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How to make turns by car. How to quickly take tight turns

Learn how to properly hold and turn the steering wheel of a car - important problem for a novice driver. By learning this procedure, the car owner will be able to prevent many of the mistakes that usually lead to road accidents, the number of which is constantly increasing in 2017.

This skill should not be neglected, the wrong position of the driver's hands can contribute to making an erroneous maneuver. Experts note that each driver drives a car in his own way: some take the steering wheel with two hands at once, and many drive on the road with one hand. There is also a category of drivers who control the steering wheel with their fingers.

But many people ask, how is it necessary to rotate the steering wheel correctly in order not to get into an unpleasant situation? The road is a place of high danger, when driving on it, you must not take the road situation lightly. Therefore, those who do not know how to drive a car properly, and especially to operate the steering wheel, need to learn all safe techniques. This skill is important in practice, above all. These techniques can be learned while driving a car, as well as on an electronic simulator while at home.

How to hold the steering wheel

If you are driving on a straight road, it is best to keep your hands in the 9-15 dial position. To do this, put your left hand at 9 and your right at 15. Hold the steering wheel with both hands. In this way, you can control the movement of the car, create easy control and safe driving... It will be more convenient to use the steering wheel switches and the steering levers.

If your car is moving on an asphalt surface, then place your thumbs over the partitions, and when driving on a dirt road, on the partition itself. The steering wheel must be held firmly to ensure good control movement. But too clinging to steering wheel not necessary, even during tight turns. You need to hold it confidently, and not overdo it, otherwise your hands will quickly get tired.

Hand movements can be divided into the following types:

  • Labor movements (start from the moment you grip the steering wheel, their end is the moment you release the steering wheel).
  • Idle movements (they occur during the period when the steering wheel is released, and then until you pick it up again).

It should be remembered that when picking up the steering wheel, as well as when releasing it, it should not stop.

Errors of novice drivers

The first lessons of practice are the most important, but many beginners make many serious mistakes due to the excitement. The first mistake is to return the steering wheel to its original position after making a turn, despite the device of the steering mechanism that automatically returns the steering wheel to the position of the vehicle in a straight line. In this case, you do not need to turn the steering wheel with your hands. While driving, an important task is not to take unnecessary actions in order to navigate the road situation in time.

Popular mistakes beginners do:

  1. Jerking the steering wheel... The arms should be relaxed and the grip soft are the main points to keep in mind when driving. Do not apply great force to the steering wheel when making a turn. In this case, you can abruptly enter the trajectory of the turn, but after a short time of such turns, the car will have to be sent for repair, the tires and suspension will be damaged. When the wheels slip, it will be impossible to drive the car, so you cannot be too zealous when turning the steering wheel, and the car will serve you for a long time, and you will not need repairs.
  2. The driver "hung" on the steering wheel... When driving a car, only hand force should be applied to the steering wheel. Muscles that are not working at the moment should be relaxed. To fulfill these conditions, it is necessary to use a special support designed to rest the left leg, lean more tightly against the back, and be fastened with a belt. With the help of such rules, you will maximally merge with the car into one whole.
  3. Dead grip on the steering wheel... To make a turn on the road, it is necessary to apply some force to the steering wheel, but not to take it with a death grip. You should learn to quickly relax your hands. Under constant stress, the car will react poorly and you will often get tired while driving.

Steering technique

When you are driving, you often have to make maneuvers. These maneuvers can be performed in different ways, they depend on the angle of rotation. When landing behind the wheel, after starting the engine, you must grasp the steering wheel with your palms, do not squeeze with great effort. The left hand should be at 9 o'clock as viewed by the clock, and the right hand should be at 3 o'clock. The elbows need to be bent slightly. This position allows you to quickly respond to accidents.

If you need to turn the car 45 degrees, you do not need to change the position of your hands on the steering wheel. This is the most simple technique movement. It is necessary to perform the following actions: put your hands on the steering wheel in the position as described above. When changing lanes or overtaking, the steering wheel must be turned in the appropriate direction. At the same time, hands are not removed from the steering wheel.

