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How to get rid of erysipelas. Erysipelas of the leg: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Erysipelas is a bacterial inflammation caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus. It usually affects the skin and subcutaneous fat. It is characterized by the formation of red edematous spots that cause itching and pain. Symptoms and treatment of erysipelas of the leg are determined by the stage of the disease. In 90% of cases, erysipelas is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication - malaise, nausea, headaches, fever. With untimely therapy, it causes severe complications - abscess, phlegmon, lymphadenitis, gangrene.

Inflammation Causes and Risk Factors

Erysipelas on the leg is an inflammatory disease that is triggered by a bacterial infection. β-hemolytic streptococcus refers to opportunistic microorganisms. In most people, it is a representative of the normal microflora of the oropharynx.

An infectious disease occurs when the immune defense is severely weakened. Pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria enter the skin through:

  • scratches;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • abrasions;
  • operating wounds.

Very often, erysipelas appears on the legs, which is associated with impaired blood circulation and lymph flow in the limbs. Factors provoking erysipelas include:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • burn of soft tissues;
  • diabetes;
  • untimely disinfection of skin wounds;
  • abuse of hormonal drugs;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • fungal infection of the feet;
  • lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Erysipelas are more susceptible to women after 55 years. Also at risk are:

  • elderly people;
  • suffering from rheumatism;
  • babies with a non-healing umbilical wound;
  • people with the third blood group.

If an infection enters the body with a strong immune defense, it becomes a carrier of a bacterial infection. Erysipelas is transmitted from infected people by airborne droplets and contact.

In 30-35% of cases, pathology is caused by impaired lymph flow in the extremities, thrombophlebitis, and venous insufficiency.


Erysipelas can appear on the leg in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower leg, foot, outer thigh. According to the frequency of occurrence, there are three types of erysipelas:

  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • recurrent (aggravated within 2 years after the first episode of inflammation).

Depending on the nature of local symptoms, four forms of erysipelas are distinguished:

  • Erythematous. 5-7 hours after infection, itching, bloating, pain occurs. After another 2-3 hours, a red edematous spot with wavy edges forms on the leg. During the week, the patient suffers from fever, complains of high temperature, malaise.
  • Erythematous-bullous. This form of erysipelas is characterized by the formation of large bubbles on the leg. After a few days, they spontaneously open up, and the affected tissues exfoliate. Patients note induration of the popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes, headaches, and nausea.
  • Erythematous-hemorrhagic. In the affected areas of the legs, the vessels become thinner, which causes punctate hemorrhages. For the hemorrhagic form of erysipelas, prolonged fever and fever are characteristic.
  • Bullous hemorrhagic. Due to the defeat of the superficial capillaries on the legs, bubbles with a cloudy liquid form. It contains bloody impurities. This is the most severe form of the disease, which is often complicated by phlegmon (diffuse inflammation) due to the formation of erosions and ulcerations on the legs.

Erythematous-bullous and bullous-hemorrhagic forms of erysipelas are characterized by the formation of a rash on the leg. The bubbles (vesicles) are filled with a clear liquid, sometimes with blood impurities. After opening them, erosion and sores remain, causing burning and itching.

What does a face on a leg look like?

Erysipelas is accompanied by an acute onset, so the patient recalls the period of the first symptoms without difficulty. The initial stage is characterized by a general deterioration in well-being, pain and itching in the leg. Local signs of erysipelas include:

  • Redness. Less than a day after infection, a red spot forms on the leg. This is due to the expansion of superficial vessels due to the action of staphylococcal toxins. Itching, burning and peeling of the epidermis occurs.
  • Swelling of the skin. With primary infection, streptococcus penetrates into the soft tissues of the leg through the interdigital spaces, microdamages in the lower third of the leg, cracks in the heels. In the place of localization and reproduction of bacteria, edema is formed, when felt, pain occurs.
  • Increased popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus easily enters the lymphatic system. Therefore, with lesions of the legs with erysipelas, patients complain of soreness of the lymph nodes in the groin and popliteal hollows.

Absolutely all forms of erysipelas are accompanied by lymphadenitis, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes. Persistent edema of the lower extremities indicates lymphostasis - stagnation of lymphatic fluid. When the foot is damaged, the skin bursts, which creates conditions for the attachment of secondary infections.

Additional symptoms of erysipelas

Streptococcal toxins destroy the cells of the human body and cause allergic reactions. Because of this, the patient's general well-being is greatly impaired. Erysipelas of the lower leg, foot or thigh is accompanied by:

  • an increase in temperature;
  • body aches;
  • chills;
  • headaches;
  • convulsions;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • upset stool.

The skin affected by the infection itches, hurts and flakes. With an increase in the amount of toxins in the body, symptoms of intoxication increase. Because of this, the work of the central nervous system and the digestive tract is disrupted. Additional manifestations of erysipelas include:

  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • vomiting.

Signs of intoxication and fever with erysipelas disappear within 7-10 days after leg inflammation. Erythema often leaves age spots on the skin. With the hemorrhagic form of erysipelas, necrosis of local tissues occurs, and with bullous - erosion and phlegmon.

A characteristic feature inherent in the inflammatory process is the bright red color of the affected areas, similar to flames. Clearly marked edges have elevations along the periphery - the so-called inflammatory shaft.

