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How to properly charge a car battery? Charging a new car battery. Do i need to charge a new car battery after purchase? Charging the battery after purchase

There comes a moment in the life of every car owner when old battery must be changed to a new one. Since anyone who owns a car knows perfectly well that the battery needs to be charged, when buying a new power source, he may wonder: do you need to charge new batteryif I just bought it? The easiest way is to immediately put it in the car and start using it, relying on convincing words from the seller that the battery is new and completely ready for use. However, this is often not the case.

How to test a new battery before buying

Of course, each car battery must be checked immediately before purchasing it, in a store. Verification is not just about asking the seller in detail about which company the battery is and what its advantages are. Coming to a car shop, first of all, you should be guided by several simple rulesthat will help you avoid unnecessary praise of the product from sellers and once again hedge against a bad purchase.

When buying a new battery, you should look at the date of its production. If six months or less have passed since the date of its manufacture indicated on the case, such a battery can be purchased, and it is considered new. If a year or more has passed since the date of production of the battery, it is likely that it has already partially exhausted its resource, and you have every right to ask for a significant discount from the seller when purchasing.

How to charge a new serviced battery

If we talk about how to properly charge a new battery, if it belongs to the category of serviced, the method is best here when the voltage indicator is adjusted - it changes in the process. So it decreases, and this has a good effect on the further performance of the battery.

Correct charging of a new serviced battery is carried out as follows:

  • expose charger so that the current indicator is 10 percent of the battery capacity;
  • during charging, the voltage will rise;
  • when it reaches 14.4 V, the current must be halved;
  • you need to charge the battery, constantly monitoring the voltage;
  • when U 16 V is reached, it stabilizes - this means that the battery is being charged correctly.

It is impossible to say exactly how to properly charge a new battery in time, how many hours it will take. But the approximate figure is 12-14 hours.

Since this is an AC voltage method, a new battery must be charged under constant U test conditions. If your charger does not have a charge level indicator, you can use a hydrometer to check the state of charge of the battery. It measures the density level of an electrolytic liquid. And if it remains unchanged for three hours, the charged battery can be disconnected from the charger.

Charging a new maintenance-free battery

If you have purchased a maintenance-free battery, it is recommended to charge it using a constant voltage method. By using this method, the electrolyte inside the battery does not heat up that much.

For a maintenance-free "battery" it is best to use a charger equipped with a charge level indicator and the ability to automatically adjust U.

After an hour of charging, the battery capacity is restored by more than half (if its indicator was initially much less than that declared by the manufacturer). And after 3-4 hours, you can raise the capacity level to 90 percent or more.

In general, it takes about five hours. If the charger is equipped with an indicator, it will always indicate the end of the process.

Let's sum up

So, there isn't much difference in how to charge a new battery. Do I need to charge a new one car battery - can be determined based on the voltage indicators that have already been given above. If you happen to be the owner of a new battery, which for one reason or another has already lost part of its resource (for example, due to improper storage or operation), such batteries are charged as usual.

Often after purchase new battery motorists ask when the battery should be charged for the first time. Always check the voltage readings to understand if the battery requires it. Remember that the first charge may be necessary for the battery earlier than you think: for example, when changing climatic conditions, as well as in case of unplanned overexpenditure of internal resources.

In order not to have to charge a new battery for a car too early and often, follow a few simple guidelines:

  • After your first ride comes to an end, measure your voltage right away. The test run should be idle, and the car's power consumers should be turned off.
  • Remember to inspect the battery from time to time for possible mechanical damage and the accumulation of dust and dirt, remove dirt regularly.
  • Check the car terminals to avoid them, keep the housing and outlets tight.
  • If you "light" your car from another, do not let the wiring burn out , turn off the ignition.
  • Check the operating condition of the regulator relay and the vehicle generator once a month. This will help to avoid force majeure situations with the battery.
  • Measure battery voltage readings regularly , do not miss its critical fall to 30%.

For a new battery to last much longer, be careful and handle it with care and attention. In case you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, contact a service station.

Overcharging negatively affects the battery and phone. When buying a new device, it is worth adhering to certain rules of initial use. Otherwise, the phone will start to discharge very quickly. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly charge a new smartphone battery. This procedure is figuratively called "pumping".

