it is worth recalling and listing what you need to look at and configure in the first place.

  1. Inside the salon glasses must always be clean, do not touch them with your hands, you must wash with detergents, and then wipe dry with a clean material. At temperatures below 25 degrees below zero and when traveling with passengers, it is useful to process glass from.
  2. Use , so called anti-foggers... It can be both folk and store. Processing them during wet and winter seasons will significantly reduce or completely remove (depending on humidity and temperature) fog on the inner surface of the glass.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the cabin filter and stove... Their correct functioning will quickly get rid of fogging when the car engine is already running.
  4. Follow the warm-up sequence... The warm air blowing should be directed first to the windshield, then to the side ones, and only lastly to the rear window.
  5. Set up the correct air intake... It must come from outside, since it is the outside air that is not as humid as inside the cabin.
  6. Monitor the condition of interior ventilation... Check and clean drain channels if necessary.
  7. Turn on not only the stove, but also the air conditioner (if any). You need to use an auto-conditioner both in hot and cold weather. With its help, you can quickly get rid of fogging by turning it on to a warm mode (provided that the air conditioning system is in good working order). It dries the air well.
  8. Dry salon... Glasses rarely sweat when cars are stored in warm garage... When drying, it is advisable to open all doors in a warm and dry room.
  9. It is necessary to turn off the climate control system.
  10. Check the air recirculation valve.

It is advisable to periodically, at least when changing seasons, check and change air filters (in particular, the cabin filter, if any), clean the ventilation ducts, cleaning them from fine debris and dust, check the air recirculation valve (if any), through which the filtered outside air enters the cabin.

It will also help to get rid of the problem due to which the windows sweat in the car, periodically checking leaks in the car, such as: antenna jacks, mirror adjusters and glass seals to prevent precipitation from entering the interior.

Moving forward in solving the problem, motorists use many different clever ways and methods to eliminate fogging of glasses. It all starts with opening the window so that fresh air can enter the cabin, then the problem is solved by itself - someone uses various sprays, anti-fogging agents, a wide selection of which is offered by the market. But all these methods are for the most extreme case or as a temporary solution to the problem.

The procedures listed above will allow you to partially or completely get rid of the situation when the windows in the car are sweating. It depends on the set of measures taken, as well as the specific situation (the level of humidity in the cabin, the health of the ventilation, the stove and other listed hardware).

Reading 5 min. Views 288 Published 9 September 2015

As soon as there is a sharp difference between day and night outdoor temperatures after summer, motorists are faced with the problem of fogging the windshield and side windows. In addition to the usual discomfort, this situation is dangerous. The driver, due to a fogged-up window, may not fully analyze the environment on the road. In this article, we will explain why the windows in a car sweat and present methods of getting rid of fogging.

Reasons for fogging windows in the car

There are several reasons for fogging windows in a car. The main reason for this is the increased humidity in the vehicle interior. It occurs due to various factors:

- passengers in the cabin exhale, together with the air, water vapor, which condenses on metal and glass;

- in wet or snowy weather, we bring a lot of moisture into the car interior with shoes, which settles on the rugs;

- ingress of moisture into the cabin through the stove from melted snow near a warm engine compartment.

All of these factors increase the humidity level in the vehicle interior. While driving or after stopping and cooling the car, moisture begins to condense on the metal parts of the passenger compartment or glass, which in the cold season is the coldest part of the car interior.

Now it became clear to you why the windows in the car fog up. We can move on to describing methods of getting rid of this phenomenon.

Prevention of fogging of car windows

If we want to prevent the glass from sweating in our car, it is necessary to keep the interior of our car dry and clean. This means that you need to watch out for rainy and snowy weather to keep the car mats always clean and dry. All you need to do is blow snow and water off your shoes while getting into the car. In this matter, rubber car mats will help, which are easier to clean from snow and water. You just need to knock them out and put them back in the salon. Unlike pile on rugs, rubber quickly clears water and snow. It is generally enough to pour water over the sides of the rubber mats.

You also need to watch out for snow that can linger on the grille between the hood and the windshield. After the engine warms up, all the snow from the grate will melt and enter the interior ventilation system and enter the vehicle interior in the form of water vapor. Then it will condense again on the glass of the car.