After making a turn, return to the starting position and do not touch the steering wheel. This method is suitable in that you do not need to return the wheels to the straight position yourself, everything will happen automatically. However, this method cannot be used if you need to make a U-turn or turn with a significant turning radius. You can straighten your arms if desired when they are in the starting position.

If the turn is sharp, then the steering wheel interception method is used. Let's figure out how to correctly intercept the steering wheel:

  1. Set your hands to the starting position.
  2. With both hands, slowly twist the steering wheel rim to the left until the left hand touches the corresponding side.
  3. At this moment, you need to remove your left hand from the steering wheel, and turn your right hand.
  4. Then quickly move your left hand along the top edge of your right hand and grab the steering wheel again.
  5. When it becomes inconvenient to turn the steering wheel with your right hand, you need to move it to the top of the steering wheel.
  6. Then they work in the following order: continue to turn the steering wheel, intercepting it.
  7. After returning vehicle on the correct trajectory, immediately align the machine. Now you need to turn the steering wheel to the right using the same method.

To turn to the right, it is not at all necessary to turn the steering wheel with both hands. It is advisable to use only the left hand.

  1. Do not touch the steering wheel with your right hand.
  2. Place your left hand above the center of the steering wheel rim, gently squeezing it, and gradually turn to the right.
  3. When the hand is unable to turn, then it is necessary to squeeze the steering wheel with a brush.
  4. Next, you need to straighten the brush and turn your fingers 180 degrees. When doing this, put your hand on the steering wheel and continue to turn it. The task is to return the hand to its original position.

One-handed operation

Usually, when driving, it happens when one hand is busy. In such cases, it is helpful to be able to steer with one hand. To learn this, you need to grip the top of the steering wheel rim with your left hand and control it. Let's take an example: the right hand is busy. When you release it, you need to put it back on the steering wheel. A busy hand must be performed promptly in order to return it to its place as soon as possible.

In such a case, training is an important factor. If you train purposefully, you can learn to drive faster. This is done on a free site, or on a deserted road, where you can try braking, accelerating and cornering.

  1. First you need to experiment. You can start at low speed and accelerate slowly. The speed can be different, while you can compare how much force must be applied to drive a car at high speed, and what at low speed.
  2. Try to turn the steering wheel, apply the brakes all at the same time. Watch how the car reacts to all manipulations.
  3. Relax your hands, do not hang on the handlebars, keep your body in the right position, and make sure that your body weight does not interfere with movement.
  4. Use different control methods, combine them with each other.
  5. If you want to rebuild, you need to find out exactly how the vehicle will behave to your manipulations. Try to make your formation slowly and then quickly to start.
  6. At second speed, try to make a turn while pressing down on the gas pedal, and then coasting, releasing the gas. In this position, you need to watch how effectively the car makes a turn.

For getting driving license you must successfully pass the theory and practice of driving a car. Practical exams usually take the well-known snake exercise. It is performed on the site in the shape of a rectangle, consisting of four identical sections in area. The length of these sections is 1.5 times the length of the car, and the width is determined by the length of the car. Naturally, it is advisable to practice somewhere before passing the exam of such an exercise.

On the site, you need to install racks from available tools - bags, water bottles, cans, etc. In total, you need six racks: at the start, finish, intermediate - four. There should be no unauthorized cars on the site so that there is freedom of maneuvering in the exercise.

The meaning of the exercise is to travel this distance along a trajectory similar to a snake. In this case, do not touch the racks. First you need to drive up to the "start". Gradually start driving in a straight road. When the car starts moving, you need to fully press the clutch pedal, the car will roll by inertia.

When the first mark as a pillar reaches the middle of the front door of the car, then you need to turn the steering wheel to the left, with only one turn. The first pillar is driven at an angle of 45 degrees.

It is necessary to control the second stance. When it appears on the right side, align the wheels by turning the steering wheel to the right one full turn. Drive in a straight line, after reaching the second pillar in the middle of the right front door, two full turns of the steering wheel are made to the right. After that, you need to lightly press the gas pedal, release the clutch pedal a little, and the car slightly move forward.

