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How to remove the rear wiper blade. How to remove wiper blades - solving a problem without going to the master How to remove wipers from a Toyota car

Replacing the wiper blades is a question that sooner or later will arise before every driver. How to remove the wiper blades, how to replace them and prevent damage - below in the article.


When do the brushes need to be replaced?

Everyone knows what "wipers" are - this is a special device in the form of a lever and a brush for cleaning the windscreen and sometimes the rear window. They can be framed and frameless. In the first variant, these are moving parts that hold the cleaning surface on the wind window.

Unfortunately, this species is rather gentle, because it is defenseless against snow and rain, which eventually turns into ice and damages the frame surface. In addition, the cleaning part does not adhere tightly to the surface and therefore does not clean well enough.

The second option is more convenient, because instead of a "rocker arm", frameless ones have a spring that exerts pressure and presses the part against windshield... Since they are made of rubber, they wear out quickly. Therefore, time is one of the reasons why there is a need for dismantling. A sign of failure is streaks on the wind or rear window. This means that the wipers are not performing their function.

Of course, dismantling the cleaning devices themselves is only a tiny part of the job. After all, windshield wipers are a large mechanism, consisting of different parts. But they, of course, lend themselves to dismantling quite often, because they are consumables. You can find out how to change the wiper blades below.

Photo gallery "Step-by-step instructions for replacement"

The photo below shows a step-by-step procedure for replacing parts for a wiper.

Instructions for removing and replacing wipers

It is very easy to replace the consumed material, and you can do it yourself. The only thing that is important to do is to buy a new part, according to the size of the old one. After all, wipers often differ in length from each other and this is also important to consider.

Dismantling takes place in stages:

  1. The lever is placed vertically and removed from the windshield. It is important to hold it carefully so as not to injure. If it pops out, it could damage the glass.
  2. Now you need to open the holder cap and pull the brush down, while firmly holding the holder.
  3. After that, you need to take the part in advance, put it on the spoke and close the plug. Now pull it down to align. This completes the operation and you can start another window cleaner. He is filmed in the same way (video by TheBrandConnect).

Features of replacing rear wipers

There are some car models on which it will also not be superfluous to install rear window wipers. The mounting pattern on the rear windows is quite different from installing a glass cleaner on the front windows. In the case of installing rear wipers, it is impossible to say how to change the wipers, because all cars are different and the approach to them is individual. As an example, we can take the usual Lada Kalina station wagon.

  1. There is a fastening nut on the wiper, and a protective element above it. This metal cap must be lifted up.
  2. Then take a key 10 and carefully, so as not to drop the washer under it, unscrew the nut. Now turn the device slightly and gently pull it towards you. It will jump off without any problem. After that, you can remove the mechanism for cleaning the windows.
  3. Now, on the dismantled device, you need to pull on the part and use a screwdriver to loosen the latch that holds the part on the lever. It can be replaced in the same way as replacing the front windshield wipers. When buying brushes, you need to pay attention to the bend of the brush, because even it affects the quality of cleaning.


Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, we can note the ease of replacement both on the front windows and on the rear ones. The only difference is that rear windows are individual and need their own approach. It will not be difficult to understand this situation if you focus on the removal and replacement tips highlighted above.

The last thing to say is that mechanisms need to be looked after carefully to ensure they have a “long life”. The hinges are very vulnerable on the wipers. They must be periodically cleaned of dust and all kinds of dirt and lubricated so that the device can remove dirt from the glass well. Then the problem of how to replace the wiper blades will disappear by itself.

Video "Replacing the rear window cleaner Toyota Rav4"

Wipers in a car are special wiper blades that provide the driver with good road visibility. They often need to be replaced because they are regularly used by the chauffeur to clean the windows. If the wipers began to leave scratches and streaks, then this is a sure sign that they have become unusable and need to be replaced as soon as possible.

Since the wipers primarily ensure the safety of the driver on the road, they must work flawlessly and change as soon as they start to malfunction. If you are going to replace the wiper blades, then measure the old wipers before purchasing them. Write down the length of the brushes and the width of their seat on your phone or on a piece of paper. You need to measure both wipers, because there are cars where the wiper blades have different lengths. For example, on the passenger side - one length, and on the driver's side - different. Also, for each car there are different sizes of wipers. The rear glass cleaner is also important. Then decide how much money you are willing to pay for new wiper blades. If you have a small amount, you can opt for classic frame wiper models. They have a low cost, but their service life is not so great either. If quality is more important to you than price, then buy wipers without a frame or combined. Although these models are more expensive, they last much longer than budget brushes.