IN winter time after a trip, when you leave the car overnight, open the salon and let the air in it ventilate. So you normalize the humidity level in the car with the ambient humidity level. Timely cleaning of the outside of the glass from snow and ice will reduce the likelihood of frost on the windows of the car.

Methods for getting rid of fogging car windows

The table below provides a description of methods for de-fogging car windows.

Method Description
1. Before driving, warm up the interior In the morning, when you come to the parking lot or garage for your car, do not leave until you warm up the interior and the windows of the car. At the same time, ventilate the vehicle interior. Start warming up the car interior by blowing warm air over the windows. Use the interior heater to warm up.
2. Turning on the car air conditioner If in rainy weather the windows of your car interior become foggy, turn on the car air conditioner and direct the air currents to the windows. In this case, the air intake from the environment must be included. Car air conditioner helps blow all condensation off the glass in seconds. In other words, the air conditioner effectively dries the air in the car.
3. Turning on the stove with air circulation If your car does not have an air conditioner, then the air recirculation stove will help to avoid fogging the windows in rainy weather. Turn on the lever on the air intake from the environment and the stove. As a result, condensation will disappear from the windows from heating, and excess moisture will come out of the car interior. The air in the passenger compartment will thus be dehumidified.
4.increase air outflow from the vehicle interior As you know, air ducts are installed at the end of the passenger compartment to remove air from the passenger compartment, the so-called natural air circulation. Additional ventilation holes must be cut on the trunk shelf. Air will escape faster from the vehicle interior. And the ventilation of the passenger compartment will take in more fresh air into the passenger compartment. As a result, we get improved air circulation and reduced humidity levels in the vehicle interior.
5. Using an anti-fogging aerosol There are special aerosols with anti-fogging on sale in car stores. By sprinkling a defogger on the glass, we prevent moisture condensation on the glass. Apply the anti-fogging agent to the clean, dry inner surface of the glass.

Means - Anti-fogging

Anti-foggers are offered in several forms:

- in the form of a special liquid that covers the glass with a transparent film, which prevents the accumulation of condensate water vapor;

- in the form of a special liquid that will repel water from the glass;

Anti-fogging mastic is the most expensive, but also the most effective. The mastic covers the glass and protects it from fogging and getting wet. One application of a mastic anti-fogging agent is enough for several rides in wet weather. There is also one rule to remember. Anti-fogging will have no effect if not worn on wet glass. The glass surface must be wiped dry and free of dust before applying the anti-fogging agent.

In winter, you can also use anti-freeze or anti-ice for the car interior. These funds are alcohol-based. Alcohol also prevents condensation from forming on the glass surface. In addition, you will not have ice formation on the glass from the inside at ambient temperatures down to minus 25 degrees Celsius. One application of such special means enough for 72 hours.

Fogging up car glass can severely spoil visibility while driving. And it makes no difference whether the old Moskvich is being operated or latest model Infiniti. In this case, automakers are powerless over the laws of physics. But this problem can be solved. Consider the main ways and means of combating glass fogging.

Why do windows in a car sweat

First of all, in order to fight the enemy, it is necessary to study its nature, because droplets of moisture do not appear on the glass by themselves. And it's worth starting from the concept of air humidity. Simply put, humidity is a quantity that measures the amount of water vapor in the air. When a liquid passes into a gaseous state, the air mass is saturated with moisture, and this continues until a certain point. Reaching the maximum concentration, water begins to precipitate in the form of condensation on the surface of objects. In this case, on glass.

But at the same time, the threshold for planting for moisture can be different and depends on specific conditions. First of all - from the air temperature or the temperature of the surrounding objects. So, with an increase in air temperature, the level of its moisture absorption increases sharply, and therefore, in warm air, part of the water is always greater than in cold air. And if the temperature of the moisture-saturated air drops, part of the moisture present in it falls out in the form of condensation. At the same time, the phenomenon of constant water settling on the glass is explained by the fact that its temperature is usually lower than the temperature in the cabin. As a result, being near the cooled glass, the air loses part of its temperature, which provokes the precipitation of water sediment.

Video about the reasons and methods of anti-fogging of glass in a car

Separately, mention should be made of the moisture released by a person with each exhalation. We can see the results of breathing in the cabin by bringing our face closer to the glass - fogging will immediately appear. Therefore, do not be surprised if during transportation a large number your passengers.

