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How to clean the stove in the car? Do-it-yourself flushing of the stove radiator. Flushing the stove radiator with citric acid

Driving in the cold season without a heater in the car is almost impossible. It gets cold while driving, not only for the driver and passengers, but also windshield... It almost immediately becomes covered with condensation, which turns into ice during frost. Driving in heavy city traffic or on a busy highway will not work for the driver for a long time.

The culprit of this situation is in all cases a failed radiator. It can become clogged with scale, and from this heat transfer will be reduced to almost zero. Young car owners are often interested in experienced drivers, how to rinse the radiator of the car's stove at home. After all, you have to use your own transport even during frosts, and with a broken heater this is unlikely to be possible.

Using instead of quality antifreeze plain water, you can get a clogged cooling system. The refrigerant will not be able to pass through the channels clogged with limescale. Thus, no heat transfer from the radiator fins will go into the interior. The liquid will continue to circulate in the small cooling circle. In the car, you will need to clean the heater radiator.

Unstable heat dissipation from power plant will lead to its greater overheating, which will negatively affect performance characteristics the motor as a whole. Thermal deformations can lead to more intensive wear of parts and less sealing of the system.

Preparatory work for flushing without dismantling

Not all designs of cooling systems make it easy to dismantle the interior heater for processing. Therefore, the driver is faced with the task of flushing the stove radiator without removing it from its place of installation. In this situation, it will be necessary to disconnect it from the central cooling system of the vehicle and carry out the operation using extended hoses.

Clogged cooling system

The task is divided into several stages:

  • autonomy of the stove from the rest of the system;
  • ensuring a temperature close to 90 C for the flushing fluid;
  • selection of effective chemical reagents;
  • autonomy of power supply for the pump pumping over the cleaner;
  • the availability of a sufficient amount of clean water.

A sufficiently powerful pump from a GAZelle is used as a pump pumping over the cleaning liquid. You can use an old gas pump, but its performance will be much lower. Even a used device is suitable for this purpose.

A strong hose should be about 3 m long and its walls must withstand hot water... You should not save on such a cleaning element, so as not to burn yourself or flood everything around hot water with aggressive "chemistry".

Carrying out cleaning the car stove

We collect a serial circuit from the following elements:

  • a disconnected stove radiator;
  • water pump;
  • battery or charger car;
  • container (bucket, canister, basin, etc.) with a chemical solvent;
  • homemade filter.

Cleaning scheme

A special agent is used as solvents Hi-Gear or household "chemicals" type Tiret Professional or Mole... A cheaper, but also effective option is to use sachets with citric acid in a proportion of 100 g per 3-5 liters of water.

Replacing filters during cleaning

It is necessary to observe personal safety measures when working with aggressive substances. Hands will need to be protected with rubber gloves, and eyes are covered with plastic glasses.

Pour the pre-heated solution into the resulting system with the help, and start the pump. From time to time it is necessary to clean the filter from several layers of bandage or mesh, fixed with a clamp, from clogging. The whole operation takes 60-90 minutes. For greater efficiency, after running in one direction, we throw the hoses and run the liquid in the other direction.

To ensure long-term maintenance of a high temperature during the process, you can immerse a boiler in a container with liquid for a while.

Subsequent operations

After using active chemicals, you will need to rinse the stove with clean water. This procedure takes about 30 liters of clean water. It can be not looped back, but washed into a separate container. When this flushing of the stove radiator with your own hands is completed, you can add antifreeze to the system.

You need to know that after connecting the stove, unwanted air locks will appear in the system.

Processing result

It will be possible to get rid of them as much as possible after driving on some road slope, and then an active gas filling is carried out in the car until high revs... The characteristic sounds of air coming out through the expansion tank will be heard.

Alternative options for cleaning the stove

The interior heater can be flushed together with the entire cooling system. For this operation, all antifreeze is completely drained, and a warm solution of citric acid is poured in instead.

Having traveled for 3-4 days on such a composition, you can get rid of it, and after flushing, fill in a new antifreeze. This method is suitable exclusively for the warm season and for frequently used cars.


You can remove blockages and scale from a car stove yourself without significant costs and a lot of disassembly of the car. The procedure will take 2-3 hours, but the positive result will be felt throughout the winter.

The better to wash the radiator of an auto stove

The fact that the interior heater is not redundant, but a necessary device in our latitudes, is an impartial reality. How to wash the stove in the car, clean the car stove. Because when in time stove, once a new car, begins to warm up more terribly, the question arises before the car enthusiast, how to wash stove radiator car. The heat exchanger of the heater can be washed both without removing it from the car, or by removing it.