Next, remove the used wipers from your car. In most car models, they are removed in the same way. To remove them, pull the brush lead and pull it down. If nothing worked out for you, then see if there is a special latch in the place where the wiper connects to the leash. If it is there, then open this latch and remove the wiper. If the brush cannot be removed or it is removed with great difficulty, then perhaps rust is preventing this. In order to speed up the process of replacing the wipers, in this case you should wipe the junction with a special compound WD-40. It will remove this rust very easily.

Well, now install new brushes. This process should not cause you any difficulties, because in technique it is similar to removing the wipers, but only in this case everything is done in the reverse order. If you bought frame type wipers with a metal body, then before installing them, treat the WD-40 seat with some other compound that prevents corrosion. This will allow you to replace the wiper blades effortlessly next time. New brushes should come with instructions that you can refer to if you have difficulty replacing them. As a last resort, contact a car service, where you will certainly be helped to replace the brushes.

We hope that this article will help you to replace the wiper blades without any problems if such a need arises. Remember that faulty wipers in a car can even cause an accident with very sad consequences. Therefore, change them in time and do not save on your safety while driving. Follow and follow correct operation wipers. Do not leave the car for a long time under the hot sun, and also try not to leave it outside in severe frost. For more long service wipers ideally keep your car in the garage.

Such a small part as a wiper performs one of the important functions in a car, because it belongs to systems active safety.

It is he who provides good visibility in all weather conditions, helping to avoid an accident.

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To avoid unpleasant situations on the road, you need to monitor the condition of the wiper blades and troubleshoot in time.

When is it necessary to replace the wipers

During operation, the wipers quickly deteriorate and lose their ability to perform their functions efficiently.

Signs by which you can understand when it is necessary to change the wiper:

Signs of wearCausesHow to fix
Longitudinal stripes appeared on the glass cloth1 - the edge of the tape is worn out;1 - replacement of the wiper;
2 - adhesion of debris to the rubber tape2 - wipe the rubber band rim.
Not all areas of the glass are cleanedThe tape becomes deformed under the influence of external factors and cannot completely clear the profileReplacing the rubber blade
Jumping brush and vertical stripes on glassOccurs when the mount is looseCheck the serviceability of the attachment or change the brush
Broken rubber or backlash in the brush frameEdge seated incorrectlyReplacing the wiper or adjusting the optimal angle
Muddy windshield The washer fluid is of poor quality, the brush does not fit snugly against the glassChecking the quality of the cleaning liquid or changing parts

If the metal base that holds the entire structure is bent, the wiper is changed entirely.

Preparing to change wipers

To replace the wipers, it is not necessary to go to a car workshop, this simple repair is easy to do yourself. Modern wipers are installed without the help of tools, and for outdated models you need:

  • set of screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • rags or napkins;
  • washing liquid for car glass.

The installation diagram is identical for almost most vehicles.

First you need to figure out what type of wipers belong to:

  • wireframe is the most common model;

  • frameless - improved design of the frame wiper;

  • hybrid - the most modern design, combines the frame, spoiler and hinge system:

  • a lever extended from the bottom of the glass profile;
  • a metal blade attached to the lever;
  • rubber brush.

All parts must correspond to the type of fastening:

HookCommon mount with standard dimensionsInsert the structure into the groove, and fasten it on the hook
ButtonReliable fastening methodAt the base, the cleaner is fixed with a button
Side Pin, Claw, Top LockThe design is simple and robustThe pin is secured with a small protrusion
Side clampPioneers - French manufacturersFixed with antenna clip
Bayonet lockThe simplest design, small in size, with two holes is used in trucksFixed with screws
Universal adapterFully factory mountedFits most mounts

Before buying, make accurate measurements of old replacement blades. New cleaners should be the same size as the old ones. In order not to be mistaken the best option - come to the store with old wipers.

How to remove the wipers correctly

If the wipers are installed with your own hands, before starting work, you must protect the windshield from possible damage. To do this, cover it with foam rubber or a thick towel and start removing the wipers:

  1. Raise the metal lever from the windshield, fix it perpendicular to the profile. He must take a stable position so that the spring does not return the wiper to its original position.
  2. Remove the old wiper blade. To do this, press on a plastic clip, hook or latch that secures the brush, while the joint will move apart, which will release the worn part.

Some car brands are equipped with wipers with flag indicators installed in the body. As soon as the set of rubber bands is worn out and becomes unusable, the flags change position, and the rubber itself will fall off from the wipers.