Pumping is necessary to keep the charge as long as possible. There are several instructions for such a procedure, but in order to choose the right one, you need to decide on the type of battery.

Mainly in mobile devices are used:

  • lithium ion;
  • lithium polymer ;
  • nickel-cadmium .

Nickel was used on older phones with buttons. They are significantly different from newer gadgets. In the latter, lithium is already used. They are small, safe and powerful. Lithium batteries do not have a "memory effect" in which capacity loss can be disturbed if the battery is not charged correctly.

The new devices also have their own characteristics. Lithiums react negatively to low temperatures, so it's better to use your smartphone less often in the cold. Care should be taken to ensure that the battery is not completely discharged. Lithiums do not like charging "to the eyeballs". The best option - 80-90 percent.

First Charge Versions

It is believed that a new phone battery must be calibrated the first time it is charged. Indeed, this is important. From correct charging the duration and quality of the gadget's work depends.

There are several versions of how to charge a new battery:

  1. Smartphone sellers recommend initially discharging the smartphone, and then fully charging it ... There is a version that for a good calibration, the procedure needs to be repeated three times. The same steps apply when purchasing a separate new battery.
  2. According to another method, the gadget is initially completely discharged. ... Then the battery should be filled with the mobile device turned off within 12 hours. At this moment, charging is done by direct current. This procedure is performed only once. Then all the "pumped" gatgets are charged in the normal mode as required.
  3. It is believed that the first time the battery should be filled with the smartphone off for at least a day ... After such a lengthy calibration, the device will work perfectly. The procedure needs to be performed only once.
  4. Another version: the primary charging of the battery must take place strictly when the mobile device is turned on. ... And it's not worth keeping it connected to the network for a long time. Before using the phone, it is enough to completely discharge it just once, but the device needs to be plugged into the network to fill the battery before the smartphone turns off completely.

Some sellers assure buyers that, thanks to modern technology, new charged batteries do not need calibration at all. Each version is partially true. The choice of method directly depends on the type of battery installed in the smartphone. The most common type of batteries are Li-Ion. For Ni-MH batteries, the initial calibration is carried out up to five times, no less.

Regardless of the smartphone, there is a rule that everyone should follow when buying a new phone or battery for a device. It needs to be discharged completely until the mobile turns off on its own. However, until the calibration is complete, you need to monitor the charge level. Its excess is harmful to any type of battery.

The phone needs to be charged with 5 percent of the battery remaining. Some smartphones have a built-in notification function about the need to fill the battery. This helps to properly calibrate the new device. If, after 100% charging, the phone remains plugged in for a long time, the “priming” period is interrupted. Initial battery calibration is out of order.

"Native" chargers do not allow filling with excess energy. Some gadgets have a built-in power off function at 100% filling. However, Chinese models often do not have this service, so you need to monitor the initial calibration and turn off the phone on time yourself.

The alternation method helps to properly charge a new battery. First, the battery is filled to 100 percent, then to 80, then again to 100 percent. This procedure is best done after the 3rd cycle of initial charges. Otherwise, the calibration is lost.

To preserve battery performance (if the mobile device is not going to be used for a long time), the smartphone turns off when the phone has 40 percent charge.

Instructions for the first battery charge

Against the background of all the versions listed above, you can use the general instructions on how to charge a new phone and how many times you need to do it for correct calibration. After the purchase mobile device it must be turned on immediately and completely discharged, to zero. Then the gadget is put on charge, and the battery is filled with energy to 100 percent. In this case, the phone itself must be turned off.

After fully charged, the phone is activated and the whole procedure is repeated again. Complete discharge and then filling. This calibration must be repeated at least three times, and preferably 5 times. This will help keep the battery working for a longer time. If the seller did not tell you how to charge the battery for the first time, use the general guidelines.

If you still have doubts about how to properly charge the battery, you can ask the seller about this when purchasing a mobile device. And smartphones should also be accompanied by instructions, which indicate the type of battery, how to charge it correctly and how many times the "pumping" is performed.

You don't need to calibrate a new charger. However, in this case, a new phone battery may be required after a few months of operation. If you do not perform the initial calibration, then the risk increases that the device will work only when it is plugged in after 100-150 days.