If it doesn't heat well stove

Diagnostics of the circumstances should start with checking the stove filter, because from time to time a lack of air flow is perceived as bad stove operation. If the filter is not clogged, check the thermostat. Firstly, the temperature of the engine while the car is moving should be about 90 ◦ C. How to install the car radio yourself. Date of publication: January 29, 2016. Cars have firmly entered our life and today it is not just a means of transportation, but a place where we spend a lot. Secondly, the radiator of the cooling system, standing with the engine running, the car must be cold to the touch until the temperature reaches the working temperature. If the scale of the temperature meter does not have a graduation in degrees, then the temperature of 90 ◦ C corresponds to the middle position of the arrow. If the thermostat is working properly, compare the temperature of the pipe supplying the antifreeze to the stove with the temperature of the outlet. This can be done when the engine is running, the stove valve is open, and the heater fan is on. There are two options here:

  1. The inlet is hot, and the outlet is a little warm. This happens when there is a lack of antifreeze flow through the radiator. One way to connect the recorder without in the car is like a recorder. A more possible prerequisite for which is a malfunction of the heater tap.
  2. Both pipes are equally hot. There can be two circumstances. 1st bad heat loss of the radiator due to contamination inside or outside. To clean the radiator of an air conditioner in a car of any brand, first of all, care is required, since it is quite fragile. This malfunction can be removed even at home criteria. 2nd - leakage of the partition dividing the radiator tank into two halves inlet and outlet. The latter leads to the fact that the coolant does not pass through the entire radiator, but passes from the inlet pipe through the leakage of the partition to the outlet.


If, during the operation of the stove, both pipes are identically hot, you can start the repair by flushing the stove radiator without removing it together with the entire cooling system. The solution for flushing the system must be prepared with the use of distilled or, in the latter case, boiled water. For its manufacture, they often take ordinary citric acid.

It is better to take as much water as goes into the cooling system of your car. Dissolve 100 g of citric acid in this volume of water. Then you need to drain the coolant, pour in a cleaning solution instead and drive the car for several days (if it is freezing outside the window or it is very hot, it is better to repeat the procedure several times, just warming up the car to working temperature.) Instead of citric acid, you can take some kind of descaling agent or a special liquid for flushing the cooling system. After the cleaning fluid is used up, drain it. Finally, be sure to flush the system several times with plain water. The tense situation on the roads today obliges many motorists to have a DVR in their car, since nothing insures the driver from all kinds of things. Only when the water is drained several times clean without dirt and flakes, in cooling system it will be possible to fill in antifreeze.

how clean the stove radiator without removing it from the car

i think it's clear how to clean in this way. So I cleaned it many times and the result was always positive.

Rinse stove radiator without removing. Using plastic containers

I'm a lousy storyteller and filmed the whole process not at first, but when I saw a good deal of washing, I decided to shoot.

You do not want the negative effects of water on the metal parts of the cooling system and a small risk of overheating the engine, which means that the method of flushing the heater along with the entire cooling system is not for you.

There is another way to clean the system without removing the radiator. The conductors in the car are displayed on the rear and front ones. How to connect the car radio. Then you need to prepare two pieces of rubber hose (one about two meters long, the other one meter long, with an inner diameter equal to the outer diameter of the radiator pipe), a three-liter plastic bottle, electrical tape and a bucket. Wrap several turns of electrical tape around one end of a long piece of hose so that the outer diameter of the winding is equal to the inner diameter of the neck of the bottle. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and firmly insert the end of the wound hose into the neck so that you get a funnel with a hose instead of a spout. Hang the bottle higher. Connect both hoses to the radiator with the free end of the short one and put it in the bucket. Pour cleaning solution into the bottle. As soon as the solution flows into the bucket, plug the hose and leave the radiator full for a day, let it soak. Once you decide that enough time has passed, remove the gag from the short hose. A solution from a bottle under pressure, which depends on the height of the liquid column, will flush the radiator. Good day! So I decided on my typewriter l2f1 1.9dtsi 120hp. Silence the EGR valve, but I don't really know how to do this, are there any pitfalls in this business or not? And what for. Your task is to scoop the wash from the bucket, filter it and pour it into the bottle. Simple instructions for those who do not know how to adjust the carburetor of a VAZ 2105. There is also a video that discusses this issue. As soon as dirt stops coming out with the liquid, stop the process. Rinse the radiator with running water and replace it.