After that, you need to push the clutches fully. Next, control the third stance. When approaching and passing its left front fender, align the wheels by turning the steering wheel two turns. Then similar actions are carried out. Some beginners have problems getting to the finish line. This is done by this method.

When the car reaches the 5th pillar and approaches the middle of the left front door, the wheels must be set for straight-ahead movement, it is necessary to rotate the steering wheel a full turn to the left. Look forward, with the front of the car moving towards the stop mark, align the wheels with one turn of the steering wheel, turning it to the right. Then you should approach the finish line. Use the 6th post as a guide. Turn off the speed and put the car on the handbrake. At this point, the snake exercise can be considered complete.

The main problem with this exercise is touching the struts. They then fall, and you are charged with penalty points. To prevent such facts, you need to drive smoothly, the speed of movement should not change, you should not press any pedals. The main task is to turn the steering wheel in time.

Another mistake when performing the "snake" is: when driving slowly, the novice driver also slowly rotates the steering wheel, which, of course, is a mistake. You need to turn the steering wheel quickly, but the speed of the car should be low. Correct steering is a must for every driver. Only a quick reaction on the road, without fuss and panic, will ensure you keep your car intact.

Reverse steering

Our roads have many disadvantages, but in winter ice and snow are added, which often leads to a skid of the vehicle. The car may skid due to the driver's careless movement slippery road... In such situations, rear-wheel drive cars are considered the most dangerous, but this unpleasant moment can also arise in a front-wheel drive car.

If a skid has occurred, then you need to remain calm and not panic. Further, in order to bring the car out of this state, you need to perform some automatic actions, which should be developed by many years of driving.

Which way to turn the steering wheel when a front-wheel drive car skids? The steering wheel must be rotated in the direction of the skid and the gas must be added. An important factor is that the driver can feel the moment of a skid. The main thing is to work with the wheel. In this case, you cannot change gears and brake. It is forbidden to use the hand brake, this will increase the skid. The car will turn around and an accident may occur.

Where to turn the steering wheel during a skid in a rear-wheel drive car? In this case, the steering wheel is also rotated in the direction of the skid, the gas is released. It is also forbidden to operate the clutch, change gears or use the brakes.

For four-wheel drive vehicle it is more difficult to get out of a skid. More often than not, you just have to wait for the car to stop by itself. You can only turn the steering wheel slightly in the direction of the skid and not add gas.

Parallel parking

Correct parking in a city is important point... At the training circuit, it is impossible to accurately repeat all the moments that arise in reality. Better to try to find a place for the car to park in front.

Parallel parking is performed as follows:

  1. Level up with a nearby car, stand in parallel, keeping a distance of 1 meter.
  2. Determine where you can safely turn.
  3. Move in reverse until the mental mark reaches the edge of the car on the right.
  4. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right, drive at reverse speed until the right edge of the car is visible, and stop.
  5. Turn the steering wheel to the starting position and drive further back until you can see the vehicle in front.
  6. Turn the steering wheel to the left until it stops, drive back until the car is parallel to the curb.
  7. Level the machine and park it so that it is equidistant from other machines.

Quite often, novice drivers ask themselves how to correctly enter a turn on mechanics and automatic transmission. In fact, this is not as easy as it sounds. Even a simple corner can be quite dangerous under certain conditions and errors on the part of the driver. In this regard, all the nuances of driving should be studied in detail, it is also desirable to work out all the knowledge gained. Driving requires clear skills, this will allow, without hesitation, to perform all the actions that are required to maintain a stable position of the car on the road.


How to correctly enter a turn on mechanics and automatic transmission? To understand this issue, you need to understand the features of cornering. This maneuver is usually divided into 4 parts:

  • Approaching a turn. Here you should smoothly slow down to the most optimal speed for cornering;
  • Input;
  • Passage, pay attention to the need to control the direction of travel;
  • Exit the turn. Accompanied by the return of the steering wheel to a straight-line position, gas operation may differ by different types drive.
For the clearest cornering, you should correctly practice all the required driving elements. Perhaps the most important factor is right choice speed. Most accidents occur due to the wrong speed selection.