After the age of 55, erysipelas is more severe. Fever lasts at least a month with a moderate increase in temperature. Signs of intoxication subside slowly, although inflammation of the lymph nodes is infrequent. With reduced immunity, erysipelas recurs more than 2-3 times a year.

What is the threat of ignoring

Erysipelas of the legs is fraught with dangerous complications. The most likely ones are:

  • abscesses - purulent inflammation of the skin on the leg;
  • secondary pneumonia - inflammation of the lung tissue caused by streptococcus;
  • phlebitis - acute inflammation of the walls of the venous vessels;
  • phlegmon - a diffuse purulent lesion of the subcutaneous fat;
  • lymphorrhea - the flow of lymph to the surface of the skin, caused by the destruction of the walls of the lymphatic vessels.

Sometimes with erysipelas, elephantiasis occurs, that is, a persistent increase in the size of the leg along its entire length due to severe swelling.

Diagnostic methods

Erysipelas is diagnosed by an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist. To determine the causative agent of the infection, a bacteriological examination of samples of affected tissues is carried out. Based on the analysis results, the optimal groups of antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial inflammation on the leg are determined.

To exclude other skin pathologies, the patient is prescribed:

  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • PCR diagnostics.

Specific studies are usually not carried out. Erysipelas has characteristic symptoms that determine the form, stage and severity of the disease.

How is erysipelas on the leg treated?

Treatment of erysipelas on the leg at home is carried out with drugs of two types:

  • etiotropic (antibiotics) - destroy streptococcal infection;
  • symptomatic (anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, antihistamines, detoxification) - relieve local and general manifestations of erysipelas.

With purulent-necrotic changes in the skin, patients are hospitalized. In the case of gangrenous lesions of the legs, they resort to surgical intervention. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used to accelerate recovery.

Drug treatment

To treat erysipelas on the leg should be antibiotics of the cephalosporin, macrolide, penicillin and fluoroquinolone series. To eliminate the pathogenic flora in the skin of the legs, the following are used:

  • Oleandomycin;
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Loracarbef;
  • Cefoxitin.

To strengthen immunity, vitamins are prescribed - Doppelgerts Active, Supradin, Alphabet, Duovit, etc. To eliminate signs of intoxication, inflammation on the leg and fever, apply:

  • antihistamines - Erius, Tavegil, Diazolin;
  • glucocorticosteroids - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone;
  • sulfonamides - Biseptol, Dvaseptol, Sulgin.

Wounds and edema on the leg with erysipelas are treated with Dimexide solution, Enteroseptol powder and Furacilin.


To shorten the recovery period, physiotherapy is prescribed. They are aimed at restoring the flow of lymph and blood in the lower extremities, disinfecting tissues, purifying the blood from staphylococcal toxins.

Erysipelas takes a lot of time to heal completely, and therapy should be aimed not only at recovery, but also at preventing serious complications.

When erysipelas are prescribed:

  • UFO - neutralizes toxic substances in the blood, relieves inflammation, stimulates skin regeneration;
  • electrophoresis with lidase - improves the outflow of lymph from the lower extremities;
  • laser therapy - we stimulate local blood circulation, heals wounds on the legs;
  • UHF therapy - heats up the tissues, improves their oxygen supply, amino acids;
  • magnetotherapy - removes inflammation, reduces pain and swelling.

At the stage of recovery, paraffin applications are made. They stimulate local immunity, prevent relapses of erysipelas.

Surgical intervention

Before curing erysipelas with antibiotics, the form of the disease is determined. Bullous erysipelas does not lend itself to effective conservative therapy, as it is accompanied by purulent-necrotic changes in the skin. To remove them, they resort to surgical treatment.

With a scalpel, the surgeon opens and drains the vesicles to prevent their purulent inflammation. Phlegmon are excised with subsequent correction of the wound defect. After the procedure, the operated tissues are treated with antiseptic preparations for 1-2 weeks.

Folk recipes

Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. Herbal teas are used to prevent the growth of bacteria in the skin. Calendula, coltsfoot, string, chamomile are the most effective remedies in the fight against streptococcal infection. An antiseptic broth is prepared as follows:

  • 1 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with 300 ml of water;
  • boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes;
  • filter and cool;
  • wash the wound on the leg 2-3 times a day.

Compresses with chalk are used to reduce inflammation. This requires:

  • clean a piece of chalk from dust and dirt with a knife;
  • grind to a powder;
  • sprinkle with a weeping wound;
  • put on top of a clean red cloth;
  • fix the compress with a bandage and leave overnight.

Dermatologists advise against treating erysipelas on the leg with ointments based on animal fats. They increase the risk of secondary infections. Traditional methods of treatment must be combined with the means of official medicine - Furacilin, Dimexidum.

What not to do

Erysipelas is a dangerous disease that leads to serious complications. During the period of exacerbation, it is strongly discouraged:

  • Warm up. It is undesirable to use warming compresses and heating pads. A local increase in temperature stimulates the multiplication of beta-hemolytic streptococcus and the spread of infection to other parts of the leg.
  • Visit the baths, swimming pools. Dermatologists forbid to wet the foci of inflammation, as this interferes with the epithelialization (healing) of the skin. When taking a bath or shower, the damaged area is wrapped in plastic to prevent water from entering the wound.
  • Stop antibiotics prematurely. Refusal of antimicrobial therapy leads to increased drug resistance of streptococci. Therefore, doctors do not advise canceling antibiotics earlier than 5-7 days after the start of the course.