Option using a special cleaner and an electric motor for forced circulation of liquid

If flushing the radiator from the inside was successful, but stove I never began to blow hot air, and the pipes at the inlet and outlet of the radiator are equally hot, it can be assumed that the outside of the radiator also needs cleaning. Prepare a not too hard brush and soapy water to clean the outside of the radiator. When removing the radiator, take a good look at it to see if there is any leakage from it. You need to look at the seam of the tank lids and at the entrance to the tubes of the tubes, since there is most often depressurization.

Chemists are advised to use for cleaning aluminum radiator slightly acidic solutions and under no circumstances use alkaline cleaning solutions for radiators made of this material. For copper radiators, on the contrary, they recommend slightly alkaline solutions and warn against using acidic ones.

I don't know what kind of medium is in the mole sewer cleaner. We clean without removing which, including the stove in the car, on ways to clean it. How. But I want to warn you against using it to clean aluminum radiators. Dear friends, today I will tell you how to change the cabin filter in the VAZ-2110 yourself. I think no one will dispute the need to replace the cabin filter on our dozens, because they are. Several years ago I cleaned an aluminum radiator with it. The tool turned out to be very strong - I had to change the radiator. How it interacts with copper heatsinks I don't know. Those who dare to try, I urge you not to hesitate and share your experience somewhere on the forums.

So, citric acid is suitable for cleaning an aluminum radiator. Caustic soda can be added to the copper heat exchanger.

Side effects

If previously coolant leaked in the car, but this was eliminated by filling in cooling system sealant. Be prepared for the leakage to resume after flushing. This does not mean that flushing the cooling system is harmful. This indicates that pouring the sealant into cooling system, to put it mildly, not a renovation.

Do not drive with cleaning fluid in the cooling system for too long, even in summer. Firstly, the boiling point of any antifreeze, including antifreeze, is almost twice as high as that of water, which increases the risk of engine overheating. What does the registrar do at this time? As in the diagram above, specifically on my machine, it can. Secondly, it has long been noticed that running on water dramatically reduces the pump bearing life. This is explained by the fact that a small amount of coolant still penetrates the oil seal and contacts the pump bearing and contact with antifreeze will be less harmful, since its lubricating and anti-corrosion properties are higher.

This post has 1 comment.

It will not be superfluous for car owners to find out how to flush the stove in the car when it is winter outside and there is practically no warm air in the cabin. If the heater of your car does not cope with the heating function, you can judge the contamination of its radiator.

How to flush the stove.

Washing the car heater can be done:

  • - funds purchased at car dealerships;
  • folk remediesthat are always at hand.

The first method is more expensive, so many people prefer to do with improvised means. Among the latter, the following have positively proven themselves:

  • - citric acid solution;
  • - caustic or soda ash;
  • - powders / liquids intended for cleaning sewer pipes ("COMET", "CILIT", "DOMESTOS", "Mole").

They assure that drinks of the "Coca-Cola", "Sprite" or "Fanta" format are able to dissolve the deposits accumulated in the radiator pipes. Milk whey also copes with the problem, although it will take more time to dissolve the formed deposits.

How to choose the right product.

When choosing a suitable flushing agent, it is worth clarifying what metal the heater of your car is made of. Most often they use aluminum or copper.

So, for working with aluminum surfaces, you cannot use alkaline solutions, because they react with alkali and instantly oxidize. To flush an aluminum radiator, only solutions containing acid should be used. Here, according to experienced car owners, whey will be effective. Its careful attitude to surfaces justifies itself, despite the time spent.

Alkaline solutions are more suitable for cleaning clogged copper surfaces.

The choice of a flushing agent is carried out taking into account the degree of stove clogging. Light contamination, for example, can be easily removed with ordinary washing powder, "run" into the branch pipe under a strong (but moderately, so as not to burst the radiator) pressure of water. Only more aggressive solutions can remove significant deposits.

What to do after flushing.

After rinsing the radiator, rinse the heater thoroughly with clean water to remove any residues of the agent used. This will prevent it from mixing with the coolant in the future, which can cause problems with the heating of the passenger compartment and the engine cooling system.

You can wash the stove radiator both with removal and right on the spot. In terms of flushing efficiency, they are the same, the only difference is in labor costs for flushing and the availability of the stove radiator for installation and dismantling.