It is also important to work with the pedals when cornering. Do not touch the brake and clutch from the moment you enter the corner. Disconnecting the engine from the transmission, as well as braking, can affect the stability of the vehicle. Gas should also be very careful. In theory, it should be run at a stable speed. But, on front-wheel drive cars, at the very end of the turn, revs are slightly added. This allows you to quickly restore straight-line motion. On rear wheel drive, excessive pedal pressure will result in the risk of skidding and loss of control.

Features of bends with different transmissions

First, let's look at the mechanics of cornering. This type of transmission is a little more difficult to learn. After the driver gets used to it, there will be no particular difficulties, but at the beginning it will be a little more difficult. So, let's analyze the stages of cornering on this type of transmission:
  • As we already understood, cornering begins with preparation, or rather, with a speed reduction. In mechanics, this can be done in three ways. Simply by slowing down, braking by pressing the brake, apply engine braking. If everything is clear with the first 2 points, then it makes sense to analyze the last one in more detail. In fact, engine braking refers to downshifting, resulting in reduced speed. It is used in the case when the road is rather slippery, in such conditions the use brake system will lead to loss of control;
  • Entry into the turn on mechanics should be done with constant thrust. This will prevent you from losing control of the vehicle;
  • The passage must be accompanied by the control of all parameters. The speed should remain stable, in extreme cases, decrease slightly;
  • The exit from the corner will depend on the type of drive. Rear drive more sensitive to work with gas. If you start to increase the speed at this moment, you can get a skid inside the turn. On front wheel drive on the contrary, it is recommended to slightly increase the speed to stabilize the trajectory.
In general terms, driving a car with an automatic transmission practically does not differ from a mechanic. There is only one difference. Impossibility of engine braking. Therefore, when driving in winter, it is recommended not to adhere to high speedso that you do not have to brake abruptly, which will lead to handling problems. Perhaps the inability to use engine braking is the biggest inconvenience of such a transmission.

Typical mistakes

The most common mistake that can end badly is speeding while cornering. Too high a speed leads to a loss of control, the car starts to throw, and as a result, it throws it off the road. On a slippery road, the car may simply refuse to turn and fly in a straight line into the bushes on the side of the road. To avoid this, it is better to play it safe and slow down to a minimum than to get into an accident. It is not for nothing that bikers have a saying “if you can drive at a certain speed, then you better drive 2 times slower”.

Another common mistake is an attempt to play with the pedals and the gear lever right in the corner. If you squeeze out the clutch, then the relationship between the engine and the wheels is broken, this leads to a decrease in machine control. In cornering conditions, this can lead to complete uncontrollability. Pressing the brake pedal in a car with automatic transmission works in the same way, only in this case there is also a risk of a skid. Any impact on the brake pedal with the wheels turned out can lead to the rear axle skidding.

Sometimes, beginners make mistakes when using the steering wheel. Do not enter a corner too steeply unless that is the only way to fit into a corner. The best option cornering is a smooth steering wheel. When turning to the right, your hands on the steering wheel should be at 8 and 12 o'clock. If we turn to the left, then by 4 and 12. This will allow you to control the steering wheel with maximum efficiency. Do not make sudden movements, you should enter the turn in a gentle arc. It is prohibited to hitch on the oncoming traffic lane. In case of oncoming traffic there, it will be very difficult to avoid a collision. It is also not recommended to drive a bend on the shoulder, especially at high speed. It's all about the different coefficient of adhesion to the road, if this indicator is reduced for one wheel, then there is a possibility of loss of control over the car.

Conclusion... Every year, hundreds of young drivers go to the roads. Unfortunately, training in driving schools is far from ideal. Therefore, beginners have many questions. One of them is how to correctly enter a turn on mechanics and automatic transmission. In fact, there is not much difference in cornering here. But, there are some differences in the process of driving a car, which, in principle, can affect cornering. It is desirable for the driver to know all these nuances.