If symptoms of intoxication and fever persist within 5-7 days, consult a doctor.

How long does the treatment last?

The speed of recovery depends on many factors:

  • timeliness of therapy;
  • the prevalence of foci;
  • the patient's age.

With adequate drug treatment of erysipelas, the febrile condition disappears within 3 to 10 days. Elderly people find it more difficult to cope with illness due to weakened immunity. In patients over 55 years of age, the fever continues for 3 or more weeks.

As medical statistics show, erysipelas of the leg in terms of frequency of manifestations ranks 4th among infectious diseases.

The bullous form of erysipelas is more difficult to treat - more than 3-4 weeks. But with competent systemic and local therapy, skin manifestations disappear after 10-14 days.


There is no specific prophylaxis for erysipelas. The disease worsens with weakening of the immune system. Therefore, to strengthen the body's defenses, it is recommended:

  • in time to treat foci of infection in the nasal cavity, throat;
  • observe sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • treat wounds on the legs with antiseptics;
  • lubricate trophic ulcers with camphor oil.

With frequent relapses of pathology, vitamin and mineral complexes are taken - Duovit, Vitrum, Revit, Dekamevit, Volvit. At the first manifestations of erysipelas, you need to see a doctor.

Erysipelas, which is more often called "erysipelas", is an infectious disease that affects the subcutaneous tissue and dermis. On the face and trunk, signs of the disease are rare.

The most common places where symptoms occur are in the legs and arms. Bacteria are considered to be the main causative agent of erysipelas. Microbes spread throughout the human body and in the absence of timely treatment, there is a risk of damage to internal organs.

Inflammation causes

Streptococcus - main reason erysipelas. This type of bacteria quickly enters the bloodstream through scratches or any tissue damage. The disease can develop at an accelerated or slow pace. The main role in this case is played by the level of human immunity.

Gradually, streptococcus affects important body systems, which can lead to kidney failure, heart and vascular diseases. Erysipelas is especially dangerous for newborns.

Factors that can lead to erysipelas on the legs:

  • reduced immunity (a weakened body is more prone to bacterial infection);
  • contact with an infected person (including the use of general hygiene products);
  • constant contamination of the skin (lack of hygiene, working with dusty objects);
  • violation of the integrity of tissues and their improper processing (scratches, bruises, abrasions);
  • malfunctioning nervous system (mental illness, constant stress, depression);
  • chronic alcoholism (as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, the performance of important body systems is disrupted and immunity is weakened);
  • sudden changes in temperature (overheating or hypothermia can be the main causes of streptococcus infection and the development of the disease);
  • or thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic somatic diseases;
  • obesity;
  • eczema (how to treat eczema on the hands, read the article);
  • varicose veins;
  • foot fungus and other fungal diseases or a tendency to them;
  • improper treatment of viral diseases (erysipelas can be a complication of angina, pneumonia).

At risk of erysipelas are women over 50 years of age or people of any age whose life is associated with constant skin pollution or micro-injuries.

Many of them carry the disease, but they never show symptoms. With sudden changes in temperature or during sunburn, signs of illness can occur unexpectedly. The heat promotes the growth of streptococcus bacteria.

Typical symptoms

Symptoms of erysipelas on the legs occur in several stages. First, a person's temperature rises, general weakness, chills or dizziness is observed.

This condition is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and stool disorder. Such a clinical picture can be observed only at the beginning of the development of the disease or persist almost until the end of the course of treatment.

After the first symptoms, the following signs of erysipelas appear:

  • painful sensation on the skin;
  • muscle pain in the legs;
  • redness of skin areas (the affected area always has clear boundaries);
  • itching and burning in the affected area;
  • the reddened part of the skin swells and resembles a severe burn (the scale of the lesion can increase by 2-10 cm per day);
  • gradually, the top layer of skin on the affected area begins to flake off;
  • blisters appear in the area of \u200b\u200bredness (filled with bubbles can be a liquid that resembles water or bloody discharge);
  • rupture of blisters on the skin is accompanied by the formation of dark crusts.

In most cases, with erysipelas of the leg, the increased body temperature persists for several days.

During this period, the patient may experience delusional and shock states, hallucinations.

Diagnosis of the disease should be carried out as quickly as possible. Other serious illnesses have similar symptoms. For example, acute dermatitis, abscesses or venous thrombosis.

Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of erysipelas on the legs with folk remedies can only alleviate the patient's condition. It will not be possible to completely get rid of pathogenic bacteria or eliminate the risk of re-infection.

When choosing non-drug methods, one must pay attention to the individual intolerance of certain components.

  • bandage with leaves mother and stepmother (fresh leaves of the plant from the underside are smeared with sour cream, and then applied to the affected skin on the leg, the compress is fixed with a bandage, the bandage must be changed several times a day);
  • red tissue treatment (cotton cloth should be sprinkled with chalk and tied to the affected skin area, the bandage should be changed if necessary);
  • cabbage leaf compress (cabbage leaves must be chopped so that juice appears, bandage them to the leg overnight);
  • cottage cheese compresses (ordinary cottage cheese should be applied to the affected skin with a thick layer, it is not recommended to allow the mass to dry);
  • burnet tincture treatment (the tincture is sold in pharmacies, before use it must be mixed with warm water in a ratio of one to three, and then apply the product to the affected skin of the leg with gauze);
  • compress from pharmaceutical preparations (the lesion must be pretreated with hydrogen peroxide, then apply to the skin a mixture prepared on the basis of 30 g of powdered sugar, 3 g of boric acid, 12 g of xeroform and 8 g of crushed streptocide tablets);
  • herbal wash (the areas of inflammation should be washed several times a day with an infusion of nettle leaves, licorice, eucalyptus, dried chum, yarrow and calamus roots, all ingredients are mixed in different proportions and poured with boiling water).