1 comment on the entry "How and how to flush the radiator of a car stove - advice from experienced."

    I'll tell you how I flushed the stove radiator without removing it from the car. I used an analogue of "Mole". To flush you need:
    - water
    - "Mole" or other washing
    - two pieces of hose, one meter long each (better transparent)
    - two plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-2 liters
    - electrical tape or clamps.
    Everything is easy and simple: - we drop the pipes from the radiator of the stove (if possible, blow out the antifreeze from the radiator with a compressor) and put on the hoses on the inlet-outlet - we dilute the Mole with water and fill one bottle with it, squeeze the second bottle (so that it comes out air); - put the hoses on the bottles and seal them with clamps or electrical tape; - pressing the bottle with the mixture, fill the heat exchanger; - wait for half an hour or an hour; - start to drive the liquid, pressing alternately on the bottles (pear principle); - amazed by the amount dirt overflowing through transparent tubes; - disconnect everything from the radiator and blow it with a compressor or mouth; - repeat if necessary;
    - then we rinse with plain water from the Mole
    - we rejoice in the heat coming from the air ducts.

    All work must be carried out in rubber gloves and special goggles.

The fact that the interior heater is not superfluous, but a necessary device in our latitudes, is an objective reality. Therefore, when, over time, the stove of a once new car begins to heat worse, the car owner has a question of how to rinse the radiator of the car's stove. The heat exchanger of the heater can be flushed both without removing it from the car, or removing it.

If the stove does not heat well

Diagnosis of the causes should begin with checking the stove filter, since sometimes a lack of air flow is perceived as poor stove operation. If the filter is not clogged, check the thermostat. Firstly, the engine temperature while the car is moving should be about 90 ◦ C. Secondly, the radiator of the cooling system, standing with the engine running, the car should be cool to the touch until the temperature reaches operating temperature. If the scale of the temperature meter does not have a graduation in degrees, then the temperature of 90 ◦ C corresponds to the middle position of the arrow. If the thermostat is working properly, compare the temperature of the antifreeze supply pipe to the stove with the temperature of the outlet. This can be done when the engine is running, the stove valve is open, and the heater fan is on. There are two options here:

  1. The inlet is hot, and the outlet is slightly warm. This happens when there is insufficient flow of antifreeze through the radiator. The most likely reason for this is a malfunction of the heater tap.
  2. Both pipes are equally hot. There can be two reasons. The first is poor heat dissipation of the radiator due to its internal or external contamination. This malfunction can be rectified even at home. The second is the leakage of the partition dividing the radiator tank into two halves inlet and outlet. The latter leads to the fact that the coolant does not pass through the entire radiator, but passes from the inlet pipe through the leakage of the partition immediately into the outlet.


If, during the operation of the stove, both pipes are equally hot, you can start the repair by flushing the stove radiator without removing it along with the entire cooling system. The solution for flushing the system must be prepared using distilled or, in extreme cases, boiled water. For its preparation, ordinary citric acid is often taken.

It is better to take as much water as is included in the cooling system of your car. Dissolve 100 g of citric acid in this volume of water. Then you need to drain the coolant, pour in a cleaning solution instead and drive the car for several days (if it is freezing outside the window or it is very hot, it is better to repeat the procedure several times, just warming up the car to operating temperature.) Instead of citric acid, you can take some descaling agent or special liquid for flushing the cooling system. After the cleaning fluid is used up, drain it. Finally, be sure to flush the system several times with plain water. Only when the water has been drained several times clean without dirt and flakes can antifreeze be poured into the cooling system.

You do not want the negative effects of water on the metal parts of the cooling system and a small risk of overheating the engine, which means that the method of flushing the heater along with the entire cooling system is not for you.

There is another way to clean the system without removing the radiator. Then you need to prepare two pieces of rubber hose (one about two meters long, the other one meter long, with an inner diameter equal to the outer diameter of the radiator pipe), a three-liter plastic bottle, electrical tape and a bucket. Wrap a few turns of electrical tape around one end of a long piece of hose so that the outer diameter of the winding is equal to the inner diameter of the neck of the bottle. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and firmly insert the end of the wound hose into the neck so that you get a funnel with a hose instead of a spout. Hang the bottle higher. Connect both hoses to the radiator with the free end of the short one and put it in the bucket. Pour cleaning solution into the bottle. As soon as the solution flows into the bucket, plug the hose and leave the radiator full for a day, let it soak. Once you decide that enough time has passed, remove the gag from the short hose. A solution from a bottle under pressure, which depends on the height of the liquid column, will flush the radiator. Your task is to scoop the wash from the bucket, filter it and pour it into the bottle. As soon as dirt stops coming out with the liquid, stop the process. Rinse the radiator with running water and replace it.