The new wiper is easy to put in place of the old one, the main thing is that the brush must go through all the attachment points, like the previous one. Place the short and long wipers in their respective places.

Replacing the frame cleaner:

A characteristic click will indicate the correct installation.

The second brush and rear wiper are also replaced.

On outdated car models, there are T-shaped mounts, they are removed with a flat screwdriver, some mounts are fastened with screws.

Replacing a frameless glass cleaner:

The process of replacing the rubber bands on the frameless cleaner is very simple, for this you remove the side plastic plugs and take out the rubber band, which is held by two metal plates. The main thing is not to break the metal base.

This is how the gum of a frameless cleaner looks like:

Replacing rubber bands on hybrid wipers:

The hybrid model has a protective cover that keeps water and debris out of the structure.

  1. Pull out the steel parts with pliers.
  2. Take out the old rubber band.
  3. Thread a new rubber band through each fastener until it stops, they should fall into the second groove in the rubber.
  4. Slide the steel guides into the first groove of the elastic band, the slots of the steel part must remain on the side of the stop.
  5. Check the elastic is firmly seated.

You can watch the video for step-by-step instructions for replacing wipers.

How to extend the life of wipers

Self-replacement of rubber is relevant in cases where a wiper from the car manufacturer is installed on the car.

If the metal part, which provides pressing, has not lost its elasticity, then replacement of the rubber bands or their "revitalization" will be relevant:

  • hardened rubber is degreased with white spirit;
  • stand for 5 minutes in gasoline;
  • washed with soapy water;
  • coated with silicone grease.

This will prolong the life of the work surface for a while.

The windshield wiper should not run dry, the windshield washer fluid must be selected of high quality, according to the season.

In the parking lot in frosty weather, so that the wipers do not freeze, they must be raised.

Heavily iced glass must be cleaned independently using a scraper.

Periodically flush the wipers, remove clogged sand and small debris.

It is almost impossible to restore worn-out parts and experts recommend changing them:

  • every six months, at the beginning of the summer and winter periods;
  • after every 30,000 km.

The quality of the wipers' work directly depends on following the instructions manufacturer, which he attaches to the used windshield wipers and, for your own safety, we must not forget to change them in time.

Car wipers are used to remove dirt or moisture from the windshield. With intensive use, after a few months it becomes necessary to replace them. Similar activities are carried out in any service center. It is not at all necessary to turn to specialists and pay money, since the assigned task can be performed independently. Wipers on most vehicle assumes the same design and their replacement does not have any major differences.

When it is required to replace the wipers.

The installation of new wipers should occur in the presence of several types of problems:

  • Inspection of the rubber element showed that it had hardened and cracked. This indicates its wear and tear.
  • When driving on the windshield, a creak or other extraneous sounds occur.
  • The quality of glass cleaning has dropped significantly. The appearance of streaks on the surface or some other characteristic problems directly indicates the need to install new brushes.
  • When it rains, the efficiency of the wipers is minimal and water is practically not drained away.

The work should be divided into several parts. The first step is to establish which elements should be replaced. For this, the design of the wiper is considered. It consists of three main elements: a lower arm, a metal blade and a rubber brush. The first two types of parts fail quite rarely and main reason their malfunctions can be called mechanical action. Rubber brushes will gradually wear out and must be replaced.

Replacement elements of the same type are purchased. To do this, you need to remove old products and measure their sizes. It is not at all necessary that the dimensions of the individual parts of the left and right wipers will be the same. Quite often, one of the wipers is shorter and this should be taken into account.

The procedure for installing a new wiper.

It is required to move the metal lever some distance from the glass and fix it in this position. The product, in its usual state, adheres tightly to the surface due to the tension of a special spring. When the wiper is pulled out perpendicular to the windshield, it is able to return it to its original position. If the rubber element has already been removed, then the impact will occur with the metal part. This will most likely break the glass. It is necessary to act carefully and such a problem will not arise. It is recommended to cover the windshield with a towel during work. Even if the wiper falls, the impact is absorbed.

On most models, the rubber brush is attached to the metal leg using a special plastic clip. In some cases, a latch is used. When the brush is removed from its place, a new product installation is required. It is inserted into its place and moves until a characteristic click sounds. A similar sound indicates the end of the replacement. It is required to go to the second wiper and repeat the procedures exactly.

how replace wipers This is not the only question for vehicle owners, as they often ask about which brush to buy for installation. There are numerous options on the market today. They can be original or universal. In the first case, the brushes will fit perfectly, but have more high cost... The universal model is required to be selected based on the available dimensions.

