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How to flush the engine cooling system in winter. How to flush the engine cooling system yourself

According to popular belief, epiphany water retains its properties for a long time and does not deteriorate, while the usual one produces a white precipitate after a few days. Unfortunately, car antifreeze does not differ in durability, because the environment for it is quite aggressive.

Therefore, sooner or later the time comes to completely replace the coolant (coolant). Before doing this, it is better to flush the entire cooling volume. What cleaning agents ("cleaners") are most suitable for flushing the engine cooling system - learn from this article.

"Normal heroes always go around"

It is enough to go to any autoshop or kiosk of related products at the service station to make sure that there are all kinds of drugs designed for decomposition, splitting, dispersion of solid and jelly-like deposits formed inside the engine cooling system (SOD), with their subsequent removal. You can entrust this simple, but rather dirty procedure to car service workers.

However, the domestic motorist is used to going his own way. Rightly believing that the basis of all internal layers are mineral (scale, rust) and organic substances (fats, oils, dirt), he uses various household and folk remedies. Here are some of them:

  • acetic acid or essence;
  • diluted citric, lactic or hydrochloric acids;
  • milk serum;
  • solutions of caustic or baking soda;
  • toilet bowl cleaner "Duckling";
  • youth drink "Coca-Cola".

The last two names are the pinnacle of flushing life hacking. In order not to provoke the reader to use the above "cleaners", those interested can find their recipe in other sources.

The use of products that are not intended to service the car should be considered a compulsory measure. Nobody guarantees the result from their use.

Composition of auto chemistry products

The most effective method for cleaning SOD is the use of special chemical liquids on an acidic or alkaline basis. Acids dissolve solid mechanical components (lime deposits and corrosion products), and alkalis dissolve the organic component (fat and oil deposits). At the same time, the simultaneous combination of alkali and acid in the cleaning product is impossible, since they neutralize each other.

In addition, these chemicals are aggressive towards rubber and plastic, which requires additional neutralization after their application, followed by flushing of the entire system. Therefore, formulations on a purely acidic or alkaline basis are extremely rare on the market.

Most often, preparations for flushing SOD are two-component - they include a separate bottle of acid and alkaline cleaner in the kit. Sometimes a neutralizing flushing component is added to them.

Neutral cleaners are among the most expensive means... While successfully removing various types of contaminants, both fatty and mineral deposits, they at the same time do not have a negative effect on the non-metallic elements of SOD. They are used not only for major cleaning of the system, but also for preventive purposes at the next coolant change. Neutral formulations include:

  • active substances for complex cleaning of pollution;
  • dispersing additives that exclude the possibility of re-adhesion of washed particles to the surrounding surface;
  • protective agents for plastic and rubber against acid and alkali;
  • anti-corrosion components.

Choosing a drug

Before purchasing a flushing agent, it is necessary to determine the prevailing nature of the contamination of the coolant. When inorganic constituents (scale, products of corrosion and metal oxidation) prevail, a white precipitate with a tinge of rust is observed under the cap of the radiator tank or expander. For such a case, choose an acidic cleaner based on phosphoric acid or its phosphates.

Organic pollution (decomposition products of antifreeze, oil, dirt) gives a cloudy color of antifreeze. To remove them, you must use an alkaline type detergent. Along with the main elements: surfactants (surfactants), a regulator of the acid-base balance of pH, the preparation should contain complexing additives that promote intensive dissolution and removal of mud residues.

It is good when the composition contains anti-corrosion inhibitors that protect parts made of metal. Finally, deionized water must be used for water-based washes, and the packaging must indicate this. Ordinary water contains salts that cause lime formation.

Advice: when choosing a specific agent for flushing the cooling system, take into account the condition of the radiator, other devices and the fluid to be replaced.

What to look for when buying

When choosing a liquid in the store for the upcoming flushing of the engine cooling system, you should pay special attention to the following issues:

  • Product cost. The temptingly low price tag is most likely a consequence of the manufacturer's savings on active ingredients.
  • Content volume. The optimal packing capacity is 0.3 - 0.5 liters. Moreover, the higher the density of the composition, the more active-useful substances it contains. Therefore, from washings of the same volume, heavier ones are preferable.
  • Cleaning action time. Too short a washing period (2 to 5 minutes) should be alarming. Perhaps this is a flawed promise, and the system will not be flushed enough, which will devalue wasted time and money. It is possible that the composition is too aggressive and can damage some parts. You can check the second assumption by immersing a piece of aluminum in the wash. The appearance of bubbles indicates excessive chemical activity of the solution. In this case, the instruction should contain an indication of the need to rinse the SOD with water at the end of the procedure.
  • Presence of sediment at the bottom of the bottle. At normal temperature, the consistency of the solution should be uniform, without any discharge. Otherwise, they can appear inside the cooling circuit.
  • A good product should not foam after shaking. Its presence in the system after draining the detergent will lead to the ingress of a certain amount of the cleaner into the freshly poured cooling antifreeze, which will worsen its properties.

Review of some brands

Wynn's Cooling System Flush

Powerful Belgian-made acid-free cleaner. In addition to rust and scale, it dissolves oil emissions, dirt, does not affect rubber elements and metal parts. It has the most effective effect when washing old deposits. The capacity of the jar is 325 ml, the price is from 250 to 300 rubles.

Bardahl Cooling System Fast Flush

The French fast flush acts on various types of residues formed: scale, oxidation products, salt formation and colloidal compositions. The ingredients of the flushing fluid loosen the deposited formations by breaking molecular bonds. Flushing is recommended for all types of coolant: C, D, as well as universal and special. The capacity of the can is 0.5 liters, the drug costs about 450 rubles.

LIQUI MOLY Kuhler Reiniger

This cooling system cleaner represents russian market German products. Due to the absence of aggressive acids and alkalis, the product does not have a destructive effect on plastic and rubber elements. The average price of a 0.3 liter jar is around 485 rubles.

HI GEAR 7 minutes Radiator Flush

Thanks to its concentrated formula, the American drug removes all possible consequences life activity of SOD: rust, scale, fat, working off antifreeze even in a neglected situation. The absence of acids makes it possible to do without neutralization. The product is compatible with common materials used by all global car manufacturers. A metal can with a capacity of 325 ml costs 350-500 rubles.

LAVR Radiator Flush 2 in 1

Two-piece set russian production... Consists of separate acidic and alkaline solvents. Composition No. 1 on an acid basis dissolves lime formations and oxides, and special elements ensure the maintenance of the latter in a dispersed state. New are protective components that create a phosphate buffer film that protects parts of the cooling system from acid attack.

Alkaline composition No. 2 dissolves organic emissions and neutralizes the effects of acidic environment. Experts recognize this drug as the safest, and its use for the purification of especially neglected SOD is the most effective. With a capacity of each spray can of 0.33 liters, the set costs about 525 rubles.

Flushing the cooling system is not necessary from time to time. This procedure is recommended to be performed at the next coolant replacement or every two years.

So, if you want your engine to always be clean, not overheat and be agile, replacing the coolant should be given the same attention as replacing engine oil... In order for the antifreeze to retain its qualities for a longer time, before filling in a fresh portion, it is necessary to flush the engine cooling system from the remnants of the old fluid. The best remedy for this procedure is special factory-made rinsing agents.

Flushing the cooling system is a procedure no less important than the rest planned works... If this is not done in time, then gradually accumulating scale and dirt will clog the radiator channels, which, in turn, are already quite thin. The consequences can be dire. Subsequent repairs will cost significantly more than regular scheduled maintenance. Today we will talkhow to flush the engine cooling systemhow to do it and what solutions are best not to resort to.

First, let's figure out how often the cooling system should be flushed. This question is of interest to many. There are three recommendations here.

Thus, the cooling system should be flushed once a year for preventive purposes, at the time of fluid replacement, in order to get rid of the remnants of the previous one and in case of engine overheating.

How to flush the engine cooling system

We figured out when to use the procedure. It remains to find out what you can use. There are a lot of funds and by tradition they are divided into specialized and folk. We'll look at both.

Factory funds

Factory ready-made solutions are the best than you can flush the engine cooling system. Such products, as a rule, have the necessary composition, which will get rid of unnecessary deposits and at the same time will not have a detrimental effect on the car parts.

Specialized fluids are divided into several types:

  • neutral: they do not contain aggressive components, therefore, too large and old deposits are washed with less efficiency, such solutions are ideal for periodic prevention;
  • alkaline: the name speaks for itself, in the composition of such liquids alkalis and they perfectly cope with organic pollution;
  • acidic: there is an acid in the composition, which quickly and effectively breaks down inorganic deposits;
  • two-component mixtures: both alkalis and acids are present here. The funds are classified as universal.

The selection on the shelves of auto goods stores is quite large. Based on the feedback from car owners, we managed to collect a small selection of the most effective means.

It can take a very long time to list the list of available products. The top three include those that we advise you to pay attention to.

Despite the abundance and availability of specialized fluids, many car owners prefer to use folk remedies.

  • Lemon acid. This is the most commonly recommended option. Common citric acid, dissolved in water, perfectly removes scale, rust and dirt. For prophylaxis, it is enough to dissolve 40 grams of the component in 1 liter of water. For more serious cases, you need to increase the concentration to 100 grams. pour the solution into the radiator and warm up the engine. Leave it overnight and drain the solution. Repeat if necessary.
  • Vinegar. The principle of operation and use is similar to the previous version. The ratio is as follows: half a liter of 70% vinegar per 10 liters of water.
  • Fanta. Some will say that Coca-Cola will do the job better. This is true, but instead of citric acid, it contains phosphoric acid, which can harm the mechanism. You need to pour soda into the cooling system instead of antifreeze and ride with it for 30-40 minutes.
  • Caustic soda. This is a very aggressive ingredient. It is necessary to work with it carefully, wearing protective gloves, a respirator and preferably in the open air. Suitable only for copper radiators, very aggressive to aluminum.

This is not all, but the most popular folk solutions.

Flushing the cooling system vehicle - an important event for the correct operation of the radiator and other parts of the complex. Correct care, which involves the obligatory flushing of the engine, will eliminate expensive repair measures.

How to host an event

Most the best option - drive the car to the station maintenance... Professional mechanics are ready to successfully and correctly complete the task. Despite this, the procedure can be carried out independently.

Not all motorists understand the need for periodic cleaning of the cooling system. In most cases, antifreeze is added to the radiator, considering that this is enough. Sooner or later, the condition of the vehicle emphasizes that the complex of technical procedures is not enough.

Cleaning the engine cooling system is external and internal:

  1. External cleaning measures can successfully get rid of the following types of debris: insects, dirt, sand. In mild cases, an ordinary water jet is sufficient for this, which will not be too strong. If you direct excessive water pressure, there is a risk of damage to the honeycomb.
  2. Internal cleaning helps to remove scale, rust, engine oil, antifreeze decomposition products. Compulsory cleaning of the engine using special means is provided.

Important! Radiator cap power unit cannot be opened if the motor is still hot. This is due to the following aspect: the liquid is under pressure. It could be thrown out of the radiator, resulting in burns.

Which leads to pollution

What contaminants annoy car engines and increase the risk of damage to the power unit:

  1. Water. Motorists who use water to fill the radiator run the risk of being exposed to scale. Dissolved salts in non-distilled water often interfere with the functionality of the motor.
  2. Initially, antifreeze, antifreeze does not lead to the appearance of scale. If, over time, the antifreeze and the additives used decompose, there are serious risks to the engines. The problem lies in the violation of thermal conductivity and deterioration of the technical data of the motor.
  3. Foreign substances (engine oil components, dust) are another major hazard for any engine. Flushing is required in this case as well.

Interested in the best way to flush the engine cooling system, it is advisable to use special products created specifically for these tasks.

Overview of special fluids for engine flushing

In the 21st century, manufacturers offer various special cleaning fluids that differ in composition and concentration of components. Most products allow for high-quality cleaning. The choice requires a responsible approach.

  1. Neutral cleaning agents do not contain aggressive ingredients. These products have a lower level of efficiency, therefore, preventive measures become the main task.
  2. Acidic agents are practically not used in their pure form. This is due to the increased aggressiveness towards the elements of the transport system. Acidic liquids are recommended for removing inorganic formations, scale.
  3. Alkaline liquids are found only in a diluted state. The main task is to effectively eliminate organic pollution.
  4. Two-component products contain both acid and alkali, so effectiveness is guaranteed when removing any contamination. This product deserves the most attention.

Wondering what best remedy use to flush the engine cooling system, it is advisable not to use two different means at the same time, since the components do not come into optimal relationship. The use of incompatible fluids can not only not give the desired result, but also cause serious damage to the vehicle. High acidity or alkalinity is often detrimental to cars.

Choosing modern cleaning products for cars, it is advisable to make a decent choice, taking into account the existing requirements:

It is necessary to maintain the normal operating temperature of the power unit during its operation. The motor is cooled by forcibly removing excessive temperature indicators from its component parts and assemblies. This ensures optimal thermal conditions. In the absence of normal cooling, the engine overheats and can receive both individual damage and complete failure. Therefore, it is important to monitor the good condition of the cooling system and timely carry out diagnostic measures and eliminate various problems.

Scaling inside

One of the reasons when the power unit can overheat is the clogging of the system with various deposits and scale, which disrupts the normal circulation of antifreeze. A variety of techniques and tools for flushing the engine cooling system reduce the risk of this problem.

Often the radiator, the stove, various nozzles and the crankcase jacket itself are subject to the influence of scale.

During long-term operation of the car, within two years, salt deposits, rust, scale and decay products of the antifreeze used are formed on the inner walls of the system elements.

When to rinse?

Before flushing the SOD, it is important to determine the degree of contamination and make sure that this process is necessary. It is recommended to clean the cleaning system of the motor approximately once every two years, or when a worker temperature regime power plant exceeds the optimal value.

Regardless of what quality antifreeze or antifreeze is used as a coolant, all the same, after a certain period of time, they lose their physical and chemical characteristics - the liquid decomposes into separate groups of chemical components.

In this case, one group settles on the walls of the cavities of the system in the form of a deposit, and other components pass into the sediment, thereby partially blocking the channels.

The presence of scale interferes with the normal heat transfer process, and various corks from debris do not allow the liquid to fully circulate through the system. As a result, the efficiency is significantly reduced. So to speak, folk and special means for flushing the engine cooling system, they perfectly cope with various sedimentary formations. They are often used to restore the functionality of all system elements.

Engine flushing methods

There are several options depending on the degree of contamination:

  • With the use of distilled water, boiled and with the addition of acid.
  • Using a special fluid for flushing the engine cooling system.

Correctly selected means and method affects the quality of cleaning and removal of sediments and blockages from SOD.

Determination of the degree of clogging

The degree of clogging can be determined by the quality of the coolant. To do this, it is drained from the engine.

When antifreeze is dark brown, rusty elements and grease stains, the engine is heavily contaminated.

In this situation, in order for the cleaning to be positive, it is necessary to use water with the addition of acids or specialized industrial products for flushing the engine cooling system.

If the drained cooling liquid has a light shade, without obvious signs of various precipitation and turbidity, then in this case it is enough to just flush the system with boiled water or distilled water.

Flushing with water

It is worth noting that the process of replacing the coolant and flushing the cooling system is necessary on a cold engine, using personal protective equipment. The first step is to remove the cover from the coolant expansion tank. Then we unscrew the bolts for draining the fluid from the system, which are located in the engine crankcase and in the radiator and wait until the antifreeze is completely merged. We tighten the bolts back and pour ordinary boiled or distilled water into the machine. We start the engine and leave it to run on low revs for fifteen to twenty minutes.

After that, the water must be drained. If it is dirty, the procedure should be repeated until the moment when it is not clean. Only then can a new coolant be added to the engine.

Removing the blockage with acids

When there are small elements of scale in the waste liquid, then it is advisable to use a more effective means for washing, namely water with the addition of acids to it. As an additive, you can use regular vinegar and lemon, milk or caustic.

Flushing the engine cooling system with citric acid

The effectiveness of this method depends on the percentage of acid in the water, as well as on the presence of a certain engine temperature. Its optimal effect on deposits occurs at temperatures from sixty to ninety degrees.

The flushing method is the same as when using ordinary water, but with one caveat - this fluid for flushing the engine cooling system must have a high temperature. Therefore, after it has been poured into the engine, you need to warm it up to operating temperature.

Washing in this way is carried out for half an hour, and if necessary, repeat the process. After that, the system must be flushed with ordinary distilled water.

Using vinegar

When using table vinegar as a washing material, the proportions should also be observed when preparing the solution. It is usually recommended to add half a liter of nine percent vinegar to ten liters of water. Next, the prepared mixture is poured into the cooling system, the engine is warmed up to operating temperature and turned off. After that, you need to put the car idle for about eight to ten hours. After draining the rinsing, we determine the result, and if necessary, repeat the operation. At the end of the work, the engine must be flushed with distilled water.

Caustic soda

This type of engine cooling system flush is mainly used for cleaning radiators and stove. It should be noted that caustic can only be used on parts made of copper or brass, aluminum radiators washing with caustic soda is not recommended. Also, this detergent is not used to clean the cooling jacket of the unit.

The caustic solution is made as follows - fifty grams of caustic soda are added to one liter of distilled water. Before necessarily dismantled from the car.

Milk serum

Serum is an excellent flush for the engine cooling system. Reviews experienced drivers - direct confirmation of this fact. Due to its chemical properties and components, it easily dissolves fossilized scale and sediment, at the same time does not expose various rubber CO components to aggressive effects.

Before use, strain it through a fine sieve. Next, serum is poured into the engine and used as the main cooling liquid for approximately one thousand kilometers of vehicle mileage. With this method of flushing, the condition of the serum should be periodically checked and monitored working temperature power unit.

Flushing the engine cooling system with Coca-Cola

Due to the fact that this drink contains cola, it is excellent as a flushing material. But it also has its drawbacks. Firstly, this is the presence of a large amount of sugar in the drink, which, in turn, can remain in the system and re-clog it. Therefore, after using cola, it is necessary to re-rinse the SOD with water.

The second drawback is the high concentration of carbon dioxide, which is released when this "wash" is heated. To prevent damage to the components of the system when using cola, it is recommended to remove gases from it.


Often, motorists are faced with a problem: how to flush CO - using folk methods or still using certified products? As a rule, all kinds of flushing “substitutes” may not give the desired result, especially when it comes to a used car. In such cases, it is advisable to use special factory washes, the so-called seven minutes. They got this name due to the short time spent on the descaling operation. The composition of chemical cleaners includes components that do an excellent job of their task, thereby not harming the power plant.

One of these washes is the product brand "Hi-Gear". Flushing the Hi-Gear engine cooling system will give the desired result and in just a few minutes. So, with the use of this tool, normal circulation of the cooling liquid through the pipes and the radiator is restored. The possibility of motor overheating during idle time in traffic jams is excluded. Prevents rubber parts of the system from destruction due to highly active components of the drug.

The flush does not contain aggressive acids, and after its use it is not necessary to flush the SOD again. In addition, one package may be enough for several procedures. This drug is added to the water that is poured into the engine, and in just seven minutes, the engine cooling system is flushed. The price of flushing material is quite affordable and is about one hundred rubles. Moreover, the cleaning itself can be carried out independently - at no extra cost.

Regardless of the model and brand of the machine, the process of removing deposits and limescale in the cleaning system is almost the same.

Flushing the VAZ engine cooling system is carried out in the same way as on imported cars, with only one difference: due to the simplicity of the design of the power unit, the process is less laborious and costly.


Based on the above, it can be noted that cooling from blockages is not that difficult. The main thing in this case is to observe safety precautions, to use rinsing agents wisely, the same applies to the correct preparation of solutions. When using a factory-made engine cooling system flushing fluid, it is important to familiarize yourself with the instructions for its use and purpose.

So, we figured out which products for flushing the engine cooling system are best suited.

To prevent the engine from overheating, a special coolant is poured into the car. Most often, antifreeze or antifreeze is used as a coolant. However, it should be understood that a harmful sediment forms in the system, due to which the engine may fail. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically flush the engine. But how is the flushing of the engine cooling system done? By what means and in what proportions? How often should you flush? Let us dwell on these issues in more detail.

Why flush

The flushing procedure must be done 3-4 times a year, depending on the frequency of vehicle operation, since any coolant loses its protective properties over time. An additional danger is the fact that during the operation of the vehicle there is a slow decomposition of liquids into components that can precipitate.

Over time, such scale begins to block the output channels, which leads to irreparable consequences:

  1. Engine overheating.
  2. Decrease in vehicle efficiency.
  3. Breakage of the heating element of the machine.
  4. Pump malfunction.
  5. Decreased efficiency of a stove or some other heating device.
  6. Failure of the engine.
  7. Reducing the overall life of the vehicle.

If you disassemble a car with an engine clogged with scale, you can see a large number of rust and greasy stains. However, it should always be remembered that scale formation does not occur immediately, but for 2-3 years of vehicle operation. Carrying out preventive measures will save performance characteristics vehicle.

Cleaning the cooling system will keep the engine running internal combustion car

Clogging reasons

The main cause of a clogged cooling system is water entering the engine. The composition of the water additionally includes various salts and trace elements, which, when it evaporates, remain on the walls of the engine, which leads to the appearance of scale. This problem can be partially solved by using distilled water, but this is not enough, because another big problem represents dust that also gets into the engine.

Usually the problem of clogging is solved by pouring antifreeze or antifreeze. In theory, these fluids should prevent scale build-up and inhibit corrosion. However, in practice, these liquids act only limited quantity time, since the protective additives that make up their composition quickly lose their protective properties. Also, in some cases, it is possible to partially decompose antifreeze and antifreeze into its constituent components, which can also settle as scale, which further complicates the operation of the engine.

The engine's ability to withstand overheating directly depends on the quality of antifreeze

The procedure for flushing the cooling system with improvised means

Assess the degree of contamination before cleaning. To do this, drain the coolant and evaluate its color and consistency. There are 3 main options here:

  • If the drained liquid is brown-dark in color, and there is a large amount of rust, oxide and greasy stains in it, then in this case they speak of a serious degree of contamination. Vinegar and Coca-Cola are great for cleaning.
  • If the drained liquid is of a light brown hue, and there is a small amount of rust and scale in it, then they speak of a medium degree of pollution. This cooling system should be cleaned with citric acid, soda, or whey.
  • If the liquid is of a light shade, and a large amount of rust will not be observed in it, then this indicates a slight degree of contamination. This system should be cleaned with water or soda.

Well suited for cleaning lightly soiled engines. The cleaning procedure looks like this:

  • Put on protective gloves and open expansion tank.
  • Unscrew the bolt on the cylinder block, open the special tap, carefully drain the coolant and close the tap.
  • Fill the expansion tank with distilled water according to the engine's capacity. Please note that ordinary tap water cannot be used as it contains a large amount of salts that can form scale. It is not recommended to use boiled tap water as it also contains harmful salts.
  • Start the engine and let it run for 20-30 minutes at reduced speed.
  • Drain distilled water according to the same algorithm as presented above, and then pour in a new portion of antifreeze or antifreeze. After cleaning, the drained distilled water should be clear - if this is not the case, then repeat the engine flushing procedure several more times.

Lemon acid

This substance is well suited for cleaning dirty and very dirty engines. The cleaning algorithm is as follows:

  • Drain the coolant and make sure it is very cloudy, as cleaning an uncontaminated engine with citric acid can damage the vehicle.
  • Take 5 liters of distilled water and dilute 100-150 g in it citric acid... To completely dissolve the acid, you can slightly heat the water over a fire.
  • Fill the engine with water, start the engine, and drive the car for 30-60 minutes. The fact is that citric acid reacts with scale only at a temperature of 60-80 degrees, and during a car ride, the temperature of the solution will just rise to the desired level.
  • After the car ride, drain the citric acid solution and make sure the water is dirty. If not, repeat the cleaning procedure again.
  • Flush the engine system. Refill with new coolant.


Good for very dirty engines. The cleaning procedure will look like this:

  • Drain the old coolant.
  • Take 10-15 liters of water and pour in 500 ml of table bite (9%). To save money, you can buy a more concentrated vinegar solution (70% or more), but in this case, you need to dilute 50-60 ml of vinegar in 15-20 liters of water.
  • Start the car and warm up the engine.
  • Switch on the ignition and leave the solution in the engine for 9-10 hours.
  • Drain the vinegar and make sure the liquid turns black.

Milk serum

In practice, whey is rarely used, since it does not cope well with very strong scale, and for its preparation it is necessary that the milk sour. If you nevertheless decide to use this method, then the cleaning algorithm looks like this:

  • Take 1-2 liters of milk and let it sour. Filter the heavy fractions off the whey with cheesecloth.
  • Take 10 liters of water and pour in the serum. Stir the mixture.
  • Drain coolant and pour in the whey.
  • Drive your car for 20-30 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid and make sure it turns black. If cleaning does not give results, then fill in the serum again or use some other solvent.

You can also clean the cooling system with caustic soda if the engine does not include aluminum. The fact is that caustic soda can enter into chemical reaction with this metal causing your motor to malfunction. If you are sure that there are no aluminum elements in the engine, then you can wash it with caustic soda like this:

  • Drain the coolant from the engine.
  • Dissolve 200-300 g of soda in 5 liters of water. It is not recommended to heat the solution over a fire for better dissolution.
  • Start the car and warm up the engine.
  • Turn on the ignition and leave the baking soda solution for 5-6 hours.
  • Drain off the solution and check that the cleaning has a positive effect.

Caustic soda belongs to the substances of the second hazard class, therefore, when working with it, use rubber gloves and safety glasses.

The drink contains a large amount of phosphoric acid, so it can be used to descale the engine. The cleaning procedure looks like this:

  • Buy 3-4 liters of Coca-Cola (we are only interested in the presence of phosphoric acid, so the type of cola does not matter - it can be a classic cola, diet or any other).
  • Drain the coolant and refill the engine with cola.
  • Take a car ride for 20-40 minutes and then drain the cola. There is one problem here: "Coca-Cola" is black, so it will be quite difficult for you to determine the cleaning efficiency by the color of the drink. However, the quality of cleaning can be determined by secondary signs - if there are a lot of oil stains and scale particles in the cola, then this means that the cleaning was successful.

We figured out how to flush the engine cooling system with distilled water, soda, whey, and the other substances mentioned above. To flush, drain the coolant, fill in flushing solution and run the engine for several hours; then it is necessary to drain the cleaner and make sure that the cleaning was effective, otherwise repeat the procedure.

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