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Natalia fescue day. Tomorrow we will celebrate a wonderful, magical and wonderful Christian holiday - St. Natalia's Day! Signs and sayings on Natalya Ovsyanitsa

8 September (August 26, old style) celebrate the Christian folk holiday, which is popularly called Natalya Ovsyanitsa and Adrian Osenny .

According to the church calendar, on this date, the memory of the faithful, the two martyrs Natalia and Adrian, who lived in the third century in Nicomedia, a city located on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara, is honored.

Popularly, this holiday was called Natalya Ovsyanitsa and Adriyan Osenny, because from today they start mowing oats.

Ceremonies, rituals, traditions, conspiracies on September 8 on the day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa

Since September 8, in Russia, they began to mow oats, because there was - if you do not rush, then you can stay without oats at all. After all, the season of rains and cold is ahead.

It was customary to carry the first sheaf into the house, accompanying this action with songs and jokes. He was placed in a corner under the image. The workers and the owner sat down at the set table, on which were such dishes as dezhen (oatmeal, which was kneaded in water or milk, berries were added), as well as oat pancakes with honey.

As a drink, the hostess served oatmeal jelly with lingonberries. Oats were added to all dishes so that there was a bearberry aroma everywhere, driving away the delusion and fires in the sheepskin.

The horses, the main assistants, were also treated. They poured them plenty of oats.

On Natalya Ovsyanitsa there was a custom to “catch the day”, since by that time it was three hours less from the summer day. To do this, they took bags and pretended to catch the sun in them. Then they were tied up, asked not to leave the sky for a longer time. After they were released into heaven, crossing themselves three times and looking at the heavenly body.

On September 8, a special pancake was baked on oatmeal, in which the autumn berries were wrapped. It was a delicacy for Ovinnik, who lives in the barn. He kept order there, as in a house.

On the day of Natalya Ovsyanitsa and Adriyan Osenny we went to the forest to pick mushrooms, which were in abundance during this period. They also collected viburnum and mountain ash - medicinal berries, from which they made jams, infusions and teas, relieving many ailments. From viburnum they made marmalade, jelly and marshmallow - a favorite treat for children.

Women on Natalya Ovsyanitsa on September 8 turned to the Higher Forces for help, conducting various rituals, ceremonies, etc.

Strong conspiracy from damage Oatmeal jelly was prepared, to which a little lime, flower and buckwheat honey was added. Then they said these words:
“The bees worked hard and shared a sweet treat with me. The horses were carrying the harvest, they brought me oats. I cooked a healing dish, healed from all spoilage. From a dashing eye, from a bad word, from a crooked action. So be it, so be it, all troubles are to be avoided. "
The whole family drank a conspiracy drink that relieves of various misfortunes.

An ancient rite from loneliness The girl, who for a long time could not find a boyfriend, went into the forest and collected viburnum and mountain ash. She carried it home, washed it and combined the rowan berry with the viburnum, saying:
“As berries on one branch did not grow, but they met. So we did not know each other, but met and never parted. "
It is necessary to combine so many berries in this way so that it is possible to cook jam from them, which only a girl should have eaten. Very soon, a suitor appeared in her life.

A ritual for human sickness and stupidity If a person was constantly stupid and behaved badly, because of which he had a lot of problems, he had to pick up viburnum berries on Natalia Ovsyanitsa and string them on a red woolen thread. At the same time, say these words:
“Natalya, help me, save me from wrongdoing. They came to my aid to Kalinka so that there would be no more stupidity and nausea in my life. Misadventure will go away, luck will come. "
Wear this necklace without taking it off for 9 days, but only so that it does not catch your eye. If you tell someone why such jewelry is worn, it will not help get rid of problems.

Signs for September 8 on the day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa

✦ If there is frost on the ground in the morning of September 8, it means that the winter will be frosty.
✦ Birch and oak leaves have not flown around by this day - a sign of a harsh winter.
✦ Rowan berries are not large on Natalya Fescue - dry autumn is expected, in abundance - it will soon get colder.
✦ Cottage cheese on September 8 is not curdled quickly - by the onset of cold weather.
✦ If Natalia has a poor harvest of viburnum, you should not expect a lot of raspberries next year.
✦ Chickens began to rush a little - a cold autumn is expected.
✦ Whoever meets eight Natalias on September 8 will be reputed to be successful for eight days.
✦ Thunder is thundering on this day - by warm September.
✦ Water in reservoirs foams - it will wait.
✦ The cat curled up in a ball, covering its nose with its tail - to the approaching cold.
✦ Sheep on September 8 huddle to each other - to snowfall.
✦ Burian grew high - a sign of a snowy winter.
✦ If the mirror breaks on September 8, then it is a sign that the girl from home will marry. It is necessary to collect the fragments and bury them under a young tree. They cannot be kept at home.
✦ Soap fell out of hand that day - to the arrival of unexpected guests.
✦ Those who do not tempt oatmeal jelly on September 8 may suffer from a cold in the near future.
✦ Whoever eats a pancake with honey on Natalia and drinks oatmeal with jelly will not freeze even in the bitter cold.
✦ People born on September 8 tend to be quiet and level-headed. They do not like noise, preferring a quiet pastime. They love to be alone.