Among the means of traditional medicine, there are conflicting methods of treating erysipelas. Some methods, according to experts, can cause serious harm to health and complicate the patient's recovery process. For example, do not warm up your leg.

Streptococcus becomes the cause of "erysipelas" precisely under the influence of temperature changes. Heating will not produce the expected results and cause more inflammation to spread.

  • with erysipelas of the leg you can not rub any funds into the affected part of the skin (compresses can be made, but massage movements or the use of force are not permissible);
  • there is an opinion that it is impossible to wash the affected skin, however in the absence of hygiene, complications of the disease will occur (it is imperative to wash the skin, only it must be done carefully and without the use of substances that can cause irritation);
  • tightly bandaging the affected skin area is not recommended (the bandage is only needed to fix the compress, otherwise the irritation on the leg will increase in scale);
  • if treatment is accompanied by taking antibiotics or other medications, then you cannot interrupt the course yourself (improper treatment can cause relapse, and complications include elephantiasis of the legs - a disease that not only disrupts work capacity, but also changes the way of life);
  • it is not recommended to independently choose the methods of treatment erysipelas on the leg (consultation with a specialist must be carried out).

Experts note that it is impossible to cure erysipelas on the legs without medication. Taking antibiotics should not exceed 10 days. Otherwise, complications may arise associated with the composition of drugs and their effect on the body.

Traditional medicine is an adjunct to the course of treatment, but is not considered a separate way of dealing with "erysipelas". Contact with patients should be minimal to eliminate the risk of infection.

Disease prevention

The best ways to prevent erysipelas are considered compliance with two rules: proper hygiene and timely treatment of diseases that can cause illness.

"Erysipelas" in most cases is chronic. Symptoms may recur for a long time. To prevent relapse, specialists prescribe antibiotics, which must be taken in a certain course.

If a person has never had erysipelas, then the best prevention is attention to their health and adherence to basic hygiene. Showers should be taken regularly, if injuries appear on the skin, the damaged areas should be treated with hydrogen peroxide and should not be contaminated.

If symptoms of erysipelas appear, you should contact medical institution and undergo treatment as quickly as possible.

The skin is the outer cover of the human body with an area of \u200b\u200babout 1.6 m2, which performs several important tasks: mechanical protection of tissues and organs, tactile sensitivity (touch), thermoregulation, gas exchange and metabolism, protection of the body from the penetration of microbes.

But sometimes the skin itself turns out to be the object of attack by microorganisms - then dermatological diseases develop, among which is erysipelas.

Erysipelas (erysipelas) - what is it?

Erysipelas is an acute diffuse inflammation of the skin (less often mucous membranes) of an infectious origin, usually affecting the face or legs.

Erysipelas causes beta-hemolytic group streptococcus AND when it penetrates into the thickness of the skin through minor abrasions, cuts, insect bites, combs, abrasions.

Erysipelas is more common in men of working age and in women over 45. For children under the age of one year, it is a mortal danger (photo 3).

The prevalence of the disease is high - fourth place after acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal tract infections and hepatitis.

Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus

The β-hemolytic group A streptococcus (GABHS) itself was discovered relatively recently (150 years ago), but mankind has been familiar with the diseases that it causes for a long time.

Sore throats, pharyngitis, laryngitis, scarlet fever, rheumatism, severe damage to the kidney tissue is not a complete list of pathological conditions caused by GABHS. The Ministry of Health states that the damage to the economy from β-hemolytic streptococcus is 10 times greater than the damage from all viral hepatitis.

It belongs to conditionally pathogenic microflora, because it is present in almost all people in the oral cavity, respiratory tract, on the skin and external genitals. Good immunity limits its virulence (degree of infectivity).

BHSA is very quickly spread through the air, through the digestive tract and objects, therefore it is usually detected in rooms where children and labor collectives are for a long time, 57.6% of angina and 30.3% of acute respiratory infections are caused by it.

Streptococci survive when frozen and heated to 70 ° for 2 hours, in dried biomaterial (blood, pus), they remain highly infectious for several months. Toxins cause severe heart and kidney disease.

Carriage of the pathogen in the upper respiratory tract is more typical for children. When examining schoolchildren, GABHS is isolated in the nasopharynx of 20-25% of children.

Causes of erysipelas of the legs

The cause of erysipelas of the legs can be small abscesses, boils and carbuncles, purulent wounds. The spread of dangerous streptococcus in the skin can be facilitated by frequent hypothermia of the legs or excessive sunburn, which cause microtrauma to the skin.

Erysipelas on the leg is very often the result of other serious diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • fungal infection;
  • alcoholism;
  • obesity.

Stressful situations that sharply reduce immunity can give rise to a streptococcus attack on its carrier.

Chronic foci of infection in the form of decayed teeth, enlarged tonsils increase the risk of erysipelas in any part of the body by 5-6 times.

Symptoms of erysipelas of the leg, photo

A week (on average) after the introduction of the pathogen into the skin, an acute onset of the disease occurs.