Option using a special cleaner and an electric motor for forced circulation of liquid

If flushing the radiator from the inside was successful, but the stove did not begin to blow hot air, and the pipes at the radiator inlet and outlet are equally hot, it can be assumed that the outside of the radiator also needs cleaning. Prepare a not too hard brush and soapy water to clean the outside of the radiator. When removing the radiator, take a good look at it to see if there is any leakage from it. You need to look at the seam of the tank lids and at the entrance to the tubes of the tubes, since depressurization most often occurs there.

Chemists are advised to use weakly acidic solutions to clean an aluminum radiator and in no case should alkaline cleaning solutions be used for radiators made of this material. For copper radiators, on the contrary, they recommend slightly alkaline solutions and warn against using acidic ones.

I don't know what kind of medium is in the mole sewer cleaner. But I want to warn you against using it to clean aluminum radiators. Several years ago I cleaned an aluminum radiator with it. The tool turned out to be very strong - I had to change the radiator. How it interacts with copper heatsinks I don't know. Those who dare to try, I urge you not to hesitate and share your experience somewhere on the forums.

So, citric acid is suitable for cleaning an aluminum radiator. Caustic soda can be added to the copper heat exchanger.

Side effects

If previously coolant leaked in the car, but this was eliminated by pouring sealant into the cooling system. Be prepared for the leakage to resume after flushing. This does not mean that flushing the cooling system is harmful. This indicates that pouring sealant into the cooling system, to put it mildly, is not repair.

Do not drive with cleaning fluid in the cooling system for too long, even in summer. Firstly, the boiling point of any antifreeze, including antifreeze, is almost twice as high as that of water, which increases the risk of engine overheating. Secondly, it has long been noticed that running on water dramatically reduces the pump bearing life. This is explained by the fact that a small amount of coolant still penetrates the oil seal and contacts the pump bearing and contact with antifreeze will be less harmful, since its lubricating and anti-corrosion properties are higher.

The issue of heating is especially relevant in winter, when after a night stay in the cabin it is icy cold and a faulty stove is like death. Problems with the stove, as a rule, "surface" in winter, because most of "our" motorists either do not know or do not remember the old Russian saying: "Prepare the sled in the summer ...". So it turns out that as soon as it touches the case, either the stove does not work, or it blows cold, or the radiator of the heating system is clogged.

For? for the stove to match its name, it needs proper care, you should regularly check not only its serviceability, but also monitor its cleanliness. Today I will talk about what flushing the stove is, how to clean the stove, and also how to flush the stove radiator without removing and disassembling the dashboard.

Flushing the stove without removing it requires the following tools:

  1. Compressor or pump;
  2. Two hoses and clamps, electrical tape;
  3. Container for draining;
  4. Radiator cleaner, "decalcifier", etc.

Washing the stove with your own hands - step by step instructions

  1. We open the hood, find in engine compartment two hoses coming from the stove.
  2. Disconnect them by releasing the fastening clamps.

Note: This process will take place differently in each machine, so I will not elaborate on exactly how to disconnect these hoses.

  1. Using the hoses prepared earlier, it is necessary to lengthen, that is, finish the hoses of the stove. Use clamps to secure the connections and wrap the joints with tape or electrical tape.
  2. Lower the lower hose down, this will be a drain, the upper one must be raised above the level of the stove.
  3. Drain the coolant and use a compressor to blow through the tubes to remove any residues.
  4. Then we take the liquid for washing the stove and pour it into the stove. If you do not have such a liquid, "decalcifier", acidified water or vinegar will work as an option. Wait until the cleaning liquid does its job - it will take off scale and dirt, it will take no more than 10-15 minutes. In severely neglected cases, you can leave it overnight.
  5. After flushing is over, drain the liquid using a second hose. The procedure is repeated until clear liquid flows from the stove radiator.
  6. Upon completion, everything is washed with water; for the best effect, you can use either a pump or a compressor or, for example, a centralized water supply system. Moreover, you can connect the water supply hose from one side or the other.

By following these instructions, you can easily flush the radiator of the car's heating system. I wish you good luck with your work, thank you for reading us and see you soon at

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