After buying a new battery for a car, the owner has many questions about the charging time and operating conditions. In some cases, motorists do not know how to prepare an electric current source for work and whether there is a need for such an event at all. In this article, we will tell you whether you need to charge a new car battery, how long it takes to fully charge, and give recommendations for use that will help extend the battery life.

Experts agree that even a new battery must be charged. In most cases, the battery remains in the manufacturer's or seller's warehouse for a long time, which leads to a natural decrease in its capacity. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to check with the seller the date of manufacture of the battery and, based on the information received, decide whether to charge the battery or not.

It is believed that modern technologies production of batteries allow you to minimize self-discharge. This statement is relevant only if the storage conditions are observed in the warehouse. The following factors can affect the degree of self-discharge:

  • indoor air temperature (norm 5-20 0 С);
  • air humidity;
  • presence or absence of dust and dirt.

If the first parameter is more or less observed in warehouses, then few people follow the humidity and dust. As a result, after 2 months, the loss of battery capacity can reach 20-40%.

As you can see, the question of whether to charge a new battery or not disappears. It is better to play it safe and charge, even if the seller swears by oath that the goods have just left the factory.

How to charge a new car battery correctly?

In fact, there are almost no differences between charging a new and a used battery - both the one and the other element must be prepared in advance. But there are differences between the charge duration of a maintained battery and a maintenance-free one.

In each case, a certain voltage supply method is applied, which determines how much you need to charge a new car battery.

AC charging

This method is useful for charging a new serviceable battery. This technique allows you to somewhat reduce the degree of "boiling" of the electrolyte, which has a positive effect on the operation of the battery in the future.

It is advisable to charge a new car battery.

If you decide to charge the battery in this way, use the instructions.

  1. Remove the battery from the car, make sure that the electrolyte temperature does not exceed 35 0 C.
  2. Install the charger rheostat so that a voltage of 10% of the battery capacity is applied to the terminals.
  3. Wait until bubbles appear in the electrolyte, measure the voltage at the contacts.
  4. If a value of 14.4 V is obtained, reduce the supplied current by 2 times.
  5. Check the voltage periodically, as soon as it reaches 16 V and does not drop within three hours, the battery charging is complete.

It is difficult to say exactly how long it will take to charge. This procedure usually takes up to 14 hours. Therefore, do not forget to check the voltage in order to turn off the charger in time.

There is another way you can make sure the battery is charged. Check the electrolyte density with a hydrometer. If it does not rise within three hours, the process is over.

Be careful! If during the charging process you find that the temperature of the battery has risen to 45 0 С and above, turn off the charger or reduce the supplied current by 50%.

Constant voltage charging

This method is best used to charge a new maintenance-free battery... The difference from the previous method is the constant supply of voltage without changing the current strength. This approach reduces the heating of the electrolyte.

For charging, a modern charger is used, equipped with a charge indicator and an automatic relay that regulates the supplied voltage depending on the parameters of the battery electrolyte.

Already an hour after connecting the charger, the battery capacity will rise to half, and after 4 hours - up to 95% of the manufacturer's declared one. There is no need to guess how long it takes to fully charge. This takes about 5 hours, after which the full charge indicator on the charger turns on.

Using a new car battery

In order not to have to go to the auto shop again in a year, you need to know how to prepare the battery for work and operate it in the future. For those who have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to do with a new battery, we have prepared two instructions.

First of all, you need to choose the right battery - it must correspond to the parameters specified by the car manufacturer. Otherwise, our recommendations will be useless.

Correct charging of the battery.

Preparing the battery for work consists in the following steps:

  1. Remove the packaging, wipe the case with a clean cloth.
  2. If the battery is serviced, remove the plugs and measure the density of the electrolyte (should be 1.27-1.28 kg / cm 3).
  3. Charge the battery.
  4. Sand the contacts with sandpaper, wipe with a clean cloth.
  5. Connect the terminals carefully, avoiding sparks.

If you have an old car that does not have on-board electronic devices (radio, alarms, computer, etc.), use instruments to check for possible current leakage. Normally, the value should not exceed 15 mA.