  • If the tires slip under load to such an extent that the rear axle begins to drift, then most likely you are applying too much pressure on the gas. As soon as you drop it slightly, the grip of the rear wheels with the road is restored, and you pass the corner faster. However, be careful: excessively vigorous removal of the gas can lead to the fact that the front end is loaded with all the weight of the car, and rear axleon the contrary, it will immediately unload. This will increase skidding and cause you to lose control of the vehicle. Here you need to strike a balance.
  • Smooth throttle and brake operation is also very important. In particular, gentle manipulation of the accelerator pedal when entering and exiting a bend eliminates wheel spin and blocking.
  • If you are going to use the above techniques while driving a rear-wheel or four-wheel drive car, then keep in mind that in no case should you drift (that is, deliberately enter the car into a skid and take a turn while sliding). The key to the fastest cornering is the grip of the rear wheels with the road (except, perhaps, extremely narrow studs or wet surfaces).
  • Sharp turns require responsiveness and speed from the driver. Continuous practice is required to achieve acceptable results.
  • The steeper the turn, the lower the speed of its passage should be. But if you want to do everything right and go through the turn faster than that guy, then here's the truth to which you should be guided: "slowly entered - quickly left."
  • Most cars have a so-called "rest area" - a flat, sloped surface to accommodate the left foot to the left of the pedals, sometimes referred to as a "dead pedal". This area is very useful when taking fast turns. Resting your left foot on it, you squeeze yourself into the seat, minimizing body movements caused by lateral forces that appear during turns. Thus, the steering precision can be significantly improved.
  • Inspect inner side turn, map out the apex point and exit trajectory (and also, if possible, look as far ahead as possible), even if you have to look not only through the windshield, but also through the side glass. This will give you an easier and more natural cornering experience.
  • If you enter the turn a little later, you can achieve a straighter trajectory and a faster exit; this statement is true for most turns.
  • If, when entering a turn immediately after pressing the brake, you find that the car is not turning actively enough, then release the pedal a little later (or it should have been done a little earlier). If you release the brake right now, you will relieve the front wheels of the vehicle by loosening their grip.
  • The technique of sliding or drifting comes from the world of rallying, it was developed specifically for the high-speed passage of dirt turns. In accordance with this technique, the beginning and end of the maneuver is done in a completely different way, everything happens at a much higher speed, so the turns are passed faster.
  • The steeper the turn, the sharper the steering. In a fast bend, you need to steer gently, without moving your hands along the steering wheel. In a normal corner, you should also steer gently, but more actively. Steer sharply in a tight corner, even if the road is slippery. In this case, the car may react to steering with some delay, but if you manipulate the steering wheel abruptly, but not excessively, then everything will turn out perfectly.

Today we'll talk about how to correctly, and most importantly, safely, take turns in a car.

1. Trajectory of rotation

The safest way of cornering is the so-called "smooth" trajectory.

Motor sportsmen are a good example of optimal trajectory construction. The picture above shows a "smoothing" trajectory that can be used not only in motorsport, but also in real-life situations.

The peculiarity of this trajectory is that the car does not move along a constant radius: the entrance to the turn is carried out along a steep arc, and the exit is carried out along a flatter one. Such a trajectory allows you to go through the turn not only quickly, but also safely.

To build such a trajectory, the car at the beginning of the turn moves closer to the outside of the road, then passes the apex (the point at which the car is closest to the inner edge of the road), and exits the turn again along the outer edge of the road.

It is important to identify three points when making any turn:

  • turn entry point
  • apex
  • exit point

The speed is reset and braking is performed to the point of entry into the turn. At the entry point, the steering wheel turns to the desired angle and the car begins to move in an arc, from the outer edge of the road to the inner one. At the point of the apex, the steering wheel must be returned to its original position, corresponding to the straight wheels. At the same time, you can gradually step on the accelerator pedal and start accelerating.