Signs of intoxication suddenly appear:

  • severe weakness
  • temperature up to 40 ° C with chills,
  • excruciating headache
  • aching bones and muscles
  • sometimes nausea and vomiting.

During the day, symptoms of erysipelas appear on the lower leg: the affected area swells sharply, shines from tension and turns red. The name "mug" also comes from the word "red" in some European languages.

The inflamed area is delimited from healthy skin by a demarcation roller. Its irregular scalloped outlines are characteristic along the perimeter of the lesion. Severe redness of the skin is caused by hemolysis - the process of destruction by streptococcus of red blood cells (erythrocytes).

When pressed with a finger, the redness disappears for a few seconds. The lesion is warmer to the touch than the surrounding tissue.

Pain and burning cause great suffering to the patient. The popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes become inflamed. In the direction towards them from the affected area under the skin, dense reddish stripes are visible - lymphatic vessels, lymphangitis develops.

Diagnosis of erysipelas

Often, the diagnosis is made without tests, based on a combination of general and local symptoms.

In other diseases, local signs first appear more often, and only after them does intoxication appear.

Laboratory tests can confirm the presence of β-hemolytic streptococcus.

Forms of erysipelas of the leg

Based on the nature of local changes, there are:

1. Erythematous form - the site has a bright uniform color and clear boundaries.

2. Erythematous-hemorrhagic form - on the affected area, against the background of general redness (erythema), there are multiple punctate hemorrhages - a sign of damage to the blood capillaries.

3. Erythematous-bullous(bulla, lat. - bubble) form - with it, on the third day, the upper layers of the skin are stratified with the formation of bubbles.

The liquid in them contains a large mass of streptococci with high degree virulence, therefore, when opening the bubbles, antiseptic treatment must be carefully carried out. They heal with the formation of a crust, under which smooth skin is formed.

4. Bullous hemorrhagic form - the blisters contain an opaque bloody liquid.

5. Gangrenous form with areas of skin necrosis.

Stands out wandering form, when, within a few days, the lesion shifts to an adjacent area, and the primary focus peels off and heals.

This form is typical for newborn children, with the rapid spread of erysipelas, children can die.

The severity of the disease is distinguished:

  • mild form (the affected area is small, the temperature is not higher than 38.5 ° C),
  • moderately severe (several small areas of lesion, temperature up to 40 ° C for no more than 5 days)
  • severe form, when bullosa-hemorrhagic elements cover almost the entire body, the temperature is critical for several days, loss of consciousness, delirium and signs of meningitis.

The inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin remains sensitive to streptococcal infection after healing, which gives rise to the diagnosis of "repeated" and "recurrent" erysipelas.

Mild forms of erysipelas can be treated on an outpatient basis. Severe and advanced cases require hospital treatment.

1) The first and main appointment is antibiotics in the form of intramuscular injections or orally. Penicillin antibiotics have retained their effectiveness in the fight against hemolytic streptococcus.

They are combined with taking oleandomycin, furazolidone, erythromycin for one to two weeks.

2) Their action is enhanced by sulfa drugs (biseptol).

3) Vitamins and biostimulants (levamisole, pentoxil, methyluracil) are necessarily prescribed to restore immunity and the fastest healing of the focus.

4) Non-steroidal drugs are prescribed as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs: aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, baralgin, reopirin.

5) In case of severe intoxication, a glucose solution or rheopyrin is repeatedly injected.

6) To relieve intoxication, drink plenty of fluids and diuretics are prescribed.

7) Physiotherapy procedures:

  1. ultraviolet irradiation in the acute period has a bacteriostatic effect;
  2. electrophoresis of lidase,
  3. ozokerite,
  4. magnetotherapy.

The last three procedures improve lymph flow, preventing the development of elephantiasis.

8) The sensitization of the body is prevented by the intake of antihistamines.

9) Sclerotherapy - the introduction into the affected veins of a substance that causes narrowing and resorption of the vessel - contributes to the rapid healing of blisters and the improvement of the inflamed skin area.

10) Endovasal laser coagulation - leads to the disappearance of the lumen in the diseased veins, preventing the development of lymphostasis.

11) Surgical treatment of the lesion:

  1. opening the bubbles, treating them with a solution of furacillin, enteroseptol in the form of a powder, erythromycin ointment;
  2. excision of inflamed veins and necrotic areas.

12) In severe cases, blood or plasma transfusion is performed.

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg is carried out by a doctor. To avoid complications, the patient must strictly follow all medical prescriptions, even with outpatient treatment.

When treating erysipelas at home It is important to know:

1) Do not tightly bandage the affected area, only light dressings are allowed, which are changed several times a day after antiseptic treatment of the skin.

2) Do not use and - they increase the flow of interstitial fluid and slow down the healing process;
excessive softening of the skin with ointments will lead to additional infection of the wounds.

3) After opening the bubbles, you can treat the erosion with hydrogen peroxide and dry the skin under them with a powder, which includes:

  • boric acid (3 g),
  • xeroform (12 g),
  • streptocide (8 g).

Cover the wound surface from above with two-layer gauze.

Complications of erysipelas

Erysipelas can go away on its own: two weeks after the onset of the disease, the redness subsides, but the swelling and pigmentation of the skin remains for a long time. There is a high probability of a repeated process.

With insufficiently active treatment, erysipelas causes general and local complications. It is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes mellitus, allergies, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, with heart failure and HIV infection.

There is a danger of developing pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis.