Cause of condensation when it rains

The peculiarity of the formation of condensation on the glass during rain or sleet is explained by two factors: increased air humidity in the cabin and a drop in temperature "overboard". In case of precipitation, water inevitably enters the interior with wet shoes, outerwear, raincoats and umbrellas. And the supersaturated air gets through the opening doors, trunk lid and air vents. At the same time, glass serves as a boundary between the warm microclimate of the cabin, where the air contains a lot of moisture vapor, and the external environment, which is cooled by natural precipitation. As a result, the windows, windshield and rear windows are very quickly covered with water droplets.

Does it make sense to wipe the glass

The first thought when fogging a window is to wipe it down. Various fabric rags, towels, napkins or jacket sleeves and just a palm are used. Of course, in most cases, stains and hand marks remain from such manipulations. And most importantly, if the conditions inside the cabin have not changed, moisture will appear in a minute or two. So it is necessary to wipe the glass, but only in combination with other measures. Microfiber cloths are best suited for the quick removal of condensation, which do not leave lint, streaks and perfectly absorb moisture. Paper tea towels are also fine for this.

What to do if condensation appears over and over again

To quickly get rid of fogging on glass, you need to do at least one of the following steps:

  • ventilate the car;
  • increase the temperature of the cabin;

When you are driving in the rain, and a continuous blanket forms on the glass, just slightly open (about 1 cm) the front and rear windows on the driver's side. This will allow some of the moist air to escape.

If you have no passengers in the gallery, then it is better to make a combination of windows "front left + rear right". For such cases, external deflectors will be very appropriate, which allow you to drive with the windows ajar and not be afraid of rain or snow falling into the cabin. It is also advisable to ventilate the car when you come to the parking lot for it.

Additionally, it should be noted the importance of correct air intake by the ventilation system. It is necessary at high humidity to turn on the fence "from the outside", instead of "driving" the same humid air through the cabin. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness (if any), change it every 10-15 thousand km, since the ventilation inputs can be clogged with dust, dirt, leaves, snow, and a clogged cabin filter will additionally impede the flow of fresh air. As a last resort, experienced drivers even advise removing the filter from the system altogether in order to increase the air flow and get rid of the problem of constant fogging of the windows.

The most convenient and effective way that is available to owners of absolutely all cars, regardless of the year of manufacture, is to heat the air with a stove. Simply raise the temperature in the passenger compartment and the condensation is immediately absorbed into the air without any trace.

For the fastest effect, the ventilation nozzles must be directed towards the misted glass and side windows. There will also be no problems with the rear window if it is equipped with a heater. Just turn on the heating of the glass, and after 2-3 minutes the condensation will disappear. In the absence of heating, it is better to remove moisture with a napkin, without waiting for the interior to warm up to the required temperature and the water in the back dries itself.

Least of all problems with high humidity in the cabin arise from the owners of equipped cars. If turning on the stove warms up the air, then the operation of the air conditioner will also effectively remove excess water from it, which will eliminate the root cause of the fogging problem. Therefore, always keep an eye on the condition of the air conditioner, be it summer or cold season.

Anti-fogging application

Many drivers actively use chemical aerosol agents - the so-called anti-fogging agents - to combat condensation. At the moment, such products exist in the product line of many brands and may differ in quite a budget price.

At the same time, eminent companies are ready to offer customers advanced nanotechnologies that interact with surfaces at the molecular level and successfully prevent fogging for several months.

It should be understood that there are no means that could "wean" water to precipitate at high humidity. Instead, a protective coating applied to dry glass is hydrophobic, preventing moisture from settling on the surface as droplets. Water simply flows down evenly or slides off the glass, without interfering with the driver's visibility. At the same time, the humidity does not decrease, and therefore no one canceled the need to dry the air and carpets in the cabin.

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One of the problems that motorists often face is glass fogging. What are the reasons for the fogging of the windows in the car and what should be done to restore visibility?

High air humidity

When long stay car, the air humidity in the cabin is equalized as on the street. A person, getting into a car, fills the interior with moist air from his breath. Water droplets, settling on cold glass, create a thin film that restricts the view.

The problem of fogging up car windows is aggravated by rain. At the same time, the glass often sweats so that it becomes impossible to operate the car due to the complete lack of visibility. The problem is solved without the use of technical means. To restore visibility, turn on the blowing of the car heater on the glass. Visibility will be restored in a minute.