Video about replacing wipers in a car

The wiper mechanism in almost all versions provides for the use of brushes as a consumable. Only certain versions of modern wipers do not work according to the principle of mechanical cleaning - the rest of the devices need appropriate support for their performance. In particular, it is required which wears out as the vehicle is used. The intensity of the loss of the working resource is influenced by atmospheric precipitation, temperature fluctuations and the effects of auto chemistry with which the brush contacts.

Types of brush attachments

Today the most common brush fixation techniques are with grips and clamps. The classic example of this is the hook. This is a universal commit mechanism that also depends on many parameters. For example, the design of a car determines the size of the hook. The most common formats are 9 x 4 and 9 x 3. Each manufacturer tries to individualize their models against a common background, introducing one brush grip format for all machines. For example, Audi gravitates towards small hooks, and Subaru's Tribeca B9 is equipped with 12 x 4 clips. But in some cases, the larger hooks make it easier to replace the wiper blade, not to mention the reliability of the fixing parts. As an alternative, not so long ago, designers have proposed more technologically advanced mounts - push-button fixation and a "side pin" system. But these clips cannot be called universal. Even in the lines of manufacturers who developed them, not all models have wipers supporting such fastener configurations.

How do I remove the wiper blades?

Before carrying out the operation to dismantle the brush, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. The main thing is to provide free access to the windshield and not damage it paintwork housing. The design of a typical wiper includes a metal holder-frame, a lower lever-hook and the wiper itself with a rubber insert. To remove the brush, you must use a flat screwdriver, press it with a sting on the lever and thereby release the desired element. But in old models, fastening with hardware is also found. How to remove the wiper blades if they are secured with screws? First you need to prepare screwdrivers of a suitable size. Then you can start unscrewing, in which the lever itself should be free - it is held by 1-2 screws. Then, by itself, the brush will lag behind the frame. If this does not happen, you should pry it with the same flat screwdriver.

Installing a new brush

The new brush is integrated into the housing with low pressure. Having correctly adjusted the element under the connector, it is necessary to press on it until a characteristic click sounds. In standard wipers, this is how the lever locking mechanism works. If we are talking about models with fasteners that involve fastening with screws, then the replacement of the wiper blade is carried out by planting and precise correction of the new working part, followed by fixing the hardware with the appropriate tool. It happens that the design of the brush itself is in optimal condition, but the gum is covered with cracks and is not suitable for further use. If the design allows, then only the rubber part of the brush can be replaced.

How do you replace the rubber bands on the wiper blades?

Usually the wipers' rubber bands are held in the brush frame by special grooves. They are pushed into the structure along the entire length, ensuring uniform cleaning during operation. Before dismantling, you should also remove the brush from the wiper structure. Correct replacement the rubber bands on the wiper blades are made neatly and without deformation of the supporting structure, since the working part is easily displaced. If, in addition to the grooves, the gum is held by the fixing antennae, before replacing them, you need to remember their exact position - when installed, they are bent in the same way.

By bending back the retainers a short distance, you can begin to remove the old rubber band. It slides out easily from the brush slot. Next, you need to calculate optimal sizes new gum. If replacing the wiper blade does not imply the completion of a new accessory, then in the case of an elastic band, trimming to the desired length may be required. After that, the element is inserted from the groove, advanced and fixed with the previously bent clamps.

The nuances of choosing an accessory

All brushes can be roughly divided into two groups. One will include universal models, and the second - special ones. As for the universal ones, this category is represented by frame, frameless and hybrid models. The selection of a suitable design is made based on individual operating preferences and requirements. The situation is more complicated with the choice from the second group, since it is represented by almost piece wiper blades. The selection for the car in this case is especially important, since the designs of such accessories are developed almost for specific models. As already mentioned, small-sized clamping versions are available for Audi, which are distinguished by high-quality cleaning. For Toyota models, frameless modifications are usually purchased, but with a special fixation system. Such products can be found in the lines of BOSCH, CHAMPION, DENSO, ALCA, etc.


New technologies make it possible to deviate from the traditional principle of mechanical cleaning, which wears out not only rubber bands, but also glass surfaces. Nevertheless, electric modifications of brushless wipers are not yet available to the general consumer. For adherents of familiar solutions, it is worth recommending immediately a set of wiper blades, which will facilitate the process of replacing them for a long time. Sets of unified elements of this type are produced by BOSCH and Valeo. The French manufacturer Valeo also offers specialized models for Mercedes, BMW, Volvo and others. However, the cost of models from major manufacturers is more expensive. The manufacturer BOSCH, for example, offers modern models of brushes for 350-500 rubles.

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