Streptococcus toxins cause rheumatism, myocarditis and glomerulonephritis.

Local complications are phlegmons and abscesses, trophic ulcers and lymphostasis (elephantiasis), in which the volume of limb tissues increases sharply due to the accumulation of interstitial fluid and thickening of the skin.

Elephantiasis develops in 15% of all cases of erysipelas. It is accompanied by such phenomena as papillomas, eczema, lymphorrhea (lymph effusion from thickened pigmented skin). All this greatly complicates the patient's life.

The prognosis after erysipelas on the legs depends on the severity of the disease and the body's immunity.

Recurrent forms often develop when staphylococcal flora is attached to GABHS.

Due to the acquired lymphostasis, the ability to work may be reduced.

In general, the prognosis for the patient's life is favorable if complications were avoided.

Prevention of erysipelas

There is no specific prophylaxis. To prevent erysipelas, some general and local measures must be observed.

  • limit contact with sick erysipelas, after contact, carry out antiseptic treatment of their skin;
  • take care of strengthening immunity by establishing a daily routine, exercising, avoiding stressful situations;
  • timely eliminate foci of chronic streptococcal infection, monitor health;
  • get the right healthy eating - Hemolytic streptococcus rapidly multiplies in stale food, giving special preference to meat broths;
  • in order to avoid relapses after the transferred erysipelas, prophylactic injections of bicillin should be carried out all year round.

Local measures:

  • pay more attention to your feet - wash them regularly, avoid corns and abrasions, minor cuts, hypothermia and overheating;
  • monitor the state of the venous system and consult a specialist in time.

Erysipelas mcb 10

In the international classifier of diseases ICD 10, erysipelas is:

Class I
- A30 - A49 Other bacterial diseases

  • A46 Erysipelas (Erysipelas)

Erysipelas can be considered one of the most common infectious skin diseases. Such an ailment is caused by the bacteria of hemolytic streptococcus and is accompanied by pronounced intoxication, the presence of inflammatory foci. To start treatment of erysipelas of the leg with folk remedies, you must first consult with your doctor and make sure that you have this particular disease. First of all, we will consider what factors provoke erysipelas of the lower leg and other parts of the lower extremities.

Erysipelas of the leg has pronounced symptoms that can be seen with the naked eye. The factors that provoke the development of such a pathology can be considered:

  • The suppressed immune system of the body after an infectious disease;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • The presence of wounds, scratches and other injuries on the skin of the lower extremities;
  • Severe sunburn and frostbite;
  • Frequent stress, depression, changes in psycho-emotional state.

Severe overheating or, conversely, hypothermia of the lower extremities is the first prerequisite for the development of the disease. To protect yourself from erysipelas, try to avoid injury and bruising. People who are allergic to staphylococcus should be especially careful.

Erysipelas of the leg very often occurs in older women or young (20-30 years old) men, who often receive microtrauma to the limbs at work. The risk group includes representatives of the following professions - builders, drivers, loaders, military. Doctors identify a number of additional reasons that can also provoke the development of erysipelas. These include:

  • Obesity;
  • Frequent use of strong alcoholic beverages;
  • The presence of trophic ulcers on the skin of the lower extremities.

Erysipelas can occur in a child or a woman who is about to give birth. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and not treat the ailment yourself with the help of folk remedies.


Feet with erysipelas

Doctors identify several types of pathology, each of which has its own characteristics and localization. each form in more detail:

  1. Bullous erysipelas. Puffiness occurs on the lower extremities, the skin becomes covered with small vesicles filled with serous exudate.
  2. Hemorrhagic - with such a pathology, vascular permeability increases significantly. Small internal bruises can be seen on the affected leg.
  3. Erythematous erysipelas - always accompanied by severe edema, significant redness of the skin.

Before starting treatment at home for erysipelas of the leg, it is imperative to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a medical examination to make an accurate diagnosis.


In order to recognize the disease in time and prevent its development, you need to know how the pathology manifests itself at the primary stage. While the streptococcus bacterium passes the incubation period, the body can react to it with a manifestation of severe intoxication. The initial signs of erysipelas of the leg include:

  • Increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.
  • Migraine, headache;
  • Frost on the skin;
  • Fatigue, lethargy, loss of energy.

In addition to the above signs, you can find a symptom that directly indicates the development of erysipelas - the legs do not hurt much, but a feeling of bursting of the limb from the inside is created, there is a slight burning sensation.

The appearance of the diseased limb changes already on the second day after infection. Redness or swelling may appear. If you find such alarming symptoms, immediately go to the clinic to see a doctor. So you can stop the development of pathology in time, prevent the occurrence of serious complications.

Redness and swelling are the main symptoms

Part of the skin on the leg becomes red and inflamed. Unpleasant sensations occur on contact with clothing. With the progression of the disease, the upper layer of the epidermis can gradually flake off, small bubbles filled with liquid appear on the skin. When they burst, a crust forms on the leg, which does not come off for 2-3 weeks. If you do not use medicines or folk remedies in a timely manner, erosion or a trophic ulcer may form on the limbs.

A professional physician will examine the patient and prescribe effective treatment, which will help you get rid of the disease in 5-8 days. Even after complete recovery, the patient's skin continues to peel off, pigmentation changes, and the epidermis is pasty.


Modern doctors use several methods of treating erysipelas. The most common ways to deal with the disease include:

  • Taking medications. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed in combination with special ointments.
  • Using folk remedies, which you can prepare yourself at home from natural herbs and other pharmaceutical ingredients.