For cars equipped with air conditioning, it is better to turn it on. A minute is enough to eliminate fogging, it copes better than a “stove”. At the same time, turn the blower switch to the "windshield only" position.

In winter, fogging of the car windows occurs when the engine is started, when the temperature in the cabin and outside is different. You should turn on the airflow to the windshield, and as the interior warms up, switch to other positions.

If the reason for fogging is only high humidity, it is possible using special formulations to prevent fogging car windows. Made in spray form, they are easy to apply and provide long lasting effect. The cost of such compositions: from 200 rubles.

Wet rugs under your feet

Despite the fact that damp rugs cause high humidity (which could be attributed to the first point), such situations should be considered separately.

Firstly, you need to find the reason for the ingress of moisture on the rugs - perhaps water gets into the cabin due to worn door seals or a leaking windshield seal. If so, then they should be replaced.

Another reason is the leakage of the "stove" radiator, which on most cars is located under the dashboard. At the same time, the glasses do not sweat in the generally accepted sense of the word, but are covered with a greasy film consisting of droplets of coolant. This film can only be removed with a glass cleaner. Wiping with a dry cloth makes the situation worse.

As a rule, upon noticing a slightly misted glass, the driver directs a stream of warm air onto it. In the event of a coolant leak, such actions lead to a rapid increase in fogging. This is one of the diagnostic signs of a malfunction. In addition, if the radiator leaks under the mat at the driver's feet, it is often possible to detect antifreeze smudges. The repair consists in replacing the radiator, checking the tightness of the pipe connections.

Secondly, the car interior should be completely ventilated at least once every six months... To do this, you need to open all the doors, the trunk and leave the car to dry at a warm air temperature for a day. This way you can dry the entire interior and remove excess moisture.

The cabin filter is to blame

The reason for the fogging of the windows is often a clogged cabin filter. During the summer, a lot of road dust and leaves get into it, which disrupts the conductivity of air through it. During the first autumn rains, such a filter damp and completely ceases to fulfill its function. Wet and poorly cleaned air begins to flow into the cabin.

Causes of fogging and icing of glass in the car. Ways to eliminate them.

People are accelerating in their movements. And they want to do this with maximum comfort without adjusting for weather conditions and other reasons.

However, while driving a car, drivers are often haunted by the problem of fogged up windows. It seems as old as the first created iron horse with a salon.

Let's talk in more detail about the reasons for this phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

Why windows in the car sweat from the inside in winter and freeze: reasons

the windows in the car are fogged up and covered with frost

The main reason for the fogging of the windows inside the car, followed by freezing, is excess moisture in the cabin.

It accumulates due to:

  • rubber mats that do not absorb it. Their cloth brothers have a similar property,
  • a large temperature difference in the passenger compartment and outside the car during the rest of the latter,
  • fullness of the car with passengers,
  • incorrect adjustment of the warm air supply in the passenger compartment,
  • temperature differences outside and inside the car while it is moving,
  • the presence of a person / people intoxicated or who have consumed alcohol the day before,
  • as a result of an abundant amount of alcohol-filled sweets eaten by one of the passengers or by the driver himself.

Why do the windows in the car sweat from the inside after alcohol when you drink: the reasons

a man's hand draws a smiley on a misted window in a car

There is only one reason - the saturation of the air in the cabin with alcohol vapors, which act on water as catalysts, increasing their volume.

Thus, the indicator of the relative humidity in the passenger compartment of a car with a person who has consumed alcohol tends to its borderline value. And water vapor condenses on the surface of the glass.

Please note that fogging occurs not only after drinking alcohol on the day of the car trip, but also after 2-3 days.

Other causes of fogging in the car's interior are:

  • eaten rum candies in the amount of 10 pcs.
  • a liter of fresh drunk in one gulp in the morning

Why do the windows in the car sweat from the inside during the rain?

foggy rear window in a car when it rains

To answer the question, let's remember physics from the school curriculum.

  • Air is made up not only of oxygen molecules, but also water. The latter tends to accumulate / decrease depending on temperature and contact with objects / objects.
  • So there is more water vapor in warm air than in cold air. But from interaction with cooler objects, for example, glass, you see condensation.
  • It turns out that when it rains, the temperature outside the car's interior drops, but inside it remains unchanged.
  • Windows, being on the border of two spaces, also get colder. Therefore, warm air in the cabin, colliding with them, condenses on their surfaces.