On modern cars the leakage of current can not be checked - even a turned off radio tape recorder can consume electricity and you cannot take reliable indicators.

Battery rules

  1. Immediately after the first ride with a new battery, check the voltage for idling and with switched off energy consumers (the norm is not less than 13.5 V).
  2. Periodically inspect the case for mechanical damage that may result from improper operation or the influence of severe frosts.
  3. Remove any accumulated dirt from the cabinet surface once a month.
  4. Be careful when lighting another car. There is a risk of burnout when the ignition is on.
  5. Check the electrical equipment of the car regularly: even a minor malfunction of the generator or relay can negatively affect the performance of the battery.
  6. Avoid critical battery discharge (less than 30% capacity) - when the internal combustion engine is not working, do not turn on the headlights or radio tape recorder for a long time.
  7. Check the quality of the battery fastening to avoid mechanical damage to the case.

If you are not sure of your skills, once every six months, contact a specialist to inspect the battery and possible technical works... It is better to entrust the case to someone who knows than trying to deal with the problem yourself and ruining the battery.

As you can see, the operation of the new battery does not have any particular difficulties. The main thing is to look under the hood periodically and check the condition of the battery.

Rules for charging a new battery

If you become the owner of the classic lead battery, then observe the precautions when installing or recharging. Remember that there is acid inside the battery, which can pose a threat not only to health, but also to life.

Acid burns are very painful and leave scars for life, therefore, when servicing a new battery, it is recommended to work with special gloves, which exclude the contact of a hazardous substance on the skin.

This advice is especially relevant for those craftsmen who carry out maintenance or repair of batteries at home.

Do not forget that when charging the battery, chemical reactions, as a result of which an explosive oxyhydrogen gas is released (a mixture of oxygen with hydrogen). Place the battery away from open flames, do not touch the terminals to avoid sparking.

Let's sum up

Now that you know how to properly charge a new car battery, follow our recommendations so that the power supply will last a long time and will not cause damage to electrical equipment. If during operation you have any problems with the battery, and you do not know how to solve them, go to the service station. As practice shows, the cost of a master's services is much lower than the price of a new battery.

Sooner or later, every motorist is faced with the problem of a dead battery. And, as luck would have it, it happens quite unexpectedly - at a time when you urgently need to go to work. But what can be done?

How to charge the battery with a charger and more - more on that later in our article.

How to check charging

Most often, motorists blame the battery for a bad charge after several unsuccessful attempts to start the engine. But sometimes the problem can be hidden in the starter itself or other mechanisms of the ignition system.

In order to make sure whether this is really due to a dead battery, you need to check it with a current load, a plug or a multimeter.

Also, motorists check the battery charge level using a hydrometer. This tool externally is a container with a pear for a collection of liquid and a float inside. The latter determines the level of density of the electrolyte. If this indicator is 1.2 g / cm 3 or less, then the battery has run out by 50 percent or more. When the battery is completely discharged, the device will show a value of 1.1 grams per cubic centimeter. By the way, density measurement should be made in all banks. Moreover, the difference between them should not exceed more than 0.15 grams per cm 3. If the density of the electrolyte in the banks differs significantly, this indicates the deterioration of the battery. In this case, it is better to replace it. By the way, if the generator does not charge the battery, this can also signal that the battery is worn out.

How to properly charge a car battery? Method number 1

Let's consider the fastest and easiest way - "lighting". However, we note that it can be used only when there really is a need for fast charging.

What is needed for the operation

For this we need one more car (from which we will "light") and a pair of special cables. It should be noted that the wires must be very thick, with a large cross-section, and at the same time flexible. It is not recommended to use cables of the same color, as the polarity can be reversed and the on-board networks of both vehicles can be burned. The ends of the two wires should have ribbed clamps. They are popularly called "crocodiles". Homemade clamps can not be used categorically, as there is a risk of sparking and shorting of batteries.

Getting started

Having prepared the cables, we park the cars so that they are located as close as possible to each other "front end" and at the same time do not touch. The cars must be placed on the handbrake and the gear shifted into neutral. On cars with automatic transmission it is designated by the letter "N".

But at this point, the car battery should not start charging yet. Before this operation, be sure to turn off all electrical devices in the car, and it is best to remove both terminals from the batteries.