Fortune-telling methods on September 8 on the day of Natalya Fescue and Adriyan Osenny

For the baby's future They collected 12 sticks and gave them to the baby. Then we looked at how much he captured at one time.

1 - will hold a high-ranking post. 2 - will be happy in marriage. 3 - will have many children. 4 - will have many friends. 5 - fortune will always be on his side. 6 - will always go to subordinates. 7 - will be a rich person. 8 - will be distinguished by great intelligence. 9 - will travel a lot. 10 - will be purposeful. 11 - will be a creative person. 12 - his life will be full of pleasant surprises.

Firstborn To find out, they left the gate and watched who ran past first. A dog - the first daughter will be born, a cat - a son.

The fact that in our country Orthodoxy prevails over other directions of Christianity and other religions. Moreover, Russia lives the largest number Orthodox people. Well, the Russian Orthodox Church itself has an active influence on life within the country. Although constitutionally, it has no right to do so, because Russia is a secular state. Everyone knows about such an influence of the church on the life of the country, including unbelievers. Also, everyone knows that many Orthodox holidays, in one way or another, are associated with paganism. Holidays such as Ivan Kupala and Maslenitsa are a vivid confirmation of this.

Christian folk holidays are unofficial, but people love them very much and actively celebrate them. These holidays include the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia, which has both Christian and pagan roots. And although this holiday is not as popular as the same Maslenitsa, it occupies a special place in the Orthodox calendar.

history of the holiday

The Day of St. Natalia Fesianitsa, like other popular Christian holidays, appeared when Christianity began to take root in Russia. Therefore, the holiday has both Christian and folk traditions. Although today people only remember the Orthodox origins of the appearance of the Day of St. Natalia Fesianitsa.

Saint Natalia is one of the Christian martyrs. Moreover, she is the most famous saint who bears this name. In the Orthodox Church, Natalia is venerated along with her husband Adrian of Nicomedia, who was also a Christian martyr. Moreover, September 8 is the day of remembrance of both spouses, and not just Natalia.

According to Christian texts, Natalia lived in the fourth century in the ancient Asian Minor city of Nicomedia, which was located on the territory of the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara. Since at that time Christianity began to actively spread in Asia Minor, it is quite understandable that she grew up in a pious family whose members believed in Jesus Christ. Although Natalia grew up a devout Christian, this did not stop her from marrying the wealthy and influential Adrian of Nicomedia, who was a pagan at the time.

Despite his rather young age, Adrian held a high position in the judicial chamber. To him, like to all people who held high positions in Nicomedia, Adrian was obliged to visit a pagan temple and make sacrifices to the pagan gods. That is, he led the ordinary life of a wealthy pagan. At the same time, he was not at all embarrassed that his wife was a Christian, because he did not know about her faith, since Natalia hid it.
Natalia and Adrian had been living together for one year, when the emperor Maximian Galerius arrived in Nicomedia, who, among other things, was known as an ardent persecutor of the Church of Christ. He came to the city to personally take part in the persecution of Christians.

By order of the Roman emperor, 23 adherents of the Christian Church were arrested and subjected to terrible torments. Natalia's husband became a witness to all this. As a pagan, he was greatly surprised how these Christians could endure such terrible torture. Seeing this miracle, Adrian decided to ask people about their faith. After listening to what the martyrs were saying to him, the young man told them that he was wrong in his faith. After this conversation, Natalia's husband believed in Christ. For this he was seized by the torturers and thrown into prison. And this despite the fact that the man held a high position in the city.
Upon learning of this, his wife immediately rushed to his dungeon. Arriving there, Natalia immediately threw herself at the feet of her husband. She began to kiss the fetters that were thrown on Adrian's feet, and tell him that heavenly bliss awaits him, since he finally believed in Christ. In addition, the girl began to ask him to talk to the Lord about her fate. The girl wanted Jesus to allow her to follow her husband and never be separated from him.