Speed \u200b\u200bat the exit is more important here than at the entrance, so do not try to drive into a corner at high speed - such errors often lead to accidents, especially on slippery roads.

2. Working with the steering wheel in a turn

The safest tactic of working with the steering wheel in a turn is when at the very beginning of the turn the steering wheel immediately turns to the desired angle and at the exit from the turn it only needs to be smoothly returned to the position of straight wheels. Constant turning and twitching of the steering wheel in a corner destabilizes the car and can lead to drift, skidding and other unpleasant consequences.

Remember: turning the steering wheel in a turn, we destabilize the car, leveling the steering wheel - we stabilize.

That is why it is safest to immediately turn the steering wheel to a large angle. Even if you made a mistake with the speed, trajectory or under the wheels, there was suddenly ice - smoothly aligning the steering wheel in back side, You will be able to stabilize the vehicle. But a sharp turn of the steering wheel in a turn, especially on ice, often leads to exits into a ditch or into the oncoming lane.

3. Cornering speed

As we said above, speed reduction and braking must be performed BEFORE entering a corner. At the time of cornering, you should try to avoid pressing the brake pedal. The most optimal thing is to go through a corner with the so-called "zero throttle", that is, without acceleration, but also without deceleration. You can only increase speed and start accelerating when you begin to straighten the swiveled wheels and see the exit point from the turn.

In the previous articles of our cycle, we have considered many issues related to the movement of a car in corners - these are the forces acting on the wheels, and the methods of steering, and the need for smooth movement. Now let's summarize all this knowledge and consider in detail the driver's actions when cornering.

Basic taxiing methods

We examined the technique of hand movements in detail and identified two main methods of taxiing - simple and high-speed. AT real life you need an easy way in 90% of cases, because always in motion, except in cases of skidding on a slippery road, it is required to turn the steering wheel slowly and at small angles.

It is extremely important to use the steering wheel skillfully when cornering, because this is the lion's share of success. We know the technique of a simple method of taxiing, but its timely application is equally important. Steering wheel in a simple way implies that the driver's hands never come off the steering wheel rim, and consistently slide over it.

No matter how hard the driver tries, if in the turn itself he turns the steering wheel with one hand (while slipping the other hand), the movements are stepwise. In addition, one hand, due to the increased load, is able to feel significantly less steering response (i.e., what happens to the front wheels) than two hands. Therefore, it is advisable to act in such a way that in the middle of the turn there is no need to turn the steering wheel, but you can simply hold it with both hands.

To do this, in advance, when approaching the turn, grab the steering wheel in such a way as to carry out the entire maneuver with both hands. This method is called pre-capture.

Sequence of driver actions on the example of turning right

  1. Moving in a straight line, you hold the steering wheel with two hands, which are symmetrically positioned.
  2. Approaching a bend, you pick up the steering wheel in advance for a comfortable maneuver. In this case, you can raise your right hand higher on the rim of the steering wheel, and place your left hand lower. As a result, you are prepared even before the turn and turn the steering wheel with both hands, while turning your hands in the most comfortable positions - on opposite sides of the steering wheel, each in its own sector.
  3. Accordingly, at the peak of the turn, when the steering forces are at their maximum, the driver can easily hold the steering wheel with both hands, he subtly feels the reaction from the wheels and can accurately dose the forces.
  4. The start of the steering wheel return is also done with two hands.

Thus, the phase when the hands slip on the steering wheel can be considered preparatory, and when it is required to withstand the greatest effort, two hands work simultaneously. If the turn is very steep and a significant steering turn is required, this can be done in 2-3 preliminary grips.

Competent steering in corners

There is also a second major argument in favor of the proposed cornering steering tactics. You already know that as the steering angle increases, the lateral forces acting on the vehicle increase. It is very important to develop a way of driving around corners, in which the driver turns the steering wheel to the maximum required angle at the very beginning.

At the same time, from the very beginning, the driver causes maximum lateral forces, and if suddenly he realizes that he has gone too far - the car starts to slide, not fitting into the turn - this happens at the very beginning of the maneuver, i.e. when there is still enough space and time to correct the situation.