It is important to remember the correctness of connecting the cables, since the serviceability of electrical appliances (including the computer) of both cars depends on this. So, with one wire we connect to the "pluses" of the batteries, and the other - to the "minuses". After that we connect the "mass", that is, we lead the second (negative) cable to any unpainted part of the car. Pay close attention to this point. If you do not connect the mass, your dead battery will instantly discharge the battery of the second car.

Now comes the fun part. We start the engine of the second car for about 5-10 minutes, turn off the engine and look at the state of the battery in our car. Ideally, a discharged battery should be sufficiently charged to run and use throughout the day. If this did not happen, we repeat the procedure again. And so on until the charge becomes normal.

Most often, 1-2 attempts are enough. During charging and working ICE car do not touch the cables, even if they are insulated. At this moment, the wires become very hot, so there is a great risk of getting burned.


  1. When a car with less battery capacity than yours is used as a "donor". That is, "lighting" a 5-ton truck from a passenger sedan, you can simply disable the battery of the latter.
  2. When the ambient temperature is -10 degrees Celsius or below.

In other cases, charging a car battery can be safely done using "lighting". The main thing is to comply with all of the above rules.

Method number 2

As we said earlier, if you have enough time, it is best to charge the battery using a special charger. Although it is long, but one of the safest ways. Plus, it doesn't require a second car or additional cables. So how do you properly charge your car battery?

First you need to remove it from the mounts from under the hood (if it is already installed on the car). Then it should be taken to a dry place. It can be a garage or an apartment. After that, we take the charger in our hands and, in accordance with the polarity, connect the terminals to the battery. Then we set the voltage regulator to the minimum value and plug the charger into the socket. That's it, charging is on. You just have to check the battery level from time to time. How long does it take to charge the battery? On average, this takes about 10 (maximum 12) hours. It is important not to overcharge it, as this can provoke the electrolyte to boil and its further evaporation from the cans. If the battery is "overexposed", it will simply swell and will no longer be suitable for use.

How to determine the charge level? It's very simple - this value is shown on one of the memory windows. When fully charged, the arrow will show 0. After the required time has elapsed, remove the formed condensation from the case with a cloth and reinstall the battery.

Features of charging at constant current and voltage

In total, there are two types of charging car batteries - when direct current and constant tension. Let's look at the features of the application of both methods.

So, charging at constant current. This concept implies the supply of such a level of current, the value of which does not exceed 1/10 of the total battery capacity. Take a 55 Amp-hour battery as an example. Based on the above rule, the charging current should be about 5.5 A (assuming a 20-hour discharge). To achieve the desired results, the current level must be monitored for two hours and adjusted as needed. It is worth noting that some modern batteries can be charged at higher values \u200b\u200b(the voltage of the charged battery is from 12 to 15 V). This applies to hybrid batteries with or with silver alloy.

Charging a car battery at constant current is a two-step process. The first stage, which we have already mentioned, lasts about 20 hours. On the second, when the voltage level in the 12-volt battery reaches 14.5 volts, the current decreases by 2 times. When the temperature of the electrolyte in cans car battery reaches 55 degrees Celsius, charging must be stopped. Otherwise, the liquid will simply evaporate.

Battery charging at constant voltage is most often used for maintenance-free batteries... Here, in contrast to the first method, the voltage level remains unchanged throughout the entire operating time. By time, charging the battery at constant voltage can take up to a day until the arrow shows 15 Volts.

But whatever the battery charging, still no one canceled the safety rules. If you do this work in a garage, keep the area free of flammable objects. If the outside air temperature is minus 15 degrees, it is best to carry out this operation at home, since you can hardly immediately determine the process of boiling of the electrolyte (the walls of the battery will remain cold). Try to charge the battery in a room with a minimum humidity (no more than 80 percent).

How to properly charge a new battery?

Oddly enough, even a battery that was just bought from a store needs additional charging. Over time, the battery lying on the store shelf loses its original electrolyte density. And what seller in Russia will maintain its charge every month? Moreover, if he has more than 1000 such goods in his warehouse. Therefore, after purchase, it is imperative to perform additional battery charging.