When Adrian was taken out of the dungeon, they began to subject him to all kinds of torture and torment. All this time, his wife was by his side and encouraged him by talking about Jesus. Natalia told her husband, the martyr, that heaven awaited him. For this, the girl herself tried on a martyr's wreath. After that, she herself was martyred.
The day of the memory of this martyred couple was set for September 8th.

How the holiday is celebrated in Russia

In our country, this holiday is celebrated only in historical churches. On this day, a special service is held, during which parishioners pray for the righteous Natalia and Adrian.

In the Christian faith, these saints are considered patrons of the hearth. Therefore, on September 8, married couples can pray to Adrian and Natalia to give them happiness and mutual understanding. At the same time, for this it is not necessary to go to church, because you can pray to these saints at home.

How the holiday is celebrated in the world

Since Orthodoxy is widespread not only in Russia, but also in other countries, the Day of St. Natalia Fesianits is celebrated outside our country. This holiday is especially actively celebrated in those countries that at one time were under the influence of Kievan Rus. Here it is celebrated in the same way as in Russia.

It is worth noting that the Catholic Church also honors the memory of Saint Natalia and her wife Adrian. However, Catholics celebrate the Day of Remembrance of these Martyrs on August 26, not September 8.

Folk holiday Natalya Ovsyanitsa is celebrated on September 8, 2019 (date according to the old style - August 26). Orthodox Church on this day remembers the martyrs Adrian and Natalia.

They were young spouses. Hadrian was in the service of the emperor Maximian, who went down in history as a fierce fighter against Christians. During one of the trials, Adrian witnessed how calmly and humbly people accepted the death sentence. An example of courage and perseverance prompted the man to declare himself a Christian. He was immediately put into prison.

Natalia, learning what had happened to her husband, was delighted, for she herself had long been a Christian, although she hid it. She strongly supported Adrian in captivity. He was sentenced to death, one of the most cruel - the executioner interrupted the hands and feet of the martyr with a heavy hammer. Natalia did not leave her husband for a second until his last breath.

A few days after her death, Adrian appeared to her in a dream and said that the Lord, wishing to repay the suffering she had endured, was calling the woman to him. Soon she rested in peace.

Traditions and rites

The fescue was popularly dubbed the holiday for harvesting oats. The first sheaf was necessarily placed in the house under the images.

Our ancestors knew how to make excellent oatmeal from this cereal. The grains were steamed, dried, fried and peeled. Only after that they pounded in a special mortar. The older generation still remembers how, being small, they feasted on kulag - oatmeal with chilled boiled water and salt.

By tradition, on this day, pancakes and oatmeal jelly are put on the table - a treat for Saints Adrian and Natalia.

Also, the time for picking rowan and viburnum berries begins.


Morning frosts mean that winter will be early and frosty.

There are few berries on the mountain ash - autumn will not be rainy.

If the mountain ash is ugly, the cold is not far off.

According to the old style, Natalia Fescue Day fell on August 26, and according to the new style, this holiday began to be celebrated on September 8. Day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa is dedicated to the memory of the great Christian martyr, as well as her husband Adrian. This is a bright Orthodox holiday, on which it is customary to sing about the memory of the lost believers for the Christian faith.

The fact is that Saint Natalia Ovsyanitsa was a believing Christian soul from birth, and her husband Adrian was a pagan. Despite this, Adrian eventually converted to the Christian faith and believed in God, but he had to pay for this with his life. What led him to faith, and why was he devoted to Christianity to the end? To find out, you need to pay attention to the history of this holiday, its legend, as well as read the truthful sources of information.

Of historical sources You can learn a lot about this holiday, especially the history of this Orthodox holiday, its traditions and signs. This will help you better understand why it is customary to celebrate Natalya Fescue Day, and you will also learn what are the features of celebrating this bright day.

History of the holiday of St. Natalia Fescue Day

As you know, from historical sources, Natalya Ovsyanitsa lived in ancient times, namely in the 4th century. Her husband and she were raised in the village or city of Nicomedia, which was near the Sea of \u200b\u200bMarmara. Natalya Ovsyanitsa was raised in a modest believing family who honored and observed all Christian traditions, that is, she believed in God from birth and knew his teachings. Adrian, her future husband, was raised in a different tradition and was not a Christian believer. He was a pagan and worshiped a different faith from the beginning of his birth. Despite this, Adrian and Natalya fell in love with each other, found a common language and began to live together.