As a result, the driver has opportunities for countermeasures. If, when driving through a turn, the driver gradually turns the steering wheel more and more, then he risks crossing the line of adhesion of the wheels with the road in the middle or at the exit from the turn - then the car immediately finds itself in the oncoming lane or roadside and there is no time to correct the situation.

Thus, it is important that when approaching a turn, you turn the steering wheel to the required angle from the very beginning, directing the car in the desired arc, and in the middle of the turn hold the steering wheel motionless, followed by a smooth return at the exit. You generate maximum lateral forces from the outset, make sure that everything is in order and the car “holds” the road well, and you drive safely and quickly in an arc of the same radius. The pre-capture method allows you to:

  • grab the steering wheel more comfortably by turning it with both hands;
  • subtly feel the reliability of wheel grip;
  • it is easy to hold it in the middle of a turn when the loads are at maximum;
  • smoothly return the steering wheel when exiting a turn.

One of the most common mistakes

Many drivers like to release the steering wheel out of a bend in order to return it spontaneously. This is extremely dangerous. The design of the steering is such that the steering wheel tends to move back. But this was done not to facilitate the driver's work, but to make him feel feedback from the wheels.

The steering wheel spontaneously never returns to such an angle and at such a speed that the driver needs, its spontaneous movement always introduces instability in the behavior of the car. Therefore, whether the steering wheel resists or helps, the driver constantly maintains his hands in good shape, restrains the steering wheel and rotates it independently at the speed that he needs in this situation.

Severe lateral acceleration, which occurs when the steering wheel suddenly returns, can easily lead to skidding on slippery roads or at high speeds. In general, the driver should get used to the idea that nothing happens in the car without him, nothing moves.

Essential skills of a competent driver

Looking ahead is also required for safe and optimal cornering. Looking ahead to your future path. The requirement from the very beginning to put the car on the required arc in a turn can only be fulfilled if the turn is estimated in advance by the driver.

Someone starts to operate the steering wheel only when the road surface has gone to the side (it may be too late) or the steering wheel is returned when a straight line appears in front of the car (a sharp return).

When approaching a turn, you should look not at its beginning, and not even at the middle, but at its end. Only then the driver sees the whole situation as a whole, he sees his future path, understands what to prepare for, sees the goal and can act calmly, in advance and smoothly. If you are looking towards the middle of the turn, your path to it will be smooth and reliable. But then the second half will open and you may be faced with the need for a sharp change in direction at the exit, and this, as already mentioned, is fraught with trouble.

Therefore, look from the very beginning at the exit from the turn - then you can go through the turn in one optimal movement. You will be able to estimate in advance the turn, its steepness, choose the optimal trajectory, understand how much you need to pick up the steering wheel for the required turn.

We will talk about the choice of the trajectory in the turn in the next article, but for now, get used to viewing the turns in advance and driving them not by the method of "hitting the hood on the road", but along a certain curve that you have defined for yourself in advance. The exit from the turn is the same full-fledged turn, only in the other direction - you should also prepare for it and start actions in advance.

From the above it follows that if the turn is “closed”, i.e. there is no way to view it to the end in advance, start moving along it with a deliberately low speed. Thus, you retain the ability to make changes if the need arises. You can take a turn quickly and confidently only if it is completely open to you.


So, let's collect all the known information and summarize the driver's actions when driving through a turn. When approaching a turn, the driver:

  • looks at it in advance;
  • reduces speed to the required level and engages the required gear;
  • picks up the steering wheel more comfortably (note, all this happens on a straight line before turning);
  • turns the steering wheel to the required angle, directing the car along the desired trajectory;
  • drives through a bend in a constant radius arc at a steady speed.

At the exit from the corner, as the steering wheel returns, and, accordingly, the lateral forces decrease, the driver can add gas, smoothly accelerating. It is in this style that you will be able to drive through corners quickly and, most importantly, reliably and safely.

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