To achieve the desired effect faster, combine the two methods, and also follow a special diet. For the first few days of illness, doctors recommend completely abandoning solid food, and taking only purified water or citrus juice.

3 days after infection, intoxication will decrease, body temperature will return to normal. Now you can add any fresh fruit to the menu, as well as carrots, milk and honey. It is recommended to adhere to such a diet no more than 2 weeks.


Use the recipes below to quickly prepare a remedy for erysipelas. You only need simple ingredients for this, which can be found in any refrigerator or bought at a pharmacy.

Cottage cheese

Apply a compress of fresh cottage cheese to the sore leg with erysipelas. Apply the product in a small layer and wait until it dries completely. Then carefully remove the compress and repeat the procedure. A fermented milk product allows you to quickly restore the health of the epidermis, activate metabolic processes in tissues, and saturate cells with micronutrients.


Tincture from the medicinal plant burnet. To prepare such a medicine, you need to mix 1 tbsp. dry plant and 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Make compresses from the tincture. Such treatment allows you to quickly improve the patient's condition, reduce inflammation and redness of the limb.


Use a blender or conventional meat grinder to grind a few celery leaves. Put the resulting gruel in cheesecloth, and attach to the sore spot. Keep the compress for at least 30 minutes. If you don't have celery in your fridge, you can replace it with cabbage leaves.

a piece of chalk

Another unusual and a bit strange recipe for mug is chalk combined with red cloth. Chalk needs to be crushed into powder, sprinkled with sore spots on the legs, and wrap them with a red cloth. This compress is best done before bedtime. It can be safely left overnight. This method of treatment will quickly reduce swelling, inflammation and redness, and lower the temperature.

If you start the treatment of erysipelas in time with one of the methods listed above, you can get rid of the problem in just 6-7 days. As a rule, a combination of taking medication and applying homemade compresses gives excellent result... The disease does not progress and does not cause complications.

With the help of traditional medicine, erysipelas of the upper and lower extremities can be treated. It is advisable that such a remedy be approved by your doctor. Do you want to forget about the unpleasant symptoms of erysipelas forever? Then use the following recipes.


Combine several ingredients in a small deep container - 2 tbsp. rye flour, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. dried elderflower flowers. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting gruel to the sore leg. After 15-20 minutes, the compress can be removed, and the limb can be washed in warm water. The procedure can be repeated several times in a row.


Raw potatoes, finely grated, are an excellent folk remedy for rye. Use it as a lotion, and in just a few days you can get rid of the pathology.


IN traditional medicine Juniper broth has proven itself well. 2 tbsp of dried bark, you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, let the liquid brew and cool, and then strain. Dip a small piece of gauze or a clean cloth in the infusion and apply to the sore leg. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day.

In order for the treatment of erysipelas to be quick and effective, it is necessary to correctly combine the intake of medicines and the use of folk remedies. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required in any case. The sooner you find symptoms of erysipelas and go to the hospital, the less likely you are to develop any complications.

About the disease (video)

Erysipelas, or erysipelas, is an infectious-allergic skin disease caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. It ranks fourth in prevalence among all infections, second only to intestinal and respiratory diseases, as well as viral hepatitis. Why is this disease so common? Erysipelas affects people with weakened immune systems

Causes of erysipelas

Erysipelas is a very interesting infectious disease. It is widespread throughout the world, but at the same time it does not have a natural focus. Erysipelas is caused by beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus - a special microorganism that lives on human skin. It is noted that people living in northern latitudes are more likely to suffer from erysipelas. This tendency is easily explained: the streptococcus, which causes inflammation, does not like high temperatures and is not able to multiply when the mark on the thermometer is above 45 degrees.

Erysipelas is not very contagious, so no epidemics of this disease have yet been noted. Hemolytic streptococcus enters the body through the skin and mucous membranes, and this is what determines the main symptoms of erysipelas. The infection always develops in people with reduced immunity. People who do not have problems with the body's defense system become carriers of bacteria. Streptococcus is transmitted by airborne droplets when coughing and sneezing, as well as through household items. Even the usual handshake with a sick erysipelas can become the cause of infection.

Constant stress inevitably leads to a weakening of the body's protective barriers

Risk factors

Most often, the disease develops in women over 50. Men are also susceptible to this infection, but among them the pathology occurs at an earlier age. Risk factors that provoke the appearance of erysipelas include the following conditions:

  • chronic diseases;
  • stress;
  • constant trauma to the skin;
  • bruises and fractures;
  • sudden changes in temperature.

Regardless of the cause that caused the disease, erysipelas occurs against a background of reduced immunity. That is why the symptoms of erysipelas are most often observed in pregnant women and the elderly, whose body's defense system is unable to cope with an aggressive infection. The severity of signs and the incidence of complications do not depend on the localization of the process.

Leg skin with erysipelas

Inflammation symptoms

The infectious process can affect the upper and lower extremities, face, trunk, and perineum. The most common erysipelas of the leg. The disease always begins acutely with a rise in temperature to 38-40 degrees. The fever lasts about 10 days, accompanied by a pronounced chill that shakes the whole body. In some cases, there is a violation of consciousness, delirium, convulsions. This condition of the patient is associated with the release into the blood of toxins produced by beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

Symptoms that occur with the development of erysipelas are associated with lesions of the skin and subcutaneous fat. An infectious process affecting the lower extremities usually manifests itself in the form of erysipelas of the lower leg. IN rare cases hips or feet are affected. The manifestations of erysipelas are quite specific, and no additional research is required to make a diagnosis. We list the characteristic signs of an erysipelas infection.