So, we have new batteries. How do I charge them? In general, this process is almost similar to that which is produced with used analogs. This refers to the time that is allocated for the charge. Most often, to bring the level of electrolyte density to a normal value, you need to spend no more than 1-2 hours. In this case, all operations are done similarly to the examples described above. Metal "clothespins" from the device are connected to the battery terminals, and the charger is plugged into an outlet. On modern devices The end of the charge is signaled by a lit green light on one of the parts of the device. After that, the battery can be disconnected from the charger and can be safely installed on the car. On this question, how to properly charge a car battery can be considered closed.

Equal battery

By the way, the battery charging time is practically the same, be it a battery truck tractor or some small car. The same applies to the density of the electrolyte - this value is the same for all types of batteries.


So, we figured out how to properly charge your car battery. As you can see, charging the battery is not so difficult as it seems at first glance.

There are happy motorists, and most often motorists, who are not even aware of the presence of such a device under the hood of a car as a battery. Even more motorists do not know or until a certain moment do not think about the need to replace it.

But some car owners have already seriously tackled the question: is it necessary to charge new batteries for the car?

To understand this issue properly, let's delve a little into the classification and types of batteries for a car. Currently, all batteries can be divided into serviceable and maintenance-free. Serviced batteries include those for which it is necessary to check the charge level at the terminals several times a month. For many car owners, this is problematic. However, progress does not stand still, and now batteries have appeared that do not require constant charge control. Such batteries are called maintenance-free.

But both those and other batteries tend to discharge over time. In most cases, they can still be repaired, but in the end you still have to buy a new battery. And so, when buying a new battery for a car, you have to solve the same question: does it need to be charged?

Let's first figure it out, but what is a car battery?

First, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: battery capacity in ampere-hours, standby power in minutes. The first means how long the battery is capable of producing a current of 1 Ampere. The second shows the time during which the battery will be able to work "for two" - if the generator fails.

The battery itself contains six cells with a capacity of 2 Volts each. At the output, this just gives a voltage of 12 volts. Each such element is a system of two plates placed in an electrolyte. The positive plates are coated with lead dioxide, and the negative plates are coated with finely porous lead. As a result of the battery operation, a precipitate of lead sulfate appears on the plates, and the electrolyte and, accordingly, the battery are depleted. When charging the battery, the process goes in the opposite direction and the battery is ready for use again.

The battery is designed to perform functions such as feeding some systems when the engine is off, supporting the generator and, of course, starting the engine. The average battery life is 4 years. However, a lot also depends on the operating conditions. So, for example, in constant traffic jams, especially in winter, when many additional devices, the battery will deteriorate very quickly. But don't throw it away right away - you can try to charge it. Speaking of battery charging in general ... Not all car owners have the opportunity to charge the battery in the garage, especially in winter. As a result, people often drag him home. However, you should never charge the battery at home! When charging a battery, very harmful compounds and gases are released into the atmosphere. From them, the state of health worsens, a cough and a headache may begin. But that's not all. After you finish charging the battery, you will not get rid of these gases. The fact is that such compounds do not have the property of volatilizing - they settle on interior items, walls, carpets, and continue to poison the health of you and your loved ones.

When charging the battery, you should also remember that you cannot leave it on charge overnight. So it can be damaged. Charging should be done gradually with a low current - any specialist will explain this to you. It is also necessary to periodically monitor the charging process.

If we talk about new batteries, here are some tips. When buying a new battery, do not hesitate to test it all out. First of all, take off protective film - hull defects are often found under it. If this happens, ask to replace the battery. The next step is to measure the voltage at the terminals with any voltmeter. It should not be less than 12 volts. At 10.8 volts, the battery is considered completely discharged. Next, we check the density of the electrolyte with a special plug - this also indicates the battery charge level. You should also pay attention to the release date of the battery. Batteries with a "lifespan" of more than six months are not worth buying.

If everything is in order with these parameters, a new battery for the car can be installed and used immediately. It is not recommended to store a new battery for a long time - it will discharge.

So, here is the answer to the question: do I need to charge a new battery for the car? No, don't. At the moment, just such batteries are produced. If the battery you are purchasing is discharged, then it is either of poor quality or very old! Be careful when buying batteries!

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