Why are the glass inside the car interior sweating a lot Lada Kalina, Matiz Deo, Hyundai Solaris?

girl wipes the fogged windshield in her Hyundai Solaris

There are several reasons for the fogging of the glasses in the cabin of Lada Kalina:

  • poor air circulation between the passenger compartment and the trunk
  • antifreeze leak
  • radiator leak from the stove
  • activation of the "recirculation" mode
  • excess moisture under the driver's and passenger's front mats
  • problems with the air vents in the trunk, for example, they are closed or littered with something
  • the cabin filter does not work well and needs to be replaced
  • hangover passenger

The windows in the Matiz Deo salon "cry" because of:

  • accumulating moisture under the rugs
  • poor air circulation
  • in winter and after rain due to temperature differences inside and outside the cabin
  • incorrect adjustment of the warm blowing of glass and interior
  • manual adjustment of the deflectors, which you still need to get used to
  • lack of proper regular glass care

Condensation on the windows in the Hyundai Solaris cabin appears for the following reasons:

  • closed or obstructed ventilation holes in the trunk
  • incorrect adjustment of the air conditioner turned on for heating
  • off mode of air intake from the street
  • accumulated dirt in the air filter

The side and rear windows in the car fog up from the inside in winter and freeze: what to do, how to eliminate fogging?

the side glass inside the car fogged up heavily in winter

To reduce and eliminate fogging and freezing of the rear and side windows of your car from the inside, here are a few tips:

  • Install outdoor air intake from the moment the engine is turned on.
  • Use an air conditioner, namely its cooling mode.
  • Open the side window, front or rear, 1 to 2 cm while driving. In this case, the heating of the passenger compartment should also work.
  • Check for moisture under the driver and front passenger mats. If present, wipe it off and place dry newspaper / paper underneath.
  • Adjust the position of the deflectors, point them at the side windows.
  • After turning on the car engine after rest, select the recirculation mode and after 5 minutes start the air conditioner to dry the air. Leave it to work for a quarter of an hour. Use this tip a couple of times a month during the colder months.
  • Insulate the radiator for the winter, for example, with a piece of cardboard.
  • Regular anti-fogging will help prevent fogging of the windows in the car. Apply it only to clean and perfectly dry surfaces. Repeat the procedure every 7 days.

If the windows are frozen, add the intensity of the interior heating. Reduce it when the frost is gone.

What means, a solution for glass treatment, is needed so that the windows in the car do not sweat?

the owner of the car treats the glass in the passenger compartment with a special anti-fogging aerosol

You need a so-called anti-fogger.

Among autochemical cosmetics of a similar direction of action, there are:

  • sprays
  • liquids
  • special napkins

Buy any product with this characteristic and wipe all glasses with it once a week.

Folk recipes for processing glass so that the windows in the car do not sweat

palm prints on the fogged glass of the car and an inscription on tips for its elimination
  • Kitchen or sea salt. Wrap it in a cloth and wipe the glass before parking your car overnight.
  • Glycerol. Dissolve it in water and treat glass surfaces. Another recipe is 1 part glycerin and 10 parts alcohol. Spray dry, clean glass of the passenger compartment with a solution.
  • Paper, newspapers, cardboard. Place a piece of paper under the driver's and front passenger's mats. And be sure to regularly change it to dry. Also wipe the glass with paper.
  • Shaving foam. Wash the inside of the windows and rub with foam. Wipe off the rest with a dry cloth.
  • Tobacco. Break a few cigarettes and rub the inside of the clean glass with tobacco.
  • A pack of salt in a paper package. Find a place for it in the back and lay it down. It will perfectly absorb excess moisture.

So, we examined the reasons for the appearance of condensation in the car, including with the subsequent freezing of the glass. Identified ways to eliminate fogging inside the "iron" horse and listed the main preventive methods.

Nobody canceled the laws of physics, therefore, we will not get rid of many uncomfortable situations in life forever. Unfortunately, the same applies to the problem of fogging windows in the cool and winter seasons. It is better to know about the causes and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Enjoy your trip and view through the crystal clear glass!

Video: reasons for fogging windows in the car

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