  • Hyperemia (redness) of the skin

This symptom appears 10-12 hours after the onset of the fever. The skin is bright red, the color is uniform, without transitions. Hyperemia is associated with the expansion of cutaneous vessels due to their defeat by streptococcus. The area of \u200b\u200bredness gradually grows, capturing new areas. Antibiotics for erysipelas can stop the spread of the infection. With timely treatment started, the skin gradually turns pale, and after 7-10 days there is no trace of redness. At the site of hyperemia, peeling appears, which persists for two weeks.

The inflamed area looks like flames or a map. Around the focus of hyperemia, a roller is formed, towering over healthy skin. It should be noted that in this place the bacteria are most active and the patient feels pronounced soreness along the edges of the inflammation. The skin at the site of the lesion is edematous. These symptoms make it possible to recognize erysipelas of the lower leg without any problems and prescribe antibiotics in time to stop the process.

  • Increased regional lymph nodes

There is no such infectious process that would not lead to a change in the lymph nodes at the site of the lesion. With erysipelas, the lymph nodes are painful, swollen, welded together. In rare cases, the infection is complicated by lymphostasis - lymph congestion in the vessels.

Possible complications

Timely prescribed antibiotics allow you to cope with the disease within 7-14 days. If therapy was not started in the first days or the funds selected for the treatment of the infection were not effective, the following complications develop:

  • hemorrhages in the skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • the formation of large blisters filled with transparent or purulent contents;
  • the spread of the process over the entire surface of the lower extremities, the transition to the abdominal wall and perineum.

Erysipelas of the legs with this option is much more severe and very often leads to a relapse of the disease. In this case, new foci of infection may appear in the same place or choose a different lesion site.

Penicillin is the most commonly used treatment for erysipelas.

Treating inflammation

Erysipelas is an infectious pathology, and antibacterial agents are actively used to treat it. Only correctly selected antibiotics are able to cope with streptococcus and nullify the likelihood of complications. How does the therapy of a dangerous infection proceed?

Treatment for erysipelas begins with the choice of antibiotics. Penicillin drugs are usually used. They destroy the cell wall of bacteria, acting on both mature forms of streptococcus and multiplying ones. Antibacterial drugs prevent the spread of infection and reduce pain and swelling of the skin. Injected intramuscularly, the course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.

In case of intolerance to penicillins, antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines or macrolides are prescribed. The mechanism of action is the same, the duration of therapy depends on the degree of damage and the presence of complications. Unlike penicillins, these drugs are better tolerated by patients and less likely to cause adverse reactions.

For the prevention of relapses of the disease and restoration of the general condition, additional drugs are prescribed:

  • antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs that reduce skin swelling;
  • glucocorticosteroids - in case of a risk of developing lymphostasis (lymph stagnation in the affected organ);
  • stimulants of the immune system, restoring the regeneration of the skin;
  • vitamins and enzymes to maintain the general tone of the body.

Local treatment of erysipelas

How to treat erysipelas on the leg except for the use of drugs inside? To treat the skin at the site of the lesion, a 50% solution of Dimexide is most often used. This drug helps to relieve inflammation, reduce pain and swelling, and has good antimicrobial effects. Dressings with antiseptic solutions (for example, with furacilin), which can fight bacteria in the subcutaneous tissue, are actively used. A well-proven powder of enteroseptol, applied to clean, dry skin twice a day.


When treating erysipelas, it is forbidden to use any ointment dressings! This method only worsens the patient's condition and can cause the development of an abscess - a purulent complication at the site of inflammation.

Grated potato compress will help ease the course of the disease

Treatment of erysipelas on the legs with folk remedies

Many patients are concerned about the question: is it possible to cure erysipelas at home? This is not surprising, because the use of antibiotics does not always have a good effect on the body, and many people want to avoid the unpleasant side effects of exposure to penicillin. Doctors say that it is possible to treat erysipelas with folk remedies only in the case of an uncomplicated course of the process. This means that the temperature should not rise above 39 degrees. Seizures, confusion and other signs of severe inflammation are unacceptable. With the development of hemorrhages, the addition of a purulent infection, the attempt to cure the erysipelas at home should be abandoned.

  • Good folk remedy, which alleviates the patient's condition, a compress using raw potatoes is considered. To do this, the vegetable should be finely grated, wrapped in a cloth and applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe leg. A good effect is seen with the use of a cabbage leaf. To lubricate the legs, you can use a tincture of valerian, eucalyptus or chaga. These drugs are available over the counter at any pharmacy.
  • A well-known folk way to get rid of erysipelas on the legs is infusion of juniper. Two tablespoons of the plant are poured with boiling water, cooled and applied to the diseased limb several times a day. A similar effect can be achieved using an infusion of a mixture of chamomile, sage, plantain and St. John's wort.

An interesting fact: although erysipelas is considered an infectious disease, it is quite amenable to therapy. folk methods... Traditional medicine explains this by the fact that during treatment with herbs, stress is relieved, which has caused a decrease in immunity and the development of pathology. The main thing is not to get too carried away with healing and carefully monitor the general condition. If you feel worse and develop complications, you should seek help from a qualified doctor.

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