In those days, the Christian faith was not very well revered by various rulers, and was also banned in many countries and cities. Great emperors and rulers did not want to recognize another God and lose their power over people. Only the most fearless and devoted people could believe in Christ and Christian traditions, to whom the truth of God and his teachings were revealed. In those harsh times, Christians were not loved, they tried to persecute, beat, maim, and also sentenced to death. Those who dared to follow the teachings of the real God, preach the Christian faith, or simply live according to its laws were real heroes, brave souls, and most importantly people loyal to God.

Something similar happened with Adrian and Natalia. The fact is that once the emperor Maximilian came to their town, who did not believe in God and was not a believing Christian. He ordered the capture of twenty-three individuals who believed in God and worshiped him with prayers, and then began to torture them with torture and violence. Poor Christians did not give up and endured terrible torture and torment, because their faith in Christ was strong and unconditional. This incident was seen by Adrian. He was so impressed by the steadfastness of believers, their steadfastness and firmness, that he decided to learn more about their faith and teachings. As a result, after long conversations with knowledgeable people, Adrian converted to Christianity and believed in one God. This act could not be forgiven by his “friends” the pagans, who seized him and locked him in prison.

Adrian sat locked up for a long time and suffered from torture over his body and soul, but his faithful and loving wife did not leave him alone and in every possible way supported him with her care and love. Soon Adrian died, unable to withstand the terrible torture, but he could not give up his new faith and new knowledge. His act is considered worthy, real, authentic and courageous, therefore Adrian is canonized and revered in all Christian churches. As you can see, time does not forget its real heroes and carries their names through miles and years.

Natalya Ovsyanitsa is also canonized and takes pride of place in the laurels of the church. She did not leave her husband for a minute when he had to endure all the torment and suffering. Natalya worried about her husband and endured terrible torment with him, she tried to always stay close. After the death of her husband, she soon followed him and died. According to Christian canons, Adrian and Natalya together ascended into the Kingdom of Heaven and became revered on earth. After suffering on earth, they finally found happiness, peace and tranquility, which they lacked so much in last years on the ground.

This story is striking in its strength, courage and steadfastness of Adrian and Natalia, who withstood all earthly trials and tortures, and also did not break their spirit and rose above human cruelty and ignorance. Such saints are revered in all Orthodox and Christian churches, they are remembered and mourned over their loss. The feat that the beloved performed can be considered heroic, as well as an example for other believers. If a person has found his true faith, and also acquired new true knowledge, then you should not betray it or sell it for a pittance.

How is Natalia Fescue Day celebrated?

On the day of Natalya Fescue, it is customary to mow the first, and the last oats. This day is considered auspicious for such work. Moreover, mown oats should be fed not only for household members, but also for horses. It is believed that on this day oats give more strength and endurance not only to a person, but also to a horse. Giving oats to the horse, the hostess or the owner says: "It is not the horse that is lucky, but the oats." Indeed, what can be horsepower without real oats?

Oats have always been treated with special respect and greatness, especially in autumn, because during this period the amount of the harvest was counted. Housewives made flour from oat wheat and prepared delicious pancakes. Oat pancakes are another great delicacy that is customary to treat everyone. Usually they are prepared just for the bright holiday of the Day of Natalya Fescue. It is customary to treat all relatives, unexpected guests and friends with these delicious pancakes. In fact, oatmeal pancakes are really delicious and healthy. They bring health to a person and support his strength.

Carrying delicious pancakes to the big table, the hostess used to say: "Natalya brought the pancake to the house, and Adrian brought oatmeal." This tradition has survived to our day, just not everyone observes it and knows enough information about it. It is also customary to serve pancakes with delicious oatmeal jelly, cooked with lingonberries. In fact, this delicacy will appeal to everyone. If you do not have the opportunity to make delicious pancakes from oat wheat, then eat delicious oatmeal or mouth-watering muesli, which you can buy in the store or cook at home.

Delicious pancakes, excellent buns and good jelly - these are not all the attributes of this bright Christian holiday. The fact is that on this day they judge by what the weather will be like in winter. One of the signs says that if by the feast of St. Natalia Fescue all the leaves on the trees have not fallen, namely from an oak or birch, then the winter will be cold and long. If the morning on the day of the feast of St. Natalia Fescue is cold, then the winter will be early and not warm. These signs can be observed on the day of the feast of St. Natalia, and over time, conclusions can be drawn about how faithful and truthful they were. In any case, Natalya Ovsyanitsa's bright day will bring everyone new knowledge, emotions and impressions. The main thing is to be able to celebrate a bright day Natal Fescue correctly, joyfully and with happiness in front of our eyes.

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