All about buying and selling cars

What does cut from japan mean. Car saw definition

Some people, and they are quite right, believe that foreign-assembled cars are of better quality than those that are assembled under license within our country. In addition, you can buy a used car abroad much cheaper than it is offered in Russia.

The only problem is customs fees, which, some craftsmen were able to get around, thanks to the machine-saw service.

What is it - a sawing machine?

The saw-cut machine is a service that enjoys impressive popularity today and allows new car owners to save a very real amount of money - up to several hundred thousand rubles per vehicle.

What is it and how does it work:

  • A man signs a document for the "saw-machine" service.
  • A car bought abroad is carefully sawn into two parts.
  • According to the documents, it is not a full-fledged car, but scrap metal that is transported through customs.
  • The amount of the fee is actually decreasing.
  • On the territory of our country, a car is welded into a single whole, putty, and given to its new owner.

The main disadvantage of cutting a car is that such a process seriously increases the danger when driving a purchased car. But many people go to sign required documentsguided by economic benefits. It is another matter if a person does not want to become the owner of a running car for cutting. How to avoid this situation?

How to avoid becoming the owner of a potentially dangerous vehicle?

First of all, in order not to find yourself in a similar situation, you should not rush to buy a new-looking car and according to documents, if it is offered at a very ridiculous price. Chances are high that he has already safely survived the machine-sawing procedure.

Usually the car is cut in certain places - to speed up this process. To check the purchased car for a saw-cut machine, you can use a thickness gauge. What is a thickness gauge? it special tool, which is able to determine the discrepancy between the layers of putty and paint in different places on the surface of the vehicle. If the device detects a difference, then it is highly likely that the car was pre-cut. Run away from such a vehicle, especially if it is proposed as new on paper.

The next step in checking a suspect vehicle is to analyze it for inappropriate seams. If the car was cut, then they probably exist - you just need to take the time and look into any available places.

What difficulties can arise when using such a vehicle?

When buying such a car, you should understand that in our country the legislative framework can be updated at any time. Consequently, such vehicles can easily be prohibited from operating. Until that happened.

The next point is that the safety of the purchased vehicle is reduced by the process. Of course, problem areas can be strengthened, but this requires additional funds and efforts.

The main problem is that not everyone knows how to draw up all the necessary documents correctly. This requires:

  1. So that all papers submitted to the official bodies are issued under the same surname.
  2. Have on hand a customs declaration, documents for the engine and body,.
  3. Own all the papers for the purchased vehicle.
  4. If the vehicles are not native components and mechanisms, then you should provide the necessary information on the changes made.

The low cost of the offered machine does not always indicate its cutting. Sometimes this can be due to completely different factors. For example, the lack of ownership rights from the owner or the fact that the sold model is taken, but not paid on credit. These nuances must also be taken into account when asking the price for a particular vehicle. Therefore, it is always necessary to check the subject of interest or in other similar structures before making a deal. It is better to overpay a little once, than then just be left without funds and purchased transport.

As a Lego constructor, it will save about 200 thousand rubles in import duties. In addition, these cars can be ten times cheaper than their new counterparts. That is why the question arises, what is the sawing machine? There are two selling options inexpensive cars: a constructor is assembled from several different cars or, in fact, the replacement of units is issued and that's it. The rest of the parts can even be collected from other cars even after an accident.

In contrast, sawing machines are cut in half or cut off certain parts in order to avoid paying a heavy duty at customs during import into the country. In this case, the duty is paid either as for scrap metal or for spare parts. But still it is several orders of magnitude cheaper.

This business is quite common, for example, sawmills from Japan make up a significant part of the total supply and last year reached 2 thousand tons. But it should be borne in mind that such options are the most hazardous. Below we will look at how you can win and where the catch lies.

Sawing machines, what are they?

How not to get trapped

It's one thing if you deliberately buy this option, trying as much as possible, but at the same time have a car of your favorite brand and the desired class. It's another matter if they make you a rather “tasty offer” for a price and at the same time assure you that the vehicle is in excellent condition.

Considering that this market segment is quite extensive, then you need to know how to check the car for cutting, so as not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous sellers. The main “bell” is zero. Explanations of the implementers that this is a constructor (a car assembled from analog parts) may not always be true.

Alternatively, you can "punch" the engine and body numbers via the Internet, having learned when they were purchased abroad. The numbers for one car are the same - there is a high probability of cutting. Since it is assembled from two parts of one car.

Another option for how to distinguish a sawing machine is to use it. This device will help to identify additional putty and paintwork in problem areasah: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pillars, rear or front of the vehicle. The seams can be well polished, additional filler and paint in problem areas cannot be torn off.

Welding work is not always visible. Good welders make welds with inside salon, which are perfectly hidden under the skin. Outside, the seam is cleaned to zero, putty and painted with an accurate selection of body paint. Look at the interior floors - all traces can be removed only by new painting and installation of sound insulation. Moreover, if the owner objects to these manipulations, then the probability of a problem is high.

Experts also suggest how to find out that the machine is cutting: pay attention to the windows, if the rubber bands are suspiciously new, cut and glued, this is already a signal of a problem. The low price of a prestigious car should already alert you. Especially if you are told that it is new car, or with low mileage, exported from abroad.

"Great" offers with "tempting" prices

You can learn how to determine that the machine is a cut, but the choice in any case is yours, whether you are ready to take the risks associated with the acquisition of this type of transport.

  1. The first question is documents. Everything is on the verge of a "foul": there are no prohibitions, there are many tricks that help to arrange everything you need in the traffic police. But in the event of changes in legislation, such cars will have to be put on "joke" or sold for parts.
  2. Even if this does not happen, you still need to figure out why the cut is bad in terms of safety. Experienced car enthusiasts know very well that sometimes they have to change fenders, sills, side members, and even struts that have been deformed as a result of an accident. After repairs, you can continue to drive the car wonderfully for many years.
  3. Therefore, the main problem with cuts can be the decency of welders who weld the body. If acetylene is used, there is a high probability that the seams will crack, rust and as a result fly apart under severe stress, in fact, this can lead to a rupture of the car.

Fortunately, on the territory of the country (according to the traffic police reports), isolated cases of such accidents are recorded, so this problem cannot be considered a systemic one. And as a rule, dealers work with permanent workshops, reliable auto specialists and take responsibility for quality.

How to make a "cut"

You decided to save money, the deal is done and now this is your sawing machine. What to do with the design? It is not enough to purchase such an option, another one arises important point... It is impossible to operate the car without documents. That is why the pressing question arises: how to arrange a sawing machine so that problems do not arise in the future. This requires a number of documents:

  • Your documents: passport (all documents (PST, GTD) must be issued in one surname.
  • Cargo declaration (GTE for short) of the engine and. The same document for the frame (body) and a similar sales contract for it.
  • Vehicle passport (if not, you will have to buy it on the Internet). This is not a clear violation of the law; rather, it can be considered a small loophole allowed by law.
  • Required documents for which all major and important units will be replaced.
  • And, of course, "native" documents for the car.


Do not purchase problematic documents under any circumstances. If the owner died, and the heirs did not enter into inheritance rights after 6 months after death, problems may arise with your car.

A pledge machine - regardless of whether it is lent or put up as collateral for a loan - this is serious headache... Litigation with the bank is not only a long process, but also, as a rule, useless.

And, of course, you shouldn't mess with documents for a car that is hijacked: the price can be extremely attractive, but this is the biggest headache for a car enthusiast. It is not difficult to check the "" documents by contacting the traffic police or notaries, as a rule, they have access to the database of the list of problem vehicles.

Let's sum up

Also, the sellers themselves can tell you how to arrange the sawing of the car. Often they have developed a whole system and they provide such services as a bonus to the purchase.

As you can see, it is possible to protect yourself from buying a sawing machine. But at the same time, you should understand that often such sawing machines from Japan can be operated without problems for many years. It all depends on the driving style and the decency of the craftsmen in the production of welding.

At the same time, some want, thus, to purchase a prestigious model for a lower price or "promote" their business. The choice is yours, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account not only the financial advantages, but also certain disadvantages that entail a violation.

Recently, the concept of "auto saw" has entered the slang of motorists. It means a car cut into several parts for import from abroad and assembled here. This is due to an increase in customs duties on cars, then they came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing them into parts, importing them into the CIS under the guise of scrap metal or spare parts, which helps to save up to 200 thousand rubles on taxes and duties. Craftsmen weld the parts, mask the seams, then sell the car as a whole. The documents for such cars are fake, so sometimes you can determine the cut from them. If you did not know how to determine by TCP: cut or not - read about it below.

Auto saws are increasingly common on the car market today.

What does "cut" mean

Let's see what it is. In the manufacturing country, the car is cut so that later, after customs clearance, the parts can simply be connected. The car is not disassembled, but precisely sawed. At customs, it is served as scrap metal or auto parts, which saves money on duties.

On expensive jeeps saw off the front or back. More cheap cars simply cut in half, making sure not to disturb the seats, to minimize the damage to the inner lining.

When delivered to the place after customs clearance, the parts are welded. Welding traces are masked. The seams are made inside the cabin, hiding them with the skin. Outside, they clean everything, putty, select the tone of the paint and paint. Such a car is sold cheaper in order to sell it faster, while being assured that it is in excellent condition.

The risk of buying a "cut"

If you want to buy a cut, there are a few things to keep in mind. The welded body can behave incorrectly in an accident. Upon impact, the weld seams disintegrate, the car tears apart, leaving no chance for passengers and the driver to survive. No wonder the cuts are sometimes called "coffins on wheels."

If the welder used acetylene during work, there is a rather high probability of cracking of the seams, rusting, which, under load, will lead to rupture.

Traveling with such a car is very unsafe.

At any time, the electronics of the sawn cars may not work. It is impossible to predict which system will become inoperative. For example, the arrow showing the level of gasoline in the tank can stand still, the speedometer will increase and decrease the speed on its own.

Sawing the machine is difficult or not. One, if you yourself want to buy cheaper, another, if the seller gives you a cut for a perfectly working new car, using all the tricks in order to hide the machinations.

How to determine the cut

Today, the car market is so big that you can get into unscrupulous car dealers. Without specialists, it is quite difficult to find out if the cut is in front of you. It is best not to miss a cut when buying a car, contact a service station. However, sellers can opt out of full inspection... Then there are several ways to find out the cut.

Determination of cut by TCP

The cuts are brought without TCP, it will not work to register such cars. If they find a ride on the cut, the driver will be fined, may be deprived of his license, the transport will be taken to the impound.

Sometimes sawing machines are made out as a double, for an already existing registered machine. Then the owner of a genuine car may receive a fine issued in Rostov, although he himself did not travel further than the Moscow Ring Road. Doubles are usually found quickly and efficiently.

As a rule, initially the cuts do not have a TCP

Also, the cut can be issued as assembled from spare parts. However, cutting is more hazardous than a designer, due to damage to the chassis, electronics, bodywork.

To distinguish between the designer and the cut, you can "punch" the engine and body numbers on the Internet, checking when they were purchased. If it shows that the license plates of one car, then the probability that there is a cut in front of you is high, since the "constructor" was assembled from parts of the same car.

Vehicle inspection

  • Check for seams, potholes in the rear door arch next to the rear roof pillars, it is difficult to mask the seams with paint. The seams are covered with putty, painted, but the new painting is visible in the sun, it will not work perfectly to restore the cut, the paint is also difficult to match, the seams can be seen.
  • Inspect the body for seams. Of course, it would be ideal to remove the trim from the headliner. Since the welding is done from the inside, the seams remain. But when you buy, the seller will not allow you to do it.
  • Please note that zero is a warning signal.
  • There is a thickness gauge device that determines additional filler, painting. Using it for problem areas: the area of \u200b\u200bthe racks, front, back - you can find traces of seams that can be perfectly polished, but the layer of putty and paint is thicker and can be recognized with a thickness gauge.
  • Check the floor. To hide the seams, a new paint is used, a new sound insulation is laid. If the seller refuses to allow the inspection, the car may be in trouble.
  • Check the condition of the rubber bands on the windows. If they are new, but cut and glued, it is a signal to help determine the cut.

Sure, low price - already suspicious. Moreover, when the implementers assure that you have in front of you a completely new copy, exported from abroad, with low mileage.

There is a risk when buying any car, but cuts are a serious problem, leading to the death of those inside the car in an accident. Protect yourself and your loved ones.

Surely the majority of car owners among their friends and acquaintances have heard about sawing machines, as well as about sawing. But not all of them guess what all these concepts mean and why they carry out such manipulations with cars.

Cutting reduces both cost and safety

Sawing is a manipulation with a machine in which its body is divided into two parts by cutting it along the rear or windshield... The body floor is also cut. The perimeter of the cut is indicated by the client himself. With this procedure, it is necessary to remove all glass, as well as wiring, cables and hoses that are not cut, but remain on one side of the body. If the machine is a frame machine, then only the body is divided into two parts.

Such manipulations are carried out in order not to pay the import duty on the car, which can be very high - the car enters the territory Russian Federation as spare parts. All customs are for parts, not for cars in general. It is important to note that it is not possible legally to issue a cut in this way in the traffic police.

After the customs clearance procedure, the parts of the cut are welded together, and all the seams are sealed and painted over. Basically, sawing according to the buyer's request is made in the following ways:

  • cut the car into two halves, and then fasten them with staples for easy transportation;
  • saw off the front of the car (half-kat);
  • completely disassemble the car for individual nodes and aggregates.

What is the danger of sawing

One of the reasons why official sawing is not carried out in our country is the unsafe operation of the machine after such a procedure.

The main insecurity of a car imported in this way is a violation of the integrity of the structure, which leads to the loss of its rigidity by the body. Frame cars are less susceptible to negative factors after such a procedure, because only the body is sawn for them, and the frame remains intact. After crossing the border of the Russian Federation, the body is welded and installed on the frame. In this case, the body will not bear the load.

If the car you have selected has a load-bearing body, this is the main load-bearing part ( passenger car or crossover), it is extremely unsafe to drive such a car, especially if you do not know anything about the quality of welding. There were cases when even a lung tore the car body into two parts at the place of welding. Also, such a situation is possible even without an accident, but simply when gaining high speed. If the welding is of poor quality, then the symmetry of the machine is also possible, as a result of which it becomes uneven and the wear of the rubber increases.

If you nevertheless decide to purchase a sawn car, then carefully monitor the quality of welding and the nature of the seam. Do not let a car mechanic cover the interior or paint over welds without first inspecting them.

Cut design options

Mainly, jeeps and other SUVs are bought in Japan as cuts. This factor is explained not only by the fact that our compatriots give preference to oversized ones, but also by the fact that such cars have a frame and do not have a supporting body. There is no number on the body of such cars, but there is only a number on the frame.

To arrange such a cut at customs, two parts of the body are recorded either as scrap metal or as spare parts. The first method is quite simple and not costly financially, but also semi-legal. As for the second method, it is more legally acceptable.

To register the cut officially, the donor car must be present. Previously, it was possible to purchase a ready-made PTS, but now government agencies require that they present the transport that served as the basis for the conversion. For such purposes, they mainly buy cars that burned, drowned or got into serious accidents, because there is no reason to overpay for a car that will be used only formally.

To register the cut, it is necessary to appear at the traffic police department with a donor car, a customs declaration for imported components and assemblies, in some cases the inspector may require the submission of a sales contract in order to exclude theft of such a car.

Experienced motorists and experts in this field do not recommend purchasing such cars from convicted persons, those who received it as a result of having debts in banks, and also if its owners have died.

Thus, the registration of sawing in the Russian Federation can be a semi-legal procedure, and in some cases it is completely illegal. If you nevertheless decide to purchase a sawn car, then for your safety, it is better to choose a frame car, which will be much easier to arrange.

Buying a car is a big event for almost everyone. Everyone is trying to allocate the maximum budget for this event and get a wonderful car that will be able to carry the owner for many years without any problems, will not require repairs and will break unexpectedly on a long trip. Therefore, buyers often tend to foreign cars brought from European countries. There are a number of reasons for this desire. After all, Europe has good roads, and cars are used there much more carefully than in our country. But when buying a car that was brought from Germany, Poland or Lithuania, there is a chance to get into an unpleasant situation. There is a problem of the so-called auto sawing.

Many experienced car buyers on secondary market know what auto sawing is. This term appeared relatively recently, when the so-called "constructors" have lost their relevance. In the case of the designers, the car was understood in the country where it was bought, transported to Russia, and then assembled. Not always all original spare parts reached our country, and the assembly was very poor. But auto cutting is an even more ridiculous case. In this embodiment, the machine is literally cut into pieces.

Why do many people like to buy cars from Europe or the USA?

Buying a used car from Europe, Japan or the United States is a popular process that is becoming more and more applicable in modern world... Americans are often not very good at transport, but the prices on their secondary market are simply fabulous, because many are eager to buy a car here.

The Japanese used car market is also famous for its value, but the Japanese have thrift. Because the cars from this country come just great. But bringing them from the East is much more difficult. Europe remains the most popular option. The pros of buying a European used car are as follows:

  • high class of cars, lack of low-quality equipment;
  • excellent car care, use of original spare parts and replacement materials;
  • in most countries, excellent roads that contribute to the safety of the car;
  • tuned values \u200b\u200bmade the car a thing that starts to age after three years of operation;
  • a car over seven years old is not mistaken for a full-fledged transport, but in Russia such cars drive well for many years;
  • the cost of cars is quite low, especially in terms of condition and mileage;
  • buying a car from your hands can be an incredibly good deal.

Selling a used car in Germany, for example, is not easy. Second-hand equipment is bought mostly by students and the bankrupt class of the population, everyone strives for car showrooms, luxury shopping. That is why it is profitable to buy used cars in European countries.

Moreover, today in Russia there are a number of companies that can deliver a car according to your order or sell you equipment that has already been brought and registered at customs. It is with the last stage that problems often arise. Auto sawing appeared due to high prices for customs clearance.

Features of auto sawing - why and how is it done?

If you buy a car on your own in Europe, transport it to Russia and register it, there is practically no risk of getting into a car cut. But if you order or buy a car from a company that hauls used equipment, there is every chance of becoming the owner of such a handicraft car.

Dismantling of the machine and cutting the body into parts are carried out in order to reduce duties on vehicles... Disassembled and with a sawn body, companies manage to save up to 70% of customs duties, which reduces the cost of the car and increases the amount of profit. Cutting is done as follows:

  • in a European country, a complete disassembly of the body is carried out with the removal of all removable parts from the metal parts of the car;
  • spare parts and parts are packed in different packages and boxes and sent in parts to the recipient in Russia;
  • then the car is cut directly - the body is divided into parts by cutting off the wings, roof, floor from the frame;
  • sometimes the frame itself is also sawn into pieces for transportation;
  • parts with body numbers are either transported by black methods, or left in the country of origin of the car;
  • then in Russia it is possible to buy a used car after an accident for a penny with documents and the production of the so-called twin;
  • if the body number was successfully transported, the car is simply assembled in the garage workshop.

The problem is that the welding work and, in general, the entire assembly of the car is of poor quality. This is far from the factory quality that you would like to get when buying a car. But garage masters know how to do everything relatively beautifully and sell the car to you for good money.

It is very easy to get to the car cut. It is enough to look for a cheaper car, and also give preference to cars brought from Germany or Lithuania. It is here that they most often do car cut... There have been cases of sawing in the United States, so do not think that choosing another country to buy will drastically change something.

What problems are possible after buying a car cut?

A very interesting question about what difficulties the buyer of such a car may have. If the assembly in the garage was more or less high quality, then for a couple of months you will enjoy the ride in the car, not paying attention to a couple of subtleties of the steering. Then the car will begin to lead a little to the side, heel, uneven rubber wear will begin.

As you gain driving experience, you will receive more and more confirmation of various problems and will not be able to drive a car normally. Moreover, after a few months of operation, problems with the body will begin to emerge. These are also unpleasant moments. The main problems that auto saw buyers should beware of are the following:

  • poorly made chassis settings, the inability to adjust the wheel alignment;
  • poor performance of the vehicle control system, the presence of a number of inaccuracies in the settings;
  • poor functioning of all the fine picking mechanisms that were installed in the garage;
  • availability a large number poor-quality connections, loose bolts and nuts;
  • constant serious wear of rubber, consumption of other materials and replaceable components;
  • the presence of non-professional welds that begin the corrosion process throughout the body;
  • very low quality of the body, the possibility of breakdowns and cracks from any irregularities in the road.

In a word, auto sawing is in no way suitable for operating the machine in russian conditions, and in any others too. Such a car is living out its last months after assembly, and buying it will be a commonplace way to throw money away. So it's better to check the car well and not believe the seller's stories about the incredibly high quality.

Immediately after you gave the money to the seller, registered the car for yourself in the traffic police, you became the full owner of the equipment. It is too late to make any claims, because this market is practically not regulated by law. Therefore, be as careful as possible when buying a used car that came to Russia from another country. We offer you to watch a video on how not to buy a car cut:

Summing up

There are a number of troubles that await the car buyer. It is much better and safer to avoid such troubles and always try to study the car as much as possible before buying. Such a study is not always successful, but in the absence of data about the car, it is better to refuse to buy it altogether. This way you can save your own money and not buy a car that won't last you long.

Take advantage of a high-quality selection of a car, arm yourself with the help of a specialist when buying, because it is far from always possible to distinguish a garage assembly without good experience in this matter. If you have already bought a car after a car cut, you just have to sell it for disassembly or sell it yourself for spare parts. It is difficult to find a more reasonable solution in